• last year
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat, neraca perdagangan Indonesia pada Agustus 2024 mengalami surplus sebesar USD2,90 miliar. Nilai tersebut naik dibanding realisasi USD2,40 miliar pada Juli 2024.

"Dengan demikian, neraca perdagangan indonesia telah mencatat surplus selama 52 bulan berturut-turut sejak Mei 2020," kata Deputi Bidang Distribusi dan Jasa BPS, Pudji Ismartini dalam konferensi pers Rilis BPS, Selasa (17/9).


00:00Omir, thank you for watching Neoscreen.
00:02The Statistics Center reported that Indonesia's commodity trade has experienced a surplus of US$2.9 billion or a monthly increase of US$2.4 billion.
00:14The August 2024 commodity trade surplus was supported by the non-MEGAS commodity surplus, which is US$4.34 billion.
00:24The Statistics Center reported that Indonesia's commodity trade has experienced a surplus of US$2.9 billion or a monthly increase of US$2.4 billion.
00:47The Statistics Center reported that Indonesia's commodity trade surplus was supported by the non-MEGAS commodity surplus, which is US$4.34 billion.
01:01The main commodity of the non-MEGAS surplus is the mineral fuel, which is then pushed by oil and gas, as well as iron and steel.
01:12The August 2024 commodity trade surplus was supported by the non-MEGAS commodity surplus, which is US$4.34 billion.
01:26The main commodity of the non-MEGAS surplus is the mineral fuel, which is then pushed by oil and gas, as well as iron and steel.
01:45Meanwhile, the non-MEGAS commodity trade surplus recorded a deficit of US$1.44 billion.
01:52The non-MEGAS commodity trade surplus recorded a deficit of US$1.44 billion.
