• last year
00:00I saw a journalist, and you know what she told me?
00:04That maybe the accident at Nectar was an attempted murder.
00:07Attempted murder?
00:09What kind of nonsense is that, Davis?
00:11What kind of journalist is that? Where did she come from?
00:13She's probably making up stories.
00:15She's probably a member of a sensationalist organization.
00:17The police also said so, Marcial.
00:19They're making up theories.
00:21Davis, stop thinking about those things and being more salty about the wound.
00:25The police always make up all the possible scenarios,
00:27todos los escenarios posibles pero no necesariamente son ciertos bueno pero
00:31tampoco podemos descartar algo así claro que podemos descartar lo
00:36de que es escucha me quien iba a quererles hacer algo así
00:41piensa no todo el mundo los quería ellos eran buenas personas no se metían
00:46con nadie no te tormentes pensando en armadurías
00:50los accidentes pasan es muy lamentable pero pero es así
00:56no lo sé marcia no lo sé yo lo único que sé es que esto me duele mucho me
01:03duele como nunca lo había imaginado a mí también hijo mío a mí también
01:10todo va a pasar pronto pero hasta entonces tenemos que ser fuertes muy
01:32todo está acá y qué es eso es una de las agendas de mi
01:38marido donde hay apuntes de reuniones pagos tú me entiendes no y se puede
01:44saber dónde lo encontraste me metí a la oficina de marci estaba viendo abrió un
01:49cajón ahí estaba como si estuviera esperándome
01:52imbécil bueno y que quieres conmigo porque imagino que no ha venido a hacerme
01:59una escenita de celos que mi nombre figura en esa agenda no quiere decir que
02:03sea el amante de tu marido yo no te tengo celos coquia y ala marcia jamás
02:08podrá encontrar algo mejor que yo
02:13entonces porque ha venido hasta acá porque
02:18creo saber cómo es que marcial un hombrecito de collique tiene tanto
02:22dinero no me digas
02:26y que descubriste si se puede saber mira tú y yo sabemos que marcial no es un
02:31hombre muy inteligente y detrás de todo su éxito tiene que haber algo o alguien
02:36y esa persona está acá recibiendo pagos mensuales desde hace más o menos 14
02:43años jorge coquia y ala el famoso chacal porque yo no soy parte de este
02:59quiero presentarles a mi hijo davis orosco
03:06aunque ustedes ya lo conocen muchos de ustedes esta es la primera vez que vamos
03:11a cantar juntos y aunque él no lo crea este es un sueño
03:16que hemos esperado los dos
03:28extraño mucho papá
03:37extraño solo quiere estar una vez más contigo cantando juntos en el escenario
04:02y voy
04:09si al davis interrumpo no no adelante por favor
04:19quería quería hablar contigo
04:23quería contarte que hable con el abogado él va a venir mañana y nos va a ayudar
04:28en todo lo que sea posible muchas gracias marcia no te preocupes para eso
04:34estoy acá también también quería hablarte de
04:39otra cosa que es muy importante pero quizás quizás
04:46no sea el momento no marcial está bien dime de qué se trata
04:53has pensado en ésta que va a ser de su futuro
04:58a qué te refieres que tal vez ha llegado la hora de vender
05:03el grupo davis y yo podría comprarlo vendré el grupo
05:07marcial de que estás hablando por qué no podemos dejar que el sueño de tu padre
05:13muera yo conozco lo prometa yo puedo encargarme de todo tengo la
05:17experiencia hagamos que nectar siga haciendo historia
05:23que dices davis me vendes el grupo me vendes nectar davis
05:36tú no sabes nada sobre mi negocio comercial todo lo que dice son puras
05:40especulaciones no tienes ni idea lo que me dedico tampoco me importa solo sé que
05:46el genio detrás de todo el imperio de mi marido eres tú así que vengo a
05:49ofrecerte mi ayuda para lo que sea que necesites tú estarás detrás de todo el
05:54éxito de marci pero detrás de un gran hombre siempre hay una gran mujer
06:01una gran mujer claro te imaginarás que yo no puedo confiar en
06:07una persona que es capaz de traicionar a su propio esposo yo no voy a traicionar
06:11a mi marido al contrario quiero cuidarlo no voy a hacer que meta la pata
06:16y mande todo esto al tacho no te imaginas y esto cae las manos
06:26dejémonos de jueguitos está bien chacal
06:32tiene razón marcial es sólo una fachada
06:38apenas regrese de viaje en mi amigo marcial te llamaré
06:45quiero asegurarme de saber todo absolutamente todos sus pasos entonces
06:54somos socios socios
06:59tienes que agradecerme que no vaya con el cuento a tu mar si que veniste acá
07:03traicionar porque eso de que quieres cuidarlo no te lo creen y tu madre pero
07:10tengo que felicitar te porque ya te vas a dar cuenta
07:17de que ponerte de mi lado ha sido la cosa más sensata que has podido hacer
07:44vendré el grupo no marcial jamás he pensado en eso
07:50mira debis en circunstancias normales te pediría que te tomes todo el tiempo del
07:54mundo para pensarlo pero desgraciadamente tenemos un problema grave
08:00nectar está endeudado endeudado como que endeudado marcial mi papá nunca me
08:07dijo nada de eso es que todo esto pasó después del accidente
08:10los empresarios con lo que firmamos contratos nos dieron adelantos muy
08:14grandes y no tenemos con qué pagarles simplemente hay que devolverles el
08:18adelanto ya está ese dinero ya no existe davis se usó en comprar equipos en
08:22renovar instrumentos en muchas pequeñas cosas por eso necesito saber qué va a
08:27hacer del futuro de nectar ellos quieren su dinero ahora y ni tú ni tu
08:31mamá tienen por qué cargar con esto lo mejor sería que yo me quedara con nectar
08:39marcial yo no puedo tomar una decisión ahora
08:44lo siento pero no está bien está bien piensalo yo mientras tanto me encargo de
08:53pero que no sé mucho tiempo porque si no les pagamos ahí si no vamos a ver en
08:58problemas está bien marcial está bien gracias por decirme
09:06una cosa más mantengamos esto en secreto porque estos asuntos de dinero
09:09siempre son muy complicados y si la prensa se entera tienes razón marcial
09:13tienes razón en un par de días te doy la respuesta
09:17estoy seguro que vas a tomar la mejor decisión para todos
09:23marcial espera hay un lugar al que quiero ir y creo que
09:28tú me puedes acompañar donde al último lugar donde cantó mi
09:33padre al mágico boliviano
10:48de que extraño tanto
10:54voy a vivir el resto de mi vida extrañándote
10:59te amo mucho yoni te amo tanto
11:07tu nombre
11:16porque te fuiste mi amor
11:20por que
11:22por que
11:31vamos a comer evita
11:41a ti gracias por quedarte aquí conmigo
11:46donde más podría estar a que aquí acompañándonos en nuestro dolor
11:54además el solo hecho de pensar de volver esa casa
11:58sin kiki sin su alegría sus chistes
12:05no voy a poder
12:08kati tú no tienes por qué irte nunca de aquí
12:12esta también es tu casa
12:14estoy segura que a kiki y a yoni les hubiera encantado este verano
12:20no estamos solas
12:24estamos juntas
12:26y juntas
12:28vamos a salir de esto
12:42gracias Sofia si sabes algo llame por favor
12:47se puede saber donde has estado yo te he Ethi pianoальный celular
12:49mi hermana no esta
12:51entoactado todo sus amigas ninguna responde
12:54bueno si alguien no hubiera roto el celular
12:57por favor es enserio
12:59se escapo con su novio contento
13:01como que se ha escapado con su novio y que hablas
13:03And she told me that no one was going to make her happy
13:05And that she was going to do what she wanted
13:07And I tried to talk to her, but that little girl doesn't understand
13:11If my dad finds out, I swear I'm going to kick her out of the house
13:13Do you know where that guy lives?
13:14His name is Tabito
13:16He works with the Nectar guys
13:18And he probably lives in...
13:24Okay, I'm going to look for my brother
13:25Wait, wait, wait
13:26Have you seen what time it is?
13:27They're going to steal everything
13:28The shoes, the car, the phone
13:30I don't care, I don't care
13:31I'm going to look for her, I can't leave her alone
13:52Thank you, Nati
13:55I'll be back from the funeral in a little while
13:57Wait, wait
14:00My dad
14:03My dad
14:06First, Mr. Leone
14:08Now my dad
14:12Oh, Tabito, I...
14:14I'm so sorry
14:16I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry
14:19I shouldn't be here
14:21No, no, no, no, don't worry, don't worry
14:24You're here
14:26It's the best thing that could've happened to me, okay?
14:30Although maybe...
14:32Maybe you don't deserve to be living this, but...
14:34No, no, no, no, no
14:36Don't say that, okay?
14:37You don't have to apologize for that
14:39Because if that's the case
14:41I'm very happy to be here with you
14:43Right now
14:56It must be the funeral
15:04What the fuck are you doing?
15:05Let me go!
15:06How dare you kidnap my sister?
15:07You son of a bitch!
15:08What the fuck are you doing?
15:09Matias, what are you doing? Go away!
15:10Do you have any idea how long it took me to find this?
15:12Let me go, Matias, let me go!
15:13Now you're coming with me and you'll forget about those kisses!
15:14Let me go!
15:16Matias, stop!
15:18Matias, let me go!
15:19Stay there, Natalia!
15:20Let me go!
15:21Now, Natalia!
15:22Matias, let me go!
15:24Let me go!
17:25Martial, do you think you can leave me alone for a moment, please?
17:30Yup son, yup of course.
17:33I'll be out there.
17:52And if one day, I'm going to the sea
18:02In heaven, I'll wait for you
18:08And very close, we'll live there
18:14In heaven...
18:16Thank you so much, Argentina!
18:19Johnny! Johnny! Johnny!
18:37Excuse me, young man.
18:41Are you Davies? Johnny Orozco's son?
18:44Yes. Yes, it's me.
18:47Nice to meet you.
18:49I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Johnny.
18:51I'm Peruvian, from Arequipa.
18:53Hello, nice to meet you.
18:55You don't know, young man.
18:56Your father was loved a lot here.
18:59Everything they did to him is terrible.
19:02What they did to him?
19:04What do you mean?
19:07You know.
19:09Just as there were people who loved Johnny,
19:11there were people who hated him too.
19:13People who hated him?
19:15What people?
19:17That believer.
19:19The one who kept saying that he was the real vocalist of the group Nectar.
19:23The guy named Facundo López.
19:26There are people who say that...
19:28that he could be the one who hurt his father.
19:40And you think that guy named Facundo López
19:44was the one responsible for the accident at Nectar?
19:47In the dressing rooms, he always bragged.
19:50He kept saying that he was the real vocalist of the group Nectar.
19:53And that Johnny had kept his fame.
19:56And that one day he was going to get it back.
20:03And do you know where I can find him?
20:06It's been a long time since you've been here.
20:09But I'm sure someone can give you information.
20:12He's the owner of the Peña del Gaucho.
20:14Where all the singers play.
20:17Thank you very much.
20:19Do you think you can give me the address, please?
20:22I beg you.
20:23Yes, of course.
20:24It's in Admiral Brown.
20:25In La Boca.
20:27Admiral Brown?
20:28In La Boca?
20:30Admiral Brown?
20:31Admiral Brown in La Boca?
20:32Yes, but I don't think I can find Mr. Benjamin right now.
20:35Look for him early.
20:36Open at that time.
20:39Thank you very much.
20:40Seriously, I thank you very much.
20:42I'll be there.
20:43You're welcome, young man.
20:44And listen.
20:46Your daddy will always live in the hearts of all of us who enjoy his music.
20:53Thank you very much.
21:01I'm going to keep working.
21:02I'm going to make sure I get attention.
21:03Yes, go ahead, master.
21:05And thank you.
21:06I thank you very much.
21:14Who could hate my dad so much as to want to turn off his voice?
21:27Matias, you're an animal.
21:28How are you going to come and hit him like that?
21:30Are you crazy?
21:31How dare you play with this imbecile?
21:32How dare you, Natalia?
21:33Don't touch her, idiot.
21:34Don't touch me again.
21:35Enough, enough, enough, enough.
21:36Stop it, both of you.
21:37Matias, can you have a little respect, please?
21:39The father of Fabian has just died.
21:41Nothing, my mother has felt sorry for me.
21:42Now let's go see this crap.
21:43I told you not to touch her.
21:46What kind of brother are you?
21:48I'm going to report you, you idiot.
21:51Enough, enough, enough, please, enough.
21:53Stop it, stop it, Luzma.
21:55Matias, stop it.
21:56Matias, stop it, Matias.
21:58Please, Matias.
21:59Matias, let him go.
22:00I want you to stay away from my sister, do you understand me?
22:03Matias, let him go.
22:04Please, enough.
22:05Do you want us to leave?
22:06Let's go, Matias.
22:07Please, let him go.
22:08Don't leave, please.
22:10Please, Matias, let him go.
22:13Matias, it's okay.
22:15Let's go.
22:40Go inside the house.
22:41Let me go.
22:43Natalia, wait.
22:44Can you explain in what head it is appropriate to leave with a guy like that?
22:47Now you're screwed.
22:48I'm going to tell my dad everything.
22:49Let him find out.
22:50Tell him whatever you want.
22:51I don't care.
22:52Maybe Fiorella is helping me.
22:56Seriously, Fiorella?
22:57She told me everything, Natalia.
23:01What did she tell you?
23:03That you wanted to go with that guy.
23:04She stopped you, but you still left.
23:10No, no, no, no.
23:11I can't have told you that.
23:12She was the one who was helping me.
23:14She was even the one who told me to go with David.
23:16Natalia, open your eyes.
23:18Don't you realize?
23:19She wants to put you against my dad.
23:21Can you imagine what would have happened if he had returned from the trip
23:23and hadn't seen you in the house?
23:39I'm sorry.
24:09I'm sorry.
24:39I want you with me.
24:51Don't you believe me, Matias.
24:52I'm not going to lock myself up again.
24:54If you get away with that gang member again,
24:56I swear I'll come get you again.
24:57And I don't care if I have to go to that neighborhood.
24:59So, please, could you behave like an adult?
25:02Well, exactly.
25:03Matias, Juviel, I'm not a girl.
25:04Stop treating me like one.
25:06What's going on?
25:07Why are you fighting?
25:08What's wrong with you, Natalia?
25:10Matias told me everything!
25:11He told me that you were the one who told him that I had gone with Tavo.
25:13You were the one with the idea, damn it!
25:16Calm down a little, will you?
25:18I'll leave her alone so she can understand, okay?
25:20I'm tired of your tantrums.
25:24Natalia, you know that your brother is too intense and you have to...
25:26Shut up! I don't believe you at all, Fiorella.
25:29Why don't you calm down? Let's relax a little.
25:31No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
25:33You're done. I'm going to tell my dad everything.
25:35I'm going to tell him that you were the one who gave me the ticket to go see Nectar.
25:38That you've been supporting me with Tavo.
25:40And that you're putting me and my brother against him.
25:43Oh, Nati, what a shame that you couldn't go out with your boyfriend.
25:46You would have been much happier.
25:48I understand you.
25:50Natalia, I really wanted to help you.
25:52I mean, I'm a romantic. I love these topics.
25:55And I'd rather you go with him than go somewhere else.
26:00What do you mean, alone?
26:01Yes, alone.
26:02Hi. Your dad just arrived from Argentina and he's going to send you abroad.
26:05There's nothing you can do. It's already decided.
26:08How has it been to hear you sing for the last time, Dad?
26:32Here, on stage.
27:02Let's go.
27:32Let's go!
27:33Let's go!
27:34Let's go!
27:35Let's go!
27:36Let's go!
27:37Let's go!
27:38Let's go!
27:39Let's go!
27:40Let's go!
27:41Let's go!
27:42Let's go!
27:43Let's go!
27:44Let's go!
27:45Let's go!
27:46Let's go!
27:47Let's go!
27:48Let's go!
27:49Let's go!
27:50Let's go!
27:51Let's go!
27:52Let's go!
27:53Let's go!
27:54Let's go!
27:55Let's go!
27:56Let's go!
27:57Let's go!
27:58Let's go!
27:59Let's go!
28:00Let's go!
28:01Let's go!
28:02Let's go!
28:03Let's go!
28:04Let's go!
28:05Let's go!
28:06Let's go!
28:07Let's go!
28:08Let's go!
28:09Let's go!
28:10Let's go!
28:11Let's go!
28:12Let's go!
28:13Let's go!
28:14Let's go!
28:15Let's go!
28:16Let's go!
28:17Let's go!
28:18Let's go!
28:19Let's go!
28:20Let's go!
28:21Let's go!
28:22Let's go!
28:23Let's go!
28:24Let's go!
28:25Let's go!
28:26Let's go!
28:27Let's go!
28:28Let's go!
28:29Let's go!
28:30Let's go!
28:31Let's go!
28:32Let's go!
28:33Let's go!
28:34Let's go!
28:35Let's go!
28:36Let's go!
28:37Let's go!
28:38Let's go!
28:39Let's go!
28:40Let's go!
28:41Let's go!
28:42Let's go!
28:43My father!
28:44I'm sure that day on stage you sang with heart.
28:45Like it was the last time.
28:46You just didn't know it.
28:50You always gave everything to the audience.
28:58I'm going to the other side
29:06In the sky, I wait for you
29:12And very close to you
29:14He's a good son, the one who decided to compete with his father
29:19Are you completely crazy?
29:21They will want to silence them
29:23Your father's studio suffered a fire, son
29:26What have you done to him?
29:27But his memory is more alive than ever
29:30You can't let Nektar die
29:32So tell me, what do you want me to do?
29:33You could be Nektar's new leader
29:36Who else could do it but you?
29:38Your name and mine