World’s Largest Elephant Toothpaste-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00You're smart and watch the main channel you saw us fill my brother's house with elephant toothpaste and that was kind of cool
00:06So we're gonna react to elephant toothpaste. Here's a perfect example of it. It grows an entire worm
00:11What is this? Could you imagine like a thousand years ago, right? You don't have technology. You have nothing
00:16You're just walking and you just see that shoot out of the ground
00:18They would literally throw you off a building or you would rule they would fear you
00:22It's just so crazy how that just created itself. I thought matter couldn't be created Isaac Newton was wrong Newton more like
00:30Idiot idiot. I'm noticing a theme tubes out of the ground. Oh, it's so hot
00:34Remember when we filled my brother's house with elephant toothpaste?
00:37It was like the Sun what they don't tell you also is that it has so much salt in it
00:42And when it gets on your skin your skin's like it also dyes your skin and your shoes. I have green shoes now
00:47This is really cool though. They're like mixing relaxing kind of looks like ice cream a little bit looks more like froyo
00:52Froyo is better than ice cream. This was brought to you by lactose intolerant game. At least I don't have crumbs
00:56Hey, let's make fun of each other's diseases. Yes. What's wrong with you?
01:00Comment let us know so we can make fun of it. I knew this was gonna happen. Eventually
01:04Yeah, Mark Robert the elephant toothpaste king of the world when we did our elephant toothpaste video
01:09We had to fly him down because we didn't know what we were doing, but he does it's gonna fill the whole backyard
01:14Oh, did they think it was gonna stay in the pool? Oh
01:17No, good job, Mark
01:18I wonder how his bushes aired after that if they were like died a certain color look in the bottom, right?
01:23Crazy Russian experiment you're rid of crazy get rid of experiment. What do you have Russian means? It's gonna be epic. Let's go
01:28Look at them running. Yeah, dude in this music goes with it. So well, I
01:33Miss listening to heavy metal. Look at that guy right there. Look it's as it gets closer. You can see him like turn away
01:38This is a dope shot. Oh, I accidentally dropped my cup. All right, let me keep walking
01:43It should be fine since that's just a pipe in the ground, right? Yeah
01:47Now there's a pool noodle. I love calling it a pool noodle. It just brings me so much joy
01:52It just doesn't stop look at it. It's flying. It looks like the wacky waving inflatable guy. Oh jelly
01:58This looks like that goober peanut butter and jelly. Maybe that's how they make it. I don't know. Nobody eats it
02:02So nobody'll ever know. Oh, it kind of looks like toothpaste. Is that why it's called elephant toothpaste?
02:06Yeah, and oh and the elephant cuz it's big how far are we in the video a couple minutes? Yeah proud
02:11I did it. His brains a little slow. This is cool. How big do the balloons get?
02:15I've got my money on reds gonna pop first. Is this dude just chilling right beside it. Oh, I was right
02:20I got my money at that that pot. Oh
02:23Pasta, oh, that's funny played in slow-mo
02:27Breaking bad tick-tock. Yo, yo, wait, look how quick it changed colors. So look it's blue now. It's brown now. It's green
02:33That's like light green now. It's blue again. And now it's erupting. This stuff's cool. We should do this again agreed
02:38What should we fill with elephant toothpaste this time comment below? What if we filled the rocks house with elephant toothpaste?
02:43I don't think the rock would be happy about it. We could probably do Jack black
02:47He would probably like that Jack black hit us up someone in their backyard. Wait, is that what's their Mentos?
02:51There was coke Mentos elephant foam if there were fireworks in this you'd have all of Chris's favor
02:57Honestly, you know how there was an earthquake recently. Uh-huh. I think this is what caused it. Somebody get the footage review it
03:02We got to find out who this guy is. Oh, it's floating away. It floated away. Why did it float away?
03:06Why were the Mentos necessary look and then it just floats away. It's like I must go my people need me
03:11They created a new creature and now it's just going up. What if that's a new bird, right?
03:15You just look outside and there's just thousands of these
03:17This was the spawn of it and now it's mutated if you play really scary music behind this
03:22It looks like they just summoned this and now it's going off to attack the world. It's like a Pokemon
03:26That's just wandering around in the wild. Yo Photoshop this over top
03:31I actually Photoshop thousands of these over top of a city just invading it. We're no longer safe anymore FBI
03:36Look into this man. You guys need to do more stuff. What are you doing?
03:39Honestly, we should just form the FBI the federal beast inspectors. Oh wait. Okay, just a large hill. Stop it. Never mind
03:46All right, maybe the FBI knew that maybe that's why they weren't doing anything we should just watch the rest of the clip
03:50Hey that thing again a bucket in the ground. It's the same girl. This is slow-mo or is it just slow?
03:56This is just slow. Whoa, there it goes
03:58You can tell she did this once and it did really well and she was like, I just keep on doing it
04:02No shame in that though, cuz now we're reacting to it. Listen here folks. If you're not currently subscribed
04:07I hate you, but that's okay because if you hit the subscribe button, I'll no longer hate you. Hey, look at that
04:12He'll like you again. I'm a nice guy as long as you're subscribed
04:15It wasn't a very intimidating girl
04:20What all right slow-mo, oh this definitely looks like a Best Buy 4k display it does
04:25They should really pay the guys to do this. If I ever saw this on a TV at Best Buy I'd buy it
04:31No questions asked. Okay. What is that?
04:35Paper mache volcano. That's a t-rex you idiot. Oh, but behind the t-rex is a paper mache volcano
04:41Let's find out. Is this how dinosaurs went extinct? Oh, no t-rex move
04:49Nothing like dubstep and elephant foam my two favorite things. I say my two favorite things a lot
04:53I have a lot of favorite things. So your favorite things are dubstep and elephant foam. Uh-huh. Not your wife and your child
04:58I said what I said
04:59Soda vinegar bacon soda not just normal soda and then you dip the chip in you have those horrible tasting vinegar chips
05:05He likes them. I love salt and vinegar chips. I know, they're horrible. Wait, why is the smoke doing that?
05:10I think there's better methods for putting out a candle like your air in your lungs
05:13You can always tell it's like a good homemade video when it's just a random hole in the ground
05:18They're putting stuff in look at that. This also works with Mentos. Why didn't Mark Robert tell us that maybe he didn't want us to
05:23Break his record. True. I want to see it hit the sky. Perfect because at the end of the video
05:27We have some insane stuff. No way. I guess I'll just have to watch all the way to the end
05:31Sounds like you have no other choice. It's time for liquid nitrogen versus flame thrower
05:37Who will win? All right. Well fire beats ice. What if he accidentally just froze his girlfriend like froze her leg?
05:43Look at that. That's crazy. This is probably the coolest thing. I saw all video. It's probably the most dangerous thing
05:48I would say don't try this one 40 milliliters of isopropyl alcohols
05:53Which is swirled for two minutes to evaporate the alcohol. Okay, and now he's pouring all the alcohol gas
05:58We decant to the remaining isopropyl highly combustive mixture of air and alcohol is now in the container. That's so cool
06:05Yo, my science teacher just told us to shut up. Why didn't we have this guy for a science teacher?
06:09I know this is nice. So how Jets work. I was thinking that it looked like a jet engine
06:14Hey more barrels in the ground. Oh, I wonder what's gonna happen this time. Why is this one slow?
06:18This elephant toothpaste is broke elephant toothpaste machine broke
06:23Someone warned in your city, they're on the invasion again, they're doing it they're attacking. Okay. How did we not know about this?
06:29We need better friends. I want to do this right now. Oh my god
06:34I want to do this right now back in our old videos
06:36We used to have flamethrowers and Chris would spend days building flamethrowers and you could just grab the fire extinguisher
06:41Compare Chris's flamethrower to these flamethrowers, which was better. Okay lava versus ice. How are people able to make such great lava?
06:48I mean our lava look pretty good
06:50His lava is more thick when we pour lava on ours. Ours is more liquid play our lava after seeing that
06:56My girlfriend's gonna leave me. Yeah for this lava. So put an egg in a glass pour some vintage day Vina up
07:01It's vinegar vinegar comes from grapes does it I actually don't know what vinegar comes from and I enjoy it
07:07I think it comes from acid. I would explain why this eggshell just changed colors after 24 hours
07:11Yeah, it's eating the eggshell watch. I bet you can just peel the eggshell right off. Oh, yeah
07:16We did this in science class. What science class were you in? Is this a ant hill? It's a volcano. That's cool
07:21Man-made volcano Wow, that's so incredible. They missed a great opportunity though to have little dinosaurs all over it
07:29And go in extinct. Yeah, it's going to the moon. That one's going to the moon
07:33Wow, how high did that go to the moon? Look there's the moon right there
07:41That's the stickers he's like just reassuring that is my car full sent. Yeah, not the Corolla. No. Oh
07:49They definitely didn't think it was gonna go in the lifted truck probably look at that
07:53Yo, the guy in the passenger seat probably freaked out because like that stuff is so hot
08:00What happened to your car? That's super beat up. Oh, he's shooting green fire fire
08:04So just put out fire, but they can spread fire fire extinguisher flamethrower. Oh my god
08:08I want to replicate this at home. Oh, but there's a disclaimer there that says I can't crap
08:12Well, I guess I won't be able to shut up. I'm watching. Okay, that's insane. He had to put something in it, right?
08:18No, they're pink. It's a fire gun. I don't understand the science, but I enjoy it
08:22My brains too dumb here comes literally the best youtuber on the planet
08:26I've never seen a youtuber better than this guy and I'm totally not biased not by us at all
08:30You may not have heard of this channel called. Mr. Beast, but they make insane videos. I haven't heard of them
08:35Let's check them out. So watch that's the guy right there. That's mr. Beast. That's his brother. That's Carl and there's our car
08:40So basically, here's the title of the video. We filmed my brother's house with elephant toothpaste without telling him
08:45So me and my brother are driving home. He has no idea that we spent the entire day filling it with elephant toothpaste
08:50We're in that truck right there. Mark Rovers in the backyard. He helped us set it up. Here's what happened
08:55We literally just we filled his entire house with elephant toothpaste
08:58We ran like 50 feet of rope ran it all the way outside and then pulled them all at the same time
09:04This was such a cool video to film. Look at the house is just barfing
09:08It went out the chimney. It broke windows. There's me and my brother just freaking our mr. Beast and his brother
09:14Yeah, and if that wasn't cool enough
09:15We're gonna wrap this video up with the world record world's tallest elephant toothpaste explosion ever
09:22I wonder who holds that record
09:25What wait, that's not even it that's just it's really cool. That's one of his cool ones. Now, this is cool
09:30By the way, huge shout-out to Mark Rover. Thank you for letting us use this stuff
09:32I didn't ask for your permission, but I just assume you're okay with it. Watch this. Look at those kids face
09:36Hey, dude, he filled up this giant tube with elephant toothpaste and it rocketed this guy wait for the wide shot
09:42Look at that. Listen to the sound of it. He could have got more height too because it shot out the bottom
09:47Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah, it messed up there. If it would have held it would have been insane
09:51Look at the truck just that's still great
09:54Man, imagine if it didn't shoot out the bottom and all erupted
09:57It probably would have touched the Sun mark and put a rover on Mars
10:00Well also shooting elephant toothpaste to Mars or save the planet and plant 20 million trees get you a man that does it all