• anno scorso
Questa edizione dei Giochi Paralimpici ha stabilito diversi record, ma la vera sfida è capire se l'evento contribuirà a migliorare la vita delle persone con disabilità in termini di accessibilità e inclusione sociale


00:00As the Paralympic Games come to an end, Paris is hoping to leave its mark on how a disability is viewed and taken into consideration.
00:18These Paralympics set a multiple amount of records.
00:23The first one is that the highest number of delegations participated compared to previous editions, 169 to be exact.
00:32And then the second record that was set is that these were the Paralympics that were the most covered by international media.
00:39165 TV channels followed the event and around 2.4 million tickets out of 2.5 were sold.
00:48As a reminder, the highest record of tickets for the Paralympic Games ever sold was in London in 2012.
00:55But what remains to be seen is whether there will be a lasting legacy when it comes to accessibility and social inclusion for people with disabilities.
01:04At the end of August, the president of the region, Valérie Précresse, called for a massive renovation to fix the capital's centuries-old public transport system
01:14that is almost impossible for people with disabilities to even access.
01:19A project that could take up to 20 years and cost 15 billion euros.
01:24And the feasibility of it has not even been discussed.
