Days of our Lives 9-20-24 (20th September 2024) 9-20-2024 DOOL 20 September 2024

  • 4 days ago
00:00Steve, oh my goodness. I was so worried about you. I'm so glad you called. Listen, I know
00:11you got into the supermax, but oh, you did talk to Clyde. Oh, well, do tell me about
00:18your doubts that you have about our niece being our niece.
00:21Listen, not to sound like I told you so, but why wouldn't he still want you? I mean,
00:31there's nothing in it for him. Why would he give you any answers about Abigail?
00:35Abby, what are you doing here? I just brought the kids home. They're upstairs.
00:51I'm sorry. The door was unlocked and I thought you would want to know. I remember something.
00:58You did? That's great. What is it? What did you remember? It was about you. Well,
01:09actually, it was about us.
01:14Listen, I know you have your doubts. I do too. But until Abigail starts remembering something...
01:20No, I told you we cannot do a DNA test on her without her consent.
01:29Listen, let's just talk about it when you get back, all right?
01:33Okay, I love you. All right, get back safely. All right, bye.
01:39Oh, Jada, hi. I thought you went back to work. Yeah, I was going to, but Rafe has been
01:46so agitated. You know, he's threatening to check himself out against medical advice.
01:51What? Why would he do that? Because he is out of his mind with worry about his sister.
02:06I am hurt. I am very angry.
02:16But I am not confused, not even one tiny bit. I know just what I want,
02:24and pretty soon I'll have it. What about Lee? Do you really want to defy him like this?
02:32I mean, he told you he didn't want you to hurt us, right?
02:36And you've been so good to me, Connie, which is why I gave you a raise, which is why I put all
02:43of my faith and trust into you. Please, Connie, don't throw it all away. I'll give you whatever
02:50you want. As much as I've enjoyed hearing both of you grovel, the answer is no. Connie, please,
03:00don't do this. Bye-bye, ladies. Have a blast.
03:30Another apology? Another one not accepted.
03:45How'd you like to help me even the score by having sex with me again?
03:51You know, Gabby's leading two to one. Come on, you'd be fine. Oh, God.
03:56What an ass.
04:20Gabby, are you here?
04:25Guess not.
04:48What's this blood?
04:56What the hell? What is going on here?
05:11Oh, my God. What's happening with that thing? Can you see it? Oh, my God. Two minutes.
05:15It's going to blow in two minutes. What are we going to do?
05:25Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
05:36Oh, no. Go to hell, Stefan. Seriously, you know, maybe your next restaurant manager would
05:57like to help you with your revenge sex tally. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
06:02Oh, God. Now what?
06:12Honey, I can't take your call right now, but you know what to do.
06:20Hey, I feel terrible about hurting your feelings and disrespecting you.
06:35I was a jerk, a total jerk, and I would really like another chance to apologize.
06:45You know what? No, voicemail is not the way to go. I need to do this in person. I will see you soon.
07:00Connie, what are you doing here? Oh, just tying up a few loose ends.
07:06And I'm glad you're in since you're next on my list.
07:09You're list. What are you talking about? Oh, come on, Ava. You think I don't know that you've
07:14been trash talking me all over town, telling anyone who would listen how I was creative
07:20with my resume? Very disappointing, Miss Vitaly, that you did not heed my warning.
07:27I mean, I did tell you, did I not, to keep your mouth shut?
07:33Is there anything else you know about Miss Peninsky? Well, apart from the fact that she
07:36got me fired, Melinda says that the woman is a complete fraud and her resume was a complete lie.
07:43Really? Mm-hmm. You did tell on me, didn't you? No, I didn't. I don't care what you... Liar!
07:53I asked you to keep quiet, but you sold me down the river. Now, I've already made a deal with you.
08:02Are you sure that Melinda won't be able to badmouth me to anyone else ever again? Melinda.
08:11Oh, my God. And now, you won't either.
08:14Hello, is someone down there?
08:56Hello, is anyone there?
09:02What are you saying? Translation, please. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now
09:10at the hour of death. Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
09:45Chad, I was so moved when you recited your wedding vows to me.
09:52It really affected me, and I... Oh, my God, no, no. This is so phony and gloomy. Damn it.
10:03How am I supposed to keep doing this to him? Yesterday, Chad was reciting his wedding vows to
10:12me, and his words were just full of emotion and love, and I could feel it in my soul, and it was
10:21just like... Don't tell me you're falling for him. What?
10:29No, of course not. He's a nice guy, Mark. He doesn't deserve this. I don't disagree, still.
10:41Still, I have to start remembering and make it convincing.
10:51Okay, we're good. I told Julie we were here. She's going to keep the kids upstairs.
10:58I'm so sorry. That was incredibly obvious. It would be terrible if they saw me here.
11:02No, it's okay. They didn't. They won't. Julie's playing their favorite game with
11:10them, Connect Four, so we're good. Okay, so what did you remember?
11:21I... Chad, I was really moved when you brought over the album and recited your wedding vows to
11:31me. It was... It really touched something inside me. I thought you said you didn't remember
11:42anything. Yeah, no, I didn't. Not at first, and then I kept looking at the album and
11:53thinking about the words you said, and it was... It was like the Abigail you were talking about
12:04didn't feel like a stranger to me anymore. It felt like...
12:12like she was inside me.
12:17I could hear the music.
12:21I could smell the flowers. I could taste the wedding cake, and then I saw you standing in
12:30front of me saying those words to me for the first time,
12:38and all of a sudden, my vows started spilling out of me. Chad, I remembered them. I remembered them.
12:49This is exactly what I have prayed for.
12:50So, Ava, you seem surprised to see me. I am, actually.
13:08How did you know where I live? That was simple. I just got your information off the
13:13DiMera contact sheet before you were fired. See, I like to keep track of little things like that,
13:18just in case. I'm not gonna tell Gabby anything about your resume, okay? I promise you,
13:34she got me fired. I never liked her anyway, so as far as I'm concerned, I never even saw you.
13:44You're not gonna have a problem. Not for me.
13:55Yeah, well, Gabby and I, we're parting ways. She's in the past now. I didn't know that.
14:04Well, now you do. See, I'm off to start a new life with my boyfriend,
14:10but I can't have everyone thinking I'm a fraud, Ava. First off, it isn't true.
14:16I have lots of skills, and I'm a very conscientious worker. I'm an amazing employee.
14:24Yes, of course you are, Connie, of course, and you know what? I actually, I have heard
14:29that you are very efficient and very conscientious.
14:34Now you're just sucking up so that I won't hurt you, but I see right through you, Ava Patel.
14:38No, no, no, no. I am not sucking up. I swear, I have heard that you are a stellar employee,
14:44and that you are very- Who did you lie to? Who were you gossiping to about my work history?
14:49No one. I swear to you, I was not talking- Are you sure? You didn't tell your good friend,
14:53Stefan? Because I know how close you two are. Stefan? But we are not even that close,
15:00and I didn't say anything to him. Not about you. I don't believe you. You're lying.
15:07I can see it in your eyes. You're a bad liar. I know you told him. Okay, okay, okay. Let's say
15:11that I did say something, which I did not. I don't think it's even going to register for him. He has
15:17so many more important things on his mind right now. Okay, let's say he didn't know, okay? I really
15:26don't think he would care, so he's certainly not going to tell Gabby. He's not going to tell anyone.
15:35You know, I trust that palander and creep about as much as I trust you.
15:40In fact, he's my next stop, once I'm through with you.
15:47Ava, hey. You in there? It's me, Stefan. How convenient. Someone just saved me a trip.
15:55Is there a hair telling me that this lady caught a stabbed Rafe and killed Li Xun?
16:05That's our working theory. And considering what this woman is capable of,
16:10there's a chance we might be adding Melinda's name to that list.
16:14Oh, no wonder Rafe is so worried about Gabby. Have you still not been able to reach her?
16:19No. We've left her a message hours ago, and we haven't heard back.
16:23But I've got people out there trying to track her down. Oh, I hope she's okay.
16:27Wait, geez. I mean, Rafe has been through so much already.
16:31He has. I mean, being this upset cannot be good for his health.
16:36Kayla, he is going out of his mind. Like I said, I could give him a mild sedative.
16:44I think that would be a good idea. What about Connie? Do you think that she left town? Do you
16:48think that now that you're on to her, she knows? I mean, honestly, I'm not even sure she knows
16:53that we're on to her yet. But she's going to know soon enough. I have every available cop out
16:57there searching for her. And Kristen told me that she saw her at the park earlier today.
17:02So there's a possibility she might still be in Salem. I hope we find her soon. Yeah, me too.
17:10Listen, thank you for looking after Rafe, okay? I'm going to go join the search for Gabby.
18:23Oh, I got a little excited. My heart was pounding. Oh, mine too.
18:36Okay, so how much of the volume do you remember?
18:44Pretty much all of them. I mean, I might get a word or two wrong, but I can
18:49try to recite them if you'd like me to. Well, if I'd like you to, yeah. I would love that.
18:56Okay. Okay. All right. Here goes. They say...
19:12It's okay. Just take your time.
19:19They say that when you meet someone and you fall in love with them,
19:32you're drawn to them because they have something unique.
19:39And that's why we're here today.
19:42Because I need you, Jeff.
19:44I need your courage.
19:48I need your love. I need your faith.
19:54Your faith in us.
19:58I'm beyond grateful that I get a second chance at life with you and our beautiful children,
20:08you and our beautiful children, our entire family.
20:16You're the love of my life, Jeff.
20:20There's nothing that I want more than to spend the rest of my days with you.
20:38Hey, sis. Hi, it's me. I just want to let you know that I got in to see Clyde.
20:54I tried to tell him to stop pressuring you, but he pushed back hard. He's desperate for you to
20:58marry Chad again. He's sap. Oh, and you should know I had a near miss with Abigail's Uncle Steve.
21:06Yeah, don't worry. You didn't see anything.
21:17Hey, Luke, please open the door. Look, I know you're in there. I saw your car parked outside.
21:26Look, I know I've already apologized, but I think it bears repeating.
21:32I am really, really sorry for even suggesting that you and I sleep together again.
21:39Okay, just go away, Stefan. I don't want to talk to you anymore.
21:48I'm hoping you do want to talk to him.
21:53You're going to tell him to come in here and your next words will be your last.
21:56Ava, please.
22:03All right, come on in. The door's open.
22:14Oh, God. Mr. Jepara, so nice to see you. Please join the party.
22:27I'm at the DeMera house. There's a heavy smell of smoke, but there's no signs of any flames on
22:32the first floor and no occupants on the scene. But there were two cars in the garage.
22:38I'm going to do a thorough check. Dispatch units immediately.
23:32What the hell is going on? What's going on?
23:34Connie. Connie Mineski.
23:40Go help Gabby.
23:42Gabby, are you okay? You sure you're okay?
23:44I'll survive.
23:50Gabby. Gabby, come on. Open your eyes. Gabby, can you hear me? It's EJ. Gabby.
23:56EJ. Is she?
24:14Oh, here is Dr. Johnson. Now, I'll let her know. No problem.
24:21Kayla, hey. I was just telling a patient to follow up with you. I'm sure you'll be hearing from her.
24:29Oh, great. Great. Thank you very much. Listen, as long as you're here, I just have a little question for you.
24:37Well, remember when I gave you that DNA test? You know, you would have won it for me, for my niece.
24:43Abigail, right?
24:47How is she?
24:50I don't know what you're suggesting, but I just want to make sure that you absolutely kept it in your sight the whole time.
24:58I mean, there wasn't even an instant that you let it out of your sight.
25:02No. No. Never.
25:04You gave very strict marching orders. Why?
25:08Well, you know, she's family.
25:10And, you know, given the circumstances, my husband, he just wants to make sure that the test results were, you know, absolutely accurate.
25:18I completely understand. He has nothing to worry about, nor do you.
25:22I took those samples to the lab myself, and I was there the entire time. There is no way they were tampered with.
25:32Um, rest assured, that woman is most definitely your niece.
25:42I just can't believe it.
25:45I mean, I can't. There's no way that you would know any of those words if you weren't there with me that day.
25:55If you weren't you.
25:57No. Of course not.
26:05I am so happy that you remember one of our happiest memories. There's so many more to come.
26:14You know, until that day.
26:16And, listen, I don't, I don't, I don't think for a second that, um, that we're just going to go right back to the way we were.
26:26You know, and again, I don't want to, I'm not trying to pressure you.
26:35But this is the most hope I've had since I found out that you were alive.
26:40Yeah, I feel that too.
26:52Oh, you can check that.
27:04Okay, I gotta take it.
27:10This is Chad. What's up?
27:16I'm here.
27:24Gabby? Gabby, can you hear me?
27:28Oh my god, what happened?
27:30Connie Avaneski, she set up a homemade bomb.
27:34A bomb?
27:37EJ got here after it went off. He put out the fire.
27:41Gabby has a head injury. We need to get her to the hospital now.
27:43The first responders are on the way.
27:45No, there's no time. I'll take her myself.
27:47EJ, that's not a good idea.
27:51We're going. It's okay, Gabby.
27:53We need you to help me.
28:03What the hell?
28:05Open the door now.
28:23What is going on here? What are you doing?
28:27Well, in a nutshell, I'm cleaning up.
28:31I'm eliminating all the problem people in my life.
28:34And lucky for me, the next person on my list
28:36just came knocking at the door.
28:38That's you, in case you were wondering.
28:40Let's be reasonable here.
28:42I understand you were upset
28:44that Ava and I slept together
28:46because of how loyal you are to Gabby.
28:50Loyal to Gabby?
28:52I hate that little slut.
28:56I'm glad you cheated on her.
28:58And I hate you too, Steppen Damera,
29:00for what you did to my boyfriend.
29:02The only person that I'm loyal to
29:04who I love with all my heart.
29:06I'm sorry, I'm not understanding.
29:08What boyfriend?
29:10Lee Shin, hello?
29:12Lee Shin?
29:14Lee's dead?
29:16Exactly. And it's all your fault.
29:18Okay, now I'm really lost.
29:20You and Gabby with your grand plans.
29:22You think I didn't know what you two were doing?
29:24She broke his heart.
29:26And she destroyed him.
29:28And you helped her do it.
29:31And now you're going to pay for it.
29:35Okay, alright.
29:37I think I understand now.
29:39You're angry.
29:41And I get it.
29:43But your beef is with me
29:45and Gabby.
29:47And what does this have to do with Ava?
29:49This two-faced liar told you
29:51I faked my resume when I explicitly
29:53told her to keep her mouth shut.
29:55No, Connie, I didn't.
29:57I told you I didn't tell her.
30:00I told you I didn't believe you.
30:04So now I have to silence her for good.
30:06And then you're next.
30:20Oh, and here is
30:22Dr. Johnson now.
30:24I will let her know.
30:26No problem.
30:34You have a second to chat?
30:38Sorry that I couldn't
30:40get Clyde to back off.
30:42Yeah, I kind of figured
30:44you wouldn't have much luck in that area
30:46so I stuck things up on my side.
30:48I remembered
30:50my wedding vows with Chad.
30:56How'd you pull that one off?
30:58Chad mentioned that there was a box
31:00of mementos from their wedding.
31:02Said it was in the attic.
31:04I was able to sneak in,
31:06found it luckily while he was away,
31:08and there was a piece of paper
31:10with Abigail's vows written on it.
31:12I memorized it right before he got back.
31:16Yeah, well, I'm highly motivated.
31:22Chad was so emotional and excited
31:24when I was able to recite the vows.
31:27I just felt awful and so guilty.
31:29I know that I've been deceiving him all along
31:31but somehow deceiving him like this
31:33feels incredibly
31:35and especially cruel.
31:39I don't like this either.
31:41You know that.
31:43We have to go through with it.
31:45It's the only option.
31:47Mom's life is on the line.
31:49Gotta go.
31:53Hey, is everything okay?
31:55Uh, no, actually,
31:57I just got some bad news.
32:11She still hasn't regained consciousness.
32:13Well, she took in
32:15quite a bit of smoke.
32:17You know, a concussion can cause
32:19altered consciousness for some time
32:21even if there's not a serious
32:24underlying issue.
32:26Which she may have sustained, unfortunately.
32:28Which is why I've ordered
32:30a CT scan of her head
32:32just to rule out any kind of brain bleed.
32:34Brain bleed?
32:36Well, it's just a precaution.
32:38Listen, she's in good hands.
32:40If you want to go home, get some rest.
32:42I'm staying right here until I know she's okay.
32:50Gabby, thank God.
32:56Where am I?
32:58What happened?
33:21I don't know if you believe this, but, um,
33:23Connie had this
33:25life-size cardboard cutout of Leesha.
33:29Oh, I believe it.
33:31In fact, I saw it with my own eyes.
33:35You went to the apartment?
33:37We realized that Connie
33:39was holding you hostage.
33:41But we didn't know where she had taken you.
33:45We didn't even know if you were still alive.
33:47So we started the search at her place.
33:51Connie had no idea you were
33:53onto her.
33:55Neither did I.
33:59I'm just so sorry that we didn't find you sooner.
34:01Yeah, me too.
34:05But I'm glad
34:07you found us when you did.
34:11And it's a good thing Connie's no Oppenheimer
34:13because this whole house would have come
34:15tumbling down.
34:17I am so sorry, Melinda,
34:19for everything that you've been through.
34:23me too.
34:29Well, now that you're
34:31a little calmer,
34:33at least I hope so,
34:35can I ask you again?
34:37When Connie left,
34:39what exactly did she say?
34:41Um, she said
34:43that she was going home
34:46to be with Lee
34:48and then leaving town.
34:52Well, if she does try to go home,
34:54she's gonna find a place only with cops.
34:58Oh, she
35:00mentioned something about
35:02having some
35:04loose ends
35:06to take care of first.
35:08Do you know what those might be?
35:10She didn't elaborate, but
35:12can't you just track her phone?
35:15Surely you have probable cause.
35:19She ditched it for a burner.
35:23Sounds like it writes here.
35:27I just remembered
35:29Connie took Gabby's phone
35:31with her before she left.
35:33Okay, now that we can work with.
35:35I couldn't track Gabby's phone before
35:37because there was no signal in DiMera's secret room.
35:39But this just might be
35:41the break that we need.
35:45Okay, look.
35:47Ava knows
35:49about your resume being
35:51slightly embellished.
35:55You have no interest
35:57in staying on at DiMera anyway, right?
35:59So what does that matter?
36:01And you have a problem with me and Gabby,
36:03right? Right? Not Ava.
36:05So really, Connie,
36:07this is all on me.
36:09Because everything that has gone wrong
36:11in your life, everything,
36:13starting from Gabby stealing those
36:15DiMera shares from me,
36:17that was all my idea.
36:19And seriously, we knew
36:21that that idiot would
36:23fall for anything, especially
36:25Gabby getting kidnapped. Shut up!
36:27What a pathetic loser he is.
36:29I mean, sorry, was.
36:31That fool was
36:33pining for a woman who would
36:35never, ever
36:37love him back, not in a million years.
36:39I mean, what a joke! Stop it!
36:42Gabby and I, we used to laugh
36:44about this behind his back.
36:46I mean, Lee and
36:48Gabby. It's ridiculous!
36:50I mean, Lee Shin! What a
36:52miserable waste
36:54of space he was. Pompous
36:56jerk! And I'm sorry, I'm gonna come
36:58right out and say it, the world
37:00is a better place without us.
37:10What bad news? What happened?
37:12There was an explosion
37:14at the mansion, uh, in the
37:16basement. Oh my god.
37:18Yeah, it's shocking.
37:20My brother EJ was involved, but
37:22he's okay. And, um,
37:24EJ apparently had to take
37:26Gabby to the hospital.
37:28Looks like she's seriously
37:32I still
37:34can't wrap my head around it.
37:36All the horrible things
37:38that Connie did.
37:40I feel like such a fool
37:42for not
37:44seeing the signs, for
37:46hiring her in the first place.
37:48You can't blame yourself,
37:52The woman was obviously an expert
37:54at calling people.
37:58The way that
38:00she worked so hard
38:02to ingratiate
38:04herself with me.
38:08When I look back
38:10on it,
38:12there was a desperation
38:14to it.
38:16And hindsight
38:18is 20-20 in this case.
38:20You couldn't
38:22have known what that woman was capable
38:27And it's over now.
38:29Thank God.
38:39Thank God.
38:52And that rubble
38:54came down on me.
38:56And I was
38:58surrounded by all the
39:02Thank God.
39:04There was just
39:06so much smoke.
39:08And I couldn't
39:12And I couldn't see.
39:14And everything was so black.
39:25I was sure I was
39:27gonna die.
39:32And there you were.
39:35Just in time.
39:45You saved my life.
39:57You didn't think about it.
39:59You ruined everything!
40:01Just like last time!
40:05Damn it.
40:11I'll be fine. You okay?
40:18You saved my life.
40:25Dr. Green.
40:27Can you take care of Ms. Trask?
40:29She needs a full workup.
40:31She's suffering from smoke inhalation
40:33and effects from being held hostage.
40:37By a homicidal
40:39lunatic who's in love with a
40:43I just hope the police can catch her.
40:45And that she'll be locked up for an
40:47eternity. And beyond.
40:55Hold it right there,
40:59Drop the knife or I'll shoot!
