• last year
The Effect of Music - Hamza Yusuf


00:002.5 Hours Per Day
00:042.5 hours per day for teenagers in the United States listening to music.
00:092.5 hours per day.
00:11And as somebody who grew up in America,
00:14coming from a musical family,
00:16I have so many lyrics that I wish I could sue the people
00:21that took that space of my brain.
00:24Because I would much rather have other things in there.
00:29One in three popular songs now contain explicit references.
00:33You see, songs used to be like,
00:36if you go back to the 1940s and 30s,
00:39listen to the songs.
00:41Most of them were just simple lyrics,
00:43even in the 1950s.
00:46Teach your children well, their parents' hell did slowly go by.
00:50Don't ever ask them why if they told you you would cry,
00:53just look at them and sigh and know they love you.
00:55That's about parents, you know, sometimes you get bad parents.
00:58Just know that they still love you even though they're lousy parents.
01:01Those are the kind of lyrics.
01:03Now, you can't even listen to the lyrics,
01:06because they're so disgusting.
01:09They are so filthy.
01:11And Fakhruddin Al-Razi in his commentary says,
01:15about the verse in the Quran where shaitan is threatened
01:20that you will try to seduce them with your voice.
01:24He says, by giving them foul lyrics
01:27that their children will memorize and repeat.
01:30That's in Mufatih Al-Ghaib.
01:32That was in the 13th century.
01:35So what are we doing now? This is the khutuwat of shaitan.
01:38He's taking people by degrees.
01:40America used to be a relatively moral country.
01:43It used to have moral values.
01:46People used to go to church.
01:48They believed in God.
01:50They didn't use drugs by and large.
01:52It wasn't that long ago.
01:54Now you go there and one out of every four women
01:57has a venereal disease they can't get rid of.
02:01I'm not making this up.
02:03You can see research on this.
02:06HPV virus, it's a major problem in the United States
02:11causing cervical cancer, genital warts.
02:15These are real problems.
02:17And now they're promoting sexual behaviors that are pathogenic.
02:22You know, in America you have all these advertising
02:25against saturated fats.
02:27A Big Mac is not gonna kill you
02:30if you eat one of them.
02:32It'll do some damage, but it won't kill you.
02:35Even if you ate a hundred of them.
02:37It's gonna make you sick, but it's not gonna kill you.
02:40But one time of rectal intercourse
02:44can be a death sentence.
02:47One time.
02:48And yet in America they have all these ads
02:50warning people against saturated fats.
02:53And there's no ads warning them
02:55against deviant sexual behavior.
02:58Why is that?
02:59Because they're lobbies
03:02that say that that is hate speech.
03:06Why is that? It's not right.
03:08You should warn young people
03:10that you can get a venereal disease
03:12that you'll never get rid of.
03:13And as somebody who worked as an RN,
03:17I worked two years with a gastroenterologist,
03:20I saw firsthand the effects of rectal intercourse.
03:25And this is why it's prohibited for males on males
03:28or males on females.
03:30It's haram in our religion.
03:32It's not about homosexuality.
03:34It's simply about this sickness.
03:38Because if you do that,
03:40you will get very serious sicknesses.
03:43Your sphincter loses its control.
03:46One of the things, a miracle of the Prophet
03:48is he said that the people of Lut,
03:50they couldn't control their wind in their majalis.
03:52It's in the hadith that they used to pass wind
03:54because the sphincter is no longer doing its function
03:59because they've ruined the function
04:01by doing something that was never meant to be done.
04:05But they don't teach people this.
04:06They say, oh, it's normal, embrace yourself.
04:10The number of times an adolescent is exposed to
04:13explicit substance references, 35 per hour.
04:16They're listening to 2.5 hours a day, 35 per hour.
04:2184 per day, 591 per week
04:24being told about alcohol and drugs in these lyrics.
04:28These are the khutawat of shaitan.
04:3330,700 a year.
04:38References to drug or alcohol in songs.
04:41Pop, 9%. Rock, 14%.
04:44Hip-hop, R&B hip-hop, 20%.
04:47Country, 36%.
04:49Rap, 77%.
04:55And we've got all these kids listening to rap.
