King Of Trios 2014 Finals The Golden Trio vs Devestation Corporation

  • 3 days ago
04:49There's the bell main event time this is for all the marbles no Peter Falk here
04:55Trios action the golden trio Angela said he in there for his team
04:59Taking on the devastation corporation member flex rumble crunch one of these teams is going to walk out the 2014
05:06King of trios the other one is going to walk home
05:09dejected and defeated
05:14It's all led up to this it certainly has
05:17You've been here before you've been in this very thing in this very position. Yes. What must it be like for these six men?
05:23Well, let me tell you guys the first of all all six of these men exhausted absolutely exhausted at the three nights of wrestling
05:30This is the fourth match for each of them
05:32I mean the exhaustion the exhilaration of of the thought the prospect of winning the king of trios
05:38It all just adds up. It's a
05:41mesmerizing amazing and yet and yet destructive force and feeling
05:46And this one man is for me a little bit too close to call this one's about as even as it gets
05:51While these two trios have never
05:54Competed with each other. There is some history here back in May in this very building as part of wrestling his funds
06:01Tag World Grand Prix the finals of that was won by the throwbacks. They defeated
06:06max smash master and
06:08Blaster McMassive, however, two months later July in Massachusetts. Yes in a 10-man contest
06:15Yeah, max smash master. Come on our grand champion
06:20It's really anyone's game here I agree with you that time
06:25You can't you can't disagree with facts mantis occasionally you can't
06:32Now reveal that all and more my knight hunter number if you like to call after the show
06:37Now talking secret revealed now, it's not the time mantis, but would you like to be on my podcast? We'll talk about comic books
06:44See oh
06:46The big baseball, it's like oh you caught him right in the most square in the mouth the rumble crunch going to the outside
06:54forcing the tag here for his team
06:58Blaster McMassive now in for devastation corporation Icarus not taking a step back
07:04Using his wiles using his experience here to take down the less experience but much much larger
07:11McMassive and listen to these fans chant for our grand champion. I don't like them. They don't like them a lot
07:20Big double hit
07:33Couple of drop downs there in succession by mr. Touchdown
07:40Jack right on to the big man
07:43And you can say that about all three members of the devastation corporation. What is this?
07:47Smash Master just comes in there was no tag. Nobody rolled to the outside
07:51Price what are you doing? I might have been a tag. You might have missed it
07:55You of all people the one I'm not defending anyone, but I know the rules of the professional wrestling game
08:03We talked about it the other day you're still going by that free 2005 rule book
08:08I like the classics first edition
08:20Angela said he here feel him that he's in a world of trouble tried to get to his corner
08:25Oh, no one there for the big smash master splash and Wow
08:30Full head of steam but not a full extension, but it didn't need to be just clipped him right behind the ear with that kick
08:36Drags him right back into the devastation corporation corner
08:48Hmm what a weekend we've had a wrestling to Carson what a weekend I need a vacation. Oh, we're going Havana
08:55No, I'm going scenic co-play, Pennsylvania. Oh, there's a lot of big wigs there. Oh that certainly are
09:07The big man when all that weight comes down from crashing down on you it's got knocked the wind out of you
09:18What do you think you agree I disagree I don't know I don't think it's a good idea
09:24I do agree with you the wind
09:28Even if you're at a hundred percent all it takes is one well-timed shot knock the wind out of you
09:32And these guys definitely are not 100% none of them are no way
09:36and again while the
09:37Golden tree and I got to think that devastation corporations coming in here a little bit better
09:42Than the golden trio because the golden trio were attacked after their man. Yeah by the flood
09:50Damn the old duper kick
09:53I'm gonna took us in the hiney. All right
10:04Rumble crunch each
10:06the most agile member
10:09You know, they're all very agile for big men. Oh, yes
10:13Ever seen a rumble crunch though. He walks the ropes like a cat. Yeah with agility and precision
10:19You know, I love to see these guys in a hoss tournament one day. Oh
10:23I already got scolded about that one. So let's not make it twice
10:31Angela said he in a heap of trouble
10:36Blaster McMassive now the strongest member
10:42This guy spends more time at the gym than anyone I know
10:49Don't know Brad Ragan dear I've never had the pleasure. Oh your loss
10:59Brought him in the hard way
11:01Very interesting they're working over the knee of rumble crunch makes the tag
11:05the other two members of the golden trio in here Icarus and Dasher a
11:10little juking and jiving fists of flying
11:14Double bionic elbows if you will
11:22Icarus and Dasher a modern-day Rhodes and Murdoch. Yeah, I said it odd thing to say I
11:31Just say things you do you don't think before you speak Chicago, absolutely not. Oh, look at this
11:41What the vintage fist
11:45That was the text I was getting before from Icarus deep into the playbook, yeah
11:55Sometimes a hand-me-down is a good thing and it's effective there
12:01Icarus may be thinking I want me. I want smash master that I want that measure of
12:09That slice bread right into the pile driver
12:14Even with our lucha rules system, that's the one thing that purviews through
12:18That is legal here and that big splash off the top the scent on
12:23Ready for it. Oh, yeah, I'd have broken the ring
12:30Here comes that sheer
12:37Double hook of the leg but from my vantage point it did look like Icarus had the weight equally distributed over the shoulders
12:42that was the difference between two and three and a victory and
12:46The golden trio being crowned the king of trios for 2014 this match continues on as rumble crutch
12:53Puts dasher Hatfield off on the top row. It continues on but not after the break
12:57We're gonna keep it going even if we go over time. That's right. I talked to smart
13:02I talked to the back make himself Mike bird. Oh, we can go as long as we need. All right. He's got sponsorship
13:09Look at this rollbacks is this that's a big individual. Oh my goodness. He could be gone for the
13:17Power slam up the top rope. This is bad
13:23Little shove for good measure of price there
13:26Bryce had to take a moment to get in position so we could keep an eye on the shoulders to make sure
13:30He had the best seat in the house
13:32That was gonna be a two or three didn't matter McMaster been there tosses dasher to the floor
13:47Angela said he's so powerful with that spine buster
13:51So I'll be very powerful double hook of the leg as mentioned last night shades of Barry Wyndham with that in any shades
13:57shades of gray
13:59black white orange yellow
14:03It's a rainbow here at your car
14:12Oh my goodness going for that triple call
14:15Done them so successfully this weekend. Not this time
14:20Looking for the fences with that one
14:24The high fences
14:28Got him that time the big
14:31Sit-out choke slam
14:33Icarus immediately in look at that German suplex. No bridge all impact
14:39Big shoulder tackle there by rumble crunch dasher now in could be going for the jackhammer
14:48He should have covered on but no smash master there
14:59Bodies strewn about in the ring smash master going up top. What's he got in mind here?
15:07No way Angela said he putting the brakes on a mare chop slap
15:15These two just trading the heavy leather trading these shots Angela said he getting the better of that exchange
15:22He's not gonna get him up for that delayed superplex
15:31He's nearly 400 pounds man, there's no way he could do it. I don't want to see this
15:39Didn't go for the delay but just went for the superplex just as effective that in itself what an accomplishment
15:50But how much energy how much strength that Angela said he
15:54Expend to get smash master over was the risk worth the reward on that one
16:01Time will tell Bryce beside himself porting the count on all six men
16:09Bacha Bella keep your eye on him. He before he used a roll of nickels and he knocked amass us out with it
16:15I wouldn't be surprised if he slipped some sort of foreign object into one of his men here
16:29One more time with that sit-out choke slam not this time pal
16:34Off and over goes Icarus catches them time and you saw McMaster there tried to block it, but then no avail
16:49Have a model but you call a special
16:53But man says I think you're right. I don't think he's got it locked down to the best of his ability
16:58Bryce now. Oh, come on. What is this?
17:02Fuck about I'm trying to pull right out of the ring and price just picked him up
17:06Right throw him out of here get him out of this building
17:17Don't know how long McMaster could hold on
17:21And there's rumble crunch with a handful of hair pulling Icarus off
17:31Icarus has them up could be going for the blu-ray in the corner
17:45No to Carson this could be it oh, it's gotta be all over no, this is how he beat Icarus in July
17:57Has anyone kicked out of the dead
18:09And again, that's the heart and that's the perseverance of our grand champion
18:21And look at Bacabella looks like he's about to cry
18:24He's in all the money that he's invested in these three guys being flushed down the toilet. Oh
18:32He's decapitated him
18:35All right Dasher
18:46What do they have in mind here and you see now all six men sucking wind at this point all six men running on fumes
18:53Dasher those trying to valiantly fight against three men, but three men the size of the devastation corporation
19:00You're gonna need a lot more Dasher though trying his best
19:03One man out even the odds
19:23The Bo Jackson, but no avail rumble crunch is still in it
19:30You see him tossing McMassive out making himself the legal man of this contest Angela said he in
19:36I just eats the boot to the chest from rumble crunch
19:50TKO by rumble crunch one more
19:57Death blow connects
22:13Put this on demand smart mark video
26:20Told you
26:43It doesn't matter if you hold that belt
26:47Because there is no to coral green championship
26:52Without your car
27:07There's one thing
