• last year
00:00My love is time
00:03A deep love
00:05Love of the soul
00:08Please, please be patient.
00:11I'm so out of it
00:13With you, with my mom, with Jesusa
00:16I don't know if I can be patient
00:19I don't know if when you have those tests that you say
00:23I'm willing to take this again
00:26Because you have me very, very sad, Sebastian
00:30And very disillusioned
00:40Are you sure, Adria?
00:42Engineer, please, as you asked me to start working on this
00:45Don't hesitate to do it
00:47I spoke with Cisneros, a great friend of mine for a long time
00:50Yes, I know him
00:53Yes, I know him
00:55But what did Cisneros tell you?
00:57Well, he's going to try to stop time
01:00So we don't lose the rights we have
01:02Even though the campaign comes out a couple of days after the scheduled dates
01:06I think we're going to make it
01:08If that were possible, we would be healthy
01:11You can't compare the loss of two or three days
01:15Without being in the air
01:17Losing the exhibition rights of the entire campaign
01:21And that the competition stays with our time in the air
01:24I know, Engineer
01:26And that's why I proposed an idea to Cisneros
01:28He loved it, he told me he thought it was a wonderful idea
01:31What did you propose?
01:34We're going to make some previews of the campaign
01:36About ten seconds
01:37So we don't lose the scheduled dates
01:39Previews using the image of the brand
01:42And with an audio that says
01:43Something is coming soon
01:46Or something will change your life
01:48Don't miss it
01:49That's a good idea
01:52Take care, Brenda
01:54Someone is asking a lot of questions about how you got
01:58Personal access
02:01In a confidential file
02:20What do you want?
02:21Who is asking questions?
02:23Don't you feel disgusted by me?
02:25Don't you feel repulsed to hear my voice?
02:27Let's see, Javier, I already explained to you that that was a misunderstanding
02:31Please don't say you helped me
02:35Besides, it's not convenient for you to know
02:37If they fire me, they'll fire you too
02:39Yes, I know
02:41But do you know what the difference is between you and me?
02:43That I know how to work and I can find a job
02:46Instead, you
02:47All you know is to sleep with your boss
02:50Now all I feel is a deep disgust for you
03:08This way we don't lose so much money
03:10And people keep seeing the brand and the image refreshes
03:13I've really been trying to do the impossible
03:16To solve this problem that Sebastian committed, engineer
03:19I appreciate it, Adriel
03:22And I'm going to take into account what you're doing for the company
03:26I have a question, engineer
03:27Are you working on the post-production?
03:29What time do we arrive with the campaign?
03:31Even if it's a couple of days after the scheduled date
03:33That's what I'm talking about
03:36In the meantime, take care of having the previews
03:40In case we need them, of course
03:42Of course, engineer, of course
03:44Of course, count on it
03:46Right now I'm going to work on that
03:48And I'll send it to you for your final approval
03:57What's up?
03:58I was just thinking about talking to you
04:02Hey, hey, what's up? Why are you like this?
04:04Mario already found out everything
04:06He wants to take Maca to Guadalajara
04:08How did he find out?
04:10I don't know
04:11But if he hit him, he probably fought with Daniel
04:14But I swear I've never seen him so angry
04:17I was even scared
04:19Oh, Barbara, you don't know how I feel
04:22Me too
04:24Because besides, you know that maybe this guy is not from him
04:27No, it's just that it is a problem
04:29Because if Mario gets on the wrong track
04:31That can help prove your infidelity
04:33And win Maca's custody
04:36No, no, no, no, no
04:37If he takes Maca from me, I'll die
04:40You have to know as soon as possible who your baby's father is
04:44Look, I was researching on the internet
04:46And apparently you can do a blood test at 8 weeks, I think
04:50Yes, I also investigated
04:53But I'm very afraid of the result
04:56If it's Daniel, things are going to get very complicated with Mario
05:02What a coincidence that Adrian has the solution
05:04When neither you nor I could find it
05:06Adrian is a good element
05:07He has been in the company for a long time
05:10And he has good contacts
05:12Well, dad, there is no need for him to save us
05:15The commercial will be ready
05:16I'm going back to Mexico tomorrow night
05:18The campaign will come out on time
05:19I would like nothing more than that
05:22But until I have the safe campaign
05:24I'm not going to say anything to Adrian
05:26Look, dad, I understand that after what happened
05:28I can't ask you to confess
05:29But this time I give you my word that I will fulfill
05:31I hope so
05:33I need good news
05:35Why? What happened?
05:37Renata and I broke up
05:39She found Greta in my house
05:42Everything got complicated, son
05:43Because that was not the only thing
05:45Right now I'm at home waiting for a private investigator
05:48Because Renata's ex-husband is threatening her
05:51And I need to deal with him
05:57Well, but Mario is a good man
05:59With a good heart
06:01And I hope that when he calms down
06:03He doesn't take drastic measures
06:05Especially for Maca's sake
06:08Well, I hope so
06:09Because despite having failed as a wife
06:11And having fallen in love with Daniel
06:14I think he's been a very good father
06:18Of course he has
06:20But you have to wait for Mario to calm down
06:24Because the anger and the pain
06:28As soon as I get to Mexico
06:29I'm going to talk to Valero
06:30And I'm going to tell him to make me the ultrasound
06:32Of everything I need to end this anguish
06:37Hey, I love you so much
06:40You're not alone, Barbara
06:42You know I'm with you in everything
06:44And if you need me to talk to Mario about Maca
06:48I will
06:50I'm going to do everything in my power to make you feel better
07:05I feel so sorry for you
07:08I tried to prevent this from happening
07:10But I couldn't
07:13You're not responsible
07:14Yes, yes I am
07:16You took care of your family
07:18And this happened in my house
07:33And I found out very late about what happened
07:39That's why Daniel doesn't live here anymore
07:43That's why you told me you had to fix things
07:45With which you disagreed
07:47Yes, son
07:49I had to run for respect to you
07:51To Maca
07:53And to us
07:55And now I see my two only grandchildren
07:58Faced as enemies to death
08:03Daniel doesn't understand reasons
08:06He doesn't understand the forbidden passion he feels for Barbara
08:13You shouldn't have told Mario the truth
08:16I couldn't keep quiet, mom
08:18Especially when he wanted to do something to avoid divorcing Barbara
08:21But do you realize how things ended?
08:23They're a pair of savages
08:24Look, just look at your face
08:28It was inevitable
08:30At least your grandfather intervened
08:31Because if not, I don't know what would have happened
08:34I'm very worried about Barbara
08:35I'm calling and calling but she doesn't answer, mom
08:37Surely she and Mario are facing this problem
08:39And they will have a lot to say
08:41A lot to reproach, son
08:43I'm always desperate, mom
08:44Let's see, son
08:45Calm down
08:46For a moment
08:47For a moment
08:48Let's see, son
08:49Calm down
08:50For a moment
08:51Put yourself in your cousin Mario's shoes
08:53Put yourself in his shoes
08:55Can you imagine his pain?
08:56Because of the double betrayal that your relationship with his wife causes him
09:00Of course I put myself in his shoes, mom
09:01And I don't want to be him
09:03It hurts me a lot that he suffers because of us
09:05But I need to protect Barbara
09:07She's pregnant and this isn't going to be good for her
09:09What happened isn't good for anyone
09:12It's a real tragedy that's just beginning
09:15Sit down
09:17I'm going to heal you because that's what I'm your mother for
09:24Maca and Barbara have been the reason of my life
09:30And what Daniel did to me has no forgiveness
09:34You know how I regret it
09:36And what I would have given to avoid it
09:41I can force Barbara to stay with me but
09:46I'm not going to give up on Maca
09:50I'm going to take her to Guadalajara
09:53And I'm going to wait to find out who of the two is the son that Barbara is waiting for
10:00Now I understand why Barbara was shocked when she found out she was pregnant
10:04Because she denied it from the beginning
10:12I swear I never imagined living something like this
10:17Cry, son, cry
10:20Don't hold back
10:22You have enough reasons to hold back
10:26Cry, son
10:28I understand you perfectly
10:32Cry, son
10:34I'm with you
10:39Do you know anything about your sister?
10:41Something about what?
10:43I've been calling her and she's not answering
10:46And lately I have to chase her to talk to her
10:50Well, I just talked to her
10:52Oh, so she does talk to you
10:55Well, mom, she's got a lot going on because she's going back to Mexico with Maca
10:59Oh, that's good
11:00I miss my granddaughter a lot
11:03And living on that ranch must be the worst experience of her life
11:06Oh, mom
11:07Well, I'm going to say goodbye
11:09I'm going to grab my bag and go to the airport
11:11Oh, excuse me, where are you going?
11:13What do you mean where am I going, mom?
11:14I told you, I'm exhibiting tomorrow in Los Angeles
11:16Oh, yes, yes, your exhibition
11:18I'm sorry, I have so many things on my mind that I forgot
11:23Hey, what a waste to make such a short trip
11:25Well, anyway, if you want me to take you, the driver is available
11:28Yes, thank you, yes, I think so
11:36I talked to Sebastian and
11:38He told me he's going to look for evidence to prove to me that you haven't told me the whole truth
11:42Why don't you tell me once and for all that you're hiding from me?
11:44Again with that, honey?
11:46Yes, mom, again with that, as many times as necessary
11:48Well, the truth is that this boy turned out to be a jerk who only wants to put you against me
11:53And you'd be very stupid if you let him, huh?
11:56I'm good or bad, but I'm your mother
11:58I gave you life
11:59And you barely have a few months to know him
12:02So I hope I have your loyalty and don't fall for his provocations
12:07Because with yours, with or without reason, it's incredible
12:13Are you sure they finish the commercial for Sunday?
12:16That's the idea, I already gave my dad as a fact
12:19But hey, here we are working like crazy against the clock
12:22Let's see, calm down, okay? I'm sure they're not going to talk
12:25Oh, I can't wait to see the face of the source's lawyer
12:28When he sees that he didn't get away with it, uff
12:31Yes, and it seems to me too much of a coincidence that AdriƔn has managed not to lose the transmission rights
12:36And we could also get the commercial out two or three days later
12:39Yes, yes, because the TV company could have sanctioned us
12:42And get a lot more money by selling the space to the competition
12:46It smells to me that there is a cat locked up here
12:49Look, I already asked Javier, the systems guy, to help us
12:52To know how they could enter the campaign file and change the dates
12:56Please, you need to know, Trana, okay?
12:59And also talk to the watchman
13:02They had to come in at night to make those changes
13:05Either from my office or from one of their cubicles
13:08Okay, I'll investigate right now with the security guys and the police
13:12I'm here at the soda shop right now, I came to leave equipment and some paperwork
13:15Okay, thank you, Victor
13:16I'll pressure Javier on Monday
13:18Please, and let him know that if he gives us evidence against AdriƔn or Brenda, he will receive a good reward
13:25I need you to locate my ex-husband
13:29Mrs. Renata
13:32What information do you know about this person?
13:36I don't know his name is JosƩ
13:38Do you know his last name?
13:42I know he was in jail for domestic violence
13:46Even Renata lost a baby because of the beating he gave her
13:52Any photograph or video?
13:56Any other information?
13:59Can I talk to Mrs. Renata Gamboa?
14:02I would speed up the investigation if I have more information about that person
14:07Because just knowing his name and that he was married to Mrs. Gamboa
14:11Does not allow us to denounce much as you would like
14:17I will try to find out more about JosƩ today
14:19As soon as I have the information, I will let you know
14:23I think it's good
14:24Excuse me
14:29Thank you
14:32She's here
14:34Hi Fatima
14:40Verania, what are you doing in my house?
14:42Well, we have something in common
14:46No, you're wrong
14:47You and I don't have anything in common
14:50Oh yes, it's true
14:51I already found out that you and SebastiƔn are over
14:55Well, I already told you that SebastiƔn is not the man of a single woman
15:00Verania, I have a lot of things
15:02Please leave my house, leave me alone
15:04Look, maybe this could interest you
15:06Because right now SebastiƔn is in New York
15:10And everything indicates that he is organizing things so that we can go back together to live there
15:15Oh yeah?
15:17Well, enjoy yourself
15:19Oh, how nice, thank you very much
15:20Hey, but that is clear
15:22Well, I already told you
15:25SebastiƔn always comes back to me
15:29Verania, get out of my house
15:32I don't want to see you again
15:33Get out!
15:39It's late
15:56Daniel, with all Anselmo that you got, you hit Mario
16:00Look how your cousin left you
16:02What's going on here Marcos?
16:03How did your cousin find out that you were with his wife?
16:05I told him myself
16:07Please let me be alone
16:08Who is the son that Barbara is waiting for?
16:11Her husband?
16:13He's mine
16:17No, Daniel, but how can you be so sure if he was sleeping with both of them?
16:21He was only sleeping with me
16:23And with that son, no one will be able to separate us
16:25Daniel, that woman changed you
16:27She got the worst out of you
16:28Before you thought about the others
16:30And look at you, now you're building a relationship about the destruction of a family
16:34I didn't destroy anything
16:35Of course you did, Daniel!
16:37And what don't you think?
16:39Don't you think she's going to leave you just like she left Mario?
16:43That will never happen
16:45Well, you don't have to be so sure
16:47Because you would have deserved it for hitting your cousin
16:51Please leave me alone, right?
16:53I'm leaving
16:55But I don't think your conscience will let you live in peace
17:00Do you know that what you're doing is a vile act?
17:04No, Daniel
17:08You still have time to get away from that woman and apologize to your cousin
17:13For this madness, please
17:25I love you
17:55I love you
18:25I love you
18:26I love you
18:27I love you
18:28I love you
18:29I love you
18:30I love you
18:31I love you
18:32I love you
18:33I love you
18:34I love you
18:35I love you
18:36I love you
18:37I love you
18:38I love you
18:39I love you
18:40I love you
18:41I love you
18:42I love you
18:43I love you
18:44I love you
18:45I love you
18:46I love you
18:47I love you
18:48I love you
18:49I love you
18:50I love you
18:51I love you
18:52I love you
18:53I love you
18:54I love you
18:56I love you
19:19Where's my Father?
19:20and tell me how the party was.
19:22What do you care?
19:23Macarena, enough.
19:25You've been very rude to me since yesterday.
19:28Enough, what are we going to do?
19:30You're a bad mother, very bad.
19:33You don't love the baby.
19:35You don't love dad and you don't love me.
19:37That's not true, honey.
19:39It is true.
19:40I told you that you didn't want the baby to be born
19:43and he hasn't done anything to you.
19:45That's why you're bad.
19:47Honey, of course I love him.
19:51I love him very much.
19:53It's just that the baby came at a time when I didn't expect it
19:58and I didn't know how to handle it, but of course I love him.
20:01No, no, no, you don't love us.
20:04And I'm going to tell my dad to take me with him to Guadalajara
20:07and also to my little brother when he's born.
20:09Maca, you can't go.
20:11You can't go.
20:12Why not?
20:14I thought that when I had a little brother,
20:16we would all be together.
20:18But you don't love us.
20:20Now you only love Daniel.
20:22And he's as bad as you.
20:40But then is it true that SebastiƔn is in New York?
20:44How did you know?
20:46We're supposed to be the only ones who know,
20:48Mr. Federico, Victor and I.
20:50And none of the three of us have opened our mouths.
20:53It's just that Verania went to tell me very kindly at my house.
20:57But how did she know?
20:59Well, because of SebastiƔn, Triana.
21:01No, no, no.
21:02No, how do you think?
21:04So who else?
21:06No, I don't know.
21:07Let me find out if Victor, by chance,
21:09got something and that Verania heard it.
21:12I don't think SebastiƔn called Verania to tell him.
21:16Let's see, the fact is that Verania knows.
21:20I don't know what to believe, what to think about SebastiƔn.
21:23I talked to him a while ago and he didn't even tell me.
21:26Did you talk to him? Did you talk to Sebas?
21:28Yes, yes, I talked to him.
21:30Because I'm tired, Triana.
21:32I'm tired of all the lies and hidden truths
21:35in the middle of Jesus, of my mom, of him.
21:37I'm so disillusioned with this that I don't know who SebastiƔn really is.
21:43Dad, I'm looking for you.
21:45Why didn't you go to Remigio's party?
21:49What happened to you?
21:50Nothing, my love. I'm fine.
21:53Who hit you?
21:54Nobody. I went to ride and I fell off the horse.
21:58That's why I didn't make it to the party.
22:00Does it hurt a lot?
22:02A little.
22:06And tell me, my love, did you have fun at the party?
22:12My love, you're going to have to say goodbye to Remigio.
22:17We're going back to Mexico today
22:19and we probably won't go back to this ranch.
22:23The only reason I'd like to go back is for Remigio,
22:26for Grandpa and Aunt Lucia.
22:28Just for them.
22:30Guys, I'm telling you, this house is huge.
22:32It has a garden that you're going to love
22:33and we're going to play there all day, okay?
22:36What are these kids doing here?
22:38These kids are my children
22:41and they're going to come see me whenever I feel like it.
22:44I didn't authorize you to bring them here.
22:47Oh, you told Pablo that this is our house, so...
22:51I mean, if you know what's best for you,
22:53you won't go against me.
22:55Because I might miss something I heard from you and your husband
22:58and I don't think he's going to like it.
23:02I'm glad it was very clear.
23:03Come on, kids. Let's play in the garden.
23:09Like this.
23:10Oh, I'm so excited. They're finally here.
23:13Enjoy as long as you can, stupid.
23:18I'm going to look for someone to go with me
23:20to say goodbye to Ramiro.
23:26But what?
23:28I want to go live with you in Guadalajara.
23:32And that?
23:33I want to be with you.
23:35I don't want to live with Mom anymore.
23:37Because she doesn't love us anymore, Dad.
23:39She's bad.
23:40Bad, just like Daniel.
23:43I don't want to live with you anymore.
23:45She's bad.
23:46Bad, just like Daniel.
23:56Hey, do you have any idea who makes balloons?
24:01Okay, send me your information.
24:03I need to sell my dad's factory, okay?
24:06Thanks, Mauro.
24:09Just look at the garden.
24:11Oh, I'm so excited.
24:13Hi, honey.
24:15Kids, do you remember Pablo?
24:17Well, Pablo is my husband.
24:20Say hi.
24:21Hi, kids. How are you?
24:24I didn't know you were coming.
24:27Did you tell my mom?
24:28Yes, yes, she agrees.
24:30In fact, your mom has changed a lot with me
24:32since your dad died.
24:33And for good, huh?
24:36Kids, go play and I'll catch up with you, okay?
24:42I find it strange that my mom has agreed.
24:44One thing is that she wants us to live with her
24:46and another thing is that she accepts your children.
24:48I hope she can put up with Samaca.
24:50Well, she didn't oppose it, huh?
24:53And that today,
24:54you're only going to spend a few hours with us,
24:56but later on,
24:57we're going to spend two weekends a month.
25:01If that makes you happy and my mother doesn't oppose it,
25:04it's fine by me.
25:06I have to go out later, I'll see you.
25:08Honey, aren't you going to stay and play with the kids?
25:11Honey, I'm watching the factory.
25:13I can't right now.
25:15I'll see you later.
25:32Maca doesn't want to live with you anymore.
25:35She just told me.
25:36And you know what else she just told me?
25:40That you and Daniel are bad
25:41and I totally agree with her.
25:44Calm down, please.
25:45I can't calm down
25:46when I see my daughter suffer
25:48because of what you're doing with Daniel,
25:50who is your lover.
25:52Hey, what's going on?
25:53Why are you screaming?
25:57I'm sorry, Grandpa,
25:58you don't have to witness this,
25:59but right now,
26:00I'm leaving with my daughter away from here.
26:02Whatever Barbara does,
26:03I don't care.
26:04I won't let you take Macarena.
26:07I want to go with Dad!
26:08You're a girl, don't decide.
26:13Mom, Mom, Mom.
26:14Calm down, calm down.
26:15Maca, honey,
26:16go get the inhaler.
26:17The inhaler?
26:18Go get the inhaler!
26:20Calm down, honey.
26:26What does Mrs. Carla know about you?
26:28With what secret is she blackmailing you
26:30so that you let her bring her children?
26:32And why are you so nosy?
26:33No, no, I'm not nosy.
26:35I just heard you talking
26:36and I'm very worried about what I heard.
26:38You know what?
26:39I've had enough of you, Jesusa.
26:41I warned you not to meddle anymore.
26:43So pack your things and leave my house.
26:45Of course,
26:46it's better to run than to tell me the truth.
26:48Think whatever you want.
26:50I don't need you anymore.
26:51In fact, you're getting in my way.
26:53So leave at once.
26:55I gave you my life, Greta.
26:57And I paid for your services,
26:59and very well.
27:00So I don't want any drama.
27:02In fact, so you can see that I'm fair,
27:04I'm going to give you your compensation,
27:06even though I told you I wasn't going to give it to you.
27:08Save the compensation.
27:10I was never on your side for money,
27:12but for affection.
27:14I tried to give you the best of me all these years,
27:17but I see it didn't work.
27:19No, you don't want to make me feel bad.
27:22You caused me to make this decision.
27:25What did you think?
27:27That you were family?
27:29That you were just a maid
27:31who always wanted to be above me?
27:34But you're very wrong.
27:35And let me tell you one thing.
27:37Don't you dare open your mouth
27:39and talk about my secrets.
27:41Because I'll accuse you of being a thief,
27:42and I'll put you in jail.
27:44You understand, right?
28:06Don't fight anymore, please.
28:08No more!
28:09Yes, honey.
28:10We're not going to fight anymore, okay?
28:12But calm down.
28:14Let me go!
28:15I just want to be with my dad!
28:18Let's see, honey.
28:19Calm down.
28:20Go say goodbye to Remigio, okay?
28:22And as soon as you get back,
28:23we'll go with your mom, you and I, to Mexico,
28:26and we'll fix our problems there.
28:29Everything will be fine.
28:35Calm down.
28:36Calm down.
28:42Little one.
28:56I love you.
29:27How's young Daniel doing?
29:31Maca is leaving and he's coming to say goodbye to Remigio.
29:34Goodbye, Remigio.
29:35I'm going to miss you a lot.
29:37And I'll miss you.
29:41This is the number of my house and my dad's,
29:44in case you need anything.
29:50Really, Remigio.
29:53Really, Remigio.
29:55Thank you so much for being my friend.
30:00I've never had a friend as beautiful and kind as you.
30:53Daniel, what are you doing here?
30:54If Mario sees you, he's going to kill you.
30:56I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye.
30:59Hey, I'm sorry for telling you that we love each other,
31:01but I can't stay quiet.
31:02Of course, it was you.
31:03Why didn't you wait for me to get a divorce,
31:05like we agreed?
31:06Because I couldn't face him and I kept hiding the truth.
31:09Well, you complicated everything, huh?
31:10Now Mario can take custody of Maca
31:12because he's been unfaithful to her.
31:21I'm sorry.
31:22I really didn't think about that.
31:24No, it's chaos.
31:25It's chaos, but we're together.
31:27Don't forget that.
31:29I'm going to Mexico tomorrow because I won't be far from you.
31:31No, no.
31:32I want things to calm down.
31:35Okay, okay.
31:37But if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me.
31:43It's going to be hell to be far from you.
31:45Let's go, Barbara!
31:46Why are you taking so long?
31:48I'm coming! I went to the bathroom.
31:56Are you leaving or staying?
31:57No, I'm sorry.
32:48I'm sorry.
33:19Please, please go.
33:21I don't want to see you.
33:22I had to come because you don't answer my calls.
33:26I hired a private investigator to help me deal with your husband.
33:31Well, I don't even know what Jose's last name is.
33:35And that's going to delay the investigation.
33:37Listen to me carefully.
33:38Don't investigate it.
33:40I already told you that Jose threatened me with hurting you,
33:43SebastiƔn, Fatima, all the people I love,
33:46if I don't do what he wants.
33:48Well, why should I stay with him?
33:51To protect you and all the people who are important in your life?
33:56Let's see, you're not listening to me.
33:59He's a very dangerous man.
34:02We have to stop that bastard.
34:06Let's see.
34:07Let's see like this.
34:08Let's see if you understand me like this.
34:10He's closer to you than you think.
34:14He's become your friend.
34:17He's very close to you.
34:18Don't tell me what he is.
34:21My ex-husband is Juan Jose Ortega.
34:23What are you saying?
34:24What you hear.
34:26Your friend Juan and my ex-husband are the same person.
34:33Thank you for everything.
34:34You have nothing to thank for, daughter.
34:37It was wonderful to have you here.
34:40I'm going to miss you a lot.
34:41Me too, grandfather.
34:45Remember that you promised that we would talk once a week.
34:49I'll take care of that.
34:53Thank you, son.
34:55You don't know how I would have liked to be able to avoid this.
35:00How could you hide something so serious from me?
35:02Because I already told you that he threatened to kill you and my loved ones.
35:06If I tell you now, it's because you're in more danger
35:08and you still trust him with all your things.
35:13Did that bastard hurt you?
35:17He hurt me in whatever way he wanted.
35:19That it's you.
35:21Forgive me, Renata.
35:23For having a thousand things on my mind, I neglected you.
35:26I'm a fool.
35:28I was the one who should protect you.
35:31But I even allowed that guy to become my enemy.
35:33Now I understand everything.
35:34I don't know how I didn't realize.
35:36Because he's a very skilled and very dangerous man.
35:39So I ask you for the last time,
35:41stay away from him and stay away from me.
35:45Renata, don't tell me that.
35:49You don't listen to me and you make me desperate.
35:53Go away.
35:55Don't look for me again.
35:56Don't look for him again either.
35:59Go away.
36:00And for me, don't look for him again either.
36:05I'm not going to do it.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:13It's ready.
36:16Say goodbye.
36:18See you in the car.
36:28Thank you for everything.
36:30And I hope that one day you can forgive me.
36:34Do you know when he left the hotel?
36:39Okay, thanks.
36:43Jose already left the hotel and doesn't answer his cell phone.
36:46And he doesn't receive the messages anymore.
36:48No, I'm not surprised.
36:49He always uses different cell phones with me.
36:52I don't know.
36:53I don't know.
36:54I don't know.
36:55I don't know.
36:56I don't know.
36:57I don't know.
36:58I don't know.
36:59I don't know.
37:00No, I'm not surprised.
37:01He always uses different cell phones with me.
37:04We have to go to the police to denounce him.
37:05I already did, but it was of no use.
37:08I need strong evidence and I don't have it.
37:11I tried recording him.
37:12I couldn't get it.
37:13I have no way of accusing him.
37:15I'm going to hire someone to protect you.
37:17That's why I hired Armando.
37:19That's why I have him.
37:20But we have to put in someone else.
37:22I'm going to hire a police officer
37:24to take care of you night and day.
37:27This means blood.
37:29Just to think that this lunatic is close to you
37:32and that he can hurt you again.
37:35Oh, how could I have fallen for his game?
37:38I already told you that he is very manipulative.
37:40It's not your fault.
37:42Please, I beg you.
37:46Staying here not only exposes you, but me too.
37:49Please, listen to me.
37:51I don't care about exposing you, but I do about you.
37:58Mrs. Ana, I need your help.
38:01Come in, please, of course.
38:06Please, come in, come in, come in.
38:08Do you want something to drink?
38:10No, no, thank you.
38:12For that suitcase, I can assume that Greta threw you out of her house.
38:16Jesusa, this is your house.
38:19It's a simple house, but you can stay here
38:22as long as you decide what to do with your life.
38:25Thank you very much, Mr. JuliƔn.
38:28I'm going to take your luggage to the guest room.
38:32Well, I'll leave you to talk to each other.
38:34Thank you, thank you, sir.
38:36Sit down.
38:41Oh, cry, cry, woman.
38:44Let yourself go, I can imagine the pain you feel.
38:49Why don't you live at my house?
38:51What we caught is unhappiness.
38:53How do you think?
38:55Are you listening to yourself?
38:57That's going to make it worse.
38:59You don't listen to me.
39:03I know you love me as much as I love you.
39:05Goodbye, now.
39:07Yes, I love you and that's why I want you to leave, now.
39:11Okay, I'm leaving.
39:19But promise me that if something happens,
39:22whatever it is,
39:24at any time,
39:26you'll call me.
39:42I stopped being useful to her and I became a nuisance to her.
39:46Apart from the boss Gonzalo,
39:48I found out that something is going on with Pablo's wife.
39:52With Carla?
39:54What is it about?
39:55I'm not quite sure.
39:57But well, Mrs. Ana, right now the most important thing
39:59is for me to go to Morelia.
40:01I want to go to the Santa Clara hospital where Barbara was born.
40:04Oh, I think it's very good, Jesusa,
40:06because SebastiƔn wanted the hospital data
40:08for him to investigate.
40:10But if you do it, you help us all.
40:40I hope that there or in Dr. Ulloa's office
40:44he can find evidence that shows that Barbara was Tenecina.
40:48Surely in the doctor's files
40:50there will be evidence of some ultrasound or something
40:54where we can see the gestation weeks
40:56that she had when she was born.
41:01It's the least I can do, Mrs. Ana.
41:04Oh, if I hadn't lied to Mr. Federico
41:07like Greta asked me to,
41:09this wouldn't be happening.
41:14Prepare me a coffee
41:16and send it to my room with Jesusa.
41:18Jesusa is not here. She already left the house.
41:23What? Without saying goodbye?
41:25And do you know why she left?
41:27Did she say anything to you?
41:29No, she didn't say anything to me.
41:31She just didn't want to come back.
41:33It's incredible that people are so ungrateful, really.
41:37I hope you won't do the same to me.
41:44What a tragedy.
41:49It's good that you distract yourself a little
41:51from everything you're going through.
41:53Yes, I know.
41:55Hi, Diego.
41:56It's a pleasure to see you.
41:58Robin, Robin, how are you?
42:00What's up?
42:01How are you?
42:02Congratulations on your exhibition tomorrow.
42:04I won't miss it.
42:05Thank you very much, thank you very much.
42:07See you there.
42:08Excuse my manners.
42:09Let me introduce you to Fatima Uriarte.
42:11She's one of my exponents.
42:12He's Willie de Artigues and he's Jim Wilson.
42:15Willie de Artigues!
42:17I follow your work.
42:18What a pleasure.
42:20I love it, I love it.
42:22His works are sold worldwide.
42:24And Diego is the one who discovered him.
42:26No, if you're going to exhibit with Diego,
42:28wait, you're one of the good guys,
42:31because he only chooses the best.
42:33You'll see his work tomorrow, Willie.
42:35You'll love it, I'm sure.
42:36I won't miss it.
42:38In fact,
42:40we interrupt if we sit with you to have a drink.
42:43No, please, please.
42:49What a pleasure, really, really.
42:52Let's see, tell me, Fatima.
42:54Tell me more about you.