• yesterday
Delving into Scriptures That Speak of: the Times, the Life, the Light of God.
00:00All right
00:02Have you Bible turn to first Timothy chapter number six with me tonight, please first Timothy 6
00:10And verse number 14
00:22First Timothy 6 14
00:25That I'll keep this commandment without spot and rebuke able until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
00:32Which in his times
00:35He shall show who is the blessed and only potentate
00:39the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
00:42Who only hath immortality?
00:45dwelling in the light which no man can approach into
00:48Whom no man hath seen
00:50nor can see
00:53To whom be honor and power everlasting
00:56Amen father bless this word you all be seated. Amen
01:01Now these are the kind of passages in the Bible that get my attention the sense that there's it's loaded
01:08There's a lot here. There's a lot and
01:12The Lord Jesus told his disciples one time he said there are many more things I'd like to say to you
01:16But you're not ready
01:17You can't you can't receive it. It's not time
01:21But I want to break it down a little bit for us tonight as we go through this
01:25And see if we can't come to some understanding about some of it. If you notice it says which in his times
01:32God's very
01:34Very very meticulous when it comes to time. He doesn't mess around
01:39The Bible says in the fullness of time
01:42God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law. The Bible says in the fullness of times
01:48God shall gather together
01:50Scripture says there's a times of the Gentiles
01:54Started in 606 BC. You're you are in it now
01:58These are the times and there are others in the Bible, but I give you this illustration to get you to understand
02:05Time is important with God
02:07It's one of those things too that you have to understand that
02:10When an angel comes down puts one foot on the land and one foot on the sea and declares time to be no more
02:17This is the one who's the beginner of time and the ending of the inner the one who ends time
02:23The book of Acts chapter number one in verse number six. It says when therefore we're come together. They ask him saying Lord wilt thou at this time
02:31Restore again the kingdom to Israel. He said to them now watch carefully. It is not for you to know the times of the seasons
02:39Which the father hath put in his own power
02:43Now we've heard it said many times and rightfully so that only the father knows
02:48the hour of the coming of the Lord Jesus and that includes all the books that's been written and all the
02:54The you know, the people have gathered people together on mountaintops and rest of it
02:58Saying the Lord's going to come back in such-and-such a date. They don't know that folks. They do not know that
03:03But it says here the father hath put this in his own power
03:08Matthew chapter 11 verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until
03:13The King until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force
03:19For all the prophets in the law
03:21prophesied until John and
03:23If you will receive it, this is Elias which was for to come he that hath ears to hear let him hear
03:29So something is introduced here to help us understand time. This is important
03:34How many of you've heard and read commentaries where it talks about
03:39The writers of the New Testament believe the Lord was coming back in their lifetime
03:43and we've heard that of course you have you've heard it many times and
03:47Some say we see how wrong they were
03:50Well, let's go a little further
03:52Matthew chapter 17 verse 10
03:55His disciples asked him saying when they when why then say the scribes that Elias must first come
04:01Jesus answered and said unto them Elias truly shall first come and restore all things
04:07Which is a which is in fulfillment of the book of Malachi
04:10but I say unto you that Elias has come already and
04:14They knew him not but have done unto him whatsoever. They listed
04:19Likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer of them
04:23Then the disciples understood
04:26That he spake unto them of John the Baptist
04:30What's happened?
04:31Well, here's what's happened and
04:34I'm not going into a lot of detail. I've covered a lot of this with you, but what you just read tells you
04:41that the second coming of Christ could very well be a
04:45Variable thing as it comes to time that there's no set time
04:51Satan has no direct access to the knowledge of God
04:55He knows no more than what God would reveal to him
04:59So if it is a variable thing and something that God the Father has within his power that any time
05:06He can call the second advent of Christ
05:09Then there's no way in the world Satan could know it or anyone else on the face of this earth
05:13that would make sense when it has to do with
05:17The Lord the day is at hand. The Lord's going to come back in our lifetime and all of that he might have
05:24But in the will of God he chose for 2,000 years
05:27For here we are today waiting for the coming of the Lord. Only the Father knows that that's important because that's what you call a
05:36Key to understanding some of the things in the Bible
05:40So it's a variable thing and I do believe that I believe the Lord could have come today
05:46But for whatever reason he did not come today. He could come tomorrow
05:49But for whatever reason the Father chooses he may not come tomorrow, but whatever whenever it's in the hands of the Father
05:57Totally and completely and he'll make that decision
06:00But that decision could be changed
06:03See because Elias could have been John the Baptist and that's a big long thing
06:07But had he been a lot could have happened 2,000 years ago. That did not happen
06:12Now notice the scripture says let me get my text back up here
06:17The text says this
06:19Which in his times
06:21He shall show
06:23Who's the blessed and only potentate now? What is this?
06:27Well in first Timothy chapter number 6 verse 14 this has to do with the appearing of the Lord now note carefully
06:33That thou keep his commandment without spot unrebukable unto until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
06:41Note carefully now the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So there's no question of the context. We're talking about the Son of God
06:49So what are we talking about here? Well, he's going to be they're going to show he's going to appear
06:54See the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
06:57Well now the Bible tells us that when Christ was here 2,000 years ago. He made the father
07:05He revealed the Father
07:07Matthew chapter 24 verse 4 says and Jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you
07:13For many shall come in my name saying I'm Christ and shall deceive many
07:18Luke chapter 17 verse 28
07:21Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot. They did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded
07:27But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone
07:32From heaven and destroyed them all now watch this even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed
07:40See this revelation when he's revealed
07:432nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse
07:452nd Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6
07:48seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and
07:53To you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven
07:59With his mighty angels in
08:02Flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
08:112nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 let no man deceive you by any means
08:16For that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition
08:23Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he has God
08:30Sitteth in the temple of God
08:32Showing himself that he is God
08:35Remember you not that when I was yet with you
08:37I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time
08:43For the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way and then
08:49Shall the wicked that wicked be revealed
08:53Now watch this whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming
09:02Now when you begin to study the Bible you're gonna have to take what it says and compare scripture with scripture
09:09Romans 8 verse 17 and
09:12If heirs if children then heirs heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ
09:16If so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together
09:21For I reckon the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us
09:29For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God here in this this is another revelation
09:38Now turn over to Isaiah chapter 14 and read this with me verse 15
09:43Isaiah chapter 14 verse 15
09:49Satan exalts himself he wants the throne of God and he wants the glory of God
09:56There's not much he doesn't want
09:59Isaiah 14 15
10:02Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell
10:06to the sides of the pit
10:08Now watch this
10:11Now watch this
10:12They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man?
10:20Now look at this
10:21Satan is brought down to the pit yet. We have a man that shows up
10:27Is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms?
10:34And we're talking about the revelation of the manifestation of the sons of God
10:38And we're talking about the revelation of the Lord of Lord and king of kings
10:42Now holds you place in Isaiah 14 turned to Ezekiel 28 and verse 18
10:52He's talking about the same event Ezekiel chapter 28 and verse 18
10:58Ezekiel 28 18 thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities
11:06by the iniquity of thy traffic
11:08Therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee
11:14It shall devour thee
11:16And I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight
11:20of all them that behold thee
11:24And they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee
11:28Thou shalt be a terror and never shalt thou be anymore. Who is this?
11:34This is the antichrist
11:36This is satan manifest in the flesh first revelation 13. This is satan manifest in the flesh
11:45And when the lord jesus christ comes the scripture says that he's going to destroy him
11:50With the brightness of his coming look at second thessalonians chapter number two and verse number six
11:56And now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time
12:00For the mystery of iniquity doth already work. This is the satanic trinity
12:05Only he who now letteth will let
12:08Until he be taken out of the way
12:10And then shall that wicked be revealed. There's your antichrist
12:16Whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming
12:23Even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders
12:31Now here's put it together and this is what we've got
12:34When the lord jesus christ comes he's going to reveal himself
12:38In revelation 19 verse 11. He said I saw heaven open
12:42And behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called fateful and true
12:46And in righteousness he doth judge and make war
12:48Judge and make war
12:50His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head many crowns
12:54He had a name written no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood
13:00And his name is called the word of god. There's no question. This is the lord jesus
13:04What happens when he comes he will come physically?
13:08He will come and he will confront the antichrist
13:12When he confronts the antichrist he will confront a man because that's the way he will come
13:17The antichrist will appear as a man
13:19And when he comes in the glory of his countenance and the glory of his presence
13:24Will literally from the inside of that man
13:27When that glory of the lord jesus comes down upon that antichrist
13:31It will consume him from the inside in their very presence and he will literally be consumed and they'll see their god
13:41Fall before them and his body turn to ashes
13:45Amen now satan himself a spirit being can't be consumed like that
13:49Satan is taken and cast into a bottomless pit
13:52They'll spend a thousand years
13:55But you see the man that had become satan incarnate the antichrist is going to be consumed in the very presence
14:03of all those
14:04who uh who worship him
14:07The catching of the way of the saints do not need a revelation
14:10There needs to be no revelation why because it's not for the world
14:15It's not for anyone to see
14:17It's a mystery
14:19We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed. I show you a mystery first corinthians 15
14:24The lord jesus will come back
14:26Shouting your name up you go to meet him in the clouds and in the air
14:30We meet him he comes he appears as it says in the song of solomon
14:34Who is this that appears at the lattice work he appears we go to meet him in the clouds and
14:40Instantaneously in a moment in the twinkling of an eye. We're carried away
14:44Gone to be with him
14:46That's the mystery. We're waiting for that mystery. That's not a revelation
14:50That's just a mystery. We're gone. We're disappear
14:54but then
14:55Seven years of the time of jacob's trouble is set
14:59And when this happens the antichrist rises and the lord jesus christ will consume him at the second coming at the
15:06Revelation and when he comes at the revelation he will come with the saints of god the manifestation of the sons of god
15:13In other words us we will come with him
15:16So there's no need
15:17No need at all
15:18For a revelation as it as it as it relates to the church of god
15:24Now notice what it says over here. It says which in his times he shall show
15:29Who is the blessed and only potentate?
15:33The king of kings and lord of lords
15:35The word translated potentate means supreme ruler
15:39powerful being
15:41all power like almighty god
15:45Word ken to it is despotase in greek
15:51Is there anything in english close to that despotase?
15:55This there you go. Somebody said it despot
15:58That's where the english word despot comes from straight from greek despotase
16:02And it's a bad context in english
16:05A despot is not somebody you want to be around but it is someone who wields power
16:10That's a despot you see
16:13Like itty. Amen. Dada. Have you ever heard of him?
16:17Oh, yeah, or joseph stalin and so forth
16:20They they wield enormous power
16:23But when the lord jesus christ comes he comes in power
16:26enormous power
16:28He doesn't come asking for anything
16:30He comes to take that which is rightfully his
16:35Now I want you to notice what he says here though
16:38Who only hath immortality?
16:41Now only hath immortality the book of psalm chapter 90 verse number one says lord
16:47Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations
16:51Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou has formed the earth in the world
16:56Even from everlasting to everlasting thou art god. Hallelujah
17:06Now I have everlasting life
17:08He's given me eternal life tonight. I possess it
17:11But it came from the one who liveth forever and ever I haven't always lived
17:16There was a time when I was not
17:19Except in the mind of god
17:21But you see there was a time when he was not
17:24He is forever and eternal. There is no beginning with him. No ending with him
17:28So this is why it says who only hath immortality
17:32He's the source of life. There is no life outside him. There is no existence outside him
17:38It cannot exist. He upholdeth all things by the word of his power
17:42In him was life. The life was the light of men the light shineth in darkness and the darkness
17:47Comprehended it not but i'm so thankful the light lit up my soul one day
17:52notice carefully now
17:54Who only hath immortality?
17:56Obviously it is saying here. He said I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish
18:01Neither shall any man pluck them from my hand. John 10. We know that he gives eternal life
18:05So he's not saying that this is a statement that the only one who has who the only one who is immortal is god
18:11He's saying that the only one is immortal of himself immortal is god
18:15That's what it says that's what he's saying he is immortal because he is immortal
18:20He depends on nothing. He has nothing. He doesn't need anything. He needs nothing to survive
18:25Now that's a being that's above my mind
18:28And I believe all of it and I believe all the high sounding stuff you can read about god
18:32I believe every bit of it, but some of my friends hard to wrap your mind around
18:37Imagine a being that has never
18:39There was never a time
18:41That he did not exist
18:44Think about that, but also remember this he's a spirit being
18:48A spirit being that's what he told the woman at the well
18:52Verily I say unto you
18:54The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of god
18:58And they that hear shall live
19:00For as the father hath life in himself. So hath he given to the son
19:04to have life in himself
19:07Now what what what's this?
19:10Watch this
19:11The lord jesus christ is the second person of the trinity, right?
19:14Certainly he is he's god manifest in flesh. Absolutely
19:18Absolutely, and there's something else too. It is impossible for god to die
19:24That's an impossibility. It can't happen. That can't if god is dead who's going to raise him from the dead
19:30Think about that for a moment. God cannot die
19:34He can't do it. But you see there is the life of god
19:37That I told you a moment ago. There's from everlasting to everlasting
19:41But he became a man
19:43And this is another great mystery the incarnation
19:47God became a man
19:49fully god fully man
19:51And the lord jesus christ lived a sinless perfect life on this earth
19:55Sinless perfect and total obedience to the father in absolute dependence upon the father
20:00Not even as much as a as a breath of air except it be by the father's will that's the lord. Jesus. Amen
20:08Yet here's what he said of himself in john 5 as the father hath life in himself
20:14the source of life from the father
20:17So hath he given to the son
20:20To have life in himself
20:22So what have we got?
20:24This is the life of one who died
20:27And he said to john on the isle of patmas. I am he that liveth john
20:30And was dead
20:32And behold
20:33I'm alive forevermore
20:37This is the one who can speak into death notice he speaks into death
20:41And he calls forth those that are dead
20:44Here's the one who goes into death himself
20:46And he comes out from the dead
20:48Death has no power over him
20:51in other words the life that I have tonight certainly is the life of god, but it is it is it is
20:57Qualified by saying it is the life of the resurrected lord. Jesus christ
21:04That's what my life is tonight
21:06It's just like the righteousness that I said to you before when the son of god was here 2 000 years ago
21:11You remember I said he lived a life sinless perfect and he created a righteousness that did not exist
21:19Before he showed up and listen the righteousness of the son of god who lived 2 000 years ago was equal in every sense
21:27to the righteousness of the father
21:30And that's why the father said sit at my right hand
21:33Therefore god said to god
21:36The lord said to my lord
21:39Sit down at my right hand. All right
21:43But the life of the lord. Jesus christ now
21:46Is an entirely different life in the sense that it is a life that had died
21:52And then came back to life again
21:55You see in other words there was part of the son of god that did die
22:00He became a man
22:02He took part of the same his body died
22:06Into thy hands. I commend my spirit and his soul went down into the heart of the earth, right?
22:12So the body died of the lord. Jesus
22:15That died
22:16And on the third day was raised again from the dead
22:20The first adam came from the earth and god breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. He became a living soul
22:25The last adam he's called not the second but the last he's called the second man last adam first corinthian 15
22:32this last adam
22:33Is the one who gives us that life of the resurrection life of the son of god
22:38And that's the life that we enjoy now
22:40In other words, we've already come through death and one on the other side of death and death can never touch us
22:46He that liveth and believeth in me he said shall never die
22:51This is the life
22:53That he has in himself
22:55So who only hath immortality now the scripture goes on to say
23:04He dwells in the light which no man can approach into whom no man hath seen nor can see
23:12Now what kind of light is that
23:14Well with your physical eyes, you can see the spectrum of light as far as you're allowed
23:18You can't see the full spectrum of light, but you can see part of the spectrum of light
23:23with your natural eye
23:25We know by science that there is a light that your eye cannot see
23:30It's there but you can't behold it because you don't have that ability
23:35Now we're talking about a spiritual light
23:37That you cannot see until god makes it known to you
23:42And the bible says this no man knows the father, but the son no man knows the son, but the father
23:47When the lord jesus christ came he came to make the father known as far as we could understand and receive him
23:53And we know as much about the father right now as the bible tells us and as christ revealed to us
23:58But folks, we're only scratching the surface
24:01There's a whole lot more about the father
24:04And the godhead that we will know
24:06And that that's the kind of thing intrigues me. It does
24:09That's the kind of thing fires me up to know that he I mean here we are. We're so limited in our capacity
24:16But the scripture says
24:17He dwells in the light
24:19Which no man can approach unto
24:22Well for one reason you don't know where it is
24:25You have no you have no way to find it. There's no you have no measurement
24:29You have no there's nothing you can use to find the light of god
24:34And if even if you found it, which you can't but if let's say you did you couldn't see it
24:39because it says
24:41Whom no man hath seen nor can see
24:44Now what's paul talking about?
24:46Imagine him sticking this in the scripture in first timothy chapter number six
24:50And you read along and then all of a sudden you're hit with this
24:54And you read something like that. Does that make you go home and scratch your head and begin to think?
24:58I mean good night. You'd say paul. What in the world son?
25:02I mean here he comes with this
25:04Only the one the only one in with immortality
25:08And then he dwells in the light which no man can approach into
25:12Whom no man hath seen now the bible to god the gospel of john talks about the light neither came a theta
25:17Neither come a theta of the light because the light makes their deeds shows their deeds to be evil
25:22They don't like the light the light's all through the gospel of john. We know that's not a light bulb
25:27We know that's the light of the convicting power of the holy spirit of god who illumines the soul
25:33We know that we know that well, here's the very light of god
25:38In the beginning genesis chapter number one
25:40The bible says there was darkness upon the face of the earth
25:42The earth was without form and void darkness upon the face of the earth tohu va bohu
25:47Is the hebrew for that without form and void it says in the book of isaiah chapter 45
25:52God did not create the earth tohu va bohu in plain words. He did not create it without form and void
25:59But anyway, I don't want to get off and I just want to put that out there for you to think about that
26:04But it says
26:05And there was darkness upon the face of the deep
26:08For darkness and what did the bible say that he did?
26:12Created the sun
26:14No, he did something before he made the sun
26:17He spoke something
26:19He said let there be what?
26:21Exactly. Let there be light
26:24Light let there be light. He didn't tell you the source of that life. He didn't light
26:27He didn't tell you the nature of that light. He simply said let there be light
26:32And of course what happens? Well when the almighty says it is going to happen
26:36The hebrew word bara is create bring into existence
26:40From nothing simply by the spoken word of god
26:44All right, but then later he creates the the greater light and the lesser light. He creates the sun and the moon
26:50How many of you noticed this moon in the last few days? I got up the other day man
26:53You could see the shadows out there
26:55Moon, have you ever seen a moon shadow of that bright of a moon boy i'm telling you bright
27:01But it's not the source of light. It reflects the light
27:04That's what we are
27:05See, we're like the moon
27:07We reflect the light
27:09of the sun
27:10Amen, i'm not the source of light. Thanks be unto god. I'm plugged into the light
27:15But i'm not the source of it
27:17All right, but this is a light that is akin to the light. We're talking about
27:22Let there be light now. I can't say it's exactly the same like you can't do that
27:25You know, you can you can jump up and say a lot of things
27:28But I will say this the bible has already spoken to us and told us
27:33There is a light
27:35and that light
27:36Is uh beyond our reach beyond our comprehension and beyond our natural ability to see
27:42But it is no doubt there
27:45the gospel of john 1 says
27:48John bear witness of him and cried saying this was he of whom I spake
27:52He that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me
27:56And of his fullness have we all received grace for grace
28:00For the law was given by moses, but grace and truth came by jesus christ
28:05No man hath seen god at any time. Do you see this?
28:10The only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father hath declared him
28:17First john chapter 4 verse 12
28:20written by the same apostle
28:21Says no man hath seen god at any time
28:24If we love one another god dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us. Here we go again
28:30More than one time the bible says no man hath seen god
28:34Now in the book of genesis chapter number 32 verse 29. Jacob asked him said tell me I pray thee thy name
28:40And he said wherefore is it that thou didst ask after my name and he blessed him there
28:45And jacob called the name of that place panayo
28:48Where god can be seen?
28:51For I have seen god face to face and my life is preserved. Is this a contradiction?
28:58Jacob says that he saw god and the apostle john says no man's ever seen god
29:03That's just no contradiction folks
29:06God manifests himself
29:08In any way he pleases
29:09And can make himself known like he did through the through christ. Here's what he said
29:14Did the lord jesus christ say if you've seen me you have what?
29:19All right
29:20You've seen the father right of course
29:23But there's a whole lot more to the father than some physical appearance
29:27No man hath seen god the one that dwells in the light that no man can see
29:31No man can approach into that light. You wouldn't know if you saw it. You can't see it
29:36that eternal
29:38spirit being
29:40In the purity of his essence
29:43Nothing has ever seen him
29:46except the son
29:48And that includes the devil
29:50That includes every creature there is and remember satan is a creature
29:55In his purity of essence and so what is that he's a spirit
30:01And this begs the question then what is the essence of a spirit
30:08We read over here in the book of job
30:11Verse six chapter one
30:14There was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord
30:18satan came also among them
30:21And the lord said to satan notice carefully the word now satan satan's a hebrew word satan it means adversary
30:27That's what the word means
30:29The word satan can show up as it relates to a person
30:34But it can also relate to the spirit being here. It's not a person here. It's the devil as we call him today
30:40The word devil is diablos the slanderer
30:43So we found here and the lord said to satan whence comest thou?
30:47What a question
30:49Then satan answered the lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it
30:54The apostle peter said this be sober be vigilant
30:57Because your adversary the devil is a roaring lion walketh about seeking
31:01Whom he may devour notice the movement. He's walking about
31:06Notice in job going to and fro in the earth
31:09no rest
31:10He's moving about
31:14When the lord jesus christ was baptized in the jordan river immediately. He was led by the spirit in the wilderness
31:19He spent 40 days in that wilderness
31:21fasting talking to god
31:23the enemy showed up
31:26There's a lot of controversy about whether satan was there for 40 days
31:29Working him over or he just showed up at the end of 40. You can't prove it either way
31:33But the bottom line is satan was there
31:37And he tempted him tried to tempt him
31:40But here's the point if satan was there
31:43Apparently he couldn't be anywhere else
31:47being a spirit being
31:49He's not limited like we are to one place at one time. Have you ever thought about that?
31:55And not only that if he can tempt me here and then he can tempt someone in paris france five seconds from now. He's pretty fast
32:03That's about uh
32:05Five six thousand miles from here
32:08He can move about right?
32:11You can't understand it on this physical term on the on the on the on the on us
32:16You can't do it because god's a spirit the bible says
32:20All right
32:21David said if I make my bed in hell, they weren't there
32:24Where can you go from the presence of the lord?
32:27All right. It's called omnipresence. That's a big word. They're using, you know, theology 101
32:33Young man goes off to bible school. That's one of the words. He learns omnipresence
32:37Omnisapiens and so forth omnipotence and all that
32:40All right omnipresence means that god is everywhere at the same time
32:47He's god
32:48All right. He's a spirit being
32:50How can he be that how can he be everywhere at the same time?
32:54The only answer that I can give you or anyone else is that we do not know the essence of a spirit
32:59I know the essence of my body here I am
33:03If you see me here, you didn't see me on in halls at the same time
33:07That's an imposter
33:08God bless his poor old soul if he looks like me he's in bad shape. Amen, but I can only be in one place at a time
33:15one place
33:18But not god
33:20God can be everywhere
33:22So how limited is satan?
33:25We don't know
33:26I just throw these out for you to think about it. Have you ever thought about that?
33:31I mean have you ever talked to somebody who came to church and they said satan's working me over all day today and you say
33:35Well, he's been working me over all day today
33:38Well, which one has he been working over all day today?
33:41You know, and I don't question that he's been working you over he works me over
33:45But it doesn't mean that he's limited to one place
33:47Because if he is limited to one place then satan satan can only be at one place at a time
33:52That means that that means that the world is free of his temptation if he's here tonight working in this place
33:58No, it's a little above that
34:01It's a little above that satan is a spirit being
34:05And he's not god, no, he's not god
34:09But he certainly does have enormous power
34:13in isaiah chapter 14 and verse 11, it says
34:20Thy pomp is brought down to the grave
34:23The noise of thy vials the worm is spread unto thee the worms cover thee
34:28How art thou fallen from heaven? Oh lucifer son of the morning
34:32How art thou cut down to the ground which just weakened the nations
34:36For thou has said in thine heart. He didn't say it publicly. He didn't speak it audibly
34:41He said for thou has said in thine heart. I will ascend
34:45Into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of god
34:49I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north
34:54I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high
35:00Thou shalt be brought down to hell
35:03to the sides of the pit
35:06They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying
35:10Is this the man?
35:13That made the earth to tremble
35:15That did shake kingdoms
35:18I believe probably in about every generation
35:21There is a candidate out there for the antichrist
35:28Qualifies and uh
35:31It just depends on what the almighty intends to do and when he intends to do it
35:35And he's not bound by time space
35:38Any of that he could do what he pleases when he decides to do it
35:41so the lord jesus
35:44Any any you know any and some of these guys they they mean well i've listened to them read their books
35:51But they get a little arrogant and they get carried away with it
35:54And then they start setting dates and one of them quoted the old testament where it says
35:59Shall god do anything except he reveal it to his servants the prophets i've heard him quote that many times
36:05And to you know to support to support their books
36:09But folks they've all been wrong haven't they?
36:11And they've hurt a lot of people
36:13a lot of a lot of a lot of faiths
36:15A lot of people their faith has been
36:18Destroyed because they put faith in the man. Don't ever put your faith in the man folks
36:23I do not know when the lord's coming back
36:26Neither does the son
36:28But only the father
36:30But I do know this
36:31I do know that we do not have to go through the great tribulation
36:35In a moment the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound
36:43And we shall be changed that's called a blessed hope and glorious appearance of our great god and savior
36:50It's getting worse
36:52It's getting dark
36:54People are getting used to the dark
36:56It's so sad
36:57I hate I hate it. I hate to see what's happening to my country
37:01But I know one thing
37:03He'll present to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle
37:06He's coming for his bride
37:08He's going to receive his bride
37:10He's going to carry her up to heaven take her to a marriage supper
37:14And he'll have the whole family of god represented there at that marriage supper
37:18While this old world is rocking and reeling under the time of jacob's trouble
37:22We'll be at the marriage supper of the lamb
37:25Come back in power and glory. Amen
37:30Have you ever been excited about ruling over a certain area of the earth or reigning over a city or something of that nature
37:36Uh, if you don't know god's got something in store for all of us
37:41And he will come
37:43And he will come and he will come and get us
37:46And my prayer tonight is even so come lord. Jesus come
37:51Father bless your word and the time we have together in your house
37:54Blessed father the hearing of the people
37:57And father if someone needs encouraged
37:59Encouragement tonight. I pray that I might have said a few words to encourage
38:03If they need conviction tonight, I pray you might have spoken to their heart
38:06If we need direction tonight heavenly father, I pray that the holy ghost will lead us
38:11In the paths of righteousness for his name's sake
38:14We pray this now in jesus name
38:18All right, let's stand up tonight
39:41Well folks the nation is about to elect another president
39:4447th president
39:45He's soon. I think it was november the 5th. I believe it's is the major election date
39:50but they have early voting now and they say that the
39:53The lines are heavy that there's a big turnout
39:56And that that may be a good thing or a bad thing. I know a lot of people are hurting right now
40:02We need to do some praying about the direction of our country. Yes, we do
40:06Now keep this in mind
40:08That the country is not the church of god
40:11This is times of the gentiles
40:13And all that but still you want to be a patriot you want to do the right thing
40:17So do some do some praying about uh about what the direction of this nation
40:22And ask the almighty to give us wisdom
40:24Uh, we had we've had a lot handed to us
40:28There's no question. I've been around this world a few times. I've seen a lot of the world a lot of it
40:35america definitely
40:37Has a lot of riches that you don't find in a lot of places. No question. No question about that
40:42And I firmly believe that that's a gift of god
40:45God has blessed this nation
40:47Let's return it to him. Amen
40:49Return that blessing to him
40:51Father, thank you for your word tonight bless these dear folk
40:54We ask it now in jesus name
