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00:00Welcome to the chapter Measurement.
00:09This slide presents the overview of the chapter.
00:18Learning Objectives
00:20By the end of this chapter you will be able to
00:25Define what is length?
00:28Define the measuring units of length.
00:32Discuss the conventional methods of measurement.
00:36Discuss the standard instruments to measure length.
00:40Measure the weight of the objects.
00:43Define the units of measuring weight.
00:47Explain how to measure the liquids.
00:51Define the standard measuring unit of liquids.
00:56In this chapter we are going to find the length of objects.
01:02Let us know how to find the length of an object using the free hand.
01:09Let us know what is length?
01:12Length is the dimensional distance of an object.
01:16Generally smaller lengths can be measured in cubits.
01:24Let us see some conventional methods of measurements.
01:27We use the conventional methods such as hand spans and foot spans as cubits.
01:35Example for hand span measurement, we are going to measure the length of the table using
01:41hand span because smaller lengths can be measured easily by using hand span.
01:50Example for foot span measurement, this is similar to hand span, the only difference
01:57is we will measure this using our foot as shown on the screen.
02:03Like measuring the length of the classroom with foot span.
02:09Example for cubit measurement, we are going to measure the length of the string of flowers
02:15in cubit because the length of string of flowers is too small so it can be easily measured
02:22by using cubit.
02:27Now let us perform a simple activity to measure the length of a side of a table using hand
02:39The main objective of this activity is to find the length of the table using hand span.
02:51Select a table in your classroom.
02:55Measure the length of one side of the table with a hand span.
03:06Count the number of hand spans taken to measure one side of a table and note them down.
03:14Ask your friends to repeat the measurement of the same side of the table.
03:34In this activity we observe that the number of hand spans of different people are different
03:41in measuring the side of the same table.
03:51Now let us discuss the various instruments that are used to measure length.
03:58In the earlier session we have seen how to measure the side of a table using hand span.
04:05There are some standard instruments to measure the length of objects.
04:11They are scale, tape.
04:15Generally a scale is used to measure length in centimeters and inches.
04:23Now let us perform an activity on measuring of length using an instrument.
04:32Click each tab to begin.
04:35The main objective of this activity is to find the length of the cloth.
04:48Let us take a cloth.
04:50To measure the cloth we need a centimeter scale.
04:54Now calculate the length of the cloth in centimeters.
04:59Ask your friends to measure the cloth with the same scale.
05:10We observe that the length of the cloth that is measured by the three kids are same because
05:16they measured it with the same instrument.
05:20So it is clear that if we measure the length of any object with a particular instrument
05:26their lengths will be the same.
05:34Now let us solve some exercise problems.
05:49Now let us see the conversation between a mother and her son on the estimation of weights.
05:56Hey Candy, what are you doing there?
06:00Nothing mom, just playing.
06:04Kids come to the kitchen, there is problem here.
06:09Yes mom, tell me what's the problem?
06:14I started preparing curries for our lunch but suddenly the gas in the cylinder got finished.
06:21Oh then, what about our lunch today?
06:27Don't worry, we have another cylinder as a spare.
06:31Okay, then replace it and start cooking.
06:35I am hungry.
06:38To replace it you need to remove it.
06:40Take this empty one to the storeroom and bring the full cylinder to the kitchen.
06:48Should I lift this?
06:49It looks heavy.
06:52Now it is easy to lift because it is empty.
06:57Okay, I'll try.
07:01Mom, what you said was right, its weight is less.
07:06Hmm, really, now go and bring the other one.
07:12Mom, it is too heavy for me to lift it.
07:16Please come for my help.
07:19Hahaha, okay come, let's quickly replace this.
07:27Mom, why does the first cylinder weigh lighter than the second one?
07:33Hmm, because the first one has no gas filled inside it but the second one has gas in it.
07:41So, that's the difference between both of them.
07:46Oh, is it?
07:48Thanks for the information.
07:51Hmm, okay.
07:57Now, let us perform an activity on estimation of weights.
08:02Drag and drop the objects that can and cannot be lifted with hands.
08:09Now, let us perform an activity on estimation of weights.
08:14Guess the lighter objects from the following.
08:22Now, let us perform an activity on estimation of weights.
08:27Guess the lighter objects from the following.
08:42Dear children, standard weights are the units we usually use to measure the weight of objects.
08:49Kilogram is the standard unit of weight.
08:52We write it as kg to express kilogram in short form.
08:58These standard weights help the vegetable vendors or grocery shop keepers in weighing things while selling them.
09:14Abhishek goes to a sweet shop to buy sweets for a marriage function.
09:19He asks for a badam halwa and dry fruit halwa.
09:24The shopkeeper asks him how many kilograms he requires.
09:29Okay uncle, give me 5 kg of badam halwa and 3 kg of dry fruit halwa.
09:37Now, what is the total weight of sweets that Abhishek bought?
09:42He had 5 kg of badam halwa and 3 kg of dry fruit halwa.
09:48By adding these, 5 kg plus 3 kg, he will get 8 kg of sweets.
09:58Let us perform an activity to find the difference in weights of kilograms.
10:04Given below are the weights of vegetables.
10:07Observe them and type the answer in the boxes.
10:34Let us see what is a liquid.
10:37Liquid is a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water.
10:51Let us see the discussion between mother and son.
10:55Mother asks Suresh to fill the water bottle.
10:59First, he started filling water in the tub.
11:03After filling the tub, he told his mother,
11:07Mom, filling the tub is completed. Now what's next?
11:12She replied, fill those two buckets with the water in the tub using the jug.
11:21He got an idea and started filling the bucket with a mug.
11:25After two minutes, his mother saw him from the window and asked him,
11:31I told you to fill it with the jug but you are filling it with a mug. Why?
11:37He then replied, what's the difference between the two?
11:42She said, the difference is that the jug is filled with water and the mug is filled with water.
11:51Ok son, pour back the water into the tub and start pouring the water again
11:57and count how many mugs of water are required to fill the bucket.
12:02After three minutes, he replied, Mom, it took me 15 mugs to fill the bucket.
12:10Now, repeat the same with the second bucket but this time use the jug to fill the bucket
12:17and count how many jugs of water are required to fill the bucket.
12:21Now he replied quickly, it just took 6 jugs of water. But how?
12:28Mother told him, if you observe the capacity of the mug is small,
12:33so only a small amount of water can be filled into it whereas a jug's capacity is larger when compared to a mug.
12:44So, it can fill more amount of water.
12:48Note, the quantity of liquid a vessel can hold is called the capacity of the vessel.
12:58Let us perform an activity on the estimation of water.
13:03Observe the following objects and select the object which holds less water.
13:14Let us solve some exercise problems.
13:27Let us discuss how to measure liquids.
13:31In the earlier sessions, we measured liquids with the help of a jug, a mug and a bucket.
13:39In this session, we are going to learn the measuring units of liquids.
13:44As we know, liquids are measured in different forms.
13:48The standard measuring unit of liquids is milliliters and liters.
13:55Let us see what is a liter by doing an activity on it.
14:03Click each tab to know more.
14:09The main objective of this activity is to find how many milliliters will make a liter.
14:20Take an empty 1 liter bottle.
14:23Now, take a small bottle which can hold around 250 milliliters of water.
14:30Fill the 250 milliliter bottle with water and pour the same into the 1 liter bottle.
14:42Once again, fill the 250 ml bottle and pour the same into the 1 liter bottle.
14:52Repeat the same till the 1 liter bottle fills up.
14:58Repeat the same till the 1 liter bottle fills up.
15:02We have observed that 4 bottles of 250 ml are required to fill a 1 liter bottle.
15:22We have observed that 4 bottles of 250 ml are required to fill a 1 liter bottle.
15:29This shows that 1000 ml make a liter.
15:34We conclude that a liter consists of 1000 ml.
15:44Let us discuss about different shapes but equal capacity.
15:49In the earlier sessions, we learnt how to measure the capacity of liquids.
15:54In the coming session, we are going to learn what is the capacity of a liquid if it is
16:01poured in different shapes of vessels.
16:05Let us perform an activity on different shapes but equal capacity.
16:12Click each tab to know more.
16:17The main objective of this activity is to find the capacity of water in the glasses.
16:28Take a glass of water.
16:32Pour the water in all the 3 different shaped glasses.
16:40Observe the water level.
16:44Observe the water levels in all the 3 glasses.
16:51We observed that when we pour the same quantity of a liquid in glasses of different shapes,
16:58a taller one and a shorter one, it may look as if there is more liquid in one and less
17:05in the other.
17:07However, this is not true.
17:11If the same amount of liquid has been poured into the glasses, their quantity remains the
17:17same in both glasses.
17:24Try to solve the problems in the practice zone on your own.
17:29Click solution tab to verify your answer.
17:46Let us recap the highlights of this chapter.
17:50Length is the dimensional distance of an object.
17:54Smaller lengths can be measured in cubits.
17:58We use the conventional methods such as hand spans, foot spans and cubits.
18:05Standard instruments like scale, tape etc. are used to measure length.
18:11A scale is used to measure length in centimeters and inches.
18:16Standard weights are the units we usually use to measure the weight of objects.
18:22Kilogram is the standard unit of weight.
18:25Liquid is a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume having a consistent
18:33consistency like that of water.
18:36Quantity of liquid a vessel can hold is called the capacity of the vessel.
18:43The standard measuring unit of liquids is milliliters and liters.
18:48A liter consists of a thousand milliliters.
18:51If the same amount of liquid has been poured into the glasses, their quantity remains the
18:57same in all the glasses.
19:01Follow-up work
19:04Measure the following objects with the help of a scale.
19:08Chalk piece, eraser, pencil
19:12Estimate the weights of objects and see whether they can be lifted or not.
19:19Car, book, cycle
19:24Test your understanding of the chapter by taking the mock unit test.
19:36You have successfully completed the chapter measurement.