What's On My Plate - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends - Full Episode - Kids Cartoon
00:00Ho, ho, ho! Super Dad!
00:02Dad, one guess what happened today.
00:07Let me see. Can I have a hint?
00:12You did?
00:13It's kind of like magic.
00:16Hey, hon, did you hear what happened to Kongsuni's tadpole?
00:19Yeah, I did. Isn't that great news?
00:22It sure is. Feeling better now?
00:27Dad, it's the happiest frog ever!
00:29It boings across the classroom.
00:31That's wonderful. You know the steps.
00:34How did it turn into a frog?
00:37Well, it just...
00:40It wiggled and wiggled till little butts came out.
00:44And then, I guess, stretch came the legs.
00:47And then it did a frog kick in the water.
00:50And then out popped the arms, just like this.
00:53Hey, everyone, I'm a frog!
00:55That's the best description I've ever heard.
00:58What do you say we read a book about them?
01:02Perfect. This page tells all about it.
01:07See here?
01:09She must have dropped her bag in all the excitement.
01:11Look, the legs pop out right there.
01:16What's the matter?
01:17Kongsuni, you didn't say you brought the frog home.
01:22Shoo! Shoo! Get away!
01:24Get away!
01:26Do something, honey!
01:29Hurry! It's getting away!
01:36Every time I think I'm going to have a nice, quiet night.
01:39Well, maybe in my dreams.
01:45May I have more, please?
01:50You spelled it!
01:52Dinosaurs should have better manners than that.
01:55Roar! I'm making my own rules.
01:58Roar! This T-Rex rules the world!
02:03Maybe he's just hungry.
02:06Tomatoes will never stop a T-Rex.
02:13Guys, look up.
02:16Oh, yeah? We know there's nothing there.
02:19But there is!
02:21It's standing right behind you.
02:23What is?
02:24A big tomato.
02:27Just look.
02:43Kongsuni, time for breakfast.
02:48I'm coming, Mom.
02:53There you are.
02:56What's the matter? Your favorite?
02:59I don't like tomatoes anymore.
03:01No? You've always loved them. What happened?
03:05It's just...
03:06Just try it. See, I made a special flower for you.
03:12Ah! Run!
03:15Okay, I'm running. Is this a game of tag?
03:18Okay, I'm coming to get you.
03:22I am running. Faster?
03:24You'll never catch me!
03:26Okay, I'll go faster.
03:35Hungry yet?
03:39Green salad?
03:41Why did you have to follow me all the way to school?
03:44Out! Out! Out!
03:51Bye, carrots. Can't get me now.
04:00Why do you keep showing up on my plate, tomato?
04:10Yuck! It's all vegetables.
04:20Remember when we talked about how important it is to try different foods?
04:24You should eat up everything on your plate.
04:26Oh, Miss Cam.
04:28We need to stop.
04:30I hate this stuff.
04:32We have to stop.
04:46Uh, Miss Cam, how do we know what seeds we got?
04:49You don't. You'll have to see what they turn into.
04:52So, my plant can grow treasures?
04:55In a way, yes. Seeds grow into plants and plants make more seeds.
04:59It's a never-ending cycle of life, starting with you.
05:04Everyone ready for an adventure?
05:20Kids, I see you've been taking very good care of your seedlings.
05:25And everyone looks so different.
05:27What are some things that made your seeds start to grow into a plant?
05:31Water, right?
05:32And sunshine!
05:33Very good. Water and sunlight and soil for the roots.
05:37And, don't forget, the plants knew that you were taking good care of them, right?
05:51So what is it? What's it going to grow into?
05:54I don't know. A jellybean tree?
05:57Hmm. That'd be cool. Or maybe a cupcake bush.
06:01Hmm. I know! Strawberries! A strawberry bush!
06:06A really big one! We could eat them whenever we wanted.
06:10And have them on our ice cream and with fancy tea parties.
06:13I'd feed you one. You'd say, oh, this is delicious!
06:17Yes, please! But this is no strawberry.
06:20It's not?
06:21Doubt it.
06:29There! Red like a berry!
06:32Hmm. Kongsuni!
06:35Where are you, dear?
06:36He's home!
06:41Hmm. One hint, huh? Well, then, is it something I like to eat?
06:45Mm-hmm. You like it in pies, and sometimes it's in your cake.
06:49It must be sweet, right?
06:51Mm-hmm. So the next hint...
06:54Kind of round, but not like a pumpkin.
06:56Come on, I won't tell. Promise. Pinky promise?
07:02I think it's strawberries.
07:04Hope so.
07:05Hey, Daddy, what's it take to be a good gardener?
07:08Hmm. Lots of patience. Just enough water and sunshine.
07:12Very careful observation. And talking to them never hurts.
07:16Right. I'm going to be the best gardener that there ever was.
07:20Hmm. All right.
07:22See those leaves?
07:24They remind me of a vegetable you used to like.
07:27I'm still hoping for a berry bush.
07:30And it might be. What do I know?
07:33You are the plant expert in the house, Kongsuni.
07:36I think it's a berry bush.
07:39If I go to bed early, will I see the berries sooner?
07:56It's taking way too long.
07:59I'm sorry, what?
08:02What's taking way too long?
08:05My plants!
08:07To grow, you mean? Are you following instructions?
08:11Well, I think I am.
08:13I'm giving out lots of water and lots of sunshine.
08:18The only thing I need now is for you to make a magic plant-growing machine.
08:22Could you?
08:24You want me to help?
08:26Yeah, I do. Please!
08:28I guess I could try.
08:30You want it to grow faster?
08:32This'll be a challenge.
08:34If anyone can make my berry tree get big faster, I know you can.
08:38I've got it covered.
08:42I love it!
08:44It's going to be so happy!
08:46Kansuni, it's getting late.
08:48You don't want to miss the bus.
08:52This growing machine's perfect.
08:54You're safe and warm.
09:08After that comes the fruit.
09:10I don't get it.
09:12How does the flower turn into fruit?
09:15It just does.
09:17See, look, here's when they're still little.
09:19After the flowers are finished,
09:21these little things start growing.
09:23I bet it doesn't even take very long.
09:25Oh, my!
09:31Oh, yeah. Are your berries ready yet?
09:33They weren't this morning,
09:35but I'm hoping they'll be finished by the time I get home.
09:37I'm back!
09:41Did you miss me?
09:55How did my plant get hurt?
09:57Why are you so droopy?
09:59Are you feeling sad?
10:01Say something!
10:17Uh, oopsie.
10:19I guess I shouldn't have left it running all day.
10:21Looks like we overdid it.
10:23I'm trying to give it first aid.
10:25Think it'll get better?
10:27You know, plants are pretty tough
10:29most of the time.
10:31Then again, this one looks sad.
10:34Maybe I should try moving it
10:36or add some more dirt.
10:38Do plants get cold?
10:42Come tell me what you did at school.
10:50Aw, that's okay.
10:52Accidents happen.
10:58Cuddles make it all go away.
11:02More cuddles!
11:08I got it all figured out.
11:10I know how to make my plant grow big and strong this time.
11:12Just a second.
11:14See? I think I found what the problem was.
11:16The water was coming out too fast.
11:22But I just learned that I need to give it more love.
11:24Okay, I'm all ears.
11:26Well, and feathers.
11:29You see, it's not just light and water that count.
11:31It's letting it know that you care.
11:33Plants need lots of love.
11:35Just like babies.
11:37Let's go, Sayo!
11:39The garden needs us!
11:43Let's plant the seeds here
11:45It's perfect timing
11:47With lots of sun
11:49A lovely breeze
11:51Sprinkle some love
11:53And water too
11:55And soon we'll see
11:57The plants grow
11:59Strong and tall
12:01Tomato plants
12:03Yo, Cugsity!
12:05Yo, Sayo!
12:07Aren't you glad we're best of friends?
12:09Always having lots of fun
12:11Clap your hands, clap your hands
12:13Always best of friends, yeah!
12:15With every day
12:17The plants grow stronger
12:19It's getting close
12:21To picking time
12:23The leaves start falling
12:25It's precious nature
12:27Growing our tomato plants
12:29Yo, Cugsity!
12:31Yo, Sayo!
12:33Aren't you glad we're best of friends?
12:35Always having lots of fun
12:37Clap your hands, clap your hands
12:39Always best of friends
13:07Almost time to head home, sweetie!
13:41It happened!
13:47What's up?
13:49Look, Mom and Dad
13:51My first strawberry!
13:54Well done
14:00Hang on, are you sure about this?
14:06Never seen one so round before
14:08Me neither, but I worked hard so that
14:10it would grow
14:12And I have no doubt that you did
14:16Know what? It'll get red and bumpy
14:18when it's old, but now it's smooth
14:20and round, just like Chloe
14:22You think so?
14:26We know you're excited
14:28But what if it's something different?
14:30You'll still love it, won't you?
14:32Oh, don't worry, I'm not wrong
14:34Just wait
14:36This'll be the best berry ever
14:48You guys, come see
14:51I grew my own fruit
14:53Hey, yeah, I see it
14:57Hang on a second
14:59That doesn't look like any fruit I've ever seen
15:01This must be an apple tree
15:03Not quite
15:05Apple trees get really big, they take years to grow
15:07I know that
15:09Take a look, mine's a strawberry
15:11Well, it's just a baby
15:13and it's going to change a lot
15:15Why don't we wait and see how it turns out?
15:17Does that sound like a good idea?
15:21Strawberry, hear that?
15:23You can take your time