GLAM SLAM S01E03 (2024)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00Welcome to another episode of Glam Slam.
00:07Our first contestants' hot and flexible body
00:10can exercise in all different positions,
00:13and I know that very well.
00:15Please welcome my season 10 sister,
00:18Miss Yuhua Hamasaki.
00:24I am Yuhua Hamasaki from New York City.
00:27You feel the shade?
00:29I want to compete in Glam Slam
00:31because it's a fun way to engage with girls
00:33that I've met before.
00:35Oh, no! What the f**k?
00:37Oh, my God.
00:40Yuhua, you look great. I miss you.
00:42But since the host is Paramona X Change,
00:44I do remember not liking her sponge dress.
00:47Let's just say that.
00:48It doesn't look finished.
00:49It looks poorly executed.
00:51What a glow-up from the sponge dress to a host.
00:55Are you here to give us fashion?
00:56I am gonna give you fashion, charisma,
00:58uniqueness, nerf, and talent, baby.
01:00I'll be ready to meet your competition.
01:03Staring Yuhua down from the other side
01:05of the sewing machine,
01:06this contestant's too busy lighting up the ballroom
01:09with satin, velvet, and glitz to ever ride the bench.
01:12From season 13, please welcome Olivia Lux.
01:19I'm Olivia Lux.
01:21I'm from season 13 of RuPaul's Drag Race,
01:24and I live in Brooklyn, New York,
01:26originally from Jersey.
01:27Okay. All right. I see how it is.
01:30I see how it is.
01:31What's up? What's up?
01:32Top five on RuPaul's Drag Race is a big feat,
01:35and I do not take it lightly.
01:37I'm very proud of myself.
01:38And honestly, I am so excited to slay yet again
01:43on this competition.
01:45Olivia, it's so good to see you here.
01:47Are you excited for today?
01:48I'm so excited.
01:49I'm ready to give y'all a slam dunk.
01:52Oh my God.
01:53What other sports terms do you know?
01:56Oh, hell yeah.
01:58Third base.
01:59Home run.
01:59Home run.
02:00She's a hoe.
02:02You are spicy already.
02:04I'm sensing the venom between you two.
02:05Is there a little bit of a competitive spirit?
02:07I don't know.
02:08It's giving home, team, and guest.
02:13Okay, Yuhua Hamasaki,
02:15she quintessentially is social media RuPaul's Drag Race diva.
02:20I remember watching Olivia Lux on season 13.
02:23I thought she was very sweet, not very competitive.
02:26I know you can sew, girl, but game on.
02:29You know, Rob, New York City
02:31is not just the most densely populated city for humans.
02:34We have lots of things that live here.
02:36I'm talking about those critters
02:37that live in our concrete community,
02:39rent-free from the roaches, the rats,
02:42the squirrels, and pigeons.
02:45That's why in this episode,
02:46our contestants must bring to life
02:48an activewear look that captures all that is
02:50grumble in the concrete jungle.
02:53You can use any of the materials and tools
02:55that you find in your stations,
02:56but don't get too carried away.
02:58You only have three hours to complete your look.
03:00When the clock strikes zero,
03:01your looks will be modeled by identical twins,
03:04and they'll be voted on by the other girls,
03:06and they won't know who made what.
03:09The shade.
03:10The clock's about to start ticking, ladies.
03:13So without any further ado,
03:15we recommend that you
03:17get to work!
03:19Oh my God.
03:22Oh, wow.
03:23It is pandemonium on the basketball court.
03:25At the table, I see gray, gray, gray, gray, gray.
03:29I go for something with texture,
03:31something that shines,
03:32something that makes the gray stand out.
03:34I don't know what the f*** I'm gonna do
03:35with that pigeon mask,
03:36but I saw it and I grabbed it,
03:38and I know that I'm gonna use it at some point.
03:40I got what I wanted, so grab whatever you want, girl.
03:44I'll take the leftover.
03:45Hardware, hardware.
03:47Okay, and you, Ha, grab the last part.
03:49Ooh, a little vinyl tarp.
03:50That could be really, very chic.
03:53She could grab it.
03:55She needs it.
03:58Um, what's your strategy?
04:01That would be very silly to tell my opponent my strategy.
04:04Cause you have none.
04:08We found the villain of the season.
04:13The challenge is Rumble in the Concrete Jungle.
04:16Like, I'm from New York City.
04:18I've been here for over 25 years.
04:20I've seen rats.
04:21I've seen it all.
04:22This challenge is for me.
04:31A little ruffle?
04:33Baby, it's about to give, okay?
04:37I'm sorry, it's about to give, honey.
04:41Olivia, how you doing, girl?
04:42Is your look gonna be Wendy Williams-inspired?
04:44Uh, I wish.
04:45It's gonna be a glam take
04:47on your traditional two-piece sweatsuit.
04:52I'm trying to give something that the model can move in,
04:54that looks sporty.
04:56And I know that it's Concrete Jungle,
04:58but I'm trying to find the glam in something.
05:01And then it's almost like a beam of light shot down
05:05and hit on this little roll of sequin trim.
05:09I think I'm about to do a slam dunk.
05:11Yuhua, how's it going over there?
05:13Rumor is that you're quite quick with this sort of thing.
05:16Who told you that?
05:18So, Rob, I don't know if you know this,
05:19but I used to live above this bar that she performed at.
05:23Yeah, so, like, my show started at 11.
05:26I would come to her house at 10 o'clock for a fitting,
05:28and when my show got done at one o'clock in the morning,
05:29I'd take a new outfit home.
05:31But then she'd be too tired to bring it down,
05:34so I would stand at the bottom of the building,
05:37and she would, from her fifth-story window,
05:39just throw a trash bag out the window
05:41of my costume and it at me.
05:44Ooh, I'm working up a sweat.
05:48Actually, it was a decision to sweat
05:51because I'm creating a sweatsuit.
05:54See, I wanted to show the functionality.
05:57If I'm making a sweatsuit, why not sweat?
06:00It might be time to take it off.
06:06Yes, honey.
06:07She's putting on a show.
06:09Give it to the dogs.
06:11Give it to the dogs.
06:12Cameras, did y'all get that jacket
06:14coming off in slow motion?
06:21This video gonna have to be TVMA, honey.
06:28This is some type of bodice or leotard
06:30she's making, I can tell.
06:32Yeah, or maybe she planned on having sleeves
06:34and then was like, no.
06:36Yeah, that's definitely an undergarment.
06:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:39I think we've seen her first piece of the day.
06:42Our first mostly complete-looking piece.
06:46How would one prep for a sewing challenge?
06:48So if you're doing a sewing competition,
06:51you have to play smart
06:52because you only got done one fabric.
06:55You don't got multiples of that.
06:58Olivia is concentrating hard.
07:01She's staring at her pieces.
07:04I need this fabric to speak to me.
07:06I have what I want up here,
07:09but the fabric don't care about up here.
07:11Sometimes you gotta look back at it.
07:15Let it speak to you.
07:16My garment is saying, we got this.
07:20We in the game.
07:22We got to huddle together.
07:23How you doing over there, Olivia?
07:26Good, yeah.
07:31Okay, and we're done with this fabric.
07:33Olivia, there's plenty of this fabric if you need it.
07:36That's so sweet of you, you.
07:38That is either a kind gesture or sabotage.
07:41That's some sabotage.
07:43A fabric that's very hard to sew.
07:47A fabric that is very New York City.
07:50Honestly, I'll take it.
07:51Thank you, sister.
07:52I appreciate it. Yeah, take it, girl.
07:54There's a lot of this fabric.
07:57Go for it.
07:58Okay, let's get to work on the machine.
08:01I'm not using it.
08:04Okay, ladies, we are almost an hour in.
08:07So if you feel like you're not on pace,
08:09maybe you should pick it up.
08:12Ha, ha, ha.
08:15The whole thing.
08:16Get to work.
08:21I don't necessarily know if me speaking to the fabric
08:25in the beginning was something I should have done.
08:27I don't know.
08:28Speaking to the fabric in the beginning
08:29was something I should have done
08:31because now I don't think I'm gonna finish.
08:37It's three hours, enough time to complete this look.
08:40Hell no.
08:42What's up, Rob?
08:43I thought I'd come by and see how you're doing.
08:45Oh, you know, we out here.
08:48We were watching from afar
08:49and we saw a lot of methodical choices.
08:53Yes. Very calm and collected.
08:54How do you think it's going so far?
08:56So good.
08:57When you have something like these fabrics
09:00that you don't have a lot of,
09:02you have to really make sure that you pattern it correctly
09:06because it can go wrong.
09:07And then you don't have any other fabric to use.
09:09So that's kind of what I was doing.
09:10I was just mapping it out in my mind.
09:13I kind of just did it all by eyesight.
09:16Do you think that's gonna be a good choice?
09:18I do for this particular look.
09:21I want it to be very kind of like oversized,
09:25a little bit street wear,
09:26and then add the glam later on.
09:28And that is the element
09:29that you'll get to see a little later.
09:33Miss Yuhua.
09:34Yes, Rob, baby.
09:36Well, I have to first say that this is chaos.
09:40Love chaos.
09:41Is this going to be reminiscent of any sort of animal?
09:44I have the little pigeon hat over there.
09:46So I might use that as like a little hat on top of it.
09:48Like use part of it as part of the hoodie
09:50because it's supposed to be active wear
09:52in New York City, right?
09:54I'm just gonna put this on.
09:55Go for it.
09:56Go for it, baby.
09:58Maybe a Halloween costume.
09:59You're ready for Folsom.
10:01Yas, queen.
10:03Am I serving Pidge?
10:04You are the Yas-ified pigeon, baby.
10:06I'm gonna just go fly over to Monet.
10:26The first thing that Yuhua went for was the fur.
10:28The fur, yeah, and she's now getting into it.
10:31So it's clearly gonna be incorporated in her design.
10:36It's thick.
10:36It is very thick.
10:37And it really contrasts to the sequins.
10:40I don't know how this is gonna work together.
10:42I saw some fur and I thought, great,
10:45well, winter, cold, fur, boots with the fur.
10:48The design that I'm thinking of making
10:50is active street wear
10:52because I feel like in New York,
10:53like whether you're going to run in the park,
10:56you're running down the block,
10:57or you're just cold and running to school or to work.
11:00So I want that bodysuit to fit on that model beautifully.
11:04But of course, I want the fur to go from here
11:07to the boots so that they're warm too.
11:11Okay, ladies, now that you're working on your designs,
11:13we are going to introduce you to your models,
11:16Jada and Madeline.
11:19Oh, Yas, girl.
11:22Oh, Yas.
11:23Come on, Chocolate Beauty.
11:26Hello, gorgeous.
11:28How are you?
11:28Yes, what is your name, beautiful?
11:30Jada, nice to meet you.
11:31I'm Yu Hua.
11:32Give me a little spin.
11:33Yas, Yas.
11:34So I did some sketches.
11:36We're giving like a athleisure glam moment.
11:40So everything's super oversized,
11:43but I really want to accentuate the waist.
11:46Get that snap.
11:47You have a beautiful front.
11:48I'm really excited.
11:49I think it's important to connect with your model
11:51or any collaborator that you work with
11:53because maybe at the end of the day,
11:55she gonna sell it.
11:56So this is the jumpsuit.
11:57Of course, there's gonna be a zipper over here.
12:00And then this is gonna go on top of this like this,
12:03with this as the lining.
12:04So like when we see your beautiful hair,
12:05when it drops down,
12:06your hair will fall on top of this fabric.
12:08The look is that girl.
12:10Okay, and we, we are that girl.
12:12That girl, okay.
12:16Olivia, look.
12:19You caught me right when I was finishing.
12:22She is feverishly sewing darling.
12:25It's crazy.
12:26I have threads everywhere, child.
12:27I love this fabric.
12:28It's very soft.
12:29You know, y'all gave us three hours
12:32and I'm getting a lot of visitors.
12:35What celebrity would wear this garment?
12:37Oh, Kim K. hands down.
12:39Kim K. down.
12:40Down boots.
12:41I mean, it's giving neutrals.
12:43It's giving glam.
12:44There's gonna be a glam element.
12:46Hopefully I can get to it.
12:47She said not Khloe, not Kourtney, Kim K.
12:50I want the one, the only one.
12:53One of one.
12:55Okay, well I can't wait to see how it turns out, girl.
12:58So can you tell me like overall direction and like concept?
13:01So originally all we saw was like gray fabric, right?
13:05So I thought to myself,
13:06how can I play with different like textures of gray?
13:10So we have like the kind of like the thick fur over there.
13:13We kind of have the sparkle,
13:14like different sequin over here.
13:15So I'm gonna layer on top of like layer.
13:19Are you concerned that it might be too many materials?
13:21Too many different types of fabrics?
13:23When Monét X Change comes over,
13:25the first thing she says to me is,
13:27is there so much you want?
13:28I'm like, no.
13:29I don't know what the I'm doing, okay?
13:31I used to make costumes for you, okay?
13:32So shut the up, all right?
13:34I'm known for being a seamstress.
13:36I made a lot of costumes for the girls in New York City
13:39and I can't go on the runway looking like a mess.
13:41We love that.
13:43Thank you, Monét.
13:44All right.
13:46And don't forget, make me laugh.
13:49I'll show you vulnerability, baby.
14:06Are you able to take off your shoes?
14:09Can you see if this elastic can get around your foot?
14:12Rumble in the concrete jungle category
14:15is athletic wear, right?
14:17But I want to exaggerate.
14:19We're adding big, big sleeves.
14:22We're adding big, big legs.
14:25And then I'm gonna do a cropped moment
14:28to give body, body.
14:30Cause I still want to see a waist.
14:31I want to make this garment something
14:33that people look at and say,
14:34oh, that girl, she's sexy, confident, and giving.
14:39So let's jump into this, if that's okay.
14:45Come on, girl.
14:4635 more minutes, girl.
14:48When that zipper was not going up,
14:49I was like, oh my God, what the?
14:51I feel like the model that was wearing Yuhua's outfit
14:55could have, if she blinked wrong, it would have popped.
14:59That fabric was not giving, not an ounce of stretch.
15:04I just went with the punches,
15:06rolled with it, and just kept on going.
15:08All right, y'all, 15 minutes.
15:1015 more minutes until it's over.
15:14Okay, let's try this one more time.
15:17It looks like she's measuring it with her hands.
15:20And she's gonna add more material
15:22and to cover that up to there.
15:25Oh, is she cutting holes in it?
15:27She's cutting hips out of it.
15:29There is absolutely no turning back, girl.
15:31I'm not gonna lie.
15:32I'm not gonna lie.
15:33I'm not gonna lie.
15:34I'm not gonna lie.
15:35I'm not gonna lie.
15:36I'm not gonna lie.
15:36I'm not gonna lie.
15:37There is no turning back, girl.
15:38I gotta cut the holes and make this work.
15:42If I cut too big of a hole, it's a mistake.
15:44If I cut too small of a hole,
15:46I don't think it's gonna give the impact that I need.
15:49So I have to be very precise
15:50in how I'm executing this design.
15:54Olivia, I see you are getting most of your work on the model
15:58and these little cutouts you've made,
15:59is that on the spot?
16:00You're improvising that?
16:01Or is that what your plan all along?
16:02That was my plan all along.
16:05That was the glam element.
16:06I need to get this trim on,
16:07because right now it just looks like a gray garment
16:11with holes in it.
16:15The last thing that I have to do on her
16:16is to put that freaking pigeon head on her.
16:19I don't think anybody saw
16:20that I was gonna use that pigeon head.
16:21Like, even Olivia Lux.
16:23She was like, who the f*** would use that?
16:26Who would wear this?
16:28Out of all the Drag Race girls, who would wear this?
16:33One minute, y'all.
16:35One minute.
16:39The clock is ticking, okay?
16:41And I have never been a part of a basketball game
16:44where the clock is at the end
16:46and, you know, you have the ball right there
16:48and you have to throw that ball at the very end.
16:50That's how I feel right now.
16:52I'm feeling very anxious.
16:53I was like, girl, time is ticking and time is money.
16:58I cannot believe we did this.
17:0220 seconds?
17:04Oh, my God.
17:07And 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
17:17I won!
17:19Oh, my God.
17:20You did it!
17:22Or you didn't.
17:24We're about to find out.
17:27Baby, it was crazy,
17:31but I did what needed to be done.
17:34The look feels complete.
17:35I'm very happy.
17:36I feel like I hit every single mark that I needed to hit.
17:40When I looked at my model in the final look,
17:42I was like,
17:45mama, you look gorgeous!
17:50Ladies, bring on the jury of your peers.
17:55Rumble in the concrete jungle.
17:57One of these looks is giving concrete chicken
18:01the pigeon of New York City.
18:03I live, I live.
18:04I think the one on the left is very chic.
18:07It definitely is active wear.
18:09It looks a little bunchy,
18:11yet to make some sweatpants in a three-hour period,
18:16that sort of fit.
18:18Hey, kudos to them.
18:20To me, the look on the left
18:22is giving me a little more rumble in the jungle.
18:25When I think of rumble, I'm thinking like boxing.
18:27I'm thinking hard hitting.
18:29I'm thinking concrete jungle.
18:30The left look looks very comfortable,
18:33but the one on the right,
18:34obviously somebody can make clothes.
18:37And I like a good story.
18:39I like a good costume.
18:40It's camp.
18:41It's draggy.
18:41It's fun.
18:47The results are in.
18:48We've tallied the votes from your fellow contestants,
18:51and the winner will be one step closer
18:53to competing in the grand finale for $10,000.
18:58The winner is
19:02Olivia Long.
19:07I just won.
19:10I knew I could do it,
19:12but there's a difference between
19:13knowing you could do something and doing it.
19:16And baby, we did both those things.
19:19Olivia, congratulations.
19:21You have won, and you're one step closer
19:23to winning the grand prize of $10,000.
19:27We coming for that $10,000.
19:29Let's go.
19:33Bye, Yuhua.
19:34Goodbye, baby.
19:35I love you.
19:36Enjoy the hard work while we go on vacation.
19:39Do you still need a ride home?
19:41Thank you to Yuhua and Olivia
19:43for coming and slamming this challenge.
19:45And thank you for cheering on with us from the bleachers.
19:48Listen, join us next week on our quest
19:50to see which queen gonna be the best above the rest.
19:54Yes, that was cute.
19:55See y'all next week.