General Hospital 9-9-24

  • last week
00:00I need those Heather Webber test results.
00:03Yeah, but what is causing the delay?
00:06I see.
00:08Well, can you get me Ms. Webber's results as soon as you possibly can?
00:14Hi, honey.
00:16Hi, baby.
00:18Well, I thought this might be a good time to steal you away
00:22to show you the Aurora Wellness Center,
00:26but I can see you're busy.
00:29I'm so sorry. I would love to.
00:31I know how hard you've been working,
00:33and I've been dying to see your space,
00:35but the lab has promised me,
00:37they promised that Heather Webber's results will be ready any second now.
00:42I know you are worried about Heather's possible release,
00:45rightly so,
00:48but are you sure you want to put your life on hold for that woman?
00:51Are you sure you want to give her that much power over you?
00:56And 20. Great job, TJ.
00:59Oh, oh.
01:03You want to go?
01:05No, no, next time.
01:07Boy, this place is just amazing.
01:09It's got brand-new equipment.
01:11You got fitness classes. You got a steam room.
01:13Yeah, I lucked out.
01:15You know, my Uncle Curtis gave me a free membership,
01:17and I'm just trying to take advantage of it.
01:19Yeah, no, I can see that.
01:21Your workout regimen is very, very intense.
01:23Yeah, you'd probably come here a lot to be able to bench press as much.
01:25If I don't get my anger out,
01:27I have Christina here right now.
01:29I am afraid of what I'm going to do with it.
01:31Thanks for coming.
01:33Wouldn't it have been better to meet somewhere else?
01:35You didn't say on the phone why you wanted to meet.
01:37I think I know why.
01:43How long is this going to take?
01:45Well, you know, it would go a lot quicker
01:47if you would produce this 90 millimeters
01:49so that we can run ballistics
01:51to prove that it was not the gun
01:53that was used to kill Agent K.
01:55That sounds like an accusation.
01:57I thought I was innocent until proven guilty.
01:59Isn't that the way it is?
02:01That's what I've heard.
02:11Perfect timing, Diane.
02:13I was just having a conversation
02:15with Commissioner Devane.
02:17She thinks that I was dumb enough
02:19to kill a federal agent.
02:25I'm curious about something.
02:29How come you're so sure
02:31Isaiah's not coming back?
02:35he may.
02:37He may not.
02:39Won't matter.
02:41By then,
02:43we'll have found what we want
02:45and we'll have moved on.
02:50Four jacks.
02:54Can you beat that?
03:06What are you doing?
03:19What are you doing?
03:45I really thought I heard you that time.
03:47I'm sorry to disappoint.
03:49Your luck
03:51will run out eventually.
03:53In the meantime,
03:55I need to see if you're reckless enough
03:57to stuff any cards up your sleeves.
03:59Go ahead.
04:05arresting for you at the mine.
04:07Excellent. This could be the news I was waiting for.
04:11Thoroughly enjoying these games,
04:13but work calls.
04:15We've been already around long enough
04:17for your doctor friend to arrive, wouldn't we?
04:19We put the cuffs back on.
04:21And here I thought we were friends.
04:23Oh, we are.
04:25But I go to where I am.
04:27Never trusting my friends.
04:35Show me your hospital badge.
04:39Let me see your badge or I'm calling security.
04:45I know you're right.
04:47I know I should probably let this whole thing go.
04:49But as much as I want to.
04:53Honey, I can't.
04:55Why not?
04:57Because things have changed.
04:59When Heather was being represented
05:01by Scott Baldwin,
05:03I wasn't happy.
05:05But knowing Scott,
05:07he'd probably promise her the moon and stars
05:09and never follow through on any of it.
05:11So this case
05:13wouldn't go to trial.
05:15It's probably an accurate assumption.
05:17But now Scott's gone.
05:19Rick Lansing is the one who's working on Heather's case.
05:21Yeah, I gotta admit.
05:23I didn't see that one coming.
05:25And from what I've heard,
05:27he's a much better lawyer than Scott is.
05:31He's gonna use those blood test results
05:33to prove that she no longer has
05:35toxic levels of cobalt in her blood.
05:37As if a blood test
05:39could prove how evil a woman is.
05:41Well, the blood test
05:43could also show that Heather
05:45no longer suffers from metallosis
05:47and that she's the victim
05:49of medical malpractice.
05:51Are you suggesting that our daughter,
05:53the only one who survived Heather's attacks,
05:55isn't the only one
05:57who's suffering through all of this?
05:59That Heather Weber
06:01is a victim too?
06:03Do you know that
06:05Christina promised Molly and me
06:07that we could trust her?
06:09That we could trust her?
06:11She even claimed
06:13that she's perfect for us.
06:15Because she was family.
06:17And Molly and I,
06:19we convinced ourselves
06:21that she was right.
06:23And now the selfish little princess
06:25decided that her baby was hers
06:27and that she's gonna keep her, Rick.
06:29The anger I feel could power the sun.
06:31Okay, you're not wrong for feeling that way.
06:33You know,
06:35when I think about
06:37what Irene's, like,
06:39part of life would be like if she lived.
06:41It's not just
06:43midnight feedings,
06:45rocking my baby to sleep,
06:47or even learning how to be a dad.
06:49Molly and I were in for the battle
06:51of our lives with custody.
06:53It's just so we can have
06:55our child come home where she belongs
06:57and Christina was doing everything she could to steal our child away.
06:59She did everything she could.
07:01It's unconscionable
07:03what Christina was plotting, okay?
07:05I'm never gonna forgive her.
07:11Molly said the same thing, right?
07:13But I don't know. I don't know.
07:15I don't think
07:17Molly's gonna stick to that.
07:21She's a good sister.
07:23She has a good heart.
07:25And Christina is going to get in trouble, right?
07:27Yeah, and she's gonna call
07:29my good-hearted daughter to
07:31help her pick up the pieces.
07:33She's gonna find some fresh
07:35new way to hurt Molly all over again.
07:37No, this was
07:39a bad idea. I cannot be here with her.
07:41Yeah, she's right. Mom, look, I know
07:43your heart was in the right place, but you can't just put us
07:45in the same room together.
07:47Come on, Mom. You know I wouldn't have come
07:49over here if I knew Christina was here.
07:51I'm just not even close to being able to forget
07:53everything that has happened. Well, neither am I.
07:55Nobody's forgetting anything. I'm asking you
07:57to remember who you are.
07:59You are sisters.
08:01It's better if we just keep our distance right now.
08:03Yeah, actually, for one thing...
08:05No, it is not. Don't you tell me what's better.
08:07I'm your mother, and I know what's better.
08:09And I am telling you, you need
08:11to talk to each other and be with each other
08:13because you're both alone and you're both
08:15suffering. Molly, shut the door
08:17and come back in here. Just five minutes.
08:19That's all I'm asking, okay? Five minutes.
08:25Am I interrupting? Not at all.
08:27What's up? I thought you were helping
08:29with the search of Sonny's place.
08:31Commissioner sent me back here to file the report.
08:33I was hoping you could walk me through the procedure
08:35unless you're too busy. No, not at all.
08:37I'm just trying to
08:39comb over these witness statements.
08:41I think what they saw has something to do with
08:43Kate's murder, but I don't know yet.
08:45What'd you find at Sonny's?
08:49That's the problem.
08:51What do you mean?
08:53One of Sonny's guns is missing.
08:55And he didn't report it stolen.
08:57He claims he didn't know it was gone.
08:59Didn't seem too worried either, which seems
09:01kind of odd. Maybe not.
09:03Maybe he wasn't concerned
09:05because he didn't have to be.
09:07What if he knows that Anna's barking up the wrong tree
09:09here? Let me just
09:11get this straight. Someone
09:13lawfully owns a gun and
09:15you've decided
09:17that they've committed a crime.
09:19Well, Sonny was
09:21near the scene of the crime
09:23at the time of the shooting, and he's
09:25very clear about his hatred of Agent Kate's.
09:27So now you're engaging in
09:29conjecture. Are you denying the fact that
09:31he had to be stopped from attacking Kate's
09:33at Carly's arraignment hearing? Were you personally
09:35witness to that? I did not know. No, you didn't.
09:37Um, do you have anyone who'd be willing to
09:39go on record about that? Michael Carenthas?
09:41I doubt that. Molly Lansing-David?
09:43Okay. Anna,
09:45Agent Kate's was maliciously
09:47persecuting the mother of one of Sonny's
09:49children. Now naturally he's going to be
09:51upset that a federal agent
09:53has weaponized the justice system for his
09:55own twisted vendetta. He wasn't
09:57upset. He was enraged.
09:59Uh-huh. And then
10:01when Kate continued to go after his
10:03family, that rage could have easily escalated
10:05into lethal violence. Could have.
10:13No, no.
10:15Really? So you haven't
10:17found any evidence to support
10:19this theory? I still have a lot of questions.
10:21A lot. Some that need
10:23to be answered.
10:25Down at the station. Well,
10:27Sonny Carenthas isn't going anywhere.
10:29I'm not talking about Sonny.
10:33you need to come with me.
10:37I'm glad you're here. We
10:39don't have much time.
10:41Oh, dear. Handcuffed
10:43again? Yes, yes, I'm handcuffed
10:45again. I need you to find the keys
10:47to these cuffs, okay? So I can get the hell
10:49out of here, and you are more than welcome to come with me.
10:51Do you know where Jen's is?
10:53He, uh,
10:55got all excited and rushed
10:57out of here. Sounds like they might have found something
10:59at the mine. Really?
11:01Like what?
11:03I don't know. Gold?
11:05Diamonds? The Holy Grail? What does it matter
11:07at this point?
11:09Sam, he bolted out of here
11:11like he just hit the jackpot.
11:13This might be my best and last chance
11:15to get out of here, so please
11:17hurry up. Just
11:19find the keys.
11:21Did you say
11:25I will never forgive Heather
11:27Weber for what she did to Trina and all those
11:29other people.
11:31Great. Then we're on the same page.
11:33But she was suffering a medical condition
11:35when she committed those crimes.
11:37That doesn't mean she shouldn't be
11:39held accountable for her actions.
11:41Babe, I met with her. I know you
11:43don't like hearing this, but even to my trained eye,
11:45she seemed
11:47like a changed woman.
11:49Okay, so
11:51what you're saying is that we should just
11:53sit, do nothing,
11:55let Heather go free, not even try.
11:57No, look,
11:59if it comes to it, we will fight
12:01Heather's release with everything
12:03we have, okay? We'll both testify
12:05to what she did to Trina,
12:07to the family,
12:09okay? Metalosis may have
12:11influenced her behavior,
12:13but she made some unforgivable
12:15and horrific choices.
12:17And she
12:19needs to pay for her crimes.
12:21But when the blood tests come back the way I think
12:23they will, all the judge
12:25and jury are going to take from that
12:27is that Heather's cured.
12:29She's no longer dangerous, and she's
12:31going to play right into that victim role,
12:33Curtis. Maybe you're right,
12:35but we can't control that.
12:37I wish there was more
12:39that I could say or do,
12:41but we can't take matters in our own hands.
12:47As hard as it is for me to say,
12:51we're just going to have to trust the system.
12:57Okay, I got to get back
12:59to the wellness center.
13:05Are you okay?
13:09Yeah, yeah, no, no, sure.
13:11I'm fine, honey.
13:15All right.
13:17I'll see you at home. Okay.
13:23You're not wrong for feeling
13:25the way you do,
13:27unfortunately, because
13:29it's really
13:31not a question if Molly's
13:33going to be pressured into letting Christina back into her life.
13:35It is a question of when.
13:37I agree.
13:39Molly's going to be told that she needs
13:41to sweep this whole tragedy
13:43underneath the carpet, that she's got to
13:45forgive Christina's betrayal
13:47and do it all with a smile on her face,
13:49and Alexis is going to be leading the charge.
13:53while Christina
13:55has her hand held by Alexis
13:57so that she can be comfortable, Molly is forced
13:59to deal with this all on her own,
14:01the loss of our baby without the support
14:03of her own family. Okay.
14:05That's why she needs you
14:07now more than ever.
14:11With you, Molly knows that she will come
14:13first. Always.
14:17Because Molly's the most important thing here,
14:19okay? All the rest of this other stuff
14:21is just noise.
14:23You and I,
14:25we have to care for Molly in a way that her so-called
14:27family won't.
14:29And I know you will.
14:33What do you want from me, Mom?
14:35You want me to pretend that my own sister hasn't
14:37just completely betrayed me in the worst
14:39way possible? That it isn't abundantly
14:41clear that she was going to steal
14:43my baby after giving birth to her?
14:45I hear you, honey. It's just a lot
14:47more complicated than that. Oh, is it?
14:49When I was at my
14:51lowest, afraid that I would never
14:53be a mom, Christina came to
14:55me with this amazing gift,
14:57pretending to be a selfless sister.
14:59I wasn't pretending. It was all a lie.
15:01It wasn't. Did you ever think for one second
15:03what this would do to TJ?
15:05Did you ever consider him in this?
15:07No. Because he's just an afterthought
15:09to you. TJ is
15:11this baby's father. A fact
15:13that you conveniently forget whenever
15:15you'd like so that you can make Irene's death
15:17entirely about yourself.
15:19You have never, not once,
15:21asked how TJ's doing.
15:23So, let me fill you in.
15:25He's devastated, Christina.
15:27He is so buried
15:29in his own grief that he doesn't even know
15:31how to begin to process it, and honestly,
15:33I'm not sure that he's ever going
15:35to recover.
15:37Rick Lansing and Elizabeth Baldwin
15:39both gave statements saying they saw
15:41Alexis Davis drop a gun
15:43off the bridge over Blackstone Canyon.
15:47The night John Cates was shot and killed.
15:49Alexis says she just dropped her phone,
15:51but Elizabeth was pretty sure that it was
15:53a gun. So now we have two
15:55completely different avenues of investigation.
15:57I just don't get how Alexis
15:59is involved.
16:01And maybe the two aren't connected at all.
16:03We don't know the caliber of the gun
16:05Alexis allegedly dropped.
16:07Sonny's motive to kill
16:09Cates is pretty obvious.
16:11And you're wondering what Miss Davis'
16:13might be. I know she didn't
16:15like Cates, but it's a stretch
16:17to say that she killed a guy.
16:19You might not say that if you'd
16:21seen the way she tore into him the day he was killed.
16:23You witnessed that? Miss Davis
16:25found out that Cates had arrested Christina
16:27and she was heated.
16:29She stormed in here on the warpath
16:31and screaming about how
16:33Cates needed to be stopped.
16:35I just remember thinking
16:37that lady
16:39would kill Cates if she could.
16:51Oh, hey.
16:53If you're
16:55looking for my son-in-law,
16:57he had to leave for his shift at the hospital.
17:01I'll catch up with TJ another time.
17:03We were talking about how amazing this whole place is.
17:05I'd actually like to get
17:07a membership to use while I'm in town.
17:09Um, they can
17:11help you at the front desk sign up.
17:13Okay, great, great. Hey, um, listen.
17:15I, uh...
17:17Look, you must be so proud of
17:19TJA. I was talking to
17:21him tonight and I was just reminded of how much
17:23I'm impressed by him.
17:25He really is,
17:27you know,
17:29the best partner I could ask for
17:31my daughter.
17:33He was a good man. Yeah.
17:35I'm not just impressed by TJ.
17:37Actually, the whole Ashford family.
17:39They've all been so supportive of Molly during this
17:41very difficult time.
17:45I'm very grateful to you
17:47and your family
17:49for being there for her.
17:51Well, we love Molly.
17:53I do have a question
17:55for you, Rick. If you're so
17:59to my family,
18:01how could you represent the woman that terrorized my daughter?
18:05You don't know what you're talking about.
18:07You had custody papers
18:09drawn up, Christina. I was protecting
18:11the baby. You would have done
18:13the same thing. Protecting her from what?
18:15You and TJ, you guys had so much
18:17tension. You guys were going to split up,
18:19essentially, and if you did split up, Molly,
18:21then he would have had custody of the baby. You were
18:23the only thing we thought about. So you say.
18:25It's true. TJ didn't
18:27trust you after the interview where you all
18:29but claimed our baby was yours and Blaze's
18:31and I defended you
18:33every time. But TJ was right.
18:35He could see the real you before I could
18:37and now look at you. You won't even admit
18:39that Irene was my baby. Adela
18:41was mine for eight months.
18:43God, I cannot do this. Is this what you wanted?
18:45Are you happy?
18:47No, Molly. I'm not happy.
18:49This is breaking my heart
18:51watching the two of you go at each
18:53other like that. Well, get used to it
18:55because Christina refuses
18:57to think for anybody but herself
18:59and I am done pretending that that is okay.
19:01You can accuse me of whatever
19:03you want, Molly. I was
19:05protecting Adela. Stop
19:07calling her that! Can you stop pretending that you
19:09and TJ had this perfect relationship
19:11and I was your only prey? You were!
19:13Stop it!
19:15Stop it! Both of you!
19:21I'm sorry this was a terrible idea.
19:27What? Hi, Michael.
19:29Hi. I was in the neighborhood and I figured
19:31I'd stop by and see Christina
19:33but I can come back another time. Thank you.
19:35That would be best. No, this is
19:37the perfect time. Take me somewhere.
19:39Anywhere from here.
19:41Where? Just anywhere, Michael.
19:55You have
19:57no right to take Jason anywhere.
19:59His movements on the night of the
20:01murder are fully accounted for. Yes, that's
20:03true. Yes, but I thought
20:05maybe he would want to make a statement since
20:07a man is dead and it's someone that he's
20:09known since he was a teenager.
20:11I'm not going
20:13anywhere. That's
20:15a shame. I thought maybe you'd
20:17want to do the right thing. Like help
20:19with the investigation.
20:21I don't have any new information
20:23but if you want
20:25to arrest me, I'm not going to say
20:27anything without my attorney present.
20:29That's right. Anna,
20:31Jason could not have had
20:33anything to do with Agent Kate's murder.
20:35He has an airtight alibi
20:37provided by, wait for it,
20:41Isn't that convenient?
20:43Oh, I hope
20:45you're not suggesting anything nefarious
20:47considering you have no evidence
20:49of anything. I have a missing
20:519mm and a
20:53clear motive. Kate's was the
20:55one with the motive.
20:57He was obsessed with Sonny.
20:59He wanted to damage Sonny so much
21:01that he went after his family, his ex-wife,
21:03his daughter, all because
21:05Kate's was hanging on to some sort of
21:07vendetta stemming from events
21:09that happened decades ago.
21:11Sonny has no animosity toward
21:13John Kate's. Let's get this straight,
21:17I hated Jagger Kate's
21:19and I'm glad he's
21:29call security. Someone posing as an
21:31orderly was trying to hurt our John Doe.
21:33That's him.
21:35Tell security he's going in the stairwell.
21:55Son of a bitch!
21:57Stop pushing me now!
22:01Anna, you have executed your search warrant
22:03now and you found nothing
22:05except the theft of a registered firearm.
22:07A theft which Sonny
22:09just found out about.
22:11Now he has reported said theft to the police
22:13thereby doing his duty as a legal gun
22:15owner. My client has nothing
22:17further to say to you about
22:19anything. So please
22:21see yourself out.
22:27What's going on?
22:29Fishing expedition.
22:31Maybe one of you
22:33two can clear something up.
22:35Did you know about your father's missing
22:37firearm? Either of you take it?
22:49Are you alright? I'm fine.
22:51Thanks. Was that the man
22:53that was in John Doe's room? Yeah, that's him.
22:55Who is he? Good question.
22:57Start talking.
22:59I got nothing to say.
23:01Well, we're gonna find out who you are
23:03and who you're working for. So, do you
23:05better if you just tell us who you are?
23:07Screw you.
23:09Alright, have it your way.
23:13We're taking him to the PCPD.
23:15I'm requesting around the clock security for John Doe's
23:17room. I have a feeling
23:19that guy won't be the last person after him.
23:21Thanks for letting me know. I'll check on the
23:23patient and make sure he's okay. Thank you.
23:25And if there are any changes, will you let me know? Yeah, of course.
23:29Let's go.
23:39Who cares about some diamonds? We gotta go.
23:43Let's think this through.
23:47Okay, this is
23:49not the time for a strategy session.
23:51Sidwell could come back any second, so
23:53I need you to find those keys.
23:57I'll cut you in.
23:59Cut me in? To what? Death?
24:01Of the diamonds.
24:05If Jens has found what I
24:07think he's found, this could be
24:09the biggest score of my career.
24:11And there'd be plenty
24:13for both of us.
24:15Both and are very
24:17wealthy people if we play our cards
24:19right. A fortune
24:21in diamonds isn't much good to me if
24:23I'm dead, is it?
24:25Look, the only reason I'm still
24:27breathing right now is because Sidwell is
24:29mildly entertained by me.
24:31Who knows how long I can
24:33keep that up?
24:35Lucky you are your father's son.
24:37Endlessly entertaining.
24:41I know what Heather Webber did to your
24:43family, and nothing can change
24:45how monstrous her actions were.
24:47Then why did you take the case?
24:49I have zero interest in relitigating Heather's
24:51criminal charges. That's a completely separate issue.
24:53But her medical condition?
24:55That's an open and shut case
24:57of product liability. Look, you may
24:59despise Heather for everything that she
25:01has done, but she did not
25:03choose to be given a faulty hip
25:05implant. Neither did the
25:07others. There were other patients like Heather?
25:09Mm-hmm. More coming forward
25:11every day. All suffering from
25:13the metallosis, from the same
25:15faulty hip implant, and all
25:17negatively impacted by the medical supply
25:19company's gross negligence.
25:21I'm not arguing that they all
25:23don't deserve some form
25:25of justice, but
25:27why do you have to be the one to get it for Heather?
25:29Look, I could drop the case,
25:31but then another lawyer's just gonna take it up
25:33immediately. You don't know that for sure.
25:35Curtis, this has been front-page news
25:37for weeks now, and it's just gaining steam.
25:39Unfortunately, Heather is gonna
25:41get her day in court, no matter what.
25:45I suppose you're right. I am.
25:47Look at it this
25:49way. When that day comes,
25:51you really want some shark
25:53that you don't know representing Heather?
25:55Or me? Somebody
25:57who knows and respects your family.
25:59Because I promise you,
26:01I am gonna do everything in my power
26:03to make sure I do right by you,
26:05Portia, and especially
26:09Would anybody
26:11else promise you that?
26:15missing a gun, Dad? Yeah.
26:17Nine millimeter. Same caliber used
26:19to kill Agent Cates. So we
26:21need to run ballistics on your father's gun
26:23in order to prove that it wasn't a murder weapon.
26:25That gun has been fired up by me.
26:27Sonny, stop.
26:29Let me do the talking.
26:31Commissioner, why are you questioning
26:33Sonny's children? You have no reason to suspect them of anything.
26:35Simple question.
26:37It's an inappropriate question.
26:39I'll ask it again. Did either of you
26:41take a gun from your father's lockbox?
26:47Why would we take our father's gun
26:49without asking him? No.
26:51You didn't either, Christina.
26:53Of course not.
26:55Ask and answer. You got it.
26:57Okay. Now please leave.
26:59I'm done here. For now.
27:01No one is to leave town
27:03without notifying the police.
27:05Thank you. Let's go.
27:07You know, Agent Cates,
27:09he was a
27:11deeply flawed individual. No one is disputing that.
27:13I mean, his abuse of power
27:15was completely unacceptable.
27:17And as a fellow member of law enforcement,
27:19I am ashamed by his
27:23But nothing Cates did gave anyone
27:25the right to murder him.
27:27No matter how you justify it,
27:29Agent Cates did not deserve to lose
27:31his life this way.
27:33And the PCPD, they will devote
27:35all their energy into solving
27:37his case.
27:39You mark my words.
27:41I will bring his killer to justice.
27:55I know you can't see beyond
27:57your own grief right now.
28:01But our family
28:03is so important.
28:07Please don't give up
28:09on your sister. I'm begging you.
28:13You know what I won't give up on?
28:15The memory of my daughter.
28:17Even though Christina
28:19is determined to keep Irene
28:21all for herself.
28:23No one could have foreseen
28:25or predicted
28:27how hard it would be
28:29on Christina.
28:31Stop. Stop.
28:33Will you please stop
28:35talking about how hard this is
28:37for Christina.
28:39I am done feeling sorry
28:41for Christina and making
28:43excuses for her and putting her
28:45first when she makes horrible
28:47choices and refuses
28:49to face the responsibility.
28:51It's not really fair.
28:53Fair? Is it fair that you
28:55always take Christina's side?
28:57I'm not taking either of your sides.
28:59Oh come on mom.
29:01Let's be honest.
29:03It took me a while
29:05but I have made peace
29:07with the fact that you will always
29:09show up for Christina and lift her up
29:11when she is down in ways that you've
29:13just never done for me.
29:17It's not true.
29:19You're doing it now.
29:31Your sister isn't in her right mind right now.
29:33And she's all alone
29:35and she needs me.
29:37Of course she does.
29:39Christina is
29:41always going to need you.
29:43And that's how I know
29:45that I am stronger.
29:47Because I can stand on my own two feet.
29:49So TJ and I are
29:51going to get through this horrible moment
29:53in our lives together.
29:57Please don't say that.
29:59I love you. You're my daughter.
30:01I love you. I want you to need me.
30:03I want you to lean on me.
30:07I can't count on that.
30:11So just do what you do best.
30:13Focus on Christina
30:15and just keep her away from me.
30:20Rick and Elizabeth saw
30:22Alexis disposing of a weapon.
30:24They didn't catch the make of the gun,
30:26did they, or anything?
30:28No, but we're headed to interview Alexis right now
30:30so we'll know more in a little while.
30:32Okay, great. Thank you.
30:34Hey, heard you came up empty at Sonny's house.
30:36Yeah, well,
30:38it doesn't mean that evidence doesn't exist, right?
30:40You seem pretty sure
30:42he's hiding something.
30:44He's always hiding something.
30:46Dex was just telling me
30:48what Rick and Elizabeth saw.
30:50The two of them made this case more complicated.
30:52You ready to go?
30:56You keep me updated on what you learned from Alexis, yeah?
30:58Oh, we will.
31:02Put him in interrogation one.
31:10Portia and I slept a whole lot better
31:12when Scotty Baldwin was handling Heather's case.
31:14We knew
31:16he was more interested in his cut
31:18of Heather's settlement
31:20and less interested in cutting her prison sentence.
31:22But you?
31:24You, Rick, you're a different story.
31:26Look, my first big move when I took the case
31:28was to lower Heather's expectation.
31:30In what way?
31:32I made it very clear.
31:34I'm going to court to make the medical supply company
31:36pay for what they did to Heather and to Trina.
31:38I'm going to hold them culpable
31:40for Heather's criminal actions,
31:42but I am bringing a civil case,
31:44not a criminal one.
31:46Okay, what if you win the case?
31:48I mean, you seem very confident that you will.
31:50Heather's criminal case will be reopened.
31:52What are you going to say when that happens?
31:54How are you going to protect my family then?
31:58I will be in my office
32:00preparing for Anna's next move.
32:02In the meantime, Sonny,
32:04please don't make my job any harder
32:06by telling the police commissioner again
32:08how much you hated a certain dead FBI agent.
32:10I thought you would enjoy the challenge.
32:12I enjoy winning cases.
32:14And you speaking your mind to the wrong people
32:16gets in the way of that.
32:18So please take my advice.
32:20Don't open your mouth.
32:24Actually, that goes for all of you.
32:26Take Jason's lead and zip it!
32:34Dad, I need to talk to you.
32:36Yeah, okay.
32:38Just give me a minute.
32:50You know what to do.
33:00Sorry about that.
33:02I just don't want you to worry. Everything's going to be fine.
33:04No, it's not.
33:06Okay, you're going to have to trust me. Do you understand what I'm saying?
33:08Dad, you are in so much more trouble
33:10than you think, and it's all my fault.
33:12What are you talking about?
33:14I took your gun.
33:20You have a faulty hip implant.
33:22Only one became a murderer, Heather.
33:24Because of the metalosis,
33:26Heather gave in
33:28to her more violent tendencies.
33:30And the medical supply company
33:32may be partly to blame for that,
33:34but so is Heather.
33:36But I'm not going to let them forget
33:38what she's capable of.
33:40That could be a hard needle
33:42to thread.
33:44I'm very good at what I do.
33:46I'm glad you're so confident.
33:48I am.
33:50But look, the important thing for you to know is
33:52you and I are on the same team here.
33:54You want justice for your family?
33:56I'm going to deliver it.
34:06It's obvious the man who attacked me is a professional.
34:26Someone sent a hitman after you?
34:28Not me. John Doe at GH.
34:30I walked in on him
34:32before he could finish the job.
34:34Are you okay? I mean, I don't like any of this, Jordan.
34:36We still don't know this man's identity.
34:38So no leads, huh?
34:40No. I mean, I...
34:42I was just looking at the footage of him
34:44leaving the Port Charles airport.
34:46I didn't see anything suspicious.
34:48Do you mind if I take a look?
34:50No, I want you to. Here, have a look.
34:52Right, so, um...
34:54This is him exiting the terminal.
34:56And then, you know, maybe he's
34:58looking for a cab or something.
35:00Wait, wait, wait. Can you go back?
35:04That's him.
35:06Who? The man who attacked me.
35:08The hitman
35:10that wants our John Doe dead.
35:16We may not know who you are
35:18or where you're from,
35:22but I'm sure of one thing.
35:28It matters to someone out there.
35:40Just get the keys, Holly.
35:42I promise, I won't blow your cover
35:44or make it look like I overpowered you.
35:46If you get away right now,
35:48Jens will be suspicious
35:50no matter what story we come up with.
35:52And I can't afford
35:54to lose his trust
35:56when I am so close
35:58to getting what I want.
36:00What about what I want?
36:02I'll give you whatever you want.
36:04Name it.
36:06Oh, I don't know. How about staying alive?
36:08No, you don't need me for that.
36:10Just keep on being your
36:12usual brilliant self.
36:14Keep on winning
36:16at poker
36:18and entertaining him.
36:20And remember,
36:22you are just as handsome
36:24and capable
36:26as you'll find.
36:28I have every confidence
36:30in you.
36:42I'm so sorry, Dad.
36:44I never meant to get you in trouble.
36:46I was in so much pain and I didn't know what I was doing.
36:48It's okay, sweetheart. I understand.
36:50No, how could you understand?
36:52Because of me, now you're a suspect
36:54in Agent Kate's murder. The cops can't touch me.
36:56I just...
36:58You just gotta tell me where this gun is.
37:00Mom found it
37:02in my bag and she was
37:04worried that I was gonna hurt myself.
37:06And I wasn't going to.
37:08That was never my intention. I would never do that.
37:12I'm glad, baby. Okay?
37:14You just gotta
37:16tell me where this gun is.
37:18Mom got rid of it.
37:20She said she...
37:22She put it somewhere no one would ever find it.
37:26I have to go.
37:28Please don't leave.
37:30We've said all that there is to say.
37:32I'll get it on my way out.
37:40ADA Lansing Davis.
37:44What are you doing here?
37:46We need to ask you a few questions.
37:48Would you be willing to come down to the station to answer them?
37:50Questions about what?
37:52Your mother was seen disposing of a gun
37:54in Grand Canyon the night of John Cade's murder.
37:56And we need to know why.
38:24On the next General Hospital...
38:26How do you know Lucky Spencer?
38:28Looks like yours just ran out.
38:30I'm all in if you are.
38:32Yeah, that guy's so intrigued.
38:34It's a matter of life and death.
38:36Just give me a minute. I think I've earned that.
38:38What do you know about this gun?