Little Miss E01 Little Miss Splendid

  • la semaine dernière
01:31C'est quoi ce jour-là, Williams?
01:33C'est ce jour-là, pendant qu'on passait dans les jardins,
01:36la petite Miss Splendid est arrivée sur une petite porte dans l'un des murs.
01:40Elle n'en avait jamais vu avant.
01:42Non, je me demande ce qu'il y a là-bas.
01:46Elle s'est retrouvée sur une route.
01:48De l'autre côté est venu Mr Small,
01:50pour un petit tour.
01:54La petite Miss Splendid a mis son nez dans l'air,
01:57jusqu'en haut, et a passé par-dessus lui, comme s'il n'était pas là.
02:00Quel homme commun!
02:03Elle est arrivée à un arrêt de bus.
02:05Mr Happy et Mr Daydream
02:08attendaient un bus pour aller dans la ville.
02:10Bonjour, qui êtes-vous?
02:12Je suis Splendid.
02:15Oh, je suis Happy.
02:17Heureux de vous rencontrer.
02:18C'est mon ami, Mr Daydream.
02:21Est-ce que vous allez attraper le bus?
02:24Moi? Le bus?
02:28Je n'ai jamais, jamais, dans toute ma vie,
02:32voyagé sur un bus.
02:35Vous devez s'asseoir à côté des gens sur des bus,
02:38et ça, je n'ai jamais fait.
02:43Mr Happy ne pouvait pas penser à rien dire.
02:45Miss Splendid a marché avec son nez très haut dans l'air.
02:50Splendide, Splendide,
02:53Amazing, quite superb.
02:55I know you cannot find the words.
02:57There's never been a little miss like you.
02:59Miss Splendid arrived in town.
03:01She looked at herself in all the shop windows
03:04as she walked down the street.
03:06Splendide, Splendide,
03:08I must say I do look absolutely Splendide.
03:14And then something caught her eye.
03:18There, in the middle of the window of the hat shop,
03:20was a hat.
03:21was a hat. Not just a hat, but a hat and a half. The most magnificent, sumptuous, desirable,
03:30gorgeous, spectacular, amazing, splendid hat you've ever seen. Little Miss Splendid marched
03:39into the shop. Shop! Shop! She snapped her fingers and a sales lady hurried to her side.
03:48Good morning, madame. Can I help you? I wish to try on the hat in the window. This one,
03:56madame? Yes. Oh, magnificent! I'll take it. Don't bother to wrap it. I'll wear it. But
04:08don't you want to know how much it costs? Put it on my account. Thank you, madame. Goodbye.
04:22Little Miss Splendid stood on the pavement and held up a hand. Taxi! Taxi! Take me home.
04:32Little Miss Splendid went to get in the taxi, but of course she couldn't. Her new hat was much too large to fit through the taxi door.
04:41Driver, you should purchase yourself a larger taxi. In the meantime, I shall have to walk.
04:51All right. Please yourself, duck. Cheerio. Perhaps it's better to walk so that everyone has the chance to admire
05:01my magnificent new hat. But then it happened. It started to rain. And the trouble was, the more it started to rain, the more it rained.
05:15And the trouble was, the more it rained, the more Miss Splendid got wet. And the trouble was, the wetter she got, the wetter her hat got.
05:25What a sorry sight! Don't you agree? Pitter-patter, down it came. Pitter-patter, pouring rain. Pitter-patter, from the disperse. What a very sorry sight, inside a very wet hat.
05:37The bus, on its return journey from town, passed her. Mr Happy and Mr Daydream, on their way home, looked out of the window.
05:46What a splendid sight! Splendid! chuckled Mr Daydream. Miss Splendid, looking anything but splendid, arrived home.
05:59However, after a hot bath in her gold bath, and after a boiled egg in her gold egg cup, eaten with a silver spoon, she felt much better.
06:09In fact, later on, she spent an extremely pleasant evening looking at... Well, now, what do you think she spent all evening looking at?
06:20No, no, not a magazine. Splendid. No, no, not television. Splendid. Not a book. Splendid. Herself, in the mirror.
06:34Oh, I do look splendid! Splendid!
07:04Oh, I do look splendid! Splendid!
07:14Oh, I do look splendid! Splendid!
07:24Oh, I do look splendid! Splendid!
07:34Oh, I do look splendid! Splendid!
07:44Oh, I do look splendid! Splendid!