Campbell Playhouse - 16 - The Bad Man

  • 4 days ago


00:15The makers of Campbell Soups present the Campbell Playhouse.
00:20Orson Welles, producer.
00:47Good evening, this is Orson Welles.
00:49Tonight we're going to take you back to a time when the romance of the gun-toting, bandit-chasing variety was not yet dead on our frontiers.
00:56When stealing a horse was a more serious offense than committing homicide,
01:00and when the night raiders descended on the one-street Texas towns,
01:05igniting the shadows with gunfire and stirring up the border citizens with raids and with mayhem.
01:11In those not-so-far-distant days, the gun-toter was likely to be a real man.
01:16A popular hero, not the villainous victim of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
01:20or the dope-shaken, machine-equipped rat of the current gangster films.
01:26Life was more direct on the border, and the bandit had his code.
01:31This code was a semi-honorable collection of prejudices, but what was important, it was adhered to.
01:37Now such a sterling, perhaps the correct term would be silver-plated character,
01:42is Pancho Lopez, whom we bring to you tonight in The Bad Man.
01:47His prototype was supposed to be Pancho Villa, who made life exciting down Texas Way
01:51until Pershing had him chased deep into Mexico and eventual oblivion.
01:56Certainly, Port Emerson Brown, who wrote this Broadway comedy success,
02:00had the Mexican guerrilla leader in mind when he created the character.
02:04Reviews of the day indicate that Holbrook Blinn, who was a tremendous success in the role,
02:07had successfully copied some of the mannerisms of Villa.
02:11Well, tonight we're going to show Pancho Lopez in action,
02:15coming in his naively honorable fashion to see bloody justice done by Mrs. Lu Chapelle,
02:22a handsome girl in difficulties on the old border.
02:25The latter, I'm delighted to announce, will be played by Ida Lupino,
02:29one of our younger and more sparkling stars,
02:32who's made a special trip from Hollywood to be with us tonight.
02:35First, a word from Ernest Chappell.
02:36If I should ask you, do you like chicken?
02:49I'm sure you'd be surprised, and indeed it would be a strange question
02:53because the fact is that just about everybody everywhere likes chicken.
02:57Among my own family and friends, I know there isn't any food more highly praised.
03:02And anywhere you go, from a little restaurant along the wayside
03:05to the dining room of a great hotel, and more especially in any home you may visit,
03:10you'll find a general fondness for chicken.
03:13It continues to be, as it always has been, a great American treat.
03:17Now, as sure as you like chicken, you'll like Campbell's chicken soup.
03:21Gone are the days when the finest chicken soup was made only at home.
03:26During the last few years, thousands of families have discovered
03:28Campbell's rich chicken flavor fills every drop of its broth.
03:32There's white fluffy rice all through it, too, and delightfully tender pieces of chicken meat.
03:37And best of all, they can enjoy Campbell's chicken soup whenever they wish, again and again.
03:42When are you going to have Campbell's chicken soup
03:45to find out for yourself how delicious it really is?
03:49And now Orson Welles as the bad man with Ida Lupino.
04:34Here, here, here. What's going on here?
04:37¿Usted es el Presidente del Banco?
04:39Sure, I'm the president of this bank.
04:40¿Qué tal, Presidente?
04:41Hey, who are you?
04:43Pancho Lopez.
04:44Why, you low-down murdering cattle thief.
04:47You think you'll rob my bank, do you? I'll show you.
04:53See what you've done?
04:55You make me kill you.
04:58Why you do this?
05:17All ranger stations in southwestern Texas.
05:20A band of 20 desperados held up the first national bank at Eagle River this afternoon.
05:26Last seen headed south.
05:28Ida is presumed to be the notorious murderer of Pancho Lopez.
05:33Sharp lookout is being kept by border patrols and there is little chance of his escape.
05:39Reward of $25,000 has been offered for his capture, dead or alive.
06:01Dear Dot, I guess you think I'm a rat.
06:03Well, maybe you're right.
06:04But I swear, honey, since we started from New York, I haven't had a free minute.
06:07Come and go, hither and yon.
06:09You know how it is on a honeymoon.
06:11Well, here we are now at last in Texas and I could stay here for the rest of my life.
06:15Talking about Texas, a funny thing happened to it.
06:18You remember that boy I used to go around with at home in Bangor, Gilbert Phipps?
06:21He has a ranch down here near the border, cattle or something.
06:25And somehow Morgan found out about it and we drove over here yesterday.
06:28Gilbert asked us to stay a few days and here we are.
06:31Isn't that strange?
06:32Do you know how jealous Morgan usually is and how fussy he is about the places he stays?
06:37Well, Morgan was the one who insisted on staying.
06:40He hasn't changed at all.
06:42I mean Gilbert.
06:43That's the boy at whose house we're staying, the boy from Bangor.
06:46He's just as cute and shy and sweet as he can be.
06:49He lives on this place with his uncle.
06:51Well, I guess that's about all for today.
06:53He's waiting for me to go riding with him.
06:55I'm not staying in the house another minute, not even to write to you.
06:57Give my love to the Atlantic Ocean and I don't care if I don't see it for the next hundred years.
07:01Love, Lucia.
07:05Say, about the bandits you were asking about.
07:07The place is crawling with them.
07:08That's what they say and I bet it is.
07:10You can feel it in the air.
07:11There's a fellow called Pancho Lopez that they tell about who has killed about 400 people in the last three years.
07:17Quite a man.
07:18If he ever drops in for dinner, I'll get his autograph for you.
07:20Well, that's all for now.
07:22So long.
07:34Aquí está el pulque, señor Phipps.
07:36Señor! Señor!
07:38What are you making a face like that for?
07:39Señor Phipps! Phipps!
07:41That's as good a New England name as you'll want to hear.
07:43The Phipps been living in and around Bangor, Maine for more than 150 years.
07:46Same as your folks, Lucia.
07:48And now it's senior Phipps like we was foreigners.
07:50Well, I guess I got only myself to blame.
07:52Myself and that gosh darn nephew, Gilbert of mine.
07:55Well, I didn't have to listen to him, him and his crazy ideas.
07:58Should have used my good Yankee sense instead of letting him talk me into coming 3,000 miles down here
08:02to the border among a lot of cows and foreigners.
08:04And that ain't the worst of it.
08:06Invested my life savings, took all I had in the bank in Bangor, Maine, ma'am.
08:09And what'd I get with it?
08:11Makes me sick to think of it.
08:12Bought me 800 acres of land and 400 cows.
08:14Well, I think it's wonderful here.
08:16You and my nephew, Gilbert, like the same things, Lucia. Always did.
08:19Heck, there ain't even a place to go fishing around here.
08:21And you say you like it.
08:22Like it? I love it.
08:23Do you?
08:23Don't you?
08:24Makes me sick.
08:24Why, it's beautiful.
08:25Beautiful? What's beautiful about it?
08:26The desert.
08:27Not a goll darn sand.
08:28Grazing land, they call it.
08:30Why, I tell you, ma'am, there's more for a cow to eat on the main street of Bangor
08:32than there is in the whole 800 acres of grazing.
08:35Of course, that don't matter now anyway, because we ain't got any cows left.
08:38First come the drought, then last year come that bandit, Pancho Lopez.
08:41He won't bother us no more, though, because the Rangers plugged him, got him six months ago.
08:45Yeah, but that don't do us no good, because before they got him, he got a couple hundred of our cows.
08:49Oh, that is dreadful, Mr. Phil.
08:50That ain't the half of it.
08:51Next thing you know, we got that hoop-and-mouth disease.
08:53They got a fella down from Washington now, sort of a cow expert, smart fella, I guess,
08:56because he licked that foot-and-mouth disease no time at all.
08:59Of course, that don't do us no good either, because the last of our cows died six weeks ago.
09:03Now, all we got's the land.
09:04And when I say we got it, well, we got it till eight tonight.
09:07Eight tonight?
09:08That's what I said, 8 p.m. tonight.
09:10If the vagrant Bisbee don't get the money by 8 o'clock, they foreclose the mortgage,
09:13and we ain't got no place to live.
09:14Oh, Mr. Phipps, I had no idea things were that bad.
09:16They're worse.
09:17It's all the fault of that gosh-darn nephew of mine.
09:19It's a lucky thing for you he didn't marry him.
09:21You think so?
09:22I've often wondered if...
09:23Good evening, Fitz.
09:24Hello there, Lucia.
09:25Hello, Carol.
09:26Hey, how about dinner?
09:27Oh, Morgan.
09:28My guest ain't ready yet.
09:29What are we waiting for?
09:30It's nearly 3 o'clock.
09:31You don't say.
09:32Well, I'll see about it now.
09:34Nothing good.
09:35But I think the cook has some amateur tequila.
09:38It's a local drink.
09:39Has it got a kick?
09:40Never heard nobody complain.
09:41After two or three of them, I never saw anybody able to complain.
09:44What does it taste like?
09:45Sort of like gasoline, with bi-chloride and mercury in it.
09:47You ought to like that, Morgan.
09:48No raw alcohol in it?
09:49It's safe enough.
09:50Like to try it, pal?
09:51Sure, bring it on.
09:52I'll try anything once.
09:53And anything to drink more than once.
09:54I'll see if there's any left.
09:57Well, there's no use again of my asking you not to do that.
09:59Do what?
10:00Order these people around in their own house.
10:01Why not?
10:02But if you can't see...
10:03There's no use you're trying to tell me.
10:05Is that it?
10:06You've said that on the average of about twice a day for the last five weeks.
10:09I see what you mean, but I don't agree.
10:11Because we're guests at their house, why should I be deprived of my liquor
10:14and forced to eat burned beans three times a day?
10:16I can't see.
10:17This isn't the Ritz, Morgan.
10:18Why don't they set their liquor out and see the meals are all right themselves
10:21and there wouldn't be any need for me saying anything.
10:23When we're enjoying their hospitality...
10:26Suffering, you mean?
10:27Well, thank heaven it's only for another day.
10:29It wasn't my idea to come here on our honeymoon.
10:31Now that you're here, nobody's keeping you.
10:33As far as I'm concerned, Lucia, this is a business trip.
10:35Our geologists have made a careful study of this land.
10:37I can't see what geologists have to do with honeymoons and grazing land.
10:41According to them, there's a good chance of oil being found below Phipps' land.
10:44And that's why you were so anxious for the Phipps to ask us down here.
10:47It's a lucky thing that you and the old man's nephew went to school together.
10:50I'd known I'd never have come.
10:51All you want here is to steal their land away from them.
10:54Well, that's not a nice word for a wife to be using about a new husband.
10:57Anyway, it's a perfectly straight business transaction.
11:00The bank in Bisbee holds a $10,000 mortgage on this property which expires tonight.
11:03I placed a bid with the bank to buy it.
11:05But isn't there a chance that the bank might renew his mortgage if he hadn't offered to buy it?
11:08My dear, my business here is to get this land for myself, not to save it for Phipps and his nephew.
11:14Oh, hello, Gilbert.
11:15Hello, Lucia.
11:17I'm sorry dinner will be late.
11:18You mean later, don't you?
11:20Here's a drink for you.
11:23Great Scott!
11:24What's the matter?
11:25I've been poisoned.
11:27Folks down here like their liquor strong.
11:28Yeah, from what I've heard, they like other things too.
11:30Especially things that don't belong to them.
11:32Well, we're pretty near the border, if that's what you mean.
11:35Now that Pancho's loose again, guess it'll be worse than ever.
11:38Who's he?
11:39Oh, he's a desperado around these parts.
11:41Just the other night, Pancho stole over 800 head of cattle from Steve Gavin's ranch.
11:45I don't suppose Steve even missed him, he's got so many.
11:47What's the matter with the Rangers?
11:48What are they paid for?
11:49Why don't they get after him?
11:50Well, I had him stopped for a while, but lately he's come back.
11:54Up to his old tricks, rustling cattle.
11:56Holding up banks.
11:57Yeah, sort of a tough guy, eh?
11:59Well, I don't suppose you'll be bothering us any?
12:01No, I guess there isn't much to take around here.
12:03Well, if you don't mind, I'm going outside for a bit of fresh air.
12:05Not to see you, it was a little too heavy for me.
12:07Call me when dinner's ready.
12:08Yeah, sure, will.
12:10Well, Gil.
12:14Gee, Lucia, you're looking great.
12:17Am I?
12:19Wonderful you're coming down here all this way, Lucia.
12:23Sort of funny, isn't it?
12:24I mean, seeing each other after all these years.
12:27You talk as though you were 100.
12:29I am nearly.
12:32I was 18 when you went away.
12:33That's more than three years ago.
12:36Why didn't you come and see me before you went away?
12:39Oh, I don't know.
12:40I didn't know you'd gone.
12:41You never even came to say goodbye, did you?
12:44Did you?
12:45Oh, I was broken.
12:46Oh, I don't know.
12:47You're all right now, aren't you, Gil?
12:50Oh, sure, sure.
12:51I'm doing splendidly now.
12:53I'm so glad of that, Gil.
12:55You still haven't answered my question.
12:56You mean about my not coming to say goodbye?
12:59Oh, I guess I was kind of proud and...
13:02Oh, I don't know.
13:03I thought maybe you were sore.
13:06You couldn't do anything to make me sore, did you, Lucia?
13:08Then what was it all about?
13:09Because you were broke, Gil?
13:11Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
13:13I hope to pick a fortune off a tree somewhere quick.
13:16Come back and surprise you with it.
13:19I was going to buy an automobile.
13:21One of those loans, you know, as long as a Pullman car
13:24filled full of roses and come roaring up to your front door
13:27and take you for a ride through the hills.
13:30It was going to be autumn.
13:31I even had that fixed.
13:33Why didn't you ever write me?
13:35I was waiting for some good news to tell you.
13:37Why didn't you ever get married, Gilbert?
13:41You need someone to take care of you.
13:42Yeah, I guess you're right, but...
13:44ought to be a guardian or maybe a keeper.
13:46Gil, we're leaving here tomorrow.
13:49You're really leaving, huh?
13:50That's what Morgan said.
13:52Oh, and I kind of hate to go and think of you always like this, alone.
13:56Oh, I still have Uncle.
13:58Seriously, Gil, you need a girl, a wife, someone to look after you.
14:02No, I don't.
14:04Oh, Gil, don't you see,
14:05don't you see what it would mean to you to have someone always here?
14:08To kiss you goodbye when you go,
14:10to be there when you come back,
14:11to laugh with you when you're feeling good
14:13and comfort you when things go wrong.
14:16Don't you see, Gil?
14:18Yeah, yeah, I see.
14:20Then why don't you do it, Gil?
14:22She'd make you happy, a girl like that.
14:24Don't you see?
14:25Sure, I see.
14:26What do you suppose I've been seeing ever since...
14:28Ever since when, Gil?
14:30Don't you know?
14:32Oh, Gil.
14:34Gil, you darn fool.
14:35I'd have waited for you.
14:36I'd have waited ten years.
14:37I wouldn't have...
14:38Wouldn't have what?
14:39Oh, never mind.
14:41Come here, Gil.
14:43Oh, Gil, darling.
14:50Oh, Gil.
15:21Lucia, my pet.
15:22I read your letter this morning on top of a Fifth Avenue bus
15:24and I nearly fell off.
15:26Gosh, it isn't fair.
15:27Honestly, I could kill you.
15:29There you sit in the sun with the air like wine, as you say,
15:32and the caballeros and the fiestas and the sombreros.
15:35Oh, I can see you right this minute,
15:37lying there, stretched out in the lap of luxury,
15:39native servants swarming around you,
15:42anticipating your every wish.
15:44Oh, what's the use?
15:46Some people get all the breaks.
15:48Money, travel, security, a loving husband.
15:51Yes, it was quite a touching little scene
15:52you and Mr. Pip staged this morning.
15:54Quite a few things I'd noticed lately
15:55became suddenly rather clear to me,
15:57things that had been puzzling me.
15:59You're in love with him, Lucia.
16:01Answer me.
16:03Kiss me, my dear.
16:07No, no, I don't want to kiss you.
16:08I want you to kiss me.
16:10Morgan, please.
16:11So, my dear, it's just as I thought.
16:13Some women could, but not you, my dear.
16:15You're too honorable, aren't you?
16:17Too honorable to be making love
16:18with the first cowhand who happens to be...
16:20Well, it's true, isn't it?
16:21I told you how I feel about you.
16:23But you know that as long as I'm married to you...
16:24You think I'm a fool?
16:25Morgan, I promise you...
16:26You've had your turn, you and Mr. Pips.
16:28Now it's mine.
16:29I know you don't love me, my dear.
16:30I never did understand why you married me,
16:32but you did, and I'm not letting you go.
16:34What are you gonna do? What is it this time?
16:35What I saw another sensible husband do
16:36under these circumstances.
16:38Nice and convenient.
16:39No spurs on the wall.
16:40Put those spurs down.
16:41Horses don't always know who they belong to.
16:43There's no reason why women equally ignorant
16:45shouldn't be similarly treated.
16:47Spurs are sharp, and they're going to dig deep.
16:49Let me go!
16:50Horses can be branded, so can you!
16:53Senora and senora.
16:56Good evening.
16:59You are the prisoners of Pancho Lopez.
17:02I got it!
17:15Si, General.
17:17Bring me all the women who are on this rancho.
17:19Si, General.
17:21Luis, find the cook!
17:23Find the cook, Luis!
17:26The cook is drunk!
17:30Bring him here.
17:34You are drunk.
17:39No, don't kill him.
17:41Not till after dinner.
17:46There's nothing I want you to do, only cook.
17:49Pronto, go quick.
17:52Hey, Pancho!
17:57Pedro, you bring the women.
18:00One woman only?
18:02What kind of rancho is this?
18:04Let me see this woman.
18:06Come here.
18:07Why do you want me?
18:08I want to look at you.
18:10Turn around.
18:14How old are you?
18:18Let me see your teeth.
18:19My teeth?
18:20Hey, how much do you weigh?
18:23I haven't weighed myself lately.
18:24What's your name?
18:26Lucia Perez.
18:28It's a pretty name.
18:29I'm so glad you like it.
18:30Come here.
18:31I see more of you.
18:36Not bad.
18:37You like to go with me to my country.
18:40Well, you hear what I say.
18:41I don't think I can do that.
18:43Why not?
18:44I'm married.
18:45Well, okay, we don't take the husband.
18:47Just me and you.
18:49You go to bullfight, get plenty drunk, huh?
18:51I'm sure you'll go in good time.
18:53What do you say?
18:55I say no.
18:56No soap.
18:58What do you mean?
18:59I mean no.
19:03Nobody ever offer you good time before?
19:05Not like this, mister.
19:07You've been married with one man all your life?
19:09Yes, about five weeks.
19:11You poor woman, it's too bad.
19:13It's not too late.
19:15Come on, come with me to my country,
19:17my land of the purple mountains,
19:19and I shall love you myself.
19:23You don't wish to go with me?
19:26You mean you wish to stay married with this man?
19:28Well, I guess so.
19:30Why you do this when you are so young and beautiful?
19:34Here I am.
19:35Oh, you bring the food.
19:37This Lucia, she shall wait on me.
19:39You're speaking to me.
19:40Yeah, I speak to you.
19:41Serve me the food.
19:42All right, you cook, you go away.
19:43Thank you, General.
19:44Thank you, General.
19:45Miss Lucia, spell humiliate.
19:49Your hand is shaking.
19:50For what?
19:52Maybe you're afraid of me, huh?
19:53I'm going to dream of you tonight.
19:55Why are you afraid of me?
19:56Well, I don't care for killers.
19:58Oh, but that is not so.
20:00All right, I'll take your word for it.
20:02Well, you're wrong, I am killer.
20:04But you need not be afraid, Miss Lucia.
20:07Yeah, I shall not hurt you.
20:09That is not yet.
20:11Chili, please, chili!
20:14So you're afraid of me because I kill people, huh?
20:16I'm not attracted by it.
20:18You think it's wrong to kill?
20:20I guess you kill people the way other people brush their teeth.
20:23Why not?
20:24Does life mean as little to you as that?
20:26Well, to be here is life.
20:28Not to be here is death.
20:31More chili, please.
20:32You do kill your prisoners, don't you?
20:33Sure, you catch a prisoner, you let him go, he come back to fight with you again.
20:37So you kill him.
20:40But as a rule, I only kill evil men.
20:42And when I kill evil men, it makes me very happy.
20:44For I have did a good deed.
20:46But who decides whether a man is good or bad?
20:48I do, Pancho Lopez.
20:52Now that I finish eating, we'll all go down to business.
20:54Hey, you, prisoners!
20:56Prisoners, we shall have plenty fun together, at least for a little while.
20:59And you, Lucia, you will not worry about being married once you come with me.
21:05What are you doing to me?
21:07Shut up!
21:09Who are you called?
21:10Pell, Morgan Pell.
21:11So, you are the hospital.
21:12Yes, and who do you think you are?
21:13Shut up!
21:15You, old man.
21:18Who are you?
21:19None of your gosh darn business, huh?
21:20I should tell my name to a dirty old foreigner.
21:22Why, I...
21:23Pedro, give me my knife.
21:24Just a minute, just a minute.
21:25I'm Henry Phipps, sir.
21:27Yes, sir.
21:28Henry Phipps.
21:29All right.
21:30Now go down to the business.
21:33I shall ask a question.
21:35Is my custom anybody what does not answer the truth shall be quick shot?
21:41You mean that, Pedro?
21:42Why, I waste my time listening to what are not true.
21:44Thank gosh, I ain't got nothing to lie about.
21:45That lets me out.
21:46Gracias, Henry Phipps.
21:48You give me an idea better as my own.
21:51I shall use it.
21:52What's that?
21:53If anyone here shall tell a lie, everybody shall be shot.
21:58That is all but you, Mrs. Pell.
22:02I've got other plans for you.
22:03Other plans?
22:04I thought we'd gone into...
22:05Shut up.
22:06Now to the business.
22:07Now remember, the first one who tells a lie, everybody gets right away shot.
22:11I hope Mr. Pell tells one.
22:12You wish him to be shot?
22:15Because he comes to skin us out of this place.
22:16God darn him.
22:17Oh, is it so?
22:18No, I only came down here to take up an option the bank in Bisbee holds on this place.
22:22Tell me why you want it so bad, Pell.
22:23I dare you.
22:24Keep still, you old fool.
22:25You want to get us all in trouble?
22:26I do.
22:27And God darn it, I'm going to do it.
22:28Take my life savings from me, will you?
22:30This is true.
22:31He tries to take our money?
22:32Ask him, Mr. Lopez.
22:33I don't hope the thunder he tells a lie.
22:35What about it, Senor Pell?
22:37You answer.
22:39There's your chance, Mr. Lopez.
22:40Shoot him quick.
22:41I just bought an option on this ranch.
22:42But you didn't give me the money.
22:43You don't own this place anymore.
22:44It belongs to the bank.
22:45Not yet, I don't.
22:46He's lying, Mr. Lopez.
22:47Why don't you shoot him?
22:48No, wait a minute.
22:49Ask him why he wants the place.
22:51Well, why you want this place, Pell?
22:53Well, I...
22:54Get ready, Mr. Lopez.
22:55He's going to lie.
22:56I thought there might be oil here, but under these circumstances, I'm not so sure I'll
22:59take up my option.
23:00You have this option?
23:01I have it here.
23:02Give it to me quick.
23:03Here you are, Lopez.
23:04Well, the place is yours if you care to pay for it.
23:07No, it ain't.
23:09I have the option.
23:10This place don't belong to nobody but me and my nephew until 8 o'clock tonight.
23:12Your nephew?
23:13What is this nephew?
23:14Where is he?
23:15He ain't here.
23:16He's down in the shed, fixing the forge.
23:17Louris, you go find him.
23:18Bring him here quick.
23:19Let's talk in the...
23:20Now listen here, Mr. Lopez.
23:22You keep this fellow Pell here, Mr. Lopez, until 8 o'clock tonight, so he can't get to
23:26the bank, and then you lend me and my nephew $10,000 and we'll give you a million.
23:30You call me Mr. Lopez?
23:31What, a million?
23:32The first million we make out of this oil that's here.
23:35I will lend you $10,000?
23:38Will you?
23:39Why do not lend, Senor Phipps?
23:41I beg.
23:42And besides, you do not know where is oil on this place.
23:45I do know where is oil.
23:47You do?
23:49For a long time I know.
23:50Wait a minute, Lopez.
23:51If you know where the oil is, I'll buy that option from you.
23:53You buy how much, Senor Pell?
23:55You sure there's oil here?
23:58Is no good.
24:03You give $50,000 for this option?
24:05You heard me.
24:06Is no good.
24:11Make you pay more, Mr. Lopez.
24:16Senor, it is not enough.
24:18It is enough.
24:19It is too much.
24:20What's the idea?
24:21The idea, Senor Pell, is this.
24:22You think I believe you would go away and bring back $200,000?
24:27Two hundred soldiers, maybe.
24:29But $200,000?
24:33Give me that option, then.
24:34What I care for a little piece of paper.
24:36Give it back to me!
24:38Senor Pell, you are my prisoner.
24:40I wish to find out if you are rich enough to make it worth my wire to take you with me to my country.
24:46And only if for ransom.
24:48Well, you are.
24:51There you go.
24:52Very good right, Mr. Pell.
24:53Coming down here, trying to take everything away from me and my nephew.
24:57Come the other one.
24:58The one who was down in the garage fixing the car.
25:00Listen, Mr. Lopez.
25:01If Gilbert...
25:02Shut up.
25:03Stop shoving me, you.
25:04I can walk all right.
25:05Take those dirty hands off of me.
25:06This is the one, General.
25:09You are the nephew?
25:10Yes, I am.
25:11What do you want here?
25:14It is you.
25:15Now look here.
25:16What are you doing on my ranch?
25:17For months and months I have looked for you.
25:21And now you don't know me.
25:24My friend!
25:25My brother!
25:26How glad I am to see you some more.
25:28Well, what do you know about that?
25:45Dear Dot.
25:46Well, my dear, it's happened.
25:47Remember the bandit I told you about?
25:49Pancho Lopez?
25:50The fellow who killed 600 men in the last three years?
25:53And he's sitting in the parlor right this minute with his feet on the table smoking a big black cigar.
25:57Here's how it happened.
25:59This afternoon about three o'clock we were waiting for lunch.
26:02Gilbert was out on the porch and Morgan and I were having a few words in the parlor
26:05when suddenly this bandit walks in with a gun in his hand the size of the Kreisler building.
26:09And what do you think?
26:10He turns out to be an old friend of Gilbert's.
26:12You remember, that's the boy I was so crazy about in Bangor.
26:15The fellow at whose ranch we're staying.
26:17Well, this bandit turns out to be an old friend of his.
26:19Within five minutes of his coming into the house they were hugging each other like brothers.
26:23He's not exactly a friend of Gilbert's,
26:25but it seems about six months ago the rangers had this bandit cornered in a canyon and wounded him.
26:30It seems he got away and hid in a bush.
26:32Presently Gilbert came along.
26:34Gilbert, that's the boy I used to...
26:36Oh yes, but I told you.
26:37I told you about him, didn't I?
26:38Well, Gilbert came along and fixed the bandit's wound and helped him on his horse and saved his life.
26:42So you see, it's a small world.
26:44Well, that's all for now.
26:46Love, Lucia.
27:04Maybe you can help me, Senor Phipps.
27:07I'll do my best, Pancho.
27:08It's for your nephew, Gilbert.
27:11My friend.
27:13What's the matter with him?
27:14Why does he look worried?
27:15Did something make him unhappy?
27:17I don't know.
27:18Why does he look like he's got trouble?
27:20Now what is?
27:21Well, it may be fine and dandy for you, wrecking a bandit.
27:24I mean a man like you, Mr. Lopez.
27:26Don't have much trouble, except maybe the rangers chasing you.
27:28But we're really in a pack of trouble.
27:30We ain't got nothing.
27:31It's a gosh dangerous thing, but you ain't heard the half of it yet.
27:34You ever been to Bangor, Maine, Mr. Pancho?
27:37What is this?
27:38Well, say you missed something.
27:39If you ain't seen Bangor, you ain't seen nothing.
27:41You take our soldier's monument and our cemetery.
27:44Why, they've got the swell of cemetery in Bangor that you ain't...
27:47Now then, here's the thing.
27:48When we were still sensible folks back in Bangor,
27:50my nephew Gilbert, he was a courtin' a girl,
27:52and then one day he up and left me in Bangor and her.
27:54Said he had to make some money before he got married, gosh darn fool.
27:57And that girl, she waited around quite a spell, but guess she got tired.
28:00She went to New York and married a fella down there, a fella by the name of Pell.
28:03Yeah, you heard me.
28:04Now gosh darn it, if they don't turn up down here in Bisbee,
28:06and Gilbert's in love with her all over again.
28:08Hey, Senor Pell, you make plenty trouble, huh?
28:10Sure, gosh darn it.
28:11All right, all right, Phipps.
28:13Last year in Canyon Diablo, your nephew do something for me.
28:17This time I'm gonna do plenty for him.
28:20Pretty soon, in a minute, all the trouble go.
28:23Just watch.
28:24Banjo Lopez, he gonna fix everything, everything.
28:27Si, General.
28:28Bring to me a better car, Senor Pell.
28:31Si, General.
28:32Anyone else who wants to come into this room, you know how to do now.
28:34Los pego, General.
28:35You shoot him right away quick, he's good.
28:38Now, Phipps, tell me one thing.
28:39If this Pell does not take the option from the bank, what will happen?
28:42Why, not a thing.
28:43You see, nobody except Pell knows that there's oil in this land.
28:46And if he didn't buy the mortgage in the bank,
28:48why, I reckon they'd let us keep this ranch of ours.
28:50You sure it's true what you say, Phipps,
28:52that my friend Gilbert and Lucia Pell, they love each other?
28:56Heard it with my own ears.
28:58Then I give her to him.
28:59She's very beautiful, and I should miss her,
29:00but I give her to him.
29:01What is one lady between friends?
29:02Canyon, I think I'm lucky.
29:04Oh, you have him, he's good.
29:05Hello, Phipps.
29:06What's on your mind, Lopez?
29:07Nothing, nothing at all.
29:08Me and you is going to have a little talk.
29:12About what?
29:13Sit down, Mr. Pell.
29:14I'm going to ask you now a few questions.
29:16Why you want to take this land from my friend Gilbert Phipps?
29:19I'm not taking the land from him.
29:20The bank's taking it.
29:21I'm not to blame because he's a rotten businessman.
29:23It is not his fault, because I have still all he's got.
29:26Besides, even if it does belong to you,
29:29I have the option on this ranch, no?
29:31Now, look here.
29:32If you're interested in this property,
29:33I'm willing to make a settlement.
29:34Ah, now you speak like a sensible man.
29:36And now you settle everything.
29:38Everything will be fixed.
29:40I hope so.
29:41It cost me plenty of money.
29:42I could have taken you with me for ransom.
29:44Hey, a big ransom.
29:46A million dollars, maybe.
29:48No, I don't want to do that.
29:49A million dollars?
29:50Don't worry.
29:51You aren't going to hold me for ransom?
29:53Well, I'm certain you're not going to do that.
29:55What are you going to do?
29:56Kill you.
29:57Well, I'll be garched up.
29:58Kill me.
29:59Say, why not?
30:00Hey, Lewis.
30:01Hey, start kicking it out.
30:02You're joking.
30:04You must be.
30:05Senor Pearl, I do not like you.
30:07I don't like him either, Pancho.
30:08You see, nobody like you.
30:10Alive, you're no good.
30:12Dead, you'll make two people, which I love, very happy.
30:15Well, if that's all, I'll give my wife a divorce.
30:16You will?
30:17You'll give her a divorce?
30:18If he can have her, I'll give her to him.
30:19Stand up, Senor Pearl.
30:22I ought to look at you once more before I shoot you.
30:26I've seen such men which would not fight for their money.
30:31I've seen men which would not fight for their lives.
30:35But I have never seen such men which would not fight for their women.
30:38If you kill me, you'll be hanged.
30:39Yes, you will at that, Pancho.
30:41If I'm ever caught, I shall be hanged many times.
30:44I'll give you money.
30:45Plenty of money.
30:46A million, two million.
30:47It is not that we do not want money.
30:50It is that we do not want you.
30:52You mean you're going to kill me?
30:54Don't do that.
30:55He can have her.
30:56You can have her.
30:57If you'll only spare my life.
30:58Ah, before I know that even a dog would be so yellow.
31:02She can have her.
31:03I do not hunt rabbits.
31:06You kill him, Louis.
31:08For the love of...
31:09Well, for the love of me.
31:11You've done a good thing, Louis.
31:14He was an evil man.
31:15What was that shot?
31:16Hey, Louis.
31:17What was he shooting at?
31:18Only your husband, Mrs. Pearl.
31:20You killed him?
31:21I have.
31:22Most enjoyously, too.
31:23Dead as a doornail.
31:25Louis, he never misses.
31:26But don't you see what you've done, Pancho?
31:28Sure, I know what I've done.
31:32One hour ago, you have no money.
31:34No rancho, no woman.
31:36One little hour.
31:38Now you will have plenty of money.
31:40The rancher is yours.
31:41The woman you want to marry, she is yours.
31:44Tell me, amigo.
31:45Have I not keep my promise?
31:48Have I not make you in one little hour the happy man?
31:51I tell you, Pancho Lopez makes everybody happy, no?
31:55He's a good work, no?
32:20You are listening to the Campbell Playhouse presentation of
32:23The Bad Man, starring Orson Welles with Ida Lupino.
32:27This is the Columbia Broadcasting System.
32:53This is Ernest Chappell, ladies and gentlemen,
32:55welcoming you back to the Campbell Playhouse.
32:57In a moment or two, we will resume our presentation of The Bad Man.
33:01For some of us, certain times of the year
33:03will always be associated with certain things.
33:06And to many country-bred men and women,
33:08Maytime will always mean fresh asparagus.
33:12Once you've enjoyed it, who can ever forget
33:14the thrill of the season's first asparagus,
33:16so tender it melts in your mouth?
33:18May means asparagus time to Campbells, too.
33:22Fresh from the farms, bright green bundles of tender asparagus
33:25come pouring into Campbell's kitchens
33:27to be made into delicious, creamy, smooth asparagus soup.
33:31Later on, Campbell's soup kettles will be bubbling
33:33with the bright richness of tomato soup.
33:36Another time, they'll be giving off the enticing aroma of celery soup.
33:40And so it goes.
33:41Crop after crop matures, is gathered, and made into fine soup
33:45for you to enjoy anywhere, anytime, at a moment's notice.
33:49I'm told your grocer offers you 21 kinds of Campbell's soups.
33:54They lend variety to your meals
33:56and cut down the hours you have to spend in the kitchen
33:58these fine spring days.
34:00Why not order several kinds tomorrow?
34:03And now we resume our Campbell Playhouse presentation of The Bad Man,
34:06starring Orson Welles with Ida Lupino.
34:31Dear Dot, I just had to open this letter.
34:34Remember that bandit I was writing you about?
34:36Well, he just shot Morgan, and he's just sent me up to my room.
34:39And he and Gilbert and old man Phipps, that's Gilbert's uncle,
34:41are all sitting in the parlor right now,
34:43with poor Morgan lying there as stiff as a board.
34:45I do hope he doesn't do any more killings for a while.
34:47In haste. Love, Lucia.
34:50Gilbert, my friend, you are one big fool.
34:54What's the matter now?
34:55Why are you not more happy?
34:57Why don't you sing?
34:58Why don't you get drunk?
35:00After all I've done for you, why are you not happy?
35:03Are you not rich?
35:05I believe you're not the beautiful woman for a love yourself person.
35:09What more you ask?
35:11Pancho, I know you meant well, but don't you see what you've done?
35:14What I've done? Answer me well.
35:17What I've done?
35:18You've killed her husband, here in my house.
35:21Oh, of course I killed him.
35:23Why not? He was in the way.
35:25Anyway, I don't like him.
35:27Yes, sir, smoothest thing I ever saw.
35:28That pair was standing there, shooting his mouth off.
35:30Next thing you know, you had him plugged.
35:32Cool as a cucumber by Jiminy.
35:34It was a murder, Pancho.
35:35What do you mean, my friend?
35:37It was a pleasure.
35:38Don't you see what that does to us?
35:40You should not...
35:42What is it, Pedro?
35:43The Rangers are coming.
35:45What is that?
35:46General, in two minutes...
35:47All right, all right, get the horses.
35:49Yes, General.
35:50Anything the matter, Mr. Lopez?
35:52He says he's coming this way, Texas Rangers.
35:55So, it's about time, I was expecting it.
35:57Texas Rangers are here?
35:59Yes, why not?
36:00He ain't even excited?
36:01Poor boy, he's in no hurry.
36:04All right, all right.
36:06What's the matter with you?
36:08They're getting nervous, my boys.
36:10Maybe I gotta shoot a couple by and by, keep them quiet.
36:14Shut up.
36:16Is ready the horses?
36:17Si, General.
36:18Okay, then we go.
36:20Mr. Phipps, it's nice to meet you.
36:22Sure, sorry to see you go, Pancho.
36:23Gilbert, my friend, adios.
36:28I hope you will be very happy, you and that beautiful woman.
36:31You say goodbye to her for me, huh?
36:34You say goodbye.
36:36Maybe by and by, Gilbert, we meet again.
36:41And maybe not, who knows.
36:44Goodbye, my friends.
36:45Lewis, get on, we go.
36:48Adios, sir, muchachos.
36:51Gersh, you're in front of me.
36:53With a whole troop of Texas Rangers coming after him as fast as they can ride,
36:57he walks out of here just as cool as you please.
37:00Yes, sir, that's my friend, Pancho Lopez.
37:02Yes, sir, we turn.
37:03There he goes.
37:05Three cheers for Pancho Lopez.
37:07Hooray, hooray, hooray.
37:25Yes, that's him now.
37:26That's the Rangers.
37:28Get under cover, everybody.
37:29Lucy, keep down.
37:30What's the matter with them fellows?
37:31Shooting away like that.
37:32Waste of the taxpayers' money.
37:33All right, you boys, cover the back.
37:35Then pull away as soon as you set eyes on him.
37:38All right, Lopez.
37:40Come on out.
37:42Come on out, we shoot.
37:44You're too late, Ranger.
37:45He's gone.
37:47Come on in.
37:50Go on, eh?
37:51How long ago did he leave?
37:53Just a few minutes ago.
37:54Who are you?
37:55Why, Pips is the name.
37:56It's a good New England name.
37:57Is this your place?
37:58Yes, officer.
37:59We own this ranch.
38:00This is Mrs. Pell, a guest of ours.
38:03Who's that on the floor?
38:04Well, that's the lady's husband, Morgan Pell.
38:08Dead as a doornail.
38:10Who did this, Lopez?
38:12Yes, sir, popped him right through the head.
38:13Clean as a whistle.
38:14I'm sorry for you, ma'am.
38:17Well, we've got to be going.
38:19Now, look here, bud.
38:20You better not touch the body until the coroner comes.
38:21But, officer.
38:22Sorry, ma'am, but that's the law.
38:24Don't you worry about Lopez, folks.
38:25He won't bother you no more.
38:26We got him this time.
38:27You'll never see him alive again.
38:29Come on, boys!
38:30After him!
38:57Well, there she goes.
39:00Goes what?
39:01He means the ranch.
39:02It's 8 o'clock.
39:04Give me a cricket.
39:05What's the matter?
39:06He moved.
39:07Who did?
39:09Mr. Pell.
39:11I seen him.
39:12How could he?
39:13He's dead.
39:14I don't know how he could, but he did.
39:17Oh, ain't we got enough trouble without him coming back?
39:19Gill, it's true.
39:20He's alive.
39:21Feel his pulse.
39:22You're right, Lucia.
39:23Well, he's alive.
39:24He's breathing.
39:25He must have grazed his head.
39:26Lopez should have done the job himself.
39:27I'll get some water and some bandages.
39:29All right.
39:30Come on, Pell.
39:31Here, let me help you.
39:32Now, sit up in this chair.
39:33What was it?
39:34What happened?
39:35I can't remember.
39:36You were shot.
39:38Who shot me?
39:39A friend of mine.
39:40I remember.
39:41Yeah, that bandit, Lopez.
39:42He's not here yet, is he?
39:45Worst luck.
39:46No, he's gone.
39:47You'll be all right, Pell.
39:48Here, Morgan.
39:49Let me help you.
39:50Oh, so you're there, are you, Lucia, my dear?
39:52We thought you were dead, Morgan.
39:55Oh, yes.
39:57You and Gilbert Phipps.
39:58Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but aside from a slight pain in my head, I never felt
40:02better in my life.
40:03Shall I bandage it for you?
40:04No, thank you.
40:05Now, my dear, it's past 8 o'clock, and since Lopez tore up my option, I imagine this ranch
40:09is on the market at this moment.
40:10First thing tomorrow morning, Mr. Phipps, you're going down to drive me into business.
40:13Like heck he is!
40:14Say, Gilbert, does that mean that we pay our mortgage before Pell gets the bank?
40:18We can keep the ranch?
40:19Yes, that's about the size of it, Uncle.
40:21Where do we get the money to buy the mortgage?
40:22Oh, gosh, I hadn't thought of that.
40:23That's right.
40:24As soon as I get into Bisbee, this place will be mine, and you two can get ready to leave.
40:28Yes, I guess we're right back where we started from.
40:30Oh, not quite, Mr. Phipps.
40:32Come here, Lucia.
40:33Now, look here, Pell, if you think you're going to...
40:35Don't be afraid, Lucia.
40:36Remember, I'm your husband.
40:37Now, wait a minute.
40:39I'm sure I'm sorry you were shot, and I'm sure I'm glad you aren't dead, but Lucia isn't
40:43going back with you.
40:44That's right, Morgan.
40:45Lucia's going with me.
40:47Oh, what were you saying, Lucia?
40:50Something about leaving me and going with him?
40:53I wasn't listening very closely.
40:55That's a little nick on my head.
40:57Well, you want to leave me, eh, and go with him?
40:59All right, go ahead.
41:00I have no objection.
41:02You're lying, Pell.
41:03Well, I don't blame you for thinking so.
41:05You haven't been shot today.
41:07You should try it sometime.
41:08It kind of changes one's viewpoint.
41:11Now, here we are, we three.
41:12She's my wife.
41:13She doesn't love me, and she does love you.
41:15What is the best way out for all of us?
41:17You'd give her up?
41:18I can't hold her if she doesn't want to be held, can I?
41:20You don't intend...
41:21To fight for her?
41:22Oh, no.
41:23I'm going back to New York and forget that either of you ever existed.
41:27Your problem is more difficult.
41:29Your ranch is as good as lost and you haven't a cent, either of you.
41:31Well, I can earn money.
41:32A hundred a month punching cows while she lives in a boarding house in Bisbee waiting for you.
41:35I can take care of her.
41:36Of course you can.
41:37You can go with your friend Lopez if he escapes the Rangers.
41:40Become a professional killer.
41:41You know, Gil, don't you forget, Lucia's used to decent people.
41:44I know him, Gil.
41:45He's trying to frighten us.
41:46I'm not trying to frighten you.
41:47I'm just trying to help you, that's all.
41:49All right, boys.
41:50Yeah, what's that?
41:51That's them.
41:52That's the Rangers headed for home.
41:53Hope they missed him.
41:54Sorry to bother you folks tomorrow.
41:56Oh, sure.
41:57Got any water?
41:58I'm in kind of a hurry.
41:59Especially with him tied up on a horse outside.
42:04That's what I said, mister.
42:05We got him.
42:06You mean you captured Pancho Lopez?
42:07You bet we got him and we got him good this time.
42:09Fill him half full of bullet holes.
42:11That's what we did.
42:12Good work, officer.
42:14Say, I thought...
42:16Hey, mister, wasn't you dead?
42:17I was.
42:18I mean, I had a scalp wound, that's all.
42:21Well, give me that water, will you?
42:22Here you are.
42:24I want to get him in alive if I can.
42:25But you can't take him out like that if he's wounded.
42:27Why not?
42:28You think I'm going to witness a murderer like him around these parts?
42:31For heaven's sakes, man, if he's dying, bring him in here.
42:33I'm throwing this party, mister.
42:34Much obliged for the canteen.
42:36I'll send a bag later.
42:41Poor Lopez.
42:42So they really got him.
42:43Fortunately for us, my dear.
42:45Now, we're certain not to be disturbed while we try and work out a solution for this little problem of ours.
42:49You see, there's a question of money.
42:52She doesn't want your money, pal.
42:54Well, in that case, I suppose there's nothing more to be said.
42:55You mean you'll let us go?
42:56Why not?
42:57I know I won't stop you.
42:58Well, before I say goodbye, Morgan, is there anything I can do?
43:02All of you can do one thing.
43:03Put up your hands.
43:05Way up!
43:06I've got you.
43:07Got you, all of you.
43:09You didn't bother to reach for your guns, Pips.
43:10I went to the trouble of lifting them out of their holsters while you were bandaging your head.
43:13I told you he was no good.
43:14Shut up, you old fool.
43:15Oh, you two thought you'd make a monkey out of me, did you?
43:18Well, I'll show you.
43:19He means it, Gil.
43:20Look out.
43:21Our wife is right, Mr. Pips.
43:22It isn't killing that I mind.
43:23It's being killed that I object to.
43:25They'll hang you, pal.
43:26The unwritten law works in Texas as well as other places.
43:28Get away from him, Lucia.
43:29I won't.
43:30All right.
43:31Then take what's coming to you.
43:32You both can go together.
43:33You better shoot straight, pal, because if he...
43:36How many times must I kill you today, anyhow?
43:39Pancho Lopez.
43:40Well, don't dispeat it.
43:41Hello, amigos.
43:43Si, General.
43:44Didn't I tell you to kill his pal once before?
43:45Maybe I should kill you too, huh?
43:46Pero, General, I'll shoot him.
43:47You do not.
43:48Pancho Lopez must come back to do it.
43:49You're not such a good shot anymore, Luzi.
43:50Pero, General, no es mi culpa si...
43:51But, General, it's not my fault if he...
43:52I'll shoot him.
43:53I'll shoot him.
43:54I'll shoot him.
43:55I'll shoot him.
43:56I'll shoot him.
43:57I'll shoot him.
43:58I'll shoot him.
43:59I'll shoot him.
44:00I'll shoot him.
44:01I'll shoot him.
44:02I'll shoot him.
44:08All right.
44:09You better take him away.
44:10He's no more use to anybody.
44:11Sí, General.
44:12No, then, amigos.
44:15Everyone here is all right, huh?
44:17Pancho, I thought the rangers had plucked you.
44:19But they had your cattle on horses and was taking you to town!
44:21No, it's not me they had plucked.
44:23It's my double.
44:25It's an idea I get from the moving pictures.
44:27Then it wasn't you they captured.
44:29I should be chased all over the place by the Texas rangers.
44:32Rangers I don't get time for that sort of thing a long time ago. I fixed it. How do you work it?
44:37Thank you
44:38I pick from my men the best rider put him in the same clothes I wear so when the ranchers wish to chase me my
44:43Double go while I stay behind see him in much exercise. I told you he was a smart one say Gilbert my friend
44:51Why didn't you kill his buddy yourself long time ago? Oh, why you wait for me?
44:55I couldn't do that pension. This is the difference from us three me you
45:01You was afraid to kill he was afraid to die
45:05Me Pancho Lopez. I'm afraid of nothing. Give me a drink
45:13Well, I mean, what do you do now, huh, I don't know
45:17Lucia and I are going away somewhere
45:20Well, you stay right here in your room sweet. Oh my friend. No, I guess we lost this place
45:25After eight and we can't take up that mortgage. Anyway, oh, it's a gosh-darn shame
45:28I was just begin to like it. You have lost nothing my friends
45:32No, not for at half past 7 30. What do you think I do?
45:37I'll tell you what I do. Why am I double? He's being chased by the arrangers
45:41I got a beastly beastly why I go to beastly
45:44I go to the bank and I pay the mortgage on this around you what I pay the mortgage. Where'd you get the money?
45:50He's all right. Where did you get it? I robbed the bank. He robbed the bank. Sure. That's why I go to busy
45:56That's no good stolen money. No, I take the money to a lawyer
45:59What is a friend of me go to judge and tell him senior Fripps and the money to pay for the mortgage
46:03The judge say sure another answer is yours. What a man, but I must pay him back. All right, I have plenty money
46:08I'll end your $10,000 you send back. Should you be so foolish you can pay it back to Gil the oil oil
46:14You said there was oil on the place. You said you knew where it was. I am sorry my friends
46:19There is no oil no oil, but you said I know I tell her one big lie
46:24But you know, I get 1 million dollars from the husband when I kill don't you get that?
46:28Oh, you don't think we touch one penny of that. Do you? All right, you still rich in hell
46:33How do you make that up tomorrow? I should have sent back all the cattle. I've steal from you
46:37You will and plenty more what I should steal for myself personal
46:41Now that it's all right. You have the money the lady everything. Oh, no, you're wrong Pancho. I still don't have Lucia
46:46No, what's it wrong? I want Lucia more than anything in the world, but under these
46:51What's the matter with you I come here work like a crazy man all day to make you happy and the best I get is
46:56He's under the circumstances. Ah, we don't mean to be ungrateful punch. Ah, you make me sick. Oh, you're no blood
47:05For you Gilbert hips I am finished like it is that's telling the Pantone. I'm sorry pants
47:11Sorry, it's all you can see is a sorry. Sorry all day. I've tried to make them mine from you
47:16It is no use Gilbert hips. There is no money in you. All right
47:20You will not let me make you happy boy. No, you will not take her. I've tried hard to explain. Well, then I
47:27Take her you take me say no
47:31prisoner me
47:32All day, I ever want her. He's the first time in my life that I want a woman all day and not take her for me
47:39As a favor, I give it to you
47:42Now since you are one big fool not to take yourself. I take up a bunch of Lopez and worry
47:47I know about these don't you touch me? Oh
47:50No, wait a minute. Can't you?
47:53Take it away. Listen, you big gorilla
47:57Come on, we go home. Now. I'll take this woman to wait great. What about up in a patch? Oh
48:03You too Pedro
48:05Put your hands up. I know what you try to do Pat you and I'm grateful and you will not shoot
48:10I will if I have to oh
48:13The wolf in the sheep's overcoat, huh? Yeah get behind me Lucia
48:19Now then Pancho I'll give you just ten seconds to get out of here
48:45Can't tell you how happy I am Gilbert's wonderful. He really is
48:49He's the sweetest bravest thing you ever saw and I know we're gonna be very happy for a while
48:54They look bad though that bandit the one I told you about
48:57You know what? He tried to do try to abduct me. Oh my dear
49:00He had a couple of his gorillas actually laying hands on me
49:02We're gonna tie me to a horse or something and drag me across the border
49:05And what do you think Gilded you remember? That's the boy I used to be crazy about up in Bangor quick as a flash
49:11He pulled a gun. Well, the bandit changed his tune after that. Oh, I wish you could have seen Gil at that moment
49:16He was wonderful. Just like in a movie. He said to the bandit. I'll give you just ten seconds to get out of here and
49:23Then he counted
50:06Don't you don't you
50:10What are you laughing about
50:15And they go I have make them man from you at last
50:18Fine man was a cure for his woman
50:21He would thank you. I know and it makes me very happy
50:24very happy
50:27Amigo, you could not leave on now, could you?
50:31Yeah, that's it boys
50:33more trouble
50:35And my rangers I go now
50:38And John on I shall not to thank me. I
50:41Shall thank you
50:44For hearing your quiet home, you'll give me the most peaceful day I've spent in a long time
50:51Pedro speak about Lewis my heart's brother
51:00Mrs. Bell
51:03Mrs. Phipps my friend
51:07For the last time Pancho Lopez
51:52This concludes the Campbell playoffs presentation
51:55Of the bad man starring Orson Welles with Ida Lupino
51:59In just a moment. Mr. Wells brings miss Lupino back to the microphone
52:03But in the meantime a word on behalf of our sponsors a while ago
52:07I remarked that the days are passed when the best chicken soup was made only at home
52:12Thousands of people have found Campbell's chicken soup as fine as any they've ever tasted or even better
52:18That's because of the pains taking steps by which Campbell's prepare it and the good wholesome ingredients that go into each kettle full I
52:25Know because I've seen it being made
52:29Campbell's use only plump government inspected chickens all the good meat of them and just as you would at home
52:35They simmer the broth long and patiently till it gleams with golden color and is rich with chicken flavor
52:43fluffy nourishing rice is added than chicken meat to each piece delightfully tender
52:48Now as sure as you like chicken you like Campbell's chicken soup
52:52Because it's brim brims with a good taste of chicken from the first spoonful to the last
52:57Why not have it this weekend?
53:00And now here is Orson Welles
53:17Well, ladies and gentlemen
53:20Now that we've guaranteed the future bliss of Blue Chappelle
53:24It's time to come back to reality and introduce you to the actress who played the part tonight
53:29Miss Ida Lupino of Naples of London and of Hollywood in the order named
53:34Lupino we are all delighted to meet you and to have you with us this evening, and I'm delighted to meet you all
53:40Thank You Pancho Lopez. I mean Orson Welles you shot that dirty dog in the well-known Nick of time. Hey, I hope you didn't worry
53:48Promise you you were never in any danger. I was lurking beside the doorway all the time
53:53Now miss Lupino when I mentioned those cities. I was referring and stop if I'm wrong to your birthplace
54:00Naples to London where you appeared on the stage and in films into your current office and residence
54:05Hollywood is that correct two hits one miss and you Lopez
54:08I wasn't born in Naples my grandfather and grandmother were I was born in London between engagements
54:14I think I should explain ladies and gentlemen that miss Lupino has the theater in her blood
54:19But the Lupino's take their place with the Kendall's the Barrymore Bennett's is one of the world's greatest theatrical families
54:26But both parents Stanley Lupino and her mother
54:29Connie Emerald are famous in their own right abroad and that in a sense the family goes back before Shakespeare
54:35How far back does it go miss Lupino? Well, it seems there have always been Lupino's in the theater
54:40We have pretty definite records for 250 years in England before that there were clowns and performers in Italy
54:46well with that background, I you should
54:49You couldn't help yourself and tell us about that great moment in any performers life the debut
54:56Were you carried on in your mother's arms?
54:59One no six months. No
55:02There was none of that in my family
55:03my father's family was very strict with all of us and my sister and I had to learn everything from cartwheels to
55:09Shakespeare before we were in our teen I
55:11Made my debut in a London pantomime and then was rushed into a film there
55:15First thing I knew I was being imported to Hollywood to play Alice in Alice in Wonderland
55:19I don't remember that film whatever happened to Alice in Wonderland
55:22That's what I've been wondering seem to be a good idea at the time
55:25But somebody else played the part of it since then I seen you in let's see one rainy afternoon
55:29Anything goes Paris in spring many others. They've kept me pretty busy since I went with six years ago
55:35I remember stories when you arrived of the
55:38Sensational 16 year old Lupino at all London excited now Orson
55:42Well, you know an actress is only as old as the publicity department commands
55:46I was publicly and actually 16 when I arrived that became 19 overnight
55:51They've kept me 19 ever since but this year I'm old enough to vote
55:55Just between you and me. I'm one of the few performers in the world who is younger than Orson. Well, thank you so much
56:00Mr. P. How it's been very nice interviewing you
56:10On the music for a moment, I'd like to introduce mr. Chapel who will tell you who played the parts tonight. Mr. Chapel
56:16Thank you, mr. Wells
56:17In tonight's Campbell Playhouse production of the bad man Orson Welles was heard in the role of the bad man Pancho Lopez
56:24Ida Lupino played the part of Lucia Pell
56:27Frank Reddick was heard as Gilbert Phipps and Ray Collins as Uncle Phipps
56:32Morgan Pell was played by William Allen
56:35Dot by Diana Stevens and Louie by Everett Sloan
56:39Edward Jerome played the part of Pedro
56:42Music for the Campbell Playhouse is arranged and conducted by Bernard Herrmann
56:46And now if you please mr. Wells, will you tell us about next week's story?
56:57More music ladies and gentlemen more music for mr. Bernard Herrmann to suggest or indicate
57:03However vaguely and
57:06Maybe we're a little vague about it ourselves
57:09About next week's show next week's show ladies and gentlemen, and we're pretty serious about it
57:13Even if I seem to sound a little flippant
57:16Is the Campbell Playhouse is?
57:19radio document
57:21Dedicated to the American idea
57:23It seems to us that there would be no better time for the story. We want to tell you next week, which is the story of
57:29democracy and
57:30We're sure we could find for this broadcast. No finer actress than Miss Cornelia Oda Skinner
57:36And so until then till next Friday
57:40My sponsors the makers of Campbell soups and all of us the Campbell Playhouse
57:45remain obedient for yours