Days of our Lives 9-11-24 (11th September 2024) 9-11-2024 DOOL 11 September 2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00I need to speak with you.
00:29I need to talk to you about Everett Lynch.
00:36Hey, I'm sorry I'm late, I um, I got caught up talking to the kids' teachers.
00:48Oh, nothing to be sorry for. I know how hectic the first day of school can be.
00:52Yeah, very hectic.
00:56So, what do you want to do with it?
01:00We already scattered the ashes.
01:02You did? Everybody left already?
01:05Alex and Leo couldn't make it and Xander's busy with Sarah, obviously.
01:10It was just you?
01:11Well, Jada was here too.
01:13Which was fitting, I suppose, for it to be us two.
01:18Since, even though neither of us knew Everett the way that we thought we did,
01:24we knew him best.
01:27Right, yeah.
01:30Although, Leo mentioned this woman, Connie Bonenski, said that she was friends with Everett,
01:38but when I called to invite her to the memorial, she had no idea who he was.
01:47I'm going to take Stefan for all he's worth.
01:53And I wouldn't even mind keeping it up with EJ, you know?
01:59I mean, that one night with him, it doesn't have to be a one-off, does it?
02:05Of course not. Why should it be?
02:11Either way, Connie, I am living the good life.
02:18All right.
02:24My frogs.
02:40Okay, so I have all I've tried.
02:44Begging, pleading, cajoling.
02:47The only thing I haven't tried is pulling rank.
02:59Okay, okay, here goes.
03:04Wake up, Ray Hernandez!
03:06Now, that is an order, do you hear me?
03:09This is your mayor speaking to you.
03:12And if you don't respond, I just might have to give that acting commissioner a job for good.
03:30Oh, my God, in heaven!
03:35I can't believe that actually worked!
03:38Oh, you're awake!
03:41You're finally awake!
04:00Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
04:19So, this woman Connie, she said she didn't know him.
04:23And she was emphatic about it.
04:26But who knows, with all the lies that Everett was keeping, maybe he didn't give her his real name, or maybe Leo didn't get his facts straight.
04:36Well, it wouldn't be the first time.
04:40Still, I'm sorry that there wasn't much of a turnout. I know this must have been an emotional day for you.
04:49I'm sure it was for you, too.
04:55You know, it wasn't the first time Thomas and Charlotte have gone back to school since Abby's been gone.
05:02But today, seeing the kids with their parents, you know, it just... it was different.
05:12I really wish Abby could have been there.
05:15Are you sure you did?
05:18I can't imagine how much it'll mean to sweet Charlotte and Thomas to have their mom back.
05:27Well, hopefully it's just a matter of time before they do.
05:41The way you look at me.
05:47You can't stand me, I get it.
05:50Lying to your son.
05:54About being his dad, why?
06:01But, you know, just so you're aware, Mr. Stefano DiMera...
06:10I don't like it either.
06:13Pretending to be someone I'm not.
06:27I'm just doing what I have to do.
06:32Ralph! Ralph! Can you hear me?
06:36It's Paulina! Paulina Price!
06:40Oh, of course you can't answer me with the tube down your throat.
06:46I'm going to get Kayla. I'll be right back.
06:51Just stay awake. Stay. Awake. Okay?
07:23Governor DiMera?
07:30No. Don't do anything. I'll take care of it.
07:35I need you to find Melinda Trask. Now.
07:47Ms. Vansky?
07:59Hello? Is anyone home?
08:05This is Commissioner Jada Hunter with the Salem PD.
08:25Ms. Vansky, are you in there?
08:35You need me to find Melinda Trask? Why?
08:39Well, she took some notes from me a while back on the home spring line. Copious notes, actually.
08:44She never sent them to me. I should have just typed them up myself.
08:48It's too late now.
08:50Right. Well, I'd be happy to tell Melinda that, but...
08:54But what? What's the problem, Connie?
08:56I guess with your marriage imploding, you haven't heard.
08:59Heard what?
09:01Ms. Trask took a leave of absence.
09:06Why would she do that?
09:08No idea. Maybe this job was too much for her.
09:11Guess she couldn't hack the pressure.
09:24Ms. Vansky?
09:27Ms. Vansky?
09:43Hunter here.
09:45Jada? Jada, it's Melinda. I'm at the hospital.
09:48Did something happen with Rafe?
09:50Oh, it sure did. He's awake.
09:55Jada, he's awake.
09:57I'll be right there.
09:59No, okay, just breathe easy, okay?
10:03Some deep, slow breaths.
10:06Your throat is gonna be sore for a few days.
10:08I'm gonna get the nurse to get you some ice chips. That'll make it feel better.
10:17I'm listening. Just take your time.
10:26You are so welcome.
10:28We are all so happy to have you back.
10:36What happened?
10:45So, your meeting with Abby, how did it go?
10:50Pretty well.
10:52She didn't remember me, of course, but that didn't stop me from telling her all about our relationship, how close we were.
10:59Reminded her of some of our childhood exploits.
11:02I know you two got into more than your fair share of trouble.
11:06Abigail told you that, huh?
11:08When we first met, she told me some stories. She didn't give me all the details, so if you wanted to give me some of them nuggets, I'll take them.
11:15Oh, no, I'm taking my cousin's secrets to the grave.
11:21I'm glad you had a good time.
11:23We did.
11:26But, um...
11:30But what?
11:32Well, there was this one weird thing that happened.
11:38And another thing.
11:41You, of all people, should understand the position that I'm in.
11:45I mean, I don't know that much about you, but Chad did say that...
11:49That family meant everything to you.
11:53Just like it does to my brother and me.
12:06I didn't mean to startle you. Harold let me in.
12:10No, no, you're fine. I'm sorry, you are...
12:14I'm Steve Johnson. I'm your uncle.
12:19Well, um, nice to meet you.
12:22It's good to see you again.
12:27So, um...
12:30You're talking to Stefano, huh?
12:32I couldn't help it over here when I walked in.
12:35Yeah. I talk to portraits.
12:38I mean, I don't make a habit of it.
12:41I don't think.
12:44It's just, he seems to loom large over the family, so...
12:48I don't know, I thought I would introduce myself.
12:51I get it. Yeah.
12:54He has a commanding presence, even from the afterlife.
12:58Yeah. Seems to be so.
13:03But I heard you say something about family meaning everything to him.
13:08And to you and your brother?
13:11Yeah. My brother.
13:14Um, everyone told me that...
13:17That he and I were really close.
13:21You're talking about JJ, right?
13:24Yeah, of course. Who else would I be talking about?
13:41So, when I got there, Abigail was on the phone.
13:45She was talking to someone about making a plan.
13:49And when I asked her about it, she said that she was talking to my mom.
13:53That they were coming up with some sort of treatment plan.
13:58Okay, yeah, that makes sense.
14:00Kayla was the first doctor that Abby saw when we brought her back from Missouri.
14:04Right, so it made sense to me too, obviously, but...
14:08When I brought it up to my mom later,
14:11she had no idea what I was talking about.
14:14She said that she and Abby had never had that conversation.
14:24So your brother JJ is a great guy.
14:28Just so you know, that's short for Jack Patrick Jr.
14:32Oh, please. No.
14:35I'm having a hard enough time as it is remembering everybody by their first names.
14:39Yeah, I know. That's not an easy task.
14:43You know, I have a dear friend, Abe Carver.
14:47Someone you know too.
14:49He had a similar situation. He lost his memory a while back.
14:53And he used flashcards to help him keep everything straight.
14:57Oh, well, maybe I'll try that.
15:00It couldn't hurt, right?
15:02Anyway, it took a while, but he got his memory back.
15:11So listen, I'm Steve.
15:14Your Aunt Kayla is my wife.
15:17No last names required.
15:22That's a relief.
15:24And Aunt Kayla is my doctor, which she is.
15:27She is.
15:29And I understand that you were introduced, or reintroduced, to my daughter Stephanie.
15:35Yeah, she stopped by yesterday.
15:38She said you had a nice visit.
15:40It was. It was very nice.
15:42She told me all about my childhood.
15:45It sounded amazing.
15:47I just...
15:49Well, I wish that I could remember it, but...
15:52Well, you will. I'm sure.
15:59Stephanie also told me that...
16:03You said you were working on a treatment plan with my wife.
16:08I am. Yeah, we are.
16:11Aunt Kayla has been a huge help.
16:15No, I wouldn't be surprised by that if...
16:21If what?
16:23If it was true.
16:30Well, your heart and your lungs sound good, but we will get an MRI just to make sure.
16:37Caleb, I'm gonna just call me and say...
16:40Oh my God.
16:42Oh my God, you're awake. You're awake.
16:45Thank God that you've come back to us.
17:02If Melinda's gone, then I guess I'll never get to see those notes.
17:05That's too bad.
17:08And I just need to grab my own notepad. It's on your desk.
17:13Okay. Your notepad.
17:20I don't see it.
17:29Gabby DiMera.
17:31Hi, Gabby. This is Paulina Price.
17:34I'm sorry, Paulina. This isn't a good time.
17:37Oh, it sure is a good time.
17:42I'm here at the hospital and, well, your brother, he...
17:46He just woke up.
17:52You're just awake?
17:54Yes, yes. I'm not quite, you know, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
17:58Not yet, but he's definitely on his way there.
18:02Gracias a Dios.
18:05I'll be right there.
18:07My brother's awake. He's awake.
18:11He's awake.
18:30It doesn't make any sense. Why would Abby say she was talking to her mom if she wasn't?
18:34No idea.
18:36But she definitely said that she was talking to her mom.
18:38She referred to her as Dr. Johnson.
18:41Right, but is it possible that there's another Dr. Johnson?
18:45Sure it is. It's a common name.
18:47But when I said Kayla to Abigail, she didn't correct me.
18:52So she's probably just confused about who she was talking to.
18:57She seemed pretty sure about it.
19:01Which is why when my mom said they didn't talk...
19:06Chad, I hate to even think this, but...
19:09Think what?
19:12That Abigail is lying.
19:20Your wife didn't mention that we spoke?
19:25And when Stephanie brought it up, Kayla said that the two of you hadn't spoken at all yesterday.
19:34Maybe it was a privacy thing. Doctor-patient confidentiality.
19:39No, no. It wasn't that.
19:41Kayla has no problem setting boundaries professionally or otherwise.
19:47But for her to say emphatically that she had not spoken to you...
19:55It's a little strange, isn't it?
19:58Yeah, it is.
20:01But it's been a really confusing time, you know.
20:06So I...
20:08Yeah, I know.
20:11Come on.
20:13The truth is, you didn't talk to Kayla yesterday about a treatment plan or anything else, did you?
20:22I've spoken to a lot of doctors recently.
20:26It's possible that I mix things up.
20:29I mean, surely you can understand.
20:31Everyone is telling me that I'm this person and I don't remember any of her life.
20:36I see pictures of her and she doesn't look like me.
20:41I see framed photos and memories everywhere and I look at them and I feel nothing at all.
20:48And it's like...
20:51It feels like I'm a different person.
20:56Well, I could definitely relate to that.
21:02It wasn't so long ago that I thought I was that guy.
21:10You're serious.
21:12Yeah, I'm dead serious.
21:14It's a long story, but...
21:17I was 100% convinced that I was Stefano DiMera.
21:23I was a completely different person to myself and to everybody else.
21:29But of course it wasn't true.
21:33I wasn't Stefano DiMera at all.
21:38I'm sorry.
21:59Why the long face?
22:01You're not happy to see me?
22:04At least from you I get a smile.
22:07Oh, don't mind me. I need to get the front door fixed. It's sticking.
22:11I can lock it from the inside, but when I go to work, someone could just walk right in.
22:15And we can't have that, can we?
22:17I thought you said you were going to work.
22:20What was that?
22:24No wonder I couldn't understand a word you were saying. I had that on real tight, didn't I?
22:29I said...
22:31I thought you said you were going to work.
22:34I was, but something came up before my mission was accomplished.
22:39Commissioner Hernandez is awake.
22:51You have no idea how many hours I've spent just sitting here in this chair,
22:57waiting for this moment.
23:00I just... I just wanted to look into your eyes.
23:04See that beautiful smile.
23:09And now it's happening.
23:13Oh, I can't believe it.
23:17Believe it.
23:26Oh my God.
23:27It's true.
23:29It's really true.
23:31Oh my God.
23:40It is.
23:43I still don't know.
23:45I still don't know what happened to me.
23:49Can you tell?
23:51Oh, I've been a little preoccupied.
23:58You were out for two months in a coma.
24:02Oh my God.
24:03Two very, very long months.
24:08Someone tried to kill you.
24:10You'd been stabbed in the back.
24:13It was in the cemetery.
24:16Don't you remember?
24:18Let me...
24:21I was...
24:24on the phone.
24:27With who?
24:36Yes, Polina. I'm at the gravesite now.
24:39We've finished processing the scene.
24:41Hey, make sure you send someone down here to fill in this hole.
24:52I felt...
24:59I'm sure it was very painful.
25:04Rayther, do you remember who was there?
25:08Do you remember who stabbed you?
25:15Why would I be lying about talking to your mom?
25:17I have no idea.
25:19Okay, so then it's like we said.
25:21She must have been talking to another doctor.
25:23You know, with all the names and faces she's had to get familiar with.
25:26It's, it's, it's...
25:27You know, she probably just got confused.
25:29That could be it.
25:31Yeah, it has to be it.
25:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
25:46Because, I mean, if, if...
25:48she wasn't talking to another doctor,
25:50who else would she be meeting a plan with?
25:57Well, it must have been strange for you.
26:00Believing you were this person that you weren't.
26:03Well, it was a hell of a lot more than strange.
26:06For me.
26:07And for everybody else.
26:11You know, I...
26:13I had my doubts when Chad found me.
26:17But now, I know I'm Abigail DiMera.
26:21Because of the DNA results.
26:29Look, I don't have Abigail's face.
26:33I don't have her memories.
26:37I understand why people have their doubts.
26:42Including my mother.
26:46Well, that must have hurt, getting that reaction from her.
26:51Not accepting that you really were Abigail.
26:57It was upsetting.
27:04Well, you know, my brother, Jack,
27:07and his wife, Jennifer, lost their daughter.
27:12How they thought they buried her.
27:15Grieved for her.
27:18You can imagine how that would turn their lives upside down
27:22to suddenly hear...
27:25that she's alive.
27:29It takes a lot to believe the unbelievable.
27:40I was just sharing the wonderful news with Abraham,
27:44who is thrilled, of course.
27:46Oh, we all are.
27:48Well, how's the patient? How is he?
27:51Well, Ray, he's doing remarkably well.
27:54All things considered.
27:56Jada and Gabby are in with him now.
28:01Rafe, did you see the person who stabbed you?
28:09What does it matter what Rafe saw?
28:11We already know who did it.
28:16It was Jada's ex.
28:24Apparently he wanted you out of the way
28:27so that he and I can get back together.
28:34You arrested him?
28:37Actually, he's dead.
28:40He committed suicide.
28:44My God.
28:49Well, I guess that's it then.
28:55The end?
28:58Yeah, the end.
29:10So, Rafe Hernandez is awake?
29:14Yep, after all this time, I guess he decided to join the living.
29:19That must make you worried now.
29:23I mean, a man that you almost stabbed to death is capable of speech.
29:29Seems like he might be a problem for you.
29:32It could be, if he knew I was the one who did it.
29:36Yeah, an open grave can definitely be dangerous.
29:44Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.
29:54But since Rafe didn't see me, there's nothing for him to remember.
29:59If that were true, why do you seem so nervous?
30:14Well, I guess I should get going.
30:19I just wanted you to know that we're all thinking about you.
30:24I appreciate that.
30:28You really should give your Aunt Kayla a call.
30:32I'm sure she'd be happy to help you out with that treatment plan.
30:38I'll see you soon.
30:45I think Uncle Steve is going to be a little bit of a problem.
30:55Well, I should get back to work.
31:00Thanks for coming today.
31:03Of course. Sorry I didn't make it in time for the memorial.
31:08You got a lot going on with the kids and Abigail.
31:13I just appreciate you making the effort.
31:17Oh, and Abigail and I talked about seeing each other again sometime soon, maybe getting dinner.
31:23Yeah, yeah, let's do that.
31:27I think the more comfortable she gets around everyone in her family,
31:31the sooner she'll want to be a part of the kids' lives.
31:35It'll happen, Chad.
31:39And it will.
31:42Lattes from Sweet Bits.
31:45You deserve better than that sludge over there.
31:48Oh, thank you, Paulina. Wonderful, my favorite.
31:51You know, we really should be cracking the champagne and throwing a party, right?
31:55To celebrate the wonderful news.
31:57Yes, we should, and we will make a point to do that.
32:00I'm just so happy for Jada and Gabby and all of us who love Rafe.
32:04And, well, I'm assuming that he'll be the same man as he was before.
32:09Well, you know, all the preliminary tests show that he is a very lucky man,
32:14and there shouldn't be any lasting effects from the coma.
32:17Oh, more wonderful news.
32:19Yeah, mind you, he doesn't remember anything about the stabbing,
32:22but the rest of his memory seems to be intact.
32:27No more?
32:30My girlfriend feeding me.
32:33Makes me feel...
32:36You better not say emasculated.
32:44Well, you better get a hold of yourself.
32:48I'm going to bed.
32:53Well, you better get over it, okay?
32:57Because in the future, until you are 100%,
33:00I am going to be doing a lot for you, okay?
33:05So, I'm going to need you to run and bear it, alright?
33:14I got it.
33:20So, I'm in commission.
33:24Well, you are looking at her.
33:27Yeah, it was just temporary.
33:30I was keeping her seat warm for you.
33:33She's been doing a great job.
33:38I bet.
33:44What's been going on?
33:49You want us to tell you now?
33:52I mean, Rafe, you just got out of a coma.
33:57Alright, well, since you're not going to back off, fine.
34:01There is a high-profile hit-and-run case that I think you should know about.
34:06Technically, it's still open.
34:10Looks like that open grave was the least of your worries.
34:16Rafe, you okay?
34:26I'm not nervous.
34:29I'm perturbed.
34:33And why wouldn't I be?
34:35Things have not gone as I hoped.
34:37What things?
34:39Well, if you must know, Gabby told me she went to bed with EJ, Stefan's brother.
34:44You're kidding.
34:46They hate each other.
34:48Yeah, well, there's a fine line between lust and hate.
34:52Okay, but still.
34:55Isn't that exactly what you wanted?
34:58For Gabby to exact revenge on Stefan?
35:02An eye for an eye?
35:05Well, it was when I thought it was going to make the witch miserable.
35:09But this morning, she was banging on about how she's going to make the DA her sidepiece
35:13while she takes Stefan for everything he's worth.
35:16That floozy is on cloud nine.
35:18What kind of revenge is that?
35:22I can see why you'd be so frustrated.
35:27I want to pull my hair out.
35:31And I know you don't want me to kill anyone, but damn it, Ling,
35:35I have to disobey you just this one time.
35:44Because there's only one way to make Gabby pay for what she's done.
