وثائقي ملفات بيبي بنيامين نتنياهو - BIBI FILES movie Benjamin Netanyahu - الجزء الثامن- EPISODE 08 -

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Part 8, of the documentary : BIBI KING -2018- BIBI FILES

Benjamin Netanyahu is the past and soon to be again prime minister of Israel. In his new book, Bibi: My Story, Netanyahu describes how he went from an Israeli American high school student in Philadelphia to a member of the Israeli Defense Force, detouring along the way to study architecture and get a master’s degree from the MIT Sloan School of Management in 1976. His studies were interrupted when his brother Yoni was killed in the raid on Entebbe, Uganda, which inspired Bibi to return to Israel and dedicate his life to protecting that state. This interview covers those events as well as his rise to the top of Israeli politics—multiple times.

- الجزء الثامن من الوثائقي : بيبي كين
بنيامين نتنياهو هو رئيس وزراء إسرائيل السابق والذي سيعود قريبًا. في كتابه الجديد، بيبي: قصتي، يصف نتنياهو كيف تحول من طالب ثانوية إسرائيلي أمريكي في فيلادلفيا إلى عضو في قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية، وانحرف في طريقه لدراسة الهندسة المعمارية والحصول على درجة الماجستير من كلية سلون للإدارة التابعة لمعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في عام 1976. انقطعت دراسته عندما قُتل شقيقه يوني في الغارة على عنتيبي في أوغندا، مما ألهم بيبي للعودة إلى إسرائيل وتكريس حياته لحماية تلك الدولة. تغطي هذه المقابلة تلك الأحداث بالإضافة إلى صعوده إلى قمة السياسة الإسرائيلية - عدة مرات.

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#TheBibiFiles #NetanyahuScandal #NetanyahuDocumentary #BibiFilesPremiere #BenjaminNetanyahu #IsraeliPolitics #DocumentaryFilm #NetanyahuInterrogation #IsraeliPrimeMinister #PoliticalDocumentary #NetanyahuFootage #FilmPremiere #IsraeliCorruption #UnseenFootage #NetanyahuCase #FilmFestivalNews #IsraeliCourt #PoliticalScandal #NetanyahuLeaks #DocumentaryRelease #IsraelLegalBattle #NetanyahuInvestigation #PoliticalFilm #FilmFestival2024 #NetanyahuDocumentaryFilm #BibiFilesToronto #CourtRuling #FilmAboutNetanyahu #NetanyahuPetition #IsraeliJustice #DocumentaryPremiere #NetanyahuFilm #PoliticalDocumentaryFilm
00:00The Israeli people are not getting a fair and balanced view of the news and views.
00:13They're attacking Bibi all the time.
00:18Just attacking her.
00:19After a decade of failed attempts, Bibi has a real chance of winning the 2009 election.
00:27We are now in a very simple danger of destruction.
00:31We are not only in a danger of survival, but in a danger of destruction.
00:36They think that the destruction, that is, the Holocaust, is over.
00:41It is not over.
00:42It continues all the time.
00:43Netanyahu recruits his father to rehabilitate his image with right-wing supporters.
00:47He is suitable to be Foreign Minister.
00:49A certain Foreign Minister.
00:50He can also be a certain Minister of Finance.
00:53I think that at the moment, he is the best candidate to be Prime Minister.
01:02Benjamin Netanyahu has been formally tapped to put together Israel's next government,
01:07the hardline...
01:08The people of Israel said it clearly and clearly.
01:13Bibi learned his lesson.
01:15He returns to power stronger and more experienced.
01:18Over the next three terms at least, he continues the revolution he began in the 1990s
01:23that shapes Israel into a very different place.
01:29This time, he won't be pushed out so easily.
01:33Mr. Vice President, do you remember the time that we were the new kids in town?
01:48Bibi spent decades studying America.
01:51No foreign leader knows Washington's inner workings better than the Israeli Prime Minister.
01:57They said that Bibi is an American, but he really used everything he learned about the U.S.
02:02to serve Israel's interests as he sees them.
02:07I think for there to be peace, the Palestinians will have to accept some basic reality.
02:15It cannot go back to the 1967 lines.
02:18It was a stone-faced Barack Obama and Netanyahu basically treating him like a schoolboy.
02:27His clashes with Obama create tensions,
02:30but they also strengthen Netanyahu's stature in the Republican Party and conservative circles in Washington.
02:36Bibi becomes an articulate spokesman for the new conservatism in the United States
02:41and the antithesis of Obama.
02:43Did you know that Sheldon Adelson spent $100 million of his own money last year on negative ads?
02:50You've got to really dislike me to spend that kind of money.
02:57Sheldon would have been better off offering me $100 million to drop out of the race.
03:04More than ever, he presents Israel as standing on the front lines of a culture war between Islam and the West.
03:12The battle between good and evil is reaching its climax.
03:17The medieval forces of radical Islam, they want to destroy Israel, Europe, America.
03:23They want to end the modern world.
03:28Here's a diagram.
03:33This is a bomb.
03:35This is a fuse.
03:36Here's a piece of that nuclear bomb.
03:40These plans of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration plan
03:44I now hold in my hands.
03:46With enough enriched uranium,
03:48they contain enough uranium.
03:50These plans of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration plan
03:53I now hold in my hands.
03:55With enough enriched uranium,
03:57they contain enough uranium.
03:59And Iran has to go through three stages.
04:01Previous performance becomes part of his policy,
04:05and his status only grows stronger.
04:16Fear of Iran silences all debate.
04:18The Israeli welfare state is privatized and disappears.
04:24The Palestinians are hidden behind fences.
04:28The settlements are thriving.
04:31So far, at least, Netanyahu has given Israelis more security and stability than ever.
04:39He proves to them that despite terrorism, the occupation, and the casualties,
04:43they can still live a good life in the only democracy in the Middle East.
04:52My name is Donald Trump, and I'm a big fan of Israel.
04:56And frankly, a strong prime minister is a strong Israel.
05:00And you truly have a great prime minister.
05:03In Benjamin Netanyahu, there's nobody like him.
05:06He's a winner. He's highly respected.
05:09He's highly thought of by all.
05:11Terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.
05:18You had a resounding electoral victory in Israel.
05:22Many people didn't expect it would be as big as it was.
05:31How many terms as prime minister do you want to serve?
05:34You're already either the longest serving or the second longest serving.
05:40Who's counting?
05:48Bibi continues to bask in the spotlight of the American media.
05:53In Israel, as his status grows, he practically stops giving interviews.
05:59He decides what he will talk about, when, and with whom.
06:04He picks his makeup, hair color, and even the room's temperature.
06:10We no longer see him sweat.
06:12We no longer hear him stutter.
06:16He appoints himself minister of communications.
06:32His son Yair starts getting involved in government, too.
06:36His friends are appointed new media consultants for the prime minister.
06:43Bibi's Facebook page soon has more followers than any Israeli politician or media outlet.
06:50Thank you to all my friends on Facebook.
06:53Thank you for the likes.
06:55Thank you especially for the comments.
06:57You were great.
07:20The media still publishes embarrassing stories about Bibi and his family.
07:25There is growing evidence of their lavish lifestyle on the public's dime.
07:49The police also investigate the Netanyahu family's efforts to influence the media market.
07:55The people closest to Bibi are suspected of bribery in a sensitive defense deal.
08:01Yet despite all the publicity, people admire Bibi and Sarah even more.
08:20Bibi! Bibi! Bibi!
08:24Bibi! Bibi! Bibi!
08:27He really lives in a world of short attention spans.
08:31Arthur Finkelstein is replaced by Vincent Harris, a 26-year-old Texan media strategist who specializes in harvesting Facebook data.
08:40How do you get a policy discussion going in a 10-second snap?
08:47How do you talk about the Israeli-Palestinian crisis in 140 characters?
08:54The right-wing government is in danger.
08:56The Arab voters are in dire straits.
08:59Left-wing groups bring them by bus.
09:02Every attack is directed abroad.
09:06To the left-wing groups, with one goal.
09:10To replace the Likud government under my leadership.
09:13There is only one thing that must be done.
09:17After decades attacking the media and the left, Netanyahu needs just one sentence
09:22to tell the people who its real enemies are.
09:25Both the left and the media, and this is the same thing,
09:29are now joining a side-obsessive campaign against me and my family
09:35with the goal of carrying out a coup.
09:41In a few weeks' time, the media will sit in front of the TV
09:47with writers and journalists,
09:52and they will open the newspapers with explosive headlines.
10:00The most serious recommendations.
10:04There is a very serious threat to waste time and public funds,
10:10so there will be recommendations.
10:12We are determined.
10:34This is a battle between barbaric criminals
10:48who seek to obliterate human life and decent people.
10:53This is a battle between good and evil.
10:58Great, great.
11:01Welcome to our palace.
11:21President Trump's visit to the Prime Minister's residence is aired live.
11:25The excitement of the event exposes moments that are usually hidden from the public.
11:30It's an honor to meet you.
11:34It's an honor to meet you.
11:35I'm a big, big fan of both of you.
11:37I've heard so much from my mother.
11:39She talks about you all the time.
11:42And, you know, I can relate a lot to what Baron is going through
11:45because I've been in his age in my dad's first term.
11:48They were doing satires on me when I was three years old.
11:51Five years old, yeah.
11:52They're waiting for results.
11:53We don't know what Bibi and Trump discussed privately.
11:56Maybe they mentioned Vincent Harris.
11:59After his success with Netanyahu, he went on to join the Trump team.
12:06After bringing America to Israel, Bibi is bringing Israel to America.
12:11His attacks on the establishment and the media, which started in the 1990s,
12:16are now a trademark of top politicians,
12:19especially the leader of the world's greatest superpower.
12:23Thank you very much.
12:26Like Trump, Bibi's actions lead to a clash with the law.
12:31His endless obsession with his image and the media
12:34threaten Netanyahu's very survival.
12:41He's suspected of attempting to bribe media tycoons
12:44to improve their coverage of him and his family.
12:48Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
12:50is now in the midst of a major political scandal.
12:53He's under investigation for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust,
12:57and things may have just gotten a whole lot worse.
13:01The police recommend that he and Sarah be indicted.
13:04But Bibi knows that regardless of what they find,
13:07he can always tell his supporters his version of events.
13:11Bibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibi.
13:42You can no longer ignore the truth and the time.
13:44So I want to say to all the recorders,
13:47and the broadcasters, and the broadcasters,
13:50and the messengers among them,
13:53I want to tell you,
13:55Shame on you.
13:57So I want to tell you,
13:59I am with you.
14:00They are not with me anymore.
14:02They only intensify my determination.
14:05So if you want to hear the truth,
14:09go to my Facebook page.
14:11Here you will hear the truth.
14:13Shabbat Shalom.
14:38I am speaking with an objective and from conviction.
14:41But this is only a beginning.
14:43It is my fervent hope that the 7 Steps to Fearless Speaking
14:47becomes an ongoing resource for you,
14:50and that you continue to grow
14:52and to revel in your newfound voice.
15:08Shabbat Shalom.
