Akbar Birbal Ki Kahani - Birbal's Intelligence _29

  • 2 weeks ago
Akbar Birbal Ki Kahani - Birbal's Intelligence _29


00:00Gold mine
00:02One day King Akbar was busy in the court
00:04solving the case of theft
00:06and he got angry
00:08and said to the thief
00:10I give you one last chance
00:12Stop lying
00:14and accept your crime
00:16I hate lies
00:18as much as I hate criminals
00:20and everyone in the court knows this
00:22and that's why
00:24no one lies here
00:28I don't believe this
00:30I can bet that
00:32no one is so honest in this cruel world
00:34not even the court
00:36You don't know
00:38how much respect we have here
00:40If any of my courtier
00:42turns out to be a liar
00:44I will release you right now
00:46and if you think
00:48we are lying
00:50then see for yourself
00:52Is there anyone here
00:54who has ever lied?
00:56All the courtiers
00:58got worried and started looking at each other
01:00Some of them
01:02out of fear said
01:04that they have never lied in their life
01:06In that confusion
01:08some ministers
01:10started whispering to each other
01:12What to do now?
01:14Should we lie?
01:16But lying has become a lie
01:18I have lied so much in my life
01:20that it doesn't seem like a lie
01:24Stop it!
01:26Stop lying!
01:28I don't know
01:30what to lie
01:32The king asked
01:34both the ministers
01:36What is this
01:38whispering between you?
01:40Answer me
01:42Have you ever lied?
01:44One of the ministers
01:48Your majesty
01:50It's not like that
01:52We say that
01:54lying is not good for anyone
01:56That's why
01:58we have never lied
02:02Then the king
02:04saw Birbal
02:08Have you ever lied?
02:10Your majesty
02:12I must have lied
02:14in my personal life
02:16All the ministers
02:18and even the king
02:20were shocked
02:22and the thief couldn't
02:24control his laughter
02:26The king was furious
02:28What are you saying, Birbal?
02:30You are my favorite
02:32and you have done this
02:34I feel very ashamed
02:36Your majesty
02:38Sometimes in the ups and downs
02:40of life
02:42we have to rely on lies
02:44That's enough, Birbal
02:46I can't take this anymore
02:48Go away from here
02:50and don't come back
02:52until you are aware
02:54of your sins
02:56and you stop lying
03:00Birbal bowed his head
03:02and left
03:04The thief said
03:06Do you want me to leave?
03:10In the evening
03:12Birbal was kneading flour
03:14in his house
03:16He was wondering
03:18how to stop the king
03:20from lying
03:22Then he saw
03:24a jewel in a wheat sack
03:26Birbal thought
03:28about it
03:30and called
03:34and said
03:36Do you see this jewel?
03:38I want it made of gold
03:40Can you do this for me?
03:42Why not, Birbal?
03:44A few days later
03:46Birbal wrote a letter
03:48to the king and the courtiers
03:50for the welfare of the kingdom
03:52and invited them to come to the farm
03:54The king could not refuse
03:56and they reached the place
03:58on time
04:00Tell me, Birbal
04:02Why have you called us here?
04:04Then Birbal took out
04:06a gold jewel from the wheat sack
04:08and said
04:10Do you see this gold jewel?
04:12Our Arab friend
04:14has sent it to us as a gift
04:16It is written in the letter
04:18that this jewel will make
04:20the gold crop
04:24The clever ministers
04:26have lost their minds
04:28Look, we will steal
04:30a few gold jewels
04:32When they grow up
04:34no one will know
04:36Speak softly
04:38The king has heard
04:40So, why have you
04:42invited us here?
04:46he will need your help
04:48What help?
04:50Actually, this jewel
04:52can only be made by
04:54the one who has never lied
04:56So, I thought
04:58why not give this job
05:00to all of you for the welfare
05:02of the kingdom
05:04Besides, all of you
05:06are honest people
05:08and I am a liar
05:10So, I cannot do this
05:14if a liar
05:16steals this jewel
05:18he will lose his head
05:20Oh, so this is the problem
05:22No problem
05:24All the ministers of the court
05:26have never lied
05:28They will come forward
05:30and steal this jewel
05:32Of course, why not
05:34Whoever has never lied
05:36Please come forward
05:38You will not lose your head
05:40After hearing this proposal
05:42all the ministers
05:44stepped back
05:46and bowed their heads
05:48The king was furious
05:52All of you lied to me?
05:54I cannot walk
05:56with my head held high
05:58My king,
06:00let it go
06:02You are honest
06:04You have never lied
06:06How can you say that?
06:08You hate lies
06:10So, why not
06:12give this job to all of us
06:14Akbar got confused
06:16after hearing this
06:18I must have lied
06:20I don't remember
06:22But, I must have lied
06:24to the queen
06:26or to the people
06:28or to Birbal
06:30If I lose my head
06:32then my name
06:34will be erased
06:36from history
06:38What about Birbal?
06:42I cannot do this
06:44because I must have
06:46lied too
06:48See, my king
06:50This is what I was saying
06:52We all lie
06:54to please someone
06:56or for the good of someone
06:58You are right
07:00You are right, Birbal
07:02Everyone laughed
07:04and we learned that
07:06if lying
07:08is good for someone
07:10then it is a good thing
07:12Anger of the moment
07:14In the summer,
07:16the sun was hot
07:18A prince named Kumar
07:20was very happy
07:22The weather was perfect
07:24to dry his clay pots
07:28if something was not right
07:30then it was his fate
07:32because he used to put
07:34adulterated stuff in these pots
07:36which would be very profitable
07:38Wow, this time
07:40the adulterated pots are dry
07:42No one will suspect
07:44any fraud in this
07:46Hoping for a profit,
07:48he went inside his house
07:50That evening,
07:52his neighbor,
07:54a washer named Mahi
07:58he fell down
08:00in a pot
08:02and fell down
08:04on the clay pots
08:06because of which
08:08all the pots broke
08:10Hearing this,
08:12the prince came running
08:14and was shocked
08:16What have you done?
08:18Such a big loss!
08:20The washer was worried
08:22about this accident
08:24and he immediately
08:26apologized to the prince
08:28Forgive me, prince
08:30This was just an accident
08:32I didn't do it on purpose
08:34Don't lie, Mahi
08:36You are jealous of my success
08:38That's why you did this
08:40Do you even know
08:42how much you have
08:44ruined my life?
08:46I apologize again
08:48I can't prove my innocence
08:50but I can definitely
08:52pay you back
08:54And then,
08:56the washer opened
08:58his closet
09:00which contained some gold coins
09:02Seeing so much gold,
09:04the prince's eyes turned red
09:06The washer picked up
09:08some coins and went to the prince
09:10Here you are
09:12This is the price of your broken pots
09:14I hope this will
09:16make up for your loss
09:18I apologize again
09:20I will take good care of you
09:22The washer left quietly
09:24but the prince's jealousy
09:26had reached its peak
09:28He couldn't see anyone
09:30move ahead of him
09:32That's why he decided
09:34to make the washer fall
09:36and made a clever move
09:38The next day,
09:40the prince asked the king
09:42to meet him
09:44and said to him
09:46Your majesty,
09:48I am very happy to see you
09:50I think I will have
09:52a good day today
09:54The king was delighted
09:56and asked the prince
09:58to keep his word
10:00Your majesty,
10:02a friend of mine
10:04has just returned
10:06from Angola
10:08He liked his kingdom
10:12But what?
10:14Tell me without hesitation
10:16He was actually saying
10:18that the elephants of his kingdom
10:20are milky white
10:22whereas the elephants
10:24of our kingdom are
10:26extremely black and dirty
10:28The people of this beautiful kingdom
10:30were surprised
10:32and the king also started
10:34scratching his head
10:36How is this possible?
10:38I have never heard such a thing
10:40No, your majesty
10:42Even I couldn't believe it
10:44When I inquired about
10:46the milky white elephants
10:48it turned out to be true
10:50You must have heard about
10:52the Aravat
10:54Akbar thought there was
10:56something wrong
10:58but still he wanted to
11:00experience it
11:02That's why he encouraged
11:04the prince and said
11:06Go and send a message
11:08to all the washermen
11:10of our kingdom
11:12Your majesty,
11:14all the washermen
11:16will not be needed
11:18I know a hardworking
11:20and a good washerman
11:22He will do this work alone
11:24Okay, send that washerman
11:26to do this work immediately
11:28This is my order
11:30Then what happened?
11:32That poor washerman
11:34was sent to wash the elephants
11:36He followed the order
11:38and started scratching
11:40But he was not ready
11:42to stand in one place
11:44Because of this,
11:46the washerman
11:48had to face a lot of difficulties
11:50Finally, he got tired
11:52and sat there
11:54and started crying
11:56But at that time
11:58he saw Birbal
12:00walking in the courtyard
12:02and he called out to him
12:04King Birbal, help me
12:06Mahi, what are you doing here
12:08Mahi told Birbal everything
12:10in detail
12:12After hearing this,
12:14Birbal laughed
12:16So, you are the washerman
12:18whom the prince recommended
12:20Birbal told the washerman
12:22everything that happened
12:24in the court
12:26The washerman was shocked
12:28and said
12:30I think the prince
12:32wants to take revenge
12:34Then the washerman
12:36mentioned the elephant incident
12:38After listening to this,
12:40Birbal realized that
12:42this is not about the white elephant
12:44but something black in the daal
12:46And he said
12:48You do one thing
12:50Go and tell the king
12:52that the elephant is not ready
12:54to stand in one place
12:56So, why not make a big pot
12:58in which the elephant
13:00can be easily washed
13:02And for this work,
13:04you recommend the prince
13:06and leave the rest
13:08to me
13:10As per the plan,
13:12the prince was assigned
13:14to make a big pot
13:16With great difficulty,
13:18he made the pot
13:20in two days
13:22Everyone was eager to see him
13:24and reached there
13:26for Birbal
13:28At the same time,
13:30the washerman told the elephant
13:32But as soon as the elephant
13:34puts his foot in the pot,
13:36the pot breaks
13:38and breaks
13:40King Akbar gets very angry
13:42What is this?
13:44Such a weak pot?
13:46There must be something wrong
13:48Actually, your highness,
13:50it is natural that
13:52the pot will not bear
13:54such a heavy weight
13:56Who told you this?
13:58I spoke to the king of Timbuktu yesterday
14:00The elephants of Timbuktu
14:02bathe in such pots
14:04They do not break
14:06Do one thing,
14:08try again
14:10and keep making
14:12until the elephant
14:14can bear the weight
14:16Listening to this,
14:18the prince had no choice
14:20but to accept his mistake
14:22And he was immediately
14:24embarrassed and said
14:26Forgive me, your highness
14:28I said this to the king
14:30out of jealousy
14:32Please forgive me
14:34I knew this
14:36But since you are
14:38the son of my friend,
14:40I wanted to give you
14:42a chance to correct your mistake
14:44It is a good thing
14:46that you realized your mistake
14:48On this, Birbal said
14:50The elephant did not turn white
14:52but the prince's mind
14:54became clear
14:56So we learned
14:58that we should not
15:00work with jealousy
15:02but with humanity
15:04What is the biggest thing
15:06in the world?
15:08The soft sunlight of the morning
15:10was shining on the windows of the court
15:12But on the faces of the courtiers
15:14there were clouds of silence
15:16The reason for this was
15:18the absence of the king's
15:20beloved Birbal from the court
15:22Without whom the king
15:24would never start the court
15:26After waiting for a while
15:28all the ministers
15:30finally lost their minds
15:32And one of them,
15:34a clever minister
15:36asked the king a question
15:38He asked
15:40Forgive me, your highness
15:42If you permit
15:44shall we start the proceedings
15:46of the court?
15:48Because there is no point
15:50in waiting for Birbal
15:52Till the time Birbal does not come
15:54there is no question
15:56of starting the proceedings
15:58Hearing this, all the ministers
16:00of the court were shocked
16:02And the clever minister said
16:04King Akbar, why do you
16:06always trust Birbal?
16:08Give us a chance to decide
16:10I claim that
16:12we will be more intelligent,
16:14trustworthy and better
16:16than Birbal
16:18The king immediately
16:20felt jealous of the ministers
16:22But he felt that
16:24the questions of the ministers
16:26were justified
16:28and he decided to solve it
16:30and said
16:32Okay, I give you a chance
16:34I will ask you all
16:36a question
16:38If you all
16:40can answer it
16:42I will never wait
16:44for Birbal
16:46And I will give priority
16:48to Birbal
16:50Hearing this, all the ministers
16:52were overjoyed
16:54But the king's wish
16:56was not fulfilled
17:00But what, King Akbar?
17:02But if you are not able
17:04to answer the question
17:06then all of you will be
17:08dismissed from the court
17:10for three months without salary
17:12Say, do you agree?
17:14Hearing this, all the ministers
17:16had a chance to prove themselves
17:18better than Birbal
17:20in the eyes of the king
17:22So, for the sake of respect
17:24they accepted this challenge
17:26And all the ministers
17:28agreed to the king's words
17:30by gesturing to each other
17:32Yes, Your Majesty
17:34We accept your condition
17:36You ask a question
17:38We will answer immediately
17:40With such curiosity, Akbar
17:42asked all the ministers
17:44So, tell me
17:46What is the biggest thing
17:48in this world?
17:50Use your brain
17:52We will give you time till evening
17:54Answer us
17:56Otherwise, you will be dismissed
18:00Hearing this, King Akbar
18:02got up from the throne
18:04and went out of the court
18:06Then he stopped suddenly
18:08and turned to the ministers
18:10By the way, if Birbal was here
18:12he would not have taken
18:14even a day's time
18:16Hearing this, all the ministers
18:18were enraged
18:20And the wise minister said
18:22King Akbar has put us
18:24in a big problem
18:26It is very difficult
18:28to find this big thing
18:30Now we will have to use our brains
18:32Now the world is so big
18:34What can be bigger than this?
18:36I think
18:38You keep quiet
18:40Your arrogance
18:42has brought us down
18:44Oh wow!
18:46It has been half a day
18:48and it is time for the sun to set
18:50Every tired minister
18:54I don't think
18:56we have the answer
18:58to this question
19:00If we all want to save our jobs
19:02then there is only one way
19:04Make a drink of your arrogance
19:06and drink it
19:08and go to Birbal
19:10You are right
19:12Now the question is not only about
19:14the big thing
19:16but also about our stomach
19:18So let's go
19:20Then what happened?
19:22All the ministers agreed
19:24and they went to Birbal's house
19:26As soon as they reached
19:28Birbal's house
19:30all the ministers were shouting
19:32and telling him
19:34Then Birbal said
19:36Why are you all so eager
19:38when someone is after you
19:40to kill you?
19:42Speak one by one
19:44Only then I will be able to understand
19:46and only then the problem
19:48will be solved
19:50Everyone became quiet
19:52and a minister explained
19:54everything to Birbal in detail
19:56on which Birbal said
20:00King Akbar never asks
20:02such interesting questions
20:04You give me time till tomorrow
20:06No, no
20:08The king has given us time
20:10till sunset
20:12Otherwise we will have to
20:14spend three months without salary
20:16Think fast Birbal
20:18We need you very much
20:20We are ready to do
20:22whatever you say
20:24Just save us from this
20:26Yes, yes
20:28Please help us
20:30Look at this
20:32Birbal got up and said
20:34Okay, now do as I say
20:36Do you see that palanquin?
20:38Birbal told his story
20:40and sat in that palanquin
20:42and asked four ministers
20:44to lift him
20:46One minister said
20:48Hold my shawl
20:50and one minister said
20:52Hold my slippers
20:54and one minister said
20:56Put flowers on me
20:58as soon as we reach the court
21:00King Akbar followed Birbal's order
21:02and reached the court
21:04with Birbal's palanquin
21:08What is all this, Birbal?
21:10King, this is the answer to your question
21:12What do you mean?
21:14This palanquin does not seem
21:16to be the biggest thing in the world
21:18Yes, King, it does not seem
21:20to be the biggest thing in the world
21:22because it is connected to our nature
21:24and that thing is needed
21:26Listen, all the courtiers
21:28and ministers were shocked
21:30and the clever minister
21:32said angrily
21:34What kind of joke is this?
21:36How can the need be big?
21:38It cannot be measured
21:40You are right
21:42That is why need is the biggest thing
21:44because it is infinite
21:46and it can make anyone small
21:48Look at your own example
21:50Till yesterday you hated me
21:52but today because of your need
21:54you lifted me on your shoulders
21:56which has never been possible
21:58till date
22:00So, need is the biggest thing
22:02Hearing this, all the ministers
22:04were speechless
22:06King Akbar could not stop
22:08his smile from turning into laughter
22:10Seeing this, all the ministers
22:12bowed their heads in shame
22:14and Birbal again
22:16with his cleverness
22:18solved a big riddle
22:20and taught us that
22:22it is not good to be jealous
22:24of someone's ability
22:26Who knows,
22:28when, where and how
22:30we will need that person
22:32Who is the real thief?
22:34One night,
22:36a gold trader named Sonsen
22:38was passing through the jungle
22:40with a bag of money
22:42and his feet were covered
22:44with it
22:46The reason for his fear
22:48was not a lion or a leopard
22:50but a theft in the kingdom
22:54the trader bumped into
22:56a person
22:58and his bag of money
23:00fell on the ground
23:02and all the gold coins
23:04scattered here and there
23:06The second person
23:08was surprised to see
23:10so many coins
23:12and immediately started
23:14helping the trader
23:16to collect the coins
23:18and asked him
23:20I am not a lion,
23:22I am a thief.
23:24In this kingdom,
23:26there are many thefts
23:28and it is dangerous
23:30to keep so much money with you
23:32But who are you?
23:34Are you a thief?
23:36No, no,
23:38if I was a thief,
23:40I would have run away
23:42with your money long ago
23:44I am just a traveler
23:46who is looking for a shelter
23:48I am looking for a shelter
23:50What do you mean?
23:52I mean, I will drop you
23:54at your shelter
23:56The trader thought a lot
23:58about it
24:00but there was no other way
24:02The trader thought
24:04it was right to take this risk
24:06and asked the traveler
24:08to come with him
24:10The traveler kept
24:12looking around
24:14thinking that
24:16he had reached the house
24:18of a safe trader
24:20where two soldiers
24:22were already guarding
24:24The trader saw his house
24:26and the soldiers
24:28and felt relieved
24:30and thought
24:32it was good
24:34that this stranger
24:36was not a thief
24:38but a good man
24:40Then the traveler said
24:42Your destination is here
24:44Do one thing
24:46Stay here tonight
24:48You helped me a lot
24:50Now give me a chance to serve
24:52The traveler was very happy
24:54and accepted the invitation
24:56of the trader
25:00The traveler and the trader
25:02were entering the house
25:04when they saw
25:06Akbar's commander
25:08The trader called him
25:10and asked
25:14I asked you to arrange
25:16the new soldiers
25:18Did it happen or not?
25:20Yes sir!
25:22They are your new soldiers
25:24Don't worry
25:26We will find the thieves
25:28You don't worry
25:30Very good!
25:32The traveler and the trader
25:34were entering the house
25:36when a coin fell
25:38and reached
25:40The trader told the traveler
25:42about his house
25:44and told him
25:48Take care of your things
25:50The thief is still out there
25:52Keeping this in mind
25:54the traveler went
25:56into the room
25:58But as soon as he entered
26:00he felt very hot
26:02That's why
26:04he opened the window
26:06where fresh air
26:10Now I won't feel hot
26:12Saying this
26:14he went to sleep
26:16and lost in deep sleep
26:18due to exhaustion
26:20After some time
26:22he came back
26:24with his legs trapped
26:26in the window
26:28He was about to leave
26:30the room
26:32when the traveler
26:34grabbed his leg
26:36When the thief
26:38turned around
26:40the traveler was surprised
26:42and said
26:46You are the new soldier
26:48Yes I am!
26:50Now let me go
26:52or the consequences will be bad
26:54Don't you feel ashamed?
26:56You are a security guard
26:58and you are stealing
27:02Let me go
27:04I will pay you
27:06I don't want any share
27:08Let's go
27:10I will take you to the trader
27:12The traveler pulled him
27:14and brought him
27:16to the center of the house
27:18In the meantime
27:20the soldier threw a sack
27:22of coins on the traveler
27:24and grabbed his hand
27:26and started shouting loudly
27:28All the servants of the house
27:30gathered there
27:32What is going on here?
27:34Why did you grab our guest
27:36like this?
27:38Sir, he has stolen
27:40No sir, he is lying
27:42In fact, he is the thief
27:44Look sir, he is holding
27:46the same sack
27:48which you brought today
27:50Moreover, the windows
27:52and doors of his room
27:54are open
27:56He was about to leave
27:58when I grabbed him
28:00The trader got very angry
28:02and said
28:04What? So, he is the thief?
28:06It means
28:08he was just pretending to help
28:10Take him to the court
28:12to be punished
28:14But sir!
28:16The soldier smiled
28:18and pulled the traveler
28:20and took him to the court
28:22where despite the early morning
28:24Emperor Akbar
28:26came to resolve
28:28this problem
28:32As soon as he entered the court
28:34the trader and the traveler
28:36started arguing
28:38Akbar ordered them
28:40to talk peacefully
28:42They were shocked
28:44and started thinking
28:46and said
28:48This is a big problem
28:50But according to the law
28:52you will be given
28:54a chance to prove yourself
28:56And you are very lucky
28:58that the smartest
29:00and most intelligent
29:02minister of my court
29:04has returned after a long leave
29:08Bring Birbal here
29:10at once
29:12After some time
29:14Birbal, tired and sleepy
29:16listened to everything
29:18and was shocked
29:20This is a big problem
29:22Who should we trust?
29:24This time even Birbal
29:26was confused
29:28Then he saw
29:30the gardener's son
29:32playing on the tree
29:34He saw him
29:36and his mind was on fire
29:38He said
29:40I will have to
29:42interrogate both of you
29:44Let's go to the garden
29:46When they were going out
29:48Birbal went to the gardener
29:50and said
29:52Listen to me carefully
29:54I need your help
29:56in solving this puzzle
29:58When I will interrogate
30:00both of them
30:02ask your son to fall
30:04from the mango tree
30:06and pretend to be unconscious
30:08After that
30:10Birbal explained
30:12the whole plan to him
30:14in his ear
30:16When Birbal
30:18started interrogating
30:20the gardener
30:22According to the plan
30:24the gardener's son
30:26jumped from the mango tree
30:28and pretended to be unconscious
30:30The gardener shouted
30:32Help! Help!
30:34Both Birbal and the accused
30:36came running
30:38Birbal saw the child
30:40and said
30:42Oh! He is unconscious
30:46You come with me
30:48Both of them followed
30:50Birbal's order
30:52and carried the child
30:54But the gardener
30:56couldn't control his emotions
30:58and said to the soldier
31:00Listen brother
31:02Why are you accusing me?
31:04Please free me from this problem
31:06Otherwise my life will be ruined
31:08And who will take care
31:10of my blind mother?
31:12Now I can't do anything
31:14When I asked you to take
31:16the mango tree
31:18you didn't listen
31:20You are responsible for this
31:22Now pay for your stupidity
31:24Then the child
31:26opened his eyes
31:28and shouted
31:30I found the thief!
31:32Birbal came running
31:34with some soldiers
31:36and praised the child
31:38Well done, son!
31:40Tell me, what did you hear?
31:42The child said
31:44He heard everything
31:46And the soldier
31:48had offered
31:50half of his share
31:52to support the thief
31:54But the good man
31:56refused to take it
31:58According to him,
32:00the thief is a soldier
32:02Then the soldiers
32:04arrested the thief
32:06and took him to the dungeon
32:08Finally, an innocent man
32:10was saved
32:12The case of theft
32:14was solved
32:16Paratak thanked Birbal
32:18and left happily
32:20So, what do we learn
32:22from this?
32:24The truth never hides
32:26And the result
32:28of bad deeds is bad
32:30There is a similar question
32:32One morning,
32:34the court was buzzing
32:36with laughter
32:38Then an unknown man
32:40came to the court
32:42and spoke to King Akbar
32:46There is so much
32:48excitement in the court
32:50without King Birbal
32:52King Akbar was surprised
32:54and asked
32:56How did you enter
32:58our court without permission?
33:00What is this, King?
33:02Have you forgotten?
33:04We had already informed you
33:06about our arrival
33:08Not our neighbor
33:10but our enemy
33:12We have heard that your king
33:14wants peace from us
33:16That is why we allowed you to come
33:18Tell me, what is your message?
33:20Yes, of course
33:22I have brought a proposal for peace
33:24But there is a condition
33:26of our great king
33:28The rest of the ministers
33:30got angry and started
33:32making fun of each other
33:34Tell me
33:36I have not hidden
33:38my intelligence from anyone
33:40Not even from our kingdom
33:42The minister felt happy
33:44and said
33:48My intelligence has reached
33:50the neighboring country
33:52Were you really so stupid
33:54or had you fallen somewhere
33:56before coming to the court?
33:58What do you mean?
34:00I have been smart since childhood
34:02I know everything
34:04If you were so smart
34:06then you would have understood
34:08We are not talking about you
34:10but Birbal
34:14If you both are done
34:16with your stupidity
34:18then let us come to the point
34:20What is the condition
34:22of your enemy king?
34:24The thing is that
34:26your dear Birbal's intelligence
34:28is flying far away
34:30Then the news reached our kingdom
34:32that in all the kingdoms
34:34our courtier, especially me
34:36is the most intelligent
34:38That is why they sent me
34:40to challenge Birbal
34:42and to give you a proposal for peace
34:44Okay, okay
34:46Now tell me what is the condition
34:48The condition is easy
34:50I will ask Birbal some questions
34:52If he answers them
34:54then we will never attack your kingdom
34:56And if he is not able to pass this challenge
34:58then you will have to
35:00give up your weapons
35:02and accept defeat
35:04Akbar was shocked
35:06when he heard this
35:08He knew that
35:10it is very dangerous to
35:12lose your life in a war
35:14And anyway, the neighboring kingdom
35:16was very powerful
35:18It would be wise not to
35:20go to war with them
35:22Then he said
35:24We accept your challenge
35:26Present Birbal
35:28And the enemy chief minister
35:30started laughing
35:32When the soldiers reached
35:34Birbal's house
35:36Birbal was taking a bath
35:38The soldiers asked Birbal's wife
35:40How long will it take for Birbal to come?
35:42The thing is that
35:44the king has ordered him
35:46to come to the court
35:48So what?
35:50King Akbar has ordered
35:52but he has not come out yet
35:54I am tired of his
35:56What should I do?
35:58Tell me
36:00I have to make tea four times
36:02but he does not come out
36:04You either break the door
36:06and take him out
36:08or tell king Akbar
36:10that it will take him three more hours
36:12to get ready
36:14The soldiers were shocked
36:16when they heard Birbal's wife
36:18They were going back
36:20when Birbal called them
36:24Do not listen to my wife
36:26It is her habit
36:28to exaggerate things
36:30I never take three hours
36:32to get ready
36:34Just two and a half hours
36:36is enough
36:38Now let's go
36:40As soon as they reached the court
36:42Birbal saw that the atmosphere
36:44was very heated
36:46and a stranger was standing there
36:48He respectfully asked the king
36:50Your majesty
36:52Do you have any special reason
36:54to meet me?
36:56King Akbar explained everything
36:58to Birbal
37:00and Birbal started sweating
37:02Finally, it was the question
37:04of the future of the kingdom
37:06whose destruction or happiness
37:08depended on Birbal's intelligence
37:10So Birbal,
37:12I have complete faith
37:14in your intelligence
37:16You can definitely stop the war
37:18which will save many lives
37:22King Akbar, I don't think
37:24Birbal is worthy of this challenge
37:26Instead of being humiliated
37:28we should jump into the war
37:30No, we know Birbal very well
37:32He can win over anything
37:34without taking up arms
37:36Seeing the king's confidence
37:38Birbal's eyes were wet
37:40and he accepted
37:42the challenge
37:44and told the enemy minister
37:46Tell me, what is the question?
37:48First of all, tell me
37:50Do you want to answer
37:52one difficult question
37:54or 100 easy questions?
37:56Birbal thought for a moment
37:58and said
38:00I would like to answer
38:02a difficult question
38:04What is this stupidity, Birbal?
38:06You will be humiliated
38:08Actually, I have promised
38:10my wife to take me to the market
38:12in the evening
38:14It will be night by the time
38:16I don't know whether
38:18the kingdom will be saved or not
38:20I will definitely not be saved
38:22Everyone laughed
38:24and the atmosphere of the court
38:26became a little cool
38:28Very good!
38:30So tell me, did the hen come first
38:32or the egg?
38:34The whole court was lost in thought
38:36But Birbal replied immediately
38:38Yes, the hen came first
38:40The enemy minister asked
38:42How is that?
38:44I am sorry, but as per the challenge
38:46you had promised
38:48to ask only one question
38:50and I answered it
38:52So, I will not be able
38:54to answer your next question
38:56Hearing this swift reply
38:58the chief minister
39:00bowed his head in shame
39:02and the whole court was shocked
39:04Once again, Birbal
39:06saved the kingdom
39:08from a big problem
39:10due to his quick response
39:12Everyone was proud of Birbal
39:14and started praising him
39:16The chief minister
39:18was also happy with Birbal
39:20and hugged him
39:22So, what did we learn?
39:24That the presence of the mind
39:26helps to solve
39:28complex problems
