Legal Heart - リーガル・ハート ~いのちの再建弁護士~ - E4

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00One day, suddenly, the company collapses.
00:05Some people lose their lives on the street.
00:10There is a lawyer who declares that he has nothing to do with his father's death.
00:18So he continues to fight.
00:21As long as there is hope, even if it's 0.01%.
00:30The story of a man who has nothing to do with his father's death.
00:41But why is the air conditioner broken at a time like this?
00:46I can't help it because I'm using it as a trick.
00:49Or rather, you are beautiful, Nobu.
00:51It's Nobu.
00:55Please come in.
00:56Mr. Mizuhashi, the CEO of Yokosuka Co., Ltd.
01:05I'm Mizuhashi. Nice to meet you.
01:09My father opened the ice shop that my grandfather started.
01:12I'm the third generation.
01:14The kind mart of Ote Convenience Store is a good deal.
01:18According to the nationwide development, the old factory was rebuilt and the second factory was also built.
01:25The price of sales has increased to 1.5 billion yen.
01:29However, three years ago, the kind mart changed the capital in a different order.
01:35Because there was no big deal, sales dropped to 2.5 billion yen at once.
01:40It is said that the loan interest of the new factory will remain high.
01:45I can't read the change in the capital allocation of the transaction destination.
01:51While looking at the guidance of the main bank, as a business plan for the next three years,
01:56I created a plan to increase sales by 700 million yen per year.
02:00At that time, I received an interest of 80 million yen.
02:03It's not 700 million yen, but it's not even 400 million yen.
02:07What do you mean?
02:10Please return 80 million yen right now.
02:13If you ask for additional interest, there may be a change in the payment.
02:17I'm so angry that I don't think I can pay for the transaction destination for the end of next month.
02:24How much is it?
02:2620 million yen.
02:27If I don't pay it, I may be disbanded due to an accident.
02:34I'm in trouble because I'm being told nonsense.
02:42As far as I've heard, the bank is the best.
02:48If the transaction destination of Oguji is 70% of the total,
02:52I don't even have a sense of risk that it's over if it falls.
02:56That's just following my father's way.
02:59It seems that the bank, which is supposed to be a professional, has made a good decision.
03:04And your responsibility.
03:07It's serious.
03:10Actually, I was able to talk to the previous person in charge.
03:15The current person in charge is strict.
03:18I want to blame everything on people and blame you to get rid of all employees.
03:24Is there no other way but to break up?
03:27There are 24 employees.
03:29There are many excellent young employees who have just joined the company.
03:32What should I do with the employees who have decided to get married and have children?
03:39This is...
03:40It's also dangerous at the end of this month before the next month's handover.
03:47It's okay because there are 25 million yen in the Tozai Bank.
03:50The Tozai Bank may have already been arrested.
03:56Well, in this case, it's better to continue the termination.
04:00I'll do that.
04:01I'll write a letter of resignation here.
04:06I told you.
04:08It's natural for the company to tilt because of us.
04:12Akari, what do you think of this?
04:14You don't have to look at it.
04:16It's the third generation that has been spoiled and raised.
04:19It means that the management judgment is sweet.
04:22I went to the self-development seminar without making any effort.
04:26It's a big bumblebee raised at a drinking party called the president's exchange meeting.
04:30I'm sure it's a golf club.
04:32I'm sure it's a golf club.
04:35I'm sure it's a golf club.
04:38I'm sure it's a golf club.
04:42I don't think there's any other way.
04:44I don't think there's any other way.
04:49I don't know what will happen to the 24 employees.
04:55It's started again.
05:08I'm really sorry for your busy schedule.
05:10I came all the way here.
05:12Mr. Mizuhashi, this ice is an interesting shape.
05:15Is it a heart shape?
05:17It's a little playful.
05:19That's right.
05:21Is there any other shape?
05:24There are still various shapes.
05:28This is a new product we are developing.
05:35Sakurada-kun, it's just right.
05:37Can you explain this?
05:39It's a company secret, but is it okay?
05:44What I'm trying to do now is ice.
05:48Just by putting it in your mouth or in a drink,
05:50You can get the same effect as a drop without a needle.
05:53If this is the case, even elderly people who have problems drinking
05:56You can absorb the ice from the mucous membrane of your mouth.
06:00Not only the elderly care facility, but also the medical care facility.
06:02As demand for sports increases,
06:04We are also preparing vitamin ice.
06:07Certainly, it would be great if you could do that.
06:10The president thought of it while taking care of his predecessor.
06:13Right, president?
06:15No, it's not a big deal.
06:17Even in our industry, we have a low level of technology.
06:22If this is completed,
06:24I'm sure I can get it back.
06:26President, can I talk to you for a moment?
06:30I'm sorry.
06:43I got a message from the main board.
06:49The bank is holding off the loan.
06:52I'm going to make a payment for the accident.
06:55That's why Mizuhashi is trying to get out of it.
06:59I don't care.
07:01In other words, the bank has left this company.
07:04What should I do?
07:07Mr. Ara.
07:09Stop the payment of the loan at once.
07:12Can you secure 20 million yen in cash?
07:15Yes, I can.
07:18If you submit the payment form in advance,
07:21You can return the payment form.
07:23If you do that, you can avoid the accident at the end of this month.
07:28That's right. I'll do it right away.
07:31With the boss's immediate instructions,
07:33It seems that the immediate crisis can be avoided.
07:38So, are you going to take on this case?
07:42First of all, let's try the food.
07:47Mr. Sakurada, thank you for earlier.
07:49No problem.
07:50Can I join you?
07:58However, it is true that there is a low standard in technical ability.
08:03Of course.
08:04Good luck, Sakurada.
08:06You're getting married soon.
08:09I see.
08:11Nice to meet you.
08:12I'm Sumiko Inoue.
08:14They were the two that President Mizuhashi was talking about.
08:16I love to talk.
08:18He loves to play with machines.
08:22You two have known each other since you were elementary school students.
08:30The employee who got married in the company office can have a child.
08:42The current situation of the company
08:44It comes to the fact that the main bank has abandoned it.
08:48However, I think that there is a 0.01% possibility in the efforts of the company's technical ability and the young employees who support it.
09:01Even if it is only 0.01%, if there is a possibility, the company can be rebuilt.
09:08That is my belief.
09:12From now on, you want to protect the young employees who are trying to build a family, don't you?
09:19Yes, of course.
09:23Would you promise me that you will change your mind, open a business, write a morning, lower your head, and start a business?
09:33Yes, I promise.
09:35Then let's do it on a temporary basis.
09:38Mr. President.
09:39I would like to make it clear that there will be a rebuke, but I think that this is the only way in the case of a benefactor who has a small amount of money.
09:46Can you rebuild it?
09:48I just don't give up.
09:50Whether you have a heart that doesn't give up, that's all.
09:56Thank you very much.
10:05On the day of submitting the petition to the court, an explanation meeting was held for all employees.
10:13It seems that the executives already knew that there were few employees.
10:19Are you going bankrupt?
10:20No, I won't go bankrupt.
10:23This is a petition for a temporary rebuke.
10:26Currently, Mizuhashi has two conditions.
10:30The first condition is that we will continue to repay 10% of this house while continuing the business.
10:35We need your cooperation in this regard.
10:38If you give up hope, you will get a solution, right?
10:44I'm thinking about that too.
10:47Does that mean there is a restaurant?
10:51The company was in a great confusion.
11:01Thank you very much.
11:04As if a rat was running away from a sinking ship, 12 executives disappeared.
11:10The rest are young people who don't know the details.
11:13There are only 12 people.
11:15Can the company be rebuilt?
11:17I didn't expect you to quit so much.
11:24This may be a chance.
11:26I don't think so.
11:28The executives who have raised the president so far have quit.
11:35Above all, Sakurada-kun's enthusiasm and brightness may push this company up.
11:48It's time. Let's go.
11:51In addition, I had to go to the rebuilding meeting of Haran Hisshin.
12:03What are you talking about?
12:10Should I quit the company too?
12:18That's why I said I couldn't accept such a rebuilding proposal.
12:22In the first place, I can't accept a public rebuilding.
12:26Even if it's a new product, it's still under development, right?
12:29It will cause sales to increase and recover to 500 million yen in three years.
12:35No matter how you think about it, it's sweet, right?
12:38That's right.
12:39There is no precedent for a rebuilding proposal that does not exceed 10% in 10 years.
12:45If it is 10%, it should be dismantled, dismantled, and dismantled at once.
12:50How is it?
12:51Dismantle it.
12:53What have you been doing so far, President?
12:55Tee-chan and To-chan are crying.
12:57I just hardened the water.
13:00Dismantle it quickly and produce it quickly.
13:03That's right.
13:04As a bank, the cost of experience management is high.
13:08I can't pay more than this in this low-interest era.
13:13Was there already a flow that led to bankruptcy under the guidance of the bank?
13:18It was a desperate pinch.
13:26In other words, you thought that such a bank was promising, right?
13:34The president relied on the dealings with the major dealers.
13:40Didn't the bank understand that?
13:43Mizuhashi is a victim of a major change.
13:48What are you talking about?
13:49That's the defense.
13:51That's not true.
13:53Hey, what did you do?
13:56By the time of the re-election,
13:58If we don't get the approval of the majority of these re-elected candidates,
14:02The democratic re-election will not be held.
14:04It will be a bankruptcy.
14:12It's okay.
14:14I'll do something about it.
14:17If any of the remaining young employees are involved,
14:21The re-election will be tough.
14:24Now is the time to unite our hearts.
14:30President, let's hold a rally.
14:34I'll take the lead.
14:47Is that all?
14:52What about the president?
14:55Did he collapse somewhere?
15:06The car is gone.
15:07I can't get through to him on the phone.
15:09Did he go somewhere?
15:12What happened?
15:14Did something happen?
15:16Do you know who Oaks contacted?
15:20The president suddenly disappeared.
15:24Do you have any idea?
15:28You don't have to worry about it.
15:32He doesn't have the courage to die.
15:34I can't think of a re-election without the president.
15:38It has nothing to do with me anymore.
15:40I'm sorry.
15:43The president was not only left by the bank,
15:46but also by his wife.
15:50The president hasn't returned for three days.
15:52What's going to happen to this company?
15:55There's only one step left to the new technology.
16:00If the president were here at a time like this...
16:06Will the president be so reliable?
16:11I'm sorry.
16:12Because the president was here,
16:14something interesting came up.
16:16Can you make ice sink into water?
16:19I see.
16:20Wouldn't it be interesting if there was a whirlwind-shaped ice?
16:23It seems that the president's playfulness
16:25was connected to the new technology.
16:31Without the president,
16:33I'm useless.
16:36Why are you always so quiet?
16:40What should I do?
16:44Why don't you just quit the company?
16:53Anyway, please look for the president.
16:56If the president doesn't come to the re-election week,
16:59it won't work.
17:01I won't give up.
17:03The president is not feeling well,
17:06so I'll make preparations.
17:17Are they going to quit the company?
17:31Are you okay?
17:39I don't want anything anymore.
17:45I don't want anything anymore.
18:00and the two young men,
18:02are about to collapse.
18:08men are so clingy, aren't they?
18:11I'm sorry.
18:14I'm sorry.
18:16I'm sorry.
18:21I'm sorry.
18:23I'm sorry.
18:25I'm sorry.
18:29The main bank is holding the key to the re-election.
18:33Is the president not feeling well?
18:38This is going to be a very convenient time.
18:45no matter how many times you come, it's useless.
18:47At the re-election meeting,
18:49we're going to hold a secret meeting.
18:52Please go home.
18:54As usual,
18:56he has a strict attitude.
19:08Tosan Village's Human Beast, Banji Kyususu.
19:15It's going to be a total disaster.
19:18The main bank has sent us a letter of opposition,
19:21but we still haven't found the president.
19:25That's not good.
19:28What happens if the president doesn't show up
19:31at the re-election meeting?
19:34All we have to do is crush him.
19:38Well, I brought something good.
19:44All right.
19:46It's 50 years, no, 100 years early.
19:49The summer of 1870.
19:54Fukuzawa Yukichi was suffering from a heart attack.
19:57The students who were worried
19:59tried to cool him down
20:01and looked for ice.
20:03They brought natural ice from Hakodate.
20:06They were about to start a business,
20:09but they couldn't get ice in the summer.
20:13By the way,
20:15a man named Matsudaira Shungaku
20:17heard rumors that he had a small machine
20:20and went to borrow it.
20:22He borrowed it,
20:24but he didn't know how to use it.
20:26So he got a teacher from Tokyo University
20:29and managed to make ice
20:31in the summer of 1870.
20:33Thanks to him,
20:35Fukuzawa Yukichi was saved.
20:39In other words,
20:41a lot of people were saved by ice.
20:43Here you go, Lady First.
20:48An ice pro.
20:54Mr. Yonekura, please.
20:56Mr. Yonekura's favorite drink, right?
20:59Tsukiyama Resort.
21:01That motel has a lot of ice sculptures.
21:05I see.
21:06M&A is doing something there, too.
21:14Are you going to be a sponsor?
21:16But there are only three days left
21:18before the re-examination.
21:20I don't think it's going to be in time
21:22to fix the re-examination plan.
21:24Well, that's right.
21:26Can you do it in one or two days?
21:28I promise I'll see you tomorrow.
21:33The next morning,
21:35the boss went to see Mr. Yonekura
21:38and told him that the two young men
21:40before the re-examination
21:42didn't understand women's hearts.
21:48Thank you for coming.
21:50Please come in.
21:53Thank you for coming.
21:55Please come in.
21:57Here you go.
21:59Do you have an appetite?
22:01Anyway, the company must be hard,
22:04but your body is more important.
22:08If you don't mind me,
22:10please tell me anything.
22:11I'll rely on you.
22:13But if the president runs away,
22:15you'll want to quit the company, right?
22:18You have to live with your children.
22:20That's right.
22:23I won't quit the company.
22:25I'm going to get married.
22:28No, I'm going to have children.
22:31But I don't think I can rely on my father.
22:37He likes to play with machines.
22:39He's pure and serious.
22:41He loves the president.
22:43He's like an insect club in elementary school.
22:47He seems to enjoy his job.
22:50He used to be lively.
22:52But as soon as he heard about his father's death,
22:56he suddenly got angry.
22:58He said,
22:59should I quit my job?
23:02If the president runs away,
23:04he'll cry like a child.
23:08He'll say,
23:09I'm going to quit the company.
23:10What should I do?
23:11He'll grumble and grumble.
23:14Even if I get married,
23:17if something happens,
23:19I don't know if it'll happen again.
23:26My father was against it.
23:36Excuse me.
23:39I'd like a refill, please.
23:49The flag is close.
23:52Tommy, go!
23:56I can't help it.
23:58Let's go.
24:14Flag down!
24:15Game over!
24:20You're good.
24:25You did a good job for the first time.
24:29One more game!
24:32Tommy, let's go.
24:35Thank you very much.
24:37It's so hot.
24:38It's hard to find the president.
24:44Men are no good.
24:46My father was no good, too.
24:48He ran away from his father.
24:50After that,
24:51he left me and my mother and ran away.
24:54Is that so?
24:55Akane had a hard time, too.
24:57Thanks to that,
24:58I was able to find my father.
25:00I was able to find my father.
25:02I was able to find my father.
25:04I was able to find my father.
25:05I was able to find my father.
25:06Thanks to that,
25:07I was able to find my father.
25:13men are basically small, weak, and unreliable.
25:17If you think so, you're wrong.
25:19That's right.
25:20Men are basically sweet and bitter.
25:23That's right.
25:24You don't understand a woman's feelings.
25:26That's right.
25:27That's right.
25:28That's right.
25:29That's right.
25:30Let's have another toast.
25:35I'm home.
25:36Welcome home.
25:38Are you drunk?
25:40No, I'm not.
25:41Do you want a drink?
25:42No, I'm fine.
25:45So, what?
25:46Your father is unreliable?
25:48No, no.
25:49I didn't say that.
25:59After the game,
26:00you're always here, Atsuki.
26:02You're right, Yone-chan.
26:07could you please consider Mizuhashi?
26:13This man owns 15 hotels around the country.
26:17No one knows who the president of Tsukiyama Resort is.
26:21I'm interested in that company.
26:26it depends on the conditions.
26:28Of course.
26:30What do you think, President Mizuhashi?
26:37It's not a big deal.
26:39I'm not feeling well.
26:46To be honest,
26:48President Mizuhashi doesn't have any management skills.
26:51But he has the trust of young employees
26:54in the development of new technology and ideas.
26:57All of them are bright and enthusiastic.
27:01In order to keep the business going,
27:04could you please hire the remaining 12 young employees?
27:10That's sudden.
27:12You're a good student, Yone-chan.
27:15You're hiding something.
27:19Yonekura-sensei is always like that,
27:21so I'm not surprised.
27:25as for M&A,
27:27it's up to us to decide.
27:31That's right.
27:36please talk to our M&A manager in person.
27:50thank you very much.
27:51Thank you for the food.
27:54I'll do it as you taught me.
27:57Do your best.
28:01As soon as the sponsor appeared,
28:03the boss immediately ran to the main bank.
28:09Mizuhashi's revival
28:11requires the approval of the bank.
28:15Mizuhashi-sensei is trying to revive
28:20a company that everyone thinks should be dismantled.
28:23To save a company
28:25is to save a person's life.
28:27That's the contribution to society.
28:29We bankers
28:31think that the contribution to society
28:33is to recover a little bit of money
28:35and give the money to a paid company.
28:39there is also the responsibility of the predecessor who made a judgment like an amateur.
28:43The predecessor is already taking responsibility.
28:47I want the president of Mizuhashi to take full responsibility.
28:53He ran away.
28:55I heard that rumor.
29:11Good morning.
29:12Good morning.
29:13The night before the reunion,
29:15according to the report,
29:16the number of people who came to the reunion was more than half.
29:19Since the main bank did not approve,
29:21the number of people who came to the reunion was less than half.
29:24It was a very difficult situation.
29:27the president was still missing.
29:29It was a very difficult situation.
29:31I'm in trouble.
29:33I finally found a sponsor.
29:36Where else can a man escape?
29:41Is it a place related to a thief?
29:43It seems that the cruiser was a thief,
29:46but it has already been sold.
29:48To whom?
29:49To whom?
29:51If you sell it to an acquaintance,
29:54you know,
29:55men have a lot of regrets.
29:58I'm sorry.
30:09Everything looks the same.
30:17It's Tom's cruiser.
30:28It's Tom's cruiser.
30:44He's not here.
30:45Where did he go?
30:56What are you doing?
30:58I'm sorry.
30:59I'm sorry.
31:14What are you going to do when the president runs away?
31:19I'm sorry.
31:26I thought about it on the ship.
31:31I've been protected by my grandparents and parents,
31:36and I've been in a cradle for a long time.
31:39I didn't make any effort.
31:45I bothered the people around me,
31:48but I was fine.
31:51If I was in trouble, I ran away.
31:56I thought the company would do better without me.
32:00No way.
32:05That's enough.
32:08Don't say anything else.
32:14You know that, don't you?
32:18I'm sorry.
32:26You're just sitting in the president's chair.
32:31No one has made the effort to take it for granted.
32:37Then you should make the effort to take it for granted from now on.
32:44If you do that, everyone will support you.
32:56It's a re-election meeting from now on.
33:02The judge can give a verdict today.
33:06In order not to do that,
33:08please apologize properly.
33:17I'm sorry.
33:18We've just found a sponsor,
33:20and we're preparing for the final round.
33:22We won't be able to make it today,
33:24but we have a request to change the sponsor to Ikkatsu Bensai.
33:29Please decide on the continuation date.
33:33I see.
33:35I'm sorry.
33:38Then we'll decide on the continuation date of the re-election meeting on the 18th of next month.
33:44Here you are.
33:48Both the court and the re-election committee were able to get a month's notice.
33:54We look forward to the next month's re-election meeting.
34:00Mr. Tashiro.
34:03I'm sure you'll agree to this re-election.
34:07The president is doing his best.
34:22It's beautiful.
34:24Young employees are developing great technology.
34:28I'm sure the re-election will be successful.
34:44Excuse me.
34:48I got a new contract!
34:59Mr. Tashiro!
35:06I'm in charge of the business.
35:13Mr. Tashiro, my wife told me everything.
35:18She said that if I do my best, my life will be better.
35:26A man who is desperate will be defeated.
35:29If you give up when you are about to lose, it will end there.
35:33If you are a man, fight fair and square until the end.
35:44Are you okay?
35:46Thanks to you, I feel better.
35:48We will do our best to continue the company.
35:53Excuse me.
35:56Excuse me.
36:16Everyone is doing their best even without the president.
36:23I believe that even if you fail once or twice in your life,
36:29you should start over.
36:34Failure is what makes people grow.
36:39Failure is what makes people grow.
36:52As we were preparing for the re-election,
36:55another problem arose.
37:02Mr. Tashiro, the main bank is opposing the amendment again.
37:06Mr. Tashiro, the main bank is opposing the amendment again.
37:08The amendment will take 10 years, but thanks to the sponsors,
37:10we will be able to carry out the re-election.
37:12Is there nothing we can do about Mr. Tashiro's dissatisfaction?
37:18I'm going to send a petition.
37:20There is no reason for me to oppose the financial institution.
37:26The petition against the financial institution
37:28was not able to predict whether it would go to the base or Kyoto.
37:34The re-election will be held on the same day.
37:55I'm going.
37:56See you.
37:58I hope everything goes well for the baby you're going to have.
38:05The president showed up without running away.
38:10I have one last request.
38:24I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by my lack of management skills and effort.
38:32I'm sorry.
38:35I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by my lack of management skills and effort.
38:41I will definitely carry out the re-election.
38:43Please believe in the future of Mizuhashi and the strength of young employees.
38:53Can you really have a re-election if you believe in the strength of young people?
38:58That's right.
38:59Can you have a re-election with your personal information?
39:01Can you explain seriously?
39:10About that...
39:20As you all know, I...
39:26I have never been serious about lowering my head to people or making serious efforts.
39:34However, the young employees taught me the joy of that.
39:42In order to reflect on myself and take responsibility,
39:49I asked Mr. Tsukiyama, the sponsor, to complete the new technology of Mizuhashi with young employees.
40:05I want to complete the ice point, which will help the elderly in order to help the society even a little.
40:19Even if I don't have management skills, I won't lose to anyone.
40:28I won't lose to anyone.
40:32Please give your support to the re-election of Mizuhashi.
40:40Please complete the ice point with your power.
40:48I, Mizuhashi, apologize from the bottom of my heart.
40:59I admit my mistake and swear to make it again.
41:05Please forgive me with your heart.
41:16Let's start the voting.
41:19Let's start the voting.
41:44I will announce the results.
41:47I agree. The number of re-elections is 75%.
41:52I agree. The number of re-elections is 70%.
41:58The number of re-elections is more than half, so this re-election plan is cancelled.
42:19You did it, president.
42:21Thank you very much.
42:30It's beautiful.
42:39Let's start the voting.
42:42Let's open the middle box.
42:43Let's open the middle box.
42:45Here we go.
42:52I want a child.
42:55First of all, I want a partner.
43:00President, congratulations today.
43:03Stop it. I'm not a president anymore.
43:05I'm a first-class employee.
43:07This is a new product of Mizuhashi.
43:10Ice Drop and Ice Vita.
43:14Please try it.
43:19How is it?
43:22It's good.
43:24I'm relieved.
43:28What do you think?
43:30He is my husband.
43:34To be honest, it was hard to play the role of a first-class employee.
43:40If you are in a different position, you will always be different.
43:50I'm Mizuhashi's wife.
43:54Thank you very much.
43:59Thank you very much.
44:02Thank you very much.
44:06Thanks to you, my wife came back.
44:10The ice of the benefactor and the bond of the couple will not melt easily.
44:16It's delicious.
44:21You are a teacher.
44:22That's right.
44:52Please subscribe to this channel.
