00:00We hope you're ready for both fun and adventure because today we are going to
00:04learn about place values which are really exciting really awesome so strap
00:10in it's gonna be a good one. Well as we mentioned earlier today we are going to
00:15learn about place values. Place values are so awesome because they help you
00:20decode numbers so you can find out how much numbers are worth. So if you're
00:25ready let's get started with learning about place values. First we want to
00:33teach you a fun word okay we're gonna teach you a brand new word maybe it's
00:37brand new to you maybe you've heard it before but yes you are right now going
00:43to learn a new word. That word is digit yeah digit can you say that yeah let's
00:53say it together digit what a fun word what does the word digit mean? Is digit
01:01your neighbor's dog that looks really cute but is always in a bad mood? Hey
01:06digit I'm just trying to pet you give you a little bit of a treat if you would
01:10be a little bit more nice. Well it is a good name for a dog but that's not what
01:18we're talking about when we say digit. So what are digits? Digits are the parts
01:27of a number like look at the number 920 there are three parts or digits in this
01:39number the number 920 has three digits remember digits are the parts of a
01:46number pretty simple let's look at the number 74 there are two parts or digits
01:57in the number 74 the number 74 has two digits remember digits are the parts of
02:05a number super simple super easy and finally let's look at the number six how
02:15many digits are in the number six remember we're just looking at the parts
02:20of the number how many digits yeah just one digit there's only one part or digit
02:29to this number it's just six great job remember digits are the parts of a
02:37number okay so this is awesome here is where place values come in the place
02:47value is how much a digit is worth based on where it is in other words where a
02:55digit is in the number tells us how much it is worth so what are the place values
03:06we're going to be looking at today what are the different values of the places
03:10where the digits will be well the digits will either be in the ones spot the 10s
03:16spot the hundred spot or the thousands spot all right let's use the place
03:24values okay so here are the place values and where they are for the different
03:33digits this first spot is the ones spot that's where the ones go this second
03:45spot is the tens spot it's where the tens go this third spot is the hundred
03:53spot it is where the hundreds go and finally here is the thousands spot it is
04:03where the thousands go now the place values can go higher than this but these
04:08are the only place values we're going to be learning about today all right so our
04:15first example is the number 4,000 the number 4,000 all right well I'm gonna
04:26need your help which digit is in the ones spot you can see it right there
04:32which digit is in the one spot yeah zero great job all right how about helping us
04:42figure out the tens which digit is in the ten spot yeah zero good job all you
04:52have to do is look where the arrow is pointing the ten spot is a zero all
05:01right how about the hundred spot which digit is in the hundreds spot you see
05:09yeah the same answer zero good job good job okay and which digit is in the
05:19thousands spot which digit is in the thousands spot yeah four awesome the
05:30number four is in the thousands spot there are four thousands in the number
05:364,000 all right our next example is the number 508 okay I'm gonna need your help
05:49again which digit is in the ones spot you can look at the place values for a
05:56clue you could see the arrow which digit is in the one spot yeah eight
06:03good job okay which digit is in the tens spot which digit is in the tens spot
06:16yeah zero good job all right which digit is in the hundreds spot you see that
06:28which number is in the hundred spot yeah five good job okay now this might seem a
06:41little tricky which digit is in the thousands spot which digit is in the
06:47thousands spot wait a second there isn't even a digit there it's only 508 there
06:55are no thousands so the digit would be nothing or zero zero and nothing it has
07:02the same value so there's nothing that's in the thousands spot it's only 508
07:09there are no thousands you are doing a phenomenal job okay now you're gonna be
07:20able to give it a try without any help or any clues and you've learned so much
07:25I think you can do it I think you can do it you're gonna do awesome okay you're
07:31ready here's the number 8763 8763 we're gonna name the place values and you let
07:43us know which digit is in which one
07:49okay which digit is in the one spot which digit is in the one spot the
07:57numbers 8763 which one yeah three three is in the one spot remember this is the
08:10one spot good job
08:16okay what's in the ten spot which digit is in the ten spot
08:25uh-huh six six is in the ten spot good job yeah you can see right here is where
08:34the ten spot is Wow you're getting the hang of it okay which digit is in the
08:43hundred spot do you know which one which digit is in the hundred spot seven way
08:53to go yes seven is in the hundred spot and you can see right here is that
08:58hundred spot yeah seven is in the hundred spot good job
09:08okay here's the last one which digit is in the thousand spot which digit is in
09:15the thousands spot eight yes good job eight is in the thousands spot you can
09:28see right here is where that thousands spot is just before that comma isn't
09:34that awesome Wow you've learned so much to review digits are the parts of a
09:43number the place value is how much a digit is worth based on where it is
09:52these are the place values we learned today the ones tens hundreds and
09:57thousands in this example there are three ones there are six tens which is
10:0260 there are seven hundreds which is 700 and there's eight thousands so the
10:09number read out is eight thousand seven hundred and sixty three it's so nice
10:19going for a stroll and just thinking about those place values oh I love the
10:24ones and the tens and the hundreds and a thousand knowing where a digit is tells
10:30us what the value is which is great so we hope you learned some cool things and
10:35we hope to see you next time