Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 4 Flooded

  • 4 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 4 Flooded


00:00is dead. Anya, you want to marry me?
00:15I've gone. Not one for long goodbyes. I thought it best to slip out quietly.
00:20Love to you all, Giles. There he goes. Guys, I need you on board
00:26This is deep stuff, Willow. We're talking about raising the dead.
00:32It's time we stopped talking. What if something does go wrong?
00:35I can do this, I promise. But not without you.
00:39Osiris, here lies the warrior of the people. Let her cross over. Release her.
00:50It was Buffy, right? We saw her and it was really Buffy?
00:54I think we screwed it up.
00:56No, she's just disoriented from being tormented in some hell dimension.
01:02She's been through a lot. What did you do?
01:06I haven't been to a hell dimension just of late, but I do know a thing or two about torment.
01:11Wherever I was, I was happy. I think I was in heaven. I was torn out of there by my friends.
01:23Everything here is hard and violent. This is hell.
01:54So, meet at last, Mr. Crippy.
02:15Want me to call Plummer? No.
02:19You sure? Yes.
02:21Got the number. Don, I'm on it, okay?
02:43There. All better.
03:50Man, how much water can they fit in one set of pipes?
03:57If I understand right, the entire city water supply.
04:02It's like the little clown cars in the circus.
04:05Told you we should have called the Plummer.
04:07You're right. Plummer will make everything good.
04:11Donnie, you're not eating breakfast. Don, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
04:26It's unbelievably important. You should eat breakfast at least three times a day.
04:42I'll, um, grab something before school.
04:49And a big Sunnydale round of applause for Tito the Amazing, Plummer Extraordinaire.
04:55How's everything looking down there?
04:57Like we should start gathering up two of every animal.
05:00Basically, your pipes are shot. I mean, the whole system's gonna have to be replaced.
05:06What you need is a full copper re-pipe, Jo.
05:08Full copper re-pipe? That sounds potentially pricey.
05:13Well, if you have any questions, our number's on the invoice.
05:22That's a weird phone number.
05:26Oh, wait, is that the bill?
05:28Hey, Tito cut you a good deal down there. Those are his bargain prices,
05:32and I did a little haggling for you.
05:35Thank you. So we'll pay him. What's the big deal?
05:41Um, Buffy, I know you're still getting back on your feet after...
05:47Lying flat on my back?
05:50Yeah, uh, but there's some money stuff we're gonna have to talk to you about.
06:00Okay, so you're telling me I'm broke?
06:03Not yet, but money's definitely becoming an issue.
06:08As in you're being almost out of it.
06:11But I haven't spent any money. I was all dead and frugal.
06:16I know this comes as a bit of a shock after...
06:20A bit of a shock, but it took us by surprise, too.
06:25Your mother prepared everything really well. She had insurance.
06:30Life insurance.
06:33Which should have left you covered, but...
06:37Hospital bills.
06:38Pretty much sucked up all the money.
06:41Which are still hemorrhaging, by the way.
06:45How am I doing that?
06:48No, not you, the house.
06:50See, this house, just sitting here doing nothing, um, by itself costs money.
06:58So what do we do?
07:01We burn the house to the ground and collect the insurance.
07:04Plus, fire. Pretty.
07:12You guys, I'm kidding.
07:16Okay, it's... it's bills, it's money.
07:19It's pieces of paper sent by bureaucrats that we've never even met.
07:24It's not like it's the end of the world.
07:26It's not like it's the end of the world.
07:30Which is too bad, you know, because that I'm really good at.
07:37I'll take care of this.
07:39I promise.
07:41I just don't know how yet.
07:47I know how.
07:48Um, if... if you want to pay every bill here, and every bill coming,
07:54and have enough to start a nice college fund for Dawn,
08:01start charging.
08:05For what?
08:06Slaying vampires.
08:08I mean, you're providing a valuable service to the whole community.
08:12I say cash in.
08:14Well, that's an idea.
08:19You would have any other suggestions?
08:24Well, I mean, it's... it's not so crazy.
08:28Yes, it is.
08:29You can't charge innocent people for saving their lives.
08:33Spider-Man does.
08:35He's a good guy.
08:37He's a good guy.
08:39He's a good guy.
08:40He does not.
08:41Does, too.
08:52Action is his reward.
08:58Why don't you ever take my side?
09:02Talking about taking your side.
09:04Anya, I am your side.
09:08How do you treat men?
09:10You're throwing away a goldmine.
09:19Come on.
09:20Wait up.
09:22What's wrong with you?
09:23Why don't you ask your best friend, Spider-Man?
09:24You know, if you're not going to support me...
09:31I'm supportive.
09:32I'm totally supportive.
09:33I'm a flying buttress of support.
09:35No, you're not.
09:36This is because I haven't told them yet about the engagement, is it?
09:49It's painful and confusing.
09:52I mean, first you give me this beautiful ring, and then I can't wear it in public.
09:59I mean, do you know how depressing that is?
10:02Anya, I promise.
10:05Your waiting days are almost over.
10:08I know it's frustrating.
10:11But the way I understand this marriage thing, it's kind of a forever deal.
10:18Not if you never get started.
10:24Don't you want to get married?
10:31So then why won't you tell them?
10:38Because I'm still getting used to the miracle of a steady paycheck and getting out of my
10:43parents' house.
10:46And this husband thing, it's a big step.
10:53Or a lot of little ones.
10:59And I love you so much, I just want every step to be just right.
11:13Hey, you tricked me just now with your fancy talk and lips.
11:36You keep doing this, and I keep forgetting, and you keep stalling.
11:41When are you going to grow up, Xander?
11:49There's a first time for everything is my philosophy.
11:53This is my first big loan.
11:58No problem.
12:00No problem.
12:01No problem.
12:02I love that tie.
12:03I'm a problem solver.
12:05Let's crunch those numbers.
12:07Stupid skirt.
12:10Sorry to keep you waiting.
12:14Carl Savitsky, loan officer.
12:16Buffy Summers, loan applier four.
12:21I didn't know exactly what you would need, so I brought everything.
12:25I'm very responsible in that way.
12:29I don't think I'll need this or these.
12:36Good report cards.
12:38Definitely not.
12:44So about my getting a loan.
12:47Yes, well, it looks as if financially we have a bit of a tangle.
12:56I know.
12:57And I figured you could just, you know, cut through that tangle with scissors.
13:03You know where the loan is, the scissors?
13:06Miss Summers, the only collateral you have is your house, which was never fully leveraged
13:11and has been losing equity over the last several years.
13:15For some reason, Sunnydale property values have never been competitive and refinancing
13:22is out of the question.
13:27Are you saying you won't give me my loan?
13:30Well, the problem is, you have no income.
13:34No job.
13:45No job.
13:48No wish.
13:50Hey, are you in the wrong line?
14:02That's for deposits, that's for withdrawals, and this one is for getting kicked in the
14:10Stupid skirt.
14:16May I?
14:50Put the girl down.
14:56These things are never helpful.
15:13Now, about my loan.
15:15I'm not saying I'm charging you for saving your life or anything, but let's talk rates.
15:25He still turned you down?
15:27That's crazy.
15:28I mean, even if the bank did get robbed, which you battling demons couldn't possibly know,
15:34you would think there would be some kind of reward.
15:37But no, they're like, oh, we're not going to give you money unless you prove you don't
15:42need it.
15:44What kind of system is that?
15:46You're asking the wrong gal.
15:56You're mad.
15:59You noticed.
16:01It'll pass.
16:04Anger is a big, powerful emotion.
16:08You should feel.
16:11Well, that's good then.
16:14It's gone now.
16:18Well, let me make you mad again.
16:26Last semester, I slept with Riley.
16:31And you know I really doubt it.
16:33Caught me.
16:34Big fib.
16:36To cover up the sleazy affair I had with Angel.
16:40Well, what the hell are you doing?
16:46Pissing you off.
16:48Yes, true.
16:52Because, you know, since you've been back, you haven't exactly been big with the whole
17:01range of human emotions thing.
17:05What do you mean?
17:07Well, you haven't.
17:10No, I mean, it's just, um.
17:16You know, this is really my problem.
17:20I'm just, I'm all over the place.
17:22And you should just forget I even said anything.
17:27Because, well, because, you know, banks, man.
17:37Don't be such a wiener, dog.
17:45Look at them, researching demons for the billionth time.
17:50They could use a peppy boost of happy news.
17:55You're right.
17:57I'll tell them.
18:04As soon as Buffy and Willow come in.
18:07Would you stop?
18:08Dare you?
18:09Anya, if I tell them that we're engaged right after you dared me to, wouldn't you always
18:13wonder if that's the only reason I did it?
18:20Score one for Captain Logic.
18:22No, no.
18:23Captain Logic is not steering this tugboat.
18:26I smell Captain Fear at the wheel.
18:29God, I hate this.
18:31This tone in my voice.
18:32I dislike it more than you do, and I'm closer to it.
18:36Oh, come on, Tara.
18:37I am so old enough to do research.
18:41Do you really think I'm not mature enough?
18:44I think you're very mature for your age.
18:47But you're still only 15.
18:5015, as in teenager.
18:54You know, if you don't let me look at the pictures, I'm gonna learn everything I know
18:58about demons on the street.
19:02Knock yourself out.
19:07No biggie.
19:08I can totally handle it.
19:14That's a weird place for a horn.
19:21That's not a horn.
19:25You know, I still don't get it.
19:27I mean, what kind of a demon would rob a bank?
19:30The kind that wants money.
19:32What do you even call that?
19:38I'm guessing on how you say it.
19:40It's got an apostrophe.
19:42I think it's m-fash-nick.
19:45Like m-cookies.
19:48Or maybe m-fash-nick.
19:51Like m-fash-nick.
20:00This your guy?
20:04You do research now?
20:06Want a cappuccino and a pack of cigarettes to go with it?
20:09Would you just look at the picture?
20:11Doesn't exactly fit the profile for your typical bank robber.
20:15Maybe they turned down his loan application.
20:19No, it's him.
20:21Big bad.
20:22This thing was strong, guys.
20:24No weapons that I could see, but still...
20:36Oh, God, Muffy.
20:41You're alive.
20:43You're here.
20:47And you're still...
20:49remarkably strong.
20:51You're alive.
20:53You're here.
20:55And you're still...
20:57remarkably strong.
20:59You're alive.
21:01You're here.
21:03You're alive.
21:04Remarkably strong.
21:10Willow told me, but I didn't really let myself believe it.
21:14I take a little getting used to.
21:16And I'm still getting used to me.
21:18It's bad.
21:22A miracle.
21:28But then I always thought so.
21:34I'm sorry.
21:36I'm sorry.
22:06I can start.
22:08How is England?
22:11How is life?
22:14I'm not really sure how to answer that.
22:17When I arrived home, I...
22:20met with the council.
22:22Always a good time.
22:26Otherwise, there's nothing really to report.
22:30I keep a flat in Bath.
22:33met with a few old friends.
22:35Almost made a new one, which I think is...
22:38statistically impossible for a man of my age.
22:44And now you're back.
22:52Child, are you miserable about it, or just really British?
22:55I can't lie to you, Buffy.
23:01Leaving Sunnydale was...
23:08coming back is...
23:10I'm guessing the word is...
23:30And how are you?
23:35You look tired.
23:39I'm fine.
23:43I mean, yeah, you know, sleeping's hard, but...
23:47just because of the whole waking up in a box thing.
23:49So maybe waking up's the problem.
23:52Yeah, but just for a second.
23:54I sleep okay.
23:56Great, even.
23:58Except, you know, for the dreams.
24:05You seem to be doing remarkably well under extreme circumstances.
24:10I'm proud of you.
24:14Well, actually, it wasn't me.
24:16Well, actually, it wasn't me.
24:19Willow brought me back. I'd just lay there.
24:22You see, I meant...
24:23I know what you meant.
24:26It was just a little post...
24:28post-mortem comedy.
24:35Oh, well, I, uh...
24:38better start prepping.
24:41Yes, there was always that in there.
24:44Seems that way.
25:07We're so glad to see you.
25:08We missed you.
25:10You can't have the store back.
25:11I know.
25:12You signed papers.
25:13I did.
25:14And do we have information on this new demon
25:16that I suddenly find so desperately interesting?
25:20That we do.
25:21This one loves banks.
25:24I found him.
25:30Mfashnik, oh.
25:32Aha! Like, mmm, cookies.
25:35No, quite different, actually.
25:37You know it?
25:38By reputation, you see.
25:40They come from a long line of mercenary demons
25:42who perform acts of slaughter and mayhem
25:44for the highest bidder.
25:47Well, that is the American way.
25:49Yes, but, uh...
25:51the question now becomes
25:53what's out there powerful enough
25:55to control one of those things.
26:01We had a deal.
26:03You got what you wanted.
26:04Now give me what I want.
26:07The head of the Slayer.
26:14Sure, we can do that.
26:22You hired me to create chaos and carnage for you.
26:27Told me you were powerful men
26:30commanding machines, magics,
26:33the demon realms below.
26:37Yeah, huh?
26:38We're like supervillains.
26:43Which one of you is leader?
26:45I am.
26:47I will kill the leader.
26:49He is.
26:50I will kill you all.
26:54No fair!
26:58It's not our fault the Slayer was there.
27:01We said we'd pay you, and we're gonna.
27:05Truly, Lord Jonathan is the wisest of us all.
27:09Uh, yeah, long live our noble lord and master.
27:13You guys suck.
27:17You can't pay me with paper, tiny king.
27:20You pitted me against the Slayer.
27:22For that, I must kill you.
27:26Then I will suck dry your bones
27:29and use them to beat your subjects to death.
27:33Whoa, whoa, whoa, big guy, hey, hey.
27:35Let's back things up a parsec, okay?
27:37You kill us, everybody loses.
27:40You let us live, we give you...
27:47Give me what?
27:49Name it!
27:56Well, between the three of us,
27:58we can pretty much do anything.
28:00Like if you want a spell
28:02to make you look super cool to the other demons?
28:07I'm all over that action, my friend.
28:09Or just throwing it out there for my girlfriend, huh?
28:12Those long, lonely nights after a hard day's slaughter.
28:17You could do this?
28:20Don't trust him. Robo-pimp daddy's all mouth.
28:23Shut up, Andrew.
28:24You're just mad I wouldn't build you Christina Ricci.
28:27You owe me, man.
28:28Or else what?
28:29You'll train another pack of devil dogs
28:31to ruin my prom?
28:34That wasn't me.
28:35How many times do I have to say it?
28:37The prom thing was my lame-o brother, Tucker.
28:40Yeah, well, tell him I was at that prom.
28:42Hello? Screen wipe, new scene.
28:45I had nothing to do with the devil dogs.
28:47I trained flying demon monkeys
28:49to attack the school play.
28:51School play, dude.
28:55That was cool, that was kind of cool.
28:57Everyone was like, run, Julian.
29:06Nothing you can offer me will satisfy your debt to me.
29:11I don't want your toys or your spells,
29:14flying monkey demons.
29:16I want the slayer dead!
29:18Okay, done.
29:20One dead slayer coming up.
29:22Could you just give us a minute?
29:24For what?
29:27Well, we just really want to nail down
29:30the optimum method for us to wipe out the slayer for you.
29:36Make sure it involves pain.
29:41I know they're so cute you could die,
29:44but it's all I got.
29:47Think nothing of it.
29:49It's whimsical.
29:52They were mine when I was little.
29:54Couldn't find the guest sheets.
29:57Mom always did this stuff.
30:01They don't actually fit.
30:05I blame the sofa.
30:07We need one of those pull-out kinds.
30:10The kind with no payments till 2,000 and infinity.
30:16It's just money stuff.
30:20It turns out Mom left me some,
30:23and while I was dead,
30:25it got squandered on luxuries like food and clothing.
30:30How bad is it?
30:32Anya says pretty bad.
30:35I'm kind of taking her word for it.
30:38Actually, I'm kind of trying not to think about it.
30:41Sound policy.
30:43At least for tonight.
30:46Figured I'd put it out of my mind.
30:48You know, take a break.
30:50Get some perspective.
30:53And then wake up at 4 a.m., terrified.
31:02Buffy, perhaps you're putting too much pressure on yourself.
31:06I mean, to return from some unknown level of hell,
31:11it's only natural that coming back would be a process.
31:16In the meantime, I'm scaring people.
31:20Well, I can take time, too.
31:26Well, if it's any consolation,
31:29life can be pretty overwhelming,
31:32even for people who haven't been where you have.
31:36I guess.
31:38Look, tomorrow morning, you and I will sit down together
31:42and we'll go through everything, every bill, one by one.
31:47We'll work it out together.
31:51I'm glad you're back.
31:53Well, I'm glad you are, too.
32:06Are we really gonna kill her?
32:08That's so sad.
32:10Shut up, Wynethan.
32:12But I don't want to kill Buffy either.
32:15Yeah, she saved my life a bunch of times.
32:18Plus, she's hot.
32:20It's her or us. I mean, we have to do it.
32:23We're talking about murder.
32:25No, we're talking about staying alive.
32:27And since this is my mom's house, I think what I say goes.
32:30But aside from the moral issues and the mess,
32:34we can get in trouble for murder.
32:36Duh! You know, the last I've checked,
32:38the authorities also frowned on bank robbery, too.
32:43I don't even know if we'll get killed, Buffy.
32:45She's got super strength.
32:47And, you know, killing people,
32:49this is not why we got together in the first place.
32:51Yeah, we teamed up with one clear, super cool mission statement.
33:02you guys want to team up and take over Sunnydale?
33:10Of course, I remember. It was last month.
33:12Then you know we have a mission.
33:15Shrink rays.
33:17Train gorillas.
33:19Workable prototype jetpacks.
33:22And chicks, chicks, chicks.
33:25I know that's the action I signed on for.
33:28Me, too. It's an A on the order, man.
33:34Who's for not killing Buffy?
33:41So what are we going to do about this,
33:43mmm, fashion guy?
33:45Ah! Wait here.
33:47Okay, I got an idea.
33:51Here's the slayer's name, address and telephone number.
33:54You want to kill her? Make it so.
34:07How'd you make him do that?
34:10What are you, some kind of Jedi?
34:13Force can sometimes have great power on the weak-minded.
34:22Hey, Giles.
34:25You have a good talk with Buffy?
34:29Yes, not sure.
34:31Yeah, have a good talk with Buffy?
34:35Yes, now she's back.
34:37Isn't it awesome?
34:41Tell me about the spell you performed.
34:45Oh, okay, first of all, so scary.
34:48Like the Blair Witch would have had to watch like this.
34:53And this giant snake came out of my mouth
34:57and there was all this energy crackling
34:59and this pack of demons interrupted,
35:01but I totally kept it together.
35:03And then, next thing you know, Buffy.
35:09You're a very stupid girl.
35:15What? Giles?
35:18Do you have any idea what you've done?
35:20The forces you've harnessed, the lines you've crossed?
35:25I thought you'd be impressed or something.
35:28Oh, don't worry.
35:29You've made a very deep impression of everyone here.
35:37You were the one I trusted most to respect the forces of nature.
35:43Are you saying you don't trust me?
35:46Think what you've done to Buffy.
35:49I brought her back.
35:50An incredible risk.
35:52Risk? Of what?
35:54Making her deader?
35:56Killing us all? Unleashing hell on Earth?
35:59I mean, shall I go on?
36:02Giles, I did what I had to do.
36:05I did what nobody else could do.
36:07Well, there are others in this world who can do what you did.
36:10You just don't want to meet them.
36:12No, probably not, but...
36:15Well, they're the bad guys.
36:17I'm not a bad guy.
36:19I brought Buffy back into this world
36:22and maybe the word you should be looking for
36:25is congratulations.
36:29Having Buffy back in this world makes me feel
36:32indescribably wonderful,
36:34but I wouldn't congratulate you if you jumped off a cliff
36:37and happened to survive.
36:39That's not what I did, Giles.
36:40You were lucky.
36:42I wasn't lucky.
36:44I was amazing.
36:46And how would you know? You weren't even there.
36:48If I had been, I'd have bloody well stopped you.
36:50The magics you channeled are more ferocious and primal
36:53than anything you can hope to understand,
36:55and you are lucky to be alive.
36:57You rank arrogant amateur.
37:01You're right.
37:04The magics I used are very powerful.
37:07I'm very powerful.
37:09And maybe it's not such a good idea for you to piss me off.
37:16Come on, Giles.
37:18I don't want to fight.
37:20Let's not, okay?
37:23I'll think about what you said, and you...
37:26try to be happy Buffy's back.
37:31We still don't know where she was
37:34or what happened to her.
37:38And I'm far from convinced she's come out of all this undamaged.
37:53Hello, Spike.
37:57You hear all that noise?
38:02Just enough to make me feel crappy.
38:05You know, watcha boy doesn't mean anything by it.
38:12I guess.
38:16I guess.
38:19I guess.
38:28They all care.
38:31They all care so much it makes it all harder.
38:36I'm not sure I followed you around that bend, love.
38:41I don't know.
38:44I just...
38:46I feel like I'm spending all of my time trying to be okay
38:50so they don't worry.
38:53That's exhausting.
38:56And then I...
39:01And that makes them worry even more.
39:14You want me to take them out?
39:17It'd give me a hell of a headache,
39:19but I could probably thin the hurt a little.
39:26You know I could get a grin?
39:44Why are you always around when I'm miserable?
39:49That's when you're alone, I reckon.
39:53I'm not one for crowds myself these days.
39:59Me neither.
40:02That works out nicely, then.
40:14So what do you know about finances?
40:31Couldn't sleep?
40:33Not really. You?
40:37Absolutely not.
40:40You ever try mixing parts of every cereal you got in one bowl?
40:46Does it work?
40:48Going to find out.
40:50Want to come join the experiment?
40:52Why don't I be your control group?
40:54As you get older, you lose patience with...
40:59throwing up.
41:02Is that involved?
41:05Should be.
41:07Should be?
41:19You're not the Slayer.
41:21But you'll do for a start.
41:33You're paying for that door, buddy.
41:38Oh, table.
41:44You have cost me, Slayer.
41:46I cost you?
41:48That's a designer lamp, you mook.
42:08Spike, no! I want him in the kitchen.
42:23Open the door! The basement!
42:26I'm taking him down.
43:12Brain pipe!
43:18Brain pipe!
43:41Did you know this place was flooded?
43:47I think we got a lot to feel good about.
43:52We got the money.
43:54We got the lair.
43:57And our one loose end has been taken care of...
44:01by the Slayer.
44:04Light throwers up.
44:08Periscope's working.
44:11Looks like your mom's weeding tulips again.
44:14Action figures?
44:16Fully deployed.
44:19I still can't believe it.
44:21We did it.
44:23We can do anything.
44:25We could stay up all night if we wanted.
44:27Whoa, whoa, whoa.
44:28Get all crazy on us, Andrew.
44:30I was only saying.
44:32What are we gonna do about Buffy?
44:34You know, sooner or later, the Slayer's gotta come after us.
44:37Bring her on.
44:39We could hypnotize her.
44:40Make her our willing sex buddy.
44:45I'm putting that on the list.
44:49Is this the life or what?
44:51I mean, here we got all the stuff we ever wanted.
44:54And we didn't even have to...
44:58Burn it?
45:02It's true, my friends.
45:04The way I see it,
45:06life is like an interstellar journey.
45:09Some people go into hypersleep and travel at sub-light speeds,
45:13only to get where they're going after years of struggle, toil,
45:17and hard, hard work.
45:20We, on the other hand...
45:23Blasted through the space-time continuum in a wormhole?
45:31Crime is our wormhole.
45:35But everyone knows,
45:37if the width of a wormhole cavity is a whole number of wavelengths
45:40plus a fraction of that wavelength,
45:42the coinciding particle activity collapses the infrastructure.
45:46Dude, don't be a geek.
45:53This is gonna take forever, isn't it?
45:56Not forever, just a very long time.
45:59Uh, here it is.
46:01Your first approximation of your spanking new debt.
46:07I've trashed this house so many times.
46:10How did Mom pay for this?
46:12For starters, she saved money with this crappy-ass coffee table.
46:16Well, there's always that charging option.
46:18No. I will definitely...
46:21probably not be doing that.
46:25Well, I know I'm back in America.
46:27Now I've been knocked unconscious.
46:32Poor lumpy Giles.
46:34What do you think the demon wanted anyway?
46:38Aside from costing you a bundle?
46:41Don't know.
46:43Now he's way too dead to answer that question.
46:46Wish I knew who hired him.
46:48Ooh, I could do a locator spell.
46:52Or not.
46:54That's it.
46:56It's been four hours.
46:58I'm calling the people.
47:00This coffee table, it's gone.
47:02Damn it.
47:04Also, this lamp's in critical condition.
47:08Well, uh, let's take these things out to the trash
47:11and give them a decent throwing out.
47:38I don't think I can do this.
47:40Yes, you can.
47:43Your mother dealt with this sort of thing all the time.
47:47She took one crisis at a time
47:50without the aid of any superpowers
47:54and got through it all.
47:56So can you.
47:58You sure?
48:01I'm positive.
48:06Who's calling me?
48:08Everybody I know lives here.
48:11I'll be back.
48:14I bet it's creditors.
48:17The hounding's begun.
48:19I read about it.
48:21So you think we'll starve?
48:23I very much doubt it.
48:25No chance I'd have to quit school and work
48:28assembling cheap toys in a poorly ventilated sweatshop?
48:31Poorly ventilated?
48:33What have you been reading?
48:37Buffy, what is it?
48:42Is he in trouble?
48:44He knows that I'm...
48:47He needs to see me.
48:50I have to see him.
48:52Well, of course.
48:54You'll leave for L.A. tomorrow?
48:56Not L.A.
48:58And not here.
49:00Somewhere in the middle.
49:02There's a place.
49:04I see.
49:07Well, we should get these bills and things out of the way before...
49:11I have to go now.
49:17Thanks for taking care of this for me.
50:06Grr! Arrgh!
