Days of our Lives 9-19-24 (19th September 2024) 9-19-2024 DOOL 19 September 2024

  • last week
00:00Gabby told you we had sex this morning.
00:04Well, she, uh, referred to it more as a marathon.
00:12You're not actually gonna sit here and deny it, are you?
00:16I'm not saying anything.
00:19Okay, then let me rephrase my very simple question.
00:26This morning, did you or did you not sleep with my wife?
00:39It wasn't easy getting either of you down here without being spotted.
00:44But now that you're both here, it's awfully convenient.
00:47Two bitches with one stone, if you will.
00:51No messy cleanup, no worry about the police finding any evidence.
00:55Why not? They're bound to look down here eventually.
00:59Well, they can look all they like, but they won't find anything.
01:02By the time I'm finished, you'll both be incinerated, along with everything else in this house.
01:07That's crazy talk, Connie. You know it is.
01:10You don't want to do this.
01:13Reduced to ashes, blown to bits.
01:16This entire house will be a pile of rubble.
01:19The DiMera mansion will be your tomb.
01:31Hi, Kristen.
01:33Well, as treasurer of the Salem Elementary PTA, I wanted to say thank you for subjecting yourself to the dreaded dunk tank.
01:44Not all heroes wear capes, and in your case, a shirt.
01:48Great, thank you. Next time, why don't you go ahead and put your money in the donation box?
01:52Three bullseyes, really? I'm gonna be wet for a week.
01:55I couldn't resist.
01:57Even if you are my least unfavorite brother.
02:00Well, thank you.
02:02Oh, you can never take a compliment, can you?
02:05Did you see Rachel and Thomas at the ticketing booth with their heads together, plotting to take over the world?
02:13Yeah, in the snack bar. I'm not sure which one's worse.
02:18Um, I thought Abigail might be here.
02:23No, why would she be here? The kids don't even know she's back.
02:27And how long do you think that can go on for?
02:31As long as it takes, Kristen.
02:33Oh, okay. You know, just, um, for her not to remember her own children?
02:40Yeah, look, okay, I'm happy to report that she's actually getting some memories back.
03:01Sis, we're not supposed to be sitting together.
03:05I know, I know. I'm sorry, I had no choice.
03:09Last night, I got this text message.
03:13From Clyde Weston.
03:22A mess like this?
03:25Yeah, I thought I'd want to work so hard to get into Supermax, huh?
03:32Well, the only visitor Weston has allowed is his attorney.
03:37Oh, shame. Those strings pulled me with a warning.
03:42Now I'm in weight load.
03:46When have I ever not been careful?
03:51Fair point.
03:55Okay, baby, I'll keep you posted.
03:59I love you, too.
04:08Clyde Weston.
04:11We need to have a talk.
04:24Like sand through the hourglass,
04:28solar the deep.
04:32Like sand through the hourglass, solar the days of our lives.
04:51Well, as I live and breathe.
04:54Steve Johnson.
04:57How's it going in the fair city of Salem?
05:01Well, crime rates down now that you're gone.
05:05Imagine that.
05:08Your boy?
05:10How's Hong Kong treating you?
05:12Oh, no, no, no.
05:14I'm not here to talk about my son.
05:18I'm here to talk about...
05:20Your pretty niece, Abigail.
05:28Yeah, damn is right.
05:31All of a sudden I have a timeline for when I have to have Chad marching down the aisle.
05:36How am I supposed to do that?
05:38Well, you know the answer.
05:39You have to do what Clyde says.
05:41Marry the man ASAP.
05:43Oh, God.
05:49You told me that Abigail remembered her death.
05:53Now, does she remember anything about her life?
05:58We're working on it.
06:01Okay, I mean, that's great.
06:03That's great, and we are all in your corner.
06:08Once more.
06:10Try with some sincerity.
06:14I am being very sincere.
06:16It's just...
06:19Just what?
06:22It seems that Abigail isn't exactly champing at the bit to spend more time with you or with her own children,
06:32and I just think that's a little odd, don't you think?
06:34No, I don't, actually.
06:37It is none of your business, Kristen.
06:39Oh, but it is.
06:40I mean, indirectly.
06:42You see, Rachel has been begging to have Charlotte and Thomas over for a swim,
06:47and I am running out of excuses to give her.
06:50And also, I live with this woman, and if she does turn out to be an imposter...
06:57Yeah, except she's not.
06:59We did a DNA test.
07:01It's Abigail.
07:02Okay, assuming.
07:04Just assuming.
07:05It is legit.
07:07Oh, God.
07:08I mean, unless you're keeping this to yourself.
07:11I mean, don't you want to know how she survived this brutal stabbing?
07:19Or where she's been for the last two years?
07:22Or, I mean, what clients' motives were in keeping her on ISO this time?
07:28You know what?
07:29I'm really resenting you being so negative right now.
07:32I'm not being negative.
07:34Yes, you are.
07:35No, I'm not.
07:36I'm having a healthy skepticism.
07:38I mean, that's all I'm having right now.
07:40It's healthy.
07:42It's because I care about you, Chad.
07:46I care about you, and I don't want to see you get hurt.
07:51Just tread carefully.
07:58That's all I have to say.
08:07You already know I slept with Gabby once, and you made it abundantly clear that you don't want her back.
08:13So what possible difference could it make to you if we, for lack of a more graceful way to put it, hooked up again in the morning?
08:21You know damn well why it matters.
08:23Because she is still my wife.
08:25Right, right.
08:27And so you're solidly on the moral high ground because you've never slept with your brother's wife and cheated on Gabby early once.
08:35Or so you claim.
08:37Okay, I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
08:42I will only say that if you are still sleeping with my wife, what is to stop me from testifying against you that little Jude Brady, who you claim was your offspring, is actually Eric's.
08:58And that you hid his paternity from Eric and the rest of the world.
09:06So EJ, why don't you picture me holding a jury spellbound with your tales of depravity, and then answer the question.
09:21Fine. Fine. Gabby and I didn't sleep together this morning.
09:36So you're saying that my wife lied to me.
09:44Wake up, sweetheart. You don't want to miss your last few miserable moments on earth.
09:50Connie, please. You've kept me alive all this time. It is not too late to do the right thing.
10:00Please. I swear I will keep my mouth shut about everything. Everything that you've done.
10:07Oh, you definitely will. Because after today, you won't be able to open your mouth ever again.
10:13Neither of you will. And the world will owe me a big fat thank you.
10:31I cannot just snap my fingers and get Chad to marry me. He's not going to marry a complete stranger.
10:37Why not? He's desperate to get his own life back.
10:41And I can't give him that.
10:45Sorry. Mark, I'm just having a really hard time, okay? This is harder than I thought it was going to be.
10:51Yes, Chad lives for a miracle. There is only so much that man is going to believe.
10:57How many details are there of Abigail and his private life that only he knows?
11:02I have done my research. Yes, eventually he's going to see through me. And when that happens, this is all over.
11:07This is all over.
11:08Well, if someone sees through you before you get them down the aisle, the consequences are a hell of a lot worse.
11:16I know. I know.
11:20Chad, I'm worried. I'm worried that somebody is going to be Uncle Steve. God, if he doesn't stop asking questions.
11:31Don't tell me you haven't found Abigail yet. Steve, maybe you're not the PI you think you are.
11:37Oh, we found her, all right.
11:39Oh, damn. I was hoping to use that info to leverage you to get me out of this joint.
11:44Come on. Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly what's going on with Abigail. We were talking on the phone with her just the other day.
11:53Now, how could I do that, Steve? They don't allow me phone calls here, or visitors, or even a lousy newspaper.
12:01I'm visiting you, aren't I? And it wouldn't be the first time you've found your way around the rules.
12:09Yeah, well, you got me there. But even if I did have a workaround here, I'm the last person in the world Abigail would talk to if she could ever take my call.
12:23Unless she's not really Abigail.
12:28Now, look, I understand you have a naturally suspicious mind, but if Abigail coming back with some sort of hoax, will you theorize the point would actually be?
12:37Well, maybe she's out to nab a handsome guy from a very rich and powerful family.
12:45Okay, so she's after my money. Okay, so if she's after my money, then why does she insist on taking my call?
12:51Or have no recollection of our relationship?
12:54Well, maybe she is just reeling you in slowly.
12:58Slowly? Okay, she's moving in reverse, practically. Okay, so if her M.O. is to weasel her way into the DiMera family, she needs a new plan.
13:09Look at that, bottled in 1875.
13:14That was before you were born, right? Pretty close, anyway.
13:17See if you can rouse Sleepyhead over there. I've got to go out and gather a few supplies.
13:22Don't go anywhere while I'm gone, okay?
13:31Gabby! Gabby! Wake up, Gabby!
13:36Amanda? What?
13:42What's going on? Where are we?
13:46We are in the basement of your house, being held hostage by your psychotic assistant, Connie.
13:53I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
13:55I'm sorry, but I have to go.
13:58what's what's going on where are we we're in the basement of your house
14:02being held hostage by your psychotic assistant Connie yeah I didn't really
14:07take a leap of absence she sent that text message from my phone she's been
14:11keeping me hostage in her apartment with a cardboard cutout of leash in what
14:16yeah she killed me she stabbed your brother
14:20Rafe she framed effort she she faked a suicide she confessed that to you upstairs
14:28yeah ah before she knocked me how oh my god I went to prison because of that
14:40crazy bitch well did that crazy bitch also tell you that she blames everyone
14:44for Lee's death except for herself and she is especially infuriated with us and
14:49Stefan she keeping us alive she's not she's planning on blowing us up when she
14:56gets back here us and this entire house
15:09I'm not saying that Gabby was lying then what are you saying I'm simply saying
15:16that this is between you and her but be warned I'm not going to stand idly by
15:25while you try and this is on try to put me away because you cheated on your wife
15:32with the likes of her I mean it's one thing to have no morals but your your
15:40utter lack of taste is just oh my god Stefan is just appalling
15:55smoke son of a bitch talking on both sides of his face focus on the positive
16:03man at least he didn't sleep with Gabby again right oh yeah that cheers me up to
16:10know it hey look I mean especially because he said that Gabby wasn't lying
16:19when she said that they slept together I mean come on which is I don't know you
16:24didn't expect to get a clear answer from that guy did you so what what what what
16:29that all that bravado was just a bluff okay look I I know that EJ is terrified
16:37to go to prison so of course he's gonna tell me what I
16:39don't want to hear but I know for sure he and Gabby had to have slept together
16:46this morning
16:52which makes me realize that
16:56Gabby now leads me two to one so
17:02so what can I don't need in the school
17:17I just I can't believe I was so clueless when Stephanie walked in and over her
17:25when I was saying she on the phone I completely spaced I forgot that dr.
17:29Johnson was her mother otherwise I would have come up with a better cover so I
17:32didn't know that Stephanie was gonna go black to Kayla and besides there's how
17:38many people you could have plausibly been talking to I know but I I just it's
17:45so easy to slip up especially for me I'm not built for this better than you think
17:49like I've reminded you we have to keep this up we have no choice I know I do
17:57think that I convinced Chad that I was just confused but uncle Steve is an
18:02entirely different story blacks yeah he may be suspicious but there's no way
18:11that he can prove anything we'll figure this out we have to yes we do
18:17because Clyde holds all the cards
18:22now why would you think that this woman who claims to be Abigail is an
18:27imposter well for one thing she looks nothing like my niece
18:32it's got a brand new face which you know about as according to Abigail as you and
18:40officer Goldman were taking care of her at Poplar Bluff before you were locked
18:45up yeah we sure did after that tragic answer yeah well whatever happened to
18:52her the bottom line is she could be anyone not if the DNA test was done I
18:59assume it was and you doubt the results because well mainly because my gut
19:08tells me something's just not right and also there's a very big hole in this
19:18story hey okay you know what that is that is exactly what every girl wants to
19:27hear hey hey you wanna have a quickie I'm trying to even the score with my
19:32wife okay all right I can see where that would be offensive although technically
19:39I didn't use the word quickie yeah I inferred that were you inferred
19:45incorrectly remind you you are Ava Vitale okay you are the last person to
19:52forgive and forget when somebody does you dirty so refresh your memory here
19:58okay Gabby had you fired Gabby is the reason you're behind on your rent and
20:03Gabby basically condemned you to a life of slinging corned beef hash until you
20:11swept in and you saved me from all of this right my point is you and I have
20:17more than enough reason to want to get revenge on Gabby and if we want to have
20:21a little fun in the process what's the harm in that so why don't we grab a
20:27bottle of Chateau Margaux head back to the mansion and if you need a little
20:33more encouragement close your eyes and think of the look on Gabby's face when
20:38we walk up the stairs together sipping our champagne leaving a trail of
20:43clothing in our wake what do you say
20:56any ideas of how to escape oh there's no use in yelling and screaming this case
21:02is soundproof I found that out the hard way you're a regular beacon of hope
21:08just let me think wait the demi-horses are delicious they're always coming down
21:20here for wine and champagne yeah well any minute kind is gonna be coming back
21:24here with the ingredients to make a bomb we don't have time to wait for someone
21:28to get thirsty you asked for hope didn't you have enough a false kind okay
21:35can't believe you hired that in that case I just wish to check some
21:40references instead of letting her kiss ass her way to that job
21:45oh yeah and how can I have known she was a homicidal maniac she happened to be
21:50very helpful and efficient oh yeah blowing up your marriage was real
21:55helpful I needed to know the truth dammit Melinda we can't turn on each
22:00other now okay I have to find a way out of this together
22:14my phone where
22:30all right well I've said my piece I tried to warn you though to no avail
22:39obviously nope all right I have one more question I have to go to work okay yeah
22:46but I will be quick I promise so why why would Abigail want to live at the
22:51mansion I mean didn't she refer to it as the mausoleum when she first came to
22:56town and you might want to tell her that we have her in the back if she
22:59wants to bunk with the dead relatives out there stop being nasty I'm not being
23:04yes you are I'm not being nasty and if you want to bring Rachel by to play
23:10with the kids just bring them over to the house sure but Julie would just love
23:15that we'll figure it out that's it take this hey what's up go for
23:28you mr. Barrow hi
23:39I know what you've done
23:45I just hate every second of this I think I don't yeah you don't have to
24:00throw yourself at a man who is more used in life no just jeopardize my medical
24:05license my career my future look Aaron and Felicity also need us to get this
24:13right I know I know I'm doing my damnedest I really am I just I feel so
24:24guilty yesterday Chad was reciting his wedding vows to me and and his words
24:31were just full of emotion and love and I could feel it in my soul don't tell me
24:39you're falling for him what no of course not he's a nice guy Mark he
24:50doesn't deserve this no I don't disagree still I have to start remembering and
25:02make it convincing let me deal with him
25:13tell me Steve what is the one very big hole on this story well actually it's
25:23just a part of the story that I'm guessing only you can make sense of or
25:30now you get me curious why was John black wasn't even involved in this case
25:39found tied to a chair in the same popular bluff location where Abigail was
25:46being held damn that is a hell of a coincidence yeah no coincidence my ass
25:52come on you know where John was he was in Greece laying flowers on a young
25:57woman's grave he allegedly killed at Victor's behest you know that so tell me
26:04what is the connection between John black and Abigail DeMero
26:11what do you mean what do you think I've done you know damn well what you've done
26:16you overheard Ava and me talking about Stefan and then you turned around and
26:22you told Gabby my brother was cheating on her Gabby didn't deserve to know
26:27please you did it because you're a nasty gossip and no Gabby didn't need to know
26:37and you know what thanks to you I had to fire my good friend Ava and a lot of
26:42people's lives are turned upside down because you couldn't keep your mouth
26:45shut but you're the ones who couldn't keep your mouth shut to begin with you
26:51and Ava I just happened to overhear over here now all you've done is
26:59maliciously use drop and that does not sit well with me miss
27:03Beninsky and the only reason you have your job still is that Gabby thinks you
27:09are the bees knees but consider yourself on notice
27:13Gabby answers to me and so do you so watch your step you watch yours bitch
27:21what did you just say see you around
27:27you know that was my office apparently there's a PP on one of your employees
27:33who Gabby's assistant Connie Beninsky
27:41Gabby hi I just found out that you told your cuckolded husband that you and I
27:47had yet another go at it this morning which obviously didn't happen
27:53damn it Gabby I realize that your goal is to make Stefan's life miserable but I
27:58have appreciated a heads-up since I was totally blindsided when he confronted
28:02me look I didn't want to call you a liar but my brother doesn't need
28:10additional ammunition against me either so we need to get our story straight
28:14from now on okay call me back when you get this
28:33for me which means I know how come looking for me you need you're really a
28:37thing are you well it depends on what you mean by a thing we had revenge sex
28:44and we almost didn't get this morning before he helped me realize that it was
28:48a bad idea and then I saw Stefan and I can help myself and I told him the EJ
28:53and I didn't have sex again Gabby I don't just need to remember that we are
28:56still in danger yes so could you scoot a little faster and do a little less
29:00talking you asked me about me and EJ yes which requires a one-word answer so save
29:05your breath and get to the damn phone
29:16I can't I can't die I can't die especially before you tell Stefan that I still love him
29:25oh come on is it part of you just dying to see Gabby's head explode when we show
29:35up at the mansion together just tell me like what does it matter if Gabby and
29:43EJ slept together again I mean look they already did the deed once so what is it
29:48about doing it twice that makes it so egregious because Gabby had regrets
29:53after the first time and if they did it again that means that those regrets are
29:58gone that makes it a hell of a lot more egregious don't you think okay you know
30:01what I don't care I really I don't care how many times Gabby and EJ did the
30:07dirty okay or or about you and Gabby and all the ways you're trying to get back
30:12at each other in the most adolescent ways okay I'm over it it's getting old
30:19why why why yeah because I feel disrespected to put it mildly well
30:27because I want us to have sex again but you you are a beautiful fascinating
30:34woman and it's not like I don't care about you I mean we're friends right
30:38wrong a friend would not use me like this especially in this way so you know
30:45what you can take your friendship and your stupid offer and you can shove it
31:01man you're jumping to all kinds of crazy conclusions here Steve you see my
31:06associates in Missouri they got multiple income sources then it would they didn't
31:14that they're using my safe house in Poplar Bluff they're doing some work for
31:19another boss to imprison another person who just happens to be from Salem too
31:26without your authorization like hell Steve you asked for an explanation as to
31:33why John Black wound up in Poplar Bluff and I gave you one now if that don't
31:37suit you that's not my fault and what do you know it's lunchtime and as bad as
31:43the food is here at least my fellow inmates don't pester me with tedious
31:47questions about inconsequential matters I'll see you later hold up a second
31:53listen listen now I know you didn't get the deal you were looking for when you
32:01gave up that information about Abigail but I have connections with the ISA they
32:09got me in here in fact why would I care about your connection to the ISA Steve
32:17because if you'd be willing to give me a few more answers truthful ones I might
32:27be able to go to the ISA get them to reciprocate on my behalf get you up out
32:32of here
32:39oh my god honey was just here I was giving her a hard time I was provoking
32:45her I need to call the police
32:55look Ava I didn't mean to upset you know the fact that you didn't even realize
33:03you were doing that it speaks volumes and so not only do I not want your so
33:09called friendship anymore I don't want your pity job that you've offered me
33:15either okay cuz I would rather I would rather sling hash for a Roman his corn
33:21beef hash as you say day and night then work for a clueless misogynist ass
33:34I'm sorry I'm an idiot
33:43when I said my offer it was misogynistic and clueless you're right
33:52just the idea of Gabby in bed with my brother makes me so freakin mad okay you
33:58know what that is your problem it is not mine and if you are so desperate to
34:06even the score with your wife in that sleazy way I'm sure there are plenty of
34:13women out there who would be happy to lower themselves you out but I am NOT
34:20one of them
34:30my relationship with Stefan is complicated Melinda it's not easy to
34:36explain just everything well look who decided to rejoin the land of the living
34:42for the time being anyhoo that's how I left you
34:51ah you won't be needing this
35:08is that a big fat truth bomb you're both going to suffer mightily for what you
35:15did to leave honey please people are going to find out what you did you won't
35:22get away with this stop now please while you still can I don't care who finds out
35:27I just have a few loose ends to take care of and then I'm going home to me
35:32who is patiently waiting in my bed for me and then we'll bid Salem goodbye
35:36forever he's not in your bed you lunatic he's a freaking piece of cardboard who
35:42is not here to defend himself I'm such trash insult so I'll have to do it for
35:47him honey Melinda and I didn't kill him you did you told me so you stabbed him
36:00in the back and let him I don't hear what you're saying
36:06honey if you blow this place up you'll end up with the same broken heart that
36:15you started with this isn't going to fix it this isn't going to fix anything
36:22deep down under all that hurt all that confusion all that anger you know I'm
36:49so you think you can give me a deal I could damn well try like you could go to
37:04your brother Jack and say oh I'm sorry I just want to let your daughter's killer
37:09out of prison man oh suppose a killer anyway our trips mom come on man you're
37:17bluffing me and you're doing a bad job of it at that guard man's just leaving
37:29I'll be back
37:34let's promise
38:04I'm sorry the door was unlocked and I thought you would want to know why I
38:30remember something
38:35if it isn't my lawyer Jackie Childs
38:44good to see you more glad you put those fake credentials I got you the good news
38:49I seem to be a very popular guy today you just missed Steve Johnson on the way
38:55out I know it's all moving what do you want he's asked me all kinds of
39:01questions about your sister do you believe that he seems to think that
39:06she's not really Abigail we're aware and you can stop pressuring my sister okay
39:16if she moves too fast it's gonna make people more suspicious than they already
39:20are yeah but she's gonna have to figure out something fast I mean she needs to
39:27tie the knot with Chad ASAP so that I can achieve my goals you know what my
39:34goals are don't you mark access to the Demera fortune I guess I wasn't clear
39:40enough you see I don't just want access to the Demera fortune I want the
39:47Demera fortune I want to be mine all of it
39:52so you better get your sister betrothed to Chad as soon as possible or else you
40:01and her are never gonna see your sweet mom on live again
40:08I guess not
40:38is this blood I am hurt I am very angry
40:55but I am NOT confused not even one tiny bit I know just what I want and pretty
41:04soon I'll have it but what about me do you really want to defy him like this I
41:11mean he told you he didn't want you to hurt us right and so good to me Connie
41:19which is why I gave you a raise which is why I put all of my faith and trust into
41:25you please Connie don't throw it all away I'll give you whatever you want as
41:33much as I've enjoyed hearing both of you grovel the answer is no
41:40bye-bye ladies have a blast
