2010 Galia and Sotiria HOT TEEN Movie

  • 2 days ago
A hot teen movie about 3 chicks dumping a corpse.
00:00:30I'm sorry, I was knocking for a while, you didn't answer.
00:00:54It's called being asleep.
00:00:58What time is it anyway?
00:01:04How much?
00:01:05The usual.
00:01:06You still owe me from the last couple times.
00:01:33I know, but I just got a call from my brother and I need the money to bail him out.
00:01:38Yeah, he'll go nuts in there.
00:01:39I'll give you the rest next month.
00:01:41Sorry, no can do.
00:01:43I need the money now, no more paying later.
00:01:44I know junkies.
00:01:45I'm not a junkie, it's just recreational.
00:01:46Yeah, right.
00:01:47Lyle, please give it back to me.
00:01:48It's all I've got.
00:01:49Too bad.
00:01:50But my brother needs to get out.
00:01:51Don't hurt him.
00:01:53How am I supposed to eat this month?
00:01:54I think you're always trying a few tricks.
00:01:55You know, forget the drugs this time.
00:01:56Just give me my money back.
00:01:57It's too late.
00:01:58I've already cut it.
00:01:59Lyle, I'm not kidding.
00:02:00Give it back to me right now!
00:02:01Don't you fucking raise your voice at me!
00:02:02I'm sorry.
00:02:03I'm sorry.
00:02:04I'm sorry.
00:02:05I'm sorry.
00:02:06I'm sorry.
00:02:07I'm sorry.
00:02:08I'm sorry.
00:02:09I'm sorry.
00:02:10I'm sorry.
00:02:11I'm sorry.
00:02:12I'm sorry.
00:02:13I'm sorry.
00:02:14I'm sorry.
00:02:15I'm sorry.
00:02:16I'm sorry.
00:02:17I'm sorry.
00:02:18I'm sorry.
00:02:19I'm sorry.
00:02:20I'm sorry.
00:02:21Don't you fucking raise your voice to me ever again.
00:02:33Now I'm going to give you your shit.
00:02:35And you're going to quietly get the fuck out of here.
00:02:42And if you blow me, I'll give you a sandwich.
00:02:45I think that's a fair deal.
00:03:21Oh, shit.
00:03:30Oh, shit.
00:03:51Oh, shit.
00:04:22Oh, shit.
00:04:25Oh, shit.
00:04:29Oh, shit.
00:04:31Oh, shit.
00:04:32I'm gonna go.
00:05:02No, I want more.
00:05:07Now you hear me, you asshole?
00:05:12I'm not kidding!
00:05:17You're not touching me unless you give me more.
00:05:22I don't want to touch you.
00:07:05Goddamn it.
00:07:10Suti, it's me.
00:07:12I need you to come to Lyle's place
00:07:13and get rid of the guys in the hallway.
00:07:16Right now.
00:07:18I'm not kidding.
00:07:20Just do whatever you need to do
00:07:21as long as it doesn't attract attention.
00:07:23I'll be inside.
00:07:27Lyle, it's me.
00:07:32Come on, I know you're in there.
00:07:37I can't see your eye.
00:07:43Come out, come out.
00:07:44I know where you are.
00:07:51He's not here.
00:07:53Who are you?
00:07:55Just a friend.
00:07:56I'm sorry, I can't help you.
00:07:58I just want a little.
00:08:00There's nothing I can do.
00:08:03He's always got some in here.
00:08:05I'm not...
00:08:10I'll get you some.
00:08:11Just stay here.
00:08:13I knew you were fucking with me.
00:08:27Ew, it smells in here.
00:08:29Does he ever clean?
00:08:36What's your name?
00:08:40Isn't that French?
00:08:42My name is Sophie.
00:08:43It's also French.
00:08:45Actually, I think it's Greek.
00:08:51I meant Sophie.
00:08:53No, no, no.
00:08:54I'm pretty sure Sophie's French.
00:08:56I was named after that actress, Sophie Marceau.
00:08:59Do you know Sophie Marceau?
00:09:02Mama loves her.
00:09:11Oh, that's okay.
00:09:12You can pay him later.
00:09:13Ah, you knew about this, aren't you?
00:09:15You better take it, or Lyle will be real mad at you.
00:09:18I think he's already mad at me.
00:09:27I thought it was 200.
00:09:29Well, yeah, normally.
00:09:34But, um, Lyle gives me a discount.
00:09:39Since I satisfy some of his needs as well.
00:09:49It's not like his wife minds.
00:09:51His wife?
00:09:53Yeah, um, I can never remember her name.
00:09:56It sounds like Samosa, Omarosa.
00:09:59Anyway, yeah, she only agreed to marry him
00:10:02so she could stay in the country.
00:10:04It's not like a love or anything.
00:10:07Oh, sorry.
00:10:08He didn't tell you he was married?
00:10:10Men are pigs.
00:10:12It's okay, I'll live.
00:10:14Listen, I'm sorry, but you have to go.
00:10:17Can you tell Lyle I dropped by?
00:10:19I will.
00:10:20And, oh, don't worry.
00:10:22I'm sure he has real feelings for you.
00:10:25Yeah, me too.
00:10:48Where are you?
00:10:50Oh, hi, Mom.
00:10:52Yeah, no, I'm waiting for Soti to pick me up.
00:11:00No, I didn't forget, Mom.
00:11:03No, Frank will be there too.
00:11:07Yes, okay, Mom, I gotta go.
00:11:09Okay, bye.
00:11:11Oh, come on.
00:11:15Come on.
00:11:27Hey, 1986 called.
00:11:29Who wants his jacket back?
00:11:34How much?
00:11:36Who are you?
00:11:39Do you want some or not?
00:11:42Wait here.
00:11:46I thought I told you to wait outside.
00:11:48So anyone can see me?
00:11:50I'm not that stupid.
00:11:56Wait here.
00:11:59Because you're taller than me and there are windows in the other rooms where people can see you.
00:12:06That's a good idea.
00:12:09I'll wait here.
00:12:11You do that.
00:12:45One, two, three.
00:13:03What is this?
00:13:06That's supposedly a piece of the Berlin Wall.
00:13:13It must be worth a lot.
00:13:15If it's real.
00:13:18You think it's fake?
00:13:21With all the pieces that have been sold since it fell, you could build two or three walls.
00:13:26That's good.
00:13:28So you can put all the Jews in it.
00:13:30It'll be 200.
00:13:39Can you put it back, please?
00:13:43I'm allergic to concrete.
00:13:45Oh, okay.
00:13:54You think we could go out sometime?
00:14:15You think we could go out sometime?
00:14:17I'm sort of seeing Lyle.
00:14:23Isn't he married?
00:14:25Sorry. Another client. Gotta go.
00:14:33Where are you?
00:14:45Who was that?
00:14:47You were supposed to get rid of those guys.
00:14:50Hello, sunshine.
00:14:52Well, I tried, but they didn't seem to care that the place was on fire.
00:14:56What's up?
00:14:59What happened to your neck?
00:15:04It's part of the problem.
00:15:07Did Lyle do this?
00:15:10Where is he?
00:15:16He's not...
00:15:26Did he try to kill you?
00:15:28Kind of.
00:15:30Mostly, he took my money.
00:15:34And that's why you killed him?
00:15:39I don't know.
00:15:41He took my money.
00:15:43And that's why you killed him?
00:15:45I didn't mean to.
00:15:47I just conked him on the head.
00:15:49I needed the money for Frank.
00:15:51What has he done now?
00:15:53He's in jail.
00:15:56He fell asleep during a robbery.
00:15:59The others didn't wake him when they left.
00:16:02I know my brother's a genius.
00:16:06How did you do that?
00:16:14Don't touch it.
00:16:16I'm not stupid.
00:16:20His most prized possession.
00:16:22Actually, I think that's the Porsche.
00:16:25Stay in here.
00:16:28What? With him?
00:16:30He's not going to bite you.
00:16:32What are you doing?
00:16:42Who are you?
00:16:44Where is Lyle?
00:16:46Lyle's not feeling well. I'm filling in.
00:16:48I want to speak with him.
00:16:50Well, you can't.
00:16:52Well, I only do business with Lyle.
00:16:58Okay, okay.
00:17:00How much?
00:17:04Having a party?
00:17:06Lyle never asks any questions.
00:17:13Just wait here.
00:17:15Are you trying to pull something?
00:17:17No, I just want you to wait here.
00:17:26But you'd better not try to pull anything, okay?
00:17:38I don't know if you tried to pull anything.
00:17:42Go, go, go, go.
00:17:56Where's Lyle?
00:17:58I want to speak with him.
00:18:07So you've turned drug dealers?
00:18:09These people keep showing up. What am I supposed to do?
00:18:13Um, have you tried not selling them drugs?
00:18:16They're regulars. They expect him to be here.
00:18:19I didn't want to raise suspicions.
00:18:21Are you nuts? Now there's several people who can identify you.
00:18:24Considering what they came for,
00:18:26I doubt they're going to want to talk to the police.
00:18:28Lyle, I need to pee.
00:18:33You killed him in front of a witness.
00:18:35I didn't.
00:18:37You killed him in front of a witness.
00:18:39I didn't know she was here.
00:18:41She's completely out of it. She has no idea.
00:18:44Hijo de puta, come help me up. I need to use the bathroom.
00:18:48Okay. Let's not panic.
00:18:51We need to move him.
00:18:52You can't touch him.
00:18:54Now, Galia.
00:18:55But we're going to get, like, DNA and stuff.
00:18:57What do you suggest? Just a lighter step on his corpse?
00:19:00He probably won't even notice.
00:19:02Lyle, you're such an asshole.
00:19:08You useless piece of shit.
00:19:16Why did he marry that witch?
00:19:18Well, Lyle isn't...
00:19:20wasn't exactly Mr. Personality either.
00:19:24Plus, she looks pretty hot.
00:19:27She is so not hot.
00:19:29Plus, she's a total druggie.
00:19:30Hello, pot and kettle anyone?
00:19:32Excuse me?
00:19:34Never mind. We need to get out of here.
00:19:40We should audition for, like, Mama Mia on ice or something.
00:19:44It's Xanadu, dig?
00:19:48All right, let me think.
00:19:50That'll be a first.
00:19:53You know what?
00:19:55Give me a break.
00:19:57Eric just spoke up with me.
00:19:59Frank is in jail.
00:20:01Mom is expecting us home for your Gold Spurs in two hours.
00:20:04And I just killed a guy.
00:20:06So forgive me if I'm not thinking clearly.
00:20:09You haven't been thinking clearly for months.
00:20:12It's all that shit you're taking.
00:20:15I just need to get over Eric.
00:20:18Kali, it's been four months.
00:20:21He still texts me.
00:20:23I think he wants to get back together.
00:20:26Please tell me you're not that desperate.
00:20:29Go hide in the back.
00:20:31I'm not going back in there.
00:20:33Stop hiding.
00:20:35What are you doing?
00:20:45You got nice hair, asshole.
00:20:48I used to wear pink shirts when I was gay.
00:20:52Whoa, where are you?
00:20:54The new missus?
00:20:56Sort of.
00:20:58Does that mean Cardemosa is free now?
00:21:00Because I'd really like to hit that.
00:21:02You know what I mean?
00:21:04I think so.
00:21:06How much?
00:21:10Just kidding.
00:21:12The usual.
00:21:14Wait here.
00:21:16I'll be right back.
00:21:18The usual.
00:21:20Wait here.
00:21:26Is Lyle really hung like a horse?
00:21:28How should...
00:21:30Not really.
00:21:32I knew it.
00:21:34He's so full of shit.
00:21:46What drug does a porn star use before going to work?
00:21:54How does a drug addict have sex?
00:21:57With speed.
00:22:00What's one word for control people through sex?
00:22:10What do you call a dealer with a big dick?
00:22:14A dichotomy.
00:22:31You know where Cardemosa is?
00:22:33No idea.
00:22:35She must have left him.
00:22:37He's nuts about her.
00:22:39One time. One time. Just once.
00:22:44Do you want a shot?
00:22:56She's waking up. We need to leave.
00:22:59They're still out there.
00:23:03You look like a snow globe.
00:23:05Those things you go back and forth.
00:23:07Here we go.
00:23:10Well, they've seen us go in.
00:23:12We might as well just get out.
00:23:14Yeah, and when they find the body,
00:23:16those guys will remember that we were the last ones out.
00:23:19Let's just start the fire alarm or something.
00:23:21Oh, sure.
00:23:23Let's just bring the cops directly to the body.
00:23:26I don't see you getting any bright ideas.
00:23:28Who's been stuck in here this whole time?
00:23:30You were supposed to get rid of those guys.
00:23:33Excuse me for not being quick enough
00:23:36in covering up your little murder.
00:23:38It was an accident!
00:23:42I'll just conk him on the head with a piece of concrete,
00:23:44see what happens.
00:23:47Fine. It was stupid.
00:23:49You're 100% right.
00:23:51As usual.
00:23:53Are you happy now?
00:24:03This is not helping. Let's just go.
00:24:05That samosa chick is still here.
00:24:07They'll think she did it.
00:24:09Lyle's wife.
00:24:11She was passed out.
00:24:13So what? Perfect.
00:24:15A drug dealer killed by wife
00:24:17and drug-induced stupor.
00:24:21You think they'll buy that?
00:24:23The police won't care. She never even saw us.
00:24:25Let's go.
00:24:29Where's the money?
00:24:31Shit. There goes that.
00:24:33There is almost $10,000 in there.
00:24:35Don't fuck with me!
00:24:37I don't know what you're talking about.
00:24:39It's right here.
00:24:44You didn't mention that part.
00:24:46I completely forgot.
00:24:48Soti, I swear.
00:24:50You didn't forget to hide the money.
00:24:52Shut up, Amarosa.
00:24:56What were you intending to do with that?
00:24:58Nothing. I don't know.
00:25:00Don't make any plans because it's not your money.
00:25:02It's not your money either.
00:25:06No, bitch. It's my money.
00:25:08A hundred for every time he fucks me.
00:25:10And that's just July.
00:25:14Many times a day. He's like a rabbit.
00:25:22Yeah, but didn't you get a green card out of it?
00:25:24No, I didn't need him.
00:25:26He said he was going to report me to immigration
00:25:28if I didn't marry him.
00:25:30So he proposed by threatening to have you deported?
00:25:32He's romantic. Where's the dog?
00:25:42Bitch, you killed him!
00:25:44Not on purpose.
00:25:50Do you know how many times
00:25:52I wish I had the balls to do that?
00:26:00Many, many, many.
00:26:02Okay. What do we do now?
00:26:04We take the cash.
00:26:06You already have it.
00:26:08The... Oh, no, no. Not that. That's nothing.
00:26:14She's hot.
00:26:16Scary, but hot.
00:26:18You like that style.
00:26:20You're coming!
00:26:32Can you bend your precious backs
00:26:34and give the slave a hand?
00:26:42Okay. Enough.
00:26:58You're kidding.
00:27:02Half to you, too, because you killed him,
00:27:04and half to me because I had to sleep with the bastard
00:27:06for six months and I deserve it, okay?
00:27:10No! We're not taking any of this money.
00:27:12Do you know what we could do with this?
00:27:14We're gonna need a lawyer for Frank.
00:27:16I don't care. Do you know where it comes from?
00:27:18I know. I don't care.
00:27:20Well, I do!
00:27:22Galia, let's just leave everything and go now.
00:27:24No, first we have to hide the body.
00:27:26No, I'm not touching him.
00:27:28Oh, killing him is okay, but not touching him?
00:27:30Listen, keep all the money and we'll just go.
00:27:32Do you think I'm tonta?
00:27:34What am I gonna do with it if I'm in jail?
00:27:36I'm not taking the fall for two gringas here.
00:27:38Yeah, I'm not leaving this.
00:27:40He tried to kill me.
00:27:42That's a bullshit excuse, and you know it.
00:27:44I think it's a pretty good excuse.
00:27:50Jesus, do they ever take a break?
00:27:54I'm gonna take care of it.
00:27:56You two finish dealing with the money.
00:27:58What? I killed him.
00:28:00I might as well get something out of it.
00:28:10Who is she?
00:28:12Ask her who she is.
00:28:14Who are you?
00:28:16I'm Nadine.
00:28:18Ask her where Lyle is.
00:28:20Where is Lyle?
00:28:22Lyle is indisposed. I'm his replacement.
00:28:24What did she say?
00:28:26I don't understand.
00:28:28Good thing you speak English.
00:28:30I only got the lower.
00:28:32Hey! Lyle is gone.
00:28:34Do you want coke?
00:28:36She says...
00:28:38Of course we do.
00:28:40Yes, we want.
00:28:46Wait here.
00:29:08Wait here.
00:29:24We can pay later?
00:29:26No, you pay now.
00:29:32200 cash.
00:29:34You want the drugs?
00:29:36You pay me now.
00:29:38Has she done this before?
00:29:40I'm beginning to wonder.
00:29:42She says...
00:29:44No, I got it.
00:30:18I have a piggy bank.
00:30:26No more of this.
00:30:38You know that movie, Nikita?
00:30:40The one where the government forces a chick to kill people?
00:30:44We just hire a cleaner like she did.
00:30:48I don't think a cleaning lady is going to help.
00:30:50No, not a cleaning lady.
00:30:54In the movie, she kills somebody by accident
00:30:56and then she hires a specialist to make the body disappear.
00:31:02Of course.
00:31:04And how many of those specialists do you know?
00:31:06Because I don't think they'll be in the yellow pages.
00:31:08Yeah, that's one of the dumbest things I ever heard.
00:31:10Well, excuse me.
00:31:12Do you have a better idea?
00:31:16We dump his body in a carga de basura.
00:31:18You have a car, right?
00:31:20Good, because we can't carry him on the bus.
00:31:24What's a de carga?
00:31:26It's a place where they dump old trash and stuff.
00:31:28It's perfect for Laia.
00:31:30How do we get him in the car without anybody seeing?
00:31:32Because I don't think he's going to fit in your suitcase.
00:31:36We roll him in the carpet.
00:31:38You're not serious.
00:31:40Help me move the table.
00:31:54Okay, I get the feet.
00:31:56You get the head.
00:31:58I don't want to touch him.
00:32:00Toma, now you don't have to touch him.
00:32:02Let's go.
00:32:08Jesus, Galia.
00:32:10Could you cut the crap?
00:32:12I don't want to be stuck here until tomorrow.
00:32:18You take the head.
00:32:20I'll take this.
00:32:22You think his head is more disgusting than his ass?
00:32:24Oh, you have not seen it.
00:32:26Well, at least there's no blood on it.
00:32:28Okay, ready?
00:32:30On three. One, two, three.
00:32:36What the hell are you doing?
00:32:38I'm sorry. I couldn't hold him.
00:32:40Listen, Barbies.
00:32:42Can we get a move on here?
00:32:44At this rate, we're going to be too old to lift him by the time we get to the door.
00:32:48Okay, I'm all right.
00:32:50One, two, three.
00:33:02Oh, I think I threw my back out.
00:33:04Look, we're all here because of you,
00:33:06so could you please stop whining?
00:33:08I'm not whining.
00:33:10I'm just saying I felt a crack.
00:33:12Hey, let's roll him.
00:33:18Wait, wait, wait.
00:33:20Shouldn't we roll him the other way?
00:33:22No, you can't roll a carpet inside out.
00:33:24It will look weird.
00:33:26Do you intend to take it home?
00:33:30Then who cares?
00:33:32Seriously, guys, sometimes I worry about you.
00:33:46Cabrón, I didn't know you were so heavy.
00:33:50I know, he's so skinny.
00:33:52Yeah, and they say you lose weight when you die.
00:33:56It's true.
00:33:58I saw it in a movie.
00:34:00Oh, well, then it must be true.
00:34:02Why are you so pissy today?
00:34:04Um, I don't know.
00:34:06Maybe because you're making me carry a dead body.
00:34:08No one is making you do anything.
00:34:12Oh, yeah? Then I'll just go and leave you to it.
00:34:14Luta, you're not going anywhere.
00:34:16You shut up, okay?
00:34:18We're going to carry this body down to the car,
00:34:20and if you drop it,
00:34:22I'm going to kill you slowly and painfully.
00:34:24What did she say?
00:34:26I don't know, but it sounded scary.
00:34:28Thanks, Soti.
00:34:30What kind of name is Soti?
00:34:32What kind of name is Amarosa?
00:34:36Soti is short for Sotería.
00:34:38It means salvation in Greek.
00:34:40You're Greek.
00:34:42My parents are.
00:34:44What does Gardamosa mean?
00:34:48What fits?
00:34:50I don't know.
00:34:56First, we take the carpet down to the car.
00:34:58One of you stays by the car,
00:35:00and the other one comes back up here with me
00:35:02to get the bags, yeah?
00:35:04Why can't we all come back?
00:35:06No, around here, they're going to take the carpet
00:35:08right out of the trunk.
00:35:10There's a lot of stairs.
00:35:12We'll stop at each piso,
00:35:14and no dropping him.
00:35:18Oh, I almost forgot the snow.
00:35:22We're not taking that.
00:35:24Do you know how much that's worth?
00:35:26I don't care.
00:35:28My car's a drug-free car.
00:35:30If you want to use it, the blow stays here.
00:35:32No, that's throwing money away.
00:35:36Let's go.
00:35:38How about we just do one last line?
00:35:42You want me to help you with this?
00:35:44You don't ever do coke again.
00:35:46Never, but I just...
00:35:48Swear it, or I'm out of here.
00:35:50Fine, I swear.
00:35:52You can't trust a junkie.
00:35:54I'm not a junkie.
00:35:56I trust Galia.
00:35:58I'm not a junkie.
00:36:00I trust Galia.
00:36:20One, two, three.
00:36:22Hey, ladies.
00:36:24Need a hand?
00:36:28We could use some strong men over here.
00:36:30What are you doing?
00:36:32No problem.
00:36:34Oh, we'll never make it on our own.
00:36:36Make it the middle.
00:36:42That's some carpet.
00:36:44Oh, it's very old.
00:36:46It's probably the weight of all that dust.
00:36:48So, what are you going for?
00:36:50Oh, just to the car.
00:36:52Which is?
00:36:56But I can bring it to the door.
00:36:58You do that.
00:37:00I'll go get the bags, and I have to use the bathroom.
00:37:04I think one of us
00:37:06should probably get down there to receive it.
00:37:10Why don't you guys get down,
00:37:12and I'll feed it to you.
00:37:14Lift it over the railing.
00:37:16Yeah, so it won't bend.
00:37:18All right.
00:37:22All right. You ready?
00:37:24One, two, three.
00:37:30Hey, you dudes okay?
00:37:34Carpet his waist.
00:37:36300 pounds.
00:37:40Whose shoe is this?
00:37:42It's not mine.
00:37:44It's not mine either.
00:37:46Where the hell did it come from?
00:37:50It's mine.
00:37:56I took
00:37:58Lyle's shoe by mistake.
00:38:02No wonder it fell off.
00:38:04Let me help.
00:38:06No! It's not him.
00:38:10Shall we?
00:38:16You got it. Thanks.
00:38:40Well, that's what I have.
00:38:42I got it at a police auction,
00:38:44and I'm the biggest owner.
00:38:46Um, hmm.
00:38:48Yeah, it's never going to fit in that trunk.
00:38:50It won't even fit in the car.
00:38:54You still have the stuff from Sven's Christmas party
00:38:56in your trunk?
00:39:14One, two, three.
00:40:04Quick thinking.
00:40:08The thing with your shoe.
00:40:10Oh, easy.
00:40:14It's not mine, dude.
00:40:18It's mine.
00:40:20So where is your bloody day car go?
00:40:22Uh, next left.
00:40:24No, let's go pick up
00:40:26Frank first.
00:40:28Not now, Galia. First we must get rid of him.
00:40:30Soti, you know how he gets.
00:40:32I have to get him out of there.
00:40:34We'll get Frank out
00:40:36just after we've dumped Lyle.
00:40:38We can only bail them out
00:40:40until three, and then it'll be too late
00:40:42to stay the whole weekend.
00:40:44Galia! Soti!
00:40:46Okay, fine.
00:40:50What are you doing?
00:40:52I just need to pick up
00:40:54her brother first.
00:41:14You girls get off on this.
00:41:16I'll be right back.
00:41:34She just needs to get her brother out,
00:41:36then we'll go. It'll be fine.
00:41:39You're both locas.
00:41:41Or you have a death wish.
00:41:47I'm warning you.
00:41:49If he finds Lyle, you're on your own.
00:41:51He's not going to find Lyle.
00:41:53It's not a death wish. You're just delusional.
00:41:55Why is he coming this way, then?
00:41:57Maybe he just thinks you're hot.
00:41:59Oh, I knew it.
00:42:01You play for the other team.
00:42:05You like your friend, don't you?
00:42:07Who, Galia? Of course I like her.
00:42:09She's my friend.
00:42:11No, I mean you like her like her.
00:42:13Good afternoon, ma'am.
00:42:15Hello, officer.
00:42:17Do you know why I'm here?
00:42:19Not really.
00:42:21First of all, you cannot park here.
00:42:23Oh, I'm sorry. We're just...
00:42:25I'm not done.
00:42:27Second, that carpet's a hazard.
00:42:29Tie it like that.
00:42:31It's just for a couple hundred yards.
00:42:33I'm having it cleaned for my aunt.
00:42:35I'm leaving.
00:42:37No kidding.
00:42:39I told her so.
00:42:43I have a green card.
00:42:45I'm very sorry, officer.
00:42:47I promise I'll be very careful.
00:42:49Luckily for you, I have some extra rope.
00:42:51Stay here.
00:42:55We're leaving now, before he comes back.
00:42:57I'm not leaving Galia here.
00:42:59Oh, so you can share the same cell as her?
00:43:01He's going to be extra suspicious
00:43:03if we just vanish.
00:43:05Okay, you don't think he's going to be suspicious
00:43:07when he grabs my foot?
00:43:09Too late, anyway.
00:43:17Can you stop muttering?
00:43:19It's very unnerving.
00:43:21Please, please, I'm begging you.
00:43:23If you can hear me right now, if you can help me,
00:43:25I swear I'll do anything.
00:43:27Black virgin, powerful,
00:43:29beautiful, beautiful...
00:43:31Oh, I knew it.
00:43:33Shut up.
00:43:35Could you step out of the vehicle, ma'am?
00:43:41You too, ma'am.
00:43:51Step aside, ma'am.
00:43:59Toss the rope back under, Kimmy.
00:44:07Once more.
00:44:09Good, good.
00:44:11I got it.
00:44:13Let me go ahead and tie it now.
00:44:17That should hold.
00:44:19But only for a short distance.
00:44:21Yes, officer.
00:44:23Thank you very much.
00:44:25Seriously, are you retarded?
00:44:27Do I look retarded?
00:44:29Yeah, you kind of do.
00:44:31You still need to move your car, though.
00:44:33Of course.
00:44:35We're waiting for a friend to pick up her brother.
00:44:37Is he an officer?
00:44:39No, actually, he's...
00:44:45Howdy, Frankie.
00:44:47He knows you?
00:44:49It's the jerk who arrested me.
00:44:57Careful, Frankie.
00:44:59I could always book you for contempt.
00:45:01No, sir, he didn't mean it.
00:45:03Yes, I did.
00:45:05Next time you feel like taking a nap, Frankie,
00:45:07do it in your own house.
00:45:09The name is Frank.
00:45:11You stop getting into other people's homes,
00:45:17I'll be watching you.
00:45:19Remember that sleeping beauty.
00:45:21Remember this,
00:45:23you asshole.
00:45:25Shut up, Frank.
00:45:29Now quiet until we're far from here.
00:45:43Maybe we have to get home now.
00:45:45Jesus, Galia.
00:45:47That cop actually
00:45:49patted Lyle's...
00:45:53That's a cool carpet.
00:45:55Is it worth anything?
00:45:59We have to get home now.
00:46:01You can go home when we're done.
00:46:03Can you cut the puta chica thing?
00:46:05Attending a brace isn't exactly
00:46:07optional in my family.
00:46:09Galia, we gotta get rid of...
00:46:11We gotta do this drop.
00:46:13It cannot wait.
00:46:15Yes, it can.
00:46:17He's gone, but my mom isn't
00:46:19and she's gonna kill us if we're not back in time.
00:46:21Who's gone?
00:46:23No one, Frank.
00:46:25So, T, you know how my mom gets.
00:46:27Listen, what's your name?
00:46:31I know your nice little life hasn't prepared you for something like this.
00:46:33There is nothing nice about
00:46:35my life.
00:46:37Does this look like a nice life to you?
00:46:39The only thing nice about it
00:46:41is my mom.
00:46:43So we are going
00:46:45to the press.
00:46:49I'm nice.
00:46:51What's your name?
00:46:53Keep him away from me.
00:46:55Listen, you can drop us off
00:46:57and then go take care of
00:46:59the problem.
00:47:01You don't need me.
00:47:03Listen, you are not getting off that easily,
00:47:05especially since it's mostly your problem.
00:47:07Fine, I'll be more than happy to help
00:47:09just afterwards. If you don't get me home by 4,
00:47:11I'm not doing anything about
00:47:15Okay, fine. Stop the car.
00:47:19Just stop the puta madre car.
00:47:37Okay, drive.
00:47:43I was tired of wearing his stinking shoe, okay?
00:47:45It's probably best
00:47:47to do it at night anyway.
00:47:49You know what we could do
00:47:51right now?
00:47:53What did I say?
00:47:55Cut it out, Frank. She's not interested.
00:47:57Thank God.
00:48:01You're married already.
00:48:03You changed that, remember?
00:48:05For something?
00:48:19Well, this looks like a nice life.
00:48:21You sure this isn't worth anything?
00:48:23Don't touch it, Frank. Let's go.
00:48:25Hey, we can't just leave the car
00:48:27back here. I'm not bringing that
00:48:29to you, Valsparis.
00:48:31This doesn't look like a neighborhood where they steal much.
00:48:33So it is worth something.
00:48:35Frank, it's Lyle's, so stay away from it.
00:48:37You mean
00:48:39it's Lyle's.
00:48:41Right. Whatever.
00:48:43So don't even think about it.
00:48:45I wasn't thinking anything.
00:48:47I was just saying.
00:48:49What if a cop starts, you know,
00:48:51checking up on it?
00:48:53What for?
00:48:55Illegal carpeting?
00:48:59More like hazardous material.
00:49:03You want to walk around with it some more?
00:49:05It took us three guys to get it to the car.
00:49:07Frank could help.
00:49:09Oh, so now you want me to touch the carpet?
00:49:11No, Frank, we don't. Soti, my mother loves carpets.
00:49:13Oh, right.
00:49:15I guess it's safer to leave it here then.
00:49:17Good. Let's go.
00:49:19Oh, bags, bags.
00:49:33What happened to your neck?
00:49:35Nothing, Mom.
00:49:37My scarf just caught on something.
00:49:39Something with two hands?
00:49:43Why do you look like you slept in your clothes?
00:49:45Mom, she's good.
00:49:47Who's your friend, Soteria?
00:49:49Oh, hi, Mom. I'm Cardemosa.
00:49:51It's very nice to meet you. You have a lovely home.
00:49:53You haven't seen it yet.
00:49:55We'll talk about this afterwards, okay?
00:49:57You're late.
00:49:59I'm sorry.
00:50:01We'll talk about this afterwards, okay? You're late.
00:50:03No, we're not.
00:50:05You're not early. You're late.
00:50:31Ugh, I'm not sure I can watch this.
00:50:33Ugh, I'm not sure I can watch this.
00:50:35Why do you do such barbaric things?
00:50:37It's not barbaric. It's tradition.
00:50:39Anyway, it's cleaner.
00:50:41Oh, I prefer my men dirty.
00:50:43Nobody asked you.
00:50:45Nobody asked you.
00:50:57Why is he so much younger than you?
00:50:59He's from my mom's second marriage.
00:51:01My dad bailed when Frank was two.
00:51:03But you have a great mom.
00:51:05Yeah, well, I think it still screwed us up anyway.
00:51:07Yeah, well, I think it still screwed us up anyway.
00:51:09Whatever you say, chica. You're pretty waxy.
00:51:11You're probably right.
00:51:19Oh, I'm going to wait outside.
00:51:29Oh, I'm going to wait outside.
00:51:31Oh, I'm going to wait outside.
00:51:57So you're going to tell her?
00:51:59Tell what to whom?
00:52:01The annoying chick that you like or like.
00:52:03I don't like.
00:52:05But I don't care anyway.
00:52:07I don't.
00:52:09I just think you should tell her.
00:52:13She's like 99% straight.
00:52:15And the 1%?
00:52:17And the 1%?
00:52:19She's just not interested, okay?
00:52:21Oh, and how do you know if you haven't asked?
00:52:23We're friends.
00:52:25It would be weird.
00:52:27She'd be completely freaked out.
00:52:29What if she doesn't?
00:52:31Look, this is none of your business.
00:52:33If it was me, I'd want to know.
00:52:37If you were me or Galia?
00:52:39Both. Where's the bathroom?
00:52:41Right there on the left.
00:52:57Galia, can we talk?
00:53:01Not here.
00:53:23Galia, I know this is going to sound completely crazy,
00:53:25but I've been...
00:53:29For quite a while now,
00:53:31I've had this feeling,
00:53:33and I thought, you know,
00:53:35what's the point?
00:53:37But then I thought, but what if?
00:53:41And I think Cardemosa's right.
00:53:43I want to know even if it's no.
00:53:47What the hell are you talking about?
00:53:49And please don't tell me
00:53:51that you've been taking advice
00:53:53from Cardemosa, of all people.
00:53:55Galia, what I'm trying to say...
00:54:01It's from Eric.
00:54:03I knew he was having second thoughts.
00:54:05He read that in a text?
00:54:09Well, not word for word,
00:54:11but he asked if I had his leaker's cap.
00:54:13Oh, come on.
00:54:15That's like the lamest excuse in the book.
00:54:23Sorry, I didn't...
00:54:27Is that coke?
00:54:29Yes. Now get out.
00:54:31Can I have some?
00:54:33No, get out.
00:54:35Come on, she's still little.
00:54:47With three girls at the same time,
00:54:49he didn't care.
00:54:51Eric did care about me.
00:54:53For what, a week?
00:54:55He treated you like shit.
00:55:01Hey, your hot friend's doing blow in the bathroom.
00:55:03She's not that hot.
00:55:05God damn it!
00:55:13Why are there no locks on the doors?
00:55:15And doesn't anyone ever knock in this house?
00:55:17Mom likes doors to remain open
00:55:19and knock.
00:55:21So you're doing blow?
00:55:23Yes. You want some?
00:55:25I told you not to take it.
00:55:27I know, I took it anyway.
00:55:29You had it all along?
00:55:31Even while that cop was fixing the carpet?
00:55:37Jesus, are you insane?
00:55:39How was I supposed to know
00:55:41you were going to drive us directly to a police station?
00:55:43The point is,
00:55:45you were totally dishonest with me.
00:55:47Okay, nothing personal,
00:55:49but it's not like we're friends here or anything.
00:55:51Soti, what did you expect?
00:55:53And there's no use getting all worked up
00:55:55about it. It's over.
00:55:57Nothing happened.
00:55:59Do you know what'll happen if my mother
00:56:01finds out she'll take all three of us to jail herself?
00:56:03Okay, fine. Let's drop off
00:56:05Lyle, you take me to the station,
00:56:07and you don't see me or the drugs
00:56:09ever again. Problem solved.
00:56:11Right, that's it.
00:56:15Those are belong to me!
00:56:17Well, now it belongs
00:56:19to the city of L.A. Sewers, right where it should.
00:56:21Hey, guys.
00:56:23Not now, Frank!
00:56:25Okay, just thought you might want to know.
00:56:27Mom borrowed Soti's car.
00:56:31Wait, what?
00:56:33Come back here.
00:56:35I thought you didn't want to hear it.
00:56:37What did you say about Mom?
00:56:39She borrowed
00:56:41Soti's car!
00:56:43Don't worry,
00:56:45she'll bring it right back.
00:56:47Frank, where is she taking it?
00:56:49She just needed some groceries. She went down to the market.
00:56:51What's wrong with her car?
00:56:53Uh, Soti's car was blocking it.
00:56:59This is a nightmare.
00:57:09Maybe we should just walk over there.
00:57:11She's hardly going to unroll the carpet at the supermarket.
00:57:13We should be fine.
00:57:21if I go to jail, will you come visit me?
00:57:23You're not going to jail.
00:57:25I'm not going to jail.
00:57:27I'm not going to jail.
00:57:29I'm not going to jail.
00:57:31I'm not going to jail.
00:57:33I'm not going to jail.
00:57:35I'm not going to jail.
00:57:37Don't worry about me.
00:57:39You're not going to jail.
00:57:41But what if I do? Will you come visit me?
00:57:43Don't worry, chica. We'll all be in the same cell.
00:57:47I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?
00:57:53Ah, here she comes.
00:58:07What's everyone doing in the street?
00:58:09Uh, we need to take Cardamosa to the station.
00:58:11Oh, where are you off to?
00:58:13Uh, to see my family.
00:58:21This is a beautiful carpet, Soteri.
00:58:23Are you trying to sell it?
00:58:25Oh, no, Mrs. Zetouni.
00:58:27It belongs to my aunt.
00:58:29Oh, what a shame.
00:58:31Will you tell her if she ever wants to see it again?
00:58:35What a shame.
00:58:37Will you tell her if she ever wants to sell it, I'll take it.
00:58:39Sure, Mrs. Zetouni.
00:58:45Goodbye, girl. I didn't get your name.
00:58:49It was nice to meet you.
00:58:51At least you didn't throw up on my bathroom like some other of Galia's friends.
00:58:55Was that Eric?
00:58:57He likes to drink a little bit.
00:58:59De carga, now!
00:59:29Maybe we should take the Christmas lights.
00:59:31You want to decorate a Christmas tree in August?
00:59:35What if they can be traced back to you?
00:59:39I'll leave them in the car and declare it stolen.
00:59:43Then you won't have a car.
00:59:47I don't know.
00:59:49I don't know.
00:59:51I don't know.
00:59:53I don't know.
00:59:55I don't know.
00:59:57I'm sure they're in the car.
00:59:59It doesn't matter.
01:00:03Soti, I am so sorry.
01:00:05Don't worry about it.
01:00:07No, I didn't think before dragging you into this
01:00:09I'm never going to be able to repay you.
01:00:13Galia, you don't owe me anything.
01:00:15Just don't kill anyone else, okay?
01:00:17I don't think I can do this twice, even for you.
01:00:19You're so good.
01:00:21Okay, can we continue this mating ritual once you've dropped me off?
01:00:28What mating ritual?
01:00:30Just ignore her.
01:00:32What mating ritual?
01:00:33Santa Muerte, give me patience.
01:00:35White chick in love with another white chick.
01:00:38Can we go now?
01:00:42It's just... I'm not...
01:00:46We're friends. I know it. I get it. No problem.
01:00:51I thought I wasn't your type.
01:00:53I just said that so you wouldn't be uncomfortable around me.
01:01:00Let's go.
01:01:02Let's go.
01:01:19Hello! I said later!
01:01:32Okay, leave the car there, and it'll be gone by tomorrow.
01:01:52Well, have a good trip.
01:01:55We don't have to do that. It's not like we're friends or anything, yeah?
01:01:59Right. Come on, Soti. Bye. Samosa.
01:02:01Bye, Katia. Galia.
01:02:05Be careful, okay?
01:02:07Mira, fine. Come here.
01:02:12Okay. Okay. Okay. Bye. Now.
01:02:21Hey, you're the most annoying green guy I've ever met.
01:02:24You know, that's just...
01:02:25Whoa. If I say anything about Latinas, I'm the racist.
01:02:29Well, hey, I'm a minority. I might as well get something out of it.
01:03:51Eric, hi.
01:03:54I'm great. How are you?
01:03:57Really? That's great. Good for you.
01:04:05That's sweet, but actually, I'm seeing someone.
01:04:11You do, actually. It's Soti.
01:04:16No, not my friend Soti. My girlfriend Soti.
01:04:24Bye, Eric.
01:04:35What did you do with the money?
01:04:55That bitch!
01:04:57This just about pays for the drugs that went down the toilet.
01:05:05You think this is funny?
01:05:08This isn't funny!
01:05:10You didn't seriously intend to keep that money.
01:05:12Yes, I did.
01:05:14What about Frank's lawyer?
01:05:16How about you let Frank figure it out for once?
01:05:19He's 19. He's not your responsibility.
01:05:23Hey, come here. It'll be fine.
01:05:28Can't promise that.
01:05:30No, but we can work on it.
01:05:52Found something, Bella?
01:06:23Good girl.
01:06:26Looks like it could be worth something.
01:06:33What the?
01:06:38Jesus, son. I thought you were dead.
01:06:44Where the fuck are we?
01:06:47East L.A. Dome.
01:06:49How the fuck did I get here?
01:06:51Don't ask me.
01:06:54I don't know.
01:06:56I don't know.
01:06:58I don't know.
01:07:00I don't know.
01:07:02Don't ask me.
01:07:05Where the fuck's my other shoe?
01:07:07Don't know. Don't care.
01:07:10Could you get off my carpet now?
01:07:13That's my fucking carpet!
01:07:15Oh, no it ain't.
01:07:16I found it fair and square.
01:07:18Listen, you stupid ass!
01:07:19Don't yell.
01:07:21Bella here don't like it.
01:07:23This carpet cost me $3,000.
01:07:31I can probably get a couple hundred for it easy then, huh?
01:07:35Sure, fine. Fine, you keep it.
01:07:38Very kind of you, sir.
01:07:47How the fuck do I get home?
01:07:52Downtown's that way.
01:07:54You can be there in three hours if you walk fast.
01:09:06Not so soon.
01:09:08What the fuck's my line? Sorry.
01:09:14Who are you?
01:09:16Where are you from?
01:09:18Where are you from?
01:09:20Where are you from?
01:09:22Where are you from?
01:09:24Where are you from?
01:09:26Where are you from?
01:09:28Where is life?
01:09:40What the fuck, man?
01:09:50Hello. Pot and kettle anyone?
01:09:54I can't do it.
01:10:12No work for the muscle.
01:10:24Catch it.
01:10:38Didn't you get a green card out of it?
01:10:41I didn't need him. He said to immigration he was going to...
01:11:07That's a blooper.
01:11:12We can pay later.
01:11:14No, you pay now.
01:11:23200 cash.
01:11:30I'm sorry.
01:11:34Oh, my God.
01:11:36Sorry, sorry.
01:11:42You don't have any change in your breasts?
01:11:47Now I have some down my boot.
01:11:54And how many of those specialists do you know?
01:11:56Because I don't think they'll be in the...
01:11:59Cleaning lady.
01:12:01Any requests?
01:12:03Yeah, I'd like a clip.
01:12:05Oh, okay.
01:12:12You think his head is more disgusting than his ass?
01:12:15I really have not seen it.
01:12:17Well, at least there's no...
01:12:19Stop it.
01:12:21I'm sorry.
01:12:23In my boot.
01:12:42Santa Muerte, give me patience.
01:12:51Where the fuck am I?
01:12:55Where the fuck is my soul?
01:12:59Who the fuck are you?
01:13:01I'm your worst nightmare.
01:13:12Jesus, you stupid bitch.
01:13:23Jesus, you stupid Hitler impersonator.
