• last year
00:00What brought me to Islam is me trying to convince someone else to become a Christian.
00:06So we see how that turned out. So I was actually, I was living in Hollywood at the time,
00:13and I was a production manager for like TV and film, music videos, this and that.
00:20And I was very Christian. And I mean, I was like teaching Sunday school, all this. And there was
00:26a colleague of mine that worked on this HBO show with me and he was Muslim. And I was trying to
00:34convince him that he should come to church with me so he could, you know, see the truth, of course.
00:38And yeah. And he was like, thank you, but I'm not at all interested in that. And I said,
00:44well, who cares? It's like, you're not signing a contract for life. Like just come to church
00:49one time. It's like an hour on a Sunday. Like, it's not going to kill you. If you don't like it,
00:52don't come back. And he was like, um, yeah, no, I'm not going to do that. So I was like,
01:01what the heck? What has him so stuck on his religion that he won't even come for an hour?
01:06Like, oh, is your religion that cool? You can't like hang out for an hour? No.
01:10So I said, all right, listen, I have a Bible and I can quote Bible verses to you all day long,
01:18but it doesn't affect you because it's not your book. It's not your verses. It's not your
01:21scripture. What do you care? Okay, fine. Give me your book. Give me this Quran or whatever it is
01:27that you're reading your moon and stars worshiping book. And I said, let me read that. And then I'm
01:34going to use your text against you to prove to you why none of this makes sense. And this is
01:38why you should be Christian. That did not go as planned. And soon after I found myself in a mosque
01:46by myself, wandering in with like jeans, ripped jeans, a V-neck t-shirt flip-flops. And the guy
01:52was like, Whoa, let's get a scarf on you if you want a tour. So I was like, okay. And before I
02:01knew it, I was just blown away by the truth of this book that I was supposed to be using for
02:11research only. And pretty soon I was like, I think I know what I need to do. And this is
02:19hilarious because I've always thought Muslims are crazy people. I mean, I'm just brainwashed
02:25by the news here and I didn't know anything about it. I thought they were just doing some like
02:31ritual stuff and blah, blah, blah. I didn't know what was going on. And so when I start reading
02:35the Quran, I see all these questions that I've had in Christianity for so long. All of them were
02:42answered. And I'm like, wait a minute. You guys know about Adam and Eve? You guys know Moses too?
02:50These are, these are our guides. I'm Christian. These are our dudes. Like, why are you like,
02:54you shouldn't know about this. How do you guys know? Well, I didn't realize how similar
02:59Islam is to Christianity. And I'm thankful that I knew as much as I did because otherwise had I not
03:05known those stories, I would have probably been a little hesitant. Like, okay, you're telling me
03:11this guy throws a stick down and all of a sudden it's a snake. All right. Okay. No, no thanks.
03:18You know, but I already knew these stories from Christianity. So I was like, wait a second,
03:22you guys know he part of the Red Sea. Okay. What else do you know? And then it became more and
03:27more interesting to me. So after a while I started, I was just like inseparable with the Quran. I was
03:35just walking around everywhere. Like I remember just walking all over LA, just walking like
03:42crazed woman maniac with a big backpack on in my little Quran that was like this big.
03:47And I'm walking and I'm not even paying attention. I'm just reading and flipping pages and I'm
03:51walking and I'm walking. I'm just trying to absorb every word. And then I was like, that's it.
03:56I got to go. I got to move. I got to get out of here. I can't be here. And so I decided to
04:04do the obvious choice and sell everything I own, pack one suitcase and buy a one-way ticket to
04:09Morocco. Makes sense. So I did that and I, I didn't have a job. I didn't have family there,
04:21friends. I had nothing, no idea what I'm doing. I don't speak Arabic. I don't speak French and
04:28no one there speaks English. Amazing. Good choice. I didn't really know. I didn't really
04:35know what was going to happen, but I knew that I needed to make hijra because I'm living in LA and
04:39it's like, I'm like cruising sunset Boulevard at night, like hanging with celebrities and living
04:47this like glamorous life that everyone wants that I could care less about. So I said, I got
04:53to move. I got to get out of here. And especially if I want to become Muslim for real, I cannot do
04:59that living in Hollywood. Like this is never going to happen. My friends will never accept this.
05:03They'll tease me. I'll just be, you know, just a pile of nothing. Cause everybody's going to be
05:12like, okay, what are you some want to be Arab? Okay. You're Muslim, whatever. Let's go out.
05:16You know, I knew that they weren't going to take me seriously. So I said, okay, that's fine. If
05:20my surroundings are going to change who I am, then if I want to change who I am, I should
05:24change my surroundings. So I did that move to Morocco and decided to take my Shahada there in
05:31Casablanca. Cause I was almost done with the Quran almost done. And I said, wait a minute,
05:38I want to wait. It took me like two weeks after I arrived to finish the rest of it. Cause I was
05:42like, everything makes sense, but I don't want to take the Shahada and become Muslim because I know
05:47what a serious decision and life-changing statement that it is. You don't just like undo it and say,
05:54no, I was just kidding. I want to be Christian again. I knew that it was something very,
05:57very serious. So I said, well, I don't want to have, I don't want to have this book that I'm 98%
06:03done with. And then I become Muslim. And all of a sudden the last, like, you know, chapter and a
06:07half, there's some little like, oh, by the way, this, this, and this, and then I didn't want to
06:11be stuck. So I said, okay, let me finish the whole entire thing. And then I will take my Shahada. So
06:17I did that. That was December 31st, uh, 2010. So it's been over a decade now that I'm Muslim,
