The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 567-568 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 567-568 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 567 to Episode 568, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:24Episode 567 The Press Conference Begins
00:29Chris decided to do something different.
00:31This time to make the press conference more effective.
00:35Instead of having the same spokesperson as before, he arranged for someone new to represent
00:41After checking with Eric, he called this person and made the arrangements, even though they
00:46had already been out of the limelight for quite some time.
00:50At 9, 0, the next morning reporters started to arrive.
00:55If the press conference had been for a lesser-known celebrity, the event could have easily been
01:00held in one of Kaleidoscope's event rooms.
01:03But since this involved a celebrity of Emma's status, Kaleidoscope expected a huge crowd.
01:09So they arranged for a room at a nearby convention center.
01:14This press conference took a while to kick off because strict security measures were
01:17in place.
01:19All the reporters had to have their IDs thoroughly checked and their belongings run through a
01:25The reporters didn't mind, though.
01:27They were glad to be there.
01:29They knew they were about to get their hands on some big entertainment news.
01:33About 30 minutes later, a film crew arrived to set up their cameras.
01:38The press conference was going to be live-streamed so that everyone would be able to see the
01:42evidence for themselves.
01:45Andrea and Janet were giddy with excitement, looking forward to watching the Roberts couple's
01:51They fully expected Emma to become the laughingstock of the industry.
01:55Even though the film awards had not been officially announced, everyone in the industry already
02:01knew that Emma's name had been taken off the list of nominees.
02:05The press conference officially began.
02:07To the reporters' surprise, though, the person who walked out onto the stage wasn't a familiar
02:12face from Kaleidoscope's peer team.
02:15Instead, Margaret stood on the stage dressed in a business suit and looking very polished,
02:21knowing that she was dating the actor John Burns.
02:24The reporters who recognized her looked around for John in the audience and started snapping
02:29pictures like crazy.
02:32This was an unexpected and interesting development.
02:35John was indeed in the audience, although he was wearing a disguise.
02:40He had no desire to be part of the media frenzy, but he wanted to be there to show his support
02:45for Margot.
02:47As Margot stepped behind the podium and adjusted the microphone, she said,
02:51I never thought I would stand on this stage again this time last year.
02:55Lisa Doyle, Emma's manager, was falsely accused of causing my death.
03:01I never expected that a year later, everyone would be listening to a bunch of lies once
03:07I know you want the truth, so let's get to it, she continued.
03:12I'm sure the first question on everyone's mind is whether or not Eric Roberts laid a
03:17hand on Andrea Byard.
03:20Margot said the reporters snapped their cameras frantically as they waited for Margot's response.
03:25However, Margot had learned a lot from Louise and knew how to keep them hanging.
03:31So after a moment, she finally answered.
03:33By his own report, Eric aggressively grabbed her shirt, pulled her onto her tiptoes and
03:39threatened her.
03:40The reporters couldn't believe what they were hearing.
03:43Did Kaleidoscope just admit that Eric assaulted someone?
03:48This can't be happening.
03:50Quick, take some pictures.
03:52This is huge news.
03:54Is there a political upheaval happening within Kaleidoscope?
03:57Are they planning to oust Eric Roberts?
04:00Margot observed the reporters' reactions and quickly glanced at John, smiling.
04:05She continued.
04:06Of course.
04:07We can't deny that Eric Roberts grabbed her by the shirt, but let's discuss the entire
04:12incident in detail.
04:14She opened up her presentation with her first slides.
04:17When our company's artist, Emma Miller, arrived in the Netherlands, she received a note telling
04:23her to come to a meeting in the Queen's Ballroom at 7, 0, with a threat to reveal her secret.
04:30The invitation was anonymous because the sender was being very careful.
04:35Margot forwarded to the next slide, which showed a picture of the invitation.
04:41What is this supposed to prove?
04:42A reporter asked.
04:45While this may not prove anything on its own, please hang in there.
04:49Margot then moved to the next slide, which showed a zoomed-in photo of the invitation
04:55and a copy of Andrea's writing next to it.
04:58As you can tell, the handwriting is the same in both images, Margot announced.
05:04The first thing I will show you is that Andrea Beard threatened Emma.
05:09Emma appeared at the Queen's Ballroom that night, out of curiosity.
05:14She wondered what secret someone thought she was keeping.
05:18Never expecting to be in any danger, but once there, she found herself face-to-face with
05:23Andrea, surrounded by several thugs.
05:27One of the reporters spoke up.
05:29Let me guess.
05:31Margot told Emma that she would destroy her reputation unless she backed out of the awards.
05:36Nominations, right?
05:38She asked.
05:40Andrea already told us this story, but it was the other way around.
05:44She said she was the victim.
05:46Well, if you want to know who the victim really is, let me review the evidence.
05:51Okay, Margot said.
05:54But before I present the evidence, let me be honest with you.
05:59She continued.
06:00I truly don't understand how Miss Beard could claim that Emma tried to hurt her.
06:06She must have thought that there were no witnesses, so she could lie and turn the situation around
06:11to her advantage.
06:12But she was wrong.
06:14That night, a plumber was doing some maintenance work in the bathroom of the Queen's Ballroom.
06:20He has since filed a report with the local police.
06:23So his report is in Dutch.
06:26I've obtained a translation, which is now on the screen.
06:30Episode 568.
06:32Three reporters are tossed out.
06:35The English translation of the plumber's report to the police showed up on the screen a moment
06:41However, even though the translated version was in English, the report seemed to make
06:46no sense.
06:48How can this be used as evidence?
06:50A reporter called out.
06:52Are you joking?
06:54Another asked.
06:56This is ridiculous.
06:57Stop playing around.
06:59Hurry up and tell us the truth, a third reporter exclaimed.
07:03Of course, this report doesn't really say much because of the language barrier.
07:08The plumber couldn't understand the conversation, Margot said.
07:12However, he knew enough to understand that someone was being threatened.
07:16He pulled out his phone and recorded the entire incident.
07:20A buzz started going around the room.
07:23But we'll look at that video a little while later.
07:26Margot looked around and then changed the subject.
07:30Let's return to the discussion of Eric Roberts grabbing Andrea's shirt and threatening her.
07:35What if I told you that this aggression was justified?
07:39One of the reporters started losing his temper and others quickly joined her.
07:43I don't care what happened.
07:46There's no excuse for Eric Roberts to assault someone, she said.
07:50Are you talking in circles because you have no evidence?
07:54Stop wasting our time.
07:56Another called out.
07:57Do you even know what you're doing?
07:59Why are you in charge of this press conference?
08:03Someone else asked.
08:05Sitting in the audience, John started to get angry.
08:09It was bad enough that they were insulting Kaleidoscope, but when they began insulting
08:13Margot, they crossed the line.
08:16Margot looked over to the security guards on the side of the room and pointed out the
08:20three reporters.
08:21I'm going to ask Ms. Johnson in the fourth row, Mr. Palmer in the sixth row, and Ms.
08:27Thorpe in the seventh row to leave.
08:31Everyone was surprised at her move.
08:33If you can't be civil in this room, I will ask you to leave.
08:38I can also guarantee that you will never be invited to a Kaleidoscope press conference
08:44Unfortunately for you, I will be announcing a big piece of news related to Miller, and
08:50I'm afraid you won't get the chance to hear this information firsthand.
08:54Margot was clear and decisive, demonstrating that she could be just as effective as Louise
09:00at controlling a press conference.
09:02As the security guards started to walk up the aisles, the three reporters who had been
09:07pointed out decided not to wait for them.
09:10They stood up and left feeling awkward in front of their peers.
09:14After they left, the atmosphere became even more serious.
09:18After Emma arrived at the designated meeting spot, Ms. Byrd told her to withdraw her name
09:23from consideration for an annual film award.
09:26She said that if she didn't, she was going to show some incriminating photos of Emma
09:31and destroy her reputation.
09:33Margot paused for a moment and then continued.
09:37Yet this wasn't even the worst of it.
09:39Even when Emma agreed to withdraw her nomination, Andre refused to let her go.
09:45Of course.
09:46As reporters, you must have seen situations like this before, she speculated.
09:52Once Emma has faced a lot of adversity and doesn't scare easily, but this time she was
09:57Do you know why she begged Ms. Byrd to let her go?
10:02She felt particularly vulnerable because she is pregnant.
10:07Emma Miller is pregnant.
10:08A reporter asked, looking around.
10:11This news seemed to surprise everyone.
10:14That's right.
10:15On the night of the incident, Emma was almost six months pregnant.
10:19She told Ms. Byrd that she was pregnant and begged for her safety.
10:24But do you know how Ms. Byrd responded?
10:27Margot asked.
10:28The room so silent that you could hear a pin drop.
10:32She told her thugs to do their worst.
10:35Her only stipulation was that they leave her alive.
10:38There was an audible gasp in the room.
10:41Emma and Ms. Byrd had never met before that night.
10:44If not for the competition over the awards, they might never have met.
10:49But because Ms. Byrd was jealous of Emma, she was willing to threaten her life and risk
10:53causing her a miscarriage.
10:56When Eric came in on the heels of the police, can you understand why he grabbed Ms. Byrd's
11:01shirt in his fist?
11:03Most likely you would have done something worse.
11:06The entire hall was in an uproar.
11:08This information was shocking.
11:10Emma's pregnant.
11:12A reporter called out, let me get this straight, Andrea.
11:18Byrd told her thugs to beat up a pregnant woman.
11:21Another asked, this is all too crazy to be true.
11:24Do you all believe this really happened?
11:27A third commented.
11:29A moment later, Margot flashed a recent photo of a pregnant Emma on the screen.
11:35The reporters jumped up and started taking pictures of the screen.
11:38Ms. Byrd's behavior was unforgivable.
11:41Margot continued.
11:43And even as I'm telling you about it, I can't quite believe that it's true.
11:48Can you imagine that someone would be so evil?
11:51How could she justify what she wanted to do?
11:54Andrea Byrd hired thugs to beat up a pregnant woman.
11:58Just think what you might be pushed to do if your pregnant wife or sister or daughter
12:03had been treated like that.
12:05Now I'll ask the reporter who suggested that there should never be a reason to retaliate
12:12If you were pregnant and someone was threatening you and your unborn child, would you simply
12:17want your husband to negotiate with them calmly?
12:21The reporters all looked at each other but said nothing.
12:24As the answer was obvious, if they were in the same situation, they would have torn Andre
12:29to shreds.
12:32Just threatening her as Eric had done was nothing.
