Insta Empire Ep 23 Mother-in-law shockingly demanded my wife to divorce me

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Insta Empire Ep 23 Mother-in-law shockingly demanded my wife to divorce me
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Kevin was happy that his last conversation with Lily had gone so well.
00:04Now that he was the owner of the penthouse at Corwin Tower,
00:08he needed to spend a few days buying everything he needed.
00:11It was an enormous two-floor apartment with its own private elevator, so it took a lot of effort.
00:17After he'd arranged everything, he had a little free time.
00:20So he called Lily early in the morning.
00:23Hi Kevin, when are you coming back? She asked.
00:26She didn't even give him a chance to answer.
00:29I'll be waiting for you at home. Lily hung up the phone with a smile.
00:33Once Lily knew that Kevin would be back later that day, she decided not to go to work.
00:39Instead, she washed up and got dressed in one of her nicest outfits.
00:43Why are you letting that guy come back? Didn't he abandon you?
00:48Dorothy looked at Lily, who was sitting on the sofa combing her hair, and said,
00:52I went to a lot of trouble to introduce you to Garrett Butcher. How did that go?
00:57Don't ask me again. I'm not going to divorce Kevin, Lily said without looking up.
01:04This really upset Dorothy. Why did you ever marry him?
01:08He lived in our house for free for almost three years.
01:12All he did was offer himself in a hostage exchange, and now you're ready to run back to him.
01:17Lily put down her comb and let out a sigh.
01:20Kevin saved you too, or have you forgotten that?
01:24You want me to thank him for such a small thing?
01:27Never! Dorothy slapped the table hard.
01:31Dorothy continued her tirade.
01:33Let me ask you this. During the three years you and Kevin were married, were you ever happy?
01:39Can he give you the life you want?
01:42Every other wealthy family I know has successful son-in-laws.
01:46Some of them are worth millions. How does Kevin compare to them?
01:50Dorothy's complaining was interrupted by the sound of an engine out in the street.
01:55She looked out the window and was astonished to see Kevin getting out of a brand new sports car.
02:00I'm back! Kevin smiled and waved at Dorothy.
02:04Dorothy looked at Kevin in shock and then looked at the sports car parked outside.
02:09Kevin? Dorothy asked in disbelief.
02:12Kevin nodded slightly at Dorothy,
02:13then he walked into the living room and said to Lily with a smile, I'm back.
02:18Lily looked at the sports car parked in front of the house. She wasn't sure what to make of it.
02:23That's my boss's car. Because I'm taking the day off, he lent it to me.
02:27Kevin explained with a smile. Before Lily could say anything, Dorothy interrupted.
02:32Ah, so it's your boss's car. For a second I thought you were doing better financially.
02:39Kevin shook his head a little and smirked when he heard her say that.
02:42He was used to Dorothy's attitudes towards him and it looked like things hadn't changed.
02:47Still a good for nothing, I see. Dorothy looked at Kevin's indifferent expression
02:52and it only made her more irritated.
02:55Dorothy turned around and looked at Lily as she continued her attack on Kevin.
03:00I just don't understand. What are you waiting for?
03:03Wasn't Garrett Butcher good enough for you? This is making me sick.
03:08Mind your own business, Mom, Lily said with a sigh.
03:12He's found a job now, so I want to give him a chance to show me he's changed.
03:17Dorothy didn't argue with her. She just glared at Kevin and went into her room.
03:22So, we're not getting a divorce? Kevin asked Lily with a smile.
03:26That depends on how things go, Lily said very calmly.
03:30Kevin didn't say anything else. No matter what decision Lily ended up making,
03:34he would respect her wishes. When he thought about it,
03:38Lily had always put a lot of pressure on him.
03:40Lily looked over at Kevin a couple of times. For some reason she was starting to blush.
03:45I'm going to head upstairs to rest. Kevin followed her upstairs.
03:49After he entered the bedroom, he saw how messy it was.
03:53It looks like no one has cleaned in a few days. He began tidying up.
03:58Dorothy walked in and saw Kevin cleaning like everything was back to normal.
04:03She angrily took out her phone and dialed Garrett's number.
04:06Aunt Dorothy, what do you want? His voice wasn't very warm.
04:11Dorothy didn't pay any attention to that and got straight to the point.
04:15Garrett, did you have a nice date with Lily? How are you guys getting along?
04:20Dorothy's tone was extremely gentle, as if Garrett had already become her son-in-law.
04:25Garrett sounded very anxious. Aunt Dorothy,
04:28I think Lily and Kevin are a matched mate in heaven. I don't want to come between them.
04:33This really surprised Dorothy. She asked him,
04:36Are you okay, Garrett? What are you talking about? Kevin's nobody compared to you.
04:43Aunt Dorothy, I'm absolutely serious. If you see Kevin again, please tell him I said hi.
04:48You can also tell him that I wish him and Lily many years of happiness.
04:52Dorothy looked at her phone with a confused expression on her face.
04:56She was wondering if she'd called the wrong number.
04:59Garrett, is there something wrong? Dorothy asked hesitantly.
05:03No, Aunt Dorothy, there's nothing wrong. Nothing at all.
05:06I still have some work to do, so I have to get going. Bye.
05:10Then he immediately hung up the phone.
05:12Dorothy angrily threw her phone onto the bed.
05:15She really didn't understand what was going on with Garrett.
05:19She was certain that he had said that he was interested in Lily.
05:23Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door.
05:25Dorothy frowned slightly and walked over to answer it.
05:28Who is it?
05:30Hi, Aunt Dorothy. She opened the door and Rachel walked in.
05:34Hi, Rachel. Please have a seat, Dorothy said with a smile.
05:38She turned around and shouted upstairs. Lily, Rachel is here.
05:44When Lily walked downstairs, she sat down on the sofa next to Rachel and started chatting with her.
05:49Dorothy shouted upstairs again. Kevin, what are you doing? Come down here.
05:54When Rachel heard this, her smile turned into a look of surprise.
05:58She gulped and asked Lily, Is Kevin home?
06:02Ever since Rachel found out who Kevin really was, she didn't dare to come over and visit Lily.
06:08The night before, when she was talking to Lily on a video call,
06:11she found out that Kevin hadn't been home in a few days,
06:14so she figured it was safe to come over and hang out with her friend.
06:18She certainly didn't expect Kevin to actually be there.
06:22He just came back today.
06:24Lily didn't notice the change in Rachel's expression.
06:27Just as Rachel was about to find an excuse to head home,
06:30she saw Kevin walking slowly down the stairs.
06:34When he saw Rachel, he gave her a slight smile.
06:37What are you still standing there for? Make a cup of coffee for Rachel.
06:41Dorothy snapped at Kevin, but he just stood there on the bottom step,
06:45leaning lightly on the handrail.
06:47Rachel stood up and said, Oh, you don't need to go to any trouble. I'm not thirsty.
06:52Lily frowned at her friend.
06:54Rachel, you don't seem to be yourself. Are you okay?
06:58Lily asked her with a hint of doubt in her voice.
07:01That's possible. Maybe it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night.
07:05Rachel explained.
07:07But Dorothy also felt that something was wrong.
07:10She thought about the strange conversation with Garrett and now Rachel's odd behavior.
07:15Why is everyone so afraid of this bum?
07:18Dorothy thought to herself.
07:20Then go to the fridge and get her some fruit.
07:22Dorothy barked at Kevin.
07:25No need, Aunt Dorothy. I still have some things to do, so I have to head home.
07:30I just stopped by to say hi.
07:32Rachel was afraid of what she'd say if she stayed there any longer.
07:36Kevin hadn't said a thing, but Rachel couldn't stand the pressure.
07:40Oh, don't leave so soon. Why don't you stay a little longer?
07:44Kevin asked with a smile.
07:46I really have something to take care of, so I've got to run.
07:50Rachel said apologetically.
07:52Okay, we won't keep you, Lily said.
07:55She looked at Kevin and then back at Rachel and asked her.
07:58How did you get here? I didn't see your car.
08:02It's in the shop, Rachel forced a smile.
08:05I'll just take a cab or something.
08:07You don't need to pay for a ride, Dorothy said.
08:10Kevin's got his boss's car today. He can drive you home.
08:14Rachel looked at Dorothy in surprise.
08:17Didn't she know who Kevin really was?
08:20That's too much trouble. I'll be fine.
08:22Rachel was on the verge of tears.
08:25Rachel, why are you being so polite to him?
08:27He'll only hang around here and do nothing, Dorothy replied.
08:31Kevin sighed.
08:33He pulled his keys out of his pocket and said,
08:35It's no problem, Rachel. Let's go.
08:38At this point, Rachel had no choice.
08:40She grabbed her purse, said goodbye to Lily and Dorothy,
08:44and headed out the door with Kevin.
08:47As she got in, she noticed that Kevin's new car was a Maserati Coupe,
08:51a pretty modest choice considering what he could have bought.
08:54After a few minutes, Rachel said timidly,
08:57You can just drop me here, Kevin. I can really take a taxi home.
09:01Kevin steered with one hand while he adjusted the stereo with the other.
09:06What did you just call me? Have you forgotten already?
09:10Boss, Rachel said softly.
09:12That's better.
09:13Kevin smiled and said,
09:15Don't be so nervous, Rachel. As long as we're already out,
09:18I might as well drop you off at home.
09:21Anyway, I don't have anything else going on today.
09:24Thank you, boss, Rachel said.
09:27Kevin laughed and turned onto Michigan Avenue.
09:30While he was waiting for a traffic light, he heard a voice in the car next to him.
09:34Isn't that Kevin? So you're driving a fancy sports car now?
09:38Kevin looked over and saw that it was Jason.
09:41Unfortunately, traffic was starting to back up,
09:43so he couldn't hit the gas and get away from him.
09:46Kevin, you sure are living well now. That car must have cost what? 200,000?
09:51After Jason said that, he looked in the passenger seat and saw Rachel.
09:56I see you found a lovely rich woman to support you. And who is this pretty lady?
10:01Don't bring her into it, Kevin said coldly.
10:05Kevin, you're just a poser, Jason replied.
10:08In fact, when Jason saw Rachel, he figured the sports car was really hers.
10:13Then he assumed Kevin had found a rich woman to pay for his lavish lifestyle.
10:17Kevin, you really are amazing. You've had free room and board for three years with Lily,
10:22and now you're looking for another rich woman to support you? I should have known.
10:27Jason sneered and revved his engine.
10:29Because Jason was making so much noise,
10:32the pedestrians who were waiting to cross the street heard everything.
10:36Their comments were pretty insulting.
10:38So he's married into the Joneses family?
10:41Another commented, I'm a handsome guy. Why can't I find a rich woman to buy me a car?
10:47This was pretty frustrating for Kevin, and he started to lose his temper.
10:51But Rachel, who had been sitting calmly in the front passenger seat,
10:55got even more angry than Kevin.
10:57The traffic wasn't moving at all, so she opened the car door and walked over to Jason's window.
11:02Suddenly, everyone heard a loud slap.
11:06You actually hit me? Do you know who I am?
11:09Jason was a little surprised.
11:11The young woman who was sitting in Jason's car was also shocked.
11:15She said to Rachel, this is one of the most important people in the Jones family.
11:20So what? What are you going to do about it?
11:23Rachel glared at Jason.
11:25Because Jason had no class, he said loudly,
11:29Not only does this beauty have a hot body, she also has a hot temper.
11:33Then he added, she really ought to be with me.
11:36The bystanders who were anxiously waiting for the light to change spoke quietly to each other.
11:41But nobody said anything that might risk provoking Rachel.
11:45Rachel glanced at Kevin and saw the smile on his face.
11:48This gave her even more confidence.
11:50With the support of Williams Media CEO, what was there for her to be afraid of?
11:56She put her hands on her hips and said,
11:58You? You're nothing compared to Mr. Williams.
12:02Mr. Williams? Jason wondered.
12:05The onlookers were stunned. Jason also looked surprised.
12:09Rachel turned around and walked back to Kevin.
12:12She leaned in the passenger window and said,
12:15Boss, I did well, didn't I?
12:18You did really well.
12:20Kevin smiled with satisfaction.
12:22Boss, it's backed up all the way to Lakeshore Drive.
12:25You don't have to take me home.
12:27I don't want to waste your time.
12:29Rachel continued.
12:31I'll go a few blocks west and catch a ride.
12:33Don't worry about me.
12:35OK, be careful.
12:37Kevin nodded slightly.
12:38Rachel reached in, took her purse off the front seat and crossed the street.
12:42The onlookers broke up pretty quickly when the light changed
12:45and the traffic was able to inch forward.
12:48As the car started to move, Jason yelled at Kevin,
12:51Lily's going to hear about this.
12:54Have you already forgotten the lesson that Drake taught you?
12:58Kevin reminded him.
12:59The lane opened up in front of Kevin, so he put the accelerator down and jumped forward,
13:04finally ending the conversation.
13:07Lily must have pulled some strings to buy him a sports car with our family money.
13:12Jason whined as he watched Kevin's taillights disappear ahead of him.
13:16If Kevin had heard what Jason said, he'd definitely find it funny.
13:21He just bought this car yesterday and the Jones family hadn't paid a cent.
13:26As long as he was downtown, Kevin decided to head to his office and wait for traffic to clear.
13:31He sat down at his desk and sent Lily a text saying that he wouldn't be home that night.
13:36Just then, Miss Wilson walked into the office with two small boxes.
13:40She put them on the large meeting table and said,
13:44Mr. Williams, these were sent over by President Wright at West Chicago International
13:48and Mr. Cook from the Whistler Hotel.
13:50They said they're a gift for you.
13:52Adriana and Mitch?
13:53Kevin put down his phone.
13:55What could this be?
13:56He wondered.
13:57Yes, sir.
13:58Miss Wilson nodded.
14:00There was a trace of excitement in her voice.
14:02Thank you, Miss Wilson.
14:04Please don't let me keep you from your work.
14:06Kevin said gently.
14:08She left the office and Kevin opened the box for Mitch.
14:10There was a red pill inside.
14:13Kevin clearly remembered the pill that Mitch had given him a few days before.
14:17Since he took that pill, it seemed his body had been poisoned.
14:21It seemed his body had gone through some changes.
14:24He wanted to find out more about this fiery red pill.
14:27So Kevin called Cook.
14:29Mitch, are you busy right now?
14:31No, I'm not.
14:32What's up, my friend?
14:34Cook had a sense of urgency in his voice.
14:36Kevin frowned and asked him,
14:38Did you just send me another pill?
14:40What's this one supposed to do for me?
14:42He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear what Cook.
14:45Hi, guys, Kevin here.
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