GLAM SLAM S01E02 (2024)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00Welcome back to another episode of Glam Slam.
00:03This week's episode is a throw down
00:05between Boston Conservatory's musical theater kids, darling.
00:09Our first contestants from the sportiest side next door,
00:12plus so much more.
00:13She's back, back, back, back, back again
00:16from season 12 of All-Star 6.
00:18Please welcome Jan.
00:23Hi, it's Jan.
00:25I'm so excited to be here.
00:28Hi, it's Jan.
00:30I'm from New York City, Hell's Kitchen,
00:32and I was on season 12 in All-Star season 6.
00:35Oh my God, let's play some basketball!
00:39The testosterone.
00:41Oh my God, yes, so masked.
00:43That's what I'm known for.
00:44I'm really known for being the seamstress of season 12.
00:47I'm here to prove that I don't just hot glue things in.
00:52Are you ready to meet your competition?
00:55I'm ready.
00:56I hope they're as good of a seamstress as I am.
00:59We're about to see.
01:00Staring Jan down from the other side of the sewing machine,
01:03this contestant's a construction worker by day
01:06and a drag queen at night.
01:08Serving that drunk aunt at the beach bungalow realness
01:12from season 15, please welcome Lucy Laduca.
01:20Holy hell.
01:22Oh my God.
01:23Hi, babe.
01:24Are we going to weaponize our BFAs?
01:26It's already weaponized.
01:27I love it.
01:28Oh my God.
01:31Oh my God.
01:33My name is Lucy Laduca.
01:34I'm from Ansonia, Connecticut, the drag capital of the world,
01:37and I'm from season 15 of RuPaul's Drag Race.
01:40I want to compete in Glam Slam because I don't really get
01:43the time to make a lot of my own garments,
01:45and I really miss it.
01:46And so I jumped at the chance to come here
01:48and throw some stuff together and see what sticks.
01:51Look at the B.
01:54Oh my God.
01:57Lucy, how does it feel to see your competitor Jan
02:00from across the work arena?
02:02It feels incredible.
02:04I've known Jan for about 5,000 years.
02:07I'm so happy to see my sister Jan as my opponent.
02:09I've actually known Jan for over a decade.
02:12We went to college together.
02:14I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly.
02:17It's just Jan.
02:18Just Jan.
02:19But it's mostly been good.
02:22You're going to teach me how to sew today.
02:24I'm feeling good.
02:26You should.
02:27You should.
02:28Seeing Lucy Leduca as my opponent, honey,
02:31I'm feeling very nervous because she really can sew.
02:35You know, Rob, trends come and go,
02:38but disco never really dies.
02:40Oh, no way, Monet.
02:43From the fine lines to the shimmering balls,
02:45New York City's 70s are always staying alive.
02:49That's why in this episode,
02:50the contestants must design and bring to life
02:52a party look that captures all that is Studio 54 disco.
02:58Oh, my God.
02:59You may use any of the materials or tools
03:01that you find in the work arena,
03:02but don't get too carried away
03:03because you only have three hours to complete your look.
03:06Ay, ay, ay.
03:07All right.
03:08When the clock strikes zero,
03:09your looks will be modeled by identical twins
03:12for the other contestants in the competition,
03:14and they'll vote for their favorite look,
03:17not having any idea who made what.
03:20Ladies, the clock's about to start ticking,
03:24so without any further ado,
03:26we recommend that you get to work.
03:30Girl, okay, good luck.
03:31Good luck, Mama.
03:32Good luck.
03:33Oh, my God.
03:34May the best woman win.
03:36Did you want these?
03:37No, I wanted to shake your hand.
03:39Oh, my God.
03:40Thanks, sis.
03:41Oh, my God.
03:42You made up for that.
03:43You're welcome.
03:44Y'all, the clock is ticking.
03:45We've got all day.
03:47I'm seeing gold, gold, gold.
03:50I am going for the gold.
03:52It's a drag queen's dream.
03:53How are you feeling?
03:54I was known for my sewing on season 12.
03:57Yes, you were.
03:58Yes, you were.
03:59If I sew something, great.
04:01I'm just here for a good time.
04:02Not a long time.
04:03Only three hours.
04:04Plenty of time.
04:05The best way to prepare for a sewing challenge
04:07is to be a drag queen for 13 years,
04:09and you have different themes,
04:10and three hours is kind of a nice, cushy time
04:12to get an outfit together.
04:13Sometimes you're on the way to a brunch,
04:15and you're sewing a sleeve on.
04:17Not that I've done that.
04:18I would never do that.
04:19Do I think I could sew a dress in three hours?
04:25So, since you were around during Studio 54,
04:29what are your thoughts on disco?
04:30Disco just seemed like it was the greatest party.
04:33Like, people were in the club
04:34just hanging out with Liza Minnelli.
04:37Put me in there.
04:39I have no idea what I'm doing.
04:40Girl, it's gonna be so amazing.
04:43I actually have a vision.
04:47Oh my God, okay.
04:50No, I can't draw this, you guys.
04:52I'm seeing the material,
04:54and there's stuff that I can work with here.
04:57I'm like, okay, it can be a little bit costumey.
04:59It's Studio 54, so I might be able to swing something.
05:02You having fun over there?
05:04I am having fun, yeah.
05:05When I think of Studio 54,
05:07I think of really dramatic draping.
05:11I think of gold, silver, metallics.
05:15I'm thinking about this wrap dress moment,
05:18and then I realize that
05:20I don't have the model in front of me.
05:22I don't want to start cutting into the sequin fabric
05:24because once you cut it, you're totally done.
05:26So, I scrap that idea.
05:28Oh yeah, this is better.
05:29And I find this gold sequin fabric.
05:32Do y'all want to see my sketch?
05:35We'd love to.
05:36It's really good.
05:38That's great.
05:39That's the vision.
05:40She's the artist.
05:41I'm so excited.
05:42I can't wait to see y'all see this come to life.
05:45My initial sketch is
05:48kind of just as good as my sewing skills.
05:52But you know, I know what it looks like in my head.
05:55Holy hell.
05:57Okay, here we go.
05:59Oh, s***.
06:01So, my predictions are
06:02Jan is definitely going to make something that is
06:04hot glaucator, which is fine.
06:06A lot of amazing stuff has been thrown together
06:08with hot glue.
06:09And I think that I will put together
06:12something made out of fabrics
06:14and accessories
06:16that will be on camera.
06:19Now they both have disco balls on their stations.
06:22I hope no one's going to hang a disco ball off of them.
06:24That would be too much for me.
06:25Lucy's is already a purse or a handbag.
06:28So, that's kind of easy if she just does that.
06:31Is it lazy? I don't know.
06:33Also, I am not a big mixed metals person.
06:35So, if her outfit is gold
06:37and she's wearing silver,
06:38that's going to drive me insane.
06:40I'm going to have her left,
06:42like, exited from the show.
06:44I think as long as we both have fun.
06:47That's all that matters.
06:49I'm lying, I want to win.
06:52I'm excited.
06:53I thought you burned yourself with a hot glue gun, girl.
06:55Oh my God.
06:58I'm really saying something right now.
07:00I think that this might be the first time
07:03that I'm not going to use a hot glue gun
07:06in a sewing competition.
07:08No hot glue guns?
07:09I'm just not going to say any words to that.
07:12Yeah, famous last words.
07:20I came in eighth place twice
07:21in a reality television competition.
07:23Oh no.
07:24It's pretty cool.
07:25And there's eight competitors in this today.
07:28Will Herstory repeat herself?
07:30You're consistent
07:31and that shows how professional you are.
07:34And I love that for you.
07:36Hello, Jan.
07:38Oh my God.
07:39It's good meeting you in person.
07:40Nice to meet you.
07:41I love your book.
07:42I'm such a fan.
07:43Oh my God, thank you.
07:45Tell me what's up.
07:46What are you going for?
07:47I don't know.
07:48I don't know.
07:50But it makes sense in my mind.
07:51Are you threatened at all?
07:52I am extremely threatened by Lucy.
07:55I think that she's really stiff competition.
07:57And I did tell her earlier
07:59that I didn't come here to make friends,
08:00I came here to win.
08:03I just broke a needle.
08:05Let it loose.
08:07I just wanted to do that.
08:08No, it's okay.
08:09Not as good as you do it.
08:10I understand.
08:11Hey, Lucy.
08:12How are you?
08:13I'm good.
08:14I'm excited to know what you're doing here.
08:15How are you feeling?
08:16I'm feeling okay.
08:17But it's a short amount of time.
08:18It's a very short amount of time.
08:19We noticed that you tried a few things on the bodice.
08:22What was your thought process
08:24in going with the different materials?
08:26My first idea with Disco was like
08:28a drapey wrap dress with big bell sleeves
08:30and like, baby, that's not going to happen
08:32in this amount of time.
08:33So I just figured I would go with something
08:34a little bit more simple.
08:35Are you planning on putting something over this?
08:37Yeah, yeah.
08:38I'm thinking of using this as a base garment.
08:40I have to see how full this tool is
08:42at the end of the day,
08:43but I want to add a little bit of structure underneath
08:46in case I do want to add some embellishments on top.
08:48Oh, wow.
08:49You hear that, Jan?
08:52I don't want to scare you.
08:53Well, I will let you get to it.
08:55Thank you so much.
08:56Yes, good luck.
09:05Oh, the hot glue girls are...
09:08I'm not hot gluing.
09:10Oh, you're not?
09:12I'm not going to use hot glue today.
09:14I've used enough hot glue in sewing challenges.
09:17I'm not going to use it.
09:18Okay, I'm going to use it.
09:20You know what?
09:21No, I'm not going to use it.
09:24Cute, right?
09:25It's like a little...
09:26Wait, we're doing something very similar.
09:28Are we really?
09:30Yeah, I love that.
09:32Honey, what came first, the chicken or the egg?
09:35She copied me!
09:37I'm seeing it and I'm like,
09:38well, how am I going to make mine step up from that?
09:41She has sequins.
09:42Mine's lame.
09:43There's too many similarities here today, Lucy.
09:46I have to go back to the drawing board
09:47and really, really up my ante.
09:58I'm like, should I hot glue this on?
10:05Come on, man hands.
10:07Lucy, what are you doing?
10:09Right now I'm putting grommets into this little thing
10:11to make it like a belt moment.
10:13Oh my God, what can't she do?
10:14I'm coming over to learn.
10:15These two are sharing a lot of information with each other.
10:18They are.
10:19Which is an interesting strategy.
10:21It really is.
10:22You know that's amazing.
10:23Cute, right?
10:24Oh my God.
10:25I want to hang out with Lucy
10:26and maybe I can learn a thing or two.
10:28And she's like grommeting.
10:29And I'm like, whoa, you are a construction worker.
10:32Guys, this is a competition.
10:33We're not hanging out.
10:34They are.
10:35I got to go.
10:36That's what you get for telling us
10:38that we can't be sisters, Monet.
10:39God was upset.
10:43OK, now that the queens are working on their designs,
10:45I think it's time that we introduce them to their models.
10:49Please welcome to the court, Jada and Madeline.
10:53Seeing double, feeling single.
10:55Hello, ladies.
10:56Good to see you again.
10:57You can go meet your queens.
11:00What's up?
11:01How are you?
11:02Good to meet you.
11:03You're so beautiful.
11:04Oh my God.
11:05I love to meet you.
11:06You look so beautiful already.
11:07How are you?
11:09How are you feeling?
11:10I see the vision.
11:11I have the vision.
11:12So gorgeous.
11:13I'm stunned.
11:14And she has so much confidence
11:15and I'm so excited to put this look on her.
11:23I don't hate this.
11:24She's not mixing metals.
11:25She's not mixing metals.
11:26But that lamé and this sequin,
11:29I don't love them together.
11:31Yeah, I'm going to cut this nasty girl
11:33and it's going to be hot.
11:35You're going to look so sexy.
11:36You see the vision?
11:37A little competition.
11:39I know.
11:40That's fine.
11:44She's giving a little sequin moment.
11:47I'm just like, I'm looking.
11:50I just want to see.
11:52I just want to see.
11:56I think I'm good.
11:58Sure, Jan.
11:59So, this thing Lucy's putting on her
12:02is already making her feel so bulky.
12:04Like, it's like a lot of fabric.
12:06It's too much fabric all together.
12:07Yeah, mulled up there.
12:08Like, it's making her look like
12:09she has like a f***ing G cup
12:10when she does not.
12:12So, this is looking so, so cute already.
12:15I think the hardest part about creating the look
12:17will obviously be the time constraint,
12:19but also making it look cohesive.
12:22Grab this.
12:23Okay, that was my first idea.
12:25It's not going to work for the materials
12:27that we have in a time.
12:30Okay, we've got some sewing going on.
12:32Oh, baby, sewing is happening.
12:33We love.
12:34Chad is coaching.
12:35Coaching Jan through this.
12:38And then we've got to figure out
12:39how I'm going to put this on you.
12:40How much do we have?
12:41Oh my God, okay.
12:44Okay, turn that way.
12:45Yeah, right there.
12:46A tulle skirt.
12:48That is Nazi disco to me.
12:50I think she has a vision,
12:52and I'm excited to see it.
12:53I wanted to do something fuller on the bottom.
12:56I didn't want it to just look like
12:57a little scoochie dress,
12:59so I decided to make a big tulle skirt
13:02to add a little bit of volume on the bottom
13:04and almost make it feel like a disco princess.
13:07Oh, this is so cute.
13:10Tell me who this person is at the disco.
13:13It's getting socialite.
13:15Like the socialite who goes to the disco.
13:17You know, she doesn't necessarily
13:19fit in with the crazy partiers,
13:21but she's the one who's like
13:22bringing the drugs that people can't afford.
13:24You know what I mean?
13:25Like that kind of thing.
13:26I will say, I've never seen this,
13:28and having this belt situation on this adjustable,
13:31I think that's actually kind of brilliant,
13:33and I love that.
13:34Thank you so much.
13:35She does seem into the idea,
13:37so I'm thinking,
13:38okay, we're going in a good direction here.
13:41Yeah, that looks cool.
13:43Okay, so you're ditching that skirt.
13:45You're going with a different skirt.
13:47No, mama.
13:50Because I'm seeing Miss Thing over there,
13:51and she's giving a lot of drama in the material.
13:54I'm trying to give drama in the performance.
13:56In the performance.
13:58I'm exceeding my own expectations.
14:00I'm just going to say it.
14:01I had really low expectations going into this,
14:04and regardless of what happens,
14:06I am so proud.
14:09I'm really like, okay,
14:10I have to kind of wrap it up and do it.
14:13Oh my god, I'm going to throw up.
14:15I'm so nervous.
14:25Jan, she has not abandoned the other skirt.
14:28This new one's going to be like a reveal.
14:31I love that.
14:32Yeah, I think it could be really strong.
14:34She lined it,
14:35so it's really heavy,
14:36so it's not like moving very freely.
14:38Well, f***, I just ruined my spot.
14:41All right, y'all.
14:42We have one hour left.
14:45Oh my god, the pressure.
14:46One hour left, girls.
14:49What the hell was that?
14:50That is a gay whistle.
14:52That was the driest whistle.
14:59Jan, it looks like you've taken some clothes off.
15:01It's getting hot in here.
15:02Oh, is it?
15:03The competition is getting hot.
15:15Did you use a glue gun?
15:17They'll never know, honey.
15:18I just used it on the tiniest bit for the sake of art.
15:22I needed to do it.
15:23She's very openly a gluer.
15:26I made a new one because this is way more symmetrical.
15:28Oh, thank you.
15:31I'm quite impressed.
15:32It's really good.
15:33The eye cover is...
15:35Looks really good.
15:36Girl, this is so major.
15:39This is Grace Jones boots,
15:41the house down, everything.
15:43And we have...
15:45Princess Peach.
15:47We're just going to even this out.
15:50I just don't know if we've seen a poodle skirt or a tutu.
15:54At Studio 54.
15:55I see Jan's girl.
15:57I want to bring this up just a hair more.
16:02Wait, I...
16:04Oh, it's my turn.
16:07Ten minutes.
16:08Shut up.
16:09Oh, my God.
16:10Oh, my God.
16:11You're joking.
16:12We would never joke here in the arena.
16:15The little buckles.
16:17I love that it took it to that place.
16:20It's such a cute way to do a little reveal,
16:22and it brings this hardware into it,
16:25which I really love as a pop.
16:27Flip that one right up.
16:28Cinderella moment.
16:29It looks like Cinderella grew up and went to the disco.
16:33I'm nervous.
16:34I want to win now.
16:35I didn't think I was going to have a horse in the race.
16:37So the clock is running down, and I'm like, oh, my God.
16:41I literally have to send my model on to the runway right now.
16:44I'm freaking out.
16:45Do I have time to make a shirt to match my model?
16:47I'm going to go like this.
16:49Oh, my God, I look so good.
16:52So the clock is running down, and I'm feeling suspiciously good.
16:56Girl, body glitter makes everything look better.
16:59I don't want to be one of those people who gets overconfident
17:03and says, all right, I'm done, and then I miss something.
17:05Okay, okay.
17:06I'm shaking in my boots.
17:08I can't believe this is happening.
17:12All right, ladies, there is one minute left.
17:15Chansey, home stretch, girl.
17:17Oh, my God, I know.
17:18I'm freaking out.
17:19Last minute touches.
17:20Now I want to paint them gold.
17:22Desperate times, desperate measures.
17:24Jan breaks off the spray paint.
17:26What is happening?
17:28I want a little bit more glitter.
17:30I don't think it's going to dry in time.
17:32Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
17:36I don't hate the purse.
17:37I don't hate the purse.
17:38All right, let's do the purse.
17:39Okay, you're a party girl.
17:40Two, one.
17:42Thank you so much.
17:44We're done.
17:45Oh, my God.
17:46Your time is up, ladies.
17:48Every last second.
17:50So if you really look at the details of my look,
17:53it's not the most well-put-together thing.
17:56I'll just say it.
17:57If you look at Lucy's,
17:58hers looks more, in my opinion, professionally made.
18:01So I don't know if people are going to think about that more
18:05or if they're going to think of the theme more.
18:07And I think if they go with the theme, I have it.
18:11She looks so cute.
18:13I think that Jane and I took two different approaches.
18:16Hers was not necessarily sewn together,
18:20but it had more of, like, a streetwear vibe,
18:22whereas mine had a few more sewn elements
18:25but just looked like a totally different vibe.
18:27They looked like sisters that were going to the same party
18:30but have totally different attitudes.
18:32Bring on the jury of your peers.
18:35Oh, my God.
18:36They're both pretty good, so which one do I choose?
18:39I definitely think that the look on the left
18:41is giving me more disco, more Studio 54.
18:44The look on the right is giving me a little bit, like, prom.
18:47It is a really cute dress.
18:49I know that that is well-made.
18:51I can tell.
18:52This one on the left is giving me gold member,
18:55and I kind of live.
18:56It's also giving a little Grace Jones,
18:58which does not hurt nobody.
19:00Okay, they're both good.
19:02They're both good.
19:04They're both good.
19:05Can I vote for both?
19:07Well, then I don't want to vote.
19:13Ladies, the results are in for whose BFA was weaponized best.
19:18Oh, my God.
19:19The winner will be one step closer to the grand finale
19:22where you will compete for $10,000.
19:25Oh, my God.
19:26And the loser takes 20 lashings from Monet's ponytail.
19:31It hurts.
19:33Are you okay?
19:34That's one.
19:35No, I liked it.
19:36Ladies, are you ready for these results?
19:40And the winner is...
19:46Oh, my God!
19:48Maisie Lambert is the winner!
19:51Oh, my God.
19:52Good job, baby.
19:53Oh, my God!
19:54Did I just come in here thinking I was going to completely bomb
19:58and just take this today?
20:00Bye, Lucy.
20:01Good work.
20:02Lose my number.
20:04I am sad that I have to leave
20:06because I wanted to see who else was in the competition,
20:09and I just love staring at Rob.
20:11Jan, congratulations.
20:14This means you are one step closer to winning the grand prize of $10,000.
20:17I'm f***ing shocked.
20:18She believed she could, and so she did.
20:22Oh, my God.
20:23Big thanks to Jan and Lucy for slamming this week's competition.
20:27And thank you for cheering on with us from the bleachers.
20:30Join us next week when we continue our quest
20:33to find out which queen gonna rise above the rest.