Big Brother S26 E23 (2024)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00Previously on Big Brother!
00:05When Angela was named the replacement nominee...
00:08I am naming Angela as the replacement nominee.
00:13She took her anger out on Quinn.
00:16Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
00:21That's crazy.
00:23No one can trust you.
00:25With the House voting to evict either Angela or Tucker...
00:29I vote to evict Tucker.
00:33Tucker! Finally, baby! Got him out!
00:35A coalition of five finally got the comp piece, the Tuck, out.
00:40By a vote of five to three, Tucker, you are the sixth house guest evicted...
00:47I'm coming home, piggy!
00:48...from the Big Brother house.
00:53With the game reset, Quinn excels.
00:57Come on, get out! That's what I'm talking about!
01:00I'm rocked, Quinn! You are the new head of house!
01:05What's up?
01:06What's up?
01:07This HOH isn't a deepfake, okay? I can win comps!
01:11Knowing he wanted to put up Tucker's showmance...
01:14I love Rubina, but I cannot trust her.
01:18I'll probably put Rubina up.
01:20...and his current arch rival...
01:22I'm for sure putting Angela up.
01:24Oh, my God!
01:25I don't know how to put it, Quinn. I don't want to go up.
01:27Thanks for the suggestion, but no shot.
01:30Quinn then looked to his visionaries' alliance for a pawn.
01:34I don't know if I want to put Kimo up.
01:37Maybe someone will volunteer.
01:40Quinn, I'm quite perplexed as to why Kimo is an option to put up.
01:47And warned Kimo that he may be in hot lava.
01:51Do you think I'll be on the block?
01:52If you were, it would be because I noticed it.
01:54All right.
01:56I want to believe that Quinn is still in with the visionaries.
02:01However, I don't really know where his head's at.
02:04At the nomination ceremony...
02:08I've nominated you, Angela, Rubina, and Kimo.
02:12Quinn made his intentions clear.
02:15I've been called a narcissist, an idiot, untrustworthy,
02:19and most heinous of all, unfunny.
02:23And so I'm asking the house, with respect and wishes as the HOH,
02:28to please go after the person that I feel should be sent home next.
02:31Tonight, the power of veto is on the line.
02:36Who will find light in the darkness and win the golden power?
02:40I cannot see my hands.
02:42Find out right now on Big Brother.
02:48I believe he will still be your bestie outside of here.
02:52I voted for Kimo.
03:03This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
03:10I nominated Angela, Kimo, and Rubina,
03:14with Angela being my primary target because I am just so confident
03:18that she will just be carried to the end of this game
03:21at my expense.
03:23I had to put Rubina and Kimo up on the block as pawns
03:26because a majority of us just sent Tucker home.
03:29And so it makes sense to put up his two closest allies.
03:35I'm not surprised Quinn nominated me just for my proximity to Tucker.
03:39But being here the last time kind of lit a fire under my ass.
03:44So maybe this second time it's lighting an even bigger fire under my ass.
03:49I'm sorry for you.
03:50Not me.
03:52I'm more sorry for you.
03:54Mine makes sense.
03:57That's different.
03:59I'm feeling all the things.
04:00I'm feeling upset and disappointed and terrified, obviously.
04:04To be fair, it's been a bumpy road with the visionaries.
04:07But I don't know where I stand with Quinn
04:11because if I were in power,
04:13I would do my best not to put one of my alliance members on the block.
04:19I get to play in my first video.
04:22I've literally been through the wringer in here
04:24and a lot of it's been my own fault.
04:26I'm sorry.
04:28In his speech, Quinn said I called him a narcissist, a liar, and an idiot.
04:33And, you know, I did.
04:37Big mouth.
04:39Well, I deserve it.
04:49I called names.
04:53And I know better than that.
04:55I'm constantly at a battle with myself in this house.
04:59All the time.
05:01It's exhausting.
05:02It's really exhausting.
05:06Oh, jeez.
05:18What's up?
05:20Living your best life.
05:22Yeah, just hanging out.
05:25How you feeling? You feeling good?
05:26Pretty good.
05:28Renoms are not an option.
05:30Otherwise, I could be in some pretty hot water.
05:34I'm zero interest in putting up any of the people who flipped on Tucker.
05:40T-Core did me a solid by not putting Leah on the block last week.
05:43And I want to go far with Joseph in this game.
05:46So this week, I need the noms to stay the same.
05:51Kimo's pretty disappointed, but I told him I was, like, not trying to take you out.
05:56And I hope he believes me on that.
05:58I think he will. Yeah.
06:00After I flipped the vote on Tucker last week, with the help of Quinn,
06:03I'm not mad at how this game is going.
06:05However, these aren't the nominees I want to see on the block.
06:09We got two right, Rubina and Kimo, but we're missing T-Core.
06:14Not only was T-Core one of Tucker's puppets,
06:16her and Kimo played a huge role in getting Cedric out.
06:19So by the end of the week, I would really like to see her go up on the block just to scare her a little bit.
06:25They just lost their biggest asset to this game.
06:28And now it's a scramble.
06:52Though he's made it very clear that his target is Angela,
06:56I'm obviously not happy with Quinn putting up Kimo and Rubina.
07:02And if he's going to do that to Kimo, then who's to say that he wouldn't do it to me?
07:08So I'm feeling uneasy right now.
07:13Oh, I'm going to remain positive, though.
07:15That's what we need right now.
07:17What's meant to be will be.
07:20Dude, you and me, just chill.
07:32Chill vibes.
07:33Everybody else, not chill.
07:36It's like, just be chill.
07:38Oh, literally.
07:39Of course I have a crush on Leah.
07:41Who wouldn't have a crush on her?
07:42I want to hang out with her, like, all the time.
07:44And I've definitely felt those vibes at times with her.
07:49You know what I mean?
07:50That it might be mutual.
07:52You're honestly one of my favorite people I've ever met.
07:57I mean it, though.
07:58You are the best.
07:59Don't you love me?
08:00Crack me up.
08:01No, you're one of the few people who I'm like, no matter what happens,
08:05I just hope we're cool after all this.
08:07You know what I mean?
08:08I just appreciate your honesty.
08:10And I'll always give that to you.
08:17I do definitely have love for Joseph.
08:19I never want to hurt you because I care about you a lot.
08:23A lot, a lot, a lot.
08:24I would want to keep him in my life for a long time,
08:27but probably in a more platonic way that I would say.
08:46Is Quinn here?
08:48What's up?
08:50Do you guys want a moment?
08:51Yeah, if I could.
08:53I don't want to make him feel bad.
08:56I do wear my heart on my sleeve, and I do call things out.
09:01And I don't want to be mean.
09:04So I was a little bit taken aback by it.
09:07I thought I, sorry, I don't want to cry.
09:10I don't want to cry.
09:11Sorry, I don't want to cry.
09:12I don't want to cry.
09:13That's okay.
09:14Don't really name call Quinn.
09:16You're crazy.
09:17Look at your freaking eyes, Matt.
09:18They're like, oh, you little twit.
09:20Don't call me a twit.
09:21Well, you are.
09:22After somebody is a narcissist to me and defamation,
09:26it's a little hard right now to go out that way.
09:31I'm so sorry.
09:32I'm so sorry, Quinn.
09:33No, it's okay.
09:35I only brought those things up to be funny.
09:37I'm not actually upset by those things at all.
09:42The narcissist, that to me is funny to look back on.
09:45And so it's not an issue at all for me, I promise.
09:48You don't have to apologize for anything.
09:50I understand.
09:51And I will work hard to win that veto,
09:54but I don't want there to be a weirdness between us
09:56because I felt like we were okay.
09:57Never, never, never.
09:58Yeah, no, we are, we are, we are, we are.
09:59Angela is still a great person who I like on a personal level,
10:02but that doesn't change the fact that I want her gone.
10:05There's no ill will at all.
10:07This is strictly game,
10:08and I do love and adore you in this game and outside of it.
10:15I've had to deal with a lot more in this house than this,
10:18and so I get back up, I will win that veto,
10:21I will pull myself off, and the game will go on.
10:24It's just I keep telling myself I'm going to win these things,
10:27and I don't.
10:28So it's like...
10:33Huge fan of your work.
10:34Thank you so much for talking to me, Angela.
10:50It's so crazy, the nuances to this game.
10:53It could be won so many, so many different ways.
10:56Social strategic is what it's about,
10:57and the competitions are just a very small part of it.
11:00They are, and I don't think Tucker realized that.
11:05You can be the Michael Jordan of comps all you want,
11:07but it's not going to matter if people don't like you.
11:09And that's why I was cool going to the end with him,
11:11because I knew I could beat him.
11:14Hold up.
11:15Wait a minute, Joseph.
11:16You actually thought that going to the final two with Tucker
11:19would be a good idea?
11:20He at times was like, I need help strategizing.
11:22He would ask me for advice, and I would tell him,
11:25and he would listen to me.
11:26And then you thought you would win against him?
11:28Tucker at least played the game.
11:31You have simply been taking up air.
11:34How the f*** are we still here?
11:36I don't even know.
11:37I mean, I know how.
11:41Your social game.
11:42Thanks, dude.
11:43You and me.
11:44Like, we're playing the same f***.
11:46Hold on.
11:47Are you talking to me?
11:48You think we play similar games?
11:51Our games are like water and oil.
11:54I've won an HOH.
11:56I've gotten myself off the block in one AI arena.
11:59I gathered my troops to get your biggest ally, Tucker,
12:02out of this game.
12:03What have you done?
12:04Tell me.
12:06At the end of the day, that's what it is.
12:08Gotta get some W's under your belt,
12:10but it's a social thing.
12:13I would love to get to the end and win nothing
12:15and win the game.
12:16That would be...
12:17I think that would be epic.
12:18That would be crazy.
12:19Like, what's his name?
12:22Dr. Will?
12:24You ever won a competition?
12:26One of the greatest players of all time.
12:27Joseph really thinks he's some sort of social mastermind.
12:32And it's giving!
12:34It's crazy how the game is perceived so differently
12:37depending on who you are in this game.
12:44Uh, yeah, you guys don't know this,
12:45but chemo's on my cheeks today.
12:50That HOH is a party right now.
12:52I know.
12:54I'm so scared.
12:57I just feel, like, not included in things.
13:01Like, because I'm genuinely not working with anyone.
13:06It's always hard seeing Angela up on the block.
13:08I know she's had a tough time in this house,
13:10but I think that she's a very kind soul
13:14and often misunderstood.
13:16Nobody is perfect.
13:18I think for me, I'm just scared that I don't know how I'm playing.
13:21I don't know what I'm doing.
13:22That's how I feel.
13:24Honestly, I don't think it would be as easy for me
13:26if you weren't here.
13:27I feel the same way about you, genuinely.
13:29I do, too.
13:32I feel like Leah is looking after me.
13:38She's smart.
13:40She's funny.
13:42She cares about people.
13:46She's selfless.
13:47She has real conversations with me,
13:50and I feel close to her because of that.
13:54You're just a really good person, Leah.
13:56Thank you. So are you.
13:59And the people that matter will see that.
14:11Hey, everybody!
14:12It's time to pick players for the veto competition!
14:18As HOH, I will pick.
14:21Right now, the best case scenario
14:23is that Teeqour plays in Veto Comp,
14:25wins a Golden Power Veto,
14:27and can take either myself or Rubina off the block.
14:38I have a feeling that Angela is going to want me
14:40to play for her this week in Veto,
14:42but I'm hoping that she doesn't choose me
14:44because I have a really good relationship with her
14:46and I feel like I'm going to win.
14:48I have a really good relationship with her and Quinn.
14:51It would just really put me in a tough spot.
14:54I choose Joseph.
14:59Of course, I love Leah,
15:00and I would love for her to play,
15:02but if I choose her,
15:03it kind of puts a target on her back.
15:08What a relief.
15:09Dodged a bullet there, for sure.
15:19Well, it got picked,
15:21but you know what?
15:22If I win, I'd at least have the power to decide
15:24which move would best benefit my game.
15:27Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin.
15:30Good luck!
15:38Any of us, if we're sitting next to each other,
15:41we would go home.
15:42We would go home.
15:43I think that it's going to be way too easy
15:47for people to just keep dragging her home.
15:50Joseph's my dude,
15:51and we've got to keep these nominations the same.
15:53I've made it abundantly clear that Angela is my target,
15:56and Rubina and Kimo are on the block
15:58because they voted to keep Tucker.
16:00So if someone were to be taken down,
16:02I'd have to put Joseph up just to avoid the backlash,
16:05and I don't want to do that.
16:08That'd suck.
16:09Hey, we got this.
16:11And here's the thing.
16:12If it's physical,
16:15I am kind of the big dogs in there.
16:18Angela's the target,
16:19and this is good for me
16:20because I don't see Quinn putting me up,
16:23so I feel pretty good about making it
16:25to the final nine smooth sailing.
16:28I'm a badass.
16:29I'm good.
16:31Okay, cool.
16:34The fact that I got picked is insane.
16:37Like, I'm always excited to play,
16:39but it's just always, like, you know.
16:42I would have picked you, but I didn't want to do that.
16:45I know.
16:46Because it would just be funny.
16:47Oh, yeah, I know, and I liked what you did.
16:49I think it was the best move that you've done.
16:51I thought so, too.
16:52But if people don't like our personal relationship,
16:55that's literally not my problem.
16:59Well, you're my girl, and they can't take you from me.
17:03This is just the glimmer of hope
17:05that I need to stay in this game.
17:07I'm going to go out there and try to win that veto,
17:10and if I don't win it, I need Leah to win it.
17:15I do it.
17:16I do it.
17:19In so many ways.
17:25Oh, let me give my motivational talk
17:27since y'all are both here.
17:29Yes, yes, yes.
17:30I just want to begin by saying
17:32I love the both of y'all very, very much.
17:34Now, we got a veto competition coming up today.
17:39And even though it has been solidified
17:42and said that y'all aren't the target,
17:44at the end of the day, we still got to make sure
17:47that we're fighting for ourselves.
17:50And giving ourselves the best shot of being here
17:53as long as we possibly can.
17:59Teeqour might not be able to help us out in the veto,
18:02but her spirit and her inspiration and motivation
18:05for us to go in there and win it,
18:08that is more than enough.
18:09Me and Kimo got to lock in
18:12and take this veto home for one of us
18:14because one of us has got to get off the block.
18:24Why is it so pretty?
18:26That's good.
18:33Hey, everybody.
18:34It's time for the veto competition.
18:36Let's gear up and head to the factory.
18:39I thought you were married.
18:41Let me see.
18:42Oh, my God.
18:52Are these the cutest jumpsuits and headbands
18:55you have ever seen in your whole entire life?
18:57Look at my bandana, first of all.
18:58And secondly, what is going to happen?
19:01What does Ainsley have in store for us?
19:03I might live in Miami,
19:04but I am originally from Pittsburgh.
19:06Black and yellow, baby.
19:07Steel city.
19:08Let's get these hands dirty.
19:11Oh, my gosh.
19:13Welcome to Bot Builders Headquarters.
19:15I need your help to create a bot
19:17to help me take down the government.
19:20I mean take down the curtains.
19:23So today, the power of veto
19:25will go to the houseguest
19:26who can build my bot the fastest.
19:29Here's how it works.
19:31When the bell sounds,
19:32the model for my bot will appear here
19:34in my virtual environment.
19:37Make sure to study the model closely
19:39because you'll need to remember
19:40all of the details
19:41if you hope to build my bot correctly.
19:44When you think you have the details memorized,
19:47crawl through the cooling duct
19:48to access your assembly room.
19:51There, you'll need to sift through the parts
19:53to locate the 11 correct pieces
19:55to assemble my bot.
19:56It's imperative that the government
19:58does not have eyes on what is happening,
20:00so your assembly rooms are pitch black.
20:04Use your sense of touch
20:06to feel out the different textures,
20:08sizes, and locations of the pieces.
20:11But be careful.
20:13The assembly rooms have many different parts and pieces,
20:16but I will only accept a bot
20:18that exactly matches my design specifications.
20:22When you believe your bot
20:23has been correctly configured,
20:25exit the assembly room through the cooling duct
20:28and hit your button.
20:29If you're wrong,
20:31figure out what is wrong and try again.
20:34The first player to correctly build my bot
20:37will win the Golden Power of Veto.
20:40Who's ready to play Bot Builders?
20:45Let's go!
20:47I'm just in the most precarious situation
20:49where I do not want to name another nominee.
20:53This season, the Power of Veto
20:55has been used every single week,
20:57but I want to be the first HOH
20:59that puts people on the block
21:01and they stay there,
21:02so that we can get Angela out of here
21:04and celebrate going into next week.
21:07I'm under pressure to win it
21:10because I need to take myself off the block,
21:13secure my safety,
21:14and be here for at least one other week.
21:18I really, really want to win this veto.
21:21I'm sick of being at the mercy of other people.
21:23I feel like I've been an afterthought
21:25to a lot of people in this house,
21:27and I am over it.
21:31I am disappointed that I'm at risk because of Quinn.
21:35He and I both know pawns go home.
21:37I want to keep playing this game,
21:40and one way that I can do that
21:42is to win this veto.
21:45You may begin.
21:52While everyone else is being a total dweeb
21:54and calculating the math of all the pieces,
21:57I'm going to sprint in there,
21:59put the same general idea of the robot on the screen,
22:02and just hope for the best.
22:06Oh, they're already in.
22:09I haven't watched TV in months.
22:11This is like watching Big Brother at home.
22:13I am living the dream.
22:15That's Quinn.
22:18OMG, it is so daggone dark.
22:21Where the heck is everything?
22:24It is pitch freaking black.
22:27What the heck?
22:31Oh my gosh, I can't see even my hands.
22:34Wow, how far down is this?
22:36Okay, okay, there's something there.
22:41Oh my goodness.
22:42We have to put together a robot in a dark room.
22:46Where am I?
22:47Oh, the first person who exactly matches
22:50the robot Ainsley shows us
22:52wins the golden power of veto.
22:55I already forgot.
22:57Okay, okay.
22:59Okay, here's the box.
23:01Okay, here's the parts.
23:03Okay, that is like the plungery thing.
23:08I think the hardest part about this competition
23:10is just making sure I have the right pieces.
23:12There are decoy pieces in here.
23:14Hopefully I can tell the real ones from the fake ones.
23:17So you really have to rely on touch and feel
23:20and make sure that you've got the right piece in.
23:23I think that is an arm, I think it is.
23:25Even though we are working with 11 pieces to this robot,
23:29the first piece is already up there.
23:31It's the torso.
23:32And so the next piece I find is the head.
23:35So we have Quinn's building.
23:40That's two down and nine pieces to go.
23:45My mindset going into this is to memorize
23:48the pieces that I need as much as possible
23:51so I don't have to run in and out, in and out, in and out.
23:53What's the difference?
23:55These are similar.
23:58I noticed that a few items on the robot's left-hand side
24:02are items that I would use to clean the bathroom.
24:05The leg looks like a plunger
24:07and the ear looks like a toilet bowl brush.
24:09So those are two items that I feel as though
24:11I could easily identify.
24:16Left, right, out, down.
24:19My strategy is to memorize this robot design
24:22and then assemble as much as I can.
24:24That way, I don't waste time or ruin my knees
24:27crawling to and from my assembly room
24:29through this cooling duct.
24:35As always, I'm throwing another competition.
24:37Why? Because I don't care about these.
24:39It's going to put a bigger target on my back
24:41if I start winning these comps.
24:43And also, Quinn is the HOH, so I feel pretty safe.
24:48Joseph is on the floor crisscross applesauce.
24:53Joseph just sitting in this competition,
24:55like, meditating.
24:57But you know what? It actually makes sense
24:59because this has been Joseph's game.
25:01Sit around all day and do quite literally nothing.
25:06There is, I think, the other leg.
25:08I think that is. I think that is.
25:10I think it is.
25:12Okay, that is a leg.
25:14What is going on with this?
25:16What is this?
25:18What is that?
25:20I don't recall what that is.
25:22I find the right leg, but when I go to put it on,
25:25there's already something there attached.
25:27I think that is. I think it is.
25:29Why is there already a right leg on this robot?
25:32Oh, my gosh.
25:34Does this, like...
25:36Like, what? I can't figure out the leg.
25:39I need... on the right,
25:41and then clean the toilet bowl.
25:43The toilet bowl.
25:45Everything about this robot is speaking to me,
25:47and so then once I get in the darkness,
25:49I rely on the sounds that I've made
25:51to remember the placement,
25:53and then I'm just feeling the textures
25:55that I've identified earlier,
25:57hoping for the best that I can put this robot together
25:59pretty quickly.
26:17I'm gonna go try. I'm gonna go try.
26:19Ow! Oh!
26:25Oh, Quinnis. Quinnis.
26:27No, Quinn has the wrong leg.
26:31Oh, he found it. There you go.
26:35Oh, my gosh. What is Quinn doing?
26:37I see Quinn
26:39toss the leg that he needs
26:41to the opposite side of the room.
26:43Why would you do that?
26:45If he doesn't find that, he's gonna be
26:47in big trouble.
26:57I'm going back
26:59and forth, back
27:01and forth.
27:05And I just keep getting
27:09red light, red light, red light.
27:11I have no clue
27:13what is wrong with this robot.
27:15I just feel
27:17like I am missing
27:29This should
27:31be it.
27:33This is the last piece I need to complete
27:35my robot. It's time to buzz in
27:37and see if I'm right.
27:41Congratulations, Leo.
27:43You have won the Golden Power of Venus.
27:45Oh, my God!
27:55Oh, my gosh. I'm so
27:57excited that I won the
27:59Power of Vito.
28:01I can win something. I can compete.
28:03I proved that I
28:05am a competitor in this game.
28:07Having a little bit of power is gonna feel really awesome.
28:11I kind of want to bite it, but I won't.
28:13I don't want to break a tooth.
28:19My family's so proud of me.
28:23Aw, that's okay. That's awesome.
28:25Why, Rubina?
28:27Why didn't you pull this Vito out for yourself?
28:29Even though I didn't win,
28:31neither did Angela.
28:33And Angela being on the block
28:35is better for me.
28:37I'm really disappointed.
28:39I didn't win the Power of Vito,
28:41but I have won
28:43in the AI Arena before, and I'm prepared
28:45to do it again if I have to.
28:47I may not have won,
28:49but none of the nominees
28:51won either, so this is
28:53kind of fun. I am still super
28:55happy for Leah, but she's very clearly
28:57touched by getting to win, so I think
28:59this is all right
29:01as long as she doesn't use the Vito.
29:07Oh, my gosh.
29:13Come on down!
29:19Oh, my gosh!
29:29It is
29:31a blessing and a curse winning the Golden
29:33Power of Vito because I am super
29:35close with Angela. That's so good.
29:37I'm also
29:39close with Quinn, but
29:41I'm kind of sick of
29:43being at everyone's mercy,
29:45and now, like, I feel
29:47almost compelled to make a big move,
29:49but I know it's going to ruffle some feathers,
29:51and if people can't stomach that,
29:53we'll welcome the Big
29:57Oh, my gosh.
29:59Woo! I am
30:01so happy for Leah for getting
30:03her first win,
30:05and then it hits me.
30:07Leah and Angela are pretty
30:09close, and there's a chance
30:11that she might use the Power of
30:13Vito to save Angela
30:15and disrupt all my
30:17plans this week, so I've got to
30:19kickstart the old social game again
30:21and make sure that that doesn't happen.
30:23I love all of you guys.
30:25Thank you so much.
30:27I am so proud of
30:29Leah for winning this Vito competition,
30:31and although I would love for her
30:33to use the Vito on me, I
30:35simply cannot ask her to do so.
30:37It was hard, no matter how
30:39you sliced Leah and you slayed it.
30:41I respect her way too much,
30:43and whatever decision she makes
30:45needs to be best for her
30:47game. I'm hoping
30:49that Leah does not
30:51use her Power of Vito.
30:53It would be great for Noms to stay
30:55the same, because I don't want
30:57Claim to consider me as a replacement
30:59nominee. Oh, my gosh. I'm so
31:01happy. My family's so proud of me.
31:03I can't believe it!
31:31Wow. I'm getting nervous
31:33being in the presence of you right now.
31:37You're sick nasty.
31:39You're incredible.
31:41You looked really cool in yellow.
31:43I like your smile.
31:45You treat people with kindness.
31:47You're really funny.
31:49There's a lot. It's just like
31:51the word sensational
31:53just comes to mind when I think about you.
31:55You're so sweet.
32:01So what are you thinking? How are you feeling?
32:03I'm obviously willing to hear everyone out.
32:05What are you thinking?
32:07My feeling
32:09is to take out Angela.
32:11She's going to fade into the shadows
32:13and then reappear on finale night
32:15in the second place chair.
32:17And so as far as I'm concerned,
32:19that's taking 75K
32:21from me. It's taking 75K
32:23from you. But I do know that you guys
32:25are close and that that would be difficult for you.
32:27And so I just wanted to see where your head was at.
32:29Where your head was at.
32:31It would suck for Angela to go this week
32:33because she's a solid number for me. And if she wins,
32:35she will not put me up.
32:37Well, like you're going to
32:39use the veto to save
32:43I really don't know
32:45because I also don't
32:47want to put you in the position of having to put somebody
32:49else up. But
32:51she benefits my game.
32:53No, I understand. Leah might take
32:55my target Angela off the block
32:57and is like, dude!
32:59How about no? I saved
33:01you last week. Do not do this
33:03Leah, please.
33:05The world is our oyster. Look at us.
33:07This is great.
33:19In all honesty,
33:21getting rid of me makes no sense.
33:23Game wise, use me
33:25as a number.
33:27I'm just going to Joseph
33:29because I know he is a friend
33:31of Quinn's and he may know
33:33what the real deal is here.
33:35I want to figure out
33:37if he knows if Quinn
33:39really means business. Like, I am
33:41still an opportunity for someone to come
33:43down and someone to be
33:45backdoored. I mean, to be honest with you,
33:47Angela, I'm not the one you got to convince.
33:49I know, but he
33:51I think he values your opinion
33:53just as I do.
33:55Angela, I don't know why
33:57you're coming to me, but if you want the
33:59truth, then I'll give it to you.
34:01I feel like people are a little worried that
34:03you could blow up their game.
34:05It's one thing if you've
34:07maybe blown up on somebody
34:09one time. Unfortunately, Angela, it's just
34:11a pattern. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
34:13And it just kind of is what it is.
34:15I feel like he is being demeaning
34:17to me with everything that
34:19he says. Demeaning.
34:21Honestly, Angela, I don't
34:23I don't see a way for you.
34:25Like, just to be quite frank with you.
34:27In some ways,
34:29I'm amazed you're still here.
34:31You know what I mean?
34:33He laughs at me. Like, how dare you?
34:35How are you still here?
34:37I'm going to hold my tongue here and not blow up
34:39and get mad at him, but I am
34:41very mad. Now I just have to
34:43hope, without asking Leah
34:45to use the veto on me, that she sees
34:47that saving me would be best for
34:49her game. That's all I really have to say about that.
34:53Thank you. Yeah, of course.
35:07I'm still making my decision.
35:09Just weighing pros
35:11and cons. I'm so sorry.
35:13All I want is for her
35:15to make it to jury
35:17so that she can be a vote for me.
35:19You know what I mean?
35:21She's the only person that I
35:23know would not betray me because
35:25of how much she genuinely cares
35:27about me. If Leah
35:29shatters my heart into a
35:31billion pieces by using the
35:33veto, I am
35:35screwed, okay?
35:37Because I feel like I'd have to put up
35:39Joseph, and that's the last thing
35:41I want to do. But people
35:43are opportunistic.
35:45Yes. Zucker
35:47literally took her off the block,
35:49saved her game, and then
35:51she tried to take him out. Yeah.
35:53You're right. But, like,
35:55I don't like my game feeling like
35:57it's out of my hands and, like, that I have no control
35:59over it. I understand that you
36:01have not been given the respect you deserve
36:03in this game, but I don't
36:05think that saving
36:07Angela is the answer.
36:09It's if you stick your neck
36:11out for Angela,
36:13it's gonna reveal, like, how
36:15close you guys are,
36:17and now there is a reason to put
36:19you on the block. And
36:21I know that you want her to go to jury,
36:23but I want you to be there on finale night.
36:25I don't want you to go
36:29I'm still up in the air about it.
36:31I truly believe it's in my
36:33best interest to keep her here, but
36:35I don't want to be made a target
36:37because I chose to go against
36:39what the house wants.
36:41Dang it. I wish you didn't change my perspective.
36:43You didn't? Mm-hmm.
36:45Ugh. I literally
36:47I can't. I can't
36:49with this. With this. With everything.
36:51It's just
36:53so frustrating. This decision is so frustrating.
36:55You have to understand, I had to put up
37:05Please. Yeah, wait, let me
37:07get the bagging in.
37:09Please. Please don't do it.
37:11Please, please, please.
37:13Come on, Leah.
37:15Just don't make me put my boy Joseph up.
37:17It's so easy. Just don't use the power.
37:19This is horrible. Huge fan of yours.
37:21New York.
37:23Doing things is just way harder
37:25than not doing things.
37:27So just don't do it. Please. Please.
37:29If she uses
37:31that veto tomorrow,
37:33oh my god.
37:37I literally begged.
37:51Hey, everyone. It's time for the veto meeting.
38:23is the veto meeting.
38:27Angela, Rubina, and
38:29Kimo have been nominated for eviction.
38:31But I have
38:33the power to veto one of the
38:39I have decided
38:43to use the power of veto
38:53I'm really sorry, Quinn.
38:55I have to prioritize
38:57what's best for my game.
38:59And I want to use it the way that I want
39:01to use it.
39:31Quinn, since I have just vetoed one of your
39:33nominations for eviction,
39:35you will have to name a new
39:37house guest as a replacement nominee.
39:49Last week, there was a move
39:51made to take out a pretty large
39:53target, and
39:55there was
39:57five people included in that.
39:59And so for that, I can't
40:01put those people up because
40:03of the commitment that they made.
40:05Tikor, you didn't get the opportunity to vote.
40:07And so with that, that only leaves
40:09one person in this house.
40:11Unfortunately, Joseph, I have to name you
40:13as that replacement nominee.
40:25This veto meeting
40:27is adjourned.
40:37Quinn and Joseph
40:39are both very close friends to me
40:41in this game.
40:43And I know that they are going to be upset with my
40:45decision, but I just could not pass up
40:47the chance to secure a solid jury
40:49vote with Angela.
40:51Friendships are great, but this is all
40:53a game for me.
40:55Is that rude?
41:01This is so
41:03annoying, dude.
41:05I was literally
41:07on my knees begging.
41:09And it meant nothing.
41:11This kid literally told me
41:13that he wanted to see me go far in this game.
41:15Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
41:17His word is dirt.
41:19Oh my god, he better pray I don't
41:21win in HOH. His ass will
41:23be on that block so quick it'll make his head spin.
41:27I'm sorry,
41:29Joseph, but to be quite
41:31frank, if you don't win in that
41:33AI arena, I'd be surprised
41:35if you were still here.
41:37Like, I really can't write this.
42:07I'm Madeline Matlock.
42:11She's a freaking
42:15We got him.
42:17Matlock, special sneak peek premiere
42:19September 22nd on CBS.
42:21We do dangerous work
42:25I'm going to kill you.
42:27I'm going to kill you.
42:29I'm going to kill you.
42:31I'm going to kill you.
42:33I'm going to kill you.
42:35We do dangerous work together.
42:37It's the risk we take.
42:39We do
42:41whatever it takes. I got you.
42:43Watch my six. Always.
42:45The FBI's return October
42:4715th on CBS.