Celebs Go Dating S13E11 (2024)

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Celebs Go Dating S13E11 (2024)

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00:00Tonight we had sex with like a robot. There's an emotional new arrival at the agency
00:07I'm always like on edge
00:10and stressed
00:12It's make or break for Helen. If you lie again, I would not want you to remain in this agency and
00:19Confession time for Ella. I slept with Reece. It's really awkward. As our celebs wave your arms like you walked in a heart way
00:26Have you not won out on me?
00:30Dating you're not losing the circulation to your willy. That's their time
00:42Welcome to celebs go dating where the agents are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a brand new controversial celebrity
00:50Not him surely
00:53I've got a feeling today is going to be
00:58explosive dramatic and intriguing
01:01I've never seen a celebrity have as much negative press as Lauren Goodman has had over recent months
01:09Lauren Goodman is probably the most controversial celebrity we've ever had coming through our famous doors
01:15but she's reached out for some help and so she is joining the agency today and
01:21Everybody does deserve to be heard and I believe have helped finding love
01:26She has been entwined in this very complicated
01:32Struggle with Kyle Walker, obviously from the England football team the impact that has had on his marriage
01:40But we also have a woman here who to my knowledge hasn't spoken about what it's like from her perspective
01:45There is more to her story than what's in the media one thing's for sure
01:52It's gonna be fireworks
01:54Well, then lock up your dogs and pop a pair of oversized headphones and a nearby toddler
01:59Because here she is
02:01It's Lauren Goodman
02:04Hello celebrity dating agency. Hi, it's Lauren Lauren. Welcome. Come on in
02:10I'm Lauren Goodman, and I'm probably best known for having a pretty crazy love life
02:17You've probably read about me in the papers
02:19People are probably think that I'm a homewrecker and I go after people's husbands, but that couldn't be further from the truth
02:30Single mom Lauren has two children with the footballer Kyle Walker and she's hoping the agents can help her get back in the love
02:36Game have it. I used to be really fun outgoing confident, but I feel a bit of a shell of myself
02:41I've kind of just had to deal with the bashes. That's why I joined the agency. I'm just trying to find Lauren again
02:47I think now's the right time. It's been four years
02:52I miss the intimacy the closeness, but it's probably fair to say men are on the naughty list
02:59No one can be trusted
03:01Well, you're in luck Loza cuz one man you can always trust is out Tom
03:06Come in
03:12How are you, my dear? I'm good. Oh, I'm great. You smell wonderful
03:17Thanks, please. Make yourself comfy
03:22Welcome to the agency Lauren. This is a lovely kind of
03:26Tranquil spot where your quills can unstiffen and relax
03:33I think it's a balm for the soul see Loza. You're in safe hands. You probably will be somewhat pumped
03:40Upstairs. Oh, holy shit. Go easy Tom. She's just got it
03:44Pumped quizzed quizzed. Okay, but they'll they'll do it as though they're stroking you contemporaneously
03:51They're wizards in that regard
03:54Sounds good
03:56And someone else who's in for a ruddy good pump in for the agents is Helen as yesterday she dropped the bombshell
04:02She has a boyfriend. It's like a man online wet dream this morning
04:06Hello celebrity dating agency
04:09Hello, Helen. Come in
04:35Must say Helen's deceit has left me most perplexed and disheartened
04:40However, one must do one's best to remain professional. Oh god, it's not what a parent says they're disappointed
04:55Although I don't think she's actually gonna leave the babe. Well, she looks at me like I am just a walking cow
05:01As opposed to those non-walking cows
05:07Hello, hi darling
05:09Have you got Lauren down there? Yes, she's here. I hope that's you Paul and I are ready
05:15If you could please send her up. Okay, I'll send her up Lauren. They are ready for you
05:22You ready for this
05:23Yeah, absolutely
05:25I'd love to know what has inspired her decisions and what does she now intend to do as a result of those decisions?
05:31Everyone likes to have an opinion sure and I believe that this will be Lauren's first opportunity to tell her truth
05:38In her own words with her own emotions. Yes
05:43Come in
05:46Lauren lovely to meet you. Come in, please
05:53Yeah, oh he's hot, all right, let the pumping begin so I was thinking out loud, please take a seat. Thank you
05:59Yeah, welcome to the agency
06:02How you feeling nervous?
06:05But you know, the good thing is that we don't bite hmm, no, I've been told that before
06:11Really? Yeah, and then they do
06:14Okay. Okay. So what would you say the level of trust zero?
06:18Okay that you have for us
06:21Everyone everyone. Yeah
06:23That's interesting
06:26It's okay, we're not gonna buy it. Oh, sweetie
06:35Come on hey
06:38Yeah, what's appreciated is that you immediately said look I have an issue with trust that's good
06:45That's much better than saying. Yeah, I trust you guys, right and not feeling that so already you're being true to who you are
06:52Lauren has clearly gone through tough times and she's had to deal with a lot of people
06:57She's had to deal with a lot of people and she's had to deal with a lot of people
07:00She's had to deal with a lot of people and she's had to deal with a lot of people
07:04Lauren has clearly gone through tough times and she's fragile
07:08But we're going to need to go deep in order to figure out how best to help her
07:13Maybe you could help us understand a little bit more about your previous relationships
07:18So my last one Kyle, I've known him since I was like early 20s
07:21We were friends at the time, but he'd always liked me
07:24Okay, but I knew he had a girlfriend at the time you referring to his long-term
07:29partner now wife
07:32So if you were friends with Kyle and were you also friends with her no wasn't friends of her no, he kept everything very
07:40Separate from her but obviously at some point that relationship dynamic change. It's 2019 and she'd kicked him out
07:48You know, he's not with her anymore. So I thought okay, like why not, you know
07:54What was the reaction when you told him that you were pregnant?
07:59Think it was more shocked because he'd come back then
08:04with his
08:06girlfriend the mother of his children and
08:09So I think he felt like oh gosh, I've been kicked out and now she doesn't know about Lauren and now she's pregnant
08:16We were communicating talking about a plan, you know, he said he very much wants to be in all of his children's lives
08:22You know, let's believe he was gonna go parent with me
08:26Didn't go to plan
08:28So then we had blocked each other because we'd then started accusing each other of things and then it was like, well fine
08:35I'm just gonna say that you are the dad because why should I keep my baby a secret?
08:41Yeah, it sounds very complex
08:43Around Cairo. How did he react when you said that you were you'd fallen pregnant again?
08:47I think we're both shocked. It was kind of one of those moments of a here we go again
08:51You know as I got further along my pregnancy the kind of secret got heavier and heavier and heavier
08:56I actually felt like I was losing a part of myself. Then I was getting sent videos of
09:02His wife pregnant who by social media in the DMS, right?
09:11Knocked me sideways
09:13So how did you feel in that moment then? I just remember I just kept being like what?
09:19Has it been some sort of sick game?
09:23So there's obviously been a lot going on and so I've walked into the agency and kind of just unloaded everything
09:30Everyone in my life. It just shot me basically
09:33So I just think it's best if I just don't trust anyone in the here in the now
09:36How do you feel about so angry with him like so angry inside like?
09:45Sorry, I don't know if I will ever forgive him
09:53I'm still here, by the way be intense in it
10:04Welcome back to celebs go dating where our latest sign in Lauren Goodman is spilling the tea to the agents about her rocky relationship
10:11with England footballer Carl Walker
10:14Honestly, I like battle with myself all the time. It's like torture
10:20We can see how painful it is I
10:25Feel like I'm in survival like I'm always like just on edge and stressed
10:33This is what the beauty of being in here
10:36The fact that you are deeply emotional about this it shows that you are allowing this trauma
10:41And these experiences that you've been through everything to down just come out and unpack
10:48Every decision you're making is based on fear
10:51And if you're making decisions all day long based on fear guess what you're making terrible decisions
10:56And I think for you it's about helping you to make better decisions
11:01Learning that you are in control and it's time to get real
11:04It's time to figure out who you are what you want out of life
11:08So you fill in control of your life and what your next move is. Okay, appreciate it. Thank you. Are you open?
11:15Yeah, I'm open to it. Yeah
11:18I'm just so used to chaos in my life, but I need to not have that chaos anymore. I need the calm
11:23I guess I just need to find myself again to be honest
11:26She's not been around for a while and she's been battered down. So I think it's time to
11:30Yeah, he'll probably
11:36Why are you here? I
11:38Tend to go for I guess those relationships are probably a little bit toxic. I want to break that cycle
11:46Yeah, we get it. I think you've come to us at exactly the right time in your life
11:50I think we're going to have to work together to figure out
11:54What your intentions are the dating side of things in this agency? I mean, this is why you're here
11:59I mean, how are you feeling about that?
12:04Apprehensive I
12:06Think we can help Lauren
12:08We're planning a little romantic retreat for some of our celebrities where we can set them up on dates and then monitor their behavior more
12:15I think this will be the perfect introduction for Lauren just to find out what stage she's at and how ready she is to get
12:22Back out there or based on what's gone on on previous away trips. She might decide to join a nunnery
12:27We would love you to join us on our romantic retreat with the other celebrities
12:33okay to
12:35See what you got throwing me in the deep end
12:38Welcome to the agency. Thank you. We look forward to seeing what the next few weeks. I'm still
12:44Take care. Thanks Lauren
12:49How are you left feeling after that
12:52Lauren is
12:53Definitely the most mistrusting
12:56Celebrity that we've ever had at the agency and when she unpacks her story you could begin to piece together
13:02Why that is?
13:04It's very clear. There have been some very
13:08Challenging choices that have been made in her love life. She desperately needs our help
13:20From an agency newbie to an old pro now as we check in with Ella ahead of her first proper date with her pick
13:26from the speed date in Sam
13:28still not dressed else
13:31I'm so tired. Um, oh, yeah, how come I
13:37Honesty is the best policy. It really isn't but go on
13:41so I hosted my own pride event last night and
13:47I invited a certain
13:50Reese oh, here we go to the event
13:54And we just had a really nice night together
13:56That means they did it so I don't know what it is like I just I can't seem to I've got a sit down
14:03I'm so tired. I don't know what it is about race, but there's just something about him that I keep going back to
14:13The guy I am going on a date with shortly sounds it's gonna be awkward because I'm probably gonna have to tell
14:21some I
14:24Don't know what happened last night
14:26Yeah, I find telling dates that you've been up all night with another bloke really breaks the ice
14:30I'm just really tired because somebody kept me awake
14:34Okay. Yeah, we got it. So whilst Ella is left dreaming of Reese's pieces
14:39Down in Brighton goggle boxer. Steven has his own army of admirers hoping for a tasty treat. He's camouflages in his own bathroom
14:48Yet the canine hype squad have assembled as steve-o gets ready for a meet-up with safe who he chose to see again over the
14:54Choices at speed dating. So I'm having my second day with safe. I'm really looking forward to it
15:00I feel like we had a connection there. There was
15:04Definitely a twinkle in the eye of both of us
15:07I'm just gonna try and explore if there's another side to safe. I'm gonna look
15:13For the positives, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stop being a fucking negative nilly
15:19So we're probably gonna end up shagging at the end of this day and then get married
15:22Not in front of the children Steven poor little pups. Now. Listen to daddy is the outfit looking banging?
15:29They don't give a fuck mate. They just won't feed in high five. Yes high five. No high five
15:36No, that's one out of three. I bet the one that did it feels like a right knob now
15:42Someone who won't be getting a high five from the agents just yet his boyfriend hired a Helen even Tommy looks pissed off
15:49Mmm, I do feel somewhat bruised because it's probably the most
15:55Sustained lie I've ever endured. I don't like your cross with me Tom. I haven't gone off you as a person. I just
16:04Couldn't in all truthfulness say that I wasn't hurt by it, you know, Jesus. What have you done Helen?
16:11You've turned TV's happiest man into a right mood Hoover
16:17Hando hi Tom, please send Helen up they are ready for you. This is serious
16:23Will she stay or will she go? I am really nervous
16:26I know that everybody's really disappointed about me saying that I have a boyfriend
16:31I feel like I've let them down
16:32But I hope the agents can see a little bit from my point of view and I hope they're not too hard of me
16:41Hello, hi Helen good. How are you doing? I'm okay. Thank you. You've been summoned into the boss's office
16:48Oh, oh twitchy bum whole time
16:51Genuinely, we've never done this before. Okay, we've actually never
16:55Asked one of our celebrities to come in for a bit of a make-or-break chat and it really is
17:00that today after
17:02What you told us at the brunch?
17:04After not matching with anyone at speed day in Helen dropped the shock news that she has a boyfriend
17:10I did meet someone at home
17:13At the beginning of the year, I think I am in love with him and it's just becoming quite difficult now
17:20Just to be clear
17:22You have a boyfriend who you're in love with
17:25So that means you lied to us. He's so fit when he's angry like in Helen. This is an opportunity
17:32Just to tell us the truth. Mm-hmm if you lie again me personally, I would not want you to remain in this agency
17:41Helen is not only wasted our time
17:43But all of her dates time too
17:45We need to hear from her the full truth of why she's kept this from us
17:50And if we're not happy with her response, it's time for her to leave the agency. Okay, so now can you tell us the truth?
17:59My boyfriend's name is Robbie I
18:03Met him in
18:07February and we were dating and then I said to him I said I'm going to join the agency
18:13Because it's something that I want to do
18:15I've never been really single before and I wanted to do it for me because I
18:20Wanted to kind of like grow and learn more about myself
18:24And then it's just as things have gone by like things have just got really intense
18:30And I've fallen in love with him. Oh, what are the agents gonna do? They can't kick her out. Surely I
18:36Haven't felt this tense since Deidre Barlow got caught having an affair with Mike Baldwin
18:49Welcome back to celebs go dating where flanners future at the agency is hanging by a thread
18:55It's just as things have gone by like things have just got really intense
19:01And I've fallen in love with him
19:05Obviously, I know I can't date but I would like to maybe
19:08Stay in the agency and still have a little bit of like maybe therapy for myself
19:17Thank you for being honest
19:20It's okay, hon, if you've been honest with us
19:23Then we can work everything. I applaud this. Yeah, I applaud this. No, no, I
19:29Rate this. No. No, I do I do I rate this this this this is all I wanted
19:36This is what we want from every one of our celebrities. This was it
19:42This is a big moment for Helen our ultimate goal at the agency's to help celebrities find love and it looks like she has
19:49Now we know the full truth. We can continue to help her with her relationship with Robbie
19:54It sounds like you found someone that makes you smile. You're no longer in this agency to date people, right?
20:01You're in this agency now to get relationship advice
20:04Yeah, okay as a next step to be able to help you is for you to go talk to Robbie and
20:11for you to discuss
20:14Whether or not Robbie would like to come
20:17into the agency with you
20:19I hope we get to meet him soon. Yes, you're ready with the p-45 Helen, but you're just about saved your ass babes
20:25Thank you guys. Let us know about Robbie
20:32I'm so relieved. I can stay at the agency and I am so excited. I get to bring my boyfriend in
20:39It's not really his thing, but I think he'll do it for me. So yeah, I'm excited
20:45The speed at which she is connected with Robbie is
20:49Incredibly quick. I'm a bit skeptical and I want to see and hear from Robbie
20:55But I'll have my very cautious eyes and ears on so with the agents buried under a stack of new starter paperwork
21:03To existing clients Chris and Tristan have been sent on a double date with their pics from yesterday's speed dating
21:09I'm excited for this date
21:11I've got Tristan there
21:12So I'll gotta be careful because I don't he might he might be better at dating than me and he might he might nick me
21:17Misses my oven boat anything's possible on this show. He might be secretly going out of Robbie for all I know
21:22I'm getting awful feedback. He's getting great for you. But why they're putting this together? I'm gonna ruin his dating prowess probably
21:29Chris's phobia of serious chats or his last agency session turn into a proper double team bollocking from dr
21:35T and Anna dubs. He doesn't want to be real
21:38I feel like you're making this very complicated for yourself. No one's seeing you. They're seeing an act
21:47However, he continued to spout his usual bullshit at speed dating got massive eyes
21:54Like anime eyes. Do you want to just want to lick him?
21:57Clearly not but somehow we still won over his favorite Nicole for a day
22:02But not without the raising of some familiar red flags like in those layers
22:05I feel like there's so much more to you than what you were given. I think we may have heard that before. I
22:10Think I had the best time with Nicole, but I'm gonna face my demons and I'm gonna sell us deep things
22:18I'm gonna do it because I feel like the amount of neck breathing I'd get would be pretty excessive if I didn't do it
22:24And if that wasn't enough of a challenge, they are playing golf and Tristan's match. Hannah is a pro
22:30So he's squeezing in a few pre-date strokes
22:35Trish was also crap at bowls on his third date with Georgia, but to be fair. He wasn't really focused on the game
22:46Surely that's a breach of club rules
22:50Despite all that the greedy posho still told her he wanted to date other people picking Hannah at speed dating
22:56I'm a professional golfer. So are you actually great? Well, how do I like ring the winning bell? That's great
23:04So we've got a date with Hannah today
23:06professional golfer
23:07Welsh funny big tics there trust him to notice her big tics
23:13Double it's great. Also, if you don't get on with your dates, you've always got a mate there
23:19That was dog shit, let's hope he can score a birdie later
23:23One man whose time at the agency has been below par is Steven, but he's now on route to his second date with safe
23:29I'm looking forward to my second date with safe. The first one went really well
23:33I just think I've scratched the surface with him. I'm hoping my second date with safe is gonna be a bit more
23:39It's gonna hammer the hygiene rating in this gap if it goes that way
23:43I'm gonna bring a bit of the old Steven back into the second day. See how safe handles it
23:48I'm very excited about seeing Steven again for this date. I am hoping for a little bit more deeper conversation, maybe
23:55So we kissed on the last day if that was more of a peck, but this time I'm hoping for a little bit more
24:08Yeah, I'm good, so yeah, very good. Thank you. Thank you. I'm gonna go in for a little bit of a cheeky snog
24:13I'm gonna go in for a little bit of a cheeky snog
24:16Yeah, I'm good, so yeah, very well, thank you our second date. Yeah, you struck lucky
24:24How you been yeah good. Yeah, not what you're wearing. Thanks very much man dressed up for the evening
24:31What linen jacket? Yeah
24:34It's good to see safe again. He looks great
24:36I'm hoping I get to find out a little bit more about him and see if I can turn that spark into a flame
24:42Sounds better than flubbing on him
24:45So since I last saw you I went on a speed dating fuck
24:50Yeah, I had four speed dates
24:53You were meant to maybe pick a date from that for okay
24:59And I chose not to I'd rather go on a second date was safe
25:05Really? Yeah, because I thought there was a little bit of spark from the first day and I was hoping that
25:12We could explore that a bit more see if it was a bit
25:16Maybe if we could be a bit more flirty. Yeah, I don't know
25:19Let's see if there was something there go on safe say there is come on to be honest
25:24I am so glad you said that and to be honest like ever since our first date
25:27I was kind of like thinking about you and thinking about the day. Have you not won out over me? Oh statement. It's going so well
25:33Well, that's the test
25:40Come on maybe
25:43Tell him to be it's safe actually on second thoughts maybe not the best idea around steve-o
25:52Someone far less shy about her recent sexcapades is Ella who's putting Reese to one side and on her way to meet her speed dating
25:59match 31 year old funeral director Sam
26:02Listen I know I've got roots on the brain
26:05But from what I remember Sam was quite funny
26:09Actually, I think I'm quite excited now. It's all coming back to me like Celine Dion
26:14And I've already thought ahead. I'm wearing flats because he's really sure you're not wrong. Look he stood up there
26:20Yeah, I'm looking forward to the date with Ella. The last one was fun. She's quite an interesting person
26:24So I'd imagine she's got a lot of stories to tell so yeah
26:27That's fine a little bit more can't wait you might not want to find out everything though Sammy
26:36And you I wore flat shoes because I didn't want you to I'm sure cuz you're sure yeah
26:43You actually look quite nice I made an effort as well you're not losing the circulation to your willy that's so tight
26:51You don't have to say everything your brain thinks Ella
26:53So we've got all I ever asked for when I joined the agency I was like someone six four
26:59Well, I was like tall taller than me
27:03I'm five six five seven Ching. If you want to make fun of me, feel free to I love
27:11I mean, it's quite flattering that Sam has nothing bad to
27:16Say about me
27:19I'm not gonna lie. I don't remember sound like in this film. Oh
27:24I need to ask you about your job
27:26Did you really do not look like a funeral director if I was an old lady and I had a husband and he died
27:31And you were the funeral director looking like that. I'd probably shag you in the funeral place
27:38Nothing a lot of caveats there, but take the compliments up because they are when you're grieving
27:42I don't know. I just feel like I've lost my Barry and then I see you and I'm a little boy
27:46I mean
27:49You can cry on my chair, yes
27:53We all deal with grief in different ways, I'm also a tit-crier ruin my granddad's funeral
27:59Fingers crossed there'll be no tears in Greenwich as Tristan and Chris are ready to grip their shafts on their golfing double date with Hannah
28:05And Nicole I think today for me is about not that I want to compare my dates
28:09You know, I've had three really nice days of Georgia speed dating was really fun with the agents
28:14You know, I'm not sure if anyone's matched the connection I had with Georgia
28:17So if I realize I'm not romantically connected with Hannah, I think it's important for me to you know
28:22Not be a people pleaser be honest be up front. It's the least I owe her
28:26I'm happy
28:27It's a double date because that means I don't necessarily have to get into the depth the whole thing I can stay shallow and then
28:33Maybe splinter off then go deep for a bit and then rejoin you're going on a date not swimming the fucking Channel
28:45You've been practicing in a golf pro. I've gotta get good
28:48Let me come and help you with you with your swing cuz you might get oh, yeah
28:52So what you want to do is grip it. Yeah, and then when I'm out of the way and then rip it
28:57I reckon we can do it together with me like this. No, you know and also I'm the ball
29:01I thought Chris had a problem with going deep. Let's get the dates in before he has a major breakthrough. I
29:07Really like just that branch because he was just so endearing
29:11He made me feel and like he wanted to know more about myself. He's also very attractive. I mean, I'm not blind
29:17I'm feeling a little bit nervous because I've never done a double date before so I'm not too sure what to expect
29:22I would definitely love to get to know Chris on a deeper level because at the brunch
29:26We literally only had 10 minutes, which is such a small amount of time
29:36So Hannah is wearing a leopard print dress today, obviously as a safari boy very on-brand, you know
29:41All things being equal today. There's gonna be quite a good day. However, I do hope that my backswing is not gonna give her the
29:48Whip yourself a club each and I tell you what we'll have a talk about the hands
29:51Well, I want you to do is I want you to wave your arms like you're wafting a fart way
29:55We've all been there I'm wafting Anna, but this vo booth stinks like a lamb
29:59Oh, no, then you get into Miley Cyrus twerk bend the knees bum out, right? Sorry. I'm still wafting
30:04I might need another half hour. What was in that coriander?
30:06So yeah, that's the main bit your hands are the most important part of your grip needs a little bit of work
30:10You can do a little bit of practice in the grips. You've probably had a bit of practice
30:14Yep, Chris had his hands all over Tristan's wood earlier and with the master class complete
30:19It's time to whack more balls and a dominate tricks in Westminster
30:23That is a dangerous swing
30:30Nicole's never seen a golf club in her life
30:33But I do appreciate the fact that she's giving it a go because that is a boy attitude. Oh
30:40I've never a ball like that in my life
30:45What is he at the pin? It can't go any closer to the pin for this
30:48This is giving me so much pressure on this
30:50God, I feel like you're gonna have to put it in the hole to win this
30:53Do you know that but I'd let you sink it never wind up a golf pro on their backswing
31:00Oh good to see Hannah's not taking it too seriously
31:04I've just beaten a pro at golf
31:05Well now you're about to be beaten by a golf pro savagely around the bum hole with the wide end of a seven iron
31:14Across town Stephen's day is in full swing. Now. All he needs is to improve safe flirting handicap
31:21Well, are you a party tricks party tricks?
31:24Yeah, mine's getting naked and dragging my ass along the floor like a dog with worms. What you got safe?
31:30Don't have any party tricks. What are your party tricks?
31:32Quite talented in the bedroom
31:35Come on safe time to get a risque
31:41This is no time to blush mate we need details
31:45Safe's been a lot more flirty on this date, which I love but he still seems a little bit reserved for me
31:50Are you always on your best behavior because it comes it come across like that a bit and that's that's why I come back
31:57So I thought there's more to this guy than just I'm mr. Happy and mr. Nice. Show me mr. Jerry
32:07On a first date, I think we're on our second one. Yeah
32:17Would never say leave would most people but you know, it's Stephen's opposite. Yeah, you got red again
32:24I've been really time on this day and the first day because I got pulled up for being overtly sexual
32:31Maybe rain it in
32:34Yeah, I do like to sit on most dates with a semi oh god someone gave a cushion for his lap
32:51Welcome back to celebs go dating
32:53We're double daters Chris and Tristan have swapped the driving range for the bar with Hannah and Nicole which was probably for the best
32:59You know what for a pro golfer?
33:03I can tell from your swing. You're so good, but you just hit a few bad shots
33:08I want to just point that out, right? I didn't it bad shots. I'm just stronger than all of you
33:12Well, this is getting tense quick Chris say something absolutely ridiculous to confuse it out of her anger
33:17Say you had a boyfriend. So you each say we were your boyfriend. That's almost theoretically, of course
33:22And if we had sex with like a robot now do it. It doesn't count
33:28Okay, it's a robot. But if it's like
33:33That's why I say I disagree my fleshlight has feelings I know when it's angry
33:43So it's basically a robot but it can learn it can converse. Yeah, but do emotions ever get involved with sex
33:49Yes, I kiss a guy and I fall in love with him
33:51You know, you have no strings attached sex, right? I
33:55Think Hannah and I might have slightly different views on sex honest, you know, I'm quite an emotional bloke
34:00I like a spoon and a cuddle afterwards
34:01I just think the emotions get righted. Yeah, they rescue speaking from a third and a first date
34:07Would you like want to get deep? I wouldn't probably I was gonna tell you about all my daddy issues and stuff
34:11We shouldn't talk about them. No, no, you want to get deep you get deep. It doesn't mean I'm going deep with you
34:15Oh God, this is awkward
34:18Right Chris perfect chance to dip your toe in the deep end. Don't let the agents down
34:22So girls, what are you were looking for in a relationship? Well spit on my shoes and want me knows he did it
34:27In a relationship. I want somebody I can be silly with binge watch movies
34:31Like I like somebody who doesn't take life too seriously. We can do that fun thing that go to a theme park
34:36There's so much stuff going on in the world. It's quite a dark place
34:39So somebody that can sort of take me out of that and like make me feel like just like really happy smiley fun
34:45That's pretty cute. Sounds a bit like me and Nicole are searching for the same thing
34:50It's good good sign very much mimic what you were saying. Actually if we're being serious, but it's just
34:58Letting people in this hot. It is hard
35:01100% because you're vulnerable and you're putting your feelings in someone else's hands and just like say like your feelings are an egg
35:07It's a weird metaphor. You'll give it to them. They can literally drop it and smash it
35:11And actually when you've had a lot of people drop it and smash it you build a wall up
35:15I'm not really sure what they're going on about but I could smash an omelet right now
35:21One man who needs a bit of egging on his Stevens date safe who so far failed to show the goggle boxer
35:26He's naughty aside
35:28What's your idea of romance?
35:30Just honestly like for me. I really really love when somebody shows me
35:36Something they adore doing like what is what is something that Steven loves to do?
35:42Belching yeah, I never mentioned enough on second dates I find
35:48Sorry, I couldn't resist you're like a mad child
35:52That is the thing with me
35:54I just can never be sensible just because I find it really boring and I think life's boring enough
36:00Why not just be mad and be?
36:02Outrageous don't change that
36:05It's been a lovely date with safe. I've been honest and showed my naughty side and he seems to have taken it well
36:10Yeah apart from when you brought up Felton and he called you a man child. Can we get the bill, please?
36:15Yes, sir. Sure. I'll get it. No, let's split it. Oh, no, I hate splitting
36:19No, let's split it. Oh, no, I hate split. I'll get this. Are you sure? Yeah, cuz next time I want to go somewhere really expensive
36:29It's gonna be a next
36:32Go shall we yeah, come on then
36:38Wow, this is it. Thanks for a great night. It's a nice second day
36:50See you soon
36:52I was really pleased to see safe. I think I got to know him a little bit more
36:56I do think this ain't there. I just don't think he's giving me his true self. I
37:03Absolutely would love to see Steven again
37:05I think you know
37:06There's a lot of things that we want to talk about that we didn't get the chance to talk about this time
37:10I really hope we get to do it on a third date
37:13If I was in need of a bit of a cuddle and a bit of a smooch
37:17And watch not inhale I'd give safe a call but I want to watch Debbie does Dallas
37:24the remake starring me
37:28Steven does Swindon available online click the link with the chili pepper
37:34Still looking to find her lady man is Ella and she's making all the right moves with funeral director Sam and hasn't even mentioned
37:41Reese once. Oh my god. I need to talk to you up for them. Oh
37:50Am gonna be honest, there's a guy that I'm you have been data called race
38:01So that's competition now
38:03Why do you want to win my affection? Yeah, do you it's competition? Do you actually really fun?
38:08So easy to get along with a job
38:10I have no filter, but even I'm feeling a little bit awkward being this honest with Sam about Reese
38:17But honesty is the best policy
38:20So I just rather be an open book
38:22So I invited him to my event last night and I'll be honest. I slept with Reese. It's really awkward
38:31Yeah, but I think when she started sleeping with someone and then it becomes like a regular thing that's when it gets
38:37Depends I mean that depends what connection you have with them, but I have a wrong view on it
38:41But I think the point of it is to date multiple people
38:44Because then you know who you like. I mean, I think it's because I kind of set myself up for failure
38:49Because I told him I'd date other people
38:52but I went
38:54Kiss anyone or do anything like that with anyone at all?
38:57No snogs for Sammy then he hasn't looked this sad since his last graveside service
39:03Let's hope there's still some vital signs left on the double date where Chris and Tristan are wrapping things up when the cult and Hannah
39:09I actually do have to go because I have work and I do podcasts
39:14So do I Chris parent in hell available on all major platforms? Would you walk out with me? Yeah. Yeah. Let's go. See ya
39:24Bye Chris
39:29How do you feel like this day is gone what your thoughts on this I have no idea
39:32How do you think it's gone aside from the gulf rage and the emotion of sex row? I'd say great
39:37Join us to be pretty. Yeah, just be brunt brunt must be Welsh for blunt. I've had a really nice day with Hannah
39:42She's a lovely girl. We get on really well. However, I do feel like we have a slight
39:48Misalignment on values. I do have to be honest with her
39:52I've had a good time with you. Mm-hmm. I think you're gorgeous
39:55I don't think there's a romantic connection between us
40:02That's completely fine, yeah, yeah, and that's nothing that's no it's not you know, it's not a person
40:07It's about kind of being like
40:09Authentic about it. I know I'd rather authentic. Oh, yeah, it's no hard feelings. I wish you the best of luck
40:16To be fair today was a lot of fun. I had a great day with Chris
40:20Hannah was more of a swing and a miss
40:21I wasn't feeling something romantic with Hannah and it's always better to tell that person that to not leave them on
40:27so just trying to be honest and
40:29Authentic with my feelings a lot of men don't have the maturity to tell you to your face
40:33I don't want to see you again and you can sometimes get the wrong idea
40:36So the fact that he told me open and honestly and before I left that he wasn't feeling it
40:40I completely commend him. I can't help but compare my time with Hannah to Georgia at the moment
40:45It hasn't come anywhere close to that
40:47But at the same time I am still open to exploring things elsewhere. I think that's what this price is all about
40:52So as Tristan ponders how he's gonna get home from the o2
40:55Maybe there's some more hope of romance between Chris and the car
40:59Jubilee line change of entry
41:01No, I've had fun. Yeah, we hit some balls. We did etc. I know I did one which is you did really well
41:08They did do really well once. Oh
41:11This is promising
41:14Sorry that I've got a bounce, but I just wanted to say
41:19At this moment in time, I don't want another day no bollocks gotta be honest
41:26But hopefully you don't don't hate me. Of course not. I appreciate you being honest. I wish you all the best
41:32Thank you. You too. Bless you. Oh, well, maybe he's got a hot date with a sex book to get to
41:39Telling anybody that you don't want to see them again is like
41:42Navigating a hedge maze, but I've got to be honest about how I feel. I don't want to lead him on
41:47So hopefully she appreciates that the honest that yeah, I'm sure she will
41:52I thought he was giving me kind of all the signs that he wanted another day lots of flirting like good body language
41:59Oh, maybe she won't I thought we had a lot of things in common
42:02I was really looking forward to exploring that
42:04Obviously, he's got some things he needs to deal with and I wish him all the best with that. I
42:09Feel like I did learn a little bit weirdly and that's probably the deepest I've gone on a date
42:14There was like an actual serious moment there. So I'll prove to myself. I can do it. Yeah, well done Chris
42:20We'll gloss over the robot shagging and call that a win big dub
42:26Over on Ella's date with Sam everyone seems to have forgotten the whole race thing except probably race
42:31You aren't going to get that view. No, no, but you really want I felt
42:34When I was like 21 22, but obviously I do want kids they always like my nephew and he's my absolute life
42:40And I really want to have kids like and I think it's triggered me more
42:45Since he was born when I had my surgery. I was given the option to freeze what I call my eggs and I didn't
42:54Just regret the fact that like now I'm older like I was only 17 then and it was such a big decision to me
43:00but looking back I was so immature and young that I should have
43:04Thought about it because now I can't obviously have my own by logic. I mean, I've always been open to optional adopting
43:10Yeah, but wouldn't you be annoyed if you couldn't find logically have your own? I'm very
43:15Yeah, just yeah laid back about the whole situation. I
43:19Love having fun laughter on a date, but it is actually really nice and refreshing to have a deep serious conversation with Sam
43:26But it is making me think on the confused
43:30wreath I
43:32like Sam
43:33And I'm not gonna lie. I kind of want to kiss him. I
43:38Really wanted this to be all for me. Not really like you
43:43I've had a great time. They're fine. I'm gonna change to a second day. Yeah, I would like so
43:54Do you wanna head off upstairs? Yeah, let's go
43:59Guess I'm quite nice about so do
44:03Well, well, well, I have a feeling Ella might break her kissing ban it
44:08I had a good time. Did you have a good time then? I did have a good second day. Yeah, I would like
44:20Goes for the lips at Christmas
44:22Now this is a comedy awkward, excuse me. Yeah, see you
44:28No, I didn't cuz you went like that
44:38Okay, see you later
44:43He didn't kiss me I'm really annoyed I wanted to snort that's amazing awkward first kiss I've ever had in my life
44:49Oh, I did want to start him
44:53The date with Ella was amazing. Actually, it's a conversation. I had a great time
44:58They said she's dating a boy called Reese. I shopped to hear that
45:01But I backed myself any day long
45:04it just seems so effortless and
45:07It's quite easy on the eye. Oh god. I feel like a hoe
45:12I'm not gonna feel bad for this rethink. Let's be honest. Come on
45:16I'm a dating agency
45:19Well have to date
45:22So I am gonna date you can date as many men as you like Ella
45:27But please never make me watch another kiss like that one ever again
45:32Our celebs head to the romantic retreat
45:39There's hits
45:42Mrs. Never have I ever cheered on someone and plenty of kisses
45:49As our celebs, we're being very naughty go what happens on the retreat. We'll definitely not stay on the retreat
