Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 3 After Life

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 3 After Life


00:00You had with me was when I was unconscious.
00:03Buffy, no.
00:09Talking about raising the dead, it feels wrong.
00:12It is wrong. She could be trapped. I'm not going to leave her there.
00:16Osiris, master of all fate, let her cross over.
00:30What's wrong with her?
00:32She's in shock.
00:33Who are they?
00:34Rude pirates. They raid towns. Use them up, down them down.
00:44You're alive. And you're home.
00:48You're home.
00:52She's at home. She has to be.
00:54We just need to get there and she'll be there.
00:56This is the fastest way?
00:59You sure?
01:00Hey, I've done a lot of fleeing on these mean streets. I know all the shortcuts.
01:03I don't like this. It's like fire.
01:05Fire is rarely a sign of imminent safety.
01:08I wish we were there already.
01:10Hey, hey, don't worry, ladies. I'll get us there just fine.
01:13My senses are primed for danger. Nothing is going to...
01:22I'm sorry.
01:25I'm okay.
01:27Four. Four limbs.
01:29Well, at least the demons almost hit you on their way out of town.
01:33Yeah, now that their leader's gone, they seem to be making with a big skedaddle.
01:40It was Buffy, right?
01:42We saw her and it was really Buffy?
01:45I think we screwed it up.
01:47She's broken.
01:49No, she's not broken.
01:52She's just disoriented from being tormented in some hell dimension.
01:59Probably tortured.
02:01It's like we don't even know how much time has passed there for her.
02:06Possibly years.
02:08It's not something you just get over.
02:11My God.
02:13What if she never gets over it?
02:16And you think of this now?
02:18What were you thinking, Willow?
02:20That she's not right or maybe dangerous?
02:28Home. See?
02:30You're back home.
02:34We're all okay now.
02:48We're all right.
03:56It's different.
03:58A little.
04:00Willow and Tara live here now.
04:03And we...
04:05We didn't do much.
04:08We moved some of the chairs and took out some of the little tables.
04:19This is the same.
04:21Except the computer stuff.
04:24That's Willow's, obviously.
04:27We eat at the other end.
04:48There you are.
04:52I knew you were under that dirt somewhere.
05:04You remember what Mom used to say?
05:07Either wash that neck or plant potatoes.
05:12Yeah, I never thought it was funny either.
05:19You want to button that or, um...
05:31We'll take care of that after.
05:34Here. I'll do the shirt.
05:37And then we'll do your hands.
05:42Say goodnight, Selah.
05:45Here. I'll do the shirt.
05:48And then we'll do your hands.
05:53Say goodnight, Selah.
06:15Mom's room.
06:19I know. It's really different now.
06:23Willow and Tara.
06:25This is their room?
06:28Yeah, well, it seemed to make the most sense.
06:32No one was using it, and it's the biggest.
06:35But, you know, now that you're here, we'll have to figure out something to do.
06:45You wanna, like, stop?
06:51We can...
06:54We can sit down and talk.
06:57What else is different?
07:01Do you mean about the house, or...
07:07Um, let's see.
07:13It's so weird. He left today.
07:18Because you were...
07:20He'll come right back. I'll call him. Someone will call him.
07:29What? What?
07:34What, um...
07:37Will you say to him?
07:40What was that?
07:42It's okay. It's okay.
07:45Dawn! Dawn! Are you there?
07:48It's just Spike. I'm here!
07:53Thank God. You scared me half to death.
07:56Or more to death. You... I could kill you.
08:01I mean it. I could rip your head off one-handed and drink from your brain stem.
08:10Yeah? Seen the bloody Bob before?
08:13Didn't think she'd patch-ups.
08:19She's kind of, um...
08:23She's been through a lot.
08:26With, uh, death.
08:30But I think she's okay.
08:45Are you okay?
08:53What did you do?
09:05Her hands?
09:10I was gonna fix them.
09:13I don't know how they got like that.
09:15I do.
09:17Clawed a way out of a coffin, that's how.
09:20Isn't that right?
09:27That's what I had to do.
09:31I've done it myself.
09:36We'll take care of you.
09:40Get some stuff.
09:42Pure chrome bandages.
10:04How long was I gone?
10:09147 days yesterday.
10:14148 today.
10:17So today doesn't count, does it?
10:24How long was it for you?
10:26While you were...
10:34I've got stuff.
10:36Is she here?
10:38She's here.
10:39You're here.
10:40We didn't know where you were.
10:41You ran away.
10:43Are you okay?
10:45You knew she was back?
10:48How did you know?
10:50You're not a zombie, are you?
10:53Are you in pain?
10:54What do you remember?
10:55What do you know about what happened?
10:56Hey! Back off.
10:58You did this.
11:00What did you do?
11:02A spell.
11:03We did a spell.
11:04We didn't think it worked, but it did.
11:06Is she going to be okay?
11:07I'm okay.
11:09I'm gonna be fine.
11:13I remember.
11:15You brought me back.
11:17What was it like?
11:19I can't...
11:20It's okay.
11:22You don't talk about this, Buff.
11:24Hey, do you want something?
11:27I'll get you pizza.
11:28Buffy likes pizza.
11:30Yeah, something to eat?
11:31She doesn't want pizza.
11:33I just meant...
11:36Back off.
11:41Dawn's right.
11:42We should just be quiet and let Buffy tell us what she needs.
11:53I think I just want to go to sleep.
11:56That's a good idea.
11:57You should sleep.
12:00But, Buffy, be happy.
12:04We got you out.
12:06You really did it.
12:10I'm tired.
12:14I mean, jet lag from hell has got to be, you know...
12:18Jet lag from hell.
12:23My room is still...
12:26Yes, it's your room.
12:42She's fine.
12:45She used to go to bed all the time.
12:55I think Willow's wrong.
12:58I don't think she's particularly normal at all.
13:01She just got back.
13:03Give it time.
13:04I bet in a week she'll be our little buffoon again.
13:07Oh, yes.
13:08Six or seven days.
13:09That's all you really need to get over eternal hell experiences.
13:13Who's that?
13:16What are you doing out here?
13:19I hope you're not going to start your little obsession now that she's around again.
13:27You didn't tell me.
13:29You brought her back, and you didn't tell me.
13:32Well, now you know.
13:34I worked beside you all summer.
13:38We didn't tell you.
13:42It was just...
13:44We didn't, okay?
13:48I figured it out.
13:52Maybe you haven't, but I have.
13:55Willow knew there was a chance that she'd come back wrong.
14:01So wrong that you'd have...
14:04That she would have to get rid of what came back, and I wouldn't let her.
14:09Any part of that was buffy.
14:11I wouldn't let her.
14:13And that's why she shut me out.
14:16What are you talking about?
14:18Willow wouldn't do that.
14:20Oh, is that right?
14:26You're just covering.
14:29Don't tell me you're not happy.
14:32Look me in the eyes and tell me when you saw buffy alive,
14:36that wasn't the happiest moment of your entire existence.
14:50That's the thing about magic.
14:53It has consequences.
15:19Did she get through to London?
15:21He's gonna head back as soon as he can.
15:25I'm not sure, like, maybe a couple days.
15:31How did he take it?
15:33Um, I'm not sure.
15:36I mean, glad, but kind of weirded out, which I get.
15:42You know, lots of dear lords.
15:46And I think I actually heard him clean his glasses.
15:52Are you worried?
15:56Tara, it worked fine.
15:58It's all good.
16:00Hey, Will, this is me.
16:03Doesn't all have to be good and fine.
16:07This is the room.
16:09You don't have to be brave.
16:11And I still love you.
16:14If you're worried, you can be worried.
16:18Well, I'm not unworried.
16:24Hey, what happened?
16:27That was intense.
16:30And that's gotta change you.
16:36When angel came back,
16:39Buffy said he was wild.
16:43Like an animal.
16:47Buffy isn't like that.
16:54It's just kind of noisy up here tonight, you know?
17:03Is this better?
17:08I think it makes things quieter in here.
17:13You know what I think?
17:16I think we were all just assumed crash positions.
17:23It's like we were all tensed up.
17:28Like we were expecting it to screw up.
17:33We weren't prepared for it to actually go right.
17:53If things did go right,
17:57wouldn't you think she'd be happier?
18:04Like, wouldn't you think she'd be so happy that we brought her out?
18:13I'm sure she is.
18:21If you thought she'd say thanks,
18:25you'd be more grateful.
18:31Would I be a terrible person if I said yes?
18:36Give her time.
18:38She'll get there.
18:43We don't need to be in a big, furry hurry.
18:51I'm sure it's okay.
19:58What did you do?
20:00Do you know what you did?
20:02You're like children.
20:04You're hand smell of death.
20:08Filthy little bitches rattling the bones.
20:11Did you cut the throat?
20:13Did you pat its head?
20:18The blood dried on your hands, didn't it?
20:21Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
20:23You were stained.
20:24You still are.
20:26I know what you did.
20:33The glass.
20:36There's no glass.
20:56Okay, what in the frilly heck is going on?
20:59Maybe we dreamed it.
21:05Different brains.
21:06Oh, yeah.
21:12Well, what was it talking about?
21:14Did you understand it?
21:16Well, I understood the words, but no.
21:24What was that?
21:25There's something in the house.
21:28What is it after?
21:30Is it Buffy?
21:33I don't know.
21:35That's it. I'm gonna call.
21:37I hope Xander's up.
21:39Xander, are you up?
21:41I can't sleep.
21:46Play a word game with me.
21:50Xander, are you awake?
21:53Okay, I'm gonna describe an adjective
21:55with accurate but misleading clues,
21:58and you have to guess what it is.
22:04What the fuck's up?
22:07That ought to do it.
22:15Xander, it's me, Willow.
22:17We were just attacked.
22:22By a vampire?
22:23No, it was Buffy.
22:25Or something that looked like her.
22:27Like she was possessed.
22:28And then she just disappeared,
22:30and we saw something, a little...
22:33There's something in the house.
22:35In the house?
22:37All right, Willow, you need to get out of there.
22:39Just get everyone out.
22:42Wake up Buffy and Don.
22:44Don't make a good deal.
23:02Very bad.
23:03Very, very, very bad.
23:07He's all traumatized.
23:10Well, whatever it is,
23:11it's not the traditional haunting,
23:14because it's not limited to one specific place,
23:18and there's not, you know, a dead person.
23:21Not anymore.
23:23I bet it's a hitchhiker.
23:26A hitchhiker?
23:28Standard way to travel through dimensions.
23:31Some demon a thing,
23:33see someone moving between worlds,
23:35grabs on for the ride.
23:37You mean, like,
23:38some hell beastie rode in with Buffy?
23:42Like, we're responsible for this?
23:45Assume crash positions.
23:47I think we shouldn't have brought Buffy back.
23:50I knew it was gonna end badly.
23:52I should have said something.
23:54But what are we gonna do?
23:55I mean, I'm feeling the need for some vigorous doing, you know?
23:59It's okay.
24:00We just killed the beastie, and all is good.
24:04We're rolling in puppies.
24:08Can we do that?
24:10Kill it?
24:12Are you killing something?
24:15You're not supposed to be up.
24:18How are you feeling? Are you okay?
24:21So what are we killing?
24:22A demon.
24:23You brought back from hell with you.
24:29It's not like she's making it sound.
24:31A little haunting-type stuff,
24:34Everything's normal.
24:36You shouldn't worry about it.
24:40Um, I remember something.
24:42Last night, uh...
24:52Uh, the photographs of us.
24:58They changed.
25:00How did they change?
25:02They were dead.
25:05I mean, we were dead.
25:09Like, um, dead bodies.
25:13But then they were okay.
25:16So I just, you know, figured it was me.
25:19I was going crazy.
25:22Well, maybe you are going crazy.
25:24From hell.
25:27No, you're fine.
25:31You are.
25:33Buffy, we're so glad.
25:36Yeah, this thing, this haunting thing,
25:40we'll fix it, and then we'll still have you back,
25:42which is...
25:45so important.
25:48It's wonderful.
25:52We should get to work.
25:55What's the list?
25:57Possible hitchhikers.
26:00Demons that might have come out of hell
26:02the same time Buffy did.
26:04Skaggor Demons, Trailbane Demons,
26:07Skitterers, Large and Small Bone Eaters.
26:11If we get to pick, I say we go with the Small Bone Eaters.
26:14Well, that just means they prefer to eat things with small bones, like you.
26:19That's just what we have so far.
26:21Five species of demons that have been known to move trans-dimensionally.
26:27Two of them may be invisible in this dimension,
26:30and two others can perform spells to alter perception.
26:35Well, that's four. What's the other one like?
26:38Like the others, only dripping with viscous fluid.
26:43So, should we concentrate on how to kill those,
26:46or should we try to find more?
26:48I'm not sure.
26:50Maybe some of us can keep going, finding more, and the others...
26:55I miss Giles.
26:58Oh, he's coming back. I talked to him.
27:02I know I'm a kind of poor substitute,
27:05but until then, we'll get it done.
27:13I think I should patrol.
27:17I know we'll find something soon.
27:26Do you want us to go with you?
27:28We can do that.
27:30No. I need to go.
27:36You should go.
27:38I'll be safe here with the others.
27:41Don't worry about me.
27:44I found one of those 24-hour places for coffee.
28:13Remember that bookstore?
28:15Well, they became one of those books-and-coffee places,
28:18and now they're just coffee.
28:20It's like evolution, only without the getting-better part.
28:23Uh, coffee, coffee, coffee.
28:27Um, hot chocolate for Dawn.
28:29You're too young for coffee.
28:35You can have my coffee.
28:37All of you did it.
28:39You stupid children.
28:41Did you think the blood wouldn't reach you?
28:44I smelled the death on you.
28:46Look at what you've done.
29:01Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
29:07That was it.
29:09I laid Buffy with fire.
29:12Is she okay?
29:14Did I look like that?
29:16I hope I didn't look like that.
29:18No, I'm sure you looked really glamorous cutting up your face.
29:22What... what is it?
29:25What's happening?
29:27You'll be okay.
29:29I bet you'll experience some dry mouth.
29:35Did... did the demon thing have me?
29:39It's okay.
29:41It's okay.
29:42Yeah, it's gone.
29:43Yes, but where did it go?
29:46I mean, evil things have plans.
29:48They have things to do.
29:59Oh, my God.
30:47You should be careful.
30:50You never know what kind of villain's got a knife out your back.
30:54Your hand is hurt.
30:57Same to you.
31:19That willow's getting pretty strong, isn't she?
31:22Bringing you back.
31:25It's hard to get a good night's death around here.
31:30You can sit down.
31:32No furniture.
31:35You should see the downstairs, too.
31:37It's quite posh.
32:02I do remember what I said.
32:07The promise.
32:10To protect her.
32:15If I'd have done that,
32:18even if I didn't make it,
32:23you wouldn't have had to jump.
32:31But I want you to know I did save you.
32:36Not when I counted, of course, but after that.
32:42Every night after that.
32:47I'd see it all again.
32:50I'd do something different.
32:53Faster, more clever, you know.
32:59Dozens of times, lots of different ways.
33:05Every night, I'd save you.
33:15It's getting light out.
33:18Buffy's probably on her way home from patrolling.
33:21I like sunrise better when I'm getting up early
33:24than when I'm staying up late, you know?
33:27It's like I'm seeing it from the wrong side.
33:34Hey, Tara, this is probably crazy,
33:37but Spike got me to thinking.
33:41This spell we did, it's having consequences, isn't it?
33:45I mean, it sure seems like it.
33:50I was just wondering, did you know that this might happen?
33:56Do you think, could someone have known?
34:00Willow was a talented witch,
34:02and she would never do anything to hurt anyone.
34:05I know, I know, huh?
34:07Backing up quickly, hands in the air.
34:12I just meant that...
34:16She's possessed.
34:21You're right.
34:23I'm not possessed. I think I figured it out.
34:27This demon, it's not a demon we let out.
34:30It's a demon that we made.
34:33We made a demon?
34:38This is when doing a spell actually creates a being.
34:42In this case, it was like a side effect, I guess.
34:46Like a price.
34:51Think of it like the world doesn't like you getting something for free,
34:56and we asked for this huge gift, Buffy.
35:00And so the world said, fine, but if you have that,
35:05and it made the demon.
35:08Well, technically that's not a price.
35:10That's a gift with purchase.
35:13But if we made the demon, how come we can't see it?
35:17I mean, all we see is us doing stuff.
35:20Well, I think it's out of phase with this dimension.
35:24Like, its consciousness is here,
35:26but its body is caught in the ether between existing and not existing.
35:32It doesn't have a body, so it's borrowing ours.
35:35It borrowed Dawn and Anya.
35:37Or it's manifesting copies of them like it did when Buffy came at us.
35:42It's using them to do stuff, to scare us, attack us.
35:46So we need to uncreate it, right?
35:48We need to send it the rest of the way out of our world.
35:51Uh-huh, except that it's linked to the spell.
35:56So if we sent it away,
35:59it would be like the spell didn't exist, like it never happened.
36:05Like it never brought Buffy back.
36:11You can't do that.
36:15You can't think for a second that you're going to do that.
36:20If you think you can give her back to me and then take her away again,
36:27It's worse than if you never brought her back.
36:30You can't mess with people's lives this way.
36:33Dawn, we're not going to do it that way.
36:36How can you let her do this?
36:38How can you even talk about letting her go?
36:41Honey, you weren't listening.
36:43She said we will find another way.
36:45We will.
36:47Then do it.
36:49Wait, okay, wait. Dawn, everybody, hold on.
36:54Why are you smiling?
36:57Because it's temporary.
36:59What is?
37:01The demon. It's going to dissipate.
37:03The only way for it to survive on this plane
37:06is if it were to kill the subject of the original spell.
37:10It would live if it killed Buffy, but that's not going to happen.
37:13Thanks for the tip.
37:56You don't belong here.
38:27Did they tell you you belonged here?
38:31Did they say this was your home again?
38:41Were you offered pretty lies, little girl?
38:46Or did they even give you a chance?
38:52Xander, drive faster.
38:54I can't.
38:56I could drive faster, and I can't drive.
38:59She's right. You're like a snail.
39:01A snail who's driving a car very slowly.
39:04Come on, give it the left foot.
39:06We've got to help Buffy with that demon you sent after her.
39:09I did not send a demon. I was possessed.
39:12The demon used me to eavesdrop on our conversation.
39:15I'm not a demon.
39:17When I was possessed,
39:19the demon used me to eavesdrop on our conversation.
39:22Great, so now what?
39:24You're talking some sort of anti-demon secret code?
39:30Stop talking around Pig Latin and drive.
39:33Buffy's in trouble.
39:35It's okay, Donnie. Willow and Tara are doing a spell.
39:39You sure it won't send Buffy back?
39:41No, of course not.
39:43It's just that she can't fight this thing if it's all misty,
39:46so let me make it more solid so Buffy can kick its fully embodied ass.
39:52Sure it'll work?
39:54Child of words, hear thy makers.
39:58Child of words, we entreat.
40:01With our actions did we make thee.
40:05To our voices wilt thou bend.
40:17With our potions thou took motive.
40:20With our motions came to pass.
40:23We rescind no past devotions.
40:27Give thee substance, give thee mass.
40:32You're the one who's barely here.
40:35Set on this earth like a bubble.
40:47You won't even disturb the air when you go.
40:54Go, take Don out of here.
40:57Child of words, hear thy makers.
41:01Child of words, we entreat.
41:38That's probably the sort of thing I'm not supposed to see, right?
41:58What's wrong?
42:08You made me lunch?
42:11Oh, thanks.
42:14You better go.
42:16You've been out of school since I got back.
42:21And you know what they say,
42:24those of us who fail history,
42:27doomed to repeat it in summer school.
42:39You okay?
42:41I'm going to start charging money for every person that asks me that.
42:45Everyone's been doing that, huh?
42:47A little bit.
42:49It's because they care about you a lot.
42:52When you were gone,
42:55it was bad when you were gone.
42:58But it'll be better now,
43:01now that they can see you being happy.
43:05It's all they want.
43:21Buffy, hey.
43:23Hey, you get down off the school all right?
43:25Because I was thinking, if you need help picking her up, I...
43:28It's okay. I got it.
43:31Look, you guys, um,
43:33there's this thing.
43:36So I'm just going to say it.
43:40You brought me back.
43:43I was in a...
43:46I was in hell.
43:49I, um, I can't think too much
43:53about what it was like.
43:57I can't think too much about what it was like.
44:02But it felt like the world abandoned me there.
44:07And then suddenly,
44:10you guys did what you did.
44:12It was Willow.
44:14She knew what to do.
44:19So you did that.
44:22And the world came rushing back.
44:29You guys gave me the world.
44:32I can't tell you what it means to me.
44:38And I should have said it before.
44:43You're welcome.
44:51Welcome home, Buffy.
45:12Spike, it's daylight, and you're...
45:14No, I'm fine.
45:16The sun's low enough, the shade enough, yeah.
45:20I was going to go inside, but I overheard you
45:22and your special mom and I came over a bit queasy.
45:28Say, aren't you leaving a hole in the middle
45:30of some soggy group hug?
45:35Just wanted a little time alone.
45:40Oh, uh, right then.
45:49It's okay.
45:51I can be alone with you here.
45:54Makes ever so...
46:10Are you okay?
46:13I'm here.
46:15I'm good.
46:25Buffy, if you're in...
46:29If you're in pain,
46:31or if you need anything,
46:33or if I can do anything for you...
46:36You can't.
46:43Well, I haven't been to a hell dimension just of late,
46:46but I do know a thing or two about torment.
46:49I was happy.
46:55Wherever I was...
47:01I was happy.
47:05At peace.
47:08I knew that everyone I cared about was all right.
47:14I knew it.
47:18Time didn't mean anything.
47:24Nothing had form,
47:26but I was still me, you know?
47:32And I was warm.
47:35And I was loved.
47:40And I was finished.
47:49I don't understand theology or dimensions,
47:56any of it, really.
48:00But I think I was in heaven.
48:05And now I'm not.
48:11I was torn out of there.
48:15Pulled out by my friends.
48:22Everything here is hard and bright.
48:30And violent.
48:34Everything I feel,
48:37everything I touch...
48:42This is hell.
48:47I'm just getting through the next moment,
48:51and the one after that.
48:54Knowing what I've lost.
49:17I can never know.
49:49I can never know.
50:12Grr. Arrgh.
