Con Sisters - Season 1 Full

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#animatedstories #lifeexperiences #personaldrama #emotionalanimation #inspirationaltales #teenstruggles #familyconflicts #relationshipissues #comingofage #highschooldrama #friendshipstories #lifelessons #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #uniquestories #animatedlife #reallifeevents #motivationalstories #lovestories #betrayaltales #overcomingchallenges #animatedconfessions #familydynamics #socialissues #mentalhealth #identitycrisis #animatednarratives #dramafilledstories #relatablecontent #animatedvlogs #viewersubmissions

MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00:00When the music kicked off and everyone started dancing,
00:00:03I escaped to the garden for some fresh air.
00:00:05As I sat down by the fountain and sighed,
00:00:07a soft object hit me squarely in the face.
00:00:10Then someone in black jumped down from the tree above me.
00:00:13Brought your favorite cheeseburger.
00:00:14Meredith, what are you doing here?
00:00:16And why would you hit me with a burger?
00:00:18Wait, are you dressed up like Catwoman?
00:00:20Yeah, it's been my look for weeks now.
00:00:22One, it shows off my fantastic figure,
00:00:24which is a service to humanity.
00:00:26Two, every vigilante hero needs a costume.
00:00:28And I've always found Catwoman classy.
00:00:31Vigilante hero?
00:00:33You basically rob people.
00:00:35Uh, yeah, like Robin Hood.
00:00:37Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
00:00:39You steal for yourself!
00:00:41I am the poor.
00:00:43And what's all this you-you nonsense?
00:00:45Last time I checked, we were a team.
00:00:47But sis, what's taking so long with this mission?
00:00:49It's not that simple.
00:00:51It's pretty simple.
00:00:52You make this rich dude fall for you,
00:00:54get access to his vault, steal the painting,
00:00:56and we run off to Bora Bora.
00:00:57Are you having trouble making him fall for you?
00:00:59Maybe he hates your eyebrows.
00:01:01I don't know, but I feel like punching you in the face
00:01:03every time I see your eyebrows,
00:01:05which is basically every time I see your face.
00:01:07Shut up, Em. Everything's going fine.
00:01:10Okay, but hurry up.
00:01:11This catsuit is giving me a butt rash,
00:01:13even though I use baby powder under it.
00:01:15I want to put it away soon and retire on a beach.
00:01:17And a bikini.
00:01:18Aren't you looking forward to it?
00:01:20Just take the stupid suit off.
00:01:22You're a con artist, not a cat burglar.
00:01:24And of course I'm looking forward to it.
00:01:26You should go before you blow my cover.
00:01:28And thanks for the burger.
00:01:29It's not a gift.
00:01:30Duh, you're gonna pay me back.
00:01:32I've noted it in my diary.
00:01:34See ya.
00:01:35I couldn't help laughing
00:01:36as I saw her clumsily climb the wall
00:01:38then fall over to the other side.
00:01:40But as I turned away, I felt troubled.
00:01:42The problem wasn't about making this rich guy
00:01:45I had to rob fall for me.
00:01:46He already had.
00:01:47The problem was I'd fallen for him too.
00:01:50Let's start from the start, okay?
00:01:52Hi, I'm Claire, originally from Connecticut.
00:01:54And yes, you might have heard some
00:01:56fun words being used for me.
00:01:58Deceitful witch, manipulative liar,
00:02:00and con artist might come up.
00:02:02None of which is an exaggeration.
00:02:04But people change, okay?
00:02:05Before I tell you my crazy story,
00:02:07please like and subscribe.
00:02:09My mother was born into what she always called
00:02:11old money, which basically means
00:02:13her family had been rich for a long time
00:02:15and their wealth was passed down generations.
00:02:17Unfortunately, it skipped our generation.
00:02:20Apparently, my dad was extremely charming
00:02:23and swept mom off her feet when she was just 20.
00:02:25She married him against her parents' wishes
00:02:27and they cut her off from their wealth.
00:02:29Then, two years later, mom gave birth to twins,
00:02:32dad met another woman, and he abandoned us.
00:02:34At least he left us the house in a nice neighborhood.
00:02:37But my grandparents refused to help mom out
00:02:39and said she had to live with her decisions.
00:02:41Mom, how are you feeling now?
00:02:43Like my organs are shutting down one by one.
00:02:46So, same as this morning then?
00:02:48Here's some chicken soup.
00:02:49There's no chicken in it.
00:02:51Well, you asked for chicken soup
00:02:53when there was no chickens in the fridge.
00:02:55So I guess we all have to use our imaginations, don't we?
00:02:57Oh, the soup at my parents' house
00:03:00always had chunks of chicken and big fat prawns.
00:03:03What has life come to now?
00:03:05I was raised as a creature of luxury.
00:03:07I'm like that fairy tale princess
00:03:09who couldn't sleep because of a single pea under her mattress.
00:03:12So you say, but there's a bunch of sharp pebbles
00:03:15under your mattress and you sleep like a log
00:03:17and snore like a bear.
00:03:19What? How could you put pebbles...
00:03:21I do not snore.
00:03:23Leave me to decompose, please.
00:03:25Well, you have to return to your waitressing job,
00:03:28so get well soon, mom.
00:03:29Shall not.
00:03:31I loved mom, but she was basically a spoiled, selfish child
00:03:34who just couldn't adapt to her change in fortunes
00:03:37and start acting like a freaking parent.
00:03:39My sister Meredith and I were twins,
00:03:41but we looked nothing alike.
00:03:43With her soft blonde hair and big baby blues,
00:03:46she looked like the kind of sweet soul
00:03:48who saved kittens from trees,
00:03:49helped old people across the road,
00:03:51and sang to birds.
00:03:52She didn't look like she had an ounce of evil in her,
00:03:55which wasn't true, like, at all.
00:03:56But we'll come back to that later.
00:03:58From an early age, it was clear to me and Meredith
00:04:01that we had to be resourceful for money.
00:04:03I started doing odd jobs for our rich neighbors
00:04:05in the eighth grade, like breaking their gardens,
00:04:08walking their dogs, and babysitting their kids.
00:04:10But Meredith was always finding more creative ways,
00:04:13like taking stupid boys in her class
00:04:15on paid exclusive tours to an alien site
00:04:18she'd discovered in the nearby forest.
00:04:20I'd seen her digging up the crater
00:04:22where the spaceship had landed
00:04:24or selling youth water to high school girls,
00:04:27claiming she'd traveled far to the Fountain of Youth
00:04:30over summer break and had a limited supply.
00:04:32They actually thought she was telling the truth
00:04:34because it tasted different.
00:04:36Yeah, that's because she was filling up bottles
00:04:38from the neighbor's gross jacuzzi.
00:04:40People eventually caught on and stopped buying from her,
00:04:43and that's when she started stealing from me.
00:04:45But whenever I'd confront her, she'd throw a tantrum
00:04:48and deny it like I'd accused her of killing someone.
00:04:50So the next time, I hid money in my diary
00:04:53and made my latest entry, Dear Diary.
00:04:56Guess what? What?
00:04:57When Mom took Meredith to the hospital
00:04:59for her sore throat the other day,
00:05:01the doctors made a shocking discovery.
00:05:03Meredith has a rare, incurable disease.
00:05:06She only has a few more months with us.
00:05:08We've decided not to tell her so she isn't scared
00:05:11and lives the rest of her short life in peace.
00:05:14Yes, I'm sad, but not that much,
00:05:16because my baby sister is going to a better place
00:05:19and is leaving me all her stuff.
00:05:21I knew my trick had worked when Meredith came down
00:05:24one morning with swollen eyes.
00:05:26When Mom asked her what was wrong,
00:05:28she burst into tears about her incurable disease.
00:05:31Where would you get an idea like that?
00:05:33Yes, Meredith, please tell Mom where you got this idea from.
00:05:37You wrote it in your...
00:05:39Awake, you chubby witch!
00:05:41You made me believe I was dying!
00:05:43Meredith lunged at me,
00:05:45and we went rolling all over the kitchen floor.
00:05:47But she ended up getting grounded for a month for stealing
00:05:50and invading my privacy.
00:05:52I soon started missing her at dinnertime, though.
00:05:54So late one night, I snuck into her room with ice cream
00:05:57to find her playing darts with my face as the target.
00:06:00I'm sorry you're stuck here, but you did steal from me.
00:06:03I know we don't have a lot right now,
00:06:05but we'll work hard and make money in the future.
00:06:07But the future is in the future!
00:06:10What do I do now when I need money for mascara and gummy bears?
00:06:14Maybe we can think of some business idea.
00:06:16Oh, I thought you'd never ask.
00:06:18She pulled out a box from under her bed full of T-shirts.
00:06:22So you know my friend George, the next-door gardener's nephew?
00:06:25Apparently he volunteers at a mental institution every weekend.
00:06:28The owners got T-shirts made from all the patients,
00:06:31but they refused to wear them, blah, blah.
00:06:33So now the mental place has hundreds of these lying in storage.
00:06:36George said he can score them for me,
00:06:38and we could have our own T-shirt range with cute things written on them.
00:06:41Look, here's one I made for myself.
00:06:43I want to go to Bora Bora, but I'm Bora Bora.
00:06:46Please help me. Funny.
00:06:48I'm very serious, actually.
00:06:50I'm going to live in Bora Bora one day.
00:06:52So are we selling these T-shirts?
00:06:54I'm in.
00:06:55I also made one for you. That'll be $10. Thanks.
00:06:57Money can't buy happiness, but poverty can't buy anything.
00:07:01Please help me.
00:07:02Uh, you should pay me for wearing this.
00:07:05Meredith didn't have the best reputation in our neighborhood or school to sell things.
00:07:09So we decided to hit the other end of town and set up a T-shirt stall outside a private school.
00:07:14With my salesmanship and Meredith's flirting, we managed to sell quite a few on the first day.
00:07:19We started setting up shop at different locations, and one day as we were heading home,
00:07:23Meredith suddenly said she had to pee really badly.
00:07:27So we walked up to the closest house to ask if they'd let us use the bathroom.
00:07:31We rang the bell, but no one seemed to be home.
00:07:33I was peeking in through the window when suddenly I turned around to see Meredith already crawling halfway through one.
00:07:39Are you crazy? That's breaking and entering!
00:07:42I'll kick in your face so hard that you'll need plastic surgery, which we don't have money for.
00:07:46If you don't want to be ugly for the rest of your life, let me pee.
00:07:50I let her go and was standing guard at the door when, to my horror,
00:07:54a car suddenly pulled into the driveway and a snooty woman stepped out.
00:07:58Hey, you girl, what are you doing lurking around my house?
00:08:02Were you thinking of breaking in?
00:08:04What? No, of course not. I, um, I'm a Girl Scout. Selling cookies, yeah.
00:08:09I study in the, uh, Aston Bridge School for Girls.
00:08:13Oh, I see. It's a lovely school. I know many people whose children go there.
00:08:18Sorry for my mistake. I'll be happy to buy some cookies from you. Put me down for twenty boxes.
00:08:24Sure, sure, sure. It's, um, five dollars a box, so that'll be a hundred dollars.
00:08:29I'm putting your name down on my list and I'll drop them by tomorrow.
00:08:32That's perfect, sweetie. Here's the money. I'll see you soon.
00:08:36Just then, I saw Meredith slip out the window and as soon as the lady went in,
00:08:40we ran like crazy down the block and then collapsed on some grass.
00:08:44Look, I took some pastries from her kitchen. Perfect for a spontaneous picnic.
00:08:49That's stealing!
00:08:50Oh, you're one to talk. I heard the whole cookie conversation from inside.
00:08:54You took that lady's money and you're never gonna give her any cookies.
00:08:57I was just trying to distract her before she caught your butt.
00:09:00I didn't think she'd be dumb enough to actually give me the money. I can return it.
00:09:04Look, she didn't do it out of the goodness of her heart.
00:09:07She's a rich snob who was being really rude till she thought you were someone rich, too.
00:09:11You didn't force her to give you money at gunpoint.
00:09:14Oh, Claire, this has just given me the best idea.
00:09:17You're not serious.
00:09:18Yes, I am. Dumb people deserve to be tricked.
00:09:21And what does a hundred dollars mean to someone who has a gold toilet seat?
00:09:25I knew it was wrong, but it was also so easy.
00:09:29And before I knew it, Meredith and I were wearing private school uniforms and hitting different neighborhoods,
00:09:34collecting money for Girl Scout cookies that we had no intention to deliver.
00:09:38We made $2,000 in a month.
00:09:40But one day, when we went up to a rich old lady's house,
00:09:43she invited us in and even offered us cake as we signed her up.
00:09:47How many boxes will that be, ma'am?
00:09:49Oh, none, thank you.
00:09:51You see, I don't buy imaginary cookies.
00:09:55Uh, what?
00:09:56I'd heard that there were two conning Girl Scouts in town, and I was ready for you.
00:10:04I've called the police, and you two will end up in a detention center.
00:10:08Just then, there was a loud bang, and the power went out.
00:10:11In the confusion, Meredith kicked the old lady and yelled,
00:10:15As we were sprinting down the street, I suddenly noticed a nerdy-looking boy my age running beside us, too,
00:10:20grinning and waving at us.
00:10:22Hey, hold on, who are you?
00:10:24I'm your new neighbor, Freddy.
00:10:26I'm the one who saved you from that old crow.
00:10:28What? I'm so confused right now.
00:10:30New neighbor? You moved into the house next to ours? Why are you here?
00:10:34I was bored and saw you girls leaving your house, so I followed you for fun.
00:10:39Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your little cookie secret.
00:10:42When I heard that old lady threatening you, I went to the main circuit board and pulled out a wire with my tweezer,
00:10:49which I always keep handy.
00:10:51You could have been electrocuted. You're either incredibly smart or exceptionally dumb.
00:10:56My mom says the exact same thing, except for the incredibly smart part.
00:11:00Listen, you geek, what do you want? If you think you're going to get a cut of our profits...
00:11:05No, no, my parents are well off. They're neurosurgeons. I just want to be friends.
00:11:09I swear, I don't have any siblings and I don't know anyone here.
00:11:13What if we say no?
00:11:15I'll keep following you around until you say yes?
00:11:18Okay, fine. Congratulations, you got yourself two friends.
00:11:22Oh, I'm so happy! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
00:11:26And from that day on, that goof really did become our best friend, especially mine.
00:11:31He was like the sibling I never had.
00:11:33I mean, the nice sibling who did my nails and watched the channel I wanted to watch on TV without arguing.
00:11:39He was also really generous. I didn't want to take advantage of it,
00:11:42but Meredith and Mom had no problem keeping all the gifts he was always getting us.
00:11:47We decided to lay low with our cunning activities, in case the old lady had actually told the police about us.
00:11:53But soon after we joined the 11th grade, a new drama unfolded in our lives.
00:11:57A family moved into the huge white house across the street.
00:12:00Apparently, the couple who'd bought the place was loaded and they had five teenage boys.
00:12:05Finally, some eligible bachelors on our street.
00:12:08Thanks, my feelings aren't hurt at all.
00:12:11Oh, I'm sorry I left you out, sweetie. Maybe you'll find someone too.
00:12:15I mean, they have five boys. There's a good chance one of them is gay.
00:12:18What? Why would you think...
00:12:20Okay, girls, here's a basket of goodies for you to take over as a welcome present.
00:12:24Now go, throw yourselves at those boys.
00:12:26Meredith and I rolled our eyes, but we decided there wasn't any harm in checking them out.
00:12:30And we were welcomed by the ugliest quadruplets ever.
00:12:33They were really sweet and really excited to see us, but with their orange hair, acne and buck teeth,
00:12:38they were not a pretty sight.
00:12:40Man, I feel sorry for those parents.
00:12:42Like, you know, Mom got one average-looking kid, but God made it up by giving her me.
00:12:47But those parents, oof, God decided to use copy-paste on that ugly model.
00:12:52They must have done something terrible to deserve this.
00:12:55You are so rude.
00:12:57Oh, shut up. I know you're thinking the same. I just have the guts to say it out loud.
00:13:01But then a day later, I'd just woken up when the bell rang,
00:13:05and I opened the door to find the most gorgeous boy ever standing outside.
00:13:09Hello, I'm Eric. We got some of your mail. I came to return it.
00:13:13I just stared at him, dumbstruck, feeling acutely aware of how terrible I looked.
00:13:18Just then, Meredith pushed me out of the way.
00:13:21Hey, thanks. You're such a lifesaver. Haven't seen you around before.
00:13:25I just moved into the house across the street.
00:13:28The big white one with the quadruplets?
00:13:30Yeah, they're my brothers.
00:13:32What? No, they can't be related to you. They're very unattractive.
00:13:37Meredith, can't you ever sugarcoat anything?
00:13:39I am sugarcoating. Did I call them ugly ogres?
00:13:43I am so sorry.
00:13:45It's okay. People have this reaction often. I'll see you girls around.
00:13:49He flashed his beautiful smile at us and then left.
00:13:52Wow. Eric stole his brother's luck, the school boy's luck, the neighborhood boy's luck,
00:13:57and his mother's and his father's luck, and the whole town's.
00:14:00I agree. He's beautiful. I hope he's smart and funny and kind, too.
00:14:05I'm sure he is. I never believed in love at first sight.
00:14:08Till I met Eric.
00:14:09Okay, maybe love is an exaggeration.
00:14:12Freddie, how does this purple dress look on me?
00:14:14Claire, what the... You can't just come in without knocking.
00:14:17What if I wasn't wearing a towel?
00:14:19Well, you are. So unclench your butt.
00:14:21Now, what do you think about the dress?
00:14:23Hey, Freddie. I want your opinion on this red dress.
00:14:26Oh, hi, Claire. I didn't know you were here.
00:14:28Have some respect for my privacy.
00:14:31What are you talking about?
00:14:32Actually, I don't care. Now tell me I look hot, right?
00:14:35Of course I look hot.
00:14:36I'm not sure.
00:14:37What are you talking about?
00:14:38Actually, I don't care. Now tell me I look hot, right?
00:14:41Of course I look hot.
00:14:42I could wear a potato sack and I'd look hot.
00:14:44I can do hot in my sleep.
00:14:46What's the dress for?
00:14:47The party at Eric's place.
00:14:49What, did you think you're the only one who got invited?
00:14:52Red's a bit much for a casual housewarming party, no?
00:14:56Yeah, you're right. It's more of a second date dress.
00:14:59Thanks, I'll look for something else.
00:15:00And your dress looks lovely.
00:15:02I am not your sister, and you can't treat me like this.
00:15:06I am a man.
00:15:08Okay, thanks for the newsflash.
00:15:10Come on, Claire, let's go before Freddy has a heart attack.
00:15:13The party was coming up soon, but I knew there would be many guests,
00:15:16and I wouldn't really get a chance to talk to Eric then.
00:15:19So, I decided to drop by to borrow some sugar one evening.
00:15:22But my heart sank when I spotted Meredith and Eric in the kitchen,
00:15:26and they were kissing.
00:15:27I couldn't believe that, witch.
00:15:29It was so obvious I was crushing on Eric, wasn't it?
00:15:33Can you give me some mashed potatoes, Claire?
00:15:35I lifted a spoonful and threw it straight at her face.
00:15:39Claire, what the heck?
00:15:41Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't want them on your face?
00:15:44You should have been clearer then.
00:15:46You got a problem with me?
00:15:47What a genius.
00:15:49Since you're so smart, I'm sure you already knew I liked Eric,
00:15:52but you went after him anyway.
00:15:54Yeah, I saw you two kissing.
00:15:56Oh my god, what?
00:15:58You like Eric? I had no idea.
00:16:01You should have been clearer too.
00:16:03Cut it out, okay? You knew.
00:16:06Did not.
00:16:07Okay, so now that you know, will you stop seeing him?
00:16:10No, duh.
00:16:12Are you really into him?
00:16:14Not really, I barely know him.
00:16:16But he's cute and rich and he likes me.
00:16:19You did see that he was kissing me back, right?
00:16:21I flung another dollop of mashed potato straight in her eye and stormed off.
00:16:26Fine, that jerk could have Eric.
00:16:27I wasn't even gonna go to the party now.
00:16:29But on the night of the party, when I heard music floating from across the street,
00:16:33I couldn't help myself.
00:16:34Eric had just known Meredith for two days.
00:16:36This battle wasn't over yet.
00:16:38I knew I looked smoking hot as I marched up to Eric and Meredith in her stupid red dress.
00:16:44She looked furious to see me before she turned sickly sweet.
00:16:49Oh, hi. I thought you were unwell and not coming, honey.
00:16:53How are you doing now, honey?
00:16:55I'm good, honey. How are you, honey?
00:16:58I'm great, honey. Do you like my honey, honey?
00:17:00What honey? Honey?
00:17:02The honey, honey.
00:17:03I see no honey. Honey?
00:17:05Uh, what's happening here?
00:17:07Don't worry about it. Let's go get some honey, honey.
00:17:10We don't have any honey, Meredith.
00:17:12Honey! You've ruined it. You should have ended the sentence with honey.
00:17:16Don't mind her, Eric. You already know she's rude.
00:17:19And she has a vile temper.
00:17:21She once tried stealing money from an old lady and kicked her hard when she resisted.
00:17:26Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?
00:17:28Eric, did you know that Claire is so dumb?
00:17:30I told her when we were kids that if she ate bluebells, her eyes would turn blue like mine.
00:17:35She ate a bunch and then pooped her pants in school.
00:17:38Didn't Meredith tell you she used to fart in the neighbor's jacuzzi?
00:17:41Just because they said they liked me more than her?
00:17:44It went on for a month.
00:17:46Oh, oh, how about the time you dropped mom's toothbrush in the toilet and just put it right back?
00:17:50Imagine someone being so awful to their own mother.
00:17:53Meredith has a boyfriend who works in a mental institution and he steals the patient's clothes from there for her.
00:17:59Imagine doing that to sick people.
00:18:01Claire keeps acting like she doesn't know her best friend is in love with her and she keeps using him for his money.
00:18:06What? Are you talking about Fred? I've never used him and he's not in love with me.
00:18:11Oh, please. A blind person can see Freddie's been in love with you since day one.
00:18:16Shut up!
00:18:17You shut up!
00:18:18Um, how about you shut the heck up?
00:18:20Not till you shut up first.
00:18:22I pushed Meredith out of my way, but I ended up pushing a little too hard and she crashed straight into the punch bowl.
00:18:28She got up and charged me and we landed straight on the food table.
00:18:32As Eric was trying to pull us apart, Freddie suddenly ran in.
00:18:36Claire, Meredith, stop! Your mom, she isn't okay. You gotta come now.
00:18:41We ran outside to see mom unconscious and being wheeled into an ambulance.
00:18:46Since Freddie's dad was a neurosurgeon, he took mom's case and ran tests for weeks to discover that she had some inflammation in her brain for unknown reasons which had sent her into a coma.
00:18:56Freddie's dad decided to enter her name in a clinical trial for rare brain diseases since she met all the criteria.
00:19:03But what's it gonna cost us?
00:19:05We take one pro bono case for the trial, but there will still be other hospital expenses and you girls will have to figure out something soon.
00:19:13Do you have any relatives?
00:19:15We had to contact our grandparents, but to our surprise, mom didn't even have their numbers saved in her phone.
00:19:21All we had was a framed picture with their names signed at the back.
00:19:25Freddie offered to hire a private investigator and within a week, he said they'd been found and were flying over to see us.
00:19:31But I couldn't help noticing as they got out of the cab that they didn't look rich at all.
00:19:35Those paupers are our grandparents?
00:19:38They're definitely the people from the picture.
00:19:41Why do grandma's shoes look like something out of a museum?
00:19:44And grandma's coat is missing three buttons.
00:19:46The old lady hobbled towards us and hugged us tight.
00:19:50Girls, it's so good to see you.
00:19:53We had no idea we had granddaughters till yesterday.
00:19:57You look nothing like our son though.
00:20:00Your son? No, we're your daughter's kids.
00:20:03Oh honey, we don't have a daughter.
00:20:06The private investigator who tracked us down did say our daughter was looking for us,
00:20:11but we just assumed that was our son who ran away from home 18 years ago.
00:20:17He was always saying he'd change into a woman one day.
00:20:21What? Our mom used to be a man?
00:20:25No, this is crazy. Look at this picture. Does this woman look anything like your son?
00:20:30Our son is ugly and I remember this woman.
00:20:34Alfred, you remember this beautiful lady came to stay at our motel many years ago?
00:20:40She disappeared suddenly one night and the next day some mafia men turned up looking for her.
00:20:46Ah, yes. Those men kept turning up for weeks.
00:20:50They seemed like bad news. I'm happy to hear the lady's okay.
00:20:55So, you're not her parents? Then why does she have this picture of you guys?
00:21:01She took it from the motel. I don't know why.
00:21:05I'm so tired, dear. Can I rest for a little while?
00:21:10No, if you're not our rich grandparents, you gotta go. Taxi!
00:21:15Meredith sent them packing immediately and we just stood staring at each other.
00:21:20When was mom in a motel? And why were there bad men after her?
00:21:24She told us all our lives these random people are our grandparents.
00:21:28What else has she been lying about?
00:21:30Apparently, a lot of things.
00:21:32When we checked out if she had any health insurance, she couldn't be found in the system.
00:21:36I went to the diner where she'd been working for years to see if the manager could help
00:21:40only to find out that no one there had ever seen her.
00:21:43We had no clue where she'd been going all this time while she was pretending to work
00:21:48or where she got her salary from.
00:21:50Meredith and I tore up mom's room looking for more clues.
00:21:53We didn't find anything in the closets or under the bed,
00:21:56but I pulled the rug away and came across a loose floorboard.
00:21:59We pried it open to find a laptop and so many fake IDs and passports all belonging to mom.
00:22:06Oh my God.
00:22:08Mom? As a French redhead?
00:22:11Her hair is black here and she's Swedish.
00:22:13We opened the laptop, but we couldn't get past the security code.
00:22:17We asked Freddy to come over and told him everything.
00:22:19And when he went over the laptop, he let out a low whistle.
00:22:23Whoa, this is heavy encryption and insane firewalls.
00:22:28Is your mom from the CIA or something?
00:22:30Have you ever seen her using this laptop?
00:22:33Yeah, I have once, but she told me she borrowed it from a friend to watch
00:22:37Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
00:22:39Who is this woman?
00:22:41We really had no idea, except that her hair dye started fading soon
00:22:45and we discovered she was a natural blonde.
00:22:48We still desperately needed the money and contemplated selling the house,
00:22:52but we couldn't even find any documents for it.
00:22:54For the first time in my life, I felt overwhelmed and completely out of ideas.
00:22:59Then one night, as Meredith and I were sitting on the porch,
00:23:02Freddy joined us, looking grim.
00:23:05I need to tell you guys something about the clinical trial.
00:23:08There's only a 50% chance that your mom will get the drug that could make her well.
00:23:12What do you mean? Doesn't everyone get the drug?
00:23:15No, half the patients get a placebo drug.
00:23:18Oh God, I did something really wrong.
00:23:21I checked the files of everyone on the clinical trial,
00:23:23and your mom has been assigned the placebo drug.
00:23:27She's not going to get the treatment.
00:23:29So that's it? We're just going to sit back and watch,
00:23:32knowing there's no chance of her getting better?
00:23:34Make your dad give her the drug!
00:23:36I can't. Dad would lose his medical license if anyone thought he interfered with the trial.
00:23:41Then why did you even tell us, Freddy?
00:23:44Freddy looked at me silently.
00:23:46He told us because he and his dad can't do anything, but we can.
00:23:50Whatever you plan, I can't be part of it, but you have to do it soon.
00:23:55The trial starts next week.
00:23:57Thank you, Freddy. You don't know what this means to us.
00:24:00Of course. I'd do anything for you, Claire.
00:24:03For the first time, I saw what had maybe been so obvious all along.
00:24:08Freddy was in love with me, and I was about to use it to my advantage.
00:24:12Can you tell me where the trial patient files are?
00:24:15When we visited Mom next at the hospital,
00:24:17I was able to slip away and retrieve Mom's file and another patient's who was receiving the drug.
00:24:22That night, Meredith and I used every Photoshop skill we had to make duplicate copies,
00:24:27complete with the hospital's seal and everyone's signatures
00:24:30to ensure that Mom was the patient chosen for the treatment.
00:24:33And the next day, I slipped the files back in.
00:24:36I knew what I'd done was wrong, and I'd broken at least five different laws.
00:24:40But as I walked away, I didn't feel like a criminal at all.
00:24:50I was walking down the hospital corridor with Freddy when Meredith came running towards us.
00:24:55Where have you been? Mom's awake. She's finally awake.
00:24:58Oh my God. Seriously? This better not be a joke, Meredith.
00:25:02I swear on my beautiful face, it's the truth. The doctors are just checking her vitals.
00:25:06Can you girls stop making so much noise?
00:25:09It's a hospital.
00:25:10Oh, shut it, nurse. We're in the coma ward. Who are we disturbing here?
00:25:14Don't you want these people to wake up?
00:25:16How dare you talk to me like that. This is preposterous.
00:25:20That's not even a real word. Remind me to buy you a dictionary.
00:25:24How did you become a nurse? Jeez.
00:25:26We ran down to Mom's room to find her fighting off the doctors.
00:25:30She jumped onto her bed like an animal and started screaming at them.
00:25:34Where am I?
00:25:36Are you doing a science experiment on me?
00:25:39You will not touch the daughter of Vladimir.
00:25:43I learned how to catch fish with my bear hands when I was three,
00:25:47and tackled a bear when I was five.
00:25:49You think you are any much for me?
00:25:52Ma'am, we mean no harm. We're your doctors.
00:25:55How are you old enough to be a doctor? You have a pimple like a teenager.
00:26:00I'm fully qualified.
00:26:02Shut up, little boy.
00:26:04Tell me where I am before I take your eyeballs out and play bubbles with them.
00:26:09Mom? Mom turned and stared at me with wild eyes.
00:26:13Let's get out of here before she attacks us.
00:26:15For once, I agree with Meredith.
00:26:18Who are you? And what did you just call me?
00:26:23Hey guys, the last time you saw me,
00:26:25I was walking down a hospital corridor after switching the clinical trial files.
00:26:29That was two years ago.
00:26:30So let me get you up to speed on everything that's happened since then.
00:26:33Mom entered the clinical trial, and her tests started showing signs of progress,
00:26:37but she didn't come out of her coma anytime soon.
00:26:40Freddie tried to help us, but Meredith and I had to learn to manage on our own.
00:26:44And it turns out, there's a lot you can steal from a hospital.
00:26:47We never had to buy toilet paper or cleaning supplies again.
00:26:50And we always had endless cups of pudding and jello.
00:26:54Meredith, is that diaper cream you're putting on your face?
00:26:57A girl's gotta moisturize. It's very hydrating.
00:27:00My face is as soft as a baby's butt.
00:27:02What did you score today?
00:27:04More useful things, like new bed sheets, pads, towels, and batteries for our TV remote.
00:27:09Time for our show. And more jello. Woohoo!
00:27:12But we still needed money, and after high school, we went back to our conning ways.
00:27:16I always pushed away the guilt and justified it to myself with things like,
00:27:20we needed the money, we had no other choice.
00:27:22But I have to admit, I also felt a thrill every time we outwitted someone and got away with it.
00:27:27It started out small, like hitting venues of concerts and games in different cities
00:27:31and selling fake tickets to desperate fans hoping to get in at the last minute
00:27:35for twice the regular price.
00:27:37By the time they figured the tickets were bogus, we were gone.
00:27:40Or going to the American Idol audition venues and convincing hopeful contestants
00:27:44that we were part of the TV show crew,
00:27:46and we'd get them through to the next round if they paid us a little money.
00:27:50Then, we set up an Instagram matchmaking business account with tons of fake success stories.
00:27:55We were getting booked for our services by loads of women.
00:27:58We'd always meet at the client's house in disguise.
00:28:01What is this exquisite dessert? It's like a cloud melting in my mouth.
00:28:05It's a Japanese cheesecake, delivered fresh every day from Japan.
00:28:11You are just the kind of people I like.
00:28:14Let's get down to business, shall we?
00:28:16Well, I mean, this cake.
00:28:18Yes, yes, business. This is your daughter? Oof.
00:28:21We know she's a bit plain.
00:28:23And she's six feet tall? With that face?
00:28:26Is her case hopeless?
00:28:28Oh no, we've dealt with a lot of uggos before. Believe me.
00:28:32What my partner means is there's someone for everyone out there,
00:28:36and we're experts at making those two people meet.
00:28:39We'll need a small advance, and we'll bring you a portfolio of suitable bachelors in a week.
00:28:44You'll be the mother of the bride soon, watching your little giraffe walk down the aisle.
00:28:47Sounds good, right? Make that check to cash, please.
00:28:50Can you also pack the rest of this cake?
00:28:52We'd take the advance, keep in touch for a few weeks saying we were gathering options, and then disappear.
00:28:57Of course, people soon started commenting on our page, calling us frauds and reporting our account,
00:29:02but we made a good amount while it lasted.
00:29:04We tried out a wedding planner service next.
00:29:06That's a gorgeous cake, but it's so expensive.
00:29:09But it goes so perfectly with your pink and white theme.
00:29:12Also, we're planning to order 2,000 pink and white roses.
00:29:16And an ice sculpture for the reception area.
00:29:18How much will all this cost?
00:29:20You can't put a price tag on happiness.
00:29:23Daddy will have a heart attack.
00:29:25He's gonna have one anyway.
00:29:26I just saw him eating a block of cheese.
00:29:28Why should that stop you from having the wedding of your dreams?
00:29:31Really, you deserve the best on your big day.
00:29:34Okay, I'm sold. Let me write you a check.
00:29:36When that went bust, we became travel bloggers and influencers.
00:29:40With our huge number of fake followers,
00:29:42we managed to get into the best hotels for free as long as we wrote a review.
00:29:46When I'm rich, I will buy a hotel and live there.
00:29:49They have the best beds.
00:29:50Room service?
00:29:51Yes, we'll have two lobsters, four sushi platters, two beef burgers with fries,
00:29:55the prawn tempura, the fish tempura.
00:29:58Okay, anything with the word tempura.
00:30:00And why don't you bring up the entire dessert menu?
00:30:03Of course, none of these businesses lasted too long, and we were always on our toes.
00:30:07Traveling from place to place, changing disguises, trying not to get caught.
00:30:11The only person who had any idea of our activities was Freddy.
00:30:14But whenever we went back home, he was always happy to see us and never asked questions.
00:30:19Two years had gone by like this, and Mom was finally awake,
00:30:23except she didn't remember being our mom.
00:30:26Now, we had no chance to ask her about the fake IDs and laptop we'd found,
00:30:30because all she seemed to remember was her childhood in freaking Russia.
00:30:34We showed her pictures of us together,
00:30:35and the doctors explained that she'd lost most of her memory,
00:30:38and they were unsure if she'd regain it.
00:30:40Oh, my girls, I am so sorry I don't remember anything about you,
00:30:45but I feel a connection to you,
00:30:47as strong as the frost on my toes walking barefoot in snow,
00:30:50and as sweet as the smell of my grandmother's honey cakes,
00:30:54and as deep as the violet skies of Siberia, and...
00:30:57Yeah, yeah, we get it, Mom. We love you too.
00:31:00As the three of us sat in a cafe later, I was still trying to process everything
00:31:04when I saw Meredith had a faraway look on her face.
00:31:07I know that face, Em. What are you planning?
00:31:09Oh, nothing. Just thinking how excited Arthur will be when he finds out Mom is awake.
00:31:14You're talking about our neighbor, Arthur?
00:31:16Yeah. He's been visiting Mom every week for two years.
00:31:19He's always been in love with her.
00:31:21He'll be happy, but she won't even remember him.
00:31:23That actually works in his favor. Mom always found him irritating.
00:31:27What are you saying, exactly?
00:31:29What if we convinced Mom that she was deeply in love with Arthur
00:31:33before she went into a coma?
00:31:35I'm sure he won't have any problem playing along.
00:31:37Maybe we even say that they were engaged before she got sick?
00:31:41If we set them up, Mom will be taken care of for life.
00:31:44Arthur is rich, with a capital dollar sign.
00:31:46Wow, Meredith. You're a freaking genius.
00:31:49Geez, why are you girls always scheming?
00:31:51Because our parents are not neurosurgeons.
00:31:54You can't use that excuse forever.
00:31:56Watch me.
00:31:57Like we expected, Arthur immediately agreed, and we got to work.
00:32:01We photoshopped tons of pictures of Mom and him,
00:32:04and soon he even turned up with a giant emerald ring.
00:32:07You chose this Russian emerald ring from an antique shop where I proposed to you.
00:32:14Oh, it is so beautiful.
00:32:16I wish I remembered all of these moments.
00:32:19But I do feel a connection to you,
00:32:21as strong as the smell of lavender on a Russian summer breeze,
00:32:24and as warm as Papa's fur coat,
00:32:26and as comforting as a bowl of kidney pickle soup, and...
00:32:29Kiss her, now!
00:32:30As Arthur and Mom kissed,
00:32:32Meredith and I walked out of the room and burst out laughing.
00:32:35We laughed till we almost beat our pants.
00:32:38Oh God, my tummy hurts.
00:32:41Are we doing the right thing?
00:32:43Fooling Mom?
00:32:44She's no fool.
00:32:46She asked me how rich Arthur is yesterday.
00:32:48Now she feels very connected to him.
00:32:51And within a month, Mom was walking down the aisle in a grand wedding in Arthur's garden.
00:32:56Of course, Meredith and I had made all the arrangements and totally overcharged Arthur.
00:33:00I promise to cherish and to love you forever.
00:33:04And follow you to the ends of the earth.
00:33:07We will go to Russia and start our new life there in the lovely house you have bought me as a wedding gift.
00:33:12And yes, I will cherish and love you and whatever, etc, etc.
00:33:16Now you may exchange rings.
00:33:18Did you just hear what I just heard?
00:33:20Are they moving to Russia?
00:33:22That can't happen!
00:33:23Is it too late to object to this wedding?
00:33:26You guys are ruining the ceremony.
00:33:28What's wrong with you?
00:33:29Are you a moron?
00:33:30You know she can't go to Russia.
00:33:32Why not?
00:33:33She's Russian.
00:33:34Isn't she?
00:33:36Oh, yeah.
00:33:38She shouldn't go to Russia.
00:33:39Hold it, everyone!
00:33:40Sorry, Mom.
00:33:41But you can't go to Russia.
00:33:43Oh, sweetie.
00:33:44I will take you girls with me.
00:33:45Don't worry.
00:33:46We're taking them with us?
00:33:49No one's going to Russia.
00:33:50Can we, uh, discuss this later?
00:33:54You're ruining the moment.
00:33:58Listen, Mom.
00:33:59We need to talk.
00:34:00As I got up to talk to Mom, I tripped on my dress and crashed into this big cage holding
00:34:04a hundred pigeons, and they all started flying off.
00:34:07This was supposed to be for after the ceremony.
00:34:10But suddenly, those pigeons turned vicious and came back to attack everyone.
00:34:15They clawed at people's hair, poked them with their beaks, and pooped everywhere.
00:34:19As the guests ran around in chaos, someone slammed straight into the wedding cake.
00:34:23Meredith and I grabbed Mom's arms and dragged her home.
00:34:27What is wrong with you two?
00:34:29There's something you need to know, Mom.
00:34:31Meredith and I ended up showing her all her fake passports, IDs, and the laptop, and she
00:34:35was stunned.
00:34:36My name is Alexei, and none of these IDs have that name.
00:34:40Mom, we don't know who you really are or why you left Russia.
00:34:44What if you were a spy or some sort of criminal?
00:34:46What if you're wanted in Russia?
00:34:48If you go back there, you might get arrested or worse.
00:34:51Apparently, many years ago, some bad people were looking for you, and we don't know why.
00:34:56You have to stay here and keep a low profile.
00:34:59But I want to find my parents and see my home.
00:35:02It's all I remember.
00:35:03You can't risk it, not till you get your memory back.
00:35:06Or we get someone to tell us what's on that laptop and figure out who you are.
00:35:10We're sorry.
00:35:12We hugged Mom as she cried, then fixed her makeup and returned to the wedding.
00:35:16The pigeons had left, and the guests were leaving too.
00:35:19Stop, everyone.
00:35:20The wedding isn't over yet.
00:35:22And Arthur, Mom wants to move to Hawaii instead.
00:35:24From the top, people.
00:35:25Arthur was very confused, but they finally got married.
00:35:29Later, as everyone moved towards the dance floor, Freddy asked me to join him.
00:35:33So, now you're a mom as well, and you have a rich stepfather.
00:35:37What are your plans?
00:35:39I like traveling around with Meredith.
00:35:41Maybe I'll do that for some time.
00:35:42There isn't any reason to stay here anyway.
00:35:45Why don't you just hit me with an axe?
00:35:47Of course, there's you.
00:35:49I can always come visit.
00:35:50That's not good enough, Claire.
00:35:52Look, I have to say this now.
00:35:54I've been in love with you since forever, and let's not pretend you don't know that.
00:35:59Don't you think you can give us a chance?
00:36:02We're best friends, and I'd do anything for you.
00:36:05I know, Freddy, but I just can't.
00:36:07I love you, but not like you want me to.
00:36:10You can try dating me.
00:36:12Maybe you'll feel differently.
00:36:14I don't think I will.
00:36:16And I can give you a good life.
00:36:18You don't need to live like a freaking criminal anymore.
00:36:21Some people might call me an artist.
00:36:23A con artist, yeah.
00:36:26Still a criminal.
00:36:27Maybe I enjoy being one.
00:36:29It's kind of thrilling.
00:36:31I don't really believe that.
00:36:33You don't want to believe that.
00:36:35We're too different, Freddy.
00:36:36You're going to be a neurosurgeon like your parents,
00:36:39and you'll find a nice girlfriend and then marry her
00:36:41and live in a nice neighborhood, and you'll be content.
00:36:44I'm not sure that's the life I want.
00:36:46It sounds boring.
00:36:48I wish I'd said something else when I saw Freddy's hurt face,
00:36:51but there was no easy way to let him down.
00:36:53He kissed me gently on the cheek and walked away,
00:36:56and I felt a lump in my throat.
00:36:58Mom moved to Hawaii with Arthur,
00:36:59and Meredith and I went down a crazy path
00:37:02over the next few years.
00:37:03There wasn't a scam, fraud, or con we didn't attempt.
00:37:06We never stuck to the same thing for too long
00:37:08in case the police picked up a pattern.
00:37:10But word got around in underground circles
00:37:12about two female con artists,
00:37:14and we actually started getting hired for our services.
00:37:16People were always less likely to suspect
00:37:18two pretty, innocent-looking girls
00:37:20than someone who looks like a thug.
00:37:22And working with these thugs,
00:37:23we learned how to forge signatures,
00:37:25create counterfeit money, make fake checks,
00:37:27and steal credit card information.
00:37:29I'd always been bad with computers,
00:37:31but Meredith even showed a great knack for hacking.
00:37:34We made good money, partied with rich people,
00:37:36traveled first class, and stayed in amazing hotels.
00:37:40But for me, the glitz and glamour gradually started to fade.
00:37:43I was getting tired living out of suitcases,
00:37:45always wearing disguises and looking over my shoulder.
00:37:48I had no real friends,
00:37:49and even if I met someone I thought I could like,
00:37:52I knew I couldn't be in a real relationship.
00:37:54I was almost thinking of talking to Meredith
00:37:56about quitting the con artist life,
00:37:58when one day, she burst into our New York hotel room
00:38:01looking beyond excited.
00:38:03You won't believe the job we just got.
00:38:05It's gonna pay us $250,000.
00:38:08Who would pay that kind of money, and for what?
00:38:11Turns out, the kind of people
00:38:12who take you to their headquarters blindfolded.
00:38:15As Meredith and I walked into an underground room,
00:38:18a large chair swiveled around to reveal
00:38:20a tiny, skinny guy.
00:38:22What? You think all Mamia Moses are tall, fat,
00:38:26bald, and wear gold rings?
00:38:28Sorry to disappoint you with my looks,
00:38:30but trust me, I am every bit as ruthless.
00:38:34Something about his steely gray eyes
00:38:36sent a shiver down my spine.
00:38:38I believed him.
00:38:39His name was Pierre Soufflé,
00:38:41which was obviously a lie.
00:38:43And the job he had for us
00:38:44was to steal a priceless painting from a museum
00:38:47and replace it with a fake.
00:38:48That's the painting? It's, um, tiny.
00:38:51What's your problem with tiny things and people?
00:38:54It's also kind of stupid.
00:38:56What is that?
00:38:57A raccoon eating a cheeseburger?
00:39:00It's worth $10 million,
00:39:03so the joke's on you, dummy.
00:39:06Now, the owner of the painting
00:39:08has allowed the museum to bury it
00:39:10for only three days,
00:39:11so we don't have a lot of time.
00:39:14Wouldn't it be easier to steal it
00:39:16from the owner's house?
00:39:17Everyone look at Lady Einstein
00:39:20coming up with brilliant ideas.
00:39:23Why didn't we think of that ourselves?
00:39:26Happy to help?
00:39:28Of course we thought of that ourselves!
00:39:31Trust me, the museum is easier.
00:39:33Why choose us?
00:39:35It's a very stupid security measure,
00:39:38but the museum's floors are activated
00:39:41by pressure sensors at night.
00:39:43Anything above 55 kilograms and they go off.
00:39:48I haven't been able to find a boy
00:39:50who weighs less than that.
00:39:52Ellie, get the weighing scale.
00:39:55Meredith weighed 52 kg,
00:39:57while I weighed 55.1.
00:39:59How is this possible?
00:40:00You eat so much more than I do.
00:40:02What can I say?
00:40:03I got all the good genes.
00:40:06You're out, fatty!
00:40:08Meredith, you're my living lady.
00:40:10The plan was to enter the museum
00:40:12through its large air ducts,
00:40:13carrying the fake painting with us.
00:40:15We first had to make a stop
00:40:16in the security room
00:40:17and disable all the cameras and alarms.
00:40:19Then we'd crawl back through the ducts
00:40:21till we reached the exhibit area,
00:40:23and I'd lower Meredith down
00:40:24along with the painting
00:40:25so she could switch them out.
00:40:26As Meredith made it to the bottom,
00:40:28I dropped the painting to her,
00:40:29and she missed it!
00:40:31And we heard a loud crack.
00:40:32Oh, my God!
00:40:33Did you break the frame?
00:40:35It's your fault!
00:40:36Who told you to throw it like that?
00:40:38I was expecting you to catch it.
00:40:39But what was I thinking?
00:40:40You made us lose the frisbee tournament
00:40:42in eighth grade
00:40:43because you're so bad at catching things.
00:40:45Unless it's someone's boyfriend.
00:40:48You were so distracted
00:40:49by that hot boy on the bleachers,
00:40:50your throwing skills were completely off.
00:40:53FYI, that boy was totally into me.
00:40:55Why are we even talking
00:40:56about frisbees and boys right now?
00:40:58You started it.
00:40:59No, I didn't.
00:41:00Okay, shut up.
00:41:01Let me think how to fix this.
00:41:02Are you trying to glue it together
00:41:04with your saliva?
00:41:05You got a better idea?
00:41:06Any idea would be a better idea than that.
00:41:08Look, it's a museum.
00:41:10They must fix broken, ancient things
00:41:12here all the time, right?
00:41:13I'm looking at the floor map,
00:41:14and there are some offices in the left wing.
00:41:16I'll go get some glue.
00:41:17It took me an hour to find glue
00:41:19and return to our spot,
00:41:20and I found Meredith eating a bowl of ramen.
00:41:22Where did you get that?
00:41:23I brought a packet of instant ramen with me,
00:41:25and you were taking forever,
00:41:27so I went to make it in the staff kitchen.
00:41:29There was someone's chicken sandwich
00:41:30in the fridge,
00:41:31so I used the meat from that,
00:41:32and there was also some tofu,
00:41:34and I added a dash of oyster sauce.
00:41:36I'm so happy you chose this moment in your life
00:41:38to become a gourmet chef.
00:41:40Just send the painting back up
00:41:41so I can fix it.
00:41:42I tried to fill in the crack as best I could,
00:41:44then sent it back down to Meredith,
00:41:46who took the real one off
00:41:47and put the fake one on the wall.
00:41:49But just as she started walking back,
00:41:50the whole floor lit up suddenly,
00:41:52and a blaring sound went off.
00:41:54Oh, my God, what's happening?
00:41:56I don't know.
00:41:57Is the painting heavier than the fake one?
00:41:58Just hurry up.
00:41:59We gotta get out now.
00:42:00I pulled up Meredith and the real painting
00:42:02and closed the opening in the ceiling
00:42:04seconds before security burst in.
00:42:06We crawled down the ducts and out of the building
00:42:08as fast as we could.
00:42:09We ran a few blocks down
00:42:10where Pierre's van was waiting for us,
00:42:12and we sped away.
00:42:14Oh, I would have preferred
00:42:16if you hadn't alerted all of New York
00:42:19about the break-in.
00:42:20Now I'll have to move this painting
00:42:22around with cops crawling all over the city.
00:42:26Never mind.
00:42:27Here's your check.
00:42:28And Claire, try to lose some weight.
00:42:30Au revoir.
00:42:31And without warning,
00:42:32we were dumped on a dark street.
00:42:34We scrambled to our feet,
00:42:35headed for the subway,
00:42:36and made it home.
00:42:37It was all over the news the next morning
00:42:39that someone had broken into the museum
00:42:41and switched off all the security systems.
00:42:44But apparently, nothing had been stolen
00:42:46except a chicken sandwich
00:42:47and a block of tofu from the staff kitchen.
00:42:49You ate the entire block?
00:42:51Hey, I'm not the one who needs to watch her weight.
00:42:54I do not need to...
00:42:55Ugh, whatever.
00:42:56Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you about something.
00:42:59It'll have to wait.
00:43:00I got a hair appointment.
00:43:01We'll talk over dinner?
00:43:02Yeah, sure.
00:43:03I was gonna tell Meredith
00:43:04that I wanted a break from this life,
00:43:06and I wasn't sure how she'd react.
00:43:08As I sat in a cafe later,
00:43:09I suddenly found a cute guy next to my table.
00:43:12Mind if I sit here?
00:43:14There are no other empty seats.
00:43:15I won't disturb you.
00:43:17I promise.
00:43:18We actually ended up talking for over an hour,
00:43:21and I found him sweet and charming.
00:43:23I'd love to meet you again if you're free.
00:43:25I don't live in New York,
00:43:26but I come every weekend.
00:43:28You come here for work?
00:43:29No, actually, I came to visit my mom
00:43:32who's admitted in a hospital here
00:43:34for a medical trial.
00:43:35She has some rare brain issue
00:43:37that sent her into a coma.
00:43:39Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
00:43:41How long has she been in a coma?
00:43:43Six years now.
00:43:44It's been the toughest thing I've ever dealt with.
00:43:46Actually, she was part of this other
00:43:48really promising clinical trial before,
00:43:50but that didn't work for her.
00:43:52He was in a hospital in Connecticut.
00:43:54As he kept talking,
00:43:55I suddenly felt like I was spinning around very fast,
00:43:59and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.
00:44:01My chest felt heavy,
00:44:02and I could barely breathe.
00:44:04I don't know what I said to the boy,
00:44:06but I just ran out of there
00:44:07and didn't stop till I got to our hotel room.
00:44:09Hey, I was about to call you.
00:44:11What's wrong?
00:44:12Claire, are we in trouble?
00:44:13I am a terrible person.
00:44:17Hey, you're not that terrible,
00:44:19just a bit ugly.
00:44:20You don't have cops after you, do you?
00:44:22Meredith, I met someone.
00:44:25It's not a cop, is it?
00:44:26No, I met a random guy in a cafe,
00:44:29and his mom was in a clinical trial.
00:44:31I hope this gets interesting at some point.
00:44:33In a hospital in Connecticut.
00:44:36Oh my God, the same hospital Mom was in?
00:44:38And the same trial?
00:44:40What a small world.
00:44:41No, it's not the same trial.
00:44:43It's a different hospital, too.
00:44:44Okay, I'm bored again.
00:44:46The coincidence made me interested for a bit.
00:44:48Meredith, his mom's been in a coma for six years.
00:44:52We did that to someone.
00:44:53Didn't you just say it's not the same trial?
00:44:56Yes, but for a few seconds,
00:44:58I thought it was the same trial.
00:45:00And I just realized for the first time today
00:45:02that we did something awful to someone out there.
00:45:05When we switched the patient files,
00:45:07we took away someone else's chance to get better.
00:45:10You realized this just now?
00:45:13Are you dumb or something?
00:45:14Of course that's what we did.
00:45:16I mean, I never really thought about it like this.
00:45:18It was just a name on a file.
00:45:20But meeting someone who's going through that
00:45:22with their mom for years,
00:45:24it just made it so real.
00:45:26We're really bad people.
00:45:28Not really bad,
00:45:29if you consider all the bad people in the world.
00:45:32Okay, look, we didn't have a choice.
00:45:34If I had to do something like that
00:45:35to save Mom all over again,
00:45:37I'd do it in a heartbeat.
00:45:38Okay, so we did that to save Mom,
00:45:41but what about everything else?
00:45:42We had a choice to not continue living this life,
00:45:45but we didn't stop,
00:45:46and I want to stop.
00:45:47What's the big deal, man?
00:45:49It's not like we're stealing from poor people.
00:45:51It doesn't matter who we steal from.
00:45:53It's not about them, it's about us
00:45:55and the people we've become.
00:45:57I don't want to be this person anymore.
00:45:59Look, just calm down.
00:46:01I'll get you a piña colada
00:46:02and everything will seem better.
00:46:04But I pushed her away angrily
00:46:05and she landed on the floor.
00:46:07She looked up at me, stunned.
00:46:09No, I am done.
00:46:11Meredith and I barely spoke over the next few days
00:46:14and I had no idea what was going through her head,
00:46:16but I'd made my decision.
00:46:18I was going to go home.
00:46:19I sent Freddy a text to say I'd be coming next week
00:46:22and he called me back.
00:46:24Hey, I'm actually in New York
00:46:25with my parents for the weekend.
00:46:27Can we catch up?
00:46:28The moment I saw Freddy,
00:46:29I just burst into tears and he hugged me tight.
00:46:32As we talked over dinner,
00:46:33he assured me that he'd talk to Meredith
00:46:35and try to make her come home too.
00:46:37We had just stepped out of the restaurant
00:46:39and walked two blocks down
00:46:40when suddenly a black van screeched to a halt beside us.
00:46:43And some men pulled us in,
00:46:45handcuffing and blindfolding us.
00:46:47When our blindfolds came off,
00:46:48I realized we were in Pierre's quarters
00:46:51and I found Meredith there too.
00:46:53Uh, what's going on here?
00:46:55Welcome, welcome.
00:46:58We just gathered here to discuss
00:47:00a teensy-weensy-itsy-bitsy issue.
00:47:04Now, Meredith, go ahead and tell them
00:47:07the moronic thing of titanic proportions
00:47:10that you just did.
00:47:11Apparently, Meredith had found her way
00:47:14to Pierre's headquarters
00:47:15and stolen the real painting from him.
00:47:17She had then tried to sell it to a buyer she'd arranged,
00:47:20and while the exchange was about to happen on the docks,
00:47:22the cops had showed up.
00:47:23Meredith had barely managed to escape,
00:47:25but the buyer and the painting were in police custody.
00:47:28The police didn't let it get out in the news,
00:47:32but they knew the real painting
00:47:35had been stolen and replaced with a fake.
00:47:39They were probably watching every dock, airport,
00:47:43and train station to see if someone
00:47:45would try and move it out.
00:47:47And your sister practically handed it to them.
00:47:51What were you thinking?
00:47:52It's your whole quitting the biz talk that made me do it.
00:47:55I did it for us so we could sell the painting
00:47:58and retire to Bora Bora for good.
00:48:00And what the heck is Freddy doing here?
00:48:02Hi, guys. I'm Freddy, old friend.
00:48:04Nice to meet you.
00:48:06Not terrified at all.
00:48:08You made me lose a fortune,
00:48:11and you double-crossed me.
00:48:13Pierre does not take betrayal well.
00:48:17Perry! Sam!
00:48:19Yes, sir?
00:48:20You know what to do.
00:48:22Uh, boss?
00:48:24I'm not really sure how I feel about punching a girl.
00:48:28Yeah, boss, I am not really comfortable with this.
00:48:32Maybe we can just punch the boy.
00:48:35I'm not really a boy. I used to be a girl.
00:48:37Ask Claire and Meredith.
00:48:38We practically grew up like sisters.
00:48:40Please don't hurt him.
00:48:41He has nothing to do with this.
00:48:44You buffoons!
00:48:45I didn't say hurt anyone yet.
00:48:48I just wanted you to threaten them.
00:48:50But of course, you're useless.
00:48:53Memo to myself.
00:48:54Torture Harry and Sam after this meeting.
00:48:57Now, get lost.
00:48:58Then Pierre shifted his cold gaze to me.
00:49:02That painting is everything to me.
00:49:05And I want it back.
00:49:07And now the only way we can get it is from the owner himself.
00:49:10You, Claire, will be executing this mission.
00:49:14The heir of that painting is a young, charming millionaire.
00:49:18And you will get to know him,
00:49:20become his girlfriend,
00:49:22kiss, cuddle, yada yada.
00:49:24You need to earn his trust completely,
00:49:27so he lets you into his life and his home.
00:49:30Then, when the time is right,
00:49:31you will steal the painting from a high-security vault inside his house
00:49:35and bring it back to me.
00:49:37You will do this if you care about your moon sister
00:49:40and the Scare Slash boy
00:49:42and his family
00:49:43and your mother
00:49:44and your stupid husband
00:49:46and your whole neighborhood.
00:49:48What if I fail?
00:49:50I don't think you want the answer to that.
00:49:54But once you succeed,
00:49:56I'll give you two enough to go to Bois-Bois and never return.
00:50:00I'd be ecstatic to never set eyes on you annoying girls again.
00:50:09I had my eyes on the target from across the street.
00:50:11As soon as I saw him walk towards the cafe,
00:50:13I headed for the entrance.
00:50:15Just as he opened the door,
00:50:16I bumped straight into him,
00:50:17spilling coffee all over his shirt.
00:50:19Oh god, I'm so sorry.
00:50:21I wasn't looking.
00:50:22I'll pay for the dry cleaning.
00:50:24His arm rested gently on mine.
00:50:26Hey, it's okay.
00:50:27It was an accident.
00:50:28I looked up into his bright green eyes.
00:50:30In fact, you're the one who's without a coffee now.
00:50:33Can I get you a new one?
00:50:35Sure, I'd like that.
00:50:37Can we also start over?
00:50:39Hi, I'm Christina.
00:50:40Hello, I'm Eric.
00:50:42Do y'all remember Eric?
00:50:43You know, the guy Meredith and I were fighting over the night mom went into a coma?
00:50:46The guy who was so hot he made boiling water look cool?
00:50:49The guy whose smile shone brighter than the sun
00:50:52and whose eyes were deeper than the Amazon rainforest?
00:50:55The guy who...
00:50:56He looks familiar.
00:50:57Oh my god, I've kissed this guy once.
00:51:00Yeah, the guy who stole my heart the minute I saw him.
00:51:03And then Meredith kissed him.
00:51:05Do you girls know him?
00:51:06Not super well, but I'd rate him number eight on my list of good kissers.
00:51:10And I've kissed tons of people, so that's pretty high.
00:51:13Oh, Pierre, you really gotta see his brothers.
00:51:15They look like...
00:51:16Ugly old girls, I know.
00:51:17I know everything about him.
00:51:19But how well does he know you?
00:51:21He and his family lived in our neighborhood only for a month.
00:51:24And that was years ago.
00:51:25I don't think he'd recognize me now.
00:51:27Yeah, she's not that memorable.
00:51:29Yeah, we're all still going in disguise.
00:51:31We have to convince him that you're just a stranger who has randomly bumped into him with no agenda.
00:51:36Also, he must believe you're very rich, so he doesn't seek your gold digger.
00:51:41From Pierre, we learned that Eric's mom had passed away at his birth,
00:51:45and his dad had remarried a woman years later who already had children of her own, the quadruplets.
00:51:50The world makes sense again.
00:51:53Eric's maternal grandmother recently left the painting to him in her will.
00:51:58His father is a big business tycoon, so they always have security at the mansion.
00:52:03But the painting is even harder to access.
00:52:06The only way you'll make it in and out of there is if you're welcomed into their home.
00:52:11I couldn't believe that of all the millionaires in the world,
00:52:14I had to pretend to like Eric, make him fall for me, and then rob him blind.
00:52:19And how is he even better looking now?
00:52:21Over the next few days, I took on the identity of Christina Delafour,
00:52:25a wealthy socialite with a law degree who lived in a beautiful apartment in a posh area and wore only designer brands.
00:52:31Wow, this Givenchy coat is stunning.
00:52:33It's Ziv on sheet, you moron.
00:52:35Okay, jeez.
00:52:37Also, Pierre, can't someone do a background check on me and easily find out that I did not graduate from Harvard
00:52:43and that I don't have parents who made a fortune out of selling toilets in India and now live there?
00:52:48If anyone runs a check, they'll find all this information to be accurate.
00:52:52I've made sure of it, and no one is interested in the law or toilets.
00:52:57So, they won't ask you many questions.
00:52:59Now, show me how to walk in heels like a rich lady.
00:53:02Fine. Meredith, pass me the Jackie chimchus.
00:53:05Oh, my God. They'll know you're fake in a second.
00:53:09I was joking. Relax.
00:53:11I've hung out with enough rich people to pick up a few things. I got this.
00:53:15And then, a week later, I was inserted into Eric's life.
00:53:18We talked over coffee for an hour, and I thought it was going really well.
00:53:22But when it was time to part ways, he didn't ask for my number and just left.
00:53:26Ugh, I'd failed to capture his interest.
00:53:28I'd have to plan another encounter without seeming suspicious.
00:53:31As I was walking away distracted, I ran straight into a garbage can and stubbed my toe hard.
00:53:36Son of a biscuit! Holy mother of fudge!
00:53:39I was still hopping around when I crashed into a woman pushing a stroller,
00:53:42and a doll went flying out of her hand onto the road.
00:53:45Just then, the car ran over the doll and turned it into a pancake.
00:53:48You... you destroyed my child's precious doll!
00:53:53I'm so sorry. It was an accident. I'll get your little girl a...
00:53:56Wait, your child is a cat?
00:53:58Yes. And that was my childhood doll, which I passed on to my baby.
00:54:03Look, here's some money. Get your baby another doll.
00:54:06She loves that one, and they don't make those anymore.
00:54:10Your baby is a cat. She doesn't love that particular doll.
00:54:13She probably doesn't even love you.
00:54:15She'd eat your face in your sleep if you weren't the one to feed her.
00:54:17Now please.
00:54:18Just then, someone tugged hard at my purse, and I saw a thief running away with it.
00:54:23You've got to be kidding me!
00:54:24I took my heels off and sprinted after the thief.
00:54:27He jumped over a fence into a park and I followed.
00:54:29I was gaining on him and sent a flying heel at his head.
00:54:32Just then, someone ran past me, pounced at the thief, and pinned him to the ground.
00:54:39The park security immediately arrived on the spot and took the thief away.
00:54:42Aren't you glad I followed you and came to your rescue?
00:54:45My rescue? I hit him with my shoe to slow him down and was about to catch him,
00:54:49but then you swooped in at the last minute, and now you want credit?
00:54:53Whoa, easy. I was just flirting with you.
00:54:56Oh, sorry. Wait, you said you followed me?
00:55:00Yeah, I felt stupid that I left without asking for your number.
00:55:03I definitely want it now.
00:55:05You became even more interesting when you stubbed your toe, murdered a doll,
00:55:09yelled at the cat lady, and chased a robber.
00:55:11Eric and I started seeing each other, and even though I knew it wasn't a real relationship,
00:55:16it still felt wonderful.
00:55:18We both hated rom-coms, but were always up for watching horror movies.
00:55:22We supported different baseball teams and had heated debates about who sucked more.
00:55:26And we both loved eating from street vendors and walking around the city at night.
00:55:30I enjoyed his company more than I cared to admit,
00:55:33and my heart skipped a beat every time he took my hand or gave me a goodnight peck on the cheek.
00:55:38And then one night, as we watched a firework show in the park,
00:55:41he pulled me close and kissed me, and I practically melted in his arms.
00:55:46Soon enough, he told me his parents were hosting a party at their house,
00:55:49and he wanted to introduce me to them.
00:55:51This was the first time I'd be in his mansion,
00:55:54and I needed to make sure I got invited often enough to find out where the vault was.
00:55:58Eric's dad was lovely, but his stepmom looked at me with a stare so icy,
00:56:03it could make hell freeze over.
00:56:05I escaped from the party for a while when the dancing started.
00:56:07Yeah, that's when Meredith dropped by as Catwoman with a cheeseburger.
00:56:11But soon enough, Eric came around to call me in for dinner,
00:56:14where the quadruplets also joined us.
00:56:16So Eric told us your parents sell toilets in India.
00:56:19Uh, yeah. It's a great business, because everyone needs a toilet, right?
00:56:23And you know the population of India.
00:56:25Multiply that with toilets, and you have a fortune.
00:56:28What is the population of India?
00:56:30Well, I don't have an exact figure. It's just a lot of people.
00:56:34Suddenly, I had a queasy feeling in my stomach.
00:56:37Didn't you get made fun of as a kid?
00:56:39If you were in my school, you'd be called the Toilet Princess.
00:56:45Grabber Queen!
00:56:46Duchess of Pooh!
00:56:47Guys, cut it out. You're not in high school anymore.
00:56:50Wait a second. Have we ever met before?
00:56:54Uh, what? No, I really don't think so.
00:56:57God, why was my stomach churning?
00:56:59You know I'm really good with faces,
00:57:01and you remind me a lot of this girl we met in a neighborhood in Connecticut years ago.
00:57:05Guys, remember? She had a twin sister.
00:57:09Oh, yeah! I remember those twins vaguely.
00:57:12The blonde one was prettier, right?
00:57:15Dang it! Has to be someone else.
00:57:17I'm an only child, and I've always lived in Boston until I moved here.
00:57:20Yeah, Eric told us you're a lawyer from Harvard.
00:57:23So who's the baddest person you've put behind bars?
00:57:25Um, not that kind of lawyer. I'm actually an environmental lawyer.
00:57:29I was really feeling sick now. Maybe it was that burger I ate?
00:57:33Like you have trees as clients?
00:57:35What do they pay you with? Leaves?
00:57:39Hey, why are you turning green?
00:57:41You love trees so much that you're becoming one?
00:57:45Can you guys stop? You're not even that funny.
00:57:47No, look at her! She's green!
00:57:50I think I'm gonna hurl.
00:57:52Eric called the doctor immediately, who said I had food poisoning.
00:57:55He gave me some medicines, and Eric insisted I stay over for the night in one of their guest rooms.
00:58:00I fell asleep immediately, and woke up a few hours later feeling thirsty.
00:58:05As I made my way down to the kitchen, I realized I had the perfect opportunity to try finding the vault.
00:58:10Just then, I heard some low voices from some room,
00:58:13and I slowly crept up to find Eric's stepmom talking to one of the bodyguards in the library.
00:58:18Were you able to figure out how to unlock the vault?
00:58:21There's no way. I've tried everything for weeks.
00:58:24I'll have to use a tiny explosive device to destroy the lock.
00:58:27The vault is all the way up in the attic. No one will hear a thing.
00:58:31But we have to steal a painting the day after tomorrow while your husband and Eric are away on business.
00:58:37Are you ready for this?
00:58:39Then, he pulled Eric's stepmom into his arms.
00:58:42I can't wait to run away with you, James. I'm so tired of seeing you secretly, and I'm completely ready.
00:58:48As the two locked lips, I turned around and tiptoed away as fast as I could.
00:58:53Okay, so the vault was in the attic, the lock could only be destroyed with an explosive device,
00:58:57and I couldn't let Eric's cheating stepmom and traitorous bodyguard run away with it.
00:59:01The next morning, when Eric came to check on me, I decided to tell him the truth for once.
00:59:06Eric, I have something really difficult to tell you.
00:59:09I got up last night to get some water, and I heard your stepmom and this bodyguard, James, talking.
00:59:14They were talking late at night?
00:59:16Yeah. Do you have some vault in this house with some painting inside?
00:59:20How do you know that?
00:59:22That's what they were talking about, breaking in and stealing the painting.
00:59:25They're planning to do it the day after tomorrow.
00:59:28And your stepmom said something about running away with James.
00:59:31I saw them kiss. I'm so sorry. I wish I hadn't.
00:59:34No, I'm glad you did.
00:59:36This is gonna be a huge blow for dad, but it would have been much worse if we'd found out everything afterwards.
00:59:42Thank you for telling me.
00:59:44And please, keep all this to yourself. I know I can trust you.
00:59:47Eric kissed me gently before walking away, and two days later,
00:59:51when the bodyguard and Eric's stepmom were about to escape with the painting,
00:59:54police officers immediately arrested them.
00:59:57This is fantastic!
00:59:59Well, they might link the museum robbery to the bodyguard and stepmom too,
01:00:03and assume the painting is now safe.
01:00:05So, it'll be easier for you to steal.
01:00:07Good job, Mon Cheri. I knew you were the smart twin.
01:00:11After Pierre left, I sank into my armchair, but then I noticed Meredith staring at me.
01:00:16What? You should be happy, but you don't look happy. What's up?
01:00:19Nothing. I just can't wait for this job to be over.
01:00:22You can steal the painting soon, right?
01:00:24You know exactly what to do, and Eric trusts you.
01:00:27By the way, have you two kissed?
01:00:29I've been dating him for two months. Of course we've kissed.
01:00:32We text every day, and you never mentioned it.
01:00:34I didn't know I had to.
01:00:36So, how is it?
01:00:38It's fine. It's whatever. It's like kissing anyone.
01:00:41My memory's a bit fuzzy, but you know I've kissed him.
01:00:44You never let me forget.
01:00:45And I definitely wouldn't call it a whatever kind of kiss.
01:00:49Yeah, okay. It's nice. It's good.
01:00:51Nice? Good? Oh, wow. Don't make me jealous with all the passion.
01:00:56Okay, you want to know what kissing Eric is like?
01:00:59It's like flying through space, like a meteor that explodes into a thousand stars,
01:01:04and then jumping into really cold water that makes you feel alive all over,
01:01:09and then feeling warm and tingly down to your toes,
01:01:12like having hot chocolate next to a fireplace on a snowy winter night.
01:01:18So, I'm guessing it's better than kissing the pillow you used to practice on.
01:01:23I did not! Shut up!
01:01:25You're in love with him, aren't you?
01:01:27I was about to snap at her again, but then I just sighed.
01:01:31Yes, I am.
01:01:32The night of the heist arrived, and I felt sick to my stomach,
01:01:35but I just wanted to get it over with.
01:01:37Eric's dad was away, and Eric was holding an important shareholder's dinner
01:01:41with which most of the household staff was busy.
01:01:43I'd volunteered to host the dinner with him,
01:01:45and got ready to leave before their meeting started.
01:01:48Thanks for your help tonight. You're the best.
01:01:50Oh, it was nothing. Don't thank me.
01:01:53So, I'll see you tomorrow at our coffee shop?
01:01:55It's a date.
01:01:57As Eric walked away, my heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces.
01:02:01This was the last time I'd ever see him again.
01:02:04I gulped down my tears, and instead of leaving, I sneaked up unnoticed to the attic.
01:02:09Inside, I found a heavy metal door to a vault.
01:02:12I took out the tiny explosive device Pierre had given me,
01:02:15placed it on the lock, and activated it.
01:02:17In a few seconds, there was a tiny pop and a sizzling sound.
01:02:20Then, I heard the lock click open.
01:02:22I walked into a tiny, dark vault and found the painting under a glass case.
01:02:26Praying to every god that no alarms would go off,
01:02:29I lifted the case carefully, put the painting in my bag,
01:02:32and started sprinting down the stairs.
01:02:34But just as I'd reached the second floor landing,
01:02:36one of the Ninja Turtles blocked my way!
01:02:38What are you doing?
01:02:40Hey, bro!
01:02:41Uh, you know when I stayed over a few weeks ago?
01:02:44I dropped a necklace, and I was looking for that guest room,
01:02:47and I got lost.
01:02:48But it's fine. I'll just get new earrings.
01:02:50See you later!
01:02:51He suddenly grabbed my bag and pulled out the painting.
01:02:54Do you think I'm a moron?
01:02:56A moron? You? No way!
01:02:58Sorry, which one are you?
01:03:00Okay, no one has time for that.
01:03:02Now listen, Mike.
01:03:03You're definitely the smartest of your brothers,
01:03:05and just a tiny bit better looking than all of them, too.
01:03:08We're identical!
01:03:09That's what they want you to believe.
01:03:11But I know you're better.
01:03:13I think you and I can strike a deal, okay?
01:03:15I'll sell this painting, and you and I can go halfsies on it.
01:03:19Just give me an account number, and I'll wire the money to you.
01:03:21No, you're not leaving with it.
01:03:23Okay, look, dude.
01:03:24I'm doing this for your mom.
01:03:26I have to sell this painting so I can pay for her bail
01:03:28and get her a really good lawyer.
01:03:30Don't you want that?
01:03:31No, my mom's in jail because she did something wrong,
01:03:34and she abandoned us all.
01:03:36She shouldn't have stolen Eric's painting.
01:03:38What do you care about Eric?
01:03:39Don't you hate Eric?
01:03:41He's so good looking and smart and perfect
01:03:44and gets all the ladies.
01:03:45It makes you guys look even worse than you really are.
01:03:48You should want to hurt him.
01:03:49So let me take the painting.
01:03:51That'll really hurt him.
01:03:53Eric's the best brother in the world, and I love him.
01:03:56Okay, okay.
01:03:57I have an offer you can't refuse.
01:03:59How about I become your girlfriend?
01:04:02I bet you've never had one.
01:04:03I'm gay.
01:04:05All right, I surrender.
01:04:07Just one last thing.
01:04:08Without warning, I punched his face so hard
01:04:11that he went reeling back with shock and dropped the painting.
01:04:14Then I kicked him into a room and locked the door shut.
01:04:17I'm sorry, Mikey.
01:04:18You're a really good guy.
01:04:19I sprinted down another flight of stairs
01:04:21and jumped out of the first story window.
01:04:23I ran across the garden to the fountain,
01:04:25climbed the tree next to it,
01:04:26jumped onto the wall,
01:04:27and then landed softly outside on all fours.
01:04:30Just as I got up,
01:04:31I found myself facing Eric.
01:04:34What are you doing here?
01:04:35Isn't the meeting going on?
01:04:38That's just what I told you.
01:04:39I sent everyone home and was now waiting for you
01:04:41to steal the painting and run away with it.
01:04:44After the painting was stolen from the museum,
01:04:46the FBI contacted me to help them catch the guy
01:04:49they suspected was after it.
01:04:50Does the name Pierre Soufflé ring a bell?
01:04:53Nope. Never heard of him.
01:04:54What a dumb name.
01:04:55They told me you would probably strike again.
01:04:57I really didn't suspect you
01:04:58until one of my brothers said something about
01:05:00you looking like a girl we once met in Connecticut
01:05:03who had a twin.
01:05:04I just couldn't shake that off
01:05:06and wondered if you were hiding something.
01:05:09I had the FBI look into you
01:05:10and most of your information checked out,
01:05:12but then they told me that they'd seen
01:05:14a suspected art thief in a girl your age
01:05:16leave your apartment a few times.
01:05:18Okay, so let me get this straight.
01:05:20Tonight was a trap?
01:05:21How could you trick me?
01:05:24Should I get a mirror for you?
01:05:25You've been tricking me from the very start.
01:05:28That's different.
01:05:29Only if different means exactly the same.
01:05:32You'd really send me to jail?
01:05:34You'd really walk away with that painting?
01:05:36Eric, I have to do this.
01:05:38I don't have a choice.
01:05:39It's to protect everyone I love from Pierre.
01:05:42And I'm guessing that list doesn't include me,
01:05:45does it?
01:05:46As we stared breathlessly at each other,
01:05:48suddenly Pierre's van stopped beside us.
01:05:50Good lord!
01:05:51Que terrible!
01:05:52And before I knew it,
01:05:53his men had grabbed both me and Eric
01:05:55and put some rags on our faces
01:05:57and I instantly drifted into unconsciousness.
01:06:00When we came about,
01:06:01Eric and I found ourselves tied to chairs on some boat.
01:06:05Ah, the sleeping beauties are awake
01:06:07just in time for me to say goodbye.
01:06:09You're not getting away with this.
01:06:11Oh, yes I am.
01:06:12It's not like you were smart enough
01:06:13to call the police to your house when you caught Claire.
01:06:16Yeah, that's her real name.
01:06:18You didn't call the police?
01:06:19What was your plan then?
01:06:21My guess is he was just going to take the painting from you
01:06:24and give you a chance to run away.
01:06:26I think he even gave his own security men the night off.
01:06:30Why would you do that, Eric?
01:06:31Because he wasn't going to send the girl he loves to prison, duh.
01:06:35Eric sat there poker-faced as I glanced at him.
01:06:38Pierre, you got what you wanted.
01:06:40Keep your end of the deal.
01:06:41Pay up and let us go.
01:06:43Your sister double-crossed me first,
01:06:45which landed you in this mess, remember?
01:06:48I think I'll do the same.
01:06:49Why is there water coming in the boat?
01:06:51Oh, that's because it's got oils everywhere.
01:06:54It's going to sink soon.
01:06:56You two should make up and forgive each other
01:06:58because life's too short to be angry.
01:07:00I mean, literally.
01:07:02Your life is really short.
01:07:03I'd say about another 30 minutes.
01:07:05Adieu. So long. Farewell.
01:07:08And with that, Pierre and his goons left.
01:07:10There has to be some way out.
01:07:12Don't you know how to get out of such situations
01:07:14after all your years as a criminal?
01:07:16I'm a con woman.
01:07:17I don't know how to trick my way out of these ropes.
01:07:20Great. Then I'll just die here with you, of all people.
01:07:23Who would you rather die with?
01:07:24Maybe that really pretty, extra-smiley waitress
01:07:27at the restaurant you love so much?
01:07:29You know what? Let's just not talk.
01:07:31Fine by me.
01:07:32We sat silently for a few minutes as the water kept seeping in.
01:07:35I've never had boba tea.
01:07:38You know, a few years ago,
01:07:39when everyone really got into boba tea,
01:07:41and I never had boba tea.
01:07:43I always thought I had time to drink boba tea,
01:07:45and now I'll never drink boba tea.
01:07:47It's nothing special. You didn't miss much.
01:07:50You really mean it?
01:07:51Nah. It's amazing.
01:07:53Who is stopping you from trying boba tea?
01:07:55No one.
01:07:56You're the worst.
01:07:58Let's go back to not talking.
01:07:59As we sat there in silence again,
01:08:01I slipped my fingers through Eric's.
01:08:03Eric, I'm so sorry for getting you into this.
01:08:06I really wish I'd never crossed your path.
01:08:08He pushed my hand away.
01:08:09For the first time today, I agree with you.
01:08:12Just then, the door burst open,
01:08:14and Meredith came running in.
01:08:16Thank God, Em.
01:08:17I knew you'd come for me.
01:08:18You could have told me, too.
01:08:20I would have panicked less.
01:08:21Hi, Eric. Remember me?
01:08:23We kissed once.
01:08:24We'll talk more later.
01:08:25Gotta go now.
01:08:26Meredith cut through our ropes quickly,
01:08:28and we splashed through the water,
01:08:29climbed onto the paddle boat outside,
01:08:31and rowed back to shore.
01:08:33I had a feeling Pierre was up to no good.
01:08:35I followed his van to Eric's house
01:08:36and saw him take you to and bring you here.
01:08:38I had to wait for him to leave before I could rescue you,
01:08:41and that jerk left without giving us a dime.
01:08:43We have to get that painting back.
01:08:45You can't get away with it.
01:08:47What is so special about that stupid painting?
01:08:50Why is it for $10 million?
01:08:52Apparently, it's worth much more.
01:08:54My grandmother bought it at some auction a few years ago,
01:08:56but I don't think she ever knew its real worth.
01:08:58The FBI told me that painting has hidden codes all over it.
01:09:01Sensitive government secrets
01:09:03and coordinates of underground facilities,
01:09:05and Pierre wants to sell those secrets to the highest bidder.
01:09:09Trust stupid men to make everything so complicated.
01:09:12Who put codes in a painting?
01:09:14Who wants them now?
01:09:15What is wrong with everybody?
01:09:17All I ever wanted from life was to go to Bora Bora,
01:09:20and now we have no money.
01:09:22If you girls know anything about where he's going,
01:09:24help me catch him.
01:09:25I'll tell the FBI you were helping me all along,
01:09:27and you'll go scar-free.
01:09:28Free but poor?
01:09:30Should I offer you a reward
01:09:31for helping me get back a painting you stole from me?
01:09:34That would be polite, yeah.
01:09:36Meredith, do you have any idea where Pierre's going?
01:09:39Yeah, yeah.
01:09:40I've bugged everything that man owns.
01:09:42His phone, his coat, his shoes, that painting.
01:09:44I know where he's going.
01:09:46Oh, by the way, Mom wants us to come home.
01:09:48She says she has something important to tell us.
01:09:50And yeah, her memory is back,
01:09:52and she's very angry we made her marry Arthur.
01:09:55More about that later.
01:09:56Eric immediately got in touch with his FBI contacts,
01:09:59who picked us up from our spot
01:10:01and followed Meredith's trackers on Pierre.
01:10:03He was headed for a train at the Grand Central Station,
01:10:05and seconds before he was about to get onto his ride,
01:10:08he was surrounded by officers.
01:10:10Don't manhandle me, you orangutans!
01:10:12My outfit costs more than your yearly salary.
01:10:15I rue the day I ever laid eyes on you two.
01:10:18I'll make sure I take you down with me.
01:10:21I'm taking all your coats, Pierre.
01:10:23They fit me perfectly, you tiny mafia boss.
01:10:26Get used to an orange jumpsuit,
01:10:28because you'll be wearing that for a long time.
01:10:30As the FBI officers took him away,
01:10:32I turned to Eric with a worried face.
01:10:34He'll give them information against us.
01:10:36You've helped recover a really important painting
01:10:38and capture a criminal the FBI has been trying to nail for ages.
01:10:41I promise, I won't let you get into any trouble.
01:10:45We stood there in awkward silence.
01:10:48Okay, this is super uncomfortable.
01:10:51Do you guys need privacy to talk or something?
01:10:54I'll grab us some hot dogs.
01:10:55Do you want relish or mustard or...
01:10:57No, actually, I think we're done here.
01:10:59I have to go.
01:11:00Good luck and goodbye, Chris, uh, Claire.
01:11:05Goodbye, Eric.
01:11:07Meredith and I took the next flight to Connecticut
01:11:09to see Mom back at her old house,
01:11:11and I was really happy to see her with her memory back.
01:11:13And then, Mom shocked us with her whole story.
01:11:16Many years ago, I was a government scientist in Russia,
01:11:20working on top-secret technology.
01:11:22And our team leader wanted to sell it to an enemy country.
01:11:26I refused to do that and destroyed the technology.
01:11:29And after that, I had to go on the run
01:11:31because I knew those traitors would come after me.
01:11:34I had a boyfriend, and he recently found out I was pregnant.
01:11:37So I never told him about you girls and just escaped.
01:11:40I settled in America and took on the identity
01:11:43of a helpless mom living in the suburbs.
01:11:45Before I left Russia, I set up this laptop
01:11:48as a way to communicate with my father,
01:11:50who sent me a little money every few months to get by.
01:11:53I was even afraid of working in any place for too long,
01:11:56as being part of any system by which I could be tracked down.
01:11:59Whoa! Mom, that's insane! And so cool!
01:12:03I'm sorry we never had much,
01:12:05but I was glad you grew up independent and resourceful.
01:12:08Then I finally recovered my memory a week ago.
01:12:11I was able to access the laptop and get in touch with my father.
01:12:15He hadn't heard from me in so long,
01:12:17he thought I wasn't even alive anymore.
01:12:19He told me that the traitors working on the project
01:12:22are all behind bars now.
01:12:24It's safe for me to go home.
01:12:26So we're going to Russia?
01:12:28Man, it's so cold there!
01:12:30I always wanted to go to...
01:12:32Bora Bora, I know.
01:12:34That's all you said growing up.
01:12:36We'll visit Russia to see my family.
01:12:38And then we'll go anywhere you girls want.
01:12:41Mom, we're kinda poor.
01:12:43Especially since you've left Arthur too.
01:12:45Oh, but my family isn't poor at all.
01:12:48I come from all the money.
01:12:50We've been rich forever.
01:12:51There is a God out there!
01:12:53Thank you, thank you!
01:12:55Claire, we're finally going to Bora Bora!
01:12:58It's everything we ever wanted.
01:13:00I tried to be as excited about the trip as Mom and Meredith,
01:13:03but my heart felt heavy.
01:13:05I wish things had ended with Eric on a better note.
01:13:08On the bright side, I got to meet Freddy.
01:13:10And I was so pleased when he introduced me to his lovely girlfriend.
01:13:13I'm so happy for you, Freddy.
01:13:15And I don't know if I can ever thank you for everything.
01:13:17You're amazing.
01:13:18I know.
01:13:19Just don't forget about me and come to visit, okay?
01:13:23On the day of our flight to Russia,
01:13:25we'd just reached the airport when Mom and Meredith turned to me
01:13:28with strange smiles on their faces.
01:13:30Uh, what's going on?
01:13:32Here's your ticket.
01:13:34That's a ticket for New York.
01:13:36Why, are we going there?
01:13:37No, Mom and I are going to Russia, then Bora Bora.
01:13:40You're going to New York.
01:13:42What? Why would I do that?
01:13:43Come on, Claire.
01:13:44You've been so mopey lately.
01:13:46I can't stand your face anymore.
01:13:48Just go talk to Eric, okay?
01:13:50You're in love with him.
01:13:51And even though he's way out of your league, he loves you too.
01:13:55And that's something you shouldn't give up on so easily.
01:13:58Pretty sure he hates me now.
01:14:00Claire, go meet him once.
01:14:02You'll regret not trying.
01:14:04And in case it doesn't work out, you know where to find his love.
01:14:07Go get him, loser.
01:14:09Mom and Meredith hugged me,
01:14:11and I felt tears flowing down my face fast as I turned away.
01:14:14Suddenly, I got the wind knocked out of me as Meredith gave me a bear hug.
01:14:18I can't say this with you looking at me directly, so don't turn around, okay?
01:14:22I love you more than anyone in the world, sis.
01:14:24You're my BFF and my soulmate and my better half,
01:14:28so you better not stay away too long because of some stupid boy.
01:14:31No one's ever coming between us, Em.
01:14:34I love you too, and I'll see you soon.
01:14:36As I walked out onto the New York airport,
01:14:38I was feeling so nervous about visiting Eric
01:14:40that I accidentally bumped into a man's luggage cart
01:14:43and went down with the suitcases.
01:14:45Are you blind? You blind idiot.
01:14:47It was an accident, sir. You don't have to be so rude.
01:14:50You don't have to be so blind, you blind idiot.
01:14:53You're so obnoxious.
01:14:55I grabbed the bagel the man was holding,
01:14:57threw it on the floor, and started jumping on it.
01:14:59As I continued jumping and he kept yelling,
01:15:01I suddenly found Eric by my side.
01:15:04I'm sorry, sir. She hasn't taken her meds today.
01:15:07So sorry.
01:15:08Geez, what's with your temper?
01:15:10He started it, and what are you doing here?
01:15:12You texted me that you were coming and wanted me to pick you up.
01:15:15You said it was an emergency?
01:15:17Oh, I'm guessing that was Meredith.
01:15:20Yep, but I did come to New York just to see you, Eric.
01:15:23So I might as well say my piece now,
01:15:25which I've been rehearsing on the plane,
01:15:27and I've forgotten every single word.
01:15:29Dang it.
01:15:30Okay, okay, I'll just spit it out.
01:15:32Look, I'm really sorry about the tricking
01:15:35and the lying and stealing and hitting your brother
01:15:38and endangering your life.
01:15:39The one thing that wasn't part of this assignment
01:15:42was falling for you,
01:15:43but I just couldn't help it right from the start.
01:15:45In fact, you made me fall for you years ago,
01:15:48and I often wondered what had happened to you.
01:15:51I really wish we'd met again under different circumstances,
01:15:54and I know I don't deserve another chance,
01:15:56but here I am, asking for one anyway.
01:15:59Well, they say third time's the charm.
01:16:02They do say that, whoever they are.
01:16:05Just as Eric pulled me closer,
01:16:07we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by federal agents.
01:16:10Did you set me up?
01:16:11I swear I didn't.
01:16:13Ma'am, there's no need to panic.
01:16:15We got notified about your arrival in New York
01:16:17when you checked in for your flight.
01:16:18We've also apprehended your sister
01:16:19before she could leave for Russia.
01:16:21We've been looking for you girls for a long time, actually,
01:16:23but you always managed to get away.
01:16:25Now we have a deal for you.
01:16:26Come work for us and help us nail some con artists,
01:16:28and you'll have a clean slate.
01:16:30Are you offering me a job?
01:16:32Yes, and a really well-paying one.
01:16:34The only catch is that you two
01:16:35will have to serve six months jail time first.
01:16:37We have to do that as a formality.
01:16:39No, officer, there has to be another way.
01:16:41Eric, wait, it's okay.
01:16:43I think I need to do this, actually.
01:16:45Maybe we got away for too long without any consequences.
01:16:48If this gives me a chance to start over fresh,
01:16:50I'm willing to do it.
01:16:52What about Meredith?
01:16:53Oh, she's gonna be pissed, but she'll do it for me.
01:16:56So, will you come see me in prison?
01:16:59May I sit down?
01:17:02How many weeks has it been here already?
01:17:04It's just been two days.
01:17:06Oh, God, I was so close to Bora Bora,
01:17:09and you're so ugly and orange.
01:17:11How am I supposed to look at you for six months?
01:17:14I think you're actually happy
01:17:15we're getting to spend more time together.
01:17:17You know, since I'm your BFF and soulmate and better half.
01:17:22That was so cheesy.