Akbar Birbal Ki Kahani - Birbal's Intelligence Story 33

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Akbar Birbal Ki Kahani - Birbal's Intelligence Story 33


00:00Who will be the Prime Minister?
00:02One day, there was a ruckus in the court.
00:06The Prime Minister had to go on a one-month leave for some personal reason.
00:12It's been 30 years since we got married,
00:14but you still haven't taken me out.
00:17No excuses this time.
00:19Take me on a one-month trip to Europe.
00:22Otherwise, I'll go to my parents' house.
00:26Who will be the Prime Minister?
00:31There was a ruckus in the court.
00:34After a long debate, two names came to the fore.
00:38The Chief Minister aka Shatir Minister
00:41and our dear Birbal, who hadn't come to the court yet.
00:46Did you see that, Your Majesty?
00:48As usual, Birbal will be late again.
00:51Is it right to make such an irresponsible man the Chief Minister?
00:57You are right.
00:59But Birbal might be busy with some important work.
01:06What could be more important than serving the kingdom?
01:09I suggest you make me the Prime Minister for a month.
01:14And see how I take this kingdom to new heights.
01:19I can't take this decision.
01:21You and Birbal are equal in number.
01:26So, there's only one way left.
01:28Which way, Your Majesty?
01:31The King took a piece of paper and started writing something on it.
01:37He put the paper in a envelope and said,
01:40I have written this letter to the King of Jhumri Talaiya
01:45and my dear friend, King Jhumru Jhumru.
01:50Go there with Birbal and give him this letter
01:54and tell him to do whatever is written on it.
01:58That will decide who will be the next Prime Minister of the kingdom.
02:02But Your Majesty, how can the King of the neighboring kingdom
02:07decide who will be the Prime Minister of our kingdom?
02:10You will know that when you go there.
02:13Get ready for the difficult test.
02:16The wise Prime Minister got scared.
02:19But he left quietly as there was no other way.
02:24And after some time, Birbal and the wise Prime Minister
02:28came to the King of Jhumri Talaiya, Jhumru Jhumru.
02:32They both greeted the King as soon as they reached there.
02:35They handed over the King's letter to him and said
02:38that they have to do what is written in the letter.
02:41The King's eyes were wide open as soon as he read the letter.
02:45What is this?
02:47It is written that both the people standing in front of him
02:50should be put in Tommy's cage.
02:53All the people standing in the court got scared.
02:57Birbal was surprised and the wise Prime Minister
03:00burst out laughing.
03:03What kind of joke has the King played with us?
03:07What will be the use of putting us in a dog's cage?
03:11Call Tommy.
03:12Let us also see what kind of a person Tommy is.
03:15You can see for yourself.
03:22This is our bloodthirsty and brave lion, Tommy.
03:27What? How is this possible?
03:30I am sure you must have made a mistake in reading it.
03:33Please forgive me, Your Majesty.
03:34But can I see that letter once?
03:37King Jhumru handed over the letter to Birbal.
03:40Even Birbal was shocked when he read it.
03:43He said,
03:44Who gives such a big punishment for coming late?
03:48But I always come on time.
03:52I also stay for a long time.
03:54Then why am I getting this punishment?
03:56Hearing this, the King said,
03:59I do not know all this.
04:01If this is the order of King Akbar,
04:04then I will have to follow it.
04:07Soldiers, after sunset today,
04:11make arrangements to put both of them in Tommy's cage.
04:16And they should not escape anywhere.
04:17So, tie them in the dungeon till then.
04:22Then what happened?
04:23As per King Jhumru,
04:25Birbal and the wise Prime Minister were put in the dungeon.
04:28But how could they be at peace there?
04:31After all, it was a question of their life today.
04:34Moreover, even Birbal was not able to think of any solution today.
04:39Even he had accepted his bad luck.
04:43What has happened, Birbal?
04:45We had gone to become the Prime Minister.
04:47And we are being fed by a hungry lion.
04:50We did not think that this will be the end of our life.
04:53This is all your fault, Birbal.
04:56If you had come on time,
04:57then perhaps we would not have to see this day today.
05:00Now, my last wish is that they put you in the cage first.
05:05So that I can see Tommy hunting you.
05:08And my soul should get salvation.
05:10Hearing this, Birbal's mind lit up.
05:13And he said happily,
05:15Wow! What a great thing you said, Prime Minister.
05:19We have found a solution to get rid of this problem.
05:22How is that?
05:24Now listen to me carefully.
05:26As soon as we go near the cage,
05:28you have to say this.
05:30Birbal explained the whole plan to the wise minister.
05:34And with that, the sun also set.
05:38Both of them were tied up like prisoners and brought in front of the lion's cage.
05:43Hearing the roar of the hungry lion, the whole scene was shocked.
05:46But Birbal calmly said,
05:49Thank you, King Akbar, for considering me worthy of this.
05:53Come on, put me in this cage first.
05:56Wow! How can I put you in this cage?
05:59First of all, put me in the cage.
06:02No, put me in the cage.
06:04No, I will go.
06:05Hearing this, everyone was shocked.
06:08And the king asked,
06:10What is this? Why are you both so eager to be eaten first?
06:16Actually, the thing is that...
06:18Don't tell me, Birbal. Otherwise, everything will be messed up.
06:21Let me tell you, Prime Minister.
06:23I can do anything to become the king of this kingdom.
06:27Hearing this, King Jhumroo was shocked.
06:29And he asked,
06:31What do you mean by the king of this kingdom?
06:33Tell us clearly. Otherwise, the outcome will be even worse.
06:38Actually, the thing is that...
06:40Yesterday evening, a very wise astrologer came to our kingdom.
06:45And he saw the horoscope of both of them and said,
06:48In the next life, both of us are destined to be kings.
06:53But the problem was that we can only become the king of the kingdom
06:57where our lives will be lost.
06:59And King Akbar does not want anyone other than his clan
07:04to sit on his throne.
07:06That is why he sent us here.
07:10Hearing this, King Jhumroo slipped from his throne.
07:14But now, neither of us can become the king.
07:17So, whoever goes first can become the king.
07:22King Jhumroo immediately got up from his throne and said,
07:25What? So, this is the matter.
07:28We did not expect this from King Akbar.
07:31We release both of you right now.
07:34And announce the war against the Mughals.
07:38And then, King Akbar, who was hiding there and watching everything,
07:43suddenly appeared.
07:44Wait, my friend Jhumroo.
07:47It is not what you think.
07:51Actually, we did this to find out
07:53who can solve such a difficult problem between the two of them
07:58so that we can make him the interim prime minister.
08:02And as we thought, Birbal is only suitable for this post.
08:07All the people started clapping.
08:09And Birbal bowed down and greeted everyone.
08:12But King, if Birbal had not lost his mind
08:16and you had not come on time, what would have happened?
08:20You can ask Tommy about that.
08:28Everyone laughed at this sight.
08:30And we learnt that if you want something big in life,
08:36you should have the courage to overcome big challenges.
08:41Deceiving is not good for anyone.
08:45Like every day, there was a meeting going on in the court
08:48where King Akbar and his ministers were discussing
08:53an important topic.
08:55And at that moment,
08:56a poor farmer's soldier was trapped inside.
09:01And he pleaded with the king to help him.
09:06The king was shocked by the farmer's action.
09:09And said in anger,
09:10What is the matter that you have made so much noise?
09:14Don't you know?
09:15At this time, we are discussing state affairs with the ministers.
09:19King, please forgive me.
09:22My problem is such that I am getting restless.
09:26The king thought for a while and said,
09:29Okay, tell me what is the matter?
09:31But if your problem is useless,
09:34then you will be imprisoned for disturbing the assembly.
09:39That poor farmer thanked the king and said,
09:43King, actually, I have been deceived.
09:48The king was shocked to hear this.
09:50And asked the poor farmer to tell his problem in detail.
09:55Then the poor farmer told the assembly
09:57that a few days ago,
09:58he was facing a lot of difficulty in farming due to lack of water.
10:02So, he decided to buy a well from a rich man in the village.
10:08The next day,
10:09that poor farmer took all his savings and went to that rich man.
10:14And even though he was poor,
10:16he bought that well in a big amount.
10:20Hearing this, the king asked,
10:22So, what is the problem?
10:25Then the poor farmer told the king that
10:27the problem is that when he went to get water from the well,
10:31that rich man stopped him and said,
10:35You cannot get water from this well.
10:38The farmer was shocked to hear this.
10:41Why can't I get water from this well?
10:43I have spent all my money to buy this well.
10:47The rich man said,
10:49You have only bought the well from me,
10:51not the water from the well.
10:53If you want the water from this well,
10:55then you will have to pay for the water as well.
10:58Hearing this, the assembly was in a mess.
11:01And the king was in a dilemma.
11:06The farmer started crying and said,
11:10Your Majesty, I am a farmer.
11:13I had bought a well for my farm
11:16by mortgaging my wife's jewellery.
11:19Now if I have to buy water,
11:21then I will have to mortgage myself, Your Majesty.
11:23Akbar was very worried and said,
11:26Now only one person can solve this problem.
11:33Hearing this, Birbal was in a dilemma.
11:36He started thinking that this is a very strange problem.
11:41Something that I have never heard or seen.
11:45How can this problem be solved?
11:48Seeing Birbal in such a dilemma,
11:51a clever minister of the court asked the king,
11:54What if Birbal does not find a solution to this problem?
11:59If that happens,
12:00then I will dismiss Birbal from the advisory post.
12:10The next moment,
12:11Birbal and Akbar set out to solve the problem.
12:15After walking for a while,
12:17they reached the well.
12:19A rich man was sitting right next to the well
12:22and counting money.
12:24Birbal went to him and greeted him.
12:28But that arrogant rich man was blinded by Birbal
12:31and was busy counting money.
12:33Then Birbal tried again.
12:36I said, Namaste.
12:38What do you want?
12:39Birbal pointed at the farmer and said,
12:43Why do you refuse to take water from the well
12:46that you have bought for this farmer?
12:49Ask that good man to pay for the water in the well.
12:54Repeat what you said to the farmer.
12:59That the farmer has only bought the well from me,
13:02not the water in the well.
13:04Listen to what Birbal said.
13:06I agree with you.
13:08That water is yours and the well is of this farmer.
13:12Then take all the water out of the well
13:15or pay the rent to keep the water in the well.
13:18The farmer was surprised to hear this.
13:21And the rich man asked Birbal,
13:25What do you mean?
13:26I mean, the well is of the farmer.
13:29So, legally, the farmer has all the rights to the well.
13:33The water in the well is yours.
13:35So, take the water out of the well
13:38or pay the rent to keep the water in the well
13:41to the new owner of the well, that is, this poor farmer.
13:44The rich man was surprised to hear this.
13:47And he looked down in shame.
13:50Then Birbal ordered the soldiers to arrest the rich man
13:55for deceiving him.
13:57The rich man sat on his knees and cried a lot.
14:01But such a mistake is not worthy of forgiveness.
14:03So, friends, what did we learn from this?
14:06That do not try to deceive people.
14:10Because you will have to pay the price for it.
14:14Whatever happens, happens for good.
14:18One afternoon, King Akbar and his favorite minister
14:22were eating Birbal's food.
14:25And they were discussing about the bloodthirsty,
14:27cruel tribal people in the jungle.
14:30Then the king felt like eating something sweet.
14:34And he looked at the basket of fruits in front of him.
14:37While discussing, he extended his hand towards an apple.
14:41And then he accidentally cut his finger
14:44with the sharp edge of the knife.
14:47This caused a lot of blood to flow.
14:49The king screamed in pain.
14:53Oh, I cut my finger.
14:56Seeing this, Birbal called out to the soldiers.
15:00Soldiers, bring the physician quickly.
15:03But Akbar could not bear the pain.
15:06Seeing him in so much pain, Birbal consoled him and said,
15:11Do not worry, King.
15:12Whatever happens, happens for good.
15:15This hurt King Akbar very badly.
15:20And he got angry and said,
15:21What? I cut my finger here.
15:25And you are saying,
15:26Whatever happens, happens for good.
15:29The clever minister standing there
15:31thought this was the right opportunity to put him in trouble.
15:35What nonsense are you talking, Birbal?
15:37Do you like the king's pain?
15:40Why didn't my ears burst before hearing this?
15:43Yes, minister. Trust me.
15:46There must be something good hidden in this too.
15:49Stop it, Birbal.
15:51This is the king's mercy.
15:53Despite his insult, you are still standing here.
15:57If it was someone else, he would have pushed you out of here.
16:01You are right, minister.
16:03I have been listening to Birbal's nonsense for many days.
16:08That is why I am expelling him from the court right now.
16:12Do not ever come back here again.
16:16King, I did not want to hurt you.
16:20But I will tell you one thing.
16:22Whatever happens, happens for good.
16:25Saying this, Birbal bowed respectfully and quietly left.
16:30And Akbar just stared at him angrily.
16:33While the clever minister's heart started beating fast.
16:37And he said to himself,
16:39Whatever happens, happens for good.
16:45The next day, the king was going to the neighboring kingdom
16:49with some of his ministers and soldiers through the jungle.
16:52All the people of the group were very scared.
16:56Because this jungle was not only dangerous for the animals,
16:59but it was also infamous for the tribal people
17:02who sacrificed themselves for it.
17:04On that, the king said,
17:06All the ministers should not go far from the jungle.
17:09There are many tribal people in this jungle.
17:12If anyone gets lonely,
17:14he may have to kill himself.
17:18Then suddenly, the middle of the road was filled with cold air.
17:21There was a storm.
17:23Look, all the people of the group stopped there.
17:27This seems to be a storm.
17:30What if we get stuck?
17:31The clever minister thought that
17:34this is not a good opportunity to please the king.
17:39And he said,
17:40Yes, sir.
17:42It seems so.
17:44But we should not be afraid of such small storms.
17:47And we should keep moving forward.
17:49By the way, the neighboring kingdom is not far away.
17:54We must have crossed the jungle before the storm, sir.
17:58You are right.
18:00It is better to face the tribal people here.
18:04Let's face this storm.
18:06Let's move ahead.
18:09But as soon as they moved a few steps away,
18:11the storm came to a full stop.
18:13Because of which all the horses got up in fear.
18:17And they took their riders and started running here and there.
18:20The king's horse also lost its balance and ran away.
18:25And it hit such a place
18:27that even the king who was riding on it did not know about it.
18:31After a while, the storm calmed down.
18:34And the courtiers got up from the state of unconsciousness.
18:37But they flew away again before the ministers regained consciousness.
18:41Because the king was nowhere to be seen.
18:44And the outcome of this could only be very bad.
18:49The evening fell.
18:51And the day began to settle in the darkness.
18:53In some unknown corner of the jungle,
18:55King Akbar woke up from his unconsciousness and slowly opened his eyes.
19:00But as soon as he opened his eyes, he was left shattered.
19:04Because the king found himself surrounded by a tree
19:08and a few dancing tribals.
19:20Look, the king did not take long to understand
19:23that this is not anyone else,
19:25but the same infamous tribal area.
19:29The king was now able to see his end.
19:32And there was no one around to save him,
19:35not even Birbal.
19:43The tribals tied the king like an animal
19:46and brought him in front of the raging fire.
19:50The king understood that he was going to meet his end
19:54and said in a hoarse voice,
19:57Look, let me go.
19:59What have I done to you all?
20:01Then the cruel king of that tribe came to Akbar
20:05and said,
20:07You should have thought about this before coming to our area.
20:13Now you are our prey.
20:16Today you will be sacrificed
20:18and then we will cook you and eat you.
20:22Hearing this, the king was drenched in sweat.
20:25He understood that what will happen now will not be good.
20:29And he accepted his bad luck.
20:33Then the king of the tribals ordered his people,
20:37Soldiers, start the process of sacrifice.
20:41First, examine the body of the prey.
20:45Then a tribal man, like a monkey,
20:48started examining the king's body.
20:52Suddenly, he saw the king's cut finger.
20:56He raised his hand
20:58and started shouting in his language.
21:01Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.
21:04The king of the tribe was shocked.
21:07What? His finger is already cut.
21:10Has the blood already flowed?
21:12This will not be acceptable to our family deity.
21:16Let him go alive from here.
21:19Hearing this, the king could not believe his ears.
21:23He was very happy and said,
21:25Thank you very much.
21:27Do not thank me, but thank this cut finger.
21:31You are lucky.
21:33A small wound saved your life.
21:36Soldiers, go and leave him at his home with respect.
21:40Seeing that finger, the king's eyes were filled with tears of joy.
21:45And he said to himself,
21:48Really, what happened was good.
21:52Thank you, Birbal.
21:54And then the next morning,
21:56the tribal king was left in his kingdom safely.
22:00There was a wave of joy in the court.
22:04The king said,
22:07So this is how we came back alive from there.
22:10Thank you very much, Birbal,
22:13who taught us a very important lesson of life.
22:16You can come back to the palace again, Birbal.
22:19All the courtiers started clapping.
22:22That's when the clever minister Jalan got angry and started leaving.
22:27Suddenly his leg slipped and he fell.
22:31And at that time, the king and Akbar said in one voice,
22:35It's okay, minister.
22:37Whatever happens is for the good.
22:42So what did we learn from this story today?
22:46That in life, good or bad things are always for the good.
22:52There is another answer to this.
22:55One afternoon, there was a Saturday market in the kingdom,
22:59where people were busy buying Maracas every day.
23:03And that's when a loudspeaker brought the king's message.
23:10Listen, listen, listen.
23:12King Akbar's message is that
23:15if any person from the kingdom comes to the court
23:19and reads the mind of the person he has told,
23:24then he will be given 500 gold coins as a reward.
23:31So all those who read their minds,
23:34come to the court today evening.
23:38Listening to this, the astrologers, magicians and other artists
23:42in the crowd could not contain their happiness.
23:46And they left their work and rushed to the court.
23:51Now what did those poor people know that
23:54there they will face very clever courtiers
23:58who can fool anyone.
24:02After a while, a long line of scholars outside the court
24:06and one by one, they went inside
24:09and tried to read the mind of the person
24:12told by the king.
24:15So the chief minister is thinking about eating mangoes right now.
24:20But the ministers of the court are no less.
24:23Taking the advice of these astrologers,
24:26they deliberately do not agree with the answer given by them.
24:31Even if the answer is correct.
24:34Wrong answer!
24:35Leave the food.
24:36I even hate the name of mango.
24:39This process went on for a long time.
24:42But all the ministers rejected everyone's answer.
24:46Seeing this, the king became sad.
24:49And his trust in these scholars began to rise.
24:52Is there no one in our kingdom who can read anyone's mind?
24:58But this amazing challenge not only reached Akbar's kingdom,
25:02but also spread to all the neighboring kingdoms.
25:06Because of this, a world-famous and very poor astrologer
25:12of the Delhi kingdom, Acharya Manpadkar,
25:14set out for King Akbar's kingdom.
25:17He had as much faith in his knowledge
25:20as he had in the sun.
25:23But on the way, he met an old friend
25:27who told him how the courtiers
25:30cleverly did not agree with what he said.
25:34Hearing this, Acharya Manpadkar lost his mind.
25:39That's when he thought,
25:41why not discuss this problem with Birbal once before going to the court.
25:48Then, after a while, he reached Birbal's house.
25:52Greetings, King Birbal.
25:54I am Acharya Manpadkar.
25:57I have come here to accept the challenge of reading the king's mind.
26:01Greetings, Acharya.
26:03But how did you come here instead of the palace?
26:05Did you read the wrong address?
26:08Acharya explained everything to Birbal.
26:11Hearing this, Birbal was a little hesitant.
26:14And he started thinking about it.
26:17Seeing this, Acharya said,
26:19Why, King Birbal?
26:21You must be thinking that
26:23what if the courtiers really do not agree?
26:28Hearing this, Birbal was shocked.
26:32And he believed Acharya's talent.
26:35Wow, Acharya.
26:36I agree.
26:37Your talent is amazing.
26:40Thank you, King Birbal.
26:42Now you tell me,
26:43how do I prove myself in the court
26:47so that my art and mine are respected?
26:52Birbal thought about it.
26:55And then a solution came to his mind.
26:59He was about to tell Acharya.
27:02In the meantime, he smiled and said,
27:06Let it be.
27:08I have heard everything.
27:09Hearing this, Birbal started laughing.
27:12And Acharya left for the court.
27:16As soon as he reached the court,
27:18Acharya greeted the king.
27:20And introduced himself.
27:22I have heard a lot about you, Acharya.
27:26So tell me,
27:27can you read the mind of one of my ministers?
27:31Why just one?
27:33If you say,
27:34I can read the mind of all your courtiers at once.
27:38Seeing Acharya's great self-confidence,
27:42the king was surprised.
27:44And he decided to make this challenge more difficult.
27:48I see.
27:50All right.
27:52You tell me what is going on in the minds of all the ministers.
27:57But if you are wrong,
28:00then you will be put in the dungeon for the rest of your life.
28:05So tell me, Acharya,
28:07do you accept the challenge?
28:09Acharya immediately said,
28:11I accept the challenge.
28:13All right.
28:14So tell me,
28:15what are my courtiers thinking right now?
28:18Acharya looked at everyone and said,
28:22All the ministers are thinking about the king's skills,
28:27good health,
28:28and wealth and prosperity for the kingdom.
28:32Right, courtiers?
28:33Am I right?
28:34If no one thinks about the king,
28:37then tell me.
28:38I will quietly go to the dungeon.
28:42Hearing this, all the courtiers were confused.
28:46Now how can we ignore Acharya's words?
28:49It will prove that they do not think well of the king and the kingdom.
28:55That's why everyone said in one voice,
29:02Hearing this, the king was very happy.
29:05And he announced to Acharya that
29:07he will give 1000 gold coins instead of 500.
29:12And we learned that
29:14the right skill gets the right price.
29:21Difficult Puzzles
29:23One day, a proud Englishman came to the court.
29:27And he stood in front of the king.
29:31Everyone was shocked to see him.
29:33And the chief minister immediately stood up and said,
29:37Don't these Englishmen know
29:39that they should bow down and greet the king?
29:42It seems they have forgotten their manners at home.
29:45Hearing this, the Englishman said,
29:47You don't teach us what is right and what is wrong.
29:51We just bow down and greet the one
29:54whom we think is better than us.
29:58Thank God, our guests are respected here.
30:03Otherwise, you would have been punished for your misbehavior.
30:08Your Majesty, if you punish me,
30:12then our queen will get a big reason to attack this kingdom.
30:21And I hope you will reach our power.
30:25Those who have modern weapons will not want to fight with them.
30:31Don't threaten us with war.
30:34Come to the battlefield.
30:36Let's see how strong it is.
30:39We have come here for that.
30:42What do you mean?
30:43I mean, more power than weapons is in intelligence.
30:49And we want to see
30:52whether the people of your kingdom are smarter than us or not.
30:57And how will you prove that?
31:00It is very easy.
31:02You just have to solve my two riddles.
31:07And what if I solve them?
31:09If you solve our riddles,
31:13then the queen will come and salute your skills.
31:18But if you don't solve the riddles,
31:22then you will have to pay us three times more every month.
31:27Hearing this, the whole court was in a hurry.
31:31And the king was in a dilemma.
31:34So tell me, do you accept the condition or not?
31:38And at that time, Birbal, sitting there, stood up and said,
31:42I accept this condition.
31:45What are you saying, Birbal?
31:47Why should we listen to these Britishers?
31:50Are we afraid of them?
31:52It's not about fear, Mr. Chief Minister.
31:55It's about self-respect.
31:57The punishment for his insolence in front of King Akbar
32:02will be that he salutes the people of the district.
32:06Only then will our self-respect win.
32:09Your Majesty, trust me.
32:12I will solve their riddles.
32:14And what if you can't solve them?
32:16Then you will have to pay us three times more every month.
32:20We have no other choice, Mr. Chief Minister.
32:23Your Majesty, please allow us.
32:26Permission granted.
32:28Very good.
32:30So my first riddle is that I am everywhere.
32:35But no one can tell me where I am.
32:40I roam in every corner of the world.
32:44I can go to places where no one else can reach.
32:49My voice is limitless.
32:52I can even roam in the sky.
32:55Water and earth also tremble at my presence.
33:00If I want, I can even pick up a big tree.
33:05No one can catch me.
33:08No one can even see me.
33:12Still, I am everywhere in the world.
33:15Now tell me, where am I?
33:18You have asked a very easy riddle.
33:22The answer is air, which is everywhere.
33:26It destroys things in storms.
33:28Still, it is a medicine for the world.
33:31Marhaba! Marhaba!
33:33Hearing Birbal's quick answer,
33:37the Englishman understood that he would have to make the riddle more difficult.
33:42And he said,
33:43Okay. Now tell me, where am I?
33:48My voice is limitless.
33:52No one can catch me.
33:55I am everywhere in the world.
33:58Now tell me, where am I?
34:01This time, Birbal also thought about it.
34:05And the Englishman smiled.
34:08King Akbar and the courtiers felt that now they would have to pay three times the tax.
34:16Then the clever minister said angrily,
34:19See, I told you, King Akbar,
34:22Birbal will ruin the whole kingdom one day.
34:25His stupid mind has ruined us.
34:28Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
34:33Hearing the clever minister's taunt,
34:36Birbal smiled.
34:39The Englishman was shocked to see him.
34:42Wow, minister! What a great answer!
34:45Dear guest, the answer to your riddle is mind,
34:49which is trapped in our brain.
34:53Its working speed is almost the same as everyone else's.
34:57And through it, someone else rules here.
35:02Hearing this, the Englishman was shocked.
35:05And then he smiled and said,
35:08This answer is correct, your majesty.
35:12I salute you and your people.
35:17See, everyone started clapping.
35:20And the English problem that came to the kingdom was solved for a while.
35:26So, today we learned that,
35:29More than strength, wisdom is the best.
