The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 517-518 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 517-518 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from episode 517 to episode 518, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:24Episode 517, Jenna's confession.
00:28Jenna broke into a cold sweat as she stood up.
00:31Don't push me too far, she said through gritted teeth.
00:35I already have nothing left.
00:37What more can you take from me?
00:39I just want you to tell the truth, Emma said calmly watching as Jenna broke down.
00:44Why is it so difficult for you to be honest?
00:47I don't know what you're talking about, Jenna said.
00:51One of the shareholders looked at Emma and said, I know you hold a lot of power, but
00:56you don't need to corner her like this or threaten her while she's pregnant.
01:01I think that no matter how bad she might be, she would never play around with someone's
01:06life like you're claiming she did.
01:09I'm going to force her into a dead end, whether she's pregnant or not, Emma said, her eyes
01:15hard over and over.
01:18She has shown herself to be without morals, so she doesn't deserve anything else.
01:23She stared at Gina waiting for her to reply, but Gina just sat with her hands on her belly
01:29and a blank expression on her face.
01:31Forget it, Emma said with a sigh.
01:34Even if you do admit it, you still won't change your ways.
01:38She signaled to the security guard standing by the doorway and he led a quivering Irene
01:44into the dining room.
01:46I'll let Irene here explain everything.
01:49As soon as Gina realized the truth was about to be exposed, she yelled to Irene.
01:54If you say anything, I'll make you regret it.
01:58The shareholders eyes widened as they looked at each other in shock.
02:03What is she hiding?
02:05One shareholder whispered to the person sitting next to him.
02:08Irene's face grew pale as she looked at Jenna and then at Emma.
02:15She knew that Emma had complete control over her fate.
02:20So she said, the truth is Susan wasn't kidnapped by random criminals.
02:25Jenna hired some people to take her away and even now, I'm not sure if she's dead or alive.
02:32Jenna wanted to become the CEO and she thought that if she got rid of Susan, her path would
02:36be clear.
02:38She didn't expect that Emma would figure out her whole plan.
02:41You're lying.
02:43Jenna yelled, Emma must have paid you to say that.
02:47You really should stop denying everything now, Irene said, sighing as she looked at
02:53We have plenty of evidence that shows what you've done and you're just digging yourself
02:58into a deeper hole.
02:59You won't be able to get away with this.
03:02Jenna's eyes welled with tears as she was overwhelmed with anger and frustration.
03:07I didn't do it, she said, pointing to Emma.
03:11My cold-hearted sister over there is framing me, but at that moment, no one trusted her
03:16words anymore.
03:18Olivia hated seeing her family fight, so she stood up to leave.
03:23Sorry, Peter, she said, I'm out of here.
03:28After she was gone, Peter shuffled over and sat next to Emma.
03:32We know Jenny's tricks, he thought.
03:35I won't let her use them to hurt Emma again.
03:38You won't be satisfied until I'm dead.
03:40Will you?
03:41Jenna asked as tears ran down her face.
03:44You may not believe me, but I don't want you dead.
03:48Emma replied, I do want you to regret your actions.
03:53However, whatever embarrassment and pain you're feeling right now are nothing compared to
03:58what you've put me through.
04:00She pulled Irene's phone out of her purse and said, this phone has a record of all the
04:06calls you made to Irene and several text messages detailing your plans for the entire
04:12I even have the names of a few people who were involved.
04:16So do you want me to report everything to the police, or are you finally going to grow
04:20a spine and take responsibility for what you've done?
04:24Jenna wanted to argue, but no words came out.
04:28Irene looked at her and said, just admit everything or we'll both go to jail.
04:34Susan is missing, and we don't know if she'll ever be found.
04:37We could be charged with conspiracy to commit murder if you don't work things out with Emma
04:42right now.
04:43Please be smart about this.
04:45But Jenna just clenched her fists and remained silent, tired of waiting for a response.
04:51Emma pulled out her phone and started dialing the number for the police.
04:55Irene was so frightened that she felt like she might faint.
04:59She grabbed Jenny's hands and pleaded, please just say something.
05:03Think of your baby.
05:05Do you want your baby to be without a mother?
05:07The police are about to come and take us away.
05:10Finally, just as the call was about to go through, Jenna said to Emma, okay, you win.
05:18What are your conditions?
05:20Emma hung up the phone and handed it to Eric.
05:23She said to Jenna, give me your shares for Miller Core.
05:28Jenna erupted into laughter.
05:30You're ridiculous.
05:32She said, I would be completely broke without those shares.
05:36You just need to trade the shares for your freedom.
05:39Emma replied with her arms crossed and her chin held high.
05:42I think it's a pretty good deal.
05:45All things considered, it certainly beats jail time.
05:48Fine, Jenna said with a shrug.
05:50I know you won't be satisfied until I'm left with nothing.
05:54So I'll sign them over to you if that makes you happy.
05:57Your words mean nothing.
05:59Emma said, I brought a transfer certificate.
06:02I want you to sign it here and now.
06:06She handed the paper over to Jenna without an ounce of emotion, like she was making a
06:10business transaction with a complete stranger.
06:13In a sense, she was a stranger.
06:16I'll never understand how she could do so many terrible things, Emma thought.
06:20I've lost all sympathy for her.
06:23Jenna clutched the pen in her hand and slowly signed the certificate.
06:28Once she lifted the pen, she realized that she had nothing left aside from her last name,
06:34which would only serve as a painful reminder of all that she had lost.
06:39This is for your own good, Jeff said as he looked at Jenna with pity, resting his hands
06:45on his cane.
06:46Now you can focus on your pregnancy and becoming a good mother instead of trying to take over
06:51the family business.
06:53I don't need your fake sympathy, Jenna said as she raised her head.
06:58Refusing to snuff out her pride, she shot a glare at Emma and said, so what if you won
07:05this time?
07:06Your mom's still missing?
07:08Who told you she's missing?
07:10Emma asked as she sipped the soup that Eric had served.
07:15She put down the spoon and looked at Jenna with a confused expression.
07:19When did I ever say that?
07:21The shareholders looked at each other uncomfortably, and those who had opposed Susan nervously
07:26fidgeted in their seats.
07:29My mother has suffered a lot over the years, she said as she looked at the shareholders.
07:35She never wanted to be the CEO, but she decided to accept the role because of me.
07:40So when she got into trouble, I felt like it was all my fault.
07:44During my career in the entertainment industry, I have run into many obstacles head on and
07:50found ways to push through them.
07:53I decided early on that I won't attack those who don't attack me first, but once someone
07:58attacks me, all bets are off.
08:01Today Jenna lost, she said, looking at her sister.
08:06Then she paused and turned her attention back to the shareholders.
08:10Tomorrow it could be someone else's turn.
08:12My strategy for the business is simple.
08:15Where there's money to make, we should make it together.
08:19And if there's no money to make, we should pool our resources and find a way to improve
08:23the business.
08:25Don't play tricks in secret.
08:27Emma gestured for everyone to turn around to see Susan watching from the stairs, dressed
08:32in casual clothes and nonchalantly sipping a glass of wine.
08:36How is this possible?
08:38Jenna wondered as she felt her stomach clench into a tight knot.
08:42Word 518, a drunken fling.
08:47Don't come any closer, Jenna said, taking a couple steps back as her lips began to tremble.
08:54She felt like she had seen a ghost.
08:57How is she here?
08:58She wondered.
08:59There's no way she could have escaped the kidnappers in one piece.
09:02I'm home, Susan said as she walked over to Jeff and stretched out her arms to hug Emma
09:08along the way.
09:09I did get kidnapped in Switzerland.
09:12But my amazing son-in-law made sure that someone was looking out for me the whole time
09:17and had help ready right away.
09:19I wouldn't have made it if he hadn't stepped in.
09:22The shareholders sat quietly as they watched the show playing out in front of them.
09:29Susan then walked over to face Jenna.
09:31I treated you like my own daughter all these years.
09:34Not only did you never appreciate what I did for you, you tried to seriously harm me.
09:40I cannot believe that this is the way you turned out.
09:43I'm devastated by your actions.
09:47Jenna was dumbstruck.
09:48She finally realized that Emma and Eric not only knew what she had done, but also had
09:54pretended that Susan was missing, just so they could take the shares away from her.
09:59And if Emma and Eric knew, everyone else in the family must have known as well.
10:05I can't believe you all lied to me.
10:08She said, staring at the floor as tears fell from her eyes.
10:13She had already signed the transfer certificate for her shares, and it was too late for her
10:17to get them back.
10:19Jeff turned to the housekeeper and said, Would you please escort Jenna back to her room?
10:25Perhaps you could stay with her for a while to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.
10:30You knew all along too, didn't you?
10:34Jenna said between sobs as she glared at her grandfather.
10:38You teamed up with them to trick your own granddaughter.
10:41How cold can you be?
10:43Even after all this, you still won't admit that you were wrong, Jeff said.
10:49Susan is right.
10:50I can't believe this is how you turned out.
10:53Her pride and arrogance had only been so strong because she thought that Jeff was on her side.
10:59But the realization that no one was on her side anymore crushed her.
11:04Emma watched as the housekeeper escorted Jenna out of the dining room, and she picked
11:09her spoon back up and continued sipping her soup.
11:12The shareholders mumbled among themselves as they finished up their meals.
11:16That was a show they'll never forget, she thought.
11:20I hope they learned something from it.
11:23Although the shareholders were used to business drama, they were intimidated by Emma's perfectly
11:27calculated response and Eric's quiet but threatening presence.
11:33Emma and Eric both seemed completely unfazed by the whole situation, and they continued
11:38to eat in silence.
11:40One by one, the shareholders stood up and excused themselves from dinner, claiming that
11:45they needed to get home before the snow fully covered the roads.
11:49Since Emma had already achieved her goal, she was happy to see them leave.
11:54Soon after, only the Miller family members remained in the dining room.
12:00What a bunch of rats, Jeff scoffed.
12:03Seems like things will finally calm down for the business after all that fuss.
12:08Luckily, nothing bad happened tonight.
12:12Susan said as she sat down beside Jeff and caressed Peter's cheek,
12:16I'm so sorry you've suffered so much.
12:19Jeff said as he rested his hand on Susan's shoulder,
12:24Oh, you don't say that, she said with a smile.
12:28We're family.
12:29I was happy to do what I could to put Emma and Eric's plan in motion, and it all worked
12:34out in the end.
12:36The business is back on the right path, and everything I went through was worth it.
12:41Jenna can't ruin things anymore.
12:44Jeff grabbed his wine glass off the table and raised it.
12:48A toast to a Jenna-free business and a more peaceful future for us all, he said, and Susan
12:53clinked her glass against his.
12:56Cheers to that, she said.
12:58Good riddance, Peter said, tapping his own wine glass against the others.
13:04Jeff and Peter ended up drinking a little too much in their relief as Eric realized
13:08that Peter was getting drunk.
13:10He turned to Emma and said, I'm going to call Noelle and ask her to come deal with him.
13:15He has an event tomorrow, and you and I need to get home.
13:20As soon as Noelle arrived, Jeff waved his hands and said, young people should have their
13:25own lives.
13:27You guys go hang out and have fun.
13:29I want some peace and quiet.
13:32Noelle looked at Peter awkwardly.
13:34He's clearly not safe to drive, she thought.
13:38I guess I have to help him get home.
13:40She carefully drove through the snow to his apartment and helped him up the stairs to
13:44his front door.
13:46She fumbled through his pocket to grab his keys, opened the door, and led him over to
13:52sit on his bed, where she sat down beside him.
13:56He leaned into her shoulder with a goofy smile across his face, relaxing more with
14:00every breath as he trusted her not to pull away.
14:04Are you sober enough to take a shower?
14:07She asked, sighing as she rested her head against his.
14:11I need you to help me, he said as he fell back onto his bed.
14:16I can't even see straight right now.
14:18Forget it, she replied.
14:21You can just deal with it when you wake up.
14:24We need to leave for the event at four.
14:27Zero in the morning, so you have three hours to rest.
14:30She found a blanket, tossed it over a nearby chair, and was starting to cover him with
14:36it when he grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her into his embrace.
14:42Please don't go, he said, looking at her with pleading eyes.
14:48His gaze was hard for her to resist, and she relaxed under his touch.
14:52What does he think he's doing?
14:55She wondered as a strange mix of fear and excitement washed over her as he leaned in
15:00to help her undress.
15:02She inhaled the woody scent of his cologne and felt her body and heart melt.
15:08This isn't a good idea, she thought as she sat next to him on the bed.
15:13I can't sleep with someone I'm managing.
15:16We're not like Eric and Emma.
15:18It's against the rules.
15:20Her conscience slowly started to outweigh her pleasure, and she freed herself from his
15:26This kind of thing happens all the time, she thought as she put her clothes back on and
15:32made sure that Peter had fallen asleep.
15:35There's no reason to be embarrassed about it.
15:37I just have to pretend that nothing happened tomorrow.
15:40But although Peter had been drunk, that intimate moment they had shared had firmly cemented
15:46itself into his memory.
15:48Part Three
15:50Zero in the morning, Noelle woke Peter up like nothing had happened.
15:54Wake up and take a shower, she said, flipping on the lights and tearing the blanket off
16:00of him.
16:01We need to leave in an hour.
16:03He rubbed his eyes and looked at her.
16:05He said, we need to talk about last night first.
16:10I don't know what there is to discuss, she replied.
16:14I only got a few hours of sleep at home before I came back here, so I'm too tired to talk
16:19right now.
16:20What is she talking about?
16:23He wondered.
16:24She was here the whole time.
16:26Last night, he started to say, you drank too much last night, so I brought you home.
16:32She interrupted.
16:33End of story.
16:36Don't worry.
16:37The media didn't get any photos, so they won't start any ridiculous rumors about us.
16:42What about after you brought me home?
16:46He asked.
16:47You and to sleep.
16:49And I went home, she replied, and then handed him the outfit that she had selected.
16:55Stop messing around and get ready.
16:57We're in a hurry, he frowned as he took the clothes from her.
17:02Why is she denying what happened last night?
17:05He wondered as he pulled himself out of bed and stumbled into the shower.
17:09Did she think it was a mistake?
17:11We did slip up and let our guards down, but it sure didn't feel like a mistake.
17:17Thank you so much for watching.
17:19Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
