• last year
The mayor says the car accidents caused by migrants are "very serious" and he's not minimizing the real effects immigration is causing in town ... but he says Springfield doesn't deserve a negative national spotlight because of a baseless pet-eating conspiracy theory amplified by a presidential candidate.


00:00I will say that, you know, I think I mentioned this early in the interview, we have a culture
00:07So we have people that are here from a different different country that don't understand or
00:11driving customs that don't understand US government customs.
00:15And it is causing folks to lash out and all their internal personal beliefs.
00:21And so we may see that come out in different negative ways.
00:25And other folks that, you know, they had a general concern is like, hey, there is 15,000
00:30more people here than there used to be.
00:32And they are absorbing time and effort away from from the citizens that have been here
00:36their whole life.
00:38So I you know, I think, you know, if you look at an entire 100% of the population, everybody
00:42has different beliefs, some positive, some negative on on receiving new neighbors into
00:47their community, whether it's race, whether it's, you know, demographic, whatever it is,
00:54it's just a very difficult, I will say, and I said this in the beginning of our interview,
00:58this has put a strain on our infrastructure.
01:00We have seen an uptick in reckless operation.
01:03That's why Governor DeWine has helped us with state troopers to help a coordinated effort,
01:08a effort with data that we can go and we can help make our streets safer.
01:15Part of the culture clash that we've seen is that there's no driving customs and folks
01:18that have come from Haiti, they don't drive.
01:20And so when you live in the Midwest, you have to drive to go anywhere.
01:24And so yes, this cause accidents cause harm, there's been death that's been caused, and
01:27it's very sad.
01:29And I don't minimize any of those things.
01:32But it's, it's, it's just definitely something.
01:34It's one of the strains that you know, we'll never deny, we've seen an uptick in that.
01:38And anytime you put a larger population in a short time in a community, you're going
01:42to see multiple different types of concerns that come up that we have to deal with well
01:48as a government.
