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Soldier Boy(2019) Movie recap | Soldier Boy Original title: Soldatik
Soldier Boy(2019) drama, war movie explained. The drama war film “Soldier Boy (Russian: Солдатик, romanized: Soldatik)” story summarized with a full ending explanation.

Soldier Boy (Russian: Солдатик, romanized: Soldatik) is a 2019 Russian-language film. It is based on the real-life story of the youngest soldier in World War II, Sergei Aleshkov,[2] who was only 6 years old.
Disclaimer: Any scene/clip is just a dramatic and artistic touch that supports the narration and characters' acting, and we DO NOT promote any violence because it is just an Educational Drama and NOTHING to do with reality.
00:01Joy Mahidol Movie Recaps here.
00:02Today I'm going to explain a film based on the real-life story of the youngest warrior
00:07of World War II called Soldier Boy.
00:09Spoilers ahead.
00:10Stay with us till the end.
00:12The film starts in Russia where a family of three sit by waterway, partaking in their
00:19The most youthful of them, Sergei Alosokin, gloats to his senior sibling and mother about
00:25being on top of tree when unexpectedly German contender jets over.
00:30The mother requests that her children conceal in the brambles rapidly, yet all at once the
00:36six-year-old guesses he isn't terrified and hits the fly with a silly shot.
00:41Amazingly, he figures out how to stir things up around town and detonate them.
00:47However, when he glances around, his family is no more.
00:50Sergei awakens scared from the fantasy and requests his mom.
00:55All of a sudden, somebody thumps on his interweb, expecting it is his mom.
01:00He runs towards it, yet a neighbor lady comes in overreacting.
01:04She expresses gratitude toward God for keeping him alive and illuminates him that his mom
01:10and siblings are dead.
01:12The young man cannot appreciate what she's talking about and needs to remain in the house
01:17to hang tight to his mother.
01:19The lady lets him know that the Germans have gone after them and that he ought to take
01:25All at once, a few droppers approach their home.
01:27The lady makes Sergei run through the window, yet he's shot dead before she can go along
01:32with him.
01:33The little six-year-old is presently all alone, with no family and no companions.
01:39As Sergei takes off from the house, he sees his entire area consuming behind him.
01:44He requests his mom to no end and take off from that point.
01:48In the wake of running for some time, he winds up in the center of the forest.
01:53The young child begins to require his mom to come and get him, since he is lost.
01:58That evening, he remains in the wilderness.
02:01The next morning, we see him hiding from a stream when the Yggdrasil approaches his direction.
02:07Realizing that they are risky, Sergei rapidly consults inside a tree's foundation.
02:12He is surprised when snakes come close by, yet doesn't express a word of takeoff.
02:18Sergei is more frightened of warriors than of the snakes.
02:22The fighters eat by the waterway and disappear, after which Sergei takes their extra food
02:26and eats it for the evening.
02:29Nonetheless, before the day's over, the young man is depleted.
02:32He hasn't had a legitimate feast in two days, what's more, has been strolling with no objective.
02:38He falls as he limps, yet doesn't quite stroll.
02:41Only on this way, he sees wild bears and gobbles up them, yet all of a sudden, a blast
02:46happens behind him, shocking him.
02:49The kid gets unsteady and begins to fantasize about somebody coming behind him.
02:54Nonetheless, even in such circumstances, he stands still and tells the individual he has
03:00a refill.
03:01Also, he isn't frightened.
03:03He limps forward, yet falls oblivious sooner or later.
03:06Only he is sleeping.
03:08Two fighters approach him.
03:10The sense silence.
03:11To the Russian Armed Forces base where leader Kuznetsova sits tight for his watch officers.
03:17They come in with the young child, who is harmed and frail.
03:20At the point when the officers guarantee they are his ally, the young man opens up and presents
03:26The fighters chuckle when the youngster shakes his hand with the command, recommending he
03:32present himself as well.
03:33The fighters feel friendly with the young child and circle him around.
03:38They make him hydrate and feed him.
03:40Indeed, even the generally silly woman deals with the youngster.
03:43A medical caretaker named Katriadris Sargis owns udons and is incensed by his character
03:49as well.
03:50The youngster requests that she throw a tank on his injuries because he needs to be a fighter
03:56when he grows up.
03:58Indeed, even the harmed officers converse with the youngster and feel lighter.
04:02Sargis is entranced with the administrator's weapon and his bench.
04:08The administrator also answers all the young man's inquiries and allows him to play with
04:13his privileged gun after taking the shoots out.
04:16Sargis shows him the tank draw on his stomach and flaunts about being a proper himself.
04:22The kid is recuperating rapidly.
04:24The medical caretaker Katia requests that the authority let the kid stay with the regiment.
04:30Be that as it may, he doesn't guarantee it won't be protected.
04:34He needs to send Sargis to a halfway house.
04:38The droppers invest all their free energy with Sargis.
04:41He is visited by quite a few people over the day.
04:44They bring him food, send their families from a far distance, and surprisingly, let him
04:49play with their objects.
04:51At some point, a fighter goes to the officer to request that he let the kid stay with the
04:57The fighters have grown a nearby association with the youngster and consider him their
05:03His presence takes the happiness of battle off their mind.
05:06Be that as it may, the leader is inflexible about sending the kid to the shelter for his
05:13The next day, the assault of the few.
05:15What's more, many fighters are harmed.
05:17A vehicle comes to get Sargis to take him to the shelter.
05:21The command informs the youngster and gives him a wooden privileged gun as a gift.
05:26The kid thus embarrasses him, asserting that he is threatened for the command's security.
05:31The command liquefies in his embarrassment and alters his perspective.
05:36He requests that Sargi stay with the warriors as his child.
05:39That evening, the warriors search for little fighter garments for the young man.
05:44They are exited to help Sargi remain with them.
05:47The officer witnesses Sargi and gives him the garments.
05:51He wears them and runs around, seeming to be a genuine fighter.
05:55The others begin calling him their little fighter kid.
05:58As the youngster goes around, the Germans send off an air assault on the regiment.
06:03The troopers rapidly take Sargi to a protected spot and battle the others.
06:08The quantity of harm fighters develops quickly.
06:11Sargi needs to make himself valuable, so he carries water to purchase warriors.
06:16One of them requests that he read a letter sent by his family since he has a sweat over
06:21his eyes.
06:22The young man needs to help, yet doesn't have the foggiest idea how to reduce.
06:27He takes the letter and fires making up the things composed on it, guaranteeing that the
06:32trooper's cow is protected back home.
06:35At the point when the fighter says he doesn't have a cow, the others advise him to oblige
06:40the story and sneaker.
06:41The pre-users every other person's letter in similar design and encourage them.
06:46In the accompanying scenes, we see Catty and the authority talking.
06:50The two appear to be drawn to one another, however, they don't admit their sentiments.
06:55Afterwards, Sargi lets the officer know that he is in a deliberate situation in the force
07:01and starts presenting himself as one, be that as it may.
07:04The kid then sees one of the troops, situation obliterated from the assault.
07:09The commander trains him to salute and offer appreciation to the dead officer.
07:14The following day, he demands the commander give him a mission and is given the errand
07:19of disseminating the letter among the fighters.
07:22He follows through with his job effectively and even makes the troopers dance for him.
07:27The next day, Sargi goes somewhat distant from the base with his optics.
07:32As he is playing with it, he sees somebody's leg moving from inside a pill.
07:36He searches back to the lagoon and enlightens the officers concerning his discoveries.
07:42The warriors have one or two serious machining, yet go with the kid in any case.
07:47At the point when they arrive at the ship, they are made aware of two Germans spies shooting
07:52away under.
07:53The covert operatives are captured, and the youngster is lauded for the insight.
07:58That evening, the leader shows Sargi the lawful papers for his reception.
08:03He is currently authoritatively the youngster's dad.
08:06Sargi is aware of the leader's affection for Katia.
08:09In this way, to re-embarrass his consideration, he takes him to admit to her.
08:14In any case, the two see her conversing with alternate men and impudently expect she is
08:19keen on another person.
08:21The base is gone after by the Germans once more.
08:24This time, Sargi assists the officers energetically by providing ammo to the warriors in the cutting
08:31Yet the troopers there order him to return to the ship since it is excessively risky
08:37At the point when he comes to the ship, he sees the authority and others overreacting
08:41because the telephone's association with the colony is lost, and officers is shipped
08:47off to fix the mess upwards.
08:50Sargi follows the officer and sees he has been lately injured.
08:53He asks the waiting trooper how he can fix the waves.
08:57Also does it without anyone's help.
08:59The association returns and more soldiers are called.
09:02The six-year-old saves everybody's life.
09:05Afterwards, we see the officer and Katia talking by the stream.
09:09The officer at long last admits his affection for himself and requests that she be Sargi's
09:16Katia is exasperated.
09:17However, before she can say anything, a warrior approaches them and gives the command a letter,
09:22saying they have been dispatched from the base.
09:25The next day, everyone of the troopers leaves for their new base alongside Sargi.
09:29In any case coming, they go over and minefield a portion of their vehicles.
09:35The authority is harmed wholly the gathering organized, whom Sargi was close with, beats
09:40the dust in the blast.
09:42He carries and embarrasses the administrator.
09:45They convey the harm once with them and proceed with their accessories to their new base.
09:50At the point when they at last arrive at the other base, they meet the authority's chief,
09:55the general.
09:56He also is intrigued by their youngster, dizzies and salutes the administrator for having such
10:01a brilliant youngster.
10:03The next day, their division is granted a gatekeeper's flag, as is the kid.
10:07He hopes to save his nation when the general gives him his bounds.
10:12One evening, their base is going mercilessly, and the administrator caught under the remains.
10:17Sargi sobs for his dad and attempts to save him.
10:21He calls different troopers, who at last brought the leader out.
10:24The following day, Sargi approaches an harmed leader, and his hands were harmed wholly attempting
10:29to save the authority.
10:31The enemy star is currently an invisible piece of the group.
10:35It doesn't have a family next to them and moves any place they go in the conflict.
10:40The fleet closes as the regiment is seen moving to another base.
10:44A voice behind the scenes portrays that he even participated in the Stalingrad fight.
10:49Furthermore, arrived the Poland with the fighters.
10:52He is right now known as the world's most youthful officer ever, and the unbelievable
10:58story of his violence is presently severed so that the entire world could hear.