Chosen By Alpha Rejected By Fate Episode 9

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Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha
00:00It took every ounce of self-control in Trinity's body not to look for another escape route.
00:05I've pissed the alpha off already. It's probably a bad idea to do that again.
00:10Still, knowing she was under deliberate lockdown did not inspire her to stay put.
00:14All she had wanted was room to get away, and now she had to miss classes.
00:22Trinity plopped on the bed with a sigh. She reached for her phone and started to compose a new text to Juniper.
00:30Going to miss class today. Sucks. Can I borrow your notes later?
00:35Before she could hit send, Trinity heard the sound of the door unlocking.
00:41Trinity? It was Noah again.
00:44I didn't realize you would hand-deliver me breakfast, and that it would come so soon.
00:49But Noah didn't have any food with him. He was looking at the phone in her hand.
00:54Actually, I just came back because I forgot to tell you something.
00:57No one must know you are the alpha's mate and the new Luna.
01:00No one, he told her.
01:03Trinity held up her phone.
01:05Don't worry. This is just a text to Juniper about missing classes.
01:09Noah strode over and glanced at the text. He nodded.
01:13Okay, sure, you can send that. But be careful what you communicate and how. I feel bad enough we've locked you down.
01:20But you don't want to get your phone taken away, too, he added.
01:24Trinity felt the blood drain from her face.
01:26No way.
01:28Do you think he'd really do that? Completely isolate me? Noah shrugged.
01:35The way he trailed off, Trinity realized it was no joke.
01:39She really couldn't mess with the alpha.
01:41Noah gave her a tight smile.
01:43This is just until the marking ceremony is over. We can't have the news spread prior to the gathering.
01:50Trinity hit send and tossed her phone onto the bed.
01:53Don't worry. I'd rather none of this was happening at all. I'm not exactly rushing to brag.
01:59Honestly, part of me hopes that if no one knows about it, then maybe this will all just go away, Trinity told him.
02:05Noah shook his head.
02:07It won't be as bad as all that, Trinity. You'll see.
02:11But Trinity didn't believe him. Did you ask him about my classes yet?
02:16I promise I'm not going to run anywhere. I just can't stay locked up in only one room for a whole week.
02:23She could see Noah wrestling with himself. Then he looked up at her.
02:27Okay, fine. I'll talk to Reese. See what I can do. She watched him leave the room.
02:35And once again, she was locked in.
02:38Trinity finished unpacking and sat on the bed again, unsure of what to do with herself until breakfast.
02:44Noah had said the house arrest was just until the marking ceremony.
02:47But Trinity had the sinking feeling that this is what just a taste of life with the alpha might look like forever.
02:53When Trinity's breakfast finally arrived, she was ravenous.
03:04She had to admit the food in this place was almost good enough to make her excuse everything else that sucked about it.
03:11Sizzling bacon, thick pancakes, fluffy eggs, slabs of butter, and the freshest orange juice he had ever tasted.
03:20Trinity may be a prisoner, but at least she didn't have to suffer prison rations.
03:25Trinity was flipping through course material, trying to stay on top of the lecture
03:28she was missing when someone new turned up at her door.
03:35An older woman came in, wheeling a cart full of sumptuous fabrics, spools of thread, and a sewing machine.
03:41Hello, dearie. My name is Gina. I'm the regal tailor. Trinity knew of the regal tailor.
03:47She was one in a long familial line that had been tailored for all the pack's previous alphas and lunas.
03:54Trinity had even seen Gina's work from afar.
03:57The pack leaders were always dressed beyond compare.
04:00It was as though their clothing was cut from the very ocean, sky, and shadows, and bejeweled with stars.
04:07The regal tailors had a true gift, and now one of them was here to clothe Trinity.
04:12Gina studied every inch of Trinity from head to toe.
04:16Trinity blushed.
04:17She had never been scrutinized quite like this, and she felt as though Gina was mentally picking out flaws.
04:24But when Gina finally looked up, she flashed a bright smile.
04:27The dress lunas wear to the marking ceremony has traditionally been passed from one luna to the next,
04:33but your fame is much smaller than those who came before you.
04:37Gina said it matter-of-factly, rather than with any criticism.
04:41I don't have much time to do extensive tailoring to the piece.
04:44Even if I did, I wouldn't want to drastically alter a ceremonial relic, but we'll figure out a solution.
04:51You do have a lovely figure.
04:53I'm sure we'll find a way to fit the dress to you.
04:57Gina directed Trinity over to the mirror, then up onto a small stepstool.
05:04Gina took several careful measurements of Trinity's waist, chest, hips, and wingspan.
05:09Okay, now I'll need you to get undressed and try on what we have. I'd like to see how it fits you.
05:15Trinity stepped off the stool.
05:16She waited a bit for Gina to leave, but Gina simply stood there and raised an eyebrow.
05:22today if we can.
05:25Trinity blanched as she realized Gina wasn't going to give her any privacy.
05:29The pit of Trinity's stomach fell five stories deeper when she realized this was just what life was going to be like from now on.
05:35Employees and servants and guards and liaisons just flitting around all the time everywhere.
05:41Trinity would probably rarely have any time to herself. She shivered. She truly missed home.
05:48Trinity undressed, trying not to be awkward, but feeling immensely so.
05:53But when Gina handed her the dress, Trinity's breath caught in her throat.
05:58The fabric was like liquid silver.
06:00It was sleek and soft and some of the thinnest material Trinity had ever touched.
06:06When she slid the gown over her head with Gina's help, the bodice was too tight, the arms were too loose,
06:12the waist felt too low, and the length dragged far beyond Trinity's feet.
06:17But the dress itself was unbelievably beautiful.
06:21Looking in the mirror, Trinity realized the dress wasn't just silver.
06:24If she turned ever so slightly and the light hit her just right, dark moody hints of midnight blue peeked through the silver.
06:32The dress's long dramatic sleeves were extremely delicate, made merely of crisscross webs of silver thread.
06:39Trinity's bare arms showed beneath.
06:41Gina frowned at the pool of extra fabric around Trinity's feet.
06:45It really will be a shame to cut away this much material, but I don't see a way around it, she added.
06:52Trinity thought for a moment. The dress was for someone much, much taller than she was.
06:58But it was so beautiful that Trinity couldn't bear the idea of Gina taking scissors to the hem in so drastic a manner.
07:06What if...
07:07Trinity's voice trailed off when Gina's head snapped towards her.
07:10But she had to finish the thought.
07:13She had started to voice it and there was no turning back.
07:17What if instead of taking out the entire bottom, you bring up the waist some and like fan the rest of the fabric out behind me?
07:24Gina's eyes sparked.
07:27Turn the drop waist into an empire waist you mean and create a train to follow behind you like a small waterfall of silver.
07:35Trinity nodded.
07:36That's exactly what she meant.
07:38Gina grinned.
07:39Well, well, so the new Luna has taste and creativity. How about that?
07:45Gina put a few pins and notes on the dress so she would know how to alter it.
07:49Then Trinity slithered out of this silver gown and reluctantly handed it back over.
07:54The fabric had been so liquid so soft that her skin felt strangely rude without it.
08:01Gina wheeled her cart back out of the room leaving Trinity alone once again.
08:07Trinity couldn't help but be excited.
08:09She was not looking forward to the marking ceremony or being marked by the alpha.
08:14But she was looking forward to wearing that dress once more.
08:19Come in.
08:21Trinity wondered if it even mattered whether she said it or not.
08:24Thus far, people had been traipsing in and out on her without caring whether she wanted to see anyone or not.
08:30To Trinity's surprise, when the door opened, it was none other than the alpha. He strode in.
08:37If Trinity didn't know any better, she might almost think he was amused.
08:42Noah gave me an earful on your behalf, he said.
08:46Trinity's breath hitched.
08:48Noah must have already talked to the alpha about her returning to class.
08:52She sent a silent prayer to the goddess.
08:54Goddess, please.
08:56I need to go to school or I will lose my mind. I worked so hard.
09:01Don't let it all go down the drain just because of this. This giant stupid misunderstanding.
09:07To Trinity's enormous relief, the goddess seemed to be listening.
09:11You can resume classes tomorrow, but under one condition.
09:16Trinity almost didn't hear the second part. She was so giddy, thanking the goddess.
09:21Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, forever internal. Thank you, goddess.
09:26Then it sank in. A condition.
09:29The way things had been going, she couldn't imagine she would like whatever it was.
09:33What condition?
09:34She asked.
09:36The alpha examined his perfectly manicured nails.
09:39Trinity watched his fingers move and tried to quash the sudden heat in her belly.
09:46She tried to remind herself that she wanted nothing to do with this man.
09:50Even if she maybe wanted something to do with his fingers.
09:54An escort will take you to and from the university and he'll sit in on your larger lectures.
10:00Trinity frowned.
10:02I don't need a babysitter.
10:04The alpha cocked an eyebrow. And Harry Houdini didn't need a cage.
10:09Trinity could feel anger bubbling.
10:12First of all, Harry Houdini was an escape artist.
10:15The whole point of the cage was to get out of it, not to keep him in. Second of all, I told Noah.
10:21I'm not going to run away again.
10:23Reese crossed his arms.
10:26I don't trust you yet.
10:28Trinity thought her head would explode. He doesn't trust me. He's the one who has me locked up.
10:35But she bit back her words.
10:43Reese shook his head.
10:45His black locks fell over his eyes,
10:47making him look even broodier than usual.
10:50I rely on Noah too much in my day-to-day operations and Carter is your kin.
10:55Noah tells me you two are close.
10:57Who's to say he won't just help you escape if you decide to run off again, he said.
11:02Trinity suppressed a grumble.
11:05So what? Some random dude I don't even know is just going to be following me all day every day?
11:10I'm not doing that, she complained.
11:13The alpha was starting to get angry.
11:15Then get to know him and he won't be a random dude.
11:18Before Trinity could retort, the alpha took two steps and was face-to-face with her, holding her upper arms.
11:24He stared down into Trinity's face.
11:27What's done is done.
11:28We're mated. We both have to deal with it. For you, that means accepting this escort.
11:34He let go of her arms and went back to the door. He stopped for a moment before leaving the room.
11:39You're not the only one in this mess, you know.
11:43The alpha left the room, leaving Trinity to wonder how exactly he did feel about everything that was happening.
11:50Don't let your excitement die!
11:52The full audio series is on the Pocket FM app. Tap the link in the description to install now!
