Kongsuni and Friends - The Dream Team! - Season 2 - Kids Cartoon - Full Episode
00:00Come on, just a little bit more! You're so close!
00:06Oh, I can't wait!
00:10It's a little full, don't you think?
00:13You're only there one night.
00:19An owl?
00:21A pillow?
00:22You know, you don't have to bring your whole room.
00:25Hi, Eve!
00:27Listen, you'll get some sleep, right?
00:31Well, thanks again.
00:33No, please, it's my pleasure.
00:36I'll see you tomorrow.
00:39Your room is cool!
00:42Really? I'm glad you like it.
00:45I like yours!
00:47Me too!
00:49Zoe, what should we do next?
00:51Wanna make bracelets?
00:57Look! You like it?
01:01What's wrong, Eve?
01:03Nothing! I'm just feeling kinda sleepy.
01:07You still wanna play?
01:09Yeah! And I have the perfect game!
01:12What is it?
01:14Cinderella! My slippers, please!
01:22Cinderella! My teeth!
01:30Cinderella! Clean up!
01:33Of course!
01:43What's this?
01:45Hey, Eve! I found something!
01:47I'm so sleepy.
01:50We can go to bed now.
01:59Night, sweet dreams, Eve.
02:02But wait! I changed my mind!
02:05Let's try to stay awake, okay?
02:08No way! No sleeping!
02:11Eyes open!
02:13Eve, you're awake?
02:16Yeah. I'm worried about having nightmares.
02:20What kind of nightmares?
02:23The scariest kinds. Monsters and stuff.
02:28Oh, Eve.
02:30I'm so sleepy.
02:33I'm so sleepy.
02:35Oh, Eve.
02:37I haven't slept all week because of them.
02:42Why don't we ask Sao to help us?
02:45He's asleep.
02:47Not for long.
02:51Oh, I see you're still awake.
02:54I need to get inside Eve's dream.
02:59Sao, I'll explain everything once I've taken care of it.
03:02We have to stop her nightmares!
03:03Okay! Then I'm coming too!
03:10So, are we good to go for the mission?
03:13You betcha!
03:24So much candy!
03:34Oh, there you are!
03:38Hey, it's nice to have a friend around here.
03:41Let's just find that monster.
03:43Oh, don't worry. He'll find us first.
03:47Well, I hope he comes prepared.
03:56Here we go on a trip to a magic world
04:00Where we have so much fun, Eve and I, in a dream
04:04La-la-la-la, bow ties fly like butterflies
04:07You can find a pair of shoes hanging from a tree
04:10Wow, look how they match so perfectly
04:13Now just remember this is all in your head
04:17You're safe at home sleeping soundly in your bed
04:20Eve, isn't this fun?
04:23Off we go, hand in hand, in a magic world
04:26You don't like scary things? Okay then, let me think
04:30Something to help turn your nightmares into dreams
04:33There's a scary monster, can you make it go away?
04:36Don't worry, Kongsuni's here to save the day
04:40Watch a bird, we'll change it to have fun and learn to play
04:43With laughter and happy thoughts your nightmares go away
04:46Hey there, Eve!
04:48Hi, Kongsuni!
04:50Isn't this a fun dream?
04:52This is a fun dream!
04:53Let's all turn nightmares into fun-filled dreams!
05:05Eve, what's the matter?
05:07I think he's getting close
05:16The monster! Over there!
05:24Look out!
05:28Don't come any closer!
05:37Kongsuni, we've got to run!
05:42Listen up here, mister! You can't scare us!
05:48I'm afraid of you!
06:07Hey there, need a ride?
06:11Come on!
06:24Sayo! It's following us!
06:30Whoa, Eve, what's the matter?
06:33I just sneezed but there's a lot of dust in my hair
06:37I'm really allergic to it
06:40Oh, that's not good
06:44I've got a genius idea! Sayo!
06:47Quick, head over there!
06:50Meh, I'm too tired to argue
07:02Got it!
07:04I can use my cowgirl skills and lasso the monster!
07:08Come on! Closer!
07:21Woohoo! You actually did it!
07:27Now we can go back!
07:30Hold on, what's that?
07:33Oh no!
07:47Seriously? How are we supposed to deal with him if he can do that?
08:16Not good!
08:22Sayo, now what?
08:25Now we run away!
08:29Don't leave me behind!
08:32What's the plan?
08:34I can't think with my nose getting all stuffed up
08:43I just sneezed but there's a lot of dust in my hair
08:47I'm really allergic to it
08:49I get it!
08:51That monster is what's making Eve sneeze so much
08:55He's getting closer and closer!
08:59What do we do?
09:08It's simple!
09:10A vacuum!
09:12Hold on!
09:19Popsuni! Help!
09:23Oh no!
09:32Oh no!
09:43It was you all along!
09:55That was great!
09:58That was exhausting
10:03Yeah, I know where he is!
10:10Bath time!
10:12Hold on, let's get you clean
10:31What's this?
10:40Who did that?
10:46Sayo, happy birthday!
10:49It's a ghost!
10:51Sayo! Sayo!
10:58It's a ghost!
10:59Sayo! Sayo!
11:01Wake up!
11:03You, Popsuni! What's wrong?
11:11Popsuni, it's okay! It's my friend!
11:14Who is?
11:19Hi there! My name's Kitty
11:25I'm Rocco
11:29Hello, human
11:32Nice to meet you
11:34I'm sure you figured out what we came here for
11:37Happy birthday, Sayo!
11:39Hold up! It's not my birthday
11:44Wait a sec, look here
11:47See this? I wrote it down so it must be right
11:50Oh no! I got you mixed up with Saymo's birthday
11:53Your writing is impossible to read
11:55Hey, nobody's perfect
11:57Okay, see you guys later
12:00We have to go visit Saymo
12:02All right, we gotta go
12:06Not so fast! You can't leave without trying yummy treats
12:12Come on
12:22We don't want to be late
12:24We don't want to wake up Chloe
12:32Do you see that?
12:34Cool! It's a glowing spaceship
12:39It's not a spaceship
12:41Look! It's some kind of wormhole
12:43So, am I right?
12:46I hate to break it to you, but you guys are both wrong
12:50This is called ice cream
12:52There's one thing you gotta know before eating it
12:55Once you taste it, you'll always want more
12:58It's delicious!
13:00Now it's your turn
13:05Are you allergic?
13:07Your nose turned pink
13:09That means she likes it
13:12I can't wait!
13:20Here you go
13:34Here, you can take mine
13:39Oh my! It tastes amazing!
13:44Thanks so much!
13:46But now we gotta go
13:53See ya! Come back soon!
13:55So long!
13:57We will! Take care! We'll see you next time!
13:59That was fun!
14:06What do you think? Did you like my friends?
14:09They were strange, but…
14:14See what I mean?
14:17What's going on?
14:19Thank you! I think we might need some help
14:22We're missing our space stones
14:24They're the only things with enough energy to power our ship
14:27Well, do you guys remember where you saw them last?
14:32When I lose something, I try to retrace my footsteps
14:40Alright, let's go from the top
14:43It was so scary
14:44After we landed, it got really dark
14:47When all of a sudden…
14:49We were attacked!
14:51It was awful!
14:53You should have seen it!
14:55I'm glad it's over
15:15Why is this cliff so slippery?
15:25And then…
15:28Next time on Kongsuni and Friends!
15:31It was so wobbly! And narrow!
15:34A bridge that's wobbly and a hill that's slippery
15:37The playground!
15:39Here, let's look!
15:41Where are the rest?
15:42Don't be too far away
15:44Now I remember!
15:46That guy! With the arms!
15:48I don't think I've ever seen anyone smile that much in my entire life!
15:52And his dance routine had the wackiest moves in the galaxy!
15:56I know who that is!
16:12Kong Kong Kongsuni Kong Kong Kong
16:15Let's play!