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God Forewarns Us About Life After Death: The Rich Man in Hell Bids Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom to Give Him Drop of Water, but That is Impossible for the Great Gulf Dividing Them. Jesus Both Ascended into Heaven (by His Own Righteousness) and Descended into the Heart of the Earth. The Bottomless Pit is from Where All Matter of Demons and Evil Spirits Will Be Released Upon the Earth. You Don't Want to Go There. Be Careful for Your Soul.
00:00All right, well if you have your Bibles, and I hope you have, if you turn to this morning the book of Luke
00:06chapter number 16
00:10I've run around and prayed and dodged and
00:15The Almighty said I want this preached. I said alright Lord
00:19I've been at it long enough. No, you can't run hard enough to get away. You got to do what God called you to do
00:25Luke chapter 16 verse 19 before I preach this I'll give it a title
00:31the Abyss
00:34There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen fared sumptuously every day
00:40There was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores
00:45And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores
00:52Came to pass the beggar died and was carried by the angels
00:56into Abraham's bosom
00:58the rich man also died and was buried and
01:02In hell he lift up his eyes being in torments
01:06And seeth Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and cried and said
01:11father Abraham
01:12Have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water cool my tongue
01:19For I'm tormented in this flame
01:22But Abraham said son remember that thou in thy lifetime
01:27Receive us thy good things likewise Lazarus evil things
01:32But now he is comforted and thou art tormented now note carefully what follows in verse 26
01:39And beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf
01:46So that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to you
01:51That would come from fence
01:54And he said I pray thee father
01:56That thou would have sent him to my father's house
02:00For I have five brethren
02:02Lest he may testify to them lest they also come
02:06into this place
02:08of torment
02:09Abraham saith unto him they have moses and the prophets
02:13Let them hear them
02:15He said nay father abraham, but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent he said unto him
02:23If they hear not moses and the prophets
02:25Neither will they be persuaded
02:28Though one rose from the dead
02:31Father bless this book
02:32And give me unction to preach it this morning
02:35in thy holy name
02:38You can be seated
02:39I'll be coming back to verse number 26 about the great gulf
02:45between the two of them
02:47All indications is that there was a
02:50bottomless gulf
02:52that separated
02:54paradise abraham's bosom
02:56From the place called hell
02:59General terms called hades you've ever heard a preacher use hades. It simply means the unseen state of the dead
03:07The old testament counterpart is sheol
03:09But remember this
03:11No, one definition is going to tell you what hades is about. It's about the abode of the saved and the lost
03:19memories two parts
03:21Two compartments that make it
03:23Thomas hobbes political philosopher. He said I say again
03:27If I had the whole world at my disposal, I would give it to live one day
03:32He said i'm about to take a leap into the dark
03:36Now this is something that comes upon all of us
03:38I want you to think about this those of you know history of our country, you know about thomas paine
03:44He was a philosopher. He was an atheist
03:47And he was a writer in american colonies said quote stay with me for god's sake
03:52I cannot bear to be left alone. Oh lord help me. Oh god. What have I done to suffer so much?
03:59What will become of me hereafter? I will give worlds if I had them now, here's the book that he wrote
04:05He wrote that the age of reason had never been published. Oh lord help me christ help me
04:12No, don't leave
04:13Stay with me send a child
04:16To stay with me for i'm on the edge of hell here alone
04:19If ever the devil had an agent I have been that one now, this is these are his words
04:24I'm, not putting words in his mouth
04:27He lived in the time of the founding fathers in the early ages of our republic sir
04:32Thomas scott chancellor of england quote until this moment. I thought there was neither a god nor hell
04:38Now I know and feel they're both
04:41And i'm doomed to perdition
04:43By the just judgment of the almighty. Can you imagine yourself coming down and you call yourself an atheist or an agnostic?
04:51Someone's by your bedside holding your hand
04:53They've come as far as they can come with you
04:55But that's what they can do as far as they can come because you will leave them behind and you will go out
05:03into eternity
05:05Voltaire history tells the story of the renowned atheist
05:09Voltaire one of the most aggressive
05:11antagonist of christianity wrote many things to undermine the church and once said of jesus christ quote curse the wretch
05:20God help that I have to even say that
05:22In 20 years christianity will be no more he boasted
05:27My single hand will destroy the edifice. It took 12 apostles to rear
05:33So you made your brag voltaire
05:35Then at death he said I am abandoned by god and man
05:40He said to his physician. Dr. Fulken. I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months of life
05:48And when he was told this was impossible, he said then I shall die and go to hell
05:54His nurse said for all the money in europe. I wouldn't want to see another unbeliever die
06:00all night long
06:03Voltaire cried for forgiveness and cried and cried and found none
06:11Anton lave bringing you up to contemporary
06:13Satanic bible author high priest of the satanic worship religion
06:17His dying words were quote. Oh my
06:21Oh my, what have I done?
06:24There's something very wrong
06:28This is one of the most controversial statements that you'll ever find do your own research into it
06:32But apparently a lot more is coming out to support this that he did truly say this
06:37Support this that he did truly say this on his deathbed
06:41Then there are those many of those many of them who say i'm in flames
06:47I'm in the flames. The flames are engulfing me. I'm in flames
06:53And they cry out as they leave this world that they are in flames
06:57Our lord. Jesus christ said in mark chapter 9 verse 43 if thy hand defend thee cut it off
07:02It is better for thee to enter into life maimed than tabbing two hands
07:07To go into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched
07:13The lord jesus said in mark chapter number 9 verse 48 where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched
07:20Our lord. Jesus said in matthew chapter 13 verse 42
07:24And shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth
07:30Is that what awaits you?
07:32Is it awaits you?
07:33Do you know what awaits you wake up? Do you know what is awaiting you right now? Do you have any idea?
07:41There shall be weeping
07:43and gnashing of teeth
07:44Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 and he said fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul
07:51But rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. He said yay
07:58I forewarn you
08:00fear him
08:02And we fear everything in the world
08:05but almighty god
08:07I wonder if solomon as he sat in his palace
08:10Could hear the screams of the babies as they rolled
08:14into moloch's belly
08:16I wonder if he could hear them
08:18Do you suppose almighty god can hear the silent scream of aborted babies?
08:24You suppose he hears them you suppose the lord has kept record of 60 million babies
08:29That have been butchered in this country. This is a bloody place
08:34If you're a baby
08:36Every single pro-abortion
08:39Every last one of them should be wearing a shirt today that says thank you mama
08:45For not killing me
08:48I mean do they do they do they treasure life? Are you watching me? Are you listening?
08:52This is a reality who speaks for them
08:5560 million of them who speaks for them. Don't come across and use the word love with me. I hold it in contempt
09:04When you tell me you don't love anything, but yourself, that's all you love
09:09You don't know what the word means
09:11And you butcher your babies
09:13And then you get up your politicians say I believe we ought to be able to love who we want to love. Oh, shut up
09:19Shut up
09:21You're nothing but contemptuous garbage
09:23You're here today and gone tomorrow
09:28Enjoy your time in the sun
09:30For you'll quickly pass from this place
09:33And where you go god help
09:36Amen, I guess you can tell
09:38That i've had it up to here
09:40With modern philosophy and politicians
09:43Don't hand me this garbage
09:45the abyss
09:47the abyss
09:48Now i've preached about hell
09:50The bible talks about hell
09:53Tartarus, Tartarao is the word that's the lowest hell
09:56Then you have hades
09:58In greek it's hades, hades
10:00Which is of course the greek word and translated hell
10:03It's the place of the abode of the dead both good and bad. It was but we'll get you up to date
10:09And the old testament counterpart is Sheol
10:13Jacob said I shall go down to hell
10:15Weeping and wailing
10:17Mourning the death of my son
10:19And so we find these words in the bible
10:22Don't ever let anybody try to mess your mind up and twist scripture and tell you there is no hell
10:28What is christ talking about?
10:31One of these scriptures I quoted you what's he talking about?
10:34If the grave is hell, he's talking about a place
10:38Just if nothing else get that a whole get a hold of that this morning
10:43Hell is a reality
10:45It's right down here
10:47The bible talks about
10:49The abyss it uses that word abyssos
10:52That's the greek word and we transliterate it literally into english and we say abyss
10:58A lot of words are transliterated simply taken from greek or latin or whatever it is
11:02And we just bring it over into english and say that word
11:07And uh, for example deacon the greek word is diakonon
11:11You've transliterated it the word translated means servant
11:16So hell is something
11:18That is a reality in the bible. But now I want you to go a little further with me revelation chapter number nine and verse number one
11:25Revelation 9 1 the fifth angel sounded
11:28I saw a star fall from heaven to the earth to him was given the key of the bottomless pit
11:33See that word bottomless pit
11:35bottomless is abyssos
11:38That's the greek word for
11:39There's no bottom to it. It is a pit. It is it is a it is an abyss
11:45It is falling into the darkness
11:47There's no end
11:49To where you're going to fall
11:51And he opened the bottomless pit arose the smoke out of the pit
11:55As the smoke of a great furnace the sun the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit the apostle john
12:01Wrote the book of revelation
12:03And I believe the book of revelation now is going to come it's going to begin to unfold before our very eyes
12:09I really do I really do
12:12In revelation chapter number 11 and verse number 7 it says and when they had finished their testimony
12:17The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them
12:24and kill them
12:26So what is this abyss?
12:28What are we talking about here? Is it hell?
12:31Is it sheol is it tardarus what is it the abyss?
12:36The bible says in luke chapter 8 in verse number 30
12:39And here he's dealing with some demons
12:42Demons are smart
12:44The fact is they know more about the spirit spirit world than most of us do and the truth of the matter is they know
12:49Who christ is regardless of a bunch of reverends in the pulpit today? They don't but the demons know who he is
12:56In luke chapter number 8 in verse 30 jesus asked him saying what is thy name?
13:01And he said legion
13:02And a legion, of course, you get different figures anywhere from four to six thousand was a roman legion. They say time changed
13:08So you're talking about thousands?
13:11Jesus asked saying what is thy name? He said legion
13:15Because many devils were entered into him now watch this
13:19And they besought him
13:21That he would not command them to go out into the abyss
13:26Into the deep see that
13:29Into the deep it doesn't say hell it says into the deep
13:32We don't want to go there
13:34Not before our time
13:37Have you come to judge us? They said
13:39So they knew who he was and they knew his authority
13:43There was never any doubt in their mind
13:46That the lord jesus christ was the second person of the trinity he was almighty god and flesh walking among them
13:53never any doubt
13:55When he spoke they listened
13:57So the bible tells us in the book of romans chapter number 10 and verse number 7. I talked about this wednesday night
14:03And I want to read it for you this morning
14:05I want you to notice how these scriptures begin to complement each other. This is quite a remarkable thing romans chapter 10 verse 7
14:14Who shall descend into the abyss?
14:17Into the deep
14:18That is to bring up christ again from the dead
14:21It is translated the deep
14:25You said what are you talking about romans chapter number 10 has to do it's connected with your salvation
14:31Who shall ascend into the heavens?
14:33Who shall descend into the deep?
14:36In plain words from the lowest to the highest who can do that and note carefully the wording
14:41It is not that god puts anybody anywhere
14:45It is that that individual has power to descend into the deep
14:49Rise into heaven. That's the issue going on here
14:53The power to rise into heaven is based upon his righteousness
14:58Who can come who dares?
15:00Approach god on his own righteousness. He does
15:05And he accepted him
15:07Accepted him
15:09Because he lived a sinless perfect life
15:12And the writer of the book of romans is telling you compare your righteousness with his righteousness. Guess who loses?
15:19You feel like you're righteous today. You feel like you're good enough to get to heaven
15:22Do you think you're living a good life? You're keeping all the commandments?
15:25You got all say how many of you know how 613?
15:28Well, the mitzvot
15:29That the jews claim are commandments from the old testament. Nobody does commandments don't save you
15:35Keeping the law cannot save you
15:37But what he's trying to do is to shake you and say look
15:41Here is one
15:42that by his own righteous life
15:45He can ascend into the presence of god. Then he says this
15:49He said but not only that he descended
15:52into the abyss
15:54note carefully the wording
15:56romans chapter number 10
15:58into the deep
16:00And I begin to think about that now what's going on here?
16:04The bible says in the book of acts chapter number two
16:07Quoting the old testament thou wilt not leave my soul his soul where?
16:13in hell
16:15But could it be?
16:17that hell
16:18Is only part
16:20of the abyss
16:22Could it be that the abyss?
16:24Is large enough to hold hades and tartarus?
16:28And everything else that may have to do with judgment
16:32That's a thought isn't it?
16:34for example
16:35When abraham looked over at lazarus
16:38He said there is an abyss
16:41There is a depth there is a the greek word is cosmo. We get our word chasm
16:47You know what a chasm is?
16:50In other words that it is insurmountable. There's no depth to it. There's no end to it. He said that is separating
16:58Which of course brings up some other issues won't get him this morning
17:01But it has to do with movement has to do with your body
17:03It has to do with what you're going on with and all that but the bottom line is this
17:08I can't go over there to where you are
17:11It's too deep down here
17:13That's what he said
17:14That's to put it
17:16In modern terminology. I can't do it. I can't cross this barrier
17:21I'm on top of a mountain here. You're on top of a mountain there and between us
17:27Is a void
17:28He called it a great gulf fixed
17:31Does that not help you begin to understand then that here is hades here is hell it's in a void
17:38it's in a
17:41Now think of this
17:42When the lord jesus christ
17:44Let's read it
17:46It's always better to have the book. Isn't it turn to ephesians 4
17:51Ephesians chapter 4 verse 8
17:57Ephesians 4 8
17:59The apostle paul says this wherefore he saith
18:02When he ascended upon high see the ascension
18:06Who can ascend into heaven question ask in romans 10?
18:10Who can do this?
18:11All right
18:13Do you believe he ascended into the presence of god by his own righteousness, buddy?
18:17I do i'm first in line. You better believe I believe that now look at this
18:21Wherefore he saith
18:23When he ascended upon high he led to captivity captive where to get them
18:28Well, here's where now that he ascended what is it, but that he also
18:32Descended first into the lower parts of the earth. See this general term
18:39See the general term
18:40So there'll be no doubt in anyone's mind. He didn't go over there where the flames are burning
18:43There are other people out here talking about where christ went into hell and when he burned in hell
18:48No, he didn't he paid for he didn't pay for your sins in hell
18:51He didn't pay for your sins in the heart of the earth. He paid for your sins on the cross
18:57It was the blood of christ at the cross at calvary that washes your sins away
19:03And when you deviate from that you get off into apostasy and heresy
19:09But note carefully
19:11Now that he ascended what is it, but he also descended
19:14into the lower parts of the earth he that
19:18Is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens
19:22That he might fill all things I can imagine of course you can get carried away
19:27I can imagine though
19:29And when the holy spirit
19:31By the spirit he gave himself to the father
19:34He ascended his spirit into thy hands. I commend my spirit the son said at the cross father into thy hands
19:41but his soul
19:43Acts chapter number two
19:44Was not left in hell his soul
19:46descended down
19:48So maybe he had to descend down through the abyss
19:53to get to hades
19:55To get to the place
19:57of the saved
19:59So why would he do that? Well, maybe the demon powers of hell
20:03Were all gathered on both sides
20:06And they watched him if he came down
20:09And they felt to themselves my my my what arrogance is he going to come down here where we are
20:16And he's going to come into our very midst that little baby that was born in Bethlehem Judea
20:23You mean he just died on a cross died he died
20:28And he's just like all the rest of them. His soul is coming down
20:34And he's going to come down into our midst
20:39Because he's a lot bigger than them
20:42That's right, and he went right straight into
20:46Abraham's bosom
20:48And there in abraham's bosom he made the call clarion call the loud call. It's finished. It's finished
20:55You don't have to wait any longer
20:57I'm here
20:59It's over
21:00Let's go
21:03And he didn't have to say twice let's go
21:06They were ready
21:07and with them
21:09He ascended this is begins his ascent
21:12His ascent started there. You see the ascent did not stop until he was seated at the right hand of the father
21:19There were some stages involved in the ascent, but the ascent started there
21:24You see he didn't have to climb out of there
21:27He didn't need any extra power. He didn't need anything. He ascended because they couldn't hold him
21:34They had no legal authority over him they couldn't do anything with him
21:38And up he went
21:40And the demons and all the all the demons of hell ever ever wicked vile spirit
21:47Watched him
21:49As he ascended up above into the light
21:53And on the third day
21:55up they went
21:57And he took them with him
21:59up into glory
22:00And presented them to the father
22:02But then not only did he ascend out of this place
22:06He ascended into the presence of the father
22:09And the cherubim and the seraphim
22:11And the archangels and the angel said now what's going on here?
22:16As he came up through their midst
22:20continued to rise
22:21Nothing could stop him
22:23And he would not be finished until it was complete
22:26And to complete it bent that he sat down and was accepted by the father
22:31Because this is the lamb of god that taketh away the sin of the world
22:35The sacrifice of the father for all of us and there he sat down and when he did he sent back
22:43The moment he sat down he had the authority now to send back
22:48apostles and prophets and preachers and teachers
22:51And all of the gifts of the spirit and everything that we need
22:54For the organization and the power and the authority of the church of the living god
22:59That was sent back based upon what happened to him when he sat down
23:04At the right hand of the father
23:07a great gulf
23:09So you die today
23:11So I die today
23:12So this is my last day on earth
23:16I hope if it is my last day on earth
23:20That i'm that i'm that i'm able to grab that little sweet thing sitting on that back row
23:27And give her one last kiss
23:30And say that hey i'll meet you by the river
23:36No fear no fear this may be my last one who knows but I know where i'm going
23:43Yeah, I know where i'm going folks
23:45I'm going up
23:47I'm going up
23:48Going home
23:50Going home to be with the lord
23:53And I don't know I mean i'm going two days from now i'm gonna be 78 years old. I can't do a thing about it
24:01No scent getting mad stomping around carrying on
24:0578 years
24:08The salvation of your soul therefore is directly associated
24:12With his death his burial his resurrection
24:16I want to give you a glimpse into the spiritual world. Will you listen carefully what i'm going to read to you now?
24:21Now this is the kind of stuff that comes to our youtube channel
24:24This came to our youtube channel
24:26This is a glimpse into the spiritual world now either you're going to believe this or you're not
24:31If you're a hardened atheist and agnostic, then you're going to pass it off. You're not going to believe it
24:37Otherwise you're in for a blessing
24:41A four-year-old boy named colton
24:44Had a near-death experience
24:46Months after he recovered he asked his father if he had a grandfather named pop
24:51Pop his father said that he did but pop died when his father was about four years of age
24:59Far long before colton was ever born
25:03Colton said that he got to stay with pop when he was in heaven
25:06And that pop was nice
25:09Colton was shown a picture of pop when pop was 62 colton did not recognize pop
25:15Because pop was wearing glasses and colton said that nobody wears glasses in heaven
25:28Colton was later shown a picture of pop when pop was 29
25:33Colton was able to recognize the younger pop in the picture later colton told his mother that he had two sisters
25:41His mother told him that he only had one sister
25:45Colton responded that his mother had a baby die in her tummy
25:49His mother was shocked because she had never told colton that she had had a miscarriage
25:56His mother asked him
25:58What her name was?
26:00Colton said that he did not have a name. She did not have a name
26:04Because his parents never named her this was true
26:08So she was testing him
26:11Because they did not know the sex of the child I remember those days
26:15Before ultrasound
26:18Colton stated that his sister in heaven could not wait for his parents to get to heaven
26:23Colton also indicated that he had met jesus
26:27And that jesus had red markers on his hands and feet
26:31However, none of the pictures of jesus that his parents showed him looked like jesus listen carefully now
26:37None of the pictures of jesus that his parents showed him looked like jesus
26:41Jesus till he saw a painting done by an artist prodigy
26:47Who also had a near-death experience and saw jesus when she was four years old?
26:55Colton told his parents
26:58That her painting looked like jesus
27:02Now you believe that or you don't
27:06You ought to get on youtube and read what some of these hospice nurses have to say
27:10How many of you know what a hospice nurse is
27:13Many of you do you know what i'm talking about? Sure you do
27:16They're there with the people when they pass away
27:19They hear them. They see them
27:21and they
27:22They hear about what they see
27:25Just do a little research on your own
27:28For the sake of time. I can't cover all of that this morning. I believe every word of it
27:34No problem at all you mean you believe in near-death experiences have you ever read first corinthians 12
27:41You ought to read it knew a man in christ above 14 years ago, whether in the body or out cannot tell
27:46Such in one caught up to the third heaven. Sure. I do believe the bible
27:51Now, where are you going?
27:54Where are you going folks?
27:55This may be my last I don't have any thousands of messages. I've preached
27:59I don't have any idea and god doesn't told me i'm leaving today. I know that I don't know that
28:03I told him the other day. I said lord just soon. You didn't tell me
28:06Just when I get ready to go come get me we'll get it over with I won't have to worry about some date
28:14I mean, how would you like to know that next tuesday you're leaving here at seven o'clock in the morning?
28:19Raise your hand. All right, no hands
28:23But I know where i'm going do you know where you're going
28:26Let's be practical for a moment
28:28How many of you believe that you're going to live forever i'm talking about in this life in this flesh
28:33No, you're not
28:34So you're going to pass on
28:36And life's unfair. Some of you may be murdered
28:40Some of you may die in a car wreck. Some of you may get some, you know, heinous disease
28:45And you're and you're gone in three or four months. You may have a heart attack stroke a lot of things a lot of things
28:52A lot of things can take us out of this world. The body is really pretty
28:56pretty, uh
28:57Fragile truth is
28:58Are you ready?
29:00Do you believe there's a
29:02abyss down there
29:05Yes, now let me tell you this let's get it straightened up on doctrine
29:08Abraham's bosom's not there anymore
29:11Those saints that were there they're gone
29:14They're in the presence of the lord. Amen
29:17They're in the presence of the lord
29:19Where are you going
29:22Just to bow your head for a minute father i've preached what you put on my heart lord
29:28I've got peace with it now i'm done
29:33Pray you'd take it
29:36If there's somebody in here that needed to hear that
29:39Would you raise your hand right now and say preacher lawson? Don't you pray for me because?
29:43God's waking me up. I
29:45I have to confess. I haven't really thought much about leaving the world, but I am going to god bless you
29:50I see that hand back there
29:52I see that hand right here
29:54Yes, sir. I see those hands
29:56There's another hand god bless you. I see that hand. Yes, sir. I do
30:00God bless you back there. I'm the minister of righteousness folks. I preach righteousness
30:05I'm, not righteous, but i'm a minister of it the righteousness of christ. God bless you here
30:10That's who the righteous one is not me. It's him
30:14And i'm preaching him this morning to you the lord. Jesus christ folks
30:18Sinless perfect son of god bless his righteous name
30:22Do you know him? Do you know where you're going? If you don't why don't you come down here to the front?
30:26We'll be glad to meet with you open the bible and show you how to be saved
30:32It's not a complicated thing. God didn't god didn't write the bible to deceive you
30:37Or confuse you no, sir
30:42Would you raise your hand and say I want you to pray for me preacher lawson
30:46Pray for me. God bless you. God bless you back here in the back
30:50God bless you. These hands are going up everywhere in here this morning. Thank god. Thank god. God bless you here
30:55Hallelujah. God bless you here. Amen
30:59Amen. Amen
31:02I know now why god wanted me to preach what I preached this morning
31:06the abyss
31:08You don't want to go
31:10into that
31:13The antichrist
31:15The beast is going to come right up out of that abyss
31:20He's going to come right on this earth
31:23And every kind of demonic being
31:25Filthy vile corrupt spirit being is going to come right out of the bottomless pit
31:32the abyss
31:33They're coming
31:35They're coming
31:36And I think we've already begun to get a preview of it father. Bless your word
31:42I pray for the souls whose hands went up this morning
31:46Father it's quiet in here and i'm thankful for that. I am very thankful for it
31:51There you're you're here. Thank you. You're here. There's no doubt. You're here. Thank you lord. Thank you
31:59I'm glad that I can be the messenger
32:02I've done what you call me to do
32:04I'm fulfilled. I'm happy. I'm satisfied
32:07I've done what you've called me to do
32:09Now bless your word as it goes forth
32:12In your holy name. I pray
