GLAM SLAM S01E06 (2024)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00to just four remaining contestants competing for $10,000.
00:05This week's episode is a joust
00:07between New Jersey's Juiciest Queens.
00:10Our first contestant danced her way through the disco 70s.
00:14Please welcome back Jan.
00:22Hey, what's up, everybody?
00:23Welcome back to Glam Slam.
00:25I'm your host, Jermaine Dupri.
00:27And I'm your host, Jermaine Dupri.
00:30Look at you dribbling.
00:32What's up?
00:34I'm back.
00:36Last time I was here was Studio 54 Disco Clubwear,
00:42and I really exceeded my expectations.
00:45Oh, my God.
00:47The world is open up to me now.
00:49I'm like, what else can I do
00:50that I just pulled a rabbit out of a hat, you know?
00:53Jan, how you doing, diva?
00:54I'm good.
00:55I just got a piece of salad out of my tooth,
00:57so I'm ready.
00:59Is that the word?
01:00I have a piece of pork right here,
01:01but I'm saving it for later.
01:02Oh, my God, that flavor, girl.
01:04It's gonna be marinated.
01:06How does it feel to be back in our work arena?
01:08Can you believe?
01:09I'm shocked.
01:10I had no idea that I would even make it this far,
01:13so I'm just considering this a blessing.
01:16This is the first time I've ever been in the top four.
01:20Well, are you ready to meet your competition?
01:22I am, yeah.
01:23Staring Jan down from across the sewing machine,
01:27our next contestant wasted no time getting squared away
01:31for a heartfelt victory with her tourist couture look.
01:34Please welcome back Lux Noir London.
01:42Yes, oh, my God, ready for battle.
01:45Well, yes.
01:46I'm back.
01:49Oh, my gosh, I'm so excited that I beat Robin.
01:51It was a tough fight, but I think I deserved it.
01:55Hey, Lux.
01:56How does it feel to be back in the work arena?
01:58Feels like home.
02:00Lux, do you think you can take on your fellow New Jersey queen?
02:05I think so.
02:06I'm a little nervous.
02:08I know Lux loves to get in there and really sew something.
02:15I'm honestly a little very gagged that Jan made it
02:17because I know she can't sew, but Jan is super creative,
02:21so I could see how she did.
02:24You know, as much as all of us ladies love the city life,
02:27sometimes we need to escape the summer heat and sweaty sheets
02:30to find some fresh air, you know?
02:33And nothing helps beat off the heat
02:35better than a breezy day at the beach.
02:38And that's why in this episode, our contestants must design
02:41and bring to life a men's resort wear look
02:44that captures all that is fire island fairy.
02:49Yeah, we know some fairies.
02:50Am I right, ladies?
02:52Now, you may use any of the materials or tools
02:54that you find in your workstations,
02:56but keep an eye on the clock because you'll only have
02:59three hours to complete your look.
03:01When the clock strikes zero, your looks will be modeled
03:04by identical twins for the other contestants in the competition,
03:07and they'll blindly vote not knowing who made what look.
03:11For a fun little twist, you'll be working with male models.
03:16Oh, my God.
03:18The winner will advance to compete for $10,000.
03:24Have we made ourselves clear, ladies?
03:26Are you ready to frolic with the fairies of fire island?
03:33The clock's about to start ticking, girls.
03:35And our cycles are synced.
03:37So without any further ado, we recommend you get to work.
03:45I saw this beautiful blue fabric,
03:48and I was like, mama, fairy, water, hello.
03:52So I'm like, I need to use that.
03:56I spot this really hot pink sunset fabric,
03:59and I'm like, okay, that's the one I'm going to go for.
04:01So I grab it, and then out of the corner of my eye,
04:04I see Jan grabbing a very similar fabric,
04:07and I'm hoping and praying that we are not thinking
04:09of doing the same exact thing.
04:12Ladies, what do we think about the materials?
04:14Are they giving?
04:15Well, yes.
04:16Or should they be giving back?
04:17I think that there's a lot to work with.
04:20And there's only three hours to work with, so...
04:22Let's maybe get on with it.
04:24We're at the Pine's Pantry right now.
04:26I'm seeing some flowy fabric.
04:28I'm seeing a lot of, like, pride floaty stuff.
04:31So I think that that is something
04:33that I'm keeping my eye on.
04:35All right, let's get in the mood.
04:37I feel like I have an advantage
04:38because I have been to Fire Island, and Lux hasn't.
04:43And so enjoy the neon,
04:45but I want to give the Fire Island experience,
04:47and to me, it's giving more woods than palm tree.
04:53Okay, I know what I'm doing.
04:56Rob, how about you like to dibble and babble
04:59on La Isla del Fuego?
05:02Oh, the Fire Island.
05:04Do you love?
05:04Of course.
05:05It's such a happy, welcoming, fun, free place.
05:10The vibe and the energy of Fire Island is just great.
05:12I love Fire Island.
05:13Me too.
05:16So contrary to gay people loving rainbows
05:19and glitter and sparkle and all of that stuff,
05:22I'm going to stray away from that
05:24and make something that's a little more, like,
05:25tasteful and a little more ready to wear
05:30instead of looking like a pride float costume.
05:33I love these pops of neon against it.
05:35It's like giving, like, neon sunset.
05:38Neon sunset, that's the theme.
05:41Lux has gone neon.
05:44Neon, yeah, which I love.
05:46A dig, little fantasy.
05:48She's ready for that pines party, honey.
05:51I think I want...
05:55I'm stuck.
05:59Oh my God, I can't take myself seriously.
06:02So this is like half tan.
06:12Or is it this?
06:15What can I do with this?
06:18I'm Colonel Mustard.
06:25For all my ASMR lovers out there.
06:32You look like you are very concerned.
06:34Yeah, I, like, have the design that I want to do
06:38and the concept, but I just realized that I don't have
06:42the fabric that I want to use.
06:45Like, there's only this neon green.
06:48And I want a little more hunter green.
06:50Oh, hunter green for Fire Island.
06:52You're hunting twinks.
06:53Yes, exactly.
06:55And what better place than Fire Island Pines?
06:59Okay, I gotta sew.
07:01Well, I think that if you were going to go
07:04on a sewing challenge show,
07:06you would maybe want to take a lesson in sewing.
07:09But I just watched TikToks to prepare.
07:12I was like, oh, okay, just, like, do that.
07:15I'll be fine.
07:24Ew, okay.
07:25Don't love those.
07:26We're going to get their hands dirty today.
07:28This is what I love to do.
07:30I love crafty.
07:35We saw you sketching a little bit in your book.
07:37Have you been preparing a design?
07:39Yes, I did make a sketch.
07:42It's like a cute little, like, caftan moment
07:45with, like, a, like, Speedo and, like, tank top set
07:49kind of tease moment.
07:50You've been to Fire Island before?
07:54You came up with that.
07:55That's so Fire Island.
07:57A caftan and a Speedo?
07:58I feel like I kind of just know gay people,
08:00so I kind of just went with, like,
08:01what would a gay wear to the beach?
08:03I think that that is accurate.
08:05I think that the hardest part of this look
08:07is going to be figuring out the color combination
08:10of how I want everything to line up.
08:13No, they're off.
08:13You don't want it to look too muted
08:15and too, like, not standout-y,
08:17but you also don't want it to look too, too much
08:19because, like, I know a lot of us are hashtag team too much,
08:22but not tonight, Henny.
08:24I don't know which one I want to use.
08:29Hunter Green must be very important to the vision.
08:32Right, like, what could it be?
08:33Maybe some type of meat rack look, like, in the wild.
08:38It's a rare color to see out.
08:40Yeah, a deep green.
08:41Yeah, interesting.
08:43I hope this dries fast.
08:46I don't want to put my model in something wet.
08:50Was there that Speedo thing anywhere?
08:52There's a rainbow Speedo here.
08:53That works fine.
08:54Go for it, mama.
08:55Thank you, mama.
08:57Hey, mama.
08:59Hey, mamas.
09:00Lux, you've grabbed some rainbow...
09:02What is that?
09:03It's a Speedo.
09:05Those are cute.
09:06I'm using it as a pattern to make my own Speedo.
09:09Are you going to make it even smaller?
09:11I'm just going to keep it as large as I can
09:14while showing just enough skin.
09:16It's about subtlety.
09:17What did they say about women in their 20s?
09:19If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready.
09:23No, it's like...
09:24They showed more by showing less.
09:26I don't know.
09:26That sounds kind of boring.
09:28That sounds like Mormonism.
09:30To me, it's like show more, get more.
09:43I can't draw anything straight.
09:46Well, this is a gay experience, so...
09:49Hello, Lux.
09:51I will avoid stepping on all this material.
09:53Let me just grab my little handy dandy scotch book.
09:56So what I'm doing is a cute little, like,
09:59flowy, like, half tan because it's light,
10:02but it covers up and it's like the beach.
10:03So, like, you want to be, like, cool and, like, breezy
10:06and things like that.
10:07And I'm doing, like, a matching, like, Speedo
10:10and cropped tank situation out of...
10:14I don't know which mesh I'm going to use.
10:15Maybe I'll make both and see which looks better.
10:18If I have time.
10:18You know what?
10:19Why don't you do that, actually?
10:20You're going to make two looks.
10:22Hey, Monet, Lux is going to do two looks, okay?
10:25One for me and you?
10:27You're locked into that choice.
10:28Actually, I don't think I am because it's not in writing.
10:31So, um...
10:32Oh, wow.
10:33She knows her legalese.
10:35Well, yes.
10:36You've got a lawyer on your team, don't you?
10:37Yeah, this isn't my first time.
10:39All right, I'll leave you to it.
10:41Let's see what you make.
10:45Hi, Rob.
10:47What's up?
10:48How are you feeling?
10:50I'm definitely a little more nervous,
10:52but I am going back to my roots, which is Crafty Camp.
10:57I want to tell a story.
10:59And so, ticket.
11:01Oh, my God.
11:04And then we're going to have, oh, caftan.
11:07Yes, God, we're flying across the lake.
11:10Then take it off, held together by a beautiful belt, of course.
11:14We have to go shopping.
11:16We have to go to the Pines Pantry.
11:17Oh, this is why you wanted the green?
11:20You're really selling the experience of it.
11:23And I'm hoping that my peers will see that.
11:26What are you planning on having him wear, though?
11:30I'm still figuring that-
11:31Because these are props.
11:32They're good, but they're props.
11:33I'm still figuring that out.
11:35I do have these green trunks here.
11:40And then that matched with the caftan as a reveal.
11:43This will be the most detailed thing.
11:46And then there'll be these shorts.
11:47Got it.
11:48So a reveal onto the shorts.
11:49Okay, cool.
11:49Yeah, I didn't see the shorts.
11:51At least I was like, is he wearing something?
11:53Well, I'll leave you to it.
11:54Thanks, Rob.
11:55It seems like you have a bit to do here.
11:57And best of luck.
11:58I'm excited to see what you do.
11:59Me too.
12:02I took a trip to Fire Island.
12:04I see.
12:05I got a little souvenir.
12:06I see.
12:07Do you want to know what the deal is?
12:09Lux is continuing with what she had told us earlier,
12:12like a caftan situation with a Speedo underneath.
12:17Looks like she's going with the neon yellow,
12:20which is really fun.
12:21And Jan is going a whole other route.
12:25There is a performance.
12:27It looks narrative-based.
12:28It is highly narrative-based.
12:30So she's showing her knowledge of Fire Island,
12:33which is something that Lux doesn't have.
12:34But the look, I don't know what it is.
12:38You know, I was doubtful of Jan.
12:41And she hit a home run.
12:45So I'm like, you know what?
12:45I'm going to trust her process and let go and let God.
12:51I don't have a pattern for a tank top.
12:54So in my head, I'm just going to draw a tank top on the mesh
12:57to kind of make like a custom tank top.
13:01If there's one thing I'm going to do,
13:03it is procrastinate what I need to do.
13:07I cut down the middle.
13:08Oh my God, can't go back.
13:10And I'm going to just line it.
13:13No hot glue today.
13:14How did you attach the lining?
13:16My secrets?
13:17I'll never tell.
13:19Now we're cooking with gas.
13:20Let's go.
13:23Lux, you sewing with these shoes on is hilarious.
13:28Is it difficult to sew with those shoes on?
13:30A little bit because you can't really feel where the press is.
13:33But they're big enough to where if you just like kind of like
13:35stomp, you're bound to hit it, you know?
13:37Okay, now that our queen is done,
13:41we're going to go ahead and put the tank top on.
13:43I'm going to go ahead and put the tank top on.
13:45I'm going to go ahead and put the tank top on.
13:47Okay, now that our queens are well on their way with their
13:49designs, let's introduce them to their models,
13:53Andrew and Erin.
13:55Andrew and Erin, you're back.
13:58We're very excited to introduce you to your queens,
14:02Jan and Lux.
14:03Hi, I'm Lux.
14:04Nice to meet you.
14:06May I just say, I don't want to objectify people.
14:08However, these models are like gorgeous.
14:12Work, it looks pretty much even all the way around, I guess.
14:16Oh, yeah, perfect.
14:18Hi, Erin, how are you?
14:20Nice to meet you.
14:21Bring it in, bring it in.
14:23The models walk in, I say,
14:25honey, the story is already being told.
14:28I don't need to put too much on this model because there is so
14:32much to be expressed through his beautiful physique.
14:35Try these on.
14:36They're still like drying a little bit,
14:39but they're not going to stain you.
14:42I don't think it's going to work.
14:43It's not going to work.
14:44I mean, it's a vibe, though.
14:46I mean...
14:48They're too small for you?
14:50Okay, cool, then take them off,
14:52and we're going to figure something else out.
14:53They don't fit.
14:55They're looking weird.
14:56It's just not what I want at all.
15:00Okay, well...
15:07A nice touch here on Lux's end is the band.
15:11Erin, the speedo.
15:12The waistband.
15:13Yeah, it's just...
15:15I mean, it's almost necessary to do that,
15:17otherwise it'll look unfinished.
15:20Kind of burned the building.
15:22There's one risk that Lux is playing with here,
15:27and that is the fit of the bathing suit.
15:29I know.
15:30What happens if she puts it on?
15:31I know, I was thinking that.
15:32I was like, I mean, I...
15:35Has her model tried it on?
15:36He hasn't tried it on yet.
15:39Yeah, we'll cut these.
15:41Dan, that's a pretty close match to the green.
15:43Thanks, yeah, we just had to pivot a little bit,
15:48Ooh, hold on.
15:52I'm going to die.
15:55I don't know what I'm going to do.
16:00Oh, my God.
16:01I'm undone.
16:02I'm unwell.
16:03Okay, I got to figure something else out.
16:05Well, spray paint got me into this problem,
16:09and she's going to get me out of it.
16:11You know, I'm just going to do this in the back.
16:17Hi, Diva, how are you?
16:19Good, Diva, how are you?
16:20I'm good, you look stunning.
16:21Let me get up and show you the whole thing.
16:23Let me be a host.
16:25So this is the caftan, right?
16:27And then this is the Speedo,
16:29and if you see, so his business isn't hanging all out.
16:32I've made like...
16:34Skin color.
16:34Skin tone mesh.
16:35I mean, skin tones go under the mesh,
16:38and then we have the matching tank
16:41that also has elastic on the bottom.
16:43You're not going to put nude...
16:45We're showing the...
16:46Yes, yes.
16:47But we are going to add these little thingies up here
16:51so it's adjustable.
16:53I am gagged with the nude thing.
16:57You better work and use this.
16:59Oh, my goodness, you better work.
17:01Wait, where did you get this nude fabric from?
17:04It's this fabric that I just painted over with brown paint.
17:09And since it stretches, you know,
17:11it works with the stretch fabric.
17:12Yes, it does.
17:14Work, diva.
17:17All right, Jan.
17:18Hi, Monet.
17:19I see you're painting.
17:20Yeah, wait, do you actually want to give me that dress?
17:22I think my model would really...
17:23It would look so good with this.
17:25It would look really good.
17:25Do you want it?
17:26Do you want it?
17:27Wait, what are you painting on here?
17:29So I'm just writing, it's a pantry,
17:31just to give you a little nod.
17:32Okay, so caftan is done.
17:33You have the hat, you have the glasses,
17:34you're doing his shoes,
17:35so you're just really working on bag and shorts.
17:37Yeah, bag, shorts.
17:38And then you'll be good to go.
17:39And then, like, I have that fanny pack, obviously,
17:41that's really going to tie the whole look together.
17:45It is, it is, it's green.
17:46Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:47This is green, blue fantasy.
17:49Right, it gives me fairy.
17:50Love it.
17:57The pants.
18:01It is funny how much sewing is happening from Lux
18:03because it's such a little material,
18:05but it's so much sewing.
18:07And it's been never ending.
18:08Every five minutes, I was just hearing...
18:11Jan, so you've been painting your bag
18:14for about 20 minutes.
18:16How are you feeling?
18:17I'm feeling great.
18:18The panty.
18:18The panter.
18:19The panter.
18:21It looks just like the pantry.
18:23No, I know.
18:24So you're feeling good with the rest of your look?
18:26Um, I'm really going to let style take the lead today.
18:32Okay ladies, it's the home stretch as they say in basketball
18:36There is 30 minutes left make good use of it majority of the outfit is done
18:42These are the underwear and if they absolutely like do not fit just tell me that they don't like tell me like what's not fitting
18:50Lux do you need me to help your model try his outfit on? I
18:54Think I got it. Okay. Okay. Are you worried at all that it might not fit? Um
19:00It's like a 50-50 chance that it will and it won't but if it doesn't there's always a solution to everything, you know
19:05I've never made menswear before I might have made like a pair of shorts for myself once
19:11but I've never had the pleasure of making something for someone as
19:17Big in scale as these models. I am praying that these
19:23Speedos fit
19:24And I don't do that
19:26Lady Gaga, please. I'm calling on you right now
19:31Do I love it or hate it tacky we'll see well, I don't know why I'm saying tacky as if the whole thing is
19:41How do you feel about the color scheme I think let's keep it real the cat is giving very
19:48very Galilean
19:51Not Galileo, I feel like you'd wear that captain in the Garden of Gethsemane
20:03I finally get a chance to put the speedo on the model for the first time and
20:08It does not fit
20:10Lux is there an issue? Um, it doesn't really fit which you know, there's always
20:18What is the solution? Um when I know I'll let you know
20:22So much fun
20:24This is the most chaotic final half-hour we've ever seen girl, I think I might have pulled the elastic to tie it
20:32Gag and
20:34She ends up taking it because of a fumble of the locks not to try the suits on a model before she made it
20:40That could happen. It's actually there's a pretty good chance of that happen this show. There are twists at every turn
20:47I don't know what the fuck is going to happen next
20:50Okay, please ten minutes, let's go homestretch mama
20:56Why me? I think the best course of action is not to remake its altar. I have to add material because it's too small
21:08Don't do that
21:10Sorry, I know I'm pushing the clock
21:12But I know I can get it done because when you believe that you can do something
21:16There is nothing that can stop you from achieving it. Okay, cool. Yeah
21:21Okay, it looks like Lux is now
21:24The underdog I think so. That is I do not see this coming girl. Oh, oh my gosh
21:31Yes, okay, it's not really coming apart like I thought it might so that's gorge even all this look like this in the Bible
21:40Let's cut the shorts, okay, we're gonna try on the top
21:43So you could take off your shirt what if the tank top doesn't fit? Oh my god, the tank doesn't fit
21:49His nipples are too big for this
21:52Well, okay, this might not fit. Let's go from under
21:56Oh my god
21:58If this does not fit, I'm screwed
22:02Ladies five minutes left. Oh my god
22:06minutes left
22:08It'll stretch I think oh my god. Oh, it rips
22:12Yeah, okay see let's play some games here
22:17Period you know what it works. Yeah
22:20No, you're shitting it. Yeah, that's much better. Let me bring out your ear. Can you come over here really quickly?
22:26Oh, oh, she's gonna hot glue on him. She's not gonna hawk. She is I
22:33Am on the edge of my seat literally that's not because I have a huge ass
22:38If it's well enough I live I love this, all right. Oh, oh
22:45Cake works works done. Okay. Let's see what the visor looks like. I don't know if we'll even cut it
22:50I might just want to make the hem like this and just put some safety pins in there
23:03All right, ladies there is one minute left
23:07Will Jan finish the bag in time? That is the big question. I don't know if that bag doesn't get on that model
23:14The whole concept is lost
23:17Here we go
23:21So I end up fixing the speedo with literally like 20 seconds left
23:26Thank you so much. Lady Gaga in heaven. She's not that but she is just my angel of life
23:339 8
23:357 6 5 4 3 2 1
23:44Is it the best thing that I've ever made no, but I
23:48Really like the styling
23:52How good it turned out even with the hardships that I faced I hope the jury sees that I put so much time
23:59Not blood not really sweat. No tears, but a lot of effort into my look
24:05And I hope that they see that she just spray-painted a pair of shorts and made a cast hand
24:09But you never know with the girls. You just never know
24:16Bring on the jury of your fiercest peers. I
24:20Feel like they both were going for similar things, but we have to pick one. Okay that one on the right. I'm
24:27Living for that color. I
24:29Definitely think that the style is something that I would wear myself
24:33The left look it's camp it's draggy it's fun. It's Halloween again a tough one
24:39But I think I made the right choice that look on the left. It looks like it's maybe three-quarters of the way there
24:46Yet I can see the vision
24:49The one left is a little bit unfinished. Unfortunately, so I'm gonna go with the one on the right
24:53Ladies and gentlemen
24:56We have tabulated the votes from your fellow contestants and the results are in
25:00We're about to find out who missed the last ferry and who Kev can win this competition
25:05The winner will go on to compete for ten thousand dollars and the loser will wander aimlessly in the meat racks
25:15But is it really losing?
25:18Are you guys ready for the final round?
25:21No, are you guys ready for the results? Yes, and the winner is
25:35Yes, I am just so happy and so relieved
25:39But honestly
25:40This is a testament to show that when you stay calm when you stay cool and just know that everything is gonna work out the way
25:46It does it will positive energy and positive
25:50Manifestation will get you a lot further than you think good job mama
25:54Congratulations, Aaron. Let's go to the meat rack
25:58Going home is sad because I I really you know was getting my hopes up
26:02I was very excited about winning the 10,000
26:05But I'm still really gagged at my outfits that I did and I'm so proud of myself. So I feel good Lux
26:15Close last night. We all know what happened. Well, it could happen for you. You're one step closer to winning the grand prize of $10,000
26:23Thank you. I am coming for blood because I need this prize more than anybody else big
26:28Thanks to Lux and Jan for coming out here again and slaying in the competition
26:33And thank you for cheering on with us from the bleachers join us next week
26:36Well, we find out which Queen will rise above the rest and take home the ten
26:41$10,000 see you there