وثائقي ملفات بيبي بنيامين نتنياهو - BIBI FILES movie Benjamin Netanyahu - الجزء السابع- EPISODE 07 -

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part 7, of the documentary : BIBI KING -2018- BIBI FILES

Benjamin Netanyahu is the past and soon to be again prime minister of Israel. In his new book, Bibi: My Story, Netanyahu describes how he went from an Israeli American high school student in Philadelphia to a member of the Israeli Defense Force, detouring along the way to study architecture and get a master’s degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management in 1976. His studies were interrupted when his brother Yoni was killed in the raid on Entebbe, Uganda, which inspired Bibi to return to Israel and dedicate his life to protecting that state. This interview covers those events as well as his rise to the top of Israeli politics—multiple times.

- الجزء السابع من الوثائقي : بيبي كين
بنيامين نتنياهو هو رئيس وزراء إسرائيل السابق والذي سيعود قريبًا. في كتابه الجديد، بيبي: قصتي، يصف نتنياهو كيف تحول من طالب ثانوية إسرائيلي أمريكي في فيلادلفيا إلى عضو في قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية، وانحرف في طريقه لدراسة الهندسة المعمارية والحصول على درجة الماجستير من كلية سلون للإدارة التابعة لمعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في عام 1976. انقطعت دراسته عندما قُتل شقيقه يوني في الغارة على عنتيبي في أوغندا، مما ألهم بيبي للعودة إلى إسرائيل وتكريس حياته لحماية تلك الدولة. تغطي هذه المقابلة تلك الأحداث بالإضافة إلى صعوده إلى قمة السياسة الإسرائيلية - عدة مرات

#full #movie #israel #benjaminnetanyahu #bibi
#TheBibiFiles #NetanyahuScandal #NetanyahuDocumentary #BibiFilesPremiere #BenjaminNetanyahu #IsraeliPolitics #DocumentaryFilm #NetanyahuInterrogation #IsraeliPrimeMinister #PoliticalDocumentary #NetanyahuFootage #FilmPremiere #IsraeliCorruption #UnseenFootage #NetanyahuCase #FilmFestivalNews #IsraeliCourt #PoliticalScandal #NetanyahuLeaks #DocumentaryRelease #IsraelLegalBattle #NetanyahuInvestigation #PoliticalFilm #FilmFestival2024 #NetanyahuDocumentaryFilm #BibiFilesToronto #CourtRuling #FilmAboutNetanyahu #NetanyahuPetition #IsraeliJustice #DocumentaryPremiere #NetanyahuFilm #PoliticalDocumentaryFilm
00:00Thanks to his struggle with the media, Netanyahu, the son of a professor and the product of
00:25an elite American education, comes to represent the common people.
00:30I read a long interview with you in the Tel Aviv newspaper.
00:37Sometimes, as you say, it seems to me that the country is full of halls in which the message
00:45to hate Bibi Netanyahu is broadcast on television.
00:49To hate.
00:50To hate.
00:51To hate.
00:52Do you really hear voices and imagine halls full of people saying to hate Bibi Netanyahu?
00:59There is a constant night of excitement on television, it's not a lack.
01:03And not just on television, in the media.
01:05You opened the daily newspaper.
01:06What is it?
01:07Are you meditating here?
01:14Now I can ask the personal question.
01:16Please, go ahead.
01:17You are not alone.
01:18You remain completely alone.
01:20As if without a shadow in the crowd.
01:22I must tell you something.
01:24First of all, leaders need to know how to be alone.
01:27First of all, I don't know of any leader in the 20th century who did not remain, at
01:35certain moments, alone and even very alone.
01:42Why is getting an immediate response so critically important?
01:46Because when you make that initial connection to a listener, you are no longer isolated
01:52or all alone up there in the spotlight.
01:56You are inviting them to come with you to a destination you have chosen.
02:00Once the journey begins, you'll be surprised and delighted at how your fear will fade.
02:26Netanyahu launches the first website for the Prime Minister's office.
02:30A decade before the rise of social networks, Netanyahu lays the groundwork for direct contact
02:36with voters.
02:37You are not dependent on all kinds of interpreters and all kinds of mediators in the media.
02:42You can ask what you want to ask, get to where you want to get, and be those who determine
02:48what you see, what you hear, and also decide for yourselves what your opinion is.
02:53I think this is an inspiring innovation and it is the innovation of the future that I
02:57am committed to.
03:23Clinton continues to pressure Bibi to move forward with the peace process.
03:45Netanyahu and Arafat sign the Y Accords, which includes more concessions of territory.
03:54The agreement is never implemented, but the far right still considers Bibi a traitor.
04:02The Haaretz newspaper even publishes a critical interview with Bibi's own father, Benzion Netanyahu.
04:10Clinton's advisers arrive in Israel to help Bibi's election rival.
04:15Ehud Barak is a decorated general.
04:18He was Yoni Netanyahu's close friend and commander.
04:41I want to ask you about Ehud Barak.
04:46Ladies and gentlemen, this is on account of the time of our guest, whom you all love so much,
04:51so I ask that there be silence.
04:53The question, when you say this about Ehud Barak...
04:56Let him hear it on Israeli television.
04:58It's not Israeli television.
05:00Mr. Prime Minister.
05:06Look, I have to tell you one thing.
05:08I can't compete with you in manipulating the public.
05:12I raise my hands.
05:13Why do you think they're robots?
05:14Do you think they're not human beings with feelings?
05:16Do you think they don't express what they feel?
05:18You know how to manipulate them, and I don't.
05:21So I suggest, gentlemen, that there be silence.
05:25Excuse me.
05:30Ehud Barak's most devoted followers remain loyal.
05:33They accompany him from one studio to the next.
05:45Ladies and gentlemen, please.
05:47I ask for silence.
05:48I ask to honor the MK Ehud Barak.
05:51Ladies and gentlemen.
05:56Ladies and gentlemen.
05:57I apologize, MK Barak.
06:00At the end of his speech...
06:01You have nothing to apologize for.
06:03No, because we are the 100 Arabs.
06:05You hear?
06:06Only a group that is in distress,
06:08because it understands that the election deadline is approaching,
06:11and it will turn it over once and for all,
06:13like a political plan that we read,
06:16wasn't a total loss,
06:17and is behind us.
06:18Only a crowd in such distress
06:20can behave in this way
06:22on television, on the international network.
06:25There is enormous hostility here,
06:27and you need to ask yourselves,
06:28why are they being hostile?
06:30They are being hostile for one reason.
06:33They are afraid.
06:37They are afraid.
06:40They are afraid.
06:43They are afraid.
06:46They are afraid.
06:49They are afraid.
06:52They are afraid.
06:54They are afraid.
06:56They are afraid.
07:13It's been almost 20 years
07:14that I serve the public,
07:16and serve the State of Israel.
07:22I believe that now the time has come,
07:32and therefore today I announce
07:34that I intend to leave the leadership of the Likud.
07:51The Likud
07:58The Likud
08:03When they say,
08:04Prime Minister of the past,
08:06do you turn your head?
08:07Do you understand that this is you?
08:08Of course.
08:09Does this offend the past?
08:12I am probably surprised.
08:15I am a democrat.
08:16A prominent Dalet.
08:19I never thought that the government would choose us.
08:23Not within the Likud,
08:25and not in the State.
08:26I always said to Yair,
08:28this house that we are in,
08:30is a temporary thing.
08:38Bibi's return to public life
08:40passes through terrorism,
08:42the media,
08:43and America.
08:45Today we are very fortunate to have with us
08:47someone who's been leading the fight against terrorism
08:49most of his life.
08:51And there are many of us,
08:52I'm certainly one of them,
08:53who considers you, frankly,
08:55the Winston Churchill of our times.
08:57The application of power
08:59is the most important thing in winning the war on terrorism.
09:01If I had to say,
09:02what are the three principles of winning the war on terror?
09:05It's like, what are the three principles of real estate?
09:07The three L's?
09:08Location, location, location.
09:09The three principles of winning the war on terror
09:12are the three W's.
09:13Winning, winning, and winning.
09:15The more victories you amass,
09:17the easier the next victory becomes.
09:19And therefore, I think the choice of Iraq is a good choice.
09:21It's the right choice.
09:23Bibi uses his break from politics
09:25for business and the lecture circuit.
09:27He sees how quickly the world is changing.
09:31When we first launched,
09:32we were hoping for, you know,
09:33maybe 400, 500 people.
09:35Now we're at 100,000 people,
09:37so who knows where we're going next.
09:39We've never had a team lose so bad.
09:42You're all fired.
09:43You're all fired.
09:44All four are fired.
09:46A huge explosion rocking the office
09:48of the U.S. appointed mayor of the Iraqi city of Beirut.
09:50Traditional media is losing traction.
09:51Bibi finds the success of Fox News,
09:53the popular conservative outlet,
09:55particularly intriguing.
09:58He starts planning his return to power.
10:14Netanyahu makes a list of donors
10:16with whom he should develop a closer relationship.
10:20At the bottom of his list are millionaires.
10:22At the top, billionaires.
10:25Some have been there for him since the 1980s.
10:31They helped Bibi and Sarah
10:33maintain the same lifestyle they were used to.
10:39One donor, Sheldon Adelson,
10:42launches a newspaper
10:44which plays a pivotal role
10:46in Netanyahu's return to power.
