وثائقي ملفات بيبي بنيامين نتنياهو - BIBI FILES movie Benjamin Netanyahu - الجزء السادس- EPISODE 06 -

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Part 6, of the documentary : BIBI KING -2018- BIBI FILES

Benjamin Netanyahu is the past and soon to be again prime minister of Israel. In his new book, Bibi: My Story, Netanyahu describes how he went from an Israeli American high school student in Philadelphia to a member of the Israeli Defense Force, detouring along the way to study architecture and get a master’s degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management in 1976. His studies were interrupted when his brother Yoni was killed in the raid on Entebbe, Uganda, which inspired Bibi to return to Israel and dedicate his life to protecting that state. This interview covers those events as well as his rise to the top of Israeli politics—multiple times.

- الجزء السادس من الوثائقي : بيبي كين
بنيامين نتنياهو هو رئيس وزراء إسرائيل السابق والذي سيعود قريبًا. في كتابه الجديد، بيبي: قصتي، يصف نتنياهو كيف تحول من طالب ثانوية إسرائيلي أمريكي في فيلادلفيا إلى عضو في قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية، وانحرف في طريقه لدراسة الهندسة المعمارية والحصول على درجة الماجستير من كلية سلون للإدارة التابعة لمعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في عام 1976. انقطعت دراسته عندما قُتل شقيقه يوني في الغارة على عنتيبي في أوغندا، مما ألهم بيبي للعودة إلى إسرائيل وتكريس حياته لحماية تلك الدولة. تغطي هذه المقابلة تلك الأحداث بالإضافة إلى صعوده إلى قمة السياسة الإسرائيلية - عدة مرات.

#full #movie #israel #benjaminnetanyahu #bibi
#TheBibiFiles #NetanyahuScandal #NetanyahuDocumentary #BibiFilesPremiere #BenjaminNetanyahu #IsraeliPolitics #DocumentaryFilm #NetanyahuInterrogation #IsraeliPrimeMinister #PoliticalDocumentary #NetanyahuFootage #FilmPremiere #IsraeliCorruption #UnseenFootage #NetanyahuCase #FilmFestivalNews #IsraeliCourt #PoliticalScandal #NetanyahuLeaks #DocumentaryRelease #IsraelLegalBattle #NetanyahuInvestigation #PoliticalFilm #FilmFestival2024 #NetanyahuDocumentaryFilm #BibiFilesToronto #CourtRuling #FilmAboutNetanyahu #NetanyahuPetition #IsraeliJustice #DocumentaryPremiere #NetanyahuFilm #PoliticalDocumentaryFilm
00:28BB and Sarah feel like they live in a topsy-turvy world.
00:31The people admire them, but the media is still critical.
00:42To improve their public image, they allow a film crew to follow them for a year.
00:48Benjamin Netanyahu is in his third marriage.
00:51His union with Sarah has produced two young sons.
00:54It's the first and last glimpse that viewers get of day-to-day life in the Prime Minister's residence.
01:01Sarah has been lampooned by Israel's merciless columnists and satirists as a domestic tyrant.
01:07The hostile coverage has left its scars.
01:25No, I don't want to study.
01:28Play something.
02:02The peace and quiet BB promised is shattered quickly.
02:07He decides to open the Western Wall tunnel, right next to Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque.
02:14The Palestinians rise up in protest.
02:21Dozens of Israelis and Palestinians are killed in the riots.
02:26BB's image as a security hawk is challenged.
02:30The generals, who often become Prime Ministers, consider him an outsider.
02:38Clinton forces him to meet with Arafat and sign the Hebron Protocols, transferring control of the city to the Palestinians.
02:46After all his speeches and demonstrations against the Palestinian leader,
02:50BB's base sees him shaking hands with Arafat again and again.
02:56The need to move ahead with the peace process, despite his right-wing government,
03:00forces BB to attempt a tangled political maneuver that ends with his first criminal investigation.
03:14An exposé by Channel One News, which he detests, found that he made a deal with his Interior Minister, Aryeh Derry.
03:21BB will appoint an Attorney General, who will close the bribery charges being brought against Derry,
03:27in exchange for Derry's support of the Hebron Accords.
03:31This business guides the movement of business.
03:33Mr. Yorush, some of the responses to yesterday's broadcast on Channel One were about a mafia-style conspiracy.
03:39Are you surprised by this broadcast?
03:41If there's a conspiracy here, it's a political media fraud, a lack of foundation.
03:46You have to act as a responsible media.
03:49You're holding a weapon in your hand.
03:51You have a mouth, you have a camera.
03:53You can't just insult the government, the Prime Minister,
03:56say things without a basis, without checking them, without knowing that you have a basis for these things,
04:01and there is no basis for these things.
04:02Headlines in Israel's morning papers screamed of the scandal that is rocking the country.
04:07For the first time in the nation's history, police have called for the indictment of a Prime Minister on criminal charges.
04:13The police launched an investigation and recommended indicting Netanyahu,
04:17but the Attorney General closes the case for lack of evidence.
04:21Still, he is very critical of the Prime Minister's behavior.
04:26Many ministers also expressed their concern and misgivings.
04:30It is clear today that the Likud manages a group of people,
04:35a group of powerless people,
04:38and the head of the group is a man,
04:40who attacks his friends in methods of intimidation and intimidation,
04:45and in this way he manipulates the Likud.
04:49It may be appropriate to note, Haim, before I hand you over to the studio,
04:53that the Prime Minister asked for only one camera,
04:57and without his consent, without the presence of journalists,
05:00it is impossible to ask him questions.
05:02The simple truth is that a number of political figures,
05:05a number of media people,
05:07and I want to say a number of people in particular,
05:10in the first channel of the television,
05:12are still not ready to comply with the decision of the electorate in the last elections.
05:17And almost every evening they try to undermine the legitimacy of the government.
05:21They will not succeed in this.
05:23In a democracy, only you, the electors, can decide on the path of the state.
05:28And what I am trying to clarify is whether you understand
05:31that in order to overcome this struggle,
05:33what you are doing is some kind of attempt to undermine the same elites,
05:37the same foundations of power, without whom we do not have a democratic existence,
05:40which is a strong police force, and an independent procuratorate,
05:42and the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court,
05:44and corrupt journalism.
05:45There is no doubt about that.
05:46Here is another one of the things you can repeat and repeat and repeat.
05:48But you are talking about Haim above his head,
05:50and above the heads of the elite.
05:52If you ask me a question, let me answer it.
05:54The first thing I think is that we need to create here more freedom,
05:56more empowerment, more separation, more means of communication.
05:59The citizens of Israel are entitled to hear different opinions,
06:02and they will decide on their own.
06:04And there are broad sections of the people who feel that they do not have their own security.
06:22Thanks to his struggle with the media, Netanyahu, the son of a professor,
06:26and the product of an elite American education,
06:29comes to represent the common people.
06:36I read a long interview with you in Tel Aviv.
06:39Sometimes, as you say,
06:41it seems to me that the country is full of halls
06:45where they broadcast the message through television
06:49To hate Bibi Netanyahu.
06:51To hate.
06:52To hate.
06:53To hate.
06:55Do you really hear the voices and imagine halls full of people saying
06:59to hate Bibi Netanyahu?
07:01There is a wild incitement night after night,
07:03on television, it is not in vain.
07:05And not only on television, but also in the media.
07:07You opened the daily newspaper, what is it? Are you training here?
07:15Now I can ask the personal question.
07:17Please, go ahead.
07:19You are not alone, you remain completely alone.
07:22As if without you in the situation.
07:24I must tell you something.
07:26First of all, leaders need to know how to be alone.
07:29I do not know of any leader,
07:31at any level,
07:33in the 20th century,
07:35who did not remain, at certain moments,
07:38alone and even very alone.
07:48Because when you make that initial connection to a listener,
07:52you are no longer isolated,
07:54or all alone up there in the spotlight.
07:57You are inviting them to come with you
08:00to a destination you have chosen.
08:02Once the journey begins,
08:04you will be surprised and delighted
08:06at how your fear will fade.
08:09I would like to congratulate you
08:11on reaching the Prime Minister's website.
08:14On this website you can find different information
08:17about the activities of the Prime Minister,
08:20about my activities and those of the Prime Minister.
08:39You are not dependent on all kinds of interpreters
08:42and all kinds of mediators in the media.
08:44You can ask what you want to ask,
08:46get to where you want to get,
08:48and be those who determine what you see,
08:51what you hear,
08:53and also decide for yourself what your opinion is.
08:55I think this is a fascinating innovation,
08:57and it is the innovation of the future that I am committed to.
09:09Listen, my dear.
09:11Every time you remind me,
09:13all the programs I watch,
09:15especially the one you organized,
09:17to the right.
09:18Every time, a small one, like this, a small one.
09:20Why, did you see me organizing to the left?
09:22All the time, if you are against the right,
09:24you come to the left, don't you?
09:26What can we do so that we don't fall
09:28like you think?
09:29Like you think.
09:31I want a Prime Minister who will stand
09:33in front of the whole world, not just a friar.
09:35He also knows how to lie a little.
09:37I want a Prime Minister who will stand in front of the whole world,
09:39not just a friar.
10:07This interview with Bibi's own father,
10:09Benzion Netanyahu.
10:11Clinton's advisers
10:13arrive in Israel to help Bibi's election rival.
10:17Ehud Barak is a decorated general.
10:19He was Yoni Netanyahu's
10:21close friend and commander.
10:23You, in the last interview,
10:25I hear a very sharp attack
10:27on Ehud Barak and the Labor Party.
10:29Is this the new Finkelstein?
10:31New branches?
10:33Say, Finkelstein sent
10:35Shimon Peres to Ramallah
10:37where he declared the Palestinian state.
10:39Finkelstein did this.
10:41This is not Ehud Barak. I'm asking about Ehud Barak.
10:43Both Benny Beggin and Ehud Barak.
10:49Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you,
10:51this is on account of the time of our guest,
10:53whom you all love so much,
10:55so I ask you to be quiet.
10:57The question, when you say this about Ehud Barak...
10:59It's not on Israeli television.
11:01It's not Israeli television.
11:03Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister.
11:09Look, I have to tell you one thing.
11:11I can't compete with you
11:13in manipulating the public.
11:15I raise my hands.
11:17Why do you think they're robots?
11:19Do you think they're not human beings with feelings?
11:21Do you think they don't express what they feel?
11:23You know how to manipulate them well,
11:25and I don't.
11:27So I suggest, ladies and gentlemen,
11:29I ask you to be quiet.
11:31Ehud Barak is not old,
11:33but his most devoted followers remain loyal.
11:35They accompany him
11:37from one studio to the next.
