General Hospital 9-16-24

  • last month
00:00Sorry, we're closed.
00:07Thought I locked the door.
00:12Uh, no, you didn't.
00:17Hello, Sonny.
00:19What are you doing here?
00:20Well, I just came here.
00:21I heard from family court a custody hearing in a couple days.
00:26Yeah, I know that.
00:27It's not going to work for me.
00:29Diane is having it postponed.
00:34Is she too busy keeping you and your family out of jail to steal my daughter from me?
00:39Don't fight me on this, okay?
00:41You don't want to fight, Sonny.
00:43Give me back my daughter.
00:48Oh, hi, Tracy.
00:50I was just about to clean up.
00:52By all means, take your time.
00:54Don't you prefer I clean up your mess for you?
01:08I can come back later.
01:10No, no, no, no.
01:11It's all good, man.
01:12I just, uh...
01:14The rain's getting dry, so...
01:18What's up?
01:19What brought you by?
01:20I just heard you were here.
01:21Figured it's high time I meet Lulu.
01:24Yeah, you know what?
01:26It's good, because I don't know how much longer we have to do that.
01:34Hi, I'm looking for Dante.
01:36Is he here?
01:37Yeah, he's in with Lulu.
01:39Let me finish this, and then I'll let him know you're here.
01:44Is everything okay?
01:46Better than okay.
01:48My dad just left for Africa to find Lucky.
01:59We need to ask you some questions about the night John Case was murdered.
02:03And then we'll take you to get a ring where a judge will determine your bail.
02:07I know the drill.
02:08When's your lawyer getting here?
02:09I'll let you know when I have a lawyer.
02:11In the meantime, I can't really give you an ETA until I have one.
02:15These charges are serious.
02:17We're talking murder of an FBI agent.
02:19I know how serious the charges are, Mac.
02:21Right now, I just need my one phone call.
02:24Well, I hate to say this, but I think you need a hell of a lot more than that.
02:35We need to talk.
02:37Now's not a good time.
02:38I'm working.
02:40Did you turn me in for the murder of John Case?
02:44If by that you mean, did I tell the PCPG the truth?
02:48That you were unaccounted for the night of his murder?
02:50You bet I did.
03:15Did I ever tell you about the first night Lula and I met?
03:18Her brothers beat me up.
03:22Sounds like you guys got off to a good start, huh?
03:26She was unlike any woman I'd ever met.
03:37Spontaneous and independent.
03:42But super smart and strong and passionate.
03:49Yeah, you guys didn't work out, though.
03:52Yeah, but it's my fault.
03:54Our marriage didn't work out.
03:56I'm sorry, man.
03:57No, it's fine.
03:58I'm just feeling nostalgic, you know?
04:00What I have with Sam, the life that we built.
04:02I love it.
04:03It's great.
04:04I wouldn't change anything.
04:05And I'm grateful I get to wake up next to her every day.
04:14But when I see Lulu like this,
04:18I can't help but think about when I fell in love with her.
04:24I can't believe you would do something like this.
04:26Oh, wait a minute.
04:28Yes, I can.
04:29I'm an ADA.
04:30I had to tell the police, but I knew.
04:32No, you didn't.
04:33Molly, you saw an opportunity to hurt me, and you took it.
04:36Have you forgotten about the night in question?
04:38How you were nowhere to be found?
04:40I mean, you were gone.
04:41Sam and Mom were frantically looking for you.
04:43They even called me to ask if I knew where you were.
04:45Well, they must have been pretty desperate to think you'd know anything about me.
04:48You can't even acknowledge that I'm in pain, too.
04:51Your behavior at Irene's gravesite told me everything I needed to know.
04:54Mine and TJ's pain are nowhere on your radar.
04:57So you're framing me for murder, Molly?
05:00You really despise me that much?
05:02Listen to yourself.
05:03Me, me, me.
05:04Me, me.
05:05When are you going to realize that your actions have consequences?
05:08This coming from the person whose actions are about to get me arrested for murder.
05:12This is not about you, Christina.
05:14This is about Mom.
05:15And right now, our mother is the number one suspect in the murder of John Cates.
05:20She has no alibi.
05:21She was heard threatening the victim in the PCPD.
05:24She's been seen disposing of a gun the night he was shot.
05:27A gun that is somehow connected to you.
05:30Did she say that?
05:31Of course not.
05:33But I would bet anything that she's covering for you like she always is.
05:36Mom would throw herself in front of a train to protect you,
05:39and you'd still find a way to cry,
05:41Poor me!
05:44The role of Sam McCall will temporarily be played by Lindsay Hartley.
05:49How did this happen?
05:51I'll give you some privacy.
05:53I'll be outside.
05:55The clock is ticking, Alexis.
05:58Why are the PCPD looking at you when it is obvious who did this?
06:02Apparently, things have escalated since Rick saw me dispose of the gun.
06:07But, Mom, you weren't arrested then.
06:11Evidently, they have new evidence.
06:14Did they say what it was?
06:16No, but Mack wouldn't have brought me in here if he didn't think he could build a case.
06:20My disposing of the gun is suspicious, but it does not guarantee a conviction.
06:25They got something else.
06:28Because you were nowhere near the crime scene.
06:30I know.
06:32But as Mack said, the clock is ticking,
06:35and I need to find out what they have on me fast.
06:38Okay, how?
06:42I agree to be interviewed.
06:44Don't make this more difficult than it has to be, Ava,
06:48unless you don't want to see your daughter.
06:50We'll save the empty threats, son.
06:53We'll save the empty threats, Sonny.
06:55There's no way in hell I'm giving up.
06:58No postponement.
07:00I want my daughter back with me where she belongs.
07:04Tough talk. How are you going to back that up?
07:07Scotty Baldwin disappeared.
07:10Where does that leave you?
07:12Oh, I know. Without representation.
07:15Think of this postponement as a gift.
07:18You'll have more time to find a hack lawyer.
07:23Good luck finding somebody
07:26willing to go up against Diane Miller.
07:30She already has.
07:34But Jerome already has representation.
07:39And I'm not afraid of going up against Diane Miller.
07:43What possessed you to think that you could
07:47throw social events on the Port of Anne property?
07:51A brunch?
07:55You know what? You're right.
07:57It was presumptuous of me.
08:00I overstepped and it won't happen again.
08:04I apologize.
08:06Well, you certainly hit on the right person.
08:09I do.
08:11Next time, I will be sure to ask your permission first.
08:16Oh, don't bother.
08:18The answer will be no.
08:20We expect our employees to maintain proper
08:24professional decorum
08:26and not take advantage of my family's charitable nature.
08:29You mean stay in our place.
08:34I didn't say that.
08:36But boundaries do exist.
08:39So, if Cody wanted to throw a party,
08:43would you stop him?
08:47I haven't told Rocco yet because
08:49I wanted to tell Dante first,
08:51but my dad just left for Somalia to rescue Lucky
08:54and save Rocco's mom's life.
08:57Jenny, how do you know this?
08:59My dad texted me.
09:01Jenny, how do you know this?
09:03My dad texted me saying that he wasn't going to be able to see me for a while.
09:08At first, I was really upset,
09:10but then I realized he could be saving both their lives.
09:13Your dad knows where Lucky is?
09:16Do you know if he's reached out to Kevin or Laura?
09:20He didn't say anything about that.
09:22Just that he was on his way.
09:24What about your mom? Does she know?
09:26I'm not sure if he texted her.
09:29But she does know you're here looking for Dante, right?
09:32Probably not. I mean, as soon as I got the message, I came down here.
09:35I thought Dante would want to know.
09:38Okay, um, I'll tell you what.
09:40Dante's going to be a minute,
09:42so why don't we go hang out in the break room.
09:44I'll text your mom. I will fill her in.
09:46Let her know you're here with me.
09:48Are you hungry? There's snacks in there.
09:50Do you want some chips?
09:55We're in Africa, Somalia.
09:58I heard you were in town.
10:00Yeah, sorry I haven't called. You know, I've been busy.
10:03I appreciate family reunions as much as the next girl.
10:07But could we get back to the matter at hand?
10:09What gives, Rick?
10:11Custody battles aren't your thing.
10:13Oh, you know me. I'm versatile.
10:15Besides, I'm representing Ava in another legal matter.
10:19How'd you match that?
10:21Well, uh, your most recent discarded ex-wife, Nino, gave the introduction.
10:28Really, you should consider yourself lucky you never married this guy.
10:31Believe me, I thank my lucky stars every day.
10:33Just so we're clear,
10:36this custody battle has nothing to do with what happened at the metro court.
10:41And my understanding is Ava recanted her story against Christina.
10:48Oh, that's true.
10:50I still think that Christina will play a pivotal role in the custody case.
10:55Wouldn't you say so, Counselor?
10:57Yes, oh, absolutely.
10:58Yeah, especially when the judge hears what a hot mess Christina is.
11:01It's not going to be hard to prove Sonny's an unfit parent.
11:06Your Honor, I'd like for you to consider the cautionary tale of Mr. Carinthos' oldest daughter.
11:12I give you Exhibit A,
11:14the disastrous life of Christina Carinthos Davis.
11:20You wouldn't have had to protect me if you hadn't have gone to the police.
11:24Molly, your hatred of me is what got Mom arrested.
11:27You're to blame.
11:28Your actions are what is to blame for getting Mom arrested.
11:33You know, if I had done half the things you've done,
11:36I wouldn't even be able to live with myself.
11:39You practically pointed the police in my direction.
11:42Your own sister.
11:44So you can get off that self-righteous high horse you're always on
11:47because this is a new low, even for you.
11:50You want to talk about low?
11:52You were planning to steal my baby after assuring me I could trust you,
11:56that you wanted to help me.
11:57I did.
11:58Until you didn't.
12:00Everything changed while she was growing inside of me.
12:04And I was not planning for that to happen.
12:06It just did.
12:09I was more connected to her than I ever anticipated I would be.
12:13And then when you and TJ started fighting and having all that tension,
12:17I was worried for her.
12:19And I will never get over losing her.
12:22I think about it every single day, every single second.
12:25And I'm sure you will, too.
12:27But not only have I had to deal with suffering the loss of losing her,
12:32I also have had to physically try to heal myself from falling out of a window,
12:38which I haven't even begun to process.
12:41So, yes, I did lean on our mother.
12:45My mother, too.
12:47Because, honestly, if I didn't, I don't know how I would have made it.
12:51And Mom knew that.
12:53I never meant to put our mother in harm's way.
12:57And I will do anything to protect her now.
13:01Then confess.
13:03Molly, I cannot confess to a crime I did not commit.
13:07Being interviewed would be a huge mistake.
13:10Max just told me you don't have representation.
13:12Not yet.
13:13And why not?
13:15Where is Diane?
13:16She's representing Sonny.
13:18She can't represent me.
13:19Oh, gosh.
13:20Please tell me you're not thinking about representing yourself.
13:22It's not like I have another option.
13:25Mom, there's a million good lawyers out there.
13:29Well, they're not here right now.
13:31Listen, I got this, all right?
13:34This is an initial interview.
13:36I know what I'm doing.
13:38I know how to avoid pitfalls.
13:40And I know how to get information without incriminating myself.
13:51It's Elizabeth.
13:53Is it Christina?
13:55No, it's Dan.
13:56He's at GH.
13:57Is he okay?
13:58He's not hurt.
13:59It's about Jason.
14:01Obviously, it's important or she wouldn't have texted you.
14:04Well, I'm not leaving you.
14:05Yes, you are leaving.
14:07I said I've got this, all right?
14:12If something happens, which it won't,
14:14I need your assurance that you're going to look after Christina.
14:19That's not going to make me want to leave.
14:21Promise me, please.
14:27I promise.
14:29Get out of here.
14:30Go take care of your son.
14:31Go, go, go.
14:32Yeah, I got it.
14:44Seems like Somalia is a pretty dangerous place.
14:47Yeah, maybe you should stop reading those articles.
14:51You know, I'm not worried.
14:53If anyone can handle danger, it's my dad.
14:56He's certainly capable.
15:01Hi, sweetheart.
15:03What are you doing here?
15:04Elizabeth said it has to do with your dad.
15:06I came down here to tell Dante that dad's going to Africa to bring home Lucky and save Lulu's life.
15:11Isn't that cool?
15:13Oh, that's, um, great news.
15:18Did your dad tell you this?
15:19He texted me from the plane.
15:23So he's already gone.
15:27You know, by the way you scarfed down those chips, I can tell you're hungry.
15:31Why don't you, um, hop on over to Bobby's, pick up a couple of BLTs for you and Dante, and I'll give you my treat.
15:39Oh, no, I got it right here.
15:43Sure, but you won't tell Dante without me, will you?
15:47We're going to wait, okay?
15:50Thanks, I'll be right back.
15:52I was hungry.
15:58It's a lot to take in.
16:02Are you okay?
16:06I mean, Jason's home long enough for our son to fall in love with him again, and now he's on a plane to Africa where he could get himself killed?
16:14No, okay is not what I'm feeling right now.
16:20Molly, I am telling the truth.
16:22If you didn't kill John Cates, then what were you doing with that gun?
16:32Dex, is everything okay?
16:34Hey, I probably shouldn't be calling you, but, um...
16:37What's going on?
16:39Your mom's here. She's been arrested for the murder of John Cates.
16:42Oh, God.
16:44She's talking and she doesn't have a lawyer with her.
16:47Okay, thank you for calling. I'll be right there.
16:50What's going on? What did Dex say?
16:51I gotta go.
16:52Why? Molly, what did he say?
16:54Christina, this is the last time I'm going to ask you.
16:58Did you murder John Cates?
17:00I already told you.
17:01I know what you've told me, but you have lied about so much.
17:04If you did this, you have to come forward and confess right now because mom has just been arrested for his murder.
17:12You want to talk about parenting?
17:14What kind of father turns his daughter's mother over to the police?
17:20I didn't turn Alexis over to the police.
17:22No, you didn't. You're the one who told him. You saw her throw the gun over the bridge.
17:26Right, that's called doing my civic duty.
17:30vindictive son of a bitch.
17:33You knew she was trying to keep her family together.
17:37And you picked the right time to screw her over.
17:41Alexis is not trying to keep her family together.
17:43She's trying to protect your daughter while leaving mine to be able to deal with her pain and her grief all on her own.
17:49Alexis loves all her daughters.
17:54And Molly is not alone. She has TJ and Sam.
17:57But not her mother.
17:58They've always been close.
18:01Maybe that's your problem.
18:06You're feeling guilty because you haven't been in Molly's life.
18:09Oh, hell...
18:10Yeah, but you haven't.
18:12Whose fault is that, Rick?
18:14Okay, you know, I think we're getting off topic here, gentlemen.
18:17Sonny, you came to discuss the custody hearing, isn't that right?
18:20Ava, you chose this guy to stand up for you and your daughter?
18:25Well, guess what?
18:27Your lawyer just turned his daughter's mother...
18:33...into the police to get arrested...
18:37...for something she didn't do!
18:42Since I'm unable to secure representation, I'll be answering questions without a lawyer present.
18:49Are you sure about this?
18:54Where are you going?
18:56I can't do the interview because of our personal relationship.
18:59Someone else will do it.
19:05This is Detective Bennett.
19:07Thanks, Chief. I'll take it from here.
19:10Now, before we begin, I just want to confirm that you, Alexis Davis...
19:15...are refusing counsel in your own court.
19:17I'm not refusing counsel. I'm a licensed attorney.
19:20I'll be representing myself.
19:22I assume I don't need to advise you of the risks of taking this course of action?
19:28And for the record, I'm innocent.
19:31You're also aware that by lying, by omission...
19:35...or providing false information on a police report... can be charged with either misdemeanor or felony in New York State?
19:42I'm quite aware.
19:44Then let's get to it.
19:46Ms. Davis, you were seen dropping a firearm into Blackstone Canyon.
19:50How did the weapon come into your possession?
19:57You're still here.
20:01I have been giving some thoughts to your insinuation masquerading as a question.
20:08The one about Cody throwing a party?
20:14It's a non-issue.
20:17Cody knows that it's inappropriate to throw a party here.
20:22And if you are implying that there's some kind of favoritism...
20:26Oh, there definitely is.
20:28And why not? Cody is a wonderful guy.
20:32And the two of you have become friends.
20:34Says who?
20:35Anyone with eyes.
20:37And there is nothing wrong with that, Tracy.
20:40But Cody has this great family now.
20:44A family that he's never had.
20:46He should spend more time with them.
20:48That's why I threw this brunch.
20:50To help him make up for lost time.
20:54By all means.
20:56Help him revel in familial bliss.
21:00Just do it someplace else.
21:01You're still my employee and you're still on quarter main property.
21:04A fact you refuse to recognize.
21:07Tracy, I respect your family and this job.
21:10Believe it or not, I actually enjoy working here.
21:12Do you?
21:15Because you seem like it's a lark while you're waiting for something better to come along.
21:19I am not waiting for something better to come along.
21:22Why not?
21:25I respect your talent and your skill in the kitchen.
21:29Do you?
21:30Do you know that your quiche is perfect and that your pastry is divine?
21:35I've traveled seven continents. I have never tasted better.
21:38Do you even care?
21:41Yes, I do.
21:45I love making food that people enjoy.
21:49When did this become about me? We were talking about Cody.
21:53Maybe it's both.
21:56Sasha, you need to take your work more seriously.
22:02You are smart and capable.
22:06And at some point, you are going to want more out of life than trying to make Cody happy.
22:14Sounds like whatever you and Lulu have is pretty special.
22:19It's like lightning in a bottle.
22:23I mean, it's always like that in the beginning, right?
22:28And then time goes by, I guess, and you take things for granted.
22:33You take each other for granted.
22:38You know, when I did that last mission for the WSB and I left,
22:43it was just our relationship that fell apart, Lulu.
22:49Something inside her broke.
22:52And according to Tracy, I'm the reason that she lost her spark.
22:57All right, well, I'd take what Tracy has to say with a grain of salt.
23:01Or completely ignore it.
23:04But you know what? I think she's right.
23:07And when I left, I thought she'd get it back.
23:11You know, really, I guess I never should have left, you know?
23:15No, man, don't do that.
23:17No, you can't look back.
23:20No, you can't look back.
23:21Play in the what-if game with yourself.
23:23You know, you're not going to come up with any answers.
23:26You're just going to drive yourself crazy.
23:27No, no.
23:29Oh, no.
23:32And look, like I said, I wouldn't change anything about my life right now.
23:36But what I would give is anything to see that feisty, fiery woman sitting on a dock,
23:44feeling the breeze, waiting for that next great adventure to come her way.
23:50No text voicemails or missed calls from Jason.
23:55Well, if it's any consolation, I wasn't notified either.
24:00The dispensers are desperate.
24:02Lucky has fallen so far off the grid that if anybody is going to find him and bring him home safely,
24:09it's going to be Jason.
24:12I want Jason to find Lucky for Lulu's sake.
24:16But at the same time, I wish just once he would make his son his priority.
24:22I mean, he abandons Danny with a text and Danny still thinks he's a hero.
24:25I get it.
24:27I do.
24:29I've been there.
24:30I've resented Lucky for similar reasons.
24:33Remember, he's missed Aiden's entire life.
24:35And I have to ask myself, isn't this who he's always been?
24:40Didn't I know this going in?
24:43I knew who Jason was when I fell in love with him.
24:46I mean, I was right by his side for the longest time.
24:50What changed?
24:52I realized my kids need at least one parent they can count on.
24:58And with Dante, they have a staple home.
25:01And so do I. I have left that chaotic life behind me.
25:04Jason's living in it, and Danny is going to pay the price.
25:13Well, Jason still could step up.
25:17He did with Jake.
25:19He's paying for college.
25:21From a distance.
25:23Right, but I still give him credit for trying.
25:27So when Lucky comes home, is he going to be dad of the year?
25:32The only reason she's in the line of fire is because you put her there.
25:37No, that's your daughter's honor.
25:40Look, Alexis is protecting Christina for whatever reason.
25:43And it's not surprising, right?
25:45Because that's what you both have done for so long.
25:48You've coddled her.
25:49You've indulged her.
25:50Yeah, you've actually cleaned up everything.
25:53Well, my daughter, what does my daughter do?
25:55She's trying to toe the line.
25:56She's trying to do the right thing.
25:58Look, she excels in school.
26:00She gets a great job.
26:01She has a wonderful relationship.
26:03And what does she get for that, Sonny?
26:05She gets betrayal from her sister while she's left there to deal with it on her own.
26:09And watches her mother clean up all the mess like she always does for Christina.
26:13No, I get it.
26:16No, I get it.
26:18No, I get it.
26:20No, I get it.
26:23One brother gets all the love and the other brother is out in the cold.
26:30You're still whining about our mother giving you up and keeping me.
26:40You really want to have a discussion about who had a worse childhood?
26:49I found the gun on my property, but I have no idea how it got there.
26:56Near the driveway by the front gate.
26:59I was walking after dinner and I saw it.
27:03How were you able to see the gun if it was late at night?
27:06It wasn't that late.
27:07It was just right after dinner.
27:09Would you like to know what I ate?
27:11Yeah, I probably shouldn't.
27:13I'm hungry.
27:14Still, pretty dark outside.
27:17The moon was out.
27:19I could see something metallic in the grass, so I went to investigate it.
27:23How do you think the gun got there?
27:26Well, that would be pure speculation on my part.
27:29Why not call the police?
27:31Because I wanted the gun off my property because I have grandchildren that visit me frequently.
27:36And in hindsight, that was stupid and I regret it.
27:40Yeah, I imagine so.
27:42But if my disposing of the gun was illegal, I will deal with those consequences.
27:49But if this is all the evidence that you have against me, I'm going to ask that the charges against me be dropped immediately.
27:56And you'd be correct in doing so.
27:58But we're not finished here, Ms. Davis.
28:01In fact, we're just getting started.
28:06I'll go with you to the police station and explain.
28:08Explain what?
28:09Explain what?
28:10That Mom didn't do it.
28:11The only thing that's going to save our mother now is a full confession from the person who did.
28:15So, unless you're prepared to do that, just stay the hell away.
28:19You're only going to make things worse.
28:25I didn't kill John Cates.
28:27You have to believe me.
28:28Just like you weren't going to steal my baby?
28:33Look, I don't know if you killed John Cates or not.
28:35Maybe Mom doesn't either.
28:37But I think she believes you did.
28:39And she is in full protect mode.
28:41This is her desperate attempt to shield you, Christina.
28:44And she might wind up in prison for it.
28:46You know I don't want that.
28:48Then do her a favor and don't help.
29:06I thought we were talking about your family.
29:10Not mine.
29:11Okay, I might have overstepped.
29:13But really, come on.
29:15When Lucky comes home, are you ready for everything that could come with it?
29:20I want Lulu to live.
29:22And I want Lucky safe.
29:23That's all I can manage right now.
29:25I haven't even thought about the rest.
29:27But when Jason came back to Port Charles, we had to deal with a lot.
29:30It was tough on our boys, right?
29:32It's going to be the same with Lucky and Aiden.
29:35And I'm not even going to touch on whatever feelings are going to get stirred up in me.
29:39Because I'm not looking for that.
29:42Then, back to Aiden.
29:45All you want is your son to be happy.
29:49That's not going to happen.
29:51Because his father won't stay.
29:53And when he leaves, you're going to lie awake at night worrying,
29:56what if this time he doesn't come back?
29:58What if this time all of those risks finally catch up to him?
30:02And that is your worst nightmare.
30:05Because you know it will break your son's heart if he loses his father.
30:09You think Dad's going to die?
30:12Could we please leave the sibling rivalry out of this?
30:16It's ancient history.
30:19I'm going to tell you this once.
30:22I don't care about the past.
30:26The present problem is enough, so spare me your pop psychology.
30:31I'll tell you what you can do.
30:33You can spare me your sob story.
30:37Leave my daughter out of it and stop trying to ruin her mother's life.
30:41Christina's doing that all on her own.
30:43She's so willing to let her mother suffer while she doesn't face any kind of consequence.
30:47Consequence from what?
30:50Your client pushing her through the window?
30:53Is that what you're saying?
30:54I'll tell you again.
30:55I did not push Christina.
30:58It was an accident.
31:00And I recanted the story about her attacking me.
31:04Your boyfriend made you do it?
31:06You're not only a liar, but you're reckless.
31:09And you know what?
31:10That's a great trait for a mother.
31:12Okay, okay.
31:13Not that much.
31:14We're done.
31:15We're done here, okay?
31:16We'll be in touch about the postponement.
31:18And I'm done.
31:19Because I got to go fix Alexis's mess that you made.
31:23Oh, you want to help Alexis?
31:25Why don't you go tell the police what really happened to the quartermates?
31:29Maybe save them the time and turn yourself in.
31:32You love making false accusations.
31:33I can't wait until Diane deals with you.
31:36Yeah, I can't wait either.
31:37See you in court.
31:38Okay, bye.
31:43You know what?
31:44You teamed up with him.
31:46I don't know why.
31:48But he's going to do to you what he does to everybody.
31:52He's going to turn on you.
31:57That was fun.
32:00Hell of a position you're in, buddy.
32:02I don't know what I'd do if I was in your shoes.
32:05What are you talking about?
32:06You'd do the same thing.
32:07You'd be sitting here remembering things, hoping, praying everything gets better.
32:11I'm not so sure about that.
32:13I've never been good at the hard stuff.
32:15What are you talking about?
32:17You got yourself committed to a mental institution for Sasha.
32:22You know, you got Mac as your father now.
32:24You got a great girlfriend.
32:25You got this family around you.
32:27I'm happy for you, man.
32:28Life is good for you right now.
32:31Better late than never, I suppose.
32:37Ask Christina.
32:39She's in trouble.
32:41Miss Davis, we have two witnesses who reported seeing you disposing of what appeared to be a gun.
32:46Off a bridge.
32:48In Blackstone Canyon.
32:49Same night Agent Cates was murdered.
32:51Is this correct?
32:53Yes, that's correct.
32:55And you drove straight there after finding the gun?
33:00And after that?
33:02I drove home.
33:04I understand your daughter, Christina, was staying with you.
33:09She had just been released from the hospital.
33:11What route did you take to Blackstone?
33:14Well, there's only one route.
33:17Humor me.
33:19I took a short U-drive, and I parked near the wreck area.
33:25And after you got rid of the gun, you went straight back home to your daughter?
33:46You just cut off my keys.
33:48Yes, I went straight home.
33:50So you found the gun outside, went to the bridge, dropped it in the water, went straight home.
34:00Anything might have slipped your memory?
34:09It's very important that you answer the following question truthfully.
34:16I will always fight for you.
34:18I know. I've got you.
34:20I know you do, but I have to fight for myself.
34:24Cates has to be stopped.
34:26On the night of John Cates' murder, did anyone else drive your car besides yourself?
34:36Sweetheart, I didn't mean for you to hear that.
34:39Mom, it's okay.
34:41Dad's gonna be alright. You don't need to worry.
34:44Dad's gonna be fine. You just gotta have a little faith.
34:47Okay, yeah. I will try.
34:50He's gonna bring Lucky home, and everything's gonna be okay.
34:55You guys just gotta wait and see.
35:02Careful, Rick. The last person who got under Sonny's skin like that wound up with a couple bullets in his chest.
35:09I told you before, I'm not afraid of Sonny.
35:12Besides, I'm an excellent lawyer.
35:15Well, I do like your confidence.
35:18But does Sonny have a point?
35:21Can I trust you?
35:24You came looking for me, Ava, okay? You know, and put us together.
35:30Besides, what are you gonna do? Roll over for Sonny?
35:35No. I don't like to brag, but I'm not gonna let that happen.
35:39Well, you won't have to brag.
35:42You come through for me, and I will sing your praises to anybody that'll listen.
35:48Just get my daughter away from Sonny. For good.
35:53So, Christina's on her way over here. She wants to talk, but I don't wanna...
35:57I don't wanna do it in here, but I also don't wanna leave Lulu alone.
36:00I got you covered, brother.
36:05Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
36:21Hey, Lulu. I'm Cody.
36:26You wanna hear about the time I put live worms in Dante's spaghetti?
36:30I am flattered that you're taking such an interest in my life, but...
36:36I don't think you're actually that interested.
36:39Oh, no?
36:41No. No, I think this whole thing stems from the party that I threw Cody on the Scorpios.
36:49You're afraid of losing your friend to me and to his family.
36:57Because you don't have that many friends, do you?
37:00Well, that is a little presumptuous, don't you think?
37:04But it's true.
37:07You ever wonder why?
37:14Dante, hi. I'm so sorry to take you away from Lulu.
37:17It's okay. It's okay. What's going on?
37:19My mom has been arrested for John Cates' murder, and I have to help her, but...
37:23I don't know what to do.
37:24Wait, can you slow down? Like, you literally look like you're gonna hyperventilate.
37:26Okay, I don't know why they arrested her. Can you find out?
37:29I'm not on the case.
37:31But, Christine, I'm sorry to say, if they arrested your mom, like...
37:36Unfortunately, they must have some serious evidence to back it up.
37:40Dex, where's my mom? Where are they holding her?
37:43She's being interviewed by Detective Bennett.
37:47Do you need me to repeat the question, Miss Davis?
37:51No. I heard you just fine.
37:55I was the only person that drove my car that night.
38:02You see, that's interesting.
38:07Because your car was seen parked in the quarter main driveway around the same time John Cates was shot.
38:18Molly, what's going on in here?
38:21What are you doing here?
38:22I'm here to post bail for Alexis. Do you speak to her?
38:25Yeah, I'm too late. She's in there burying herself to protect your daughter.
38:32On the next General Hospital...
38:34You in this corner, I don't see how he can.
38:37Mom, you're working for me.
38:39I just feel so out of control.
38:41I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon.
38:43I'll be too sure.
38:44Do not take this further.
38:46That's the absolute worst thing that you could do.