Chosen By Fate Rejected By Alpha Episode 10

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Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha
00:00He hates me, Trinity concluded the next morning.
00:04First piece of evidence, he trusts me much less than he can throw me,
00:08which is probably pretty far.
00:10She spun on her heels as if she were presenting a case to a courtroom.
00:14In actuality, she was waiting for
00:15the guard to bring her breakfast before she left for class.
00:19So long as my so-called mate hasn't changed his mind.
00:22He had given in pretty quickly to her request to go to school.
00:26She considered a different argument.
00:28Counterpoint, maybe he doesn't hate me.
00:31Maybe he's just ashamed of me, like everyone else in my life.
00:35If we take that as a fact,
00:37then all I have to do is build up our trust by not embarrassing him.
00:40She could probably have started by not talking to herself.
00:43The same guard who had been at her door for days bowed in greeting.
00:48Good morning, Luna, follow me.
00:50Breakfast with a view, Trinity joked as they walked down the hallway.
00:57There was one upside to having a permanent guard.
01:01She would finally get to explore the castle.
01:04She had seen so little in the last two days.
01:06Do you often speak to yourself, Luna?
01:08He asked.
01:10Trinity glared.
01:12She hated how defensive she had become with other werewolves.
01:15The guard must have been used to grumpiness, however.
01:18Her glare only made him laugh.
01:20Wait, her eyes sparked with recognition.
01:24He had laughed when she screamed about the alpha that first night.
01:27While a part of her worried he would tell someone, another,
01:30prouder part of her, loved that someone noticed her at all.
01:34Only when others aren't listening, she said.
01:37He nodded.
01:38I can't imagine that will be a problem much longer.
01:42Trinity grinned for the first time in what felt like days.
01:45Trinity gasped as she looked in the kitchen.
01:53Large windows bathed the room in sunlight.
01:56In the corner, there was a beautiful breakfast nook with pillow-like chairs
01:59to sit on.
02:01She imagined curling up there when the dining hall felt too big and empty.
02:05She gasped a second time at the scintillating smell of bacon and
02:08hash browns gave way to the smell of him.
02:12Alpha Reese adjusted one of the window's curtains before sitting down
02:15at the nook.
02:16He didn't look at her, which made her blood boil all over again.
02:20He must have smelled her or heard her come in.
02:24I guess bonding isn't on the menu.
02:27Trinity focused her attention on the other person in the room,
02:30a woman in her 50s who plucked bacon from a pan.
02:33Good morning, dearie, the woman greeted.
02:36Her voice was like honey, and Trinity grinned back immediately.
02:41How would you like your eggs?
02:42Poached, Trinity answered.
02:46That makes two of you, she said with a laugh.
02:49Hard or soft yolk?
02:51Trinity avoided looking at the alpha, as she said, soft.
02:55Now, isn't that a perfect picture?
02:58I can just make double, the lady said.
03:01Trinity glanced at the alpha then.
03:03What were the chances that they liked their eggs the same way?
03:06Was it because of their bond?
03:08Did all of their tastes align?
03:10Reese's brow furrowed as he wonders the same thing.
03:14As he caught her eye, he turned in his chair to face the guard at the door.
03:18You may join us, Reese told him.
03:21The guard bowed his head.
03:23I appreciate the offer, sir, but I ate before my shift.
03:26If you don't mind, I intend to run a perimeter check before we leave.
03:30Very well, do as you must, Reese told him.
03:34The guard bowed his head to Trinity as well before leaving.
03:37Trinity's heart sped up.
03:39She glanced back at Reese.
03:41Are we both staying for breakfast?
03:45She cringed at how childish her question sounded.
03:48But she had to be sure.
03:50She had eaten every meal alone so far.
03:52Why was this one different?
03:54The alpha smirked.
03:55You can't go anywhere else.
03:59Her face burned.
04:00How dare he mock her?
04:02The cook broke the tension before Trinity could say anything.
04:06Here you are, dears, she said.
04:08She crossed the room with two plates piled with bacon, sausage, hash browns,
04:12poached eggs, and even a pile of sweet-smelling rice.
04:17Trinity could fight with Reese on a full stomach.
04:21She hurried to her seat and thanked the cook as she went.
04:25Reese had the decency to wait until Trinity sat down to start eating.
04:29He had better table manners.
04:31Trinity caught herself watching him until a click of the door told her
04:35they were alone.
04:36Ahem, Trinity gulped.
04:38She reached for her water to quench the sudden thirst in her throat.
04:41Reese grimaced around a bite of his food.
04:44Eat, we can talk after.
04:46Talk or yell again, she asked.
04:49His eyes widened at her bluntness.
04:52For a moment, he almost grinned.
04:54We'll see.
04:56Without another word, Reese reached for
04:58the cinnamon on the table and sprinkled some onto his buttered rice.
05:02Trinity had never tried that before.
05:05It would be an easy way to see if their tastes match.
05:08The moment he set the cinnamon down, she picked it up.
05:12She felt the heat from his palm on the shaker.
05:14Felt his curious eyes on her too as she copied his movements.
05:18Her fork barely passed her lips before she realized he was still watching her.
05:22Her face burned differently.
05:24Traitor, she thought to her own body.
05:28She couldn't possibly react each time he noticed her.
05:31She tried to focus on how delicious everything was.
05:34Anything to distract her from the fact that Reese seemed certain not to talk
05:38again until they were done eating.
05:40Would he do this every meal?
05:42If so, she needed to find a way to keep eating in her room.
05:46The moment she set her fork down, Reese spoke.
05:50I'm letting you out of your cage, little bunny.
05:52Don't disappoint me.
05:54His deep voice stirred something in her gut.
05:57She reached for her water again.
05:59Reese hummed.
06:01Though maybe I would prefer a game of chase, being an overgrown dog and all.
06:06Trinity choked on her water.
06:08The guard had told him.
06:10She gulped in fear.
06:11Was this all a trap?
06:13Was he raising her hopes just to snatch the chance away?
06:19His lips quirked at the formality.
06:21Just remember to be a good girl today, Trinity.
06:24You represent me now as well.
06:27I can still go?
06:28Her face lit up.
06:30I promise I won't do anything to embarrass you.
06:33As an afterthought, she whispered, on purpose.
06:36At all?
06:37He growled.
06:39She quickly explained.
06:41I can't account for other people's actions.
06:44What if someone tripped and spilled a drink on me?
06:47She tugged at the center of her white tank top that was only partially hidden
06:51underneath her jean jacket.
06:52It'd be an accident, but my whole shirt would be see-through.
06:55You can't blame a girl for that.
06:58She watched as his eyes bore into the thin fabric of her top.
07:02Maybe that was her way out.
07:03Use his wolf against him.
07:05As if he could hear her thoughts, his eyes jumped up to hers.
07:09Thank god he can't do that, she thought.
07:12There is a simple solution to that problem, he offered.
07:16Don't wear a white shirt.
07:18The problem will never exist.
07:20The problem was purely hypothetical.
07:22As I have gone nearly 19 years without incident, I doubt it will ever happen.
07:27I was merely setting a precedent with a new scenario.
07:30Do you always talk like that to win an argument?
07:33He questioned.
07:34Are you saying I won?
07:35She beams.
07:36Besides, if I'm going to argue cases as a lawyer, why not talk like one now?
07:42So share of yourself for someone so small, he taunted.
07:46Her defensiveness flared up again.
07:48We don't all have a wolf to fall back on.
07:51Some of us have to make it our own way, or had to.
07:54Now my way is your way, isn't it?
07:57He grinned.
07:58Now she gets it.
08:00She gets plenty, Trinity spat back.
08:04She couldn't hold it anymore.
08:06She had spent 18 years getting this bullshit from her grandfather.
08:09She didn't need her mate patronizing her too.
08:12She said, you can hate what the goddess chose for us as much as you want.
08:17But she did choose me.
08:19I will not be another piece of furniture in your castle.
08:23She snapped at him the way she had craved to do her whole life.
08:27She didn't have a wolf.
08:29But she had a bark, a bite, and a mind of her own.
08:34Careful how you talk to me, little bunny.
08:36I will overlook it today as you clearly have a lot to learn.
08:38But I will not overlook it forever.
08:40Trinity leaned into the table.
08:43Her tank top tugged down slightly as her fury darkened her eyes.
08:47Or what, Rhys?
08:49Her lips curled around his name.
08:51His eyes widened.
08:53You'll get rid of me?
08:55Do it. I dare you.
08:58Either you'll end up mateless and lose your role as alpha.
09:00Or you'll get banished right beside me for denying the goddess.
09:06Rhys growled from deep in his throat.
09:08She expected the threat to scare him.
09:10But an evil glint entered his eyes.
09:13He mirrored her position.
09:15His forearms and biceps bulged as they support his weight against the table.
09:20He asked, and what would you have me do instead?
09:24Kneel before you?
09:26Oh, goddess.
09:27The image flashed before her eyes.
09:30He must have smelt the heat on her.
09:32His smirk only deepened.
09:34Her confidence faltered.
09:36No need, she croaked.
09:39Just tell me the rules.
09:41And don't call me bunny, Rhys.
09:45That was the second time she had used his name like that.
09:48He would have chewed anyone else out by now.
09:51But he seemed excited at the challenge.
09:53Listen closely, Trin-i-ty.
09:56He stretched out every syllable over his tongue.
09:59You know about your guard.
10:01He will maintain your safety.
10:03Like a collar, she mumbled.
10:06Like a protective cone, he corrected.
10:09You were attacked by a rogue wolf, after all.
10:12You are our Luna, which means your safety comes before all others.
10:18Lucky me, she said sarcastically.
10:20He growled.
10:21Keep your luck to yourself.
10:23Rule number two.
10:25You are not to tell anyone that you are the new Luna,
10:27not until after the ceremony this weekend.
10:30Rule number three.
10:32When it comes to pack-related business,
10:34you will do what I say, when I say it.
10:37Sometimes a Luna must accompany her mate.
10:40Not as furniture, but as support.
10:45He sneered the last word.
10:47Fine, it would get her out of the house.
10:49Fine, it would get her out of the house.
10:52Anything else?
10:53She asked.
10:55Your main responsibilities lie with the woman and children of the pack.
10:58Up until now, I've had to manage everyone, man and woman.
11:02Once the ceremony is over, you will take on the role you're meant to have.
11:07Reese paused with an expectant glare.
11:10I don't have something to say for everything, she told him.
11:14He scoffed.
11:16Says the girl with a million excuses.
11:18What did you say when we couldn't reach you after the gathering?
11:22I turned my phone off one time.
11:24I didn't expect you to call so soon.
11:27Didn't know you were so desperate, she replied.
11:30His nostrils flared.
11:31I am not now, nor have I ever been desperate.
11:35Test my kindness again, and you will see what kind of punishments I dream up for you.
11:39She shivered, though she couldn't tell if it was from fear or something else.
11:45This was the longest conversation they'd had.
11:48And it was clear they could get under each other's skin far too easily.
11:54She couldn't resist making one last dig.
11:57Do your worst, Fido.
11:59She pushed back from her seat and bowed dramatically for emphasis.
12:03You have my word.
12:05I will behave myself in public.
12:07And in private, he asked through gritted teeth.
12:11She mimicked his words from earlier.
12:14We'll see.
12:15Don't let your excitement die!
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