• 3 months ago
00:00Hey kids, thanks for joining King Parentheses and me today.
00:11We are learning more about multiplication, specifically what we call the associative
00:15property of multiplication. We would like to get your help. Will you help us?
00:23Great let's get started.
00:27The associative property of multiplication says when you are multiplying several digits
00:32you can regroup or reorder the numbers and the product will stay the same.
00:37Here we have an example of this concept. 3 times 4 times 2. We are multiplying 3 digits
00:44but where should we start? We could start with 3 times 4 or we could start with 4 times
00:51The associative property tells us it does not matter which way we do it. We can choose
00:55which group of numbers we start to multiply. That is kind of cool.
01:02I want to start by multiplying 4 and 2. This gives us 8.
01:09Now we have 8 multiplied by 3. What is 8 multiplied by 3?
01:15The answer is 24. Great job! But now I want to try the other way so let's clear the board.
01:23We will start with 3 multiplied by 4 which gives us 12.
01:29Now all we have left to do is multiply 12 by 2.
01:3412 times 2 is 24. We got the same answer regardless of which numbers we started multiplying together.
01:42This is awesome!
01:45Let's look at another problem and see what we can do.
01:51This time our friend king parenthesis is helping us group the numbers by putting a parenthesis
01:55around two of the numbers. We can see that we have the same problem on both sides of
02:00the board but with the parenthesis grouping different sets of numbers. We learned before
02:05that both of these problems should come out to be the same answer or product.
02:14King parenthesis just told me that I forgot to tell you something important. Whenever
02:18you do a math problem that has parenthesis you need to do what's inside first. Remember
02:23the king parenthesis comes first in math problems. So when we work this problem we need to multiply
02:29the numbers in the parenthesis first even though the answers will still be the same.
02:34Thank you king parenthesis.
02:38We will start with the problem on the left. Remember the king goes first so let's multiply
02:432 by 2.
02:46We get 4 and now all we have left to do is multiply 4 by the last number which is 5.
02:52What is 4 times 5?
02:57If you said 20 you are correct.
03:00Now we can do the problem on the right side of the board and if the associative property
03:04of multiplication is right we should get the same answer.
03:09To start we remember the king goes first so we multiply the numbers in the parenthesis
03:142 times 5. The answer to that is 10.
03:19Now all that is left is 10 multiplied by 2. What is 10 times 2?
03:2720! Great job kids! We can see that both problems give us the same answer no matter how we group
03:34the numbers. This is amazing stuff! Thank you so much for joining us today.
03:41King and I have to get going so we will see you later.
03:48King stop making so much noise!