Target Earth (1954) | Invasores de otros mundos | Colorized

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"Target Earth" is a 1954 science fiction film directed by Sherman A. Rose. It tells the story of a small group of people trapped in a deserted city that has been evacuated due to an invasion of alien robots from Venus.

Plot Summary:
The movie begins with Nora King (played by Kathleen Crowley) waking up in an empty apartment. She ventures outside and finds the city completely abandoned. As she wanders through the deserted streets, she encounters other survivors, including Frank Brooks (Richard Denning), who are equally puzzled by the sudden disappearance of the city's population.

The group soon learns that the city has been evacuated because alien robots have invaded and are killing anyone they find.

00:04:50Mrs. Bennet?
00:04:52It's Noah King.
00:04:58Mrs. Gordon?
00:05:02Are you in there?
00:05:05Mrs. Gordon?
00:05:35Where is everybody?
00:08:22Oh, please, somebody answer.
00:09:09Hey, wait a minute.
00:09:40Keep away from me.
00:09:42Don't come any closer.
00:09:44Take it easy.
00:09:45I'm not going to hurt you.
00:09:53That's more like it.
00:09:55Now, calm down.
00:09:56Let me go.
00:10:00I am not going to hurt you.
00:10:03Then why did you chase me?
00:10:06Why did you run?
00:10:08I was afraid.
00:10:10That girl in the street, I thought...
00:10:12That I killed her?
00:10:14Now, look, it won't make you feel any better.
00:10:16Think this over.
00:10:17If I had killed her, I'd be miles away from here by now,
00:10:19wouldn't I?
00:10:23I suppose you're right.
00:10:26It's just that the whole city's so quiet and empty.
00:10:30What could have happened?
00:10:33I wish I knew.
00:10:36Everything since dinner last night is a complete blank to me.
00:10:40I don't understand.
00:10:42I only got here from Detroit yesterday afternoon.
00:10:45Just killing time between trains.
00:10:48I should have known better than to flash a big roll in a bar.
00:10:52You mean you were robbed?
00:10:55And slugged and dumped in an alley.
00:10:58Then you were unconscious through most of the night.
00:11:01I came to about noon.
00:11:03The only thing I had left was a headache.
00:11:07I guess I owe you an apology.
00:11:11Well, that makes us even.
00:11:14You know the way back to the center of town?
00:11:17Well, we'd better get moving.
00:11:22We have a lot better chance of finding out what's happened when we get there.
00:11:26Not that it's so important at a time like this,
00:11:29but my name is Frank Brooks.
00:11:31I'm... I'm Nora King.
00:11:35How come you're still in town?
00:11:37I was asleep in my room, and the door was locked.
00:11:40Well, then you haven't any idea what happened last night.
00:11:44Have you?
00:11:45Well, there's been an evacuation of some kind,
00:11:47but the question is why.
00:11:49D.H. bomb.
00:11:50Maybe there's gonna be an attack.
00:11:52Oh, it's possible, but I don't think so.
00:11:54The enemy wouldn't give us advance notice of a thing like that.
00:11:57What about our radar system?
00:11:59Four or five hours warning at best.
00:12:02It's taken at least twice that long to evacuate the city.
00:12:05Well, then how about germ warfare?
00:12:07There's been a lot of talk about that.
00:12:09The water isn't running.
00:12:10As far as that goes, none of the utilities are working.
00:12:12Well, in that case, there'd still be patrols around town.
00:12:15The army, the police, civilian defense.
00:12:18Well, for some reason, they had to get everybody out of town.
00:12:21But there were half a million people here.
00:12:23Half a million people here yesterday.
00:12:25Now, for all we know, they're just the two of us left.
00:12:28Doesn't make sense.
00:12:30It has to.
00:12:31It happened.
00:12:32In about 12 hours, too.
00:12:35I wonder if there's anyone else left in town.
00:12:38Probably a few.
00:12:40You ever try to empty a sack of sugar?
00:12:43What's that got to do with it?
00:12:44Some of the grains always stick to the sack,
00:12:46like the two of us.
00:12:48Something tells me we'd better get out of here fast.
00:12:51Where would you like to go, bus or taxi?
00:12:54I'm serious, Nora.
00:12:55The only reason they'd clear out an entire city like this
00:12:57would be to get away from certain death.
00:12:59That would mean anyone still here is...
00:13:02well, a dead pigeon.
00:13:04It's funny.
00:13:05I was so anxious trying to find somebody, anybody,
00:13:07that I never thought of that.
00:13:08I did.
00:13:10You don't seem to be worried at all.
00:13:12Maybe not.
00:13:13Not of dying, anyway.
00:13:15Dying is such a normal thing, but nobody around...
00:13:18We'd better start walking toward the center of town.
00:13:21If we only knew how much time we have.
00:13:48It's no use.
00:13:49You won't find anyone in there, either.
00:13:51I know, but I just had an idea.
00:13:53If we could get our hands on a portable battery radio,
00:13:55we might be able to...
00:14:17Here, let me take your bag for a minute.
00:14:19What are you going to do?
00:14:20Here, hold this.
00:14:23Now stand back so you don't get cut by flying glass.
00:14:33Well, so far so good.
00:14:36You know, they shoot people for looting at times like this.
00:14:38I don't care, just till we find a radio that works.
00:14:42I don't see any.
00:14:44You check that display case.
00:14:45I'll see if there's anything back here.
00:14:46Frank, look.
00:14:48I'm afraid you're wasting your time.
00:14:49The phones are out, too.
00:14:50I checked a couple of them earlier.
00:14:58Any luck?
00:15:00I'm afraid not.
00:15:02Looks like you're not doing too well, even.
00:15:04Oh, we're not licked yet.
00:15:06Let's try the back room.
00:15:10Well, this is more like it.
00:15:12There must be at least one set in all this junk.
00:15:14Well, ordinarily, I suppose there would be,
00:15:16but portables would be at a premium at a time like this.
00:15:19The army probably ordered everyone who could to carry one.
00:15:28Nora, I found one.
00:15:30Turn it on quick.
00:15:34Oh, no battery.
00:15:37I'll probably ship them separately.
00:15:39There must be one somewhere.
00:15:42It's no use, Nora.
00:15:43I've already checked that shelf.
00:15:45There isn't a battery in the place.
00:15:47We're right back where we started.
00:15:49Well, at least we're still alive.
00:15:50But for how long?
00:15:52It's getting worse every minute, isn't it?
00:15:54Look, we'd better get out of here.
00:15:55We can't afford to waste any more time.
00:16:07What's that?
00:16:08Be quiet and listen.
00:16:10Sounds like a piano.
00:16:13It's coming from up the street.
00:16:15Well, let's take a look.
00:16:24The whole town's deserted.
00:16:26We might be blown up any minute,
00:16:27and somebody's in there playing the piano
00:16:29as if they didn't even care.
00:16:32Wait here while I check.
00:16:33You mean alone?
00:16:37All right.
00:16:38Come on, but be quiet.
00:17:08Oh, no.
00:17:13The well's gone dry.
00:17:16What kind of a joint is this, anyway?
00:17:19Treat a lady like that.
00:17:23Well, it'll be.
00:17:25Paul Roger, 43, or, uh,
00:17:27Bollinger, 48.
00:17:29Makes no difference.
00:17:30Just so it's wet.
00:17:33If that's good enough for you, it's good enough.
00:17:35Let's have one of each.
00:17:38All right.
00:17:48Like old times, eh, Vicki?
00:17:50Are you kidding me?
00:17:52When'd you ever buy me champagne?
00:17:54Oh, I was saving it for our honeymoon.
00:17:57Niagara Falls.
00:17:59Well, what do you know?
00:18:00After ten years, I finally made it.
00:18:03I don't understand.
00:18:05They're celebrating as though it were New Year's Eve.
00:18:08Maybe they just like privacy.
00:18:10You know, they're crazier than we are.
00:18:13Only one way to find out.
00:18:15Come on.
00:18:19Well, what do you know?
00:18:20Hey, Vicki, we got guests.
00:18:22What did I tell you?
00:18:24We weren't the only ones left behind.
00:18:26Come on, sit down.
00:18:27Join the party.
00:18:28Hey, what are you two doing here?
00:18:30Waiter, glasses, please.
00:18:32Very good, madam.
00:18:33Now, look, the whole city's deserted.
00:18:35We've been all over town looking for someone.
00:18:37What are you doing here?
00:18:38Living, man.
00:18:39Really living.
00:18:41Hey, you ain't the guy that owns this dump, are you?
00:18:45Pardon me.
00:18:46I'm Nora King.
00:18:47This is Frank Brooks from Detroit.
00:18:49Detroit, huh?
00:18:50You sure picked a fine time to visit this town.
00:18:53You can say that again.
00:18:55You sure picked a fine time.
00:18:57All right.
00:18:58We heard you the first time.
00:19:00That's Vicki Harris.
00:19:01Never shuts up.
00:19:02I'm Jim Wilson.
00:19:03Well, now that we're all friends,
00:19:04how about some champagne?
00:19:05You mean you're going to sit here and whoop it up
00:19:07when heaven knows what's going to happen or when?
00:19:10Not just here, lady.
00:19:11There are a lot of high-class joints
00:19:12who always wanted to crash.
00:19:14The St. Regis, the Ritz.
00:19:15We're going to hit them all.
00:19:16That's what you said last night.
00:19:18Now look at the spot we're in.
00:19:20Hey, honey, you look like you could stand something to eat.
00:19:23At a time like this, no thanks.
00:19:25No, wait a minute, Nora.
00:19:26She's right.
00:19:27We'd better have something
00:19:28while we figure out what to do next.
00:19:31There's everything in the joint
00:19:32from roast turkey to salami.
00:19:34I'll see what I can whip up.
00:19:36Uh, doll face.
00:19:37Fill her up.
00:19:39I said I wanted a drink, not a bath.
00:19:44How about a little more turkey?
00:19:46Not me.
00:19:47One more bite and I'd split my girdle.
00:19:49I know just what you mean.
00:19:50You know, there's no telling how long it'll be
00:19:52before we run across any more food like this.
00:19:54We ought to try to figure out a way to take some with us.
00:19:57What makes you think we're going anywhere?
00:19:59Well, use your head.
00:20:00You can't stay here indefinitely.
00:20:02Why not?
00:20:03We're doing all right.
00:20:04Maybe, but our luck can't hold out forever.
00:20:06We should at least try to get out of town.
00:20:09And leave all this?
00:20:10Not on your life.
00:20:11We never had it so good.
00:20:12Right, Vicki?
00:20:14Why spoil the party?
00:20:16First decent joint you've taken me to in 10 years.
00:20:19That's only because it's free.
00:20:21Fill her up.
00:20:24Crazy dame.
00:20:29You know, this isn't the only good nightclub in town.
00:20:32Why don't we try the, uh, Club Royale?
00:20:35Now you're talking.
00:20:38That's over five miles away on the main highway.
00:20:40Well, whatever.
00:20:41There ought to be plenty of places along the way we can stop.
00:20:43And who knows?
00:20:44We may even find a portable radio while we're at it.
00:20:47Well, if you put it like that.
00:20:50Let's go.
00:20:53You sure you can make it?
00:20:55Are you kidding?
00:20:57Come on, honey.
00:20:58I'm with you.
00:21:20Well, swing low, sweet chariot.
00:21:22Just when my feet were beginning to kill me.
00:21:25Be my guest.
00:21:32His face.
00:21:34Just like the girl in the alley.
00:21:36I think I'm going to be sick.
00:21:38Better give Vicki a hand.
00:21:41How do you think it happened?
00:21:43I don't know.
00:21:44I don't know.
00:21:45I don't know.
00:21:46I don't know.
00:21:47I don't know.
00:21:48How do you think it happened?
00:21:50Wish I knew.
00:21:52The keys are still in ignition.
00:21:54Help me get them out of the way.
00:22:01Let's see if we can get this thing started.
00:22:12No use.
00:22:13The battery's probably dead.
00:22:14The battery must be dead.
00:22:16The radio doesn't work either.
00:22:18Let's have a look under the hood.
00:22:25Looks like somebody beat us to it.
00:22:27Let's hope I'm a better mechanic than he was.
00:22:35What's wrong?
00:22:39Distributor cap is off and the arm is missing.
00:22:42What does that mean in English?
00:22:45It means you can't get the engine started.
00:22:50Who are you?
00:22:51Otis is the name.
00:22:52Charles Otis.
00:22:54I hope I didn't frighten you.
00:22:56Oh, no.
00:22:57I always shake like this.
00:22:59What are you doing here?
00:23:00Trying to get out of town.
00:23:01Like yourselves.
00:23:03Only it won't do any good to look for a car in running condition.
00:23:05What makes you so sure of that?
00:23:07I've tried a half a dozen in the last three or four miles.
00:23:10The distributor arms are missing.
00:23:12In all of them.
00:23:13Who are you trying to kid?
00:23:14Not so fast, Jim.
00:23:15Seems to me they did something like this in England during the war
00:23:18when they thought they'd be invaded.
00:23:19Did what?
00:23:20Order the distributor caps removed whenever a car was left unattended.
00:23:23But that still doesn't explain why he was killed.
00:23:25Well, here's one gal that's not going to hang around wondering.
00:23:28Even if I have to walk clear out of this state.
00:23:30Which way did you come?
00:23:32From the north.
00:23:34You'd never believe it.
00:23:35The whole town's a wreck.
00:23:37Windows smashed.
00:23:38Houses and stores wrecked.
00:23:40There must have been a lot of looting before everyone cleared out.
00:23:43That figures.
00:23:44Did you see any people?
00:23:46About a dozen.
00:23:47Like that.
00:23:49They all seemed to be killed the same way.
00:23:52There was one guy.
00:23:53Just outside an art store.
00:23:55Must have been trying to get away with a painting when...
00:23:58When they got him.
00:24:00That means they're already in the north end of town.
00:24:03And in the west, near my rooming house.
00:24:05Frank, I'm scared.
00:24:07You're not the only one.
00:24:09Over there on the wall!
00:24:13I'm getting out of here.
00:24:15Don't be a fool.
00:24:16If you run out there, he'll spot us all.
00:24:18What do we do?
00:24:19Back against the wall.
00:24:25Take it easy, hon.
00:24:26He can't see us from where he is.
00:24:31He doesn't look human.
00:24:33Don't let the shadow fool you.
00:24:35What else could it be?
00:24:36I wish I knew.
00:24:43It's going away.
00:24:46For how long?
00:24:47We can't stay here.
00:24:48We'll be killed.
00:24:49Like all the others.
00:24:50Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you.
00:24:53That hotel over there.
00:24:55Ought to be easy enough to get inside.
00:24:58For us or for them?
00:25:00We have to make a break for it.
00:25:01And hope we make it before they spot us.
00:25:03Then let's get started.
00:25:04Anything's better than standing out in the open like this.
00:25:06I'll go ahead.
00:25:07And if the coast is clear, I'll wave.
00:25:09What if it isn't?
00:25:10Then you can be the next guinea pig.
00:25:12Be careful.
00:25:14Don't worry.
00:25:15The street's probably a lot safer now
00:25:17than it is when the traffic is normal.
00:25:42All right, now.
00:25:43Come on.
00:25:55All right, down behind the furniture, quick.
00:25:57And keep out of sight.
00:26:06Do you think they spotted us?
00:26:08We'll know soon enough.
00:26:12Hey, Jim, do you see anything?
00:26:19Not a sign of them.
00:26:20The street's deserted.
00:26:21Aren't you the optimistic soul?
00:26:24Come on.
00:26:30What do we do now?
00:26:32We have to figure a way out of this.
00:26:34It's not gonna be easy.
00:26:35We don't even know what we're up against.
00:26:38Take a look at this.
00:26:42A state of national emergency was declared yesterday
00:26:45when hostile forces of unknown origin
00:26:47landed in open country
00:26:48approximately 50 miles due north of the city
00:26:51at 11 o'clock last night.
00:26:53While little is known
00:26:54as to strength and deployment of the enemy at this time,
00:26:57Bruce K. Peterson,
00:26:58in charge of civil defense for this area,
00:27:00ordered immediate evacuation of the city.
00:27:02I knew it was bad, but this...
00:27:04I don't believe it.
00:27:05Mystery, man.
00:27:06Who are they kidding?
00:27:07It's not a mystery.
00:27:08It's a fact.
00:27:09I don't believe it.
00:27:10Mystery, man.
00:27:11Who are they kidding?
00:27:12Shadow on the wall.
00:27:13He could...
00:27:14I mean, they could be anywhere.
00:27:16Thousands of them.
00:27:17I don't think so.
00:27:18At least not yet.
00:27:19If they operate like we did during the last war,
00:27:21the one who almost spotted us
00:27:22was part of an advance patrol.
00:27:24Then the rest won't be far behind.
00:27:26We're trapped.
00:27:27Right in the middle.
00:27:28They'll kill us all, I tell you.
00:27:29Take it easy.
00:27:30We've got plenty of trouble
00:27:31without you blowing your top.
00:27:33What do you expect me to do?
00:27:34Stand still while you sound off
00:27:35on military tactics?
00:27:37You got any better ideas?
00:27:39You better I have.
00:27:40I'm getting out of here.
00:27:42You're doing nothing of the kind.
00:27:44I'm warning you.
00:27:45Don't you try to stop me.
00:27:47But you can't go.
00:27:48It's suicide.
00:27:49They'll spot you
00:27:50before you've gone 50 feet.
00:27:51I'll take my chances.
00:27:52It'll be a lot easier
00:27:53getting past a few of them
00:27:54than waiting here
00:27:55for the whole army to show up.
00:27:56Wait a minute.
00:28:12Keep away.
00:28:18He's trying to come back.
00:28:29Get down.
00:28:39Get down.
00:28:52Is there anything we can do?
00:28:54Just pray that he hasn't
00:28:55seen the rest of us.
00:28:57Listen, we'd be better off
00:28:59Chances are they won't
00:29:00take time to search
00:29:01all the buildings.
00:29:02Look, get over there
00:29:03by the stairs.
00:29:04I'll grab some keys
00:29:05from the desk.
00:29:06Come on, let's go.
00:29:09This ought to do it.
00:29:10402 to 404.
00:29:11Must be a suite.
00:29:12Go ahead.
00:29:13Here you are, honey.
00:29:15Make yourself at home.
00:29:16Oh, what do you know?
00:29:17We're at the border.
00:29:18It's banking time already.
00:29:19I'll wait for you up here.
00:29:21I'll be back in a minute.
00:29:22Stay safe.
00:29:23Don't let me.
00:29:24Get out of my way.
00:29:25Stay out of my way.
00:29:26Stay out of my way.
00:29:27Get out of my way.
00:29:28Stay out of my way.
00:29:29Just stay in my way.
00:29:42Well, what do you know? The bridal suite, at last.
00:29:47I'd settle for a tent about a thousand miles from here.
00:29:51I know what you mean.
00:29:53Right now, even my desk at the home office would look good.
00:29:56Let's check the joint just in case.
00:29:58Good idea.
00:30:13Well, we should be reasonably safe up here.
00:30:21Hey, this is swell layout.
00:30:28Come on.
00:30:35Well, what do you think?
00:30:37I'm afraid we haven't much choice.
00:30:39At least it's comfortable.
00:30:41You know, maybe it isn't as bad as we think.
00:30:43The army must be doing something.
00:30:45Yeah, only in the meantime, we gotta play hide-and-seek
00:30:47with a bunch of zombies from Mars or wherever they come from.
00:30:49He's right, Frank.
00:30:50They're bound to find out where we are sooner or later.
00:30:52Yeah, I know.
00:30:53All about the only thing we can do is wait till it's dark
00:30:55and then try to sneak out of town toward the south.
00:30:58You're not forgetting what happened to Otis, are you?
00:31:02I'm not forgetting a thing.
00:31:09Come on.
00:31:10Come on.
00:31:12Come on.
00:31:43Now, gentlemen, I don't have to tell you the situation is critical.
00:31:47Since roughly 2300 last night,
00:31:49when their first units landed here in sector B-97,
00:31:53we have been confronted with an enemy the like of which defies description.
00:31:58Who or what they are is an open question.
00:32:03We won't know the answers till we take a few prisoners.
00:32:06So far, we haven't been able to do that.
00:32:09All we can be sure of is this.
00:32:12The invasion was not launched by any power on the surface of this Earth.
00:32:19What about the scientists, General?
00:32:21Haven't they any idea where the enemy could have originated?
00:32:25The consensus of theories points to the planet Venus,
00:32:28assuming, of course, that the invaders are human beings like ourselves.
00:32:33Is there any reason to believe they're not?
00:32:36Frankly, we don't know what to think.
00:32:38But fragmentary reports we've been able to piece together
00:32:40indicate they behave like automatons,
00:32:44apparently completely indifferent to personal danger.
00:32:48So far, they've made no effort to break out of the city,
00:32:50but that's only a matter of time.
00:32:54How many of them?
00:32:56Not more than several hundred at most.
00:32:59They're obviously only an advanced element for the main force.
00:33:03Well, a few hundred men shouldn't be much of a problem.
00:33:06That's what we thought.
00:33:08The first contact was made by the 387th Airborne.
00:33:12At about 2400,
00:33:15they were wiped out to a man.
00:33:22At the present moment, our main line of defense is here,
00:33:25in the semicircle roughly 10 miles south of the city line.
00:33:28The 3rd Armored is holding down the left flank here,
00:33:31and the 7th is on the right.
00:33:33They're both pretty much chewed up by now.
00:33:36General Wood, sir.
00:33:37What is it?
00:33:38Airstrike in progress against the main enemy position.
00:33:40Colonel Meade thought you'd want to follow it by radar.
00:34:37I'm on it.
00:35:01Are they ours?
00:35:02I think so.
00:35:03Then they're going to bomb the city.
00:35:05Just keep your fingers crossed that we're not in the middle of the target.
00:35:56Those planes never even knew what hit them.
00:35:58It was horrible.
00:36:00They must have weapons we've never even dreamed of.
00:36:02Well, that figures. They were smart enough to get here in the first place.
00:36:11Who are they, Frank? Where can they come from?
00:36:14Who can tell? My guess would be Venus.
00:36:17What makes you say that?
00:36:19As far as I know, it's the only planet that might be capable of supporting human life.
00:36:23It's covered by a heavy layer of clouds.
00:36:26That means plenty of water, oxygen and hydrogen in its atmosphere.
00:36:29Say, where'd you learn all this?
00:36:31College. Only I didn't get it all from the classrooms.
00:36:35I had a buddy named Richard Banks, a regular science fiction bug.
00:36:38He got me reading the magazines, too.
00:36:40Don't tell me you believe all that stuff.
00:36:42Oh, not all of it, but some of those writers weren't too far off the beam.
00:36:45There's plenty of evidence of that right outside.
00:36:47Yeah, and if the Air Force couldn't get past those guys, it don't look too good.
00:36:51For us.
00:36:53Those planes were shot down a good 15 miles south of here.
00:36:57That would mean the whole city must be surrounded.
00:36:59You mean even if we did get out of here after dark, it wouldn't do any good?
00:37:03I'm afraid we wouldn't get any further than Otis did.
00:37:13Oh, you guys are a big help.
00:37:15If things aren't rough enough, you have to scare her half to death.
00:37:18Well, all I said was...
00:37:19Oh, skip it. Vicki's right.
00:37:21We did act like a couple of chumps.
00:37:30I'm sorry, Nora. I shouldn't have said that.
00:37:33Why not? It's the truth.
00:37:36We might still have a chance to get out of this.
00:37:39After all, we know the Air Force is still fighting.
00:37:41Only we're right in the middle.
00:37:43Funny, isn't it?
00:37:45This time yesterday, I wouldn't have cared if they dropped an H-bomb right on the roof.
00:37:53What are you doing?
00:37:56What do you mean?
00:37:58This afternoon when you found me, I told you I'd slept through the evacuation.
00:38:02Well, didn't that sound a little peculiar to you?
00:38:08Maybe I didn't think it was any of my business then.
00:38:13And now?
00:38:15A lot's happened since then.
00:38:17Now I want to know everything I can about you.
00:38:20Would it make any difference if I told you?
00:38:23Would it make any difference if I told you the reason I slept through everything was because...
00:38:28Because I never intended to wake up at all.
00:38:36I tried to kill myself last night, Frank.
00:38:39Sleeping pills.
00:38:42I know what you're thinking. Otis wanted to live and he died.
00:38:45I wanted to die and...
00:38:47Oh, I guess it doesn't make much sense.
00:38:50Suicide never does.
00:38:52But why should a girl like you...
00:38:54What do you know about me?
00:38:56I could be anything. A thief, a murderess.
00:38:59Even worse.
00:39:00No, I don't think so.
00:39:02Whatever you did, there must have been a very good reason.
00:39:05You don't need a reason to die, Frank.
00:39:08Just one to live.
00:39:10Somehow I thought that I didn't have one anymore.
00:39:15You still feel that way?
00:39:18I don't know why, but everything's changed.
00:39:21Everything's changed.
00:39:23Now that it's too late to do anything about it.
00:39:33What have you got?
00:39:34A report from 337th Fighter Bomber Command.
00:39:37Any of them get through?
00:39:40Not a one, sir.
00:39:44If those jets can't get through, nothing can.
00:39:47What about the atomic artillery?
00:39:49We got the new models that were flown in an hour ago.
00:39:52They won't be assembled for several hours.
00:39:54Are they sending us the new guided missiles?
00:39:57Yes, we received those along with the atomic artillery.
00:40:00I never thought the day would come when we turn them against one of our own cities.
00:40:05There won't be a building left standing.
00:40:07I know, I know.
00:40:09Can't be helped.
00:40:13Urgent dispatch, sir, from Colonel Powers, 7th Armored Division.
00:40:20We've captured one.
00:40:22How'd they do it?
00:40:23A tank crew picked him up by the side of the road in sector B-107.
00:40:27It says it was completely inactive, lying there.
00:40:31Where is he now?
00:40:32They're bringing him into the lab, sir.
00:40:34The lab? Why not to interrogation?
00:40:37We'll find out when we get over there. Come on.
00:40:46That's the third pair in the last ten minutes.
00:40:48I wonder where they're going.
00:40:50I don't know, but I got a good suggestion for them.
00:40:53Vicki, how can you joke at a time like this?
00:40:56Don't kid yourself, honey.
00:40:58The only reason I opened my trap is to keep my teeth from chattering.
00:41:01Those things out there are bad enough in broad daylight.
00:41:04It's going to be dark pretty soon.
00:41:06You know, I was just thinking, as long as we have to stay here,
00:41:09we might as well do it the right way.
00:41:11There must be a flashlight or some candles around somewhere.
00:41:13Why don't I go and look for them?
00:41:15You mean go downstairs alone?
00:41:16With all those creeps around, not on your life.
00:41:18Well, we have to have some light, and who knows?
00:41:20I might be able to find some food.
00:41:22All right, but I'm going with you.
00:41:24One of us ought to stay here with the girls.
00:41:26All right, you stay.
00:41:27Oh, we're so gallant all of a sudden.
00:41:29Yesterday, you wouldn't even stand up to give me a seat on the bus.
00:41:32Yeah, and today, the buses aren't running anymore.
00:41:35Jim is right, Frank. You should both go.
00:41:37It's the only fair thing to do.
00:41:39What about you and Vicki?
00:41:40Don't worry about us.
00:41:42We'll lock ourselves in till you get back.
00:41:44Come on, get started while there's still some light.
00:41:46Come on.
00:42:05Where is he?
00:42:06Right here, sir.
00:42:07Hi, Tom.
00:42:08Hello, General.
00:42:12A robot.
00:42:14Yes, sir. We think they all are.
00:42:17That's fantastic.
00:42:19No wonder we haven't been able to stop them anywhere.
00:42:21Well, at least now we know what we're up against.
00:42:25We only had a little time to work out a defense.
00:42:27Well, we've already started electronic research.
00:42:29The objective being to find out what caused this break.
00:42:34We might have a few hours if we're lucky,
00:42:36and they hold off reinforcing their advance elements.
00:42:39Has the general staff been notified?
00:42:41Yes, sir. Major Reynolds sent an urgent message.
00:42:44They'll probably want to fly in a team from G2.
00:42:48Order the landing strip and able sector held at all costs.
00:42:50Yes, sir.
00:42:56That'll take almost four hours.
00:42:59I doubt that we'll have the time.
00:43:02I understand, General.
00:43:03We'll do everything we can, just in case.
00:43:53Better keep away from the window, Nora.
00:43:55No use taking any more chances than we have to.
00:43:58I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't thinking.
00:44:00We shouldn't have let them go, Vicky.
00:44:02If something's gone wrong, I know it.
00:44:06Hey, take it easy, kid.
00:44:08They've been gone almost 20 minutes.
00:44:10If anything's happened to Frank,
00:44:12I'll never forgive myself.
00:44:14I thought you just met him today.
00:44:16What's that got to do with it?
00:44:19Not a thing.
00:44:21It's just that way with me and Jim.
00:44:23Only neither one of us are smart enough to do anything about it.
00:44:28Hey, open up. It's us.
00:44:34I thought you'd never get back.
00:44:36Hey, you hit the jackpot.
00:44:37You ain't seen nothing yet.
00:44:38Better wait till I make sure the drapes are drawn tightly.
00:44:51There you are. All the comforts of home.
00:44:53Sure, if you like haunted houses.
00:44:55Don't you two ever do anything besides insult each other?
00:44:58We have our moments.
00:44:59Yeah, but this isn't one of them.
00:45:01Oh, funny.
00:45:02How long do you think we'll have to stay here?
00:45:05I'm afraid that's up to the army.
00:45:07Yeah, but whose?
00:45:09Ours or theirs?
00:45:26You have to do that.
00:45:27You'd think you were in a cage or something the way you keep pacing around.
00:45:30What do you want me to do?
00:45:32Take a nice long walk out in the street?
00:45:34Few more hours in this flea trap and we'll all be stir crazy.
00:45:37Well, at least we're still alive.
00:45:38Now sit down and keep your mouth shut.
00:45:40Who do you think you are ordering me around like a train monkey?
00:45:43You'd think we were married or something.
00:45:45Well, if we're not, it ain't because you haven't been trying for the last ten years.
00:45:48Go ahead, rub it in.
00:45:50I ought to have my head examined for putting up with you at all.
00:45:53We wouldn't be here now if you'd listened to me last night.
00:45:56Sure, the whole thing's my fault.
00:45:57I even planned the invasion.
00:45:59We still could have been evacuated with the others, but no.
00:46:02No, you had to drink your way through half the bars in town.
00:46:05All right, so I did a little celebrating.
00:46:07How often does a guy hit the daily double at 60 to 1?
00:46:10Once in ten years, if you're any example.
00:46:13Let's live, baby.
00:46:15I hit the GGs for 240 clams.
00:46:18A lot of good the money is now.
00:46:20You didn't have to come along.
00:46:21You ain't the only blonde around.
00:46:29Crazy dame.
00:46:35Oh, Jim.
00:46:38Why do we have to fight like this all the time?
00:46:41I don't know, baby.
00:46:43I'll tell you one thing.
00:46:45If we ever get out of this thing alive,
00:46:47we'll do all that fighting from the same corner from now on.
00:46:51Firework's over?
00:46:53For a few rounds anyway.
00:46:56You know what's funny about those two?
00:46:58They were just trying to play nice.
00:47:01When I came here, I never saw the end of them.
00:47:04I don't know what you know about them, but I got to tell you,
00:47:08I never saw them play nice.
00:47:11Never, ever, ever, ever.
00:47:14Let's get out of here.
00:47:16Don't you worry about them, baby.
00:47:18You know what's funny about those two?
00:47:20Gee, they needle each other every minute.
00:47:22Yet when the chips are down...
00:47:24I know.
00:47:25Jerry and I were a lot like that.
00:47:30My husband.
00:47:42What happened to your husband?
00:47:45He was killed.
00:47:48In an automobile accident six months ago.
00:47:51Oh, we were arguing just like Jim and Vicky.
00:47:54I was driving, never even saw the car that hit us.
00:47:57When I regained consciousness in the hospital, they...
00:48:01They told me Jerry was dead.
00:48:06You've been blaming yourself ever since.
00:48:10Is that why you took those sleeping pills?
00:48:13Oh, yes.
00:48:16I know how you must feel, Nora,
00:48:18but you can't keep on letting it get you like it did last night.
00:48:21I'm sorry.
00:48:24It's just that I've never been able to talk about it.
00:48:30Look, we've been on the go for nearly 14 hours.
00:48:33What you need is a little sleep.
00:48:36With one of those things or whatever they are,
00:48:38I would have burst in here any minute.
00:48:40You haven't tried anything yet.
00:48:42I think we're safe enough until morning.
00:48:44And after that?
00:48:47Look, you share the bedroom with Vicky.
00:48:49Jim and I will be in the other room,
00:48:51just in case anything happens.
00:49:15Well, that'll do it for the time being.
00:49:18All right, cut in your generator.
00:49:45So that's what makes them tick.
00:49:49Let's call it a system of electromagnetic impulses.
00:49:53By exerting positive or negative charges,
00:49:56as the case may be,
00:49:58they've been able to duplicate every desired motion of the human body.
00:50:02What's it made of?
00:50:04Surgical steel, according to all the usual tests.
00:50:07But how they make it pliable in the joints is something else.
00:50:10An army of machines,
00:50:12incapable of pain, fear or compassion,
00:50:15and practically indestructible.
00:50:17There's got to be a human element somewhere.
00:50:19No machine can think for itself.
00:50:21We're coming to that.
00:50:22Barton, would you set up the helmet for another test, please?
00:50:27Now, as far as we've been able to determine,
00:50:30these robots operate on a radar principle,
00:50:33utilizing the super high frequencies.
00:50:35Like our homing-type guided missiles.
00:50:38First, an image is picked up on the cathode ray tube,
00:50:41which is mounted in the face of the helmet.
00:50:44From there, it's transmitted to some control point
00:50:46or monitor station by this.
00:50:50I've never seen anything like it.
00:50:52Are you sure this is a transmitter?
00:50:54It has to be from the position it occupied in the helmet
00:50:56in relation to the cathode tube.
00:50:58Actually, it operates on a completely different principle
00:51:00from anything we've ever developed.
00:51:02What's its frequency range?
00:51:04So far, we haven't been able to figure it out.
00:51:06What about the antenna?
00:51:07The length of that ought to give you a lead.
00:51:09There is no antenna.
00:51:11They must utilize a portion of the surface of the shell,
00:51:15or perhaps the entire robot.
00:51:17Then there's no way we can jam it
00:51:18and put their whole army out of commission.
00:51:20I'm afraid not.
00:51:21What about the control point?
00:51:23They have to correlate their information somewhere
00:51:25and send back the impulses to guide the machine.
00:51:27That all depends on the strength of the transmitter.
00:51:30Could be only a few miles.
00:51:32On the other hand,
00:51:33it might reach all the way back to their home base.
00:51:37Wherever that may be.
00:51:39There's got to be a weak point somewhere.
00:51:43What about the cathode ray tube?
00:51:44It was damaged, wasn't it?
00:51:45That's right.
00:51:46It was the only visible damage.
00:51:48And we figure that it put the entire mechanism
00:51:50out of commission.
00:51:51Well, if that's the case,
00:51:52you mean all we have to do is knock out the cathode ray tube.
00:51:55Except for two things.
00:51:57In the first place,
00:51:58nobody's ever been able to get that close to one
00:52:01without being annihilated.
00:52:03And the second?
00:52:04I'll show you.
00:52:08Everything's set, Tom.
00:52:10Thank you, bud.
00:52:11As you can see,
00:52:12this is a standard M1 semi-automatic rifle.
00:52:15It's aimed squarely at the center
00:52:17of the undamaged portion of the tube.
00:52:19Now, if you gentlemen will just stand back.
00:52:38Didn't even ricochet.
00:52:40Just flattened down like a water-chewing gun.
00:52:43That's right.
00:52:45I don't know how that tube was cracked originally,
00:52:48but we'll never do it with a bullet,
00:52:50even at point-blank range.
00:54:10What's the matter with you? Get out of the room, quick.
00:54:14Frank, help me!
00:54:17He's caught by the finger.
00:54:18Jim, give me a hand.
00:54:22Stand back.
00:54:27Keep away!
00:54:31Hold it, sister, before you get hurt.
00:54:34All right, now back out in the center of the room.
00:54:36Let's go.
00:54:37That goes for you, too, Junior.
00:54:39Start moving.
00:54:41Do as he says, Jim.
00:54:44Not so fast.
00:54:45Who are you, and what do you want?
00:54:47You heard what the lady said.
00:54:49Start moving.
00:55:04That's better.
00:55:06Is there any light in here?
00:55:08There's a candle on the table right behind you.
00:55:40Now, suppose we all keep calm and have a little talk.
00:55:43Nice and friendly-like.
00:55:45Oh, sure.
00:55:47All my friends carry guns.
00:55:49Why didn't you take a shot at us through the door?
00:55:51What did you expect me to do?
00:55:52Stand still while you chomped my hand off?
00:55:54We thought you were one of the invaders.
00:55:57We thought you were one of the invaders.
00:55:59We thought you were one of the invaders.
00:56:01You know something?
00:56:03I thought the same thing about you.
00:56:05All right, so we all made a mistake.
00:56:07You gonna hold that gun on us all night?
00:56:09I don't know yet.
00:56:12It all depends on you.
00:56:31What happened?
00:56:51Well, looks like a whole chain of resistors went out.
00:56:54We'll have to start again from scratch.
00:56:57How long will it take?
00:56:59About an hour.
00:57:01Unless his playmates beat us to the punch.
00:57:30Look, do you have to do that?
00:57:33What are you talking about?
00:57:35In the last half hour, you've done everything but kiss that gun.
00:57:39Gives me the creeps.
00:57:41Oh, no, I'm real sorry.
00:57:43I didn't know you were the sensitive type.
00:57:46She's not, but I am.
00:57:50Now put that away before somebody gets hurt.
00:57:54I wouldn't try anything if I were you.
00:57:57Wouldn't be smart.
00:57:58Forget it, Tim.
00:58:00I guess I'm jumpy on our thought.
00:58:02We all are, since he showed up.
00:58:05Look, if you don't like this setup, why don't you leave?
00:58:10Wouldn't have a chance by myself.
00:58:12And neither would you without this gun.
00:58:16No matter how you figure it, we're just stuck with each other.
00:58:21Nora, come on, let's try to get some sleep.
00:58:26All right.
00:58:57Hey, what time is it?
00:59:03The sun's coming up.
00:59:06What happens now?
00:59:08We can't leave until we're sure they're gone.
00:59:10Let's pray they don't search the building.
00:59:13You know, I don't know which is worse,
00:59:15taking a chance outside or being cooped up here with that trigger-happy screwball.
00:59:19You mean Davis?
00:59:21Every time he looks at me, I...
00:59:22Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:59:25You know, this may sound crazy,
00:59:26but I swear I've seen that guy somewhere before.
00:59:29It's possible.
00:59:30He could have lived or worked in your own neighborhood.
00:59:33You could have passed him on the street a dozen times.
00:59:35Now, that is what I meant.
00:59:37Here's another thing.
00:59:39Why wasn't he evacuated like everybody else in town?
00:59:42You forget they overlooked us, too.
00:59:44We've only got ourselves to blame.
00:59:48Only what about that gun?
00:59:51I'm not sure, but it looks just like a police revolver.
00:59:54Now you are imagining things.
00:59:56And if it were true, how would you know?
00:59:58Are you kidding?
00:59:59There isn't a flat foot I'd...
01:00:02Oh, skip it.
01:00:03I must be off my rocker.
01:00:05Boy, what I need is a drink.
01:00:08There's some beer in the kitchen.
01:00:10It's probably awfully warm by now.
01:00:12Honey, I don't care if it's on fire.
01:00:14I'll get it.
01:00:15I want to see if Frank's awake anyway.
01:00:17Suit yourself.
01:00:19I always did like breakfast in bed.
01:00:21I won't be a minute.
01:00:49I'll be right back.
01:01:19I'll be right back.
01:01:20Sorry if I scared you.
01:01:50What do you want?
01:01:51Well, let's say you've been waiting for a chance to talk to you.
01:01:54How long?
01:01:55Not now.
01:01:57Please, I'm tired.
01:01:59Later on.
01:02:00Not very friendly, are you?
01:02:02It's my privilege.
01:02:04Well, maybe you'd like to change your mind.
01:02:10I'll remember that.
01:02:11So will I.
01:02:12Now let me pass.
01:02:13You should head, Nora.
01:02:15We're in a tight spot.
01:02:16I can get us out of here alive.
01:02:19Now look.
01:02:20There's a main sewer line on 7th Street.
01:02:22Only a block from here.
01:02:24Once we reach it, we could double back behind their lines.
01:02:26We'd be safe.
01:02:27How come you haven't told the others?
01:02:29Why should I?
01:02:30We couldn't all make it without being spotted.
01:02:33We could try.
01:02:35No, I've got other plans for them.
01:02:38Yes, I think we use them as decoys.
01:02:41While they're being run down, we make a break in the opposite direction.
01:02:45Just you and me.
01:02:48You mean you'd kill all the others just to save your own life?
01:02:52Yours too.
01:02:53Don't forget that.
01:02:54You must be insane.
01:02:55If you think I do...
01:02:58You shouldn't have said that, Nora.
01:03:00I don't like people who think I'm crazy.
01:03:03Let me go.
01:03:04Help me.
01:03:05Call your boyfriend.
01:03:06Call them all.
01:03:07You had your chance.
01:03:08All right, take your hands off her.
01:03:10All right.
01:03:13All right.
01:03:14Now back out in the center of the living room.
01:03:15All of you.
01:03:16Let's go.
01:03:29Figure it at 14 millimeters.
01:03:32I got it.
01:03:33Where will we start the machine?
01:03:35We'd better start it at 30,000.
01:03:37We'll bring it up to control intervals from there.
01:03:41How long will it take?
01:03:42For just a few minutes.
01:03:43We're making some last-minute changes now.
01:03:44Can we still figure the answers in the cathode ray tube?
01:03:46It's got to be.
01:03:47Of course, we're hampered by the fact that the surface is an integral part of the helmet itself.
01:03:51We couldn't dare risk taking it out.
01:03:52This is our last chance, Tom.
01:03:54The atomic artillery and guided missiles are all assembled and in position.
01:03:57If we don't come up with anything in the next five minutes,
01:04:00I've got orders to start shelling the city.
01:04:03All right, sir.
01:04:05Now, if you gentlemen will just stand over there.
01:04:12All right.
01:04:42All right.
01:05:15This is far enough for now.
01:05:17What are you trying to prove, Davis?
01:05:19You'll find out when I'm good and ready to tell you.
01:05:23Go on up front and see if you can spot any of our playmates on the street.
01:05:27If you're so interested, go see for yourself.
01:05:30I'm not going to.
01:05:31I'm not going to.
01:05:32I'm not going to.
01:05:33I'm not going to.
01:05:34I'm not going to.
01:05:35I'm not going to.
01:05:36I'm not going to.
01:05:37I'm not going to.
01:05:38I'm not going to.
01:05:39I'm not going to.
01:05:40I'm not going to.
01:05:41You should go see for yourself.
01:05:43I said get moving before this gun happens to go off in somebody's belly.
01:05:50Stay where you are, Vicki.
01:05:52He hasn't enough nerve to shoot.
01:05:54Oh, I wouldn't count on it if I were you.
01:05:57You win.
01:06:12See anything?
01:06:16There's one out there on the front lawn.
01:06:19Having a picnic.
01:06:21How far away is it?
01:06:23About 50 yards on the other side of the street.
01:06:26Moving away from us.
01:06:28We'll give it a couple of minutes.
01:06:30You talk as though you expect to go out there.
01:06:32I'm not.
01:06:34But you are.
01:06:36And what makes you so sure of that?
01:06:38Because I've got the gun.
01:06:40So that's it.
01:06:41We're the pigeons so you can take off while that thing out there chases us.
01:06:45Well, now you catch on real quick.
01:06:47But that would be murder.
01:06:50Only this time nobody can do a thing about it.
01:06:53This time.
01:06:56I knew he looked familiar.
01:06:58He's the guy that killed that dame down on Skid Row about a month ago.
01:07:01It was in all the papers.
01:07:02That's right.
01:07:03Big headlines.
01:07:04Lots of pictures.
01:07:05Just like there'll be when I find out I killed the guard and got away during the evacuation.
01:07:09So that's why you stayed behind.
01:07:11You didn't dare leave the city.
01:07:13They'll be watching every road out of town.
01:07:16Every road except the ones behind the enemy lines.
01:07:20Now all I need is a five-minute start.
01:07:23And you're going to give it to me.
01:07:25Now get moving.
01:07:26All of you.
01:07:27But you can't do this.
01:07:29Well, what'll it be, guys?
01:07:31Take a chance on the street or get it here?
01:07:34It won't work, Buster.
01:07:36If we're going to die anyway, one of us will get you first.
01:07:47I'm warning you.
01:07:49Keep back.
01:07:53You won't shoot.
01:08:07Frank, your shoulder.
01:08:09No, it's not that.
01:08:53Sorry, Jim.
01:09:03Crazy dame.
01:09:07Back to the stairs, quick!
01:09:09The gun! Where's the gun?
01:09:20Jim, aim for his face!
01:09:36Upstairs. It's our only chance.
01:10:36Go on. I'll try to hold this door.
01:10:38See if you can find a way to another roof.
01:11:07There must be a ladder somewhere.
01:11:09Over there, quick!
01:12:37You folks okay?
01:12:39We are now.
01:12:40But if you'd got here 30 seconds later, it would've been a different story.
01:12:43What are you doing in the city, anyway?
01:12:45Don't you know it's a combat zone?
01:12:47You should've been evacuated like everybody else.
01:12:49I guess we were overlooked.
01:12:50By the time we guessed what was happening, it was too late to leave.
01:12:53Those men were everywhere.
01:12:55Not men, lady.
01:12:56They were robots.
01:12:57A whole army of them.
01:12:59I don't know what they're up to.
01:13:01I don't know what they're up to.
01:13:03Not men, lady.
01:13:04They were robots.
01:13:05A whole army of them.
01:13:06No wonder the bullets wouldn't stop them.
01:13:08Nothing will.
01:13:09Except this.
01:13:11I don't understand. What is it?
01:13:13An oscillator.
01:13:14You heard the noise it puts out.
01:13:16We discovered the robots couldn't take the vibrations of the sound waves.
01:13:19It smashes the glass in their cathode ray tube.
01:13:22You mean the vibrations smash the tubes?
01:13:24That's right. Puts them out of commission and nothing flat.
01:13:27You mean the city and the whole world is safe again?
01:13:31Well, the next time.
01:13:33What makes you so sure there'll be a next time?
01:13:35Well, from what I was told, if they would have used a certain metal instead of glass in that tube,
01:13:40all the oscillators in the world couldn't have stopped them.
01:13:43But don't worry, folks.
01:13:45We're working on that right now.
01:13:47Hop in the jeep and we'll see what the medics can do with that arm.
01:14:01THE END
01:14:31© BF-WATCH TV 2021
