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BRAND NEW! - A Cold Won't Stop Me - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends - Kids Cartoon


00:06That feels nice.
00:08Want a bedtime story?
00:10Sure. Yes, please.
00:15Once upon a time, there was a princess who met a dragon.
00:20And she rode into the sunset.
00:27We'll see how you're feeling in the morning.
00:38Bongsoonie, you okay?
00:42My throat feels super sore.
00:47Let's get you a warm drink.
00:49A hot chocolate?
00:52I'll make it as chocolatey as I can.
00:57I kind of want to be sick forever.
00:59Trust me. That's not a wish you'll want to come true.
01:07Good morning.
01:08Oh, hi there.
01:09What's up? How are you?
01:11Is Kongsoonie still sick?
01:13I'm pretty certain she's caught some kind of flu bug.
01:17Any idea if she'll be able to join us for the field trip on Thursday?
01:21The field trip?
01:23The field trip?
01:24I'm not sure.
01:26I don't want her going if she's not better by then.
01:30I'm going to miss out!
01:40I'm feeling all better now!
01:43I'm totally fine!
01:45One, two! One, two!
01:48The more you do that, the worse you'll feel.
01:51You need to rest.
01:56All right! I'm beating this cold!
02:06Step number one, eating healthy!
02:10Step two, clean teeth!
02:12Clean teeth!
02:15Atta girl!
02:20There's still some left!
02:24I won't quit till my cold is gone!
02:27Great! So what's next?
02:36Let's make sure that we have healthy habits.
02:39It's not hard to do.
02:41Each of us does our part.
02:43Wash your hands with soap and water.
02:45It's the best part!
02:46Rub and scrub and wash your hands until they are clean.
02:49Yummy, yummy vegetables are so good for me.
02:52Brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, and then you sit.
02:55It's simple and it's easy to keep healthy habits.
02:59There's more! Check it out!
03:02We all know healthy habits for you and me.
03:05It's so easy for you to do.
03:07Each of us does our part.
03:09If you start to cough, pour your mouth with your arm.
03:12Make sure the cup is yours before you start to drink.
03:15Don't forget to take your medicine when you should.
03:19Go to bed early to get a good sleep.
03:22That's how we all can have healthy habits.
03:25Hello, Sayo!
03:27Hello, Kongsuni!
03:28Kongsuni has healthy habits.
03:30Makes us healthy, keeps us strong.
03:32Keep it up every day.
03:35You have healthy habits!
03:40Early bedtime?
03:42I still gotta rest up!
03:44Hey, do you think you could sing me to sleep?
03:47Me? I guess I could give it a shot.
03:52Let's do it!
03:54Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
03:57My ears! Stop!
03:59How I wonder what you are.
04:03Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
04:06How I wonder what you are.
04:11No coughing and no fever.
04:13I think you're better.
04:16So, can I go on the field trip?
04:20Go ahead.
04:22Yay! Field trip!
04:25Hey, Eve!
04:27Kongsuni, you okay?
04:29Yep, just happy to be back at school.
04:41Sayo! Your best friend's back!
04:51I'm awake!
04:53Hi, Dad.
04:54You're super sick!
04:56Come on, I'll be your nurse.
04:58I've never been a nurse before.
05:00Come on, I'll be your nurse.
05:02I've never felt better in my life.
05:04Get away from me!
05:06You're just saying that!
05:14So, for tomorrow's class,
05:16you're all going to do a presentation on the careers you want to do.
05:20What does that mean?
05:22You know, what you want to be.
05:24That's easy! A dinosaur!
05:27Not quite.
05:28A career means what you want to do when you're older.
05:32Oh? Easy!
05:33I'll own an ice cream shop!
05:37So I can eat ten ice creams!
05:40No! All the ice creams!
05:46That's not a bad idea.
05:48What do you think?
05:57Earth to Kongsuni!
06:00Sorry, I've just been thinking about my future career.
06:03Your career?
06:05What are you considering for that?
06:09I have to figure that out.
06:11Guess what I wanted to be when I was your age?
06:14A professional dancer!
06:17We both wanted to be that!
06:19I even got cool dance moves of my own!
06:22You got skills!
06:26We were a match made on the dance floor!
06:32Raise your hand in the air!
06:34Like you just don't care!
06:36Come here, baby!
06:46This is the hardest question ever!
06:48Do I have to grow up?
06:50This will be fun!
06:52Let's see.
06:53What kind of stuff do you enjoy doing more than anything else?
06:57If I knew that, this would be easy.
07:01Zao, can I get a wish?
07:05I want to see me as a grown-up!
07:07Hold on.
07:09You know you're asking a lot of me, right?
07:11I'll see what I can do.
07:16Leave it to your favorite owl.
07:18Are you ready?
07:20The future appears!
07:24How'd you do that?
07:27This box holds all of the answers you want to know.
07:30What are we waiting for?
07:32Come on, open the box!
07:33Not so fast!
07:35There's a process.
07:37Check it out!
07:38You see?
07:39It's a job map.
07:40We gotta do this first!
07:42Let's go!
07:43I can't wait any longer!
07:47The future is yours!
07:48Come on!
07:50I'm so excited!
07:56Where in the world is this?
07:59Actually, this isn't Earth,
08:01but a virtual space where you can try a bunch of different jobs!
08:05Choose what you like most!
08:10A firefighter?
08:11A chef?
08:12And a princess!
08:13It's a funny-looking crown, but I'll take it!
08:21Oh, well, it isn't actually a crown.
08:25What's this?
08:26You're a beekeeper!
08:29Over there!
08:31There's a honey jar!
08:33Let's fill it up with more honey from the beehive!
08:36Be prepared to get a little messy!
08:44Come on!
08:45Just a little bit further!
08:49Who ordered the honey?
08:56Can we try some?
09:03It's amazing!
09:04So, we gotta bring some home!
09:09I could do this all day!
09:12Here I come!
09:20It's the bees!
09:21I don't think they're too happy we took their honey!
09:24Which way do we go?
09:33They look super mad!
09:35You gotta pick another job!
09:38My wings are starting to hurt!
09:40Hang in there, Sue!
09:42I can't think fast when I'm running!
09:51I'm a firefighter!
09:53Great choice!
09:55Nice hat!
09:57Be alarmed!
09:58Firefighter Concerti!
09:59Come on!
10:01Count me in!
10:06Looks like it's up to us to save the day!
10:08Do you think I have what it takes?
10:12Watch and learn!
10:17The handle is stuck!
10:19Come on!
10:31That was exhausting!
10:39Did you see that?
10:41I'm a pro!
10:43Is this your future?
10:44Concerti the firefighter?
10:46What do you think?
10:48I bet I could pull it off!
10:52What was that?
10:53Another fire?
10:55It was just my stomach!
10:57I've been working so hard!
10:59I'm feeling a bit hungry!
11:02Yeah, actually me too!
11:05I love eating yummy food!
11:07I think it'd be super cool if I could cook something delicious for us!
11:13A pan?
11:20That smells great!
11:21Time for a taste test!
11:23Remember, you're a chef now!
11:25Be professional!
11:26Oh, that's right!
11:28I forgot I'm not a firefighter anymore!
11:34The ingredients!
11:40Some sugar!
11:41I'm forgetting something!
11:45And milk!
11:54Just flick the wrist!
11:58I did it!
12:02Time to shine!
12:04Everyone's going to love Chef Kongsuni!
12:10Just stay calm!
12:12You can do this, Kongsuni!
12:14It's all in your hands!
12:17Say, oh, cat!
12:26No more ingredients?
12:29All right!
12:31That would mean...
12:32I'm done!
12:35I'm done!
12:36I'm done!
12:37I'm done!
12:38I'm done!
12:39I'm done!
12:40I'm done!
12:41I'm done!
12:42I'm done!
12:43I'm done!
12:44I'm done!
12:46Well then!
12:47That's all done with!
12:49Do you think all the customers enjoyed my tasty cooking?
12:52Just thinking about it makes me happy!
12:54And also, look at that!
12:56We're so close!
12:58Bring on the next job!
13:06What will I do when I'm all grown up?
13:09What kind of life is waiting there?
13:12Can you dance for me?
13:14Just for me!
13:15I get so excited by the possibilities!
13:18Incredible adventures are waiting you and I!
13:21I could be a detective or a private eye!
13:25Let's get down with them to see what's next for me!
13:28I'm so excited, okay, don't be late to see!
13:31So, what do you think I'll be next?
13:34I could be a gardener, growing lots of food!
13:38What else could I be?
13:40Let's just see, look at me, I'll be a doctor tree!
13:43I could be anyone indeed!
13:45No matter the activity, position or task!
13:48Makes no difference, I will always do my best!
13:51I know there's a future within the chest for me!
13:54Should I open it now to see what I will be?
13:58Hello, Sayo!
13:59Hi, Kokiri!
14:01All the things that I could do!
14:03All the things that you could do!
14:05What you choose is up to you!
14:06I am so excited to see what I will do!
14:14I guess you've earned this!
14:16Here, it's all yours!
14:20Is this supposed to open up the treasure chest?
14:23See for yourself!
14:34Hey, Kosumi, what's up?
14:37I don't want to open it!
14:39What? But why?
14:42I'll keep it a surprise!
14:46Class, who wants to start off our presentations?
14:50I will!
14:57What do you think all that's for?
14:59Maybe it's a weird job from the future.
15:01What's she doing?
15:06Well, there are a lot of fun careers out there!
15:09So one day, when I'm all grown up, I want to do them all!
