ごぶごぶ 2024年9月7日 「浜ちゃん逃走!!緊急事態で俳優・三浦翔平が置き去りに……」(#597)

  • 2 days ago
ごぶごぶ 2024年9月7日 「浜ちゃん逃走!!緊急事態で俳優・三浦翔平が置き去りに……」(#597)
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Miura Shouhei's first Osaka shoot, all of his dreams have come true!
00:11This is Umechita Park.
00:16This is the first time we've been in here.
00:21It's good.
00:22It's heavy.
00:25When we first met, you were a year older than me.
00:29What's wrong with you?
00:46I'm sorry, but what was it like when you first joined Tiger?
00:52It was my first time in Tiger, so I was nervous.
00:57It's different from a traditional drama.
01:01The weight is different.
01:03It was heavy.
01:05I just imagined it.
01:08But when I got on the set, the staff were really nice.
01:15There's an image of them being tough.
01:18I thought they were tough, but they were actually really nice.
01:25Did you have fun?
01:27Yes, I was able to safely die.
01:33I have a question for everyone.
01:36In Tiger, you were given the role of Jouba and Yumi.
01:41Was there a time when you fell in love with the role?
01:45I still love it.
01:47When I was 24 years old, there was a character who cooked in an orphanage.
01:55I started cooking from there.
01:58I've been doing it a lot now.
02:02I also started kickboxing and shootboxing.
02:09I still love it.
02:12So you still cook?
02:16What's your specialty?
02:18I'm good at making pasta.
02:21But I can make anything with the ingredients.
02:26I see.
02:28I heard it's delicious if you mix this and that.
02:31The meat and the egg.
02:33And the pork.
02:35That's how I make it.
02:38When I'm in trouble, I watch recipes on YouTube.
02:43I see.
02:44But I heard you make the legendary fried rice.
02:47That's right.
02:49It's a hot topic now.
02:52No, no, no.
02:53When I saw the recipe, I thought it was delicious.
03:02That's all.
03:04I heard you make the legendary fried rice.
03:06No, no, no.
03:07Do you cook for your wife?
03:12Yes, I do.
03:13When I'm tired or when I'm alone with my kids.
03:18You cook for them?
03:21Can you change the subject?
03:31It's hot.
03:33It's hot.
03:36Where are we going?
03:39Why did you take me to this place?
03:42At the beginning, I said two selfish things.
03:48The first one is that I want to feel Osaka as a whole.
03:55And the second one is that I want to feel you as a whole.
04:01I don't understand what you mean.
04:04It's a rare opportunity to feel you as a whole.
04:08Do you understand what I mean?
04:09I want to feel you as a whole.
04:14I can feel you now.
04:17This is Tennoji Sports Center.
04:20Sports Center?
04:22When I think of you, I think of golf.
04:26That's right.
04:27I think so.
04:29That's right.
04:30I play golf, so I thought it would be nice to play golf together.
04:35But I thought it would be boring to just play golf.
04:38Is there such a facility here?
04:42There is a pool.
04:45By the way, is this facility closed today?
04:47It's closed.
04:48I see.
04:49Let's go to the elevator.
04:53Are you playing a lot of games?
04:55Are you playing a lot of golf?
04:56I play golf once or twice a week.
05:01When I'm not working, I play golf almost all the time.
05:05I play golf in the morning.
05:08I come home before 12 o'clock.
05:10Do you play all the time?
05:12That's the best.
05:15It's a little dangerous at this time of year.
05:17It's dangerous.
05:19It's a little dangerous at this time of year.
05:21It's dangerous.
05:22My heels are going to fall off.
05:29This way, Hamada-san.
05:30Do I change my shoes?
05:33Do I change my shoes?
05:37Is it because I'm going to the gym?
05:39That's right.
05:40I don't think I'm going to the gym.
05:44Hamada-san, how about sports other than golf?
05:47Other than golf, I don't play any other sports.
05:54Don't you remember that you were addicted to it?
05:58I was addicted to it?
06:03I don't know if I was addicted to it or not,
06:08but if that's the right thing to do,
06:11but if that's the right thing to do,
06:14I don't know if I'm addicted to it or not.
06:17I don't know if I'm addicted to it or not.
06:18Don't tell me you're saying that.
06:21I want to feel Hamada-san with all my body and soul.
06:24This way.
06:31Yes, yes.
06:33I see.
06:35I want to feel Hamada-san with all my body and soul.
06:37This way.
06:38I see.
06:39Excuse me.
06:40This frame.
06:42This is Mork.
06:44I see.
06:48By the way, have you ever played golf?
06:51I played golf once on a TV show.
06:55I played golf once on a TV show.
06:56I wanted to do it properly.
06:58It's a little interesting, isn't it?
07:00But I didn't understand the rules yet.
07:03I'm a beginner at Mork.
07:06I'd like you to teach me.
07:09I thought it was interesting, too.
07:12Morita from Saraba is the representative of Japan.
07:15I see.
07:17Can I call you Morker?
07:20But if you have money, anyone can be the representative of Japan.
07:23Is that so?
07:24Not bad?
07:26That's how it is.
07:27For example, if there is a tournament in France,
07:30as long as you have the budget to go there,
07:32you can be the representative of Japan.
07:34I see.
07:35So the representation rate is quite high.
07:36That's right.
07:37I see.
07:38I'm not sure how many people are playing golf.
07:40There are many ways to play golf.
07:42There are many ways to play golf.
07:44I see.
07:45There are many ways to play golf.
07:46I see.
07:47Today, I'll play the basic style.
07:49Can you teach me?
07:51I see.
07:52I'm looking for a person who can make the game exciting.
07:56What's that?
07:58This is the age of war.
08:00I'm losing my footing.
08:02This is the age of war.
08:03I'm running through like a brave warrior.
08:07My name is the Dragon of Kyushu.
08:10I'm the Minister of War.
08:18If he's from Osaka, he should know.
08:21But I'm not sure if he knows.
08:24He's calling me the Minister of War.
08:25I'm the Minister of War.
08:27I'm the Minister of War.
08:28I'm the Minister of War.
08:29I'm the Minister of War.
08:30His character is well-defined.
08:32He's the Minister of War.
08:33General Hamada adores him.
08:37It's a pleasure to meet you.
08:39Miura-san said that he likes the Minister of War.
08:44So, he's the Minister of War.
08:46But he didn't say he likes you.
08:49I'm the Minister of War.
08:51Overall, he likes you.
08:53I see.
08:54He likes the Minister of War.
08:55From what I heard,
08:56he likes Nobunaga Oda.
08:58I see.
08:59By the way,
09:00Oda Nobunaga and Yoseijo are in the same period.
09:05Yoseijo in the Sengoku period?
09:07There's a place called NSC.
09:09New Sengoku Creation.
09:12There's no such thing.
09:13They're in the same period.
09:15I see.
09:16Today, we have something called Mork.
09:19You're going to teach me?
09:20Yes, I'll teach you.
09:21It's been around since the Sengoku period.
09:23I see.
09:24There are a few rules.
09:27Mr. Hamada, you've done this before.
09:29Yes, I have.
09:30If you tell me the rules...
09:33Mr. Miura, you're a beginner.
09:35There are a few rules.
09:37The first rule is...
09:39You throw a Mork stick.
09:43You have to defeat Skittles.
09:46You have to compete for points.
09:50These are the rules.
09:51The first rule.
09:52There's a frame here.
09:56You have to throw it from here.
10:01You can't throw it from above.
10:03You have to throw it from below.
10:05And the other rule is...
10:06After you throw it...
10:08You can't get out of this frame.
10:12If you get out, you'll be beheaded.
10:17That's a mistake.
10:18That's right.
10:19You have to throw it like this.
10:21If you do that, you'll be beheaded.
10:24You'll be beheaded.
10:25I'll cut it so it doesn't hurt.
10:27In an instant.
10:28I'll cut it off.
10:29You have to follow these rules.
10:32That's all?
10:34And this is a Mork stick.
10:35There are a few ways to play.
10:37I'd like to explain this.
10:40It's a Mork stick, but there are different patterns.
10:44That's right.
10:45Here it is.
10:47If you get 30 points, you win.
10:52This is the Mork rule.
10:55It's a very exciting game.
10:57And the second one is...
10:59If you throw three times and get a lot of points, you win.
11:03It's called the Struck Out rule.
11:06I see.
11:07You line them up in a vertical line.
11:09Whichever way you throw it, it'll hit that score.
11:13And the third one is...
11:14If you throw three times and get a lot of points, you win.
11:18It's called the Struck Out rule.
11:20It's a very exciting game.
11:22I see.
11:23Whichever way you throw it, it'll hit that score.
11:25I see.
11:26It looks like this now.
11:28This is the Mork rule.
11:31It's a basic rule.
11:32Can I use this?
11:33Of course.
11:34Can I use this?
11:36Can I use this?
11:38I've memorized all the rules.
11:42It's okay.
11:44Let's start with the basics.
11:47I was surprised when I entered the dressing room.
11:50I was told to memorize all three basic rules.
11:54I was told to memorize all three basic rules.
11:58I was told to memorize all three basic rules.
12:01I see.
12:02I'll do this one.
12:03I'm sorry, but I have a question.
12:06What if you get over 30 points?
12:10That means you start over 15 points.
12:15You start over 15 points.
12:17That's right.
12:18That's perfect.
12:19That's right.
12:20That's 12 points, right?
12:21That's right.
12:22There are 12 points.
12:23How do you count the points?
12:27First, you throw it.
12:31For example, if you drop one,
12:35the number written here will be your score.
12:40That's right.
12:41And you can drop several points.
12:45If you drop several points,
12:47the number written here will be your score.
12:50That's right.
12:51If you drop several points,
12:54the number written here will be the score.
13:05So, this one is dropped, too.
13:06Yes, yes, yes. 3 minus 1 is?
13:13So this is also the number of times you fall?
13:15Yes, that's right.
13:16Once you count the number of times you fall.
13:19But this is not on the bottom, right?
13:21Yes, that's right.
13:22It's not good because it's overlapping.
13:23If this doesn't get sticky, it's not a score.
13:25Do you understand?
13:27Well, but you can just say that.
13:30Of course, of course.
13:31But I also feel like I want to cherish the space between the two of you.
13:35No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:36I'm not fighting here because the rules are wrong.
13:40Oh, it's okay.
13:41Yes, yes.
13:42Okay, I understand.
13:43So let's start with this one.
13:45So, we'll start with the first and second.
13:48That's already...
13:50What should we do? This one.
13:51Shall we go?
13:52You wanted to do that, didn't you?
13:54Let's do that.
13:56This is also...
13:5730 is perfect.
13:59You can't do this and go all the way.
14:01Is there a theory?
14:03Is there a way to attack?
14:05First of all, from this state, the one who knocks it down will be the winner.
14:12By the way, this is a reward for the winner.
14:15There is a treasure for the winner.
14:19There is a treasure for the winner.
14:20It's worth 2.8 million yen.
14:23You can't give me that.
14:26I've prepared it for you.
14:33Let's do it!
14:38Let's start.
14:40The first one.
14:44It fell down.
14:45It fell down a lot.
14:461, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
14:507 minus 1 is...
14:52It's overlapped.
14:53It's 6 points.
14:55Well, well, but...
14:57The one who fell down from here will stand up.
15:00I see.
15:01Stand up and do this.
15:03It's 6 points now.
15:05It's 6 points now.
15:07But there is a part that is still solid.
15:09That's right.
15:10It's better to hit it at once.
15:12I hit it.
15:13You hit it.
15:15Is this quite difficult?
15:16Didn't you practice in advance yesterday?
15:20Are you serious?
15:22Are you doing that?
15:24I came by Shinkansen at 7 o'clock in the morning.
15:26It was suspicious.
15:28It's easy to get into that frame.
15:31Let's move on to the first one.
15:33It's been a long time.
15:411, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
15:44Mr. Hamada, 9 points.
15:50I lost.
15:51It's from here.
15:52It's 30 points from here.
15:54It's 30 points.
15:55It's a game.
15:57Mr. Hamada still has 24 points.
16:01It's better to hit it at once.
16:081, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
16:11Mr. Hamada, 7 more points.
16:16What are you doing?
16:19Is that so?
16:20It's amazing.
16:21You can hit it quite well.
16:24You have to hit it at the pin point.
16:27You have to hit it when it's close to 30 points.
16:30That's right.
16:31It's not good if it's over 30 points.
16:33Mr. Hamada.
16:36The second one.
16:421, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
16:458 minus 1.
16:47Mr. Hamada, 7 points.
16:49Is it overlapped?
16:52What's going on?
16:54Mr. Hamada, 16 points.
16:56Mr. Miura, 13 points.
16:59Let's start.
17:00Mr. Miura, the third one.
17:06You're good.
17:071, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
17:11Mr. Miura, 8 more points.
17:14You're noisy.
17:16You're overdoing it.
17:21Is it around here?
17:23You should adjust it from here.
17:25There's only 7 points there.
17:28If you hit it at the pin point, it's over 30 points.
17:33Oh, I see.
17:34The number of points.
17:35That's right.
17:36I see.
17:37You should adjust the number of points.
17:39Mr. Hamada.
17:40I'm waiting for you.
17:43You can throw it directly to me.
17:46Let's do the dangerous one.
17:51You shouldn't do that.
17:55I don't need that.
17:57I'm ready to run away.
18:00I don't need that.
18:02You don't look like Mr. Hamada.
18:05You don't look like him.
18:07Get out of my way.
18:09I don't need that.
18:11Let's start.
18:12Mr. Hamada, the third one.
18:171, 2, 3, 4.
18:19Mr. Hamada has 4 points.
18:21It's not enough.
18:26Mr. Miura has 21 points.
18:309 points left.
18:32If you hit the pin point, it's over 20 points.
18:35If I hit it directly, it's over 20 points.
18:38If I hit the pin point, it's over 15 points.
18:43Mr. Miura has 21 points.
18:46Let's hit the pin point.
18:49Let's start.
18:51Mr. Miura, the fourth one.
18:571, 2.
18:58Mr. Miura has 2 points.
19:04Mr. Hamada has 10 points left.
19:11Mr. Hamada is good at this.
19:13Who are you?
19:16If you hit the pin point, it's over 20 points.
19:19I was dead.
19:21I didn't see that.
19:24I saw it for the first time.
19:26You wanted to do it, didn't you?
19:28I didn't want to do it.
19:32I was here when I realized it.
19:34I'm sorry.
19:36This is Yoshimoto.
19:39I learned it.
19:40If you hit the pin point, it's over 10 points.
19:43It's over 10 points.
19:47It's like a commercial.
19:51Mr. Hamada, the fourth one.
19:57I learned it.
19:58Did you learn it now?
20:00Wait a minute.
20:01I learned it.
20:08I learned it.
20:09If you hit the pin point, it's over 10 points.
20:16It's like a commercial.
20:20Mr. Hamada, the fourth one.
20:26I didn't see it at all.
20:29Mr. Hamada has 2 points.
20:33I have 8 points.
20:36I have a good point.
20:38I have a good point.
20:43I don't know if Shohei will get in the way.
20:46I'm going to aim for 7 points.
20:51I'm going to aim for 7 points and make it 30 points.
20:55If you hit this, you win.
20:59I don't know if I can hit 7 points.
21:02By the way, what are you aiming for?
21:047 points.
21:057 points?
21:07That's a long way to go.
21:09Will you hit 7 points?
21:11You can roll in front of me.
21:14You can roll in front of me and hit 7 points.
21:16Which one do you choose?
21:17I'm sorry. I'm going to get in the way.
21:22Mr. Miura, please throw it.
21:26If you get hurt, it's okay.
21:29Mr. Miura, let's start.
21:33I got a hit.
21:37I got a hit.
21:40I got a hit.
21:47I got 30 points.
21:53Mr. Miura wins.
21:56I'm angry.
21:59I'm angry.
22:03Is this your first time?
22:04Yes, it's my first time.
22:05You're in the lead.
22:08I saw your hand earlier and it looked like a bean.
22:12I bought a set at home.
22:15It's noisy.
22:17The floor will be covered with scratches.
22:21I won.
22:22I have a nice product for you.
22:29Here you go.
22:30What is it?
22:31Oda Nobunaga brought it from the south.
22:36It's Hyotan.
22:41You can drink it now.
22:44I didn't cut the wind.
22:47You must be tired.
22:51You must be thirsty.
22:52Here you go.
22:57What is it?
22:58How is it?
22:59How is it?
23:00What is it?
23:01It's a lukewarm coke.
23:04I'm glad Mr. Nobunaga got it.
23:06It's a lukewarm coke.
23:08I'm glad Nobunaga got it.
23:11I like Nobunaga.
23:13It's a lukewarm coke.
23:16You can keep it in the fridge.
23:17I don't need it.
23:19I can keep it in the fridge.
23:22Did you make it?
23:23I bought it from the south.
23:26You were right.
23:28I adjusted it for the first time.
23:30That's great.
23:31Mr. Hamada must be frustrated.
23:35It would be fun to have a tournament with many people.
23:39That's right.
23:40It's Hamada Cup.
23:41Can I guess the answer?
23:43Of course.
23:45Don't hold it back.
23:47It's related.
23:50It was fun.
23:51I'm sorry. Thank you.
23:54Please enjoy Osaka.
23:56See you later.
23:58It was fun.
24:02If I had woken up from the beginning, I would have played the game twice.
24:08But it was a good distance.
24:11I adjusted it.
24:12I'm waving my hand in slow motion.
24:27You didn't bring the granola.
24:29But you brought this.
24:31I don't understand.
24:32I got the granola.
24:41If it's a good thing, it must be outside.
24:49I want to play the vertical game.
24:52Please play the Hamada Cup.
24:55I have to hold it vertically and throw it.
24:58It's good because it's cool.
25:00That's right.
25:11Have you ever played it?
25:13Only on that program.
25:14Only on that program.
25:16At the end of the recording of Deluxe,
25:21I throw a Molotov cocktail and say the number of seconds.
25:24That's all.
25:25Is that so?
25:29But you hit it normally from the beginning.
25:37You hold it vertically and hit it with a pinpoint.
25:41I'm a professional.
25:42That's right.
25:43You're good.
25:45Morita from Saraba is good.
25:47You can be more popular.
25:48That's right.
25:51No, no.
25:52I can't throw it away.
25:56I don't take it seriously.
26:05Let's continue.
26:07What was the turning point in your career?
26:11What was the turning point?
26:13Was there a moment when something changed in you?
26:16I think there were a lot of things, such as what kind of work it was.
26:20I started playing the role of an actor when I started playing Gokusen.
26:26That was one of the turning points.
26:29There were so many young people like that.
26:33It was amazing.
26:34That's right.
26:35The scene was amazing.
26:37It was like a school.
26:39The producer was the principal.
26:42The assistant producer was the teacher.
26:45We actually had a fight about that.
26:47I see.
26:49It was more about who was going to come forward than about work.
26:56That's right.
26:58It was all about me.
27:00I'm still close with Takaki from Heisei Jump.
27:04I also play golf with Yuji.
27:09It must have been hard.
27:11I thought it was going to be hard.
27:13The next one I did was a movie called Umizaru.
27:17That was the most difficult job for me.
27:25It was a turning point.
27:27I trained with the people in charge of the venue.
27:32It was my first time, so I went to a base in Yokohama.
27:37I was actually sent out from the ceiling with the same pressure as a helicopter.
27:42There was a training to rescue people in the pool of waves.
27:48I did it for months without saying yes.
27:51Did they make you do it?
27:52I was put on a 40kg weight and swam for a long time.
27:59When you get tired, you sink, right?
28:02I didn't know if I was going to sink or die.
28:04They didn't help me.
28:05I was drowning.
28:07I wanted them to help me.
28:10But I didn't know what it meant to drown.
28:13I had to get up and do it.
28:16It was an unthinkable experience.
28:21Next question.
28:23Were you originally interested in working in the entertainment industry?
28:26Did you have any other jobs you wanted to do?
28:29I see.
28:31Before I became Junon Boy, I had a part-time job as an extra.
28:38I wasn't not interested at all.
28:40Wait a minute.
28:41Why did you apply for Junon Boy?
28:50Did you apply because you thought you were cool?
28:55There are people who take part-time jobs.
29:01The people from the extra agency.
29:03One of them said,
29:05I like you.
29:07You're a pervert.
29:10He said he wouldn't come to my next part-time job.
29:13So I asked him to work with me a few times.
29:16I see.
29:17He said,
29:19I can do better because I have Junon Boy.
29:25I said,
29:26I see.
29:28I said,
29:30I'll do my best.
29:32That's why I applied.
29:35Now I'm an adult.
29:36I became a father.
29:37I have a child.
29:39I want to be a nanny.
29:42I have a child now.
29:44There are so many good teachers.
29:49I think it'll be fun.
29:51You'll be the first one to talk to.
29:53I'll be a PE teacher.
29:56I already bought it.
29:59Why are you trying to improve your image?
30:02I'm serious.
30:06I'm in Uehonmachi.
30:11This is the last thing I want to do.
30:14I feel like I'm in Osaka.
30:18I feel like I'm in Hamada.
30:21Do you know what this is?
30:24Yes, I do.
30:27It's a 90% discount.
30:32It's my personal clothes.
30:35You wear a lot of jeans.
30:38You also wear a white T-shirt.
30:40It's a different color.
30:41You also wear Nike sneakers.
30:43It looks like me.
30:44I brought it here.
30:46Did you notice?
30:47I'm glad you noticed.
30:48In order to become a real Hamada,
30:52I need one more thing.
30:53You often wear a juzu.
30:56I want to make it.
30:59What is that?
31:01I want to make it and take a picture with it.
31:05I don't need a stylist.
31:08That's great.
31:09That's what I'm going to wear today.
31:10That's great.
31:11Excuse me.
31:13Yes, I'm going to take a picture here.
31:16I didn't know you had that.
31:19I had a few.
31:20Excuse me.
31:23Thank you for coming.
31:25Excuse me.
31:28It's on the third floor.
31:29Third floor?
31:30I'm going to show you the workshop.
31:32I see.
31:33Excuse me.
31:34I'm Shohei Miura.
31:35I'm Shohei Miura.
31:36Nice to meet you.
31:37I want to make it.
31:39Can I do that here?
31:41You can do it here today.
31:43I see.
31:45Excuse me.
31:46Excuse me.
31:51I heard that juzu is made at a certain time.
31:55I see.
31:57I heard that today is the day of Tenshabi and Ichiryu Ranma.
32:01That day?
32:03I heard that I'm going to see what I started today.
32:06You were aiming for it.
32:07It just happened.
32:09It just happened that today is the day of shooting.
32:11That's good.
32:13That's true.
32:20Are you kidding me?
32:24Please be careful.
32:28Excuse me.
32:29Excuse me.
32:33This is...
32:34I see.
32:35This is an open factory.
32:38I see.
32:39We make juzu here.
32:41I see.
32:45Excuse me.
32:46I'm a master of making juzu.
32:48I'd like you to experience making juzu here.
32:52I'm Shohei Miura.
32:53I want to make juzu.
32:55Excuse me.
32:56I'd like you to choose the thread you want to use.
33:01This is made of rubber.
33:04Choose the color you like.
33:05What color should I choose?
33:07Choose the color you like.
33:08I think you can choose the color you feel like.
33:09The color you feel like?
33:10If you choose the color you feel like, you can wear it on your eyes.
33:16I think it's good to choose the color you like.
33:21I like the simple one.
33:26I like the black one.
33:27This one?
33:28Yes, this one.
33:29This is navy black.
33:30Yes, this one.
33:31Please sit here.
33:33I didn't know that.
33:35That's amazing.
33:38Excuse me.
33:42Is it easy to make juzu if you choose the color you feel like?
33:46There is a part called knotting.
33:51I prepared this sample.
33:55I want you to make a bracelet like this.
33:58First, I'd like you to try on the size of your wrist.
34:05It's a little big.
34:07How is it?
34:08It's a little loose.
34:09It's a little loose.
34:10I'd like you to make it from the number of balls you have now by reducing one.
34:15There are 19 balls.
34:17Please choose 18 balls.
34:23Please put them here.
34:26Please choose the color you really like.
34:28Is this okay?
34:29This is the ball that will be the standard of juzu.
34:33This color is for a bride.
34:36It's cute.
34:39It's a pretty girly color.
34:42I like simple colors.
34:50This is the center.
34:52It's easy to understand if you put them side by side like this.
34:58This is how it's made.
35:01Some people make it with their favorite image.
35:08Are you going to tie it with your mom?
35:13That's amazing.
35:19It's done.
35:21The number of balls is...
35:24It's a pretty girly color.
35:26There are 16 balls.
35:27There are two more.
35:28Two more.
35:32It's a girly color.
35:35It's all a girly color except for the center.
35:39This is the center.
35:41There are two dots here.
35:44Is there something in between?
35:50It's up to you how you want to make it.
35:52If you want to make it more colorful, you can make it more colorful.
35:57This is it.
35:58It's a collaborative work.
36:01What do you think?
36:03It's very girly.
36:06I think the center is good.
36:11It's hard to put it through at first, so I'll put it through Takamura first.
36:19Can I go to the bathroom?
36:22I'm going to the bathroom while I'm tying it.
36:28It's done when I come back.
36:31It's big.
36:32It's big.
36:34It's done when I come back.
36:40I'm happy.
36:45It's hot.
36:47Do you have a place to cool down?
36:50A place to cool down?
36:54I don't care.
36:55I don't care.
36:59There is a place to cool down.
37:01I don't care where it is.
37:04I don't care where it is.
37:06How long does it take?
37:08You have to put it in first, and then he has to connect it.
37:15About 10 minutes?
37:16About 10 minutes.
37:17Then I'll look for it.
37:19Is the bathroom okay?
37:20The bathroom is okay.
37:21Wait a minute.
37:22Can you wait a minute?
37:24It's okay.
37:25It's hot.
37:26It's hot outside every day.
37:31It's hot.
37:40There seems to be a store closest to here.
37:44Can I go there?
37:45I don't know if I can go there.
37:48Please ask me.
37:50Wait a minute.
37:51Please ask me.
37:54It's pretty close.
37:56You said you wanted to take a picture of the bathroom.
37:59Then I lied to you that I was preparing for it.
38:16This is the first time in the history of the program.
38:19It's hot.
38:30Do you really have to take a break?
38:38It's about 10 minutes, right?
38:40Yes, it's about 10 minutes.
38:45I'll go.
38:46I'll go.
38:47I'll turn the camera around.
38:49Turn it around.
38:50Can I turn it around?
38:52I'm going to the bathroom.
39:01It's hot.
39:03It's hot.
39:11It's been a while since I've been to a satin store.
39:16It's like this.
39:19It's like this.
39:20Excuse me.
39:21Excuse me.
39:22Excuse me.
39:23Excuse me.
39:24I'm sorry.
39:25I'm sorry.
39:26I'm an algae person.
39:27Thank you very much.
39:28I'm going to the bathroom.
39:30I'll go get a drink.
39:32Do you have anything like iced coffee?
39:37Yes, I do.
39:38Then I'll take it.
39:39I'll put milk in it.
39:41Of course, put milk in it.
39:43Thank you very much.
39:48Can you turn on the BGM?
39:51Yes, I can.
39:52It's good.
39:53It's good.
39:57It's hot.
39:58I wish I could go inside more.
40:00It's hot.
40:01It's hot.
40:02It's hot.
40:03Let's all have some tea.
40:10Can I have five iced coffees?
40:13One, two, three, four, five.
40:15Six, right?
40:17I'll have seven.
40:23Are you going to sit down?
40:25No, I'm fine.
40:26Please leave the staff alone.
40:28I understand.
40:29I'm fine.
40:30Seven iced coffees.
40:31Seven, seven.
40:32Yes, sir.
40:33Can you help me a little?
40:36All of a sudden?
40:43All of a sudden?
40:54Excuse me.
40:58If I can, I'll sit down.
41:09Good morning.
41:13Can I sit down?
41:14Yes, of course.
41:16Is everyone here?
41:17Yes, we are.
41:18I'll try to get in touch with everyone.
41:22No one's here.
41:23Maybe they went to the bathroom.
41:25Wait a minute.
41:26Wait a minute.
41:27Wait a minute.
41:30That's amazing.
41:32It's hard to find a dish on every table.
41:35I know.
41:43Wait a minute.
41:44Put the camera over there.
41:50I'll take a break.
41:51No, it's okay.
41:56I'll take a break.
41:57It's okay.
42:00I'll take a break.
42:02Everyone, sit down.
42:03Sit down.
42:04Let's have a cup of tea.
42:05Iced coffee.
42:06Iced coffee.
42:07Iced coffee.
42:08Iced coffee.
42:12I'll sit down.
42:13Go ahead.
42:23It's a good day to buy something expensive.
42:31It just so happens to be that day.
42:34I don't care if it's expensive or not.
42:38It's a good price.
42:40It's true.
42:41If it's really good, it's about 500,000 yen.
42:45I think so, too.
42:56Isn't there any gum syrup?
42:58Gum syrup?
42:59Gum syrup.
43:00I'll bring it.
43:01You, too.
43:03I'll bring it.
43:05I'm sorry.
43:06Everyone, sit down.
43:08I'm sorry.
43:09I'll sit down.
43:11I'll sit down.
43:12I'll sit down.
43:13I'll sit down.
43:14I'll sit down.
43:16Go ahead.
43:17Sit down.
43:18Sit down and drink.
43:21Sit down here and there.
43:25I'll sit down.
43:35I've finished.
43:36I've finished.
43:43If you want it to be a little tighter, you can tighten it with a rubber band.
43:53I think it's okay.
43:55Don't tighten it too much.
43:57It's a little tight when you put it in.
44:00It's done.
44:05I'll put it back.
44:07It's done.
44:08I'll take a picture of it later.
44:11Mr. Hamada.
44:12I think it's done.
44:14Is it done?
44:16I'll take a picture of it.
44:18Where did you put it?
44:20I'll bring it.
44:22I'll bring it.
44:23Is it done?
44:24How is it going?
44:25Are you waiting for me?
44:26Or is it done?
44:28It's done.
44:29It's done?
44:31Where did I go?
44:37We're still here.
44:39We're still here.
44:40We're still here.
44:41We're still here.
44:45I wanted to take a picture.
44:48I should go back.
44:53I think it's better to go back.
44:55I think it's better to go back.
44:56I think it's better to go back.
44:58I'll go back.
45:00We're sorry.
45:08I'll pretend that I took it.
45:14I'll pretend that I went to get it.
45:20I'll pretend that I went to get it.
45:24Thank you very much.
45:26Thank you very much.
45:27Thank you very much.
45:28Thank you very much.
45:31Master, where should I put this?
45:34Thank you very much.
45:37Thank you very much.
45:52Can I have that one?
45:56That was tough.
45:58That was really tough.
46:02It looks like he's going outside.
46:05He's heading this way.
46:07He's going back this way.
46:09Is that so?
46:12Can I hang this?
46:13Yes, you can.
46:17What are you going to talk about?
46:26I'm going to sweat a lot.
46:39Have you ever seen a guest from Tokyo on air?
46:44Yes, I have.
46:45Have you?
46:46Yes, I have.
46:47I'm a T-Bone.
46:49You'll be found out.
46:50Yes, I will.
46:52Are you okay?
47:05I'm sorry.
47:06I brought it.
47:08What is it?
47:09Is it done?
47:10Yes, it's done.
47:17Are you okay?
47:21I'm sorry.
47:23I brought it.
47:25What is it?
47:26Is it done?
47:27Yes, it's done.
47:30It's done.
47:31That's good.
47:32That's great.
47:35That's good.
47:36Here you go.
47:37Oh, my.
47:41Are you serious?
47:42I got this at a festival.
47:44I got this at a festival.
47:49I got this made at a festival recently.
47:55It doesn't say Sukajan, it says Hama tales.
47:58Here is the map of the Amazon.
48:00Oh, my.
48:04And all the schools we used to go to.
48:08This is Hamada now.
48:13I'm Hamada.
48:15I'm on.
48:19You can cut the back as well.
48:21Oh, so it's reversible?
48:23Yes, yes.
48:25I'm glad I could take a picture with this.
48:27With the Amazon.
48:29With this, I can make Jizmo.
48:31That's good.
48:35Okay, let's go. Cheese!
48:41I'm so happy.
48:43It was hard to get this.
48:45How far did you go?
48:47Look at this.
49:09In 2014, I became like this.
49:11It's a secret.
49:13I started a company.
49:15Wait a minute.
49:17I'm sorry.
49:23If it's a game center,
49:25I think I can win.
49:27I don't know if it depends on the item.
49:29I want to make it reversible.
49:33What is this?
49:35What is this?
49:37What is this?
49:41I'm sorry.
49:43I'm sorry.
49:45I started a company in Tokyo.
49:47Oh, I see.
49:49That's good.
49:51It's dirty.
49:53The shrimp is the king.
49:55Is it okay?
49:57And the soft-boiled egg.
49:59You're like a kid.
50:01You said you'd take care of me.
50:03But you only care about me.
50:07It's sold here.
50:09That's amazing.
