SKY Castle (2024) Ep 5 Eng Sub

  • 2 days ago


00:00I'm happy because I'm going to be able to raise a child.
00:13Miku is at home?
00:15When you were young, you were saved by Wakanaen, right?
00:19Every human has a secret.
00:21I welcome you.
00:22Humans live by hiding their secrets.
00:26They hide their secrets where they can't be seen.
00:33Don't you have to call Miku?
00:35It's easier to eat alone because we're not a family.
00:39But isn't Miku lonely?
00:41It's enough to let her eat because she's single.
00:45It's delicious.
01:07Mom, I'm finally in this house.
01:13And the secret will one day be the seed of disaster.
01:24Here you go.
01:26I'm sorry, Miku.
01:28I have to talk to Aoba, so can you bring my share?
01:32Oh, and tea, please.
01:35Don't worry.
01:41Miku and I are doing well.
01:43That's good.
01:45Miku and I?
01:47I can't leave my classmate alone.
01:51Aobanji is also supporting the living expenses.
01:54In other words, Asami and Minamisa are taking care of it?
01:58That's right.
02:00But I feel a little sorry for them.
02:04I mean, their uniforms are ugly, so they're a little out of place at Sky Castle.
02:12If you're here, say something.
02:14Come on, let's eat.
02:23English is perfect, too.
02:24I'll reward you.
02:28But this is thanks to Miku.
02:31That's right.
02:32A reward for Miku.
02:34No way.
02:36I'm just grateful to be here.
02:45You're a really good girl.
02:48Your mother must have been a good person, too.
02:54I'm going.
02:56I have a dinner party with my mother, so I have to make sure I don't be late.
03:00Yuri, hurry up.
03:01I'll be right back.
03:14Thank you for the food.
04:34I wanted to let him live in such a wonderful place.
04:51How do you know Miku's whereabouts?
04:54I'm sure Miku knows who her father is.
04:58That's why the Asami family should welcome her warmly.
05:03The more the Asami family refuses, the bigger Miku's grudge will be.
05:09If you're upset about that, it'll affect your entrance exam.
05:36This time, Sigma is K plus 1.
05:40It's easy to make mistakes, so be careful.
06:06Well, I can't afford to lose to Isoro.
06:18I can't help it.
06:22More than that, I'll give you a prize.
06:24Second place is too great.
06:27I'm the only one who's left.
06:29Well, it's because of the prediction problem.
06:33Prediction problem?
06:41My father got the prediction problem made by Ruri's examiner.
06:46More than 90% of the answers were correct.
06:50Then show it to me next time.
06:53It's a secret from my father.
06:59You got the first place in the May entrance exam.
07:02You got the best result, the president of the student council.
07:07What are you going to do about the volunteer work?
07:12I'm going to have a volunteer experience at the rehabilitation center run by Giri's mother and submit a report.
07:18Then I'll go with you to confirm the content.
07:24Please bring Miku, too.
07:28Miku, the rival?
07:30I'll make sure what kind of influence it will have on Ruri.
07:38I understand.
07:57You're a kind and wonderful person.
08:01You liked me, didn't you?
08:04I'm sorry.
08:09It's amazing that you got the first place.
08:12But it's just because of the prediction problem.
08:16It's a score you can't get without your original ability.
08:19You should be confident.
08:21If I were you, I'd be the president of the student council.
08:27I wonder if it's a copy of the novel.
08:29You're showing it to me again.
08:40I asked you to quit.
08:43What are you thinking about?
08:49It's up to me to write it or not.
08:52Mr. Kujo, who you hire, told me that I should write it.
09:00Mr. Kujo?
09:14I told him I was looking forward to it.
09:18Why did the Saejima family have a tragedy?
09:22How does she write novels?
09:25I was interested in it.
09:27It's a problem.
09:28If such a novel comes out and Sky Castle is exposed to the public, it will affect Ruri's entrance exam.
09:33October is the deadline for us to pass the recommendation frame.
09:38Ruri's entrance exam is over before the novel is completed.
09:42Can't you take in the students' parents' requests?
09:46That's not the job of an examiner.
09:49If you really want to stop it, do it yourself.
10:01Excuse me.
10:03I found out where Tetsuto Saejima is.
10:07What about the letter I left you?
10:09I've already received it.
10:22Just like Mr. Saejima, I can't get out of the sea of ​​sadness.
10:30When I think about my wife, my heart still hurts.
10:35I couldn't save Haruto, who was suffering from worries.
10:40As an examiner, it is the pinnacle of confession.
11:00My father hit me when my grades dropped.
11:03When my ranking dropped, I was told to die.
11:06My mother forced me to study, pretending not to see it.
11:10This house is hell.
11:12The parents should die.
11:30The tragedy of the Saejima family?
11:32It's a problem, isn't it?
11:35That's right.
11:37That's right, it's a novel.
11:39I'm not kidding.
11:41Can't you stop it?
11:42Is the novel Sky Castle?
11:45That's right.
11:47Let's do something.
11:48What are you doing?
12:01I'm collecting signatures.
12:03It's a signature that opposes Mr. Izumi's novel.
12:05Mr. Wataru took over.
12:08If you consult with the residents, you can't help but act as the chairman.
12:13Mr. Kyoko, too.
12:19I won't do it.
12:23Are you going to rebel against me again?
12:24I have a part that resonates with Mr. Izumi's feelings.
12:28Don't be on the side of that cheeky novelist.
12:42It seems to have become quite a big deal.
12:45On the next Sunday, we are planning to hold a gathering of residents for the novel.
12:51A gathering of residents?
12:53It's a gathering of residents.
12:57I would like to ask Mr. Izumi, the author, to attend.
13:1295% of Sky Castle residents over the age of 18 are opposed to the novel.
13:20Why are you so wary of a work by an unknown writer like my wife?
13:25Mr. Tetsuo Saejima, who has lost his wife Kaori and is in grief.
13:29Aren't you being inconsiderate of your children?
13:33I made a promise to meet Mr. Tetsuo Saejima, so I'm going to ask for his understanding.
13:40Are you going to go that far?
13:42It's the same as a bad weekly magazine.
13:44If the scandal is exposed in the novel, the brand value of Sky Castle will be damaged.
13:49What kind of influence will that have on the children?
13:52Shouldn't you quit writing to protect your children?
13:56I think writing a novel is the only way to protect my children.
14:02The suicide of Kaori Saejima and the rejection of Haruto's admission should have nothing to do with it.
14:08Perhaps my parents' extreme expectations made Haruto suffer.
14:22I agree with you.
14:25Like the Saejima family, many of the residents here are paying a lot of money for education,
14:30and they are forcing their children to follow their parents' ideals.
14:34The children should be the ones who decide their future.
14:40But their parents' ideals and wishes are driving them.
14:45I don't need your opinion.
14:47I'm asking for Mr. Izumi's opinion.
14:55I feel the same way.
14:59When I was a child, my parents forced me to follow my parents' ideals and I lost my life.
15:14I want to protect my children from such tragedies.
15:20I was recommended by my wife and I watched your work.
15:24The theme of your work was the difference in education.
15:28Do you intend to draw a difference in education in your work?
15:32I would like to make a proposal.
15:34In that case, wouldn't the residents of Sky Castle be criticized?
15:40You would, wouldn't you?
15:42You're criticizing our education policy for forcing children to follow their parents' ideals.
15:46Even if there was such a description, it would be a good opportunity to improve the difference in education.
15:52It's a big favor.
15:54What's wrong with your parents being passionate about the future of their children?
15:59Mothers think about their children 24 hours a day.
16:06You're not even a mother yourself.
16:08Don't be so arrogant.
16:09Even if I'm not a mother, I'm a mother.
16:11I have a precious child.
16:13That child is also living a rich life in this city, isn't it?
16:17That's because your parents worked hard to get to this city.
16:22Why do you have to be criticized for a poor person?
16:25That's right.
16:26In order to make a name for yourself in the novel,
16:28Don't you think it's a good idea to throw away the burden of being on the side of the weak?
16:32Is it okay to throw away a weak person for such a violent reason?
16:35I know how hard it is for the children of Wakanaen, the facility run by their parents.
16:41You, who spent time in the facility, know that best.
16:47Youko when she was in Wakanaen
16:49You don't feel sorry for her because she couldn't go to school.
16:53But it's a terrible thing.
16:55You're a mother.
16:57You should be proud of your children.
16:59Do you understand?
17:01No, I don't.
17:02You're a mother.
17:04Do you understand?
17:06I'm not a mother.
17:08I'm not a mother.
17:10I'm a mother.
17:12I'm a mother.
17:15I'm not miserable at all!
17:32I spent the night at the facility.
17:35Don't tell me, Sue-san...
17:38I'm sorry.
17:40I didn't mean to...
17:46What are you talking about?
17:48Sue-san is a Harvard graduate.
17:50Her parents are doctors in America.
17:52That's right.
17:53You said I was different.
17:55Don't talk nonsense!
18:01It's fine.
18:06Sue-san, I...
18:08It's too late to say anything now.
18:16Izumi-san is right.
18:21I'm from the facility.
18:28I worked hard to get up here.
18:31I made it to this town.
18:34I started living at the facility.
18:36It's not my fault.
18:38It's my father's fault.
18:40My father...
18:43My father...
19:11Why did you say...
19:13you were from the facility?
19:15In front of everyone...
19:18you even tried to talk about your father.
19:21Did you want to say that your father...
19:23was a thief and a criminal?
19:26Don't speak so loudly.
19:28If the kids hear you...
19:49You've been deceiving me all this time.
19:52On my birthday...
19:54I received a present from an American grandfather and grandmother.
19:58Was that a lie too?
20:09Because of my father, I've been going through a lot.
20:13I didn't want you and the witch to feel that way.
20:19I've been trying so hard.
20:22Going to a new school...
20:25was a dream my mother couldn't fulfill.
20:30I didn't want you guys to feel that way.
20:34I gave you the best education.
20:40I came here...
20:42to make you guys happy.
20:45I came here desperately.
20:50I know that.
21:04You've been telling me...
21:06that my grades are good...
21:08because of my excellent genes.
21:14But my mother is a liar...
21:17and my grandfather is a criminal!
21:23Your father and your mother are different.
21:28It's okay.
21:30It's okay.
21:32It doesn't matter what my mother's past was.
21:35Nothing will change.
21:38is the head of the school.
21:41Your father is an elite doctor.
21:45It's the same as before.
21:48Nothing will change.
22:00What are you doing?
22:03Get out of here!
22:30I love you.
22:55I want to live here one day.
22:58You can't live in a picture book world.
23:02But it's amazing.
23:04You really live in Sky Castle.
23:12Don't tell me he's the criminal's son.
23:15My mother lied to us.
23:17Even a liar gets angry.
23:19My mother is a liar...
23:20and my grandfather is a criminal!
23:28Is this really true?
23:33Is this really true?
23:36Is this really true?
23:38Is this really true?
23:42We all lie.
23:45Tell me that's true.
23:49I love you.
23:50I want to live in a picture book world.
23:53But it's amazing.
23:55I want to live in a picture book world.
24:11I've been deceived for more than 10 years.
24:14I'm proud to be your friend.
24:16I've been proud of myself in many ways.
24:26I don't think it's something to blame.
24:31Everyone here is looking forward to happiness.
24:38Just like you.
24:42Me too.
24:47Are you going to protect me?
24:50It's a big favor.
24:55Tell you the truth.
25:10You don't have to be depressed.
25:14Even if your parents are liars,
25:16you're more fortunate than me.
25:22It's okay.
25:24I have a favor to ask of you.
25:26I won't tell anyone.
25:32Can you bring me my meal?
25:36And tea, please.
25:48How dare you embarrass Hideo.
25:53That's not what you promised.
25:56You promised you wouldn't tell anyone.
26:00Ruri is fine.
26:03If you fail the exam,
26:06I won't forgive you.
26:11I'll think about Rien seriously.
26:15I don't want that to happen.
26:17I don't want to be a volunteer.
26:23I'm sorry.
26:39You did a good job the other day.
26:42I don't care about the past,
26:44but you're still a great wife.
26:49I want to learn from you.
26:54We'll always be friends.
27:08I heard you.
27:11We should be friends.
27:15You're right.
27:17You're so stubborn.
27:19Rikaido came to make fun of me.
27:22He looked down on me.
27:25Don't think too much.
27:27I still respect Asami and Sai.
27:32I don't like how you treat me.
27:44Don't get me involved in this.
27:46You want to pay me back?
27:49I didn't ask you to make me the director.
27:52It's a very important mission.
27:55It has nothing to do with me.
27:58It does!
28:01I know what you're after.
28:07You want to get rid of Fushouji.
28:11We were trying to get the latest medical data.
28:16The Ministry of Health and Welfare is investigating it.
28:19The director has been supporting Minamisawa-sensei's activities.
28:23The Ministry of Health and Welfare is trying to stop Fushouji.
28:28But Minamisawa-sensei doesn't want to be involved in this.
28:33He and the director are in a bad relationship.
28:37This is a trap!
28:40I'm sorry.
28:42I'm sorry.
28:45If we can get the director to work for Higashibara-sensei,
28:49Asami-sensei will be the director again.
28:52We'll be able to get back together.
28:54But Higashibara-sensei has nothing to do with this.
28:58His classmate is...
29:04Did you look into it?
29:06We haven't heard from him yet.
29:08That's just wishful thinking!
29:15Could you introduce Higashibara-sensei to the Ministry of Health and Welfare?
29:24Do you agree, Asami-sensei?
29:29Then I have one condition.
29:38We have a problem.
29:40It's about the June exam.
29:46I've made a promise.
29:48But even if you get a high score, it won't be true.
29:51If you keep your grades high, your mind will change.
29:54I want to make the most of this experience.
29:57I'll do my best to keep my grades high.
30:00Do you remember what your father said when he gave you a pyramid as a birthday present?
30:14Do you remember?
30:16Aim for the top of the pyramid.
30:19That's right! Aim for it, Sho!
30:22If you take the top of the pyramid, the view will change!
30:30The pyramid is a symbol of society.
30:35A life that goes around the bottom.
30:39Or a life that shines at the top.
30:42Which one do you choose?
30:44The answer is obvious, isn't it?
30:46Please don't put that kind of value on Sho!
30:49You're a young lady who grew up in a pyramid.
30:54I want you to aim for the top of the pyramid.
31:02But if I fail the exam, it's over.
31:07I have a secret plan.
31:09A secret plan?
31:11What is it?
31:21I can get rid of that old man's weakness.
31:28Isn't it the best?
31:55You were writing, weren't you?
31:58I made a terrible mistake.
32:04I have to apologize to Sue-san.
32:09Thank you for being on my side the other day.
32:13The theme of your novel is exactly the problem of our family.
32:20My father's body is torturing the child.
32:24So I don't want you to lose.
32:27It's okay. I won't give up on that.
32:32Don't lose.
32:37I won't. I have to do my best.
33:02Excuse me.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:07Who's that girl?
33:09She's Miku-san.
33:11She's in our family?
33:13She's a poor girl who lost her father.
33:16Hideo-san decided to accept her until the exam was over.
33:21What if Ruri's exam had a negative effect on her?
33:24I recommend a 100% pass rate exam.
33:29You're going to talk about your private life during the exam?
33:33I've left everything up to you.
33:36What are you talking about?
33:38The exam is like a reference book.
33:45You should keep your distance.
33:48At that time, the blue bird flew away.
33:52Oh, brother.
33:54It's okay. The blue bird is everywhere.
33:57Everyone who saw it was overflowing with smiles and wrapped in happiness.
34:02The end.
34:26My name is Kujo.
34:29Thank you very much.
34:32As expected, it is a welfare facility run by the former chairman's wife.
34:37It was a very meaningful volunteer experience.
34:41Thank you for your hard work.
34:47Miku, are you relieved that you are a good girl who can be a good daughter?
34:59Ruri, thank you for your hard work.
35:01Kujo, thank you for your hard work.
35:03Ruri, too.
35:16You're Ruri's grandmother, aren't you?
35:19Thank you for the wonderful opportunity today.
35:25Did you say Miku?
35:32I'm in the Asami family.
35:37Because there is a grandmother who is doing this kind of pre-training,
35:41the uncle also extended his hand to me.
35:49You don't have to be so smart.
35:56What's wrong?
36:01You have beautiful nails.
36:06I'm happy, Ruri.
36:10I wish I had such a wonderful grandmother.
36:16Well, come to play again anytime.
36:36Thank you, Ruri.
37:07You're Tetsuto Saejima, aren't you?
37:16My name is Izumi Minamisawa. Nice to meet you.
37:24This is your first customer.
37:32It's been two months since that sad incident.
37:37What do you think of your wife now?
37:41It's my fault.
37:45I believed it was for Haruto.
37:51I forced Haruto to study to make him a doctor.
37:56I didn't even try to hit him.
38:00Did I force Haruto to study?
38:09Ms. Minamisawa.
38:12Did you think you could change the world with a novel?
38:19The reader sympathizes with our pain.
38:24It will change the way we think.
38:27I believe it will be an opportunity to reduce the tragedy.
38:32It's useless.
38:36I've seen a newspaper article about my mother's suicide.
38:43At that time, I blamed my mother in my heart for leaving my child to die.
38:51I didn't even know why I couldn't help Haruto and the child.
39:01In the end, I thought it had nothing to do with me.
39:09People can't understand the pain unless they experience it themselves.
39:16But there must be readers who can accept such feelings.
39:20I want to stop Haruto before something happens to him.
39:22Even if you stop him,
39:26my wife will die and I will blame Haruto.
39:34What does Haruto think of that?
39:38He carries the sadness and responsibility of losing his mother.
39:43I'm sure he's feeling the same way as I do.
39:50I won't let him see his escape.
39:55At least I want to protect my son.
40:07Even if you write a novel,
40:11Haruto and I will only be a burden.
40:27Am I doing something unnecessary?
40:35Maybe I was being selfish.
40:50Did Mr. Izumi give up writing the novel?
40:59I have another report.
41:02I found a lie about Ruri's mother at the castle.
41:07A lie?
41:09She found out that I was at the facility.
41:52I know why you can't concentrate.
41:57Your mother's true form was different from what you believed in.
42:04Your mother lied to you since you were born.
42:10It's really painful.
42:19But you're doing your best.
42:26I'm proud of you.
42:31I can't believe anything anymore.
42:39Don't worry.
42:42I'm with you.
42:47I don't lie.
42:52Believe me and follow me.
42:54You're my only support.
42:57Please guide me.
43:03People seek light and stumble.
43:13You're right, Ruri.
43:15I only like you.
43:19I know.
43:20Ruri is having a hard time with her entrance exam.
43:30What's wrong?
43:34Ruri doesn't want to go home.
43:38She doesn't want to go home?
43:40She seems to be very worried.
43:43I don't want to see her anymore.
43:46I'll leave her at home tonight.
44:03People seek salvation when they stumble and get hurt.
44:08I didn't like my mother.
44:12You can be free if you believe in yourself.
44:17You don't have to listen to your mother anymore.
44:23Your parents are the ones who should be abandoned.
44:31There's a gap in your heart.
44:34Salvation sneaks in with evil.
44:39You're the only one I can trust.
44:41You're the real reason.
44:43Because I'm with you.
44:46Why are you so close to Izumi?
44:50I see.