Relic Hunter S01e22 Memories Of Montmartre

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Relic Hunter S01e22 Memories Of Montmartre


01:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:05I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:10I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:15I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:20I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:25I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:30I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:35I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:40I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:45I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:50I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
01:55I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:05I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:10I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:15I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:20I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:25I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:30I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:35I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:40I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:45I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:50I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
02:55I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
03:00I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try my best.
03:22Give this to Memouse-Elizabeth.
03:26Tell her it is the key to the Heart.
03:29Do you understand? The key to the Heart.
03:32Il me l'a dit l'un jour et pour l'avis
03:42Et dès que je la reçois
03:47Alors je sens en moi
03:51Mon corps qui
04:27Mademoiselle, venez vite
04:31C'est Monsieur Ashcroft
04:33Il a été tué
04:45C'est de ton père
04:47Mon père ?
04:49Ça vient avec
04:56Mon cher Sid, j'ai enfin décidé de fermer la maison à Provence
05:00Je sais à quel point tu as toujours été fasciné par ta belle-grand-mère
05:03Et regarde, j'ai trouvé sa tronche dans l'atelier
05:08Ça belongait à Isabelle
05:11Elle s'est laissée partir quand elle avait 14 ans
05:14Elle est arrivée à Paris où elle est devenue chanteuse et danseuse de can-can dans le Moulin Rouge
05:19Le Moulin Rouge ?
05:21Alors tu vas l'ouvrir ou quoi ?
05:26Je vais l'ouvrir
05:36C'est la Belle de Paris
05:38Et puis elle a été arrêtée
05:40Arrêtée ?
05:41Pour quoi ?
05:43Pour voler un loquet
05:46Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
05:48Oh mon Dieu
05:50La diaire d'Isabelle
05:56Quoi ?
05:59Je le savais
06:01Isabelle n'a pas pris ce loquet
06:03On va à Paris, Nigel, immédiatement
06:09Je ne peux pas aller à Paris
06:11Ma loge s'ouvre la semaine prochaine et je dois trouver un appartement
06:14Je peux le trouver pour toi
06:15Claudia, j'apprécie l'offre, mais...
06:17Regarde, je connais ce très bon partenaire, Brad
06:19On est très serré
06:20Nigel ?
06:21Comment serré ?
06:23Si serré ?
06:24Je sais que quand tu dis serré, tu ne te moques pas
06:26Nigel ?
06:27Bien sûr que tu te moques, c'est la même chose
06:30Qu'est-ce que je veux dire ?
06:31Nigel ?
06:32Oui ?
06:33Tu peux compter sur moi
06:34Je peux ?
06:35Je peux vraiment ?
06:36Nigel ?
06:37Un appartement, grand, pas de petits espaces
06:40Grands espaces
06:41Haute hauteur
06:42Avec une vue
06:43Il faut avoir une vue
06:44Et en plus, Claudia, moderne
06:46Je vis avec l'ancien, je vis avec l'innocent, je vis avec le charmant, tous les jours avec...
06:49Nigel ?
06:55La poignée était un cadeau de son amie
06:57Sa famille était incitée et voulait la récupérer
06:59Elle était convaincue qu'une fille du club l'avait emprisonnée
07:02Pourquoi ?
07:03La fille était amoureuse de la même personne
07:04Qui était la fille ?
07:05Simone Daguerre
07:07Nous devons trouver la poignée et clarifier le nom de Isabelle, Nigel
07:10Oui, j'aimerais parler à Brad Horowitz dans la division d'appartement d'exécutif
07:19Que veux-tu dire ? Il ne travaille plus là-bas
07:21Où est-il allé ?
07:24Pizza Express n'est pas une agence d'achat d'achat
07:28Oh, tu sais ça
07:43Il y a au moins douze Simone Daguerres à Paris
07:45Mais il n'y a qu'une seule qui vit sur la rue où se trouve la Moulin Rouge
07:48Ça doit être son endroit
07:49Comment on va entrer ?
07:50Ne t'inquiète pas, on va trouver quelque chose
07:53Bonjour mademoiselle
07:54Can I help you ?
07:55So much for my French
07:57We're music historians researching Parisian chanteuses
08:01We're interested in speaking with Simone Daguerre
08:03Does she live here ?
08:04Yeah, she's my grandmother
08:06You have a lovely home here
08:10Nana ?
08:11These are two...
08:12I am Simone Daguerre
08:15Come closer
08:18Just the Englishman
08:24Oh, your beautiful eyes
08:28I adore the English
08:31I knew an Englishman once
08:33He was aristocrat and a secret agent
08:36He gave his life for his country and for ours
08:39Yes, well...
08:41Miss Daguerre, we're here to talk about a...
08:44Isabelle ?
08:46You called me Isabelle, why ?
08:49You look so much like someone I once knew
08:52A dear friend
08:54Her name was Isabelle
08:56Her lover was the Englishman, Philippe
08:59Isabelle was my grandmother
09:05I'm here to solve a case
09:07I'm here to solve a case
09:09I'm here to solve a case
09:11I'm here to solve a case
09:14I'm here to solve an old mystery
09:16Mystery ?
09:18I wanted to find out what happened to the locket Isabelle was accused of stealing
09:22Do you remember anything at all ?
09:26I have Isabelle's diary
09:28She seemed to think you knew what happened to it
09:30I was just a girl
09:32How could I know about anything ?
09:35Were you in love with Philippe ?
09:38Yes, of course
09:40Every girl at the club loved Philippe
09:43Every woman in Montmartre loved him
09:47I'm sorry but I cannot help you
09:49I'm tired now
09:53Leave me now
10:05Isabelle's lover was Philippe Ashcroft
10:08He was a spy
10:09Churchill sent him to Moscow to smuggle a tiara back to London
10:12The Tsarina's tiara
10:14Known as the heart of Europe
10:16Stalin offered it to finance the Allies if war broke out
10:19And Ashcroft was murdered in Paris
10:21It was assumed by enemy agents
10:23The tiara was never found
10:24What if he managed to hide it before he was killed ?
10:26Philippe told Isabelle the locket was the key to the heart
10:30Why would he say the heart instead of his heart ?
10:33Heart was a clue
10:35And the locket is the key
10:37We've got to get that locket
10:38If Simone was involved it would be impossible to get her to talk
10:41You've got that right
10:44Unless someone were to soften her up
10:48Why don't I like the way this is going ?
10:50She loves the English
10:52She's old enough to be my...
10:53It's the only way
10:54Absolutely not
10:55There's no choice, Nigel
10:56Not this time, Sid
11:02Oh, well, um...
11:04Your visit upset Nana
11:06Really, um...
11:08Maybe I should come back later
11:09Oh, no, no, she's very eager to see you
11:11She loves the English
11:14They seem to, um...
11:16Energize her
11:19Really ?
11:22Come in
11:24She'll be with you in a moment
11:28There's no need for you to, um...
11:54I've been expecting you
12:03For me ?
12:08Merci, Nigel
12:14I knew you would come back
12:16You did ?
12:17I've always had an influence on men
12:20It is sometimes a burden
12:22Sometimes a blessing
12:28You will not be a burden
12:32It's articulous
12:34I've always been that way, I don't know why
12:36Even when my mother...
12:44I was...
12:50If we could talk
12:53Talk to me in that lovely English voice
12:56When Philip spoke
12:58Every word sang a sweet song
13:02Tell me about Philip
13:17Nobody else
13:19Would you laugh in my face
13:25If I told you we could dance on a cloud
13:30Baby, what would you say
13:36Are you the man when I dream about...
13:41Philip hid something in the locket he gave to Isabel
13:45A clue to the tiara he brought back from Russia
13:50He was killed for that tiara
13:54I had no idea
13:57He gave his life protecting the tiara
14:00Philip was so very brave
14:03Few people know how brave he was
14:06If we had the locket, we would find the tiara
14:09And the whole world would know what a hero Philip Ashcroft was
14:15I saw something that night
14:18I saw Babette steal Isabel's locket
14:25She was a chorus girl from Alsace
14:28I was at the club late one night, sewing my costume
14:33I saw Babette
14:34She should not have been there
14:36I followed her
14:40Babette was inside, going through Isabel's dressing table
14:45I saw her find the locket
14:49And take it
14:51Did you tell the police?
14:52Of course I told them
14:54The police didn't want to know what I saw
14:56They just were after Isabel
15:00I never forgot her
15:02I watched Babette
15:04I watched her waste her wretched life
15:07One day at a time
15:10For years, she borrowed money from a gangster named Rocher
15:14She had to give him everything she had to pay him back
15:18Everything, the locket, everything
15:21Including her body
15:26Is she still alive?
15:31They say she was murdered
15:32She was murdered
15:44According to Simone
15:45Babette gave the locket to a gangster named Rocher
15:47Who bought the club in the 60s at the end of her career
15:50Why'd she give him the locket?
15:52She owed him money
15:53When she gave him everything she had to pay him back
15:55And it wasn't enough
16:03He's having auditions today
16:05He has them every day
16:06Simone says it's his way of getting women to perform for free
16:11Why don't you just make him an offer?
16:13Because then he'll think the locket's worth something
16:15He'll never sell it
16:21I can take it
16:22It was stolen from Isabel
16:24We just have to go through the club
16:26Are you determined to do this?
16:32I have an idea
16:35I hate this idea
16:36Auditions are the perfect cover
16:42Guy Rocher, and you are?
16:44Sydney Fox
16:46Of course you are
16:49She's here for the audition, mate
16:52Zed, wait
16:54Tony Torquay
16:55I represent Miss Fox
16:57The manager
16:59I should have guessed from the shoes
17:03You sing, of course
17:04Like an angel, mate
17:06She will go number two, huh?
17:09Louis will take care of you
17:14And if you do well
17:17So shall I
17:25I hate this idea
17:33That must be Rocher's office up there
17:35I just need a little time
17:41What is she singing?
17:43What's she singing?
17:45What song will the lady be performing
17:49for our discerning clientele?
17:52Do you know where Rocher is?
17:54I don't know
17:55I don't know
17:56I don't know
17:57I don't know
17:58I don't know
17:59I don't know
18:00I don't know
18:03Frère Jacques
18:08You go second
18:11Actually, Miss Fox usually appears later on in the bill
18:14It creates a larger sense of mystery and expectation
18:19Certain Jeunesse Etoile with a touch of Droit de Vivre produces
18:22You'll go second
18:28All right
18:29Hold that pose
18:30Hold it
18:35Nigel, how's it going?
18:38Who would have thought you could use a bowling pin and a dog collar
18:40in such a unique kind of...
18:43Nigel, the time
18:44How are we doing on time?
18:48Not good
18:51Thank you, Dominique
18:52Such flair, such innovation
18:54Such a natural talent
18:57And now, ladies and gentlemen
18:59A very special event
19:01All the way from across the Atlantic
19:03And a...
19:04God bless America
19:07The lovely, the talented, the very foxy
19:11Miss Sydney Defoe
19:22What do we do now?
19:23I don't know
19:24You're my manager, you're supposed to know
19:33Wrong song, mate
19:34Wrong song
19:36It's Frère Jacques
19:38Well, it's the French Frère Jacques, yes
19:40But why would she be singing an Ursula line?
19:41I don't understand
19:43The British Frère Jacques
19:47The techno house
19:50Acid jazz
19:51Industrial disco
19:53Heavy metal
19:55Top ten in the charts for 16 weeks
19:58Frère Jacques
19:59My god, son, where have you been in a cave?
20:01I don't know what you're up to, Tony
20:03Do you have one number to figure it out?
20:05And then I'm going to figure you out
20:07Do we understand each other?
20:10Yes, very much
20:18I bought her some more time
20:24Oh, my god!
20:28He treats himself well
20:45What is it?
20:53I'll get it
21:06I knew we'd find it
21:09Never a doubt in my mind
21:18Oh, my god
21:20Simone looks remarkably like Babette
21:25Take that with us
21:26We'll figure it out later
21:39Time to try another door
21:43Is it just the locket you've taken or is there more?
21:46It's just the locket
21:47It was stolen from my own grandmother
21:49By her
21:51I'm sure the police would be fascinated
21:54We don't need the police, do we?
21:56I mean, when am I on?
21:57I'd love to show you what I can do
21:59I think you have done enough performing for one day
22:01Oh, but you haven't seen me tap dance
22:04I do a great number called
22:05Shuffling off to Buffalo
22:07It's a killer!
22:53Go on, be quick!
23:18Nigel, the church! Quick, inside!
23:26Father, we need your help
23:29That's evident, my daughter
23:30We're lost
23:31You perhaps should care to seek divine forgiveness
23:33Confess your sins
23:34No, no, it's not that, it's...
23:35A great idea
23:37Who'll go first?
23:39I will
23:40I will
23:46What is it you wish to confess, my child?
23:48Gosh, where to start?
23:50From the beginning
23:52Actually, there was this one time in the eighth grade
23:54In the art supplies room at school
23:57His name was Dave Foreignash
24:00And there was Bradley Epstein
24:01Oof, that was a mistake
24:07Bobby Ryan
24:08Richard Stoltz
24:09Dennis McAvoy
24:13Jimmy, Johnny
24:14Jimmy, his brother John
24:19And this is all still when you were a sophomore?
24:21Oh yeah, yeah, we haven't reached spring break yet
24:30Come on, let's go
24:32You know, I really should get going, Father
24:33This has been good for me
24:35Thank you
24:37There are men out there
24:38Men I'd rather not get involved with
24:41Now, this is a good start
24:43Actually, I'd like to ask you a really big favor
24:46A favor?
25:02Hi, I'm calling about the apartment
25:05What do you mean it's rented?
25:06It can't be rented
25:07It can't be rented, it's perfect
25:10Then why is it still in the newspaper?
25:12So, if Simone was Babette
25:15Does that mean she stole the locket?
25:17That's what Isabel thought
25:19Why would she tell us anything?
25:20I mean, the only reason we found the locket
25:21Is because she told us about Roche
25:23Maybe she wanted us to find it
25:27There is no back to this locket
25:30I wonder if Claudia's found the apartment yet
25:33Well, if it was a seven-day ad
25:34Then you shouldn't have rented it until the last day
25:36I feel like me don't get screwed
25:41Ancient studies
25:43Claudia, what's wrong?
25:45No, nothing, nothing's wrong
25:46Everything's really, really, really great
25:50How's the search going?
25:51Didn't I just say everything was great?
25:54Brad's pulling through then, is he?
25:56Actually, Brad's moved into a more sort of
26:00Retail kind of spaces
26:03So, who are you working with?
26:12Basil, um, Oregano
26:15Basil Oregano?
26:17Yeah, he specializes in kitchens
26:19I'm not a big kitchens person
26:20I'd feel a lot more comfortable
26:21If you were working with, say, high ceilings
26:24Look, I gotta go right now
26:25Everything's under control, take care, bye
26:31Everything alright?
26:32Claudia's working with someone
26:33Or something called Basil Oregano
26:35Specializes in kitchens
26:51What does it mean?
26:54I don't have a clue
26:57But I'm sure I know someone who might
27:02You recognize it, don't you?
27:06Are we?
27:11Does any of this mean anything to you?
27:13What is this?
27:15It's the clue that Philip left inside the locket
27:17Could lead us to the tiara
27:19The tiara he gave his life protecting, Simone
27:22I'm afraid I don't know what any of this means
27:31Does this mean anything to you?
27:35I've never seen that before
27:37You signed it, Babette
27:40This photo is a fake
27:42You're Babette, aren't you?
27:44You're the woman in your story
27:47Why did you tell us about Babette?
27:51Because I'm a stupid old woman
27:58Get out of my house, now!
28:01I didn't mean to upset her
28:02I know
28:05There is a very famous cemetery here in Paris
28:09Père Lachaise
28:12The chair
28:13Isn't that where a lot of famous people are buried?
28:15Balzac, Chopin?
28:17Yeah, and Jim Morrison
28:19These numbers could be a location inside the cemetery
28:24The cemetery is laid out in quadrangles
28:27A, B, C, D, E, F, G
28:30A, B, C, D
28:32Like the legs of a chair
29:01What is it, girl?
29:03Why are you staring at me?
29:06I am wondering who you are
29:08I am who I am
29:11Well, then you're a woman who's been hiding the truth for too long
29:15Stop talking so foolishly
29:16This isn't foolish
29:18You need to talk about what happened
29:21You need to be honest
29:23I told them everything
29:25No, you didn't
29:27You lied
29:28You lied
29:30You're going to die with lies in your heart
29:42According to this map, A317 should be on Chemin Leger
29:47Some of these mausoleums are bigger than some apartments I've lived in
29:51There's not really enough room for two in there, is there?
29:54There's room for twenty
29:58What's wrong?
30:00Thought I heard something
30:02Don't start hearing things, Sid, not in a cemetery
30:21Okay, we've got to find a triangle
30:24The heart is in a triangle
30:32There's our triangle
30:41Looks like it's been pulled out before
30:43Looks like it's been pulled out before
31:08The heart of Europe
31:13My God, Sidney, it's fantastic
31:16I mean the great head it made for his wife
31:19It must be worth a fortune
31:28I was curious why you wanted the locket
31:31This belongs to the Russian people
31:33Have you ever been to a Russian museum, Sidney?
31:36Full of French art
31:38Go figure
31:48Drop the guns or I break his neck
31:51Drop him or I put a bullet through Tony's head
32:07I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to see you on stage
32:10Sorry about your luck
32:13Perhaps you could dance now
32:17I don't think so
32:19Lighting sucks
32:28Put them in
32:32Put us in?
32:34In where?
32:42All right
32:44I got it
32:46Don't drop it
32:48I'm not going to drop it
32:51What was that?
32:53You dropped it, didn't you, Nigel?
32:56You don't have to be so negative
32:58You know, you can be very negative sometimes
33:02Good, now turn it on
33:09I always want to be on top
33:11Sidney, if we don't get out of here, we're going to suffocate, aren't we?
33:14We'll get out of here
33:18I have no idea
33:20In a cemetery? Shameful
33:35I'm making progress
33:37I've almost got my hands free
33:39Sidney, I don't know how to tell you this, but...
33:44I seem to have a little problem
33:46You went three times in an hour before you got here
33:48No, it's not that, although it is in the same area, it's just...
33:53You know how you can lose the feeling in your foot when the circulation gets cut off?
33:57You've got to be kidding me
33:59I wouldn't be kidding about something like this
34:01If you could just...
34:03I am not massaging the feeling back
34:05No, no, no, I just mean shift into another position
34:06Okay, fine
34:08What now?
34:10You need me
34:12Don't put the feelings back
34:14I'm eternally grateful
34:19Come on
34:24Should we yell or something?
34:26Who would hear us?
34:28Yes, it wouldn't make any difference, would it?
34:37My hands are free
34:39Good, push
34:52It's not moving
34:54It's not moving
34:56We're going to die in here
35:00You're supposed to be the encouraging one
35:02You're supposed to say things like, it's going to be all right, Nigel
35:04We're going to find a way out, Nigel
35:07No, don't do anything
35:09You're using up all the oxygen
35:11Oh my God, does it really matter, Cindy?
35:13Does it really matter?
35:15This place
35:17Now would be the time to yell
35:31Please, we're trapped
35:37Push harder, Nigel
35:39Move the leg
35:41Come on
35:43Come on
35:48See, Nigel?
35:50There's always a way out
35:52Oh my God, it's alive
35:54What are you doing there?
35:56Looking for Jim Morrison
36:06I thought I saw some people following you when you left your apartment
36:08Are you all right?
36:10We'll live
36:12Nigel could do with a little massage
36:14We're fine, just fine, every bit of us
36:16Except Roche got the tiara
36:18You must get it before Roche calls Gerard
36:22The man he sells things to
36:24His fence?
36:26Exactly, everyone in Pigalle uses Gerard
36:28Where do we find Gerard?
36:30No one knows where he lives
36:32He will come to Roche
36:34Thank you, Simone
36:36Sleep, I bet
36:49Where the hell is Gerard?
36:51He said three o'clock
36:53Diamonds and rubies
36:55For this he must pay a fortune
37:03Make sure it is Gerard
37:06All right, who wants to dance?
38:07I hope you all enjoyed the show
38:12Isabelle and Philippe loved each other so strongly
38:16Their love would light up a room
38:19I was young and jealous
38:22I took the locket not to hurt Isabelle
38:25But because I loved Philippe
38:27I was young and jealous
38:29I took the locket not to hurt Isabelle
38:32But because I loved Philippe
38:33When he died, his family refused to believe
38:36It had been stolen from her
38:38The police were called
38:40If I wanted you and nobody else
38:45Would you laugh in my face?
39:04Isabelle! Isabelle!
39:08I allowed that to happen
39:10I'm so ashamed I never told the truth
39:13It has tortured me ever since
39:17I had the locket
39:20But my heart was as cold and dead as Philippe
39:25I wasted my years
39:28I lost everything
39:32I spent my life researching the past
39:35It teaches us how to live in the present
39:38It's never too late to do that
39:41Thank you, Sydney
39:45You know, Isabelle was a very wonderful woman
39:49You would have been proud of her
39:52And she would have been proud of you
40:56Where have you been?
40:58Oh, I was at Guido's Italian Market
41:01My recipe calls for only the freshest ingredients
41:04Never mind that. What about basil?
41:06Of course, silly. I even pinched it to make sure it was fresh
41:15You're back
41:20And you were in...
41:24I know it's right. I was the one who went
41:26Now, what about my apartment?
41:29Your apartment
41:35Please, tell me you didn't...
41:37I hope you like it
41:3820th floor
41:46High ceilings
41:48Great view
41:51Health spa and adornment
41:54It's expensive
41:59It's perfect
42:00I know
42:01It's expensive
42:03It's expensive
42:05It's expensive
42:06It's perfect
42:07I know
42:08I don't have to live with a family of four or anything
42:10It's all yours, honey bun
42:14You, uh
42:18You really came through for me, didn't you?
42:21Me and basil, of course
42:28Um, oh, I almost forgot
42:30Not that it matters, but where is it?
42:32Oh, right, um
42:33It's, uh, Maplewood
42:37What's wrong with Maplewood?
42:38Well, nothing
42:39Except it's an hour and a half drive
42:41Well, they never mentioned anything about that
42:44Well, how about asking?
42:46Asking, Claudia?
42:48Did you ever think to ask?
42:53Just goes to prove that age-old adage
42:55If you want something done right, do it this way
42:57So long, Uncle Akimbo