General Hospital 9-24-24

  • last month
00:00You're going back!
00:03Huh, what did that machine ever do to you?
00:06Doesn't work. I like my old one.
00:10Where brings you by?
00:11Uh, I was, came by to go over the goddess claim beauty deal with you, but I'm a little more concerned with what's happening over here.
00:17Well, my chef says that that model is the best ever.
00:23Yeah, it's nice.
00:24Well, I don't need bells and whistles to, uh, you know, make a decent espresso.
00:30My old one was temperamental, but guess what?
00:34It worked.
00:36Well, that's a shame.
00:38Why hang on to the ghosts of the past when you've got a perfectly good future staring you right in the face?
00:56Oh, you can't get enough of this place, can you?
00:58I'm a fan of the food and the company, and also I have news.
01:02Oh, about Anna and Jason?
01:04I've just gotten word from my man in Kenya.
01:06I thought you'd want to know about it right away.
01:08I do.
01:09Anna and Jason have located Sidwell's compound.
01:12They're in transit there as we speak.
01:15Okay, do they have backup?
01:17No need.
01:18They were invited there by Sidwell himself.
01:24Okay, I know I should be relieved they don't have to shoot their way in, but I'm nervous about this.
01:29As well you should be.
01:31They haven't rescued luck here.
01:33No, but they're close, right?
01:35And they're safe?
01:37For now, yes.
01:39What's going on?
01:41What aren't you telling me?
01:47What's all this?
01:49You are early.
01:51Is this why Amy told me to come to the break room?
01:54I thought it would be nice if we could have breakfast together.
01:57I got in so late last night.
01:59Yeah, I tried waiting up, but I was pretty wiped after that long surgery.
02:03I figured.
02:04I didn't want to wake you, so I just slept on the couch.
02:07I let you sleep this morning.
02:10Figured you needed the rest.
02:13Look at us.
02:14We're so considerate.
02:15We might never see each other again.
02:17Molly, I appreciate all of this, but where were you last night?
02:27Home sweet home.
02:33You want me to help you unpack this stuff or what?
02:35No, it's fine.
02:37I've already done enough.
02:39You can just leave it there.
02:42Yeah, thank you for helping me move back from mom's.
02:44No, don't thank me.
02:45You gave me something to do other than stare at my phone looking for updates on Lucky.
02:49Oh, I'm sorry.
02:50I haven't even asked you how Lulu's doing or how the search for Lucky's going.
02:54No news on Lucky and Lulu.
02:56She's strong, like you.
03:00I don't feel very strong right now.
03:03Well, you are.
03:05You need me to help you out with anything else?
03:10Gosh, it feels like a thousand years since I've been back in this place.
03:15So much has changed since I was last here.
03:18You sure you're going to be okay here, alone?
03:21Yeah, I'm fine.
03:23Yeah, I'm fine.
03:25It's just mom I'm worried about.
03:35Oh, God!
03:38I wasn't dreaming.
03:54Oh, God!
04:06There are too many unknowns, too many variables.
04:09I just don't like.
04:10Okay, like what?
04:12Sidwell's a mysterious companion, for one.
04:15She could be an operative.
04:16If so, she's not one of ours.
04:18That concerns me.
04:20Great, now that concerns me.
04:22And then there's the element of surprise.
04:25Which Anna and Jason have now lost.
04:27Yeah, before you get alarmed.
04:29They don't seem to have raised any suspicions with their hosts yet.
04:34Okay, that's good, because Jason is the most capable man that I know,
04:38but he can't lie at all.
04:40He's a terrible liar.
04:42Then he'll have to lean on Anna.
04:44She'll have no trouble maintaining their cover.
04:47Will Jason have any problem following her lead?
04:50Why would he?
04:51Some men find strong women threatening.
04:55Okay, why would you say that?
04:57I mean, that's so old school.
04:59I would expect more from you.
05:00I think I'm a little offended here.
05:02You know very well that I quite like strong, confident women.
05:07Good morning.
05:10May I have my usual, please?
05:13And an introduction to the new WSB station.
05:16Okay, a blueberry muffin and a cup of coffee coming right up.
05:20Jack Brennan, this is Diane Miller, my lawyer.
05:24And Sonny Carithos' lawyer as well.
05:27Your reputation precedes you, young lady.
05:29Well, I would hope so.
05:30Tell me, what do they say?
05:32That you're a woman not to be trifled with.
05:35It's such a pleasure to meet you.
05:37I do so admire strong women.
05:40I'm going to assume you're not here for some unauthorized interrogation.
05:45He's here for breakfast.
05:47That's what they all say.
05:49May I have a word with you just very briefly?
05:52I'll be off.
05:53What about breakfast?
05:54I'll far be it for me to come between a woman and her lawyer.
05:57Talk soon, Carly?
06:00Good day, Counselor.
06:08So much for breakfast.
06:09What was that about?
06:10That was about you not being seen flirting with the handsome, eligible WSB station chief.
06:17That's not what I was doing.
06:19Appearances can be deceiving, and you have got to maintain yours.
06:24You have to at least make it look like you and Sonny are reuniting.
06:28After all, isn't that what you led the PCPD to believe?
06:34It's a beautiful machine.
06:37Well, it might be decent to look at, but if I can't figure out a way to make it work,
06:42how am I going to make a decent cup of coffee?
06:45I used to work at this little cafe in San Juan, and the owner had all of this kitchen equipment
06:50that he'd salvaged from a junkyard.
06:54He thought he was a collector, but plot twist, he was a hoarder.
06:58We won't sign that.
07:02I'm just saying, I had to convince him to finally buy this state-of-the-art machine.
07:07Let me guess.
07:08He threw it out the window, and now he's back to the old one.
07:12Somebody convinced him that it was time for an upgrade.
07:20And then once I got the new machine up and running, he never even gave the old machine a second thought.
07:25And now he serves the best coffee in all of San Juan.
07:28Thanks to you.
07:31Well, change is hard, but, you know, sometimes it needs a little push in the right direction.
07:36My old coffee maker's fine.
07:40This one could be better.
07:43Well, you know, switching, you know, could be a risk.
07:47Yeah, but you know what they say about that.
07:49No reward without a little risk.
07:53So how'd you enjoy my bed?
07:55I didn't.
07:56Oh, my back is killing me.
08:00Let me help you.
08:01Does your help involve a hook?
08:05No hip?
08:06No hook.
08:09You know, I always find that splashing a little cold water on your face in the morning really helps get you going.
08:14You know, just so you know, you're not the only one who's prisoned around here.
08:18This is not my first rodeo.
08:20Oh, really? Well then, splash away, cowboy.
08:32Water smells like wet feet.
08:35Well, it kills the germs.
08:38You know, I heard you tossing and turning.
08:42First nights are always rough.
08:45Yeah, I'm surprised you noticed with all your snoring.
08:48I don't snore.
08:50Don't worry, you're going to get used to all the sounds around here.
08:54Yeah, well, I don't intend to be in here that long.
08:57Well, we'll see.
08:59And in the meantime, I'm going to do what I can to help you.
09:05I know it's a hard time for you.
09:08I'm pretty sure they'll drop the charges.
09:10Yeah, well, I'm not talking about the trial.
09:13You lost a grandbaby.
09:16And you almost lost your daughter.
09:19I am so sorry.
09:24Were you working late?
09:26No, I went to the brown dog.
09:30Needed a drink after seeing mom taken off to Pentonville.
09:33I'm so sorry, Molly, I was in surgery.
09:36No, I figured when you didn't call back right away that you were busy.
09:39Don't worry.
09:40I actually ran into Dex Heller.
09:43Remember him?
09:44Jocelyn's boyfriend.
09:45Yeah, he's a police officer now.
09:48He was with mom before they took her to court.
09:51So you talked about your mom's case?
09:54Yeah, he's been really helpful about keeping me informed.
09:58Any news on that front?
10:01Not since she was denied bail.
10:05After I got out of surgery, I texted you, but you never responded.
10:10Yeah, I didn't get to my phone until I was in the car, and it was basically dead by that point.
10:16Hey, you know I'm here for you.
10:19Whatever you're going through, I want to help.
10:23That was just like a moment.
10:26You text me and you left me a message.
10:29Obviously you wanted to talk about something.
10:32I love you, Molly.
10:36You can tell me anything.
10:39Your mom, she can handle herself fine.
10:41What she can't handle is you not being able to take care of yourself.
10:45I know.
10:46This is what everyone keeps telling me.
10:47I have to take care of myself, and I am trying.
10:50I'm really trying, Dante.
10:52I'm going to meet with a therapist, and I joined a support group for grieving mothers who have lost their babies.
11:00Hey, that's great, and that's not easy to do.
11:05You aren't brave acknowledging you need help and then going and getting it.
11:10I don't really feel the bravery part yet.
11:15I just really hope therapy helps, because I feel like I'm all over the place.
11:21See, it gets better.
11:26The hardest part about realizing that I've made such terrible decisions is I don't trust myself now.
11:35And now I'm afraid that I'm going to keep making these terrible decisions over and over and over again.
11:41You sure you don't want me to stick around for a while?
11:45No, I'm good.
11:47I need to prove to the family that I can handle this and I can take care of myself.
11:51You don't need to prove anything to anybody.
11:53Just focus on yourself and know that you're not alone, all right?
11:58You always have my back.
11:59Of course I do.
12:00I'm your big brother, and I love you.
12:02I love you, too.
12:05Anything you need, okay?
12:09I already provided Sunny with an alibi.
12:10What else do you want me to do?
12:12The two of you need to do everything in your power to make this alibi seem less...
12:18What's the word?
12:20Okay, like what?
12:21Like no more being overly friendly with handsome, eligible men.
12:25Jack and I are just friends, okay?
12:27You know what I'm talking about, Carly.
12:29It's all about appearances.
12:31This is all about you and Sunny now.
12:34How the two of you are back together.
12:37Oh, we're not.
12:39We're not back together, okay?
12:41I already told Sunny we had a one-night stand.
12:44That's all.
12:45It happens.
12:46You know what else happens?
12:48Convenient alibis.
12:50And yours is already suspect.
12:52We have to solidify it.
12:54Okay, I know I'm going to regret asking this, but how would you suggest I do that?
12:59Move in with Sunny or have him move in with you.
13:03That's a pass, okay?
13:05That's not going to happen.
13:08So, how about I ask Sunny if he wants to go to the park with me and Donna?
13:14Not sexy.
13:16You know you're being watched, right?
13:18By who?
13:19By the PCPD.
13:21Maybe even the feds.
13:23And so if you cannot convince whoever is watching you that you two are mad for each other...
13:31As opposed to arranging some sort of, oh, I don't know, custody agreement?
13:36No, no, no.
13:37Okay, okay.
13:38That's not what I agreed to.
13:39Not what I agreed to.
13:40Too bad.
13:41It's too late to go back now.
13:43You and Sunny are two people in love.
13:45That's your story.
13:46You have to...
13:47No, it's not.
13:48That wasn't my story, Diane.
13:50Carly, if you cannot convince all of those probing eyes watching you that you and Sunny are reuniting,
13:57then they're going to conclude that Sunny's alibi is fiction.
14:00And they will not stop digging until they find something damning on Sunny.
14:05That's not new.
14:06They've been after Sunny for years.
14:08Of course, now, you're back on their radar.
14:11So if the not-so-carefully-crafted alibi falls apart, then Sunny will wind up behind bars,
14:18and you will be charged as an accessory after the fact.
14:22So for now, Operation Strange Bedfellows remains in effect.
14:28Got it?
14:31A la salute.
14:33A la salute.
14:42You know what?
14:44It could be one of the best espressos I've ever had.
14:50Okay, you're not just saying that just to get me off your back, right?
14:53If you don't believe me, try it.
14:56Hey, that's pretty good.
14:58Okay, but it could be better.
15:01I'm a woman who's hard to please.
15:03Well, you're lucky that I like a challenge.
15:11I love you, too.
15:13But I don't know what to do anymore.
15:17I don't know what to do anymore.
15:20I love you, too.
15:22But I don't know what to do anymore.
15:26Mom's in Pentonville, and there's a chance that she might actually stay there.
15:30Baby, I'm so sorry. Is it really that bad?
15:33She's just not defending herself.
15:36I mean, she's gone about this all wrong.
15:38She should never have been interviewed by police without a lawyer.
15:41She's smarter than that.
15:43Then what do you think she's doing?
15:45Protecting Christina.
15:47Why would your mom need to protect Christina, and from what?
15:50She won't say.
15:52So she's hiding something?
15:53I think so.
15:54I think my mom knows what it is, and that's why she's so desperate to protect Christina.
15:58So could Christina end all of this by coming forward?
16:02I don't know.
16:04I get that you don't want to believe that Christina would let your mom be convicted for something she did,
16:09but do you actually think that that's possible?
16:13I am coming to terms with what my sister is capable of.
16:17Sam thinks Sunny's behind this, but my mom would not sacrifice her life for Sunny.
16:22She would for Christina.
16:24So, Molly, what are you saying?
16:27That Christina had something to do with John Cates' murder.
16:30Thank you for your time. This won't take long.
16:40Okay. I guess I'll head back to the hospital.
16:44Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it, Dante.
16:47Of course.
16:49You call me if you need anything, alright?
17:04Hey, um, give me a call when you can.
17:07It's about Christina.
17:09She's about to do something she shouldn't.
17:13Before we start, I just need to make one thing clear.
17:19You can ask me anything you want to about my mother,
17:23but I will tell you right now, she's innocent.
17:26She did not commit this crime.
17:28I'm not here to discuss your mother.
17:30I want to talk about your whereabouts the night John Cates was murdered.
17:35I'm just so glad for you that your daughter, like, survived that horrible fall.
17:41Yeah, me too.
17:43But it's so sad.
17:45How about your grandbaby?
17:47I mean, you had to be looking forward to being a grandma.
17:51Um, I'm already a grandma.
17:55But, uh, yeah, I was looking forward to having another little one.
18:00I spend so much time in here dreaming about grandma days with little Ace,
18:05taking him to the zoo,
18:08playgrounds together,
18:10buying him ice cream before dinner.
18:13Before you know it, they're off to their first dance.
18:17Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.
18:20I mean, you probably don't know this, but
18:24I've never held my grandson in my own arms.
18:28I had an actual shot of getting out of here for one minute,
18:35but nope.
18:37And I'm not saying that, you know, to, like, turn this on me.
18:41I'm just trying to say to you,
18:44I understand what you might be going through.
18:48It's okay.
18:57But just know,
18:59you ruin one more night of my sleep,
19:03we got a big problem.
19:06Max Davis?
19:10Follow me.
19:11Hey, what? You're taking her in the hole?
19:13What did you do?
19:15I didn't do anything.
19:17Where am I going?
19:18To see your lawyer.
19:20My lawyer?
19:22What lawyer?
19:30Mom basically saw consequences of her own actions.
19:33It encapsulates my entire family dynamic.
19:36You mean, your mom using all of her resources to rescue Christina
19:40from her train wreck of a life while you're left to fend for yourself.
19:44Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
19:49I know you have always had to be the strong one,
19:54but those days are over.
19:56Okay, you don't have to go through this by yourself.
19:59I'm with you.
20:01I know.
20:02Especially now,
20:04when we're both still grieving the loss of our child.
20:17It's work.
20:18I have a meeting.
20:20Gotta go.
20:22You okay?
20:24We'll talk.
20:26I promise.
20:27I'll try to make it home early.
20:30Enjoy the bagels.
20:37Love you, TJ.
20:43I love you too.
20:45If I keep going, I'm not gonna be able to sleep,
20:47and I haven't been able to sleep that well lately.
20:50Because of Alexis or Christina?
20:53I've been keeping up on what's going on.
20:55How is Alexis faring?
20:57Not too good, but I hired a lawyer for her.
21:00That's really generous, but I'm not surprised.
21:03Well, I did as much for Christina as I did for Alexis,
21:06because Christina's just worried about her mother.
21:10Allison asked about her, and she really wanted to reach out,
21:13but then she wasn't sure if it would end up being better or worse.
21:16Well, it's nice that Allison wants to,
21:20it's just I think it would muddy the water.
21:22Yeah, of course.
21:24Will you let me know if there's anything I can do to help?
21:27Can you fix a toaster?
21:30I can buy you a new one, okay?
21:34No, seriously.
21:36I would really like to help.
21:39I appreciate that.
21:41Sonny, I...
21:52Morning, Alexis.
21:54If you don't mind, I would like a moment alone with my client, if that's all right?
22:00Your client?
22:02I've been retained by Sonny Karenthos on your behalf.
22:05Oh, well, I'm going to have to take a moment to process this.
22:10As you can see, I haven't had my latte yet.
22:14How was your first night?
22:17Well, all things considered, terrible.
22:21Sonny hired you?
22:23He did.
22:24And you're welcome to refuse, of course,
22:26but given the dog's breakfast, you've already made it the case I'd advise against it.
22:30Yeah, you'd think as an attorney I would know how to not incriminate myself.
22:35You would think.
22:37I've been reviewing the transcript of your interview with the PCPD.
22:40What the hell were you thinking?
22:43I wasn't.
22:46Okay, you're hired.
22:48Everything I say from now on is privileged.
22:52Go on.
22:54I'm not here defending myself. I'm here protecting Christina.
23:01Okay, well, our conversations are now confidential,
23:04but I am not going to ask if Christina had anything to do with the murder.
23:08She had nothing to do with it.
23:10Absolutely nothing to do with Kate's murder.
23:13But considering how everything went down,
23:16I'm not sure at all that she'll be able to convince a jury of that.
23:20All right then, counselor.
23:23Since you may be looking to spend the rest of your natural life in here,
23:26I think this is the part where you tell me what did go down.
23:30I don't understand.
23:32My mother is in Pentonville waiting to stand trial for the murder of John Cates,
23:37and you're here questioning me on where I was the night he was killed? Again?
23:43Our investigation is ongoing,
23:45and I'm trying to tie up a few loose ends like your exact movements
23:49the night that Agent Cates was murdered.
23:53You don't have an alibi.
23:55You stole the gun, you took the car, you ended up at the quarter mains.
23:58All of it shows that you have means, motive, and opportunity.
24:02Do you think the police aren't going to run with that?
24:08We've been over this.
24:10One more time. For me.
24:13Look, I'm realizing now I was suffering postpartum depression,
24:19and I was consumed with grief at the time.
24:23I'm very sorry for your loss.
24:25I understand how grief can take over.
24:27Of course, your father.
24:30So, what'd you do?
24:34I went to the cemetery to be with my daughter, like I said.
24:39Did you see anyone there?
24:41Not that I know of.
24:43Okay, maybe on your way someone saw you, or did you drive?
24:47I must've. I, um, like, you know, I'm really, I'm having trouble recalling the details.
24:54Okay, well, I really need you to remember, okay?
24:56Because I checked, and your car hasn't left the MetroCorp garage since your accident.
25:01That night, did you drive your mom's car?
25:09Did I miss a party?
25:14Did I miss a party?
25:18Molly surprised me with breakfast, but had to run off to a meeting.
25:24Well, she managed to tell me where you were before she zoomed past me to the elevator.
25:32How's she doing?
25:33Not so good.
25:40Family's in crisis mode.
25:42Big time. And Molly's consumed with her mother's legal troubles, and I get that.
25:50I also feel like it is a diversion from dealing with losing Irene.
25:57She'll never come to terms with that loss unless she deals with it.
26:02And that goes for both of you.
26:04Conti, whenever I try to discuss my feelings, Molly gets overwhelmed.
26:09And believe me, I'm trying to be patient. I know she's grieving, too.
26:15That's very understanding of you.
26:17Not entirely.
26:20I don't want to blame or resent Molly.
26:26But I have to admit, I'm starting to.
26:29Can I have a minute?
26:30What's up?
26:34You know what? We'll do the deal later, you know what I mean?
26:37Yeah, of course.
26:38I'll call you.
26:39No, have a great day, you guys.
26:42And Natalia, thank you for helping with the coffee machine.
26:47You're more than welcome.
26:48That's crazy.
26:50Are you kidding me right now?
26:54Diane just came to Bobby's and read me the riot act for flirting, and you're in here getting handsy with what's-her-name?
27:00Natalia, who are you flirting with?
27:02God, this isn't a joke. Diane is serious.
27:06About what?
27:07About you. About us.
27:09She said the only thing keeping you out of prison and me from being named an accomplice after the fact hinges on one thing, Sonny.
27:16Must have been some pretty significant earth-shattering strategy that Diane dealt you to come here this early and interrupt my meeting.
27:28She said we have to fall back in love.
27:33Chase, I already told you everything I remember about that night.
27:36Any light you can shed on things might help me find the real killer.
27:39And I would really love to help you do that. I would.
27:42But like I said, I'm just dealing with a lot of depression, and so things are, you know, foggy.
27:52That's understandable, given what you've been through.
27:57You know, I might have, uh, yeah. I think maybe I did take a ride-share.
28:04Which ones do you use?
28:07Oh, uh, excuse me. Just one second.
28:17Good morning, Christina.
28:21Oh, Detective Chase. Well, what are you doing here?
28:26You know, I'm going to presume that you're here just to check on your partner's sister, which of course is very admirable.
28:33If, however, you're here in an official capacity to question Christina about the case, you're going to have to make an appointment.
28:40And she'll make sure her counsel's present.
28:42Is that what you want, Christina?
28:46Yeah, makes sense to me.
28:49What are you doing here, Attorney Miller?
28:51Me? Well, I'm just delivering soup.
28:58Thank you for your time. I'll be in touch.
29:12Okay, I really need your help. I think I just said something.
29:14Stop. Stop.
29:17Not another word.
29:20My daughter is in an acutely fragile state of mind.
29:24I know. Sonny told me all about it.
29:26I'm sure he made you aware of the chain of events that led up to Kate's murder.
29:30He did.
29:31Where he was tormenting her to get back at Sonny.
29:34I know.
29:35While she was recuperating from a traumatic situation.
29:38Okay, it was vividly despicable. Do you have something to add?
29:42I thought she was going to crack, and that's when I found the gun in her purse.
29:50The gun you threw off the bridge? That was in Christina's possession?
29:54I thought she was going to hurt herself. I wanted the gun out of my house.
29:59I took it somewhere where I thought nobody would ever find it.
30:03I understand, but that means you deliberately lied to the police.
30:06Well, I didn't want to implicate her.
30:08But I stuck to the facts. I did find the gun on my property.
30:13I was scared, and that's why I removed it.
30:15Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very cagey. Congratulations.
30:17Let's not jump over your motive, okay?
30:19You were deliberately shielding your daughter from investigation.
30:22That was the point.
30:23And having done so, now you're gambling with your own freedom.
30:26It was me or her.
30:28No. No, it's not. Listen to me. There's only one course of action here.
30:32You've got to amend that statement.
30:34We're going to call Jordan, tell the police everything.
30:36I'm not doing it.
30:37I mean everything. Just explain.
30:42Just tell them why you felt you had to take the gun, okay?
30:45Tell them about Christina's emotional state.
30:48No one is going to believe that.
30:50Of course they will. We'll sell it.
30:51They're going to want to know why she took the gun.
30:54Because she was so sad.
30:55And then I'm going to have to explain to them why she took my car
30:58and why she ended up at the quarter mains that night.
31:00And the reason why.
31:02Which was?
31:04She was looking for Kate's.
31:11To kill him.
31:15Diane is insisting that we're seen romantically involved.
31:19That we need to spend more time with each other, ideally out in public.
31:23I thought this was supposed to be a one-time thing.
31:27Oh, believe me, Sonny. I thought the same thing.
31:30But Diane is not convinced.
31:32She said there's no way that the one-night stand will hold up as an ironclad alibi.
31:36She said it's too convenient.
31:38We have to make people think we're getting back together.
31:40Well, you know what? I pay Diane a lot of money for her advice.
31:44Okay, well, her legal opinion is that you were the number one suspect
31:47and they're still looking for evidence against you.
31:49She's right, as usual.
31:51Are you up for doing this?
31:54But since I'd go down as an accomplice if they prosecute you, what else am I going to do?
31:59Well, I guess you're stuck as my girlfriend.
32:01Oh, my God.
32:02Look, I don't like that I put you in this position.
32:05And I know that Jocelyn's giving you hell and the whole thing.
32:08You think? You think?
32:10Look, that's not the worst of it, Sonny.
32:12I don't mind pretending to the world for the sake of an alibi.
32:16But I'm not going to lie to Donna or Avery.
32:19Especially Donna.
32:21If she thinks that her parents are getting back together and we don't,
32:24that's going to break her heart.
32:29What, are you following me or something?
32:31I was interviewing Christina when, surprise, surprise, Diane Miller showed up.
32:36Do you have any idea how that happened?
32:38You know, her case, my sister's going through a lot right now.
32:41She lost her baby.
32:42Her mother's in jail.
32:44Her mother's in jail?
32:46I don't think it's a good time to be interviewing her.
32:49I was doing my job.
32:51Investigating the murder of an FBI agent.
32:54Christina is hiding something, and she was willing to talk until you got in the way.
33:00Honey, I am not your lawyer, so attorney-client privilege does not exist with me.
33:05Okay, but can't you just give me some advice?
33:07I mean, I think what I said to Chase—
33:09And whatever it was, don't say it to me.
33:13I don't need to know more.
33:15Here's the good news, though.
33:17When you were talking to Detective Chase, he was interrogating you without counsel present.
33:26Meaning, whatever he learned is inadmissible.
33:30Oh, thank God, because I think I really incriminated myself, like, big time.
33:37Yeah, well, that's still a problem.
33:41If the police find out that Christina not only had a weapon, but that she was in the vicinity at the time of the murder,
33:48they will realize that she had means—
33:50Means motive.
33:51—out of an opportunity.
33:52You do know that's the exact case they're building against you, right?
33:56Well, let's just look at it one more time.
33:59Are you absolutely confident that Christina had nothing to do with the crime?
34:04Okay, then we amend the statement, all right?
34:07Just give them the facts, let them do their job, let the police investigate.
34:11If someone is going to stand trial for a murder they didn't commit, it's going to be me.
34:19Because she can't handle it.
34:25Now, if you want to back out, I understand.
34:29I should.
34:33Then why are you still here?
34:36Because there is one other choice you could make.
34:40You're willing to take it?
34:46I don't think there's a need to jump to the end of your story just yet.
34:52Give Molly time and be kind to yourself and be honest with her about your grief.
35:00You know, it comes and it goes.
35:04But when it comes, it's...
35:10I know, baby.
35:14You know, I wanted to ask Molly to visit Irene's grave with me today, but she bolted before I even had the chance.
35:23Oh, it's a lovely day.
35:26I have a light afternoon.
35:29Why don't we go together?
35:33It is vitally important that you retain your own attorney and you not volunteer any further information to me or anyone else.
35:41Okay, but what I said to Chase, you said it was inadmissible, right?
35:45It cannot be used against you in a court of law.
35:48However, if it's truly incriminating, it's going to open up a whole new avenue of investigation.
35:54Oh, I mean, my big mouth. I wasn't even thinking about what was coming out.
36:01Well, Detective Chase is a skilled interrogator, that's for sure.
36:05Now look, I've bought you some time.
36:08So get busy and find that attorney, because believe me, he is not going to forget what was said here today.
36:16Do I need to remind you that you accused yourself from the case due to conflict of interest?
36:20You accused yourself from the case due to conflict of interest.
36:23Are you accusing me of something, Chase? It kind of feels like you are.
36:27You got way too close to my investigation.
36:30Now I know you care about your sister. I know she's been through a lot.
36:35So I'm going to let this one go, but I'm warning you.
36:38You do this again, I'm turning you in.
36:40All right, I can go along with Diane's plan, as long as we're honest with our daughter.
36:46I agree. I mean, we're not going to play this whole, like, you know, family thing.
36:52We have to be seen out together.
36:58Drinking, dinner, how about tonight?
37:05Drinking, dinner, how about tonight?
37:11Okay, it's a date.
37:13Don't be, like, flirting with other guys. I'm just saying it's...
37:20I am willing to do anything, as long as it doesn't involve my daughter.
37:25Don't be hasty. You haven't heard my idea yet.
37:28Way to sell your strategy, counselor.
37:30Well, you know what they say about biting the very dangerous hand that feeds you?
37:35Now I'm beginning to have my doubts. Go ahead.
37:40Well, we don't come forward about the gun, Christina, what she was doing that night.
37:48And your only chance of winning the case is to prove that John Cage was murdered by the man paying my fee.
37:55Sonny Carentes.
38:01On the next General Hospital.
38:03Help me save my mother.
38:05You need to let me do the next best thing.
38:07I was right to worry.
38:08Your son, Dr. Ashford, might have a different assessment.
38:11This might be my lucky day.
38:13If the answer's yes, I'll just start praying now.
38:15Are you carrying that burden, Dad?